diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod index c7dd53a4..0ce6ee33 100644 --- a/go.mod +++ b/go.mod @@ -2,9 +2,13 @@ module github.com/Stackdriver/stackdriver-prometheus-sidecar require ( cloud.google.com/go v0.49.0 + cloud.google.com/go/bigquery v1.3.0 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go/pubsub v1.1.0 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go/storage v1.4.0 // indirect contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/ocagent v0.6.0 // indirect contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/prometheus v0.1.0 - contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver v0.12.4 + contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver v0.12.8 + dmitri.shuralyov.com/gpu/mtl v0.0.0-20191126053124-fec1b7b612ab // indirect git.apache.org/thrift.git v0.0.0-20180902110319-2566ecd5d999 // indirect github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go v36.2.0+incompatible // indirect github.com/Azure/go-autorest v13.3.0+incompatible // indirect @@ -16,8 +20,10 @@ require ( github.com/alecthomas/template v0.0.0-20190718012654-fb15b899a751 // indirect github.com/alecthomas/units v0.0.0-20190717042225-c3de453c63f4 // indirect github.com/armon/go-metrics v0.0.0-20190430140413-ec5e00d3c878 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.21.10 // indirect + github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.25.44 // indirect github.com/beorn7/perks v1.0.1 // indirect + github.com/creack/pty v1.1.9 // indirect + github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane v0.9.1 // indirect github.com/evanphx/json-patch v4.5.0+incompatible // indirect github.com/ghodss/yaml v1.0.0 github.com/go-kit/kit v0.9.0 @@ -25,7 +31,9 @@ require ( github.com/golang/groupcache v0.0.0-20191027212112-611e8accdfc9 // indirect github.com/golang/lint v0.0.0-20180702182130-06c8688daad7 // indirect github.com/golang/protobuf v1.3.2 + github.com/google/btree v1.0.0 // indirect github.com/google/go-cmp v0.3.1 + github.com/google/pprof v0.0.0-20191105193234-27840fff0d09 // indirect github.com/googleapis/gnostic v0.3.0 // indirect github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud v0.3.0 // indirect github.com/grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-prometheus v1.2.0 @@ -38,6 +46,8 @@ require ( github.com/hashicorp/serf v0.8.3 // indirect github.com/jpillora/backoff v0.0.0-20180909062703-3050d21c67d7 // indirect github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.7 // indirect + github.com/jstemmer/go-junit-report v0.9.1 // indirect + github.com/kr/pty v1.1.8 // indirect github.com/miekg/dns v1.1.15 // indirect github.com/mwitkow/go-conntrack v0.0.0-20190716064945-2f068394615f github.com/oklog/oklog v0.3.2 @@ -50,19 +60,25 @@ require ( github.com/prometheus/procfs v0.0.3 // indirect github.com/prometheus/prometheus v0.0.0-20190710134608-e5b22494857d github.com/prometheus/tsdb v0.10.0 + github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal v1.5.0 // indirect github.com/samuel/go-zookeeper v0.0.0-20190801204459-3c104360edc8 // indirect github.com/shopspring/decimal v0.0.0-20191125035519-b054a8dfd10d // indirect github.com/spaolacci/murmur3 v1.1.0 // indirect github.com/spf13/cobra v0.0.5 // indirect github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.5 // indirect + github.com/stretchr/objx v0.2.0 // indirect go.opencensus.io v0.22.2 - golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20191122220453-ac88ee75c92c // indirect + golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20191128160524-b544559bb6d1 // indirect + golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20191129062945-2f5052295587 // indirect + golang.org/x/image v0.0.0-20191009234506-e7c1f5e7dbb8 // indirect + golang.org/x/lint v0.0.0-20191125180803-fdd1cda4f05f // indirect + golang.org/x/mobile v0.0.0-20191130191448-5c0e7e404af8 // indirect golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20191126235420-ef20fe5d7933 // indirect golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.0.0-20191122200657-5d9234df094c // indirect - golang.org/x/sync v0.0.0-20190911185100-cd5d95a43a6e // indirect - golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20191127021746-63cb32ae39b2 // indirect + golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20191128015809-6d18c012aee9 // indirect golang.org/x/time v0.0.0-20191024005414-555d28b269f0 - golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20191127201027-ecd32218bd7f // indirect + golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20191130070609-6e064ea0cf2d // indirect + golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20191011141410-1b5146add898 // indirect google.golang.org/appengine v1.6.5 // indirect google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20191115221424-83cc0476cb11 google.golang.org/grpc v1.25.1 diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum index 6e284d95..002ba4b5 100644 --- a/go.sum +++ b/go.sum @@ -10,9 +10,12 @@ cloud.google.com/go v0.46.3/go.mod h1:a6bKKbmY7er1mI7TEI4lsAkts/mkhTSZK8w33B4RAg cloud.google.com/go v0.49.0 h1:CH+lkubJzcPYB1Ggupcq0+k8Ni2ILdG2lYjDIgavDBQ= cloud.google.com/go v0.49.0/go.mod h1:hGvAdzcWNbyuxS3nWhD7H2cIJxjRRTRLQVB0bdputVY= cloud.google.com/go/bigquery v1.0.1/go.mod h1:i/xbL2UlR5RvWAURpBYZTtm/cXjCha9lbfbpx4poX+o= +cloud.google.com/go/bigquery v1.3.0/go.mod h1:PjpwJnslEMmckchkHFfq+HTD2DmtT67aNFKH1/VBDHE= cloud.google.com/go/datastore v1.0.0/go.mod h1:LXYbyblFSglQ5pkeyhO+Qmw7ukd3C+pD7TKLgZqpHYE= cloud.google.com/go/pubsub v1.0.1/go.mod h1:R0Gpsv3s54REJCy4fxDixWD93lHJMoZTyQ2kNxGRt3I= +cloud.google.com/go/pubsub v1.1.0/go.mod h1:EwwdRX2sKPjnvnqCa270oGRyludottCI76h+R3AArQw= cloud.google.com/go/storage v1.0.0/go.mod h1:IhtSnM/ZTZV8YYJWCY8RULGVqBDmpoyjwiyrjsg+URw= +cloud.google.com/go/storage v1.4.0/go.mod h1:ZusYJWlOshgSBGbt6K3GnB3MT3H1xs2id9+TCl4fDBA= contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/ocagent v0.3.0/go.mod h1:0fnkYHF+ORKj7HWzOExKkUHeFX79gXSKUQbpnAM+wzo= contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/ocagent v0.4.12/go.mod h1:450APlNTSR6FrvC3CTRqYosuDstRB9un7SOx2k/9ckA= contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/ocagent v0.6.0 h1:Z1n6UAyr0QwM284yUuh5Zd8JlvxUGAhFZcgMJkMPrGM= @@ -21,7 +24,10 @@ contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/prometheus v0.1.0 h1:SByaIoWwNgMdPSgl5sMqM2KDE contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/prometheus v0.1.0/go.mod h1:cGFniUXGZlKRjzOyuZJ6mgB+PgBcCIa79kEKR8YCW+A= contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver v0.12.4 h1:e1itpYdd++w6+DPhvyKqT7uazcc4NwyToI8UJ0tMGCs= contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver v0.12.4/go.mod h1:fmn/xkyUfUhd1iD7Ic+HSN8y11KhSK5oe8CWfSjKa7M= +contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver v0.12.8 h1:iXI5hr7pUwMx0IwMphpKz5Q3If/G5JiWFVZ5MPPxP9E= +contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver v0.12.8/go.mod h1:XyyafDnFOsqoxHJgTFycKZMrRUrPThLh2iYTJF6uoO0= dmitri.shuralyov.com/gpu/mtl v0.0.0-20190408044501-666a987793e9/go.mod h1:H6x//7gZCb22OMCxBHrMx7a5I7Hp++hsVxbQ4BYO7hU= +dmitri.shuralyov.com/gpu/mtl v0.0.0-20191126053124-fec1b7b612ab/go.mod h1:H6x//7gZCb22OMCxBHrMx7a5I7Hp++hsVxbQ4BYO7hU= git.apache.org/thrift.git v0.0.0-20180902110319-2566ecd5d999/go.mod h1:fPE2ZNJGynbRyZ4dJvy6G277gSllfV2HJqblrnkyeyg= github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go v23.2.0+incompatible/go.mod h1:9XXNKU+eRnpl9moKnB4QOLf1HestfXbmab5FXxiDBjc= github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go v32.1.0+incompatible h1:BPMo+kL2AuaRMHW4hA1glEvquAmBvH5nEuMmfe3+D38= @@ -107,6 +113,9 @@ github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.15.24/go.mod h1:mFuSZ37Z9YOHbQEwBWztmVzqXrEkub65tZo github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.21.0/go.mod h1:KmX6BPdI08NWTb3/sm4ZGu5ShLoqVDhKgpiN924inxo= github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.21.10 h1:lTRdgyxraKbnNhx7kWeoW/Uow1TKnSNDpQGTtEXJQgk= github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.21.10/go.mod h1:KmX6BPdI08NWTb3/sm4ZGu5ShLoqVDhKgpiN924inxo= +github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.23.20/go.mod