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How MEF is Used in ATF

Gary edited this page Aug 27, 2014 · 5 revisions

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The best way to see how ATF uses MEF is to look at the ATF samples and ATF components. This section examines code in detail to show what's required to use MEF.

Creating a Catalog

In MEF, you need to add components (parts) to a MEF catalog. There are several kinds of MEF catalogs, deriving from the base class ComposablePartCatalog.

Components are what MEF refers to as composable parts. These parts can be put together — composed — into a cohesive whole in the application, where the parts are instantiated and meet each others' import and export contracts, specified by their attributes. This process of putting parts together is called composition.

ATF mainly uses TypeCatalog, which creates a catalog from a collection of types. In ATF, you don't need to instantiate or directly access components to use them in your application. Instead, you simply list them in the TypeCatalog in the application's Main() function, followed by some standard initialization. Each of the parts listed in the catalog is instantiated by MEF, that is, an instance of each class is created during composition. In some cases, more than one instance may be created, depending on the Part Creation Policy.

Here is a typical block of sample code setting up a MEF catalog from the Main() function in Program.cs for the ATF Win Forms App Sample:

// Using MEF, declare the composable parts that will make up this application
TypeCatalog catalog = new TypeCatalog(
    typeof(SettingsService),                // persistent settings and user preferences dialog
    typeof(CommandService),                 // handles commands in menus and toolbars
    typeof(ControlHostService),             // docking control host
    typeof(ContextRegistry),                // central context registry with change notification
    typeof(StandardFileExitCommand),        // standard File exit menu command

    typeof(FileDialogService),              // standard Windows® file dialogs
    typeof(DocumentRegistry),               // central document registry with change notification
    typeof(StandardFileCommands),           // standard File menu commands for New, Open, Save, SaveAs, Close
    typeof(AutoDocumentService),            // opens documents from last session, or creates a new document, on startup
    typeof(RecentDocumentCommands),         // standard recent document commands in File menu
    typeof(MainWindowTitleService),         // tracks document changes and updates main form title
    typeof(AtfUsageLogger),                 // logs computer info to an ATF server
    typeof(WindowLayoutService),            // service to allow multiple window layouts
    typeof(WindowLayoutServiceCommands),    // command layer to allow easy switching between and managing of window layouts

    // Client-specific plug-ins
    typeof(Editor),                         // editor class component that creates and saves application documents
    typeof(SchemaLoader),                   // loads schema and extends types

    typeof(PythonService),                  // scripting service for automated tests
    typeof(ScriptConsole),                  // provides a dockable command console for entering Python commands
    typeof(AtfScriptVariables),             // exposes common ATF services as script variables
    typeof(AutomationService)               // provides facilities to run an automated script using the .NET remoting service

TypeCatalog's constructor lists all the types of the components the application uses, one parameter for each type.

Occasionally ATF uses other catalogs besides TypeCatalog. This code, from the StandardInteropParts class, creates a TypeCatalog and returns it as a ComposablePartCatalog type property:

/// Gets type catalog for all components</summary>
public static ComposablePartCatalog Catalog
        return new TypeCatalog(

The ATF Wpf App Sample creates its own TypeCatalog and then uses it and the preceding ComposablePartCatalog from StandardInteropParts (plus a similar catalog from StandardViewModels) to create an AggregateCatalog:

protected override AggregateCatalog GetCatalog()
    var typeCatalog = new TypeCatalog(
        typeof(SettingsService),                // persistent settings and user preferences dialog
        typeof(CommandService),                 // handles commands in menus and toolbars
        typeof(ControlHostService),             // docking control host
        ...  //omitted types
        typeof(PythonService),                  // scripting service for automated tests
        typeof(ScriptConsole),                  // provides a dockable command console for entering Python commands
        typeof(AtfScriptVariables),             // exposes common ATF services as script variables
        typeof(AutomationService)              // provides facilities to run an automated script using the .NET remoting service

    return new AggregateCatalog(typeCatalog, StandardInteropParts.Catalog, StandardViewModels.Catalog);

An AggregateCatalog is a catalog that combines elements of ComposablePartCatalog objects and also derives from ComposablePartCatalog.

The ATF Wpf App Sample uses the AggregateCatalog as a convenience to combine several catalogs. Later on, it uses this catalog similarly to the way other samples use TypeCatalog.

MEF Composition

After creating a catalog of components, samples use the catalog to initiate MEF's composition process.

Here's how ATF Win Forms App Sample does it:

// Create the MEF container for the composable parts
CompositionContainer container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);

// Create the main form, give it a toolstrip
ToolStripContainer toolStripContainer = new ToolStripContainer();
toolStripContainer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
MainForm mainForm = new MainForm(toolStripContainer);
mainForm.Text = Localizer.Localize("Sample Application");

// Create an MEF composable part from the main form, and add into container
CompositionBatch batch = new CompositionBatch();
AttributedModelServices.AddPart(batch, mainForm);

// Initialize components that require it. Initialization often can't be done in the constructor,
//  or even after imports have been satisfied by MEF, since we allow circular dependencies between
//  components, via the System.Lazy class. IInitializable allows components to defer some operations
//  until all MEF composition has been completed.

