The following are some JavaScript libraries that can be used in the context of VCF Automation.
Testing software is important, because programming errors can be very expensive and dangerous. A unit test is a kind of software testing. It checks the smallest piece of code that can be logically isolated. In JavaScript it is a function, method or attribute, and in VCF Automation it can also be an action. Unit tests helps to ensure that the software meets the requirements and the possibility of errors and bugs occurring are minimized.
When developing in the VCF Automation web GUI, the possibility of using a test framework is not really easy. The common JavaScript test frameworks are very fixated on browser environments and usually require Node.js for their execution. This makes an integration into this kind of development scenario difficult, because the specific requirements and conditions can hardly be considered. Therefore it can be seen as a valid approach to build an own unit test library, which fits seamlessly into this scenario.
This VCF Automation assert library, called Aromatical, offers exactly this possibility. It provides 16 test methods, such as isNumber or isString, 17 assert methods, such as deepEqual or notMatch, 9 structuring and description methods, such as describe or testTodo, and classification properties for the test to specify the duration and risk level. E.g. with the command var assert = System.getModule("yourModule").assert();
these methods can be called easily.
linq is a JavaScript implementation of the .NET LINQ library.
You can find a fork of linq here, with the additions to use it with the Rhino engine.
Papa Parse is a JavaScript library for parsing CSV or delimited text.
XDate is a JavaScript date library for parsing, formatting and manipulating dates.
JSHint is a JavaScript library for static code analysis for JavaScript.