h1:KmX6BPdI08NWTb3/sm4ZGu5ShLoqVDhKgpiN924inxo= +github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.25.44 h1:n9ahFoiyn66smjF34hYr3tb6/ZdBcLuFz7BCDhHyJ7I= +github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.25.44/go.mod h1:KmX6BPdI08NWTb3/sm4ZGu5ShLoqVDhKgpiN924inxo= github.com/beorn7/perks v0.0.0-20180321164747-3a771d992973/go.mod h1:Dwedo/Wpr24TaqPxmxbtue+5NUziq4I4S80YR8gNf3Q= github.com/beorn7/perks v1.0.0/go.mod h1:KWe93zE9D1o94FZ5RNwFwVgaQK1VOXiVxmqh+CedLV8= github.com/beorn7/perks v1.0.1 h1:VlbKKnNfV8bJzeqoa4cOKqO6bYr3WgKZxO8Z16+hsOM= @@ -136,6 +145,8 @@ github.com/coreos/etcd v3.3.12+incompatible/go.mod h1:uF7uidLiAD3TWHmW31ZFd/JWoc github.com/coreos/go-etcd v2.0.0+incompatible/go.mod h1:Jez6KQU2B/sWsbdaef3ED8NzMklzPG4d5KIOhIy30Tk= github.com/coreos/go-semver v0.2.0/go.mod h1:nnelYz7RCh+5ahJtPPxZlU+153eP4D4r3EedlOD2RNk= github.com/cpuguy83/go-md2man v1.0.10/go.mod h1:SmD6nW6nTyfqj6ABTjUi3V3JVMnlJmwcJI5acqYI6dE= +github.com/creack/pty v1.1.7/go.mod h1:lj5s0c3V2DBrqTV7llrYr5NG6My20zk30Fl46Y7DoTY= +github.com/creack/pty v1.1.9/go.mod h1:oKZEueFk5CKHvIhNR5MUki03XCEU+Q6VDXinZuGJ33E= github.com/davecgh/go-spew v0.0.0-20151105211317-5215b55f46b2/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38= github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.0/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38= github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1 h1:vj9j/u1bqnvCEfJOwUhtlOARqs3+rkHYY13jYWTU97c= @@ -154,6 +165,7 @@ github.com/elastic/gosigar v0.9.0/go.mod h1:cdorVVzy1fhmEqmtgqkoE3bYtCfSCkVyjTyC github.com/elazarl/go-bindata-assetfs v1.0.0/go.mod h1:v+YaWX3bdea5J/mo8dSETolEo7R71Vk1u8bnjau5yw4= github.com/emicklei/go-restful v0.0.0-20170410110728-ff4f55a20633/go.mod h1:otzb+WCGbkyDHkqmQmT5YD2WR4BBwUdeQoFo8l/7tVs= github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane v0.9.0/go.mod h1:YTl/9mNaCwkRvm6d1a2C3ymFceY/DCBVvsKhRF0iEA4= +github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane v0.9.1/go.mod h1:G1fbsNGAFpC1aaERrShZQVdUV2ZuZuv6FCl2v9JNSxQ= github.com/envoyproxy/protoc-gen-validate v0.1.0/go.mod h1:iSmxcyjqTsJpI2R4NaDN7+kN2VEUnK/pcBlmesArF7c= github.com/evanphx/json-patch v4.1.0+incompatible/go.mod h1:50XU6AFN0ol/bzJsmQLiYLvXMP4fmwYFNcr97nuDLSk= github.com/evanphx/json-patch v4.5.0+incompatible h1:ouOWdg56aJriqS0huScTkVXPC5IcNrDCXZ6OoTAWu7M= @@ -170,6 +182,8 @@ github.com/globalsign/mgo v0.0.0-20180905125535-1ca0a4f7cbcb/go.mod h1:xkRDCp4j0 github.com/globalsign/mgo v0.0.0-20181015135952-eeefdecb41b8 h1:DujepqpGd1hyOd7aW59XpK7Qymp8iy83xq74fLr21is= github.com/globalsign/mgo v0.0.0-20181015135952-eeefdecb41b8/go.mod h1:xkRDCp4j0OGD1HRkm4kmhM+pmpv3AKq5SU7GMg4oO/Q= github.com/go-gl/glfw v0.0.0-20190409004039-e6da0acd62b1/go.mod h1:vR7hzQXu2zJy9AVAgeJqvqgH9Q5CA+iKCZ2gyEVpxRU= +github.com/go-gl/glfw v0.0.0-20191125211704-12ad95a8df72/go.mod h1:vR7hzQXu2zJy9AVAgeJqvqgH9Q5CA+iKCZ2gyEVpxRU= +github.com/go-gl/glfw/v3.3/glfw v0.0.0-20191125211704-12ad95a8df72/go.mod h1:tQ2UAYgL5IevRw8kRxooKSPJfGvJ9fJQFa0TUsXzTg8= github.com/go-ini/ini v1.25.4/go.mod h1:ByCAeIL28uOIIG0E3PJtZPDL8WnHpFKFOtgjp+3Ies8= github.com/go-kit/kit v0.8.0/go.mod h1:xBxKIO96dXMWWy0MnWVtmwkA9/13aqxPnvrjFYMA2as= github.com/go-kit/kit v0.9.0 h1:wDJmvq38kDhkVxi50ni9ykkdUr1PKgqKOoi01fa0Mdk= @@ -246,6 +260,7 @@ github.com/google/martian v2.1.0+incompatible/go.mod h1:9I4somxYTbIHy5NJKHRl3wXi github.com/google/pprof v0.0.0-20180605153948-8b03ce837f34/go.mod h1:zfwlbNMJ+OItoe0UupaVj+oy1omPYYDuagoSzA8v9mc= github.com/google/pprof v0.0.0-20181206194817-3ea8567a2e57/go.mod h1:zfwlbNMJ+OItoe0UupaVj+oy1omPYYDuagoSzA8v9mc= github.com/google/pprof v0.0.0-20190515194954-54271f7e092f/go.mod h1:zfwlbNMJ+OItoe0UupaVj+oy1omPYYDuagoSzA8v9mc= +github.com/google/pprof v0.0.0-20191105193234-27840fff0d09/go.mod h1:zfwlbNMJ+OItoe0UupaVj+oy1omPYYDuagoSzA8v9mc= github.com/google/renameio v0.1.0/go.mod h1:KWCgfxg9yswjAJkECMjeO8J8rahYeXnNhOm40UhjYkI= github.com/google/uuid v1.0.0/go.mod h1:TIyPZe4MgqvfeYDBFedMoGGpEw/LqOeaOT+nhxU+yHo= github.com/google/uuid v1.1.0/go.mod h1:TIyPZe4MgqvfeYDBFedMoGGpEw/LqOeaOT+nhxU+yHo= @@ -332,6 +347,7 @@ github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.6/go.mod h1:+SdeFBvtyEkXs7REEP0seUULqWtbJapLOCV github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.7 h1:KfgG9LzI+pYjr4xvmz/5H4FXjokeP+rlHLhv3iH62Fo= github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.7/go.mod h1:KdQUCv79m/52Kvf8AW2vK1V8akMuk1QjK/uOdHXbAo4= github.com/jstemmer/go-junit-report v0.0.0-20190106144839-af01ea7f8024/go.mod h1:6v2b51hI/fHJwM22ozAgKL4VKDeJcHhJFhtBdhmNjmU= +github.com/jstemmer/go-junit-report v0.9.1/go.mod h1:Brl9GWCQeLvo8nXZwPNNblvFj/XSXhF0NWZEnDohbsk= github.com/jtolds/gls v4.2.1+incompatible/go.mod h1:QJZ7F/aHp+rZTRtaJ1ow/lLfFfVYBRgL+9YlvaHOwJU= github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter v1.2.0/go.mod h1:SYymIcj16QtmaHHD7aYtjjsJG7VTCxuUUipMqKk8s4w= github.com/kisielk/errcheck v1.1.0/go.mod h1:EZBBE59ingxPouuu3KfxchcWSUPOHkagtvWXihfKN4Q= @@ -344,6 +360,7 @@ github.com/kr/logfmt v0.0.0-20140226030751-b84e30acd515/go.mod h1:+0opPa2QZZtGFB github.com/kr/pretty v0.1.0 h1:L/CwN0zerZDmRFUapSPitk6f+Q3+0za1rQkzVuMiMFI= github.com/kr/pretty v0.1.0/go.mod h1:dAy3ld7l9f0ibDNOQOHHMYYIIbhfbHSm3C4ZsoJORNo= github.com/kr/pty v1.1.1/go.mod h1:pFQYn66WHrOpPYNljwOMqo10TkYh1fy3cYio2l3bCsQ= +github.com/kr/pty v1.1.8/go.mod h1:O1sed60cT9XZ5uDucP5qwvh+TE3NnUj51EiZO/lmSfw= github.com/kr/text v0.1.0 h1:45sCR5RtlFHMR4UwH9sdQ5TC8v0qDQCHnXt+kaKSTVE= github.com/kr/text v0.1.0/go.mod h1:4Jbv+DJW3UT/LiOwJeYQe1efqtUx/iVham/4vfdArNI= github.com/kylelemons/godebug v0.0.0-20160406211939-eadb3ce320cb/go.mod h1:B69LEHPfb2qLo0BaaOLcbitczOKLWTsrBG9LczfCD4k= @@ -461,6 +478,7 @@ github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics v0.0.0-20181016184325-3113b8401b8a/go.mod h1:bCqn github.com/rlmcpherson/s3gof3r v0.5.0/go.mod h1:s7vv7SMDPInkitQMuZzH615G7yWHdrU2r/Go7Bo71Rs= github.com/rogpeppe/fastuuid v0.0.0-20150106093220-6724a57986af/go.mod h1:XWv6SoW27p1b0cqNHllgS5HIMJraePCO15w5zCzIWYg= github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal v1.3.0/go.mod h1:M8bDsm7K2OlrFYOpmOWEs/qY81heoFRclV5y23lUDJ4= +github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal v1.5.0/go.mod h1:xXDCJY+GAPziupqXw64V24skbSoqbTEfhy4qGm1nDQc= github.com/rs/cors v1.6.0/go.mod h1:gFx+x8UowdsKA9AchylcLynDq+nNFfI8FkUZdN/jGCU= github.com/rubyist/circuitbreaker v2.2.1+incompatible/go.mod h1:Ycs3JgJADPuzJDwffe12k6BZT8hxVi6lFK+gWYJLN4A= github.com/russross/blackfriday v1.5.2/go.mod h1:JO/DiYxRf+HjHt06OyowR9PTA263kcR/rfWxYHBV53g= @@ -502,6 +520,7 @@ github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.5/go.mod h1:McXfInJRrz4CZXVZOBLb0bTZqETkiAhM9Iw0y3An github.com/spf13/viper 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excluding vendor/ if any - - PKGS=$(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/) # All the import paths, excluding vendor/ if any +install: + - go mod download + - make install-tools script: - - go build ./... # Ensure dependency updates don't break build - - if [ -n "$(gofmt -s -l $GO_FILES)" ]; then echo "gofmt the following files:"; gofmt -s -l $GO_FILES; exit 1; fi - - go vet ./... - - go test -v -race $PKGS # Run all the tests with the race detector enabled - - GO111MODULE=off go get -t ./... - - GO111MODULE=off go build ./... - - GO111MODULE=off go test -v -race $PKGS # Make sure tests still pass when not using Go modules. - - 'if [[ $TRAVIS_GO_VERSION = 1.8* ]]; then ! golint ./... | grep -vE "(_mock|_string|\.pb)\.go:"; fi' + - make travis-ci + +after_success: + - bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/Gopkg.lock b/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/Gopkg.lock deleted file mode 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["googleapis/api/annotations","googleapis/api/distribution","googleapis/api/label","googleapis/api/metric","googleapis/api/monitoredres","googleapis/devtools/cloudtrace/v2","googleapis/monitoring/v3","googleapis/rpc/code","googleapis/rpc/status","protobuf/field_mask"] - revision = "81158efcc9f219c511e4d3c0d61a0e6e49c01a24" - -[[projects]] - name = "google.golang.org/grpc" - packages = [".","balancer","balancer/base","balancer/roundrobin","channelz","codes","connectivity","credentials","credentials/oauth","encoding","encoding/proto","grpclb/grpc_lb_v1/messages","grpclog","internal","keepalive","metadata","naming","peer","resolver","resolver/dns","resolver/passthrough","stats","status","tap","transport"] - revision = "41344da2231b913fa3d983840a57a6b1b7b631a1" - version = "v1.12.0" - -[solve-meta] - analyzer-name = "dep" - analyzer-version = 1 - inputs-digest = "d587e278f7302f82cb7f5c14e5e7ce831c84f198c05ede6c16a8afa4d6112f9e" - solver-name = "gps-cdcl" - solver-version = 1 diff --git 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- name = "github.com/golang/protobuf" - version = "1.1.0" - -[[constraint]] - name = "go.opencensus.io" - version = ">=0.20.0" - -[[constraint]] - branch = "master" - name = "golang.org/x/net" - -[[constraint]] - branch = "master" - name = "golang.org/x/oauth2" - -[[constraint]] - branch = "master" - name = "google.golang.org/api" - -[[constraint]] - branch = "master" - name = "google.golang.org/genproto" - -[[constraint]] - name = "google.golang.org/grpc" - version = "1.12.0" - -[prune] - go-tests = true - unused-packages = true diff --git a/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/Makefile b/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/Makefile index 2e11d225..cc081859 100644 --- a/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/Makefile +++ b/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/Makefile @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # TODO: Fix this on windows. ALL_SRC := $(shell find . -name '*.go' \ - -not -path './vendor/*' \ - -not -path '*/gen-go/*' \ + -not -path '*/internal/testpb/*' \ + -not -name 'tools.go' \ -type f | sort) ALL_PKGS := $(shell go list $(sort $(dir $(ALL_SRC)))) @@ -10,20 +10,21 @@ GOTEST_OPT_WITH_COVERAGE = $(GOTEST_OPT) -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=a GOTEST=go test GOFMT=gofmt GOLINT=golint +GOIMPORTS=goimports GOVET=go vet EMBEDMD=embedmd +STATICCHECK=staticcheck # TODO decide if we need to change these names. README_FILES := $(shell find . -name '*README.md' | sort | tr '\n' ' ') +.DEFAULT_GOAL := defaul-goal -.DEFAULT_GOAL := fmt-lint-vet-embedmd-test +.PHONY: defaul-goal +defaul-goal: fmt lint vet embedmd goimports staticcheck test -.PHONY: fmt-lint-vet-embedmd-test -fmt-lint-vet-embedmd-test: fmt lint vet embedmd test - -# TODO enable test-with-coverage in tavis +# TODO: enable test-with-cover when find out why "scripts/check-test-files.sh: 4: set: Illegal option -o pipefail" .PHONY: travis-ci -travis-ci: fmt lint vet embedmd test test-386 +travis-ci: fmt lint vet embedmd goimports staticcheck test test-386 test-with-coverage all-pkgs: @echo $(ALL_PKGS) | tr ' ' '\n' | sort @@ -41,7 +42,19 @@ test-386: .PHONY: test-with-coverage test-with-coverage: + @echo pre-compiling tests + @time go test -i $(ALL_PKGS) + $(GOTEST) $(GOTEST_OPT_WITH_COVERAGE) $(ALL_PKGS) + go tool cover -html=coverage.txt -o coverage.html + +.PHONY: test-with-cover +test-with-cover: + @echo Verifying that all packages have test files to count in coverage + @scripts/check-test-files.sh $(subst contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver,./,$(ALL_PKGS)) + @echo pre-compiling tests + @time go test -i $(ALL_PKGS) $(GOTEST) $(GOTEST_OPT_WITH_COVERAGE) $(ALL_PKGS) + go tool cover -html=coverage.txt -o coverage.html .PHONY: fmt fmt: @@ -88,8 +101,25 @@ embedmd: echo "Embedmd finished successfully"; \ fi +.PHONY: goimports +goimports: + @IMPORTSOUT=`$(GOIMPORTS) -d . 