// Show the main form and start message handling. The main Form Load event provides a final chance
//  for components to perform initialization and configuration.

// Give components a chance to clean up.

This shows a fairly typical code sequence of how samples use the catalog and kick off the process of components discovering each other.

The following sections describe these MEF operations in detail. Some of the code here, such as creating the main form and toolstrip, is not MEF-related.

Creating a CompositionContainer

A CompositionContainer is a container of components that manages composing the components (parts).

This line creates a CompositionContainer object for the catalog:

// Create the MEF container for the composable parts
CompositionContainer container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);

Add Part for Main Form

A CompositionBatch is a set of parts (components) that can be added to a CompositionContainer. MainForm is also a component class. The next section of code adds the main form to the CompositionBatch:

// Create an MEF composable part from the main form, and add into container
CompositionBatch batch = new CompositionBatch();
AttributedModelServices.AddPart(batch, mainForm);

AttributedModelServices contains methods to assist with part composition. AttributedModelServices.AddPart() creates a composable part from mainForm and adds it to batch.

Compose the Components

Here is the main line of this whole sequence:


Compose() adds the parts in batch to the parts in the container and composes these parts, creating an object for each part and making sure they meet each other's import and export contracts.

Component Initialization

The comment here pretty well explains what's going on:

// Initialize components that require it. Initialization often can't be done in the constructor,
//  or even after imports have been satisfied by MEF, since we allow circular dependencies between
//  components, via the System.Lazy class. IInitializable allows components to defer some operations
//  until all MEF composition has been completed.

Invoking InitializeAll() on the container causes the IInitializable.Initialize() method to be executed in every component. InitializeAll() is actually an extension method on CompositionContainer provided by ATF's MefUtil class. Every ATF component should implement IInitializable, that is, implement the IInitializable.Initialize() method. InitializeAll() performs other functions as well, described in IInitializable.


When the application terminates, this final statement releases all resources used by the CompositionContainer:

// Give components a chance to clean up.

MEF Attributes

ATF uses a limited set of MEF attributes in its components. These are mainly used to specify exported and imported items. However, the Export attributes decorating ATF source are not just about exports and imports. For more information, see Initializing Components.


Export attributes nearly always apply to classes. That is, ATF mainly exports its component classes. Some samples export fields.

The Export attribute is used in the component to announce its presence to the world: its contract, which is essentially a string that importers use to find this component. It is nearly always of this form:


where type is the type of the component, usually its class name.

Multiple Export attributes are sometime used, as in this example from StandardFileExitCommand:

public class StandardFileExitCommand : ICommandClient, IInitializable, IPartImportsSatisfiedNotification

ATF often provides a variety of Export attributes on a class, one for each important interface that the class implements, and sometimes for whatever base classes there might be, too. The ATF designers try to anticipate how client code might use ATF components, so ATF provides more Exports than ATF's own code Imports. The attribute [Export(typeof(IInitializable))] has an additional purpose, described in Initializing Components.

[ExportMetadata()] is not used.


[Import] is often used, and it only rarely specifies a type, as in the EditLabelCommand component:


Nearly all imports apply to fields and constructors, and to a few properties. Imports are mainly used to connect components to each other. For more information, see Using ATF Components.

Defaults are frequently allowed:

[Import(AllowDefault = true)]

This allows the importer to be set to its type's default value when a matching export could not be found. Defaults are only occasionally not permitted.

For an example of getting a component from an import, see Getting a SettingsService Object.


Note that during composition, the parameter-less constructor is used by default to instantiate the component. To make the composition engine use a different constructor, mark it with the ImportingConstructor] attribute. ATF often uses this attribute.

Note also that all the constructor parameters for the constructor decorated with [ImportingConstructor] are in effect decorated as [Import].

Part Creation Policy

This attribute is nearly always Shared:


Shared means a single instance of the associated component is created by the CompositionContainer during composition and shared by all importers.

A few of these are used:


This means the most appropriate creation policy is used, and defaults to Shared.


A few times AllowRecomposition = true is used, but never AllowRecomposition = false.

Other ComponentModel Classes

ComponentModel provides some other classes that ATF occasionally uses.

ExportProvider Class

The System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.ExportProvider class has methods to get exported components, when it is not convenient to use an [Import] attribute for some reason.

For example, the ATF DOM Property Editor Sample uses one of these methods to get references to a component in its Program.cs Main() function. Such components are often used as parameters in an importing constructor.

The ExportProvider.GetExportedValue<T>() method gets the exported object with the contract name derived from the specified type parameter. In this example, container is an object in the CompositionContainer class, which derives from ExportProvider:


var propEditor = container.GetExportedValue<PropertyEditor>();
propEditor.PropertyGrid.PropertySorting = Sce.Atf.Controls.PropertyEditing.PropertySorting.Categorized;

After the imported PropertyEditor component is obtained, its PropertyGrid property is used to set a default for property sorting.

Note that GetExportedValue() is called after all components are initialized.


ATF implements this interface mainly in its classes that directly support WinForms and WPF, such as classes in the Application Shell Framework, as described in ATF Frameworks.

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