Various hints about a handful of devices we want to improve discovery on
ComfortLink 1050 (I THINK)
two devices with mfg = Murata Manufacturing
are probably my heat control devices
did port scan with nmap
telnet 37447 produces Your friendly neighborhood debug shell. (sometimes on port 45999)
TCPOPEN: 37447 49013 52541 57659
second device - 46869/tcp open unknown 53399/tcp open unknown 56671/tcp open unknown 60024/tcp open unknown
MAYBE trick to dientifying is that resolved hostname starts with XL857- and then a string of hex digits (which didnt turn out to be mac address)
telnet 60024 gets same freindly neighborhood shell
Apple Devices
tps:// phone-video used on macbook?
MAYBE add links to for 'device open-ports' section (many things use this port)
MACBOOK PRO @ (nmap guessed appleTV 5) ports 3445 (never responds when you send garbage) 4502 (2 newlines causes hangup/end) 12080 (hangup after 1 bad cahr) 12110 12143 12443 12993 12995 49152 49279 55695 APPLE DEVICE @ (Lewis-Mac) - nmap guessed apple ios 11 ports 22 88 kerberos-sec 5900 (apple remote desktop vnc) APPLE DEVICE @ (MACBOOKPRO-7E10) - nmap guessed apple ipod touch or old iphone ports 52972 APPLE DEVICE @ ports 22 5900 VNC (@todo add to my regular common scans)
netcat 22 prints some stuff out I can use to analye (but maybe not enuf)