Presentation Part 1:
Presentation Part 2:
HW3 (Examples):
HW3: Question 4+ (Examples):
Presentation Part 1
Presentation Part 2
HW3 (Examples)
HW3: Question 4+ (Examples)
- It may take a while for the program to start up
- To run the notebook, click Cells > Run All or select each cell and press Ctrl + Enter key combination
- You can edit/modify the code and run the cells as you please (This will not modify the source code, so no need to worry)
- Run Code a second time if the output is not displayed (If it still doesn't work, it might be a problem with the code itself)
- You can also view this on any web browser on any device, though the view might be different
- HW3 (Examples) currently has some display issues, so you will be able to view the code but the plots wont be displayed properly
- If the cells doesnot run, then just close the window and try again. (It might have disconnected due to inactivity)