2>&1`; \ + if [ "$$IMPORTSOUT" ]; then \ + echo "$(GOIMPORTS) FAILED => fix the following goimports errors:\n"; \ + echo "$$IMPORTSOUT\n"; \ + exit 1; \ + else \ + echo "Goimports finished successfully"; \ + fi + +.PHONY: staticcheck +staticcheck: + $(STATICCHECK) ./... + .PHONY: install-tools install-tools: - go get -u golang.org/x/tools/cmd/cover - go get -u golang.org/x/lint/golint - go get -u github.com/rakyll/embedmd + GO111MODULE=on go install \ + golang.org/x/lint/golint \ + golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports \ + 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v0.0.0-20190716160619-c506a9f90610 h1:Ygq9/SRJX9+dU0WCIICM8RkWvDw03lvB77hrhJnpxfU= -google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20190716160619-c506a9f90610/go.mod h1:DMBHOl98Agz4BDEuKkezgsaosCRResVns1a3J2ZsMNc= +google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20190801165951-fa694d86fc64 h1:iKtrH9Y8mcbADOP0YFaEMth7OfuHY9xHOwNj4znpM1A= +google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20190801165951-fa694d86fc64/go.mod h1:DMBHOl98Agz4BDEuKkezgsaosCRResVns1a3J2ZsMNc= +google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20190819201941-24fa4b261c55/go.mod h1:DMBHOl98Agz4BDEuKkezgsaosCRResVns1a3J2ZsMNc= +google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20190911173649-1774047e7e51 h1:Ex1mq5jaJof+kRnYi3SlYJ8KKa9Ao3NHyIT5XJ1gF6U= +google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20190911173649-1774047e7e51/go.mod h1:IbNlFCBrqXvoKpeg0TB2l7cyZUmoaFKYIwrEpbDKLA8= google.golang.org/grpc v1.19.0 h1:cfg4PD8YEdSFnm7qLV4++93WcmhH2nIUhMjhdCvl3j8= google.golang.org/grpc v1.19.0/go.mod h1:mqu4LbDTu4XGKhr4mRzUsmM4RtVoemTSY81AxZiDr8c= google.golang.org/grpc v1.20.1 h1:Hz2g2wirWK7H0qIIhGIqRGTuMwTE8HEKFnDZZ7lm9NU= google.golang.org/grpc v1.20.1/go.mod h1:10oTOabMzJvdu6/UiuZezV6QK5dSlG84ov/aaiqXj38= google.golang.org/grpc v1.21.1/go.mod h1:oYelfM1adQP15Ek0mdvEgi9Df8B9CZIaU1084ijfRaM= -google.golang.org/grpc v1.22.0 h1:J0UbZOIrCAl+fpTOf8YLs4dJo8L/owV4LYVtAXQoPkw= -google.golang.org/grpc v1.22.0/go.mod h1:Y5yQAOtifL1yxbo5wqy6BxZv8vAUGQwXBOALyacEbxg= +google.golang.org/grpc v1.23.1 h1:q4XQuHFC6I28BKZpo6IYyb3mNO+l7lSOxRuYTCiDfXk= +google.golang.org/grpc v1.23.1/go.mod h1:Y5yQAOtifL1yxbo5wqy6BxZv8vAUGQwXBOALyacEbxg= honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190102054323-c2f93a96b099/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4= honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190106161140-3f1c8253044a/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4= honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190418001031-e561f6794a2a/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4= +honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190523083050-ea95bdfd59fc h1:/hemPrYIhOhy8zYrNj+069zDB68us2sMGsfkFJO0iZs= honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190523083050-ea95bdfd59fc/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4= rsc.io/binaryregexp v0.2.0/go.mod h1:qTv7/COck+e2FymRvadv62gMdZztPaShugOCi3I+8D8= diff --git a/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/metrics.go b/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/metrics.go index 0e69eb81..eb473570 100644 --- a/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/metrics.go +++ b/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/metrics.go @@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ directly to Stackdriver Metrics. import ( "context" - "errors" "fmt" + "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto" "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/any" "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp" @@ -34,15 +34,11 @@ import ( monitoredrespb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/monitoredres" monitoringpb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/monitoring/v3" + "contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/monitoredresource" "go.opencensus.io/metric/metricdata" "go.opencensus.io/resource" ) -var ( - errLableExtraction = errors.New("error extracting labels") - errUnspecifiedMetricKind = errors.New("metric kind is unpsecified") -) - const ( exemplarAttachmentTypeString = "type.googleapis.com/google.protobuf.StringValue" exemplarAttachmentTypeSpanCtx = "type.googleapis.com/google.monitoring.v3.SpanContext" @@ -73,7 +69,7 @@ func (se *statsExporter) handleMetricsUpload(metrics []*metricdata.Metric) { } func (se *statsExporter) uploadMetrics(metrics []*metricdata.Metric) error { - ctx, cancel := se.o.newContextWithTimeout() + ctx, cancel := newContextWithTimeout(se.o.Context, se.o.Timeout) defer cancel() ctx, span := trace.StartSpan( @@ -129,13 +125,13 @@ func (se *statsExporter) uploadMetrics(metrics []*metricdata.Metric) error { // but it doesn't invoke any remote API. func (se *statsExporter) metricToMpbTs(ctx context.Context, metric *metricdata.Metric) ([]*monitoringpb.TimeSeries, error) { if metric == nil { - return nil, errNilMetric + return nil, errNilMetricOrMetricDescriptor } resource := se.metricRscToMpbRsc(metric.Resource) metricName := metric.Descriptor.Name - metricType, _ := se.metricTypeFromProto(metricName) + metricType := se.metricTypeFromProto(metricName) metricLabelKeys := metric.Descriptor.LabelKeys metricKind, _ := metricDescriptorTypeToMetricKind(metric) @@ -159,12 +155,26 @@ func (se *statsExporter) metricToMpbTs(ctx context.Context, metric *metricdata.M // TODO: (@rghetia) perhaps log this error from labels extraction, if non-nil. continue } + + var rsc *monitoredrespb.MonitoredResource + var mr monitoredresource.Interface + if se.o.ResourceByDescriptor != nil { + labels, mr = se.o.ResourceByDescriptor(&metric.Descriptor, labels) + // TODO(rghetia): optimize this. It is inefficient to convert this for all metrics. + rsc = convertMonitoredResourceToPB(mr) + if rsc.Type == "" { + rsc.Type = "global" + rsc.Labels = nil + } + } else { + rsc = resource + } timeSeries = append(timeSeries, &monitoringpb.TimeSeries{ Metric: &googlemetricpb.Metric{ Type: metricType, Labels: labels, }, - Resource: resource, + Resource: rsc, Points: sdPoints, }) } @@ -173,17 +183,21 @@ func (se *statsExporter) metricToMpbTs(ctx context.Context, metric *metricdata.M } func metricLabelsToTsLabels(defaults map[string]labelValue, labelKeys []metricdata.LabelKey, labelValues []metricdata.LabelValue) (map[string]string, error) { + // Perform this sanity check now. + if len(labelKeys) != len(labelValues) { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("length mismatch: len(labelKeys)=%d len(labelValues)=%d", len(labelKeys), len(labelValues)) + } + + if len(defaults)+len(labelKeys) == 0 { + return nil, nil + } + labels := make(map[string]string) // Fill in the defaults firstly, irrespective of if the labelKeys and labelValues are mismatched. for key, label := range defaults { labels[sanitize(key)] = label.val } - // Perform this sanity check now. - if len(labelKeys) != len(labelValues) { - return labels, fmt.Errorf("Length mismatch: len(labelKeys)=%d len(labelValues)=%d", len(labelKeys), len(labelValues)) - } - for i, labelKey := range labelKeys { labelValue := labelValues[i] labels[sanitize(labelKey.Key)] = labelValue.Value @@ -195,6 +209,11 @@ func metricLabelsToTsLabels(defaults map[string]labelValue, labelKeys []metricda // createMetricDescriptorFromMetric creates a metric descriptor from the OpenCensus metric // and then creates it remotely using Stackdriver's API. func (se *statsExporter) createMetricDescriptorFromMetric(ctx context.Context, metric *metricdata.Metric) error { + // Skip create metric descriptor if configured + if se.o.SkipCMD { + return nil + } + se.metricMu.Lock() defer se.metricMu.Unlock() @@ -203,6 +222,11 @@ func (se *statsExporter) createMetricDescriptorFromMetric(ctx context.Context, m return nil } + if builtinMetric(se.metricTypeFromProto(name)) { + se.metricDescriptors[name] = true + return nil + } + // Otherwise, we encountered a cache-miss and // should create the metric descriptor remotely. inMD, err := se.metricToMpbMetricDescriptor(metric) @@ -210,35 +234,21 @@ func (se *statsExporter) createMetricDescriptorFromMetric(ctx context.Context, m return err } - var md *googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor - if builtinMetric(inMD.Type) { - gmrdesc := &monitoringpb.GetMetricDescriptorRequest{ - Name: inMD.Name, - } - md, err = getMetricDescriptor(ctx, se.c, gmrdesc) - } else { - - cmrdesc := &monitoringpb.CreateMetricDescriptorRequest{ - Name: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s", se.o.ProjectID), - MetricDescriptor: inMD, - } - md, err = createMetricDescriptor(ctx, se.c, cmrdesc) - } - - if err == nil { - // Now record the metric as having been created. - se.metricDescriptors[name] = md + if err = se.createMetricDescriptor(ctx, inMD); err != nil { + return err } - return err + // Now record the metric as having been created. + se.metricDescriptors[name] = true + return nil } func (se *statsExporter) metricToMpbMetricDescriptor(metric *metricdata.Metric) (*googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor, error) { if metric == nil { - return nil, errNilMetric + return nil, errNilMetricOrMetricDescriptor } - metricType, _ := se.metricTypeFromProto(metric.Descriptor.Name) + metricType := se.metricTypeFromProto(metric.Descriptor.Name) displayName := se.displayName(metric.Descriptor.Name) metricKind, valueType := metricDescriptorTypeToMetricKind(metric) @@ -466,11 +476,9 @@ func metricExemplarToPbExemplar(exemplar *metricdata.Exemplar, projectID string) func attachmentsToPbAttachments(attachments metricdata.Attachments, projectID string) []*any.Any { var pbAttachments []*any.Any for _, v := range attachments { - switch v.(type) { - case trace.SpanContext: - spanCtx, _ := v.(trace.SpanContext) + if spanCtx, succ := v.(trace.SpanContext); succ { pbAttachments = append(pbAttachments, toPbSpanCtxAttachment(spanCtx, projectID)) - default: + } else { // Treat everything else as plain string for now. // TODO(songy23): add support for dropped label attachments. pbAttachments = append(pbAttachments, toPbStringAttachment(v)) diff --git a/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/metrics_batcher.go b/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/metrics_batcher.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ccd6ee4a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/metrics_batcher.go @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +// Copyright 2019, OpenCensus Authors +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +package stackdriver + +import ( + "context" + "fmt" + "strings" + "sync" + "time" + + monitoring "cloud.google.com/go/monitoring/apiv3" + monitoringpb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/monitoring/v3" +) + +const ( + minNumWorkers = 1 + minReqsChanSize = 5 +) + +type metricsBatcher struct { + projectName string + allTss []*monitoringpb.TimeSeries + allErrs []error + + // Counts all dropped TimeSeries by this metricsBatcher. + droppedTimeSeries int + + workers []*worker + // reqsChan, respsChan and wg are shared between metricsBatcher and worker goroutines. + reqsChan chan *monitoringpb.CreateTimeSeriesRequest + respsChan chan *response + wg *sync.WaitGroup +} + +func newMetricsBatcher(ctx context.Context, projectID string, numWorkers int, mc *monitoring.MetricClient, timeout time.Duration) *metricsBatcher { + if numWorkers < minNumWorkers { + numWorkers = minNumWorkers + } + workers := make([]*worker, 0, numWorkers) + reqsChanSize := numWorkers + if reqsChanSize < minReqsChanSize { + reqsChanSize = minReqsChanSize + } + reqsChan := make(chan *monitoringpb.CreateTimeSeriesRequest, reqsChanSize) + respsChan := make(chan *response, numWorkers) + var wg sync.WaitGroup + wg.Add(numWorkers) + for i := 0; i < numWorkers; i++ { + w := newWorker(ctx, mc, reqsChan, respsChan, &wg, timeout) + workers = append(workers, w) + go w.start() + } + return &metricsBatcher{ + projectName: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s", projectID), + allTss: make([]*monitoringpb.TimeSeries, 0, maxTimeSeriesPerUpload), + droppedTimeSeries: 0, + workers: workers, + wg: &wg, + reqsChan: reqsChan, + respsChan: respsChan, + } +} + +func (mb *metricsBatcher) recordDroppedTimeseries(numTimeSeries int, errs ...error) { + mb.droppedTimeSeries += numTimeSeries + for _, err := range errs { + if err != nil { + mb.allErrs = append(mb.allErrs, err) + } + } +} + +func (mb *metricsBatcher) addTimeSeries(ts *monitoringpb.TimeSeries) { + mb.allTss = append(mb.allTss, ts) + if len(mb.allTss) == maxTimeSeriesPerUpload { + mb.sendReqToChan() + mb.allTss = make([]*monitoringpb.TimeSeries, 0, maxTimeSeriesPerUpload) + } +} + +func (mb *metricsBatcher) close(ctx context.Context) error { + // Send any remaining time series, must be <200 + if len(mb.allTss) > 0 { + mb.sendReqToChan() + } + + close(mb.reqsChan) + mb.wg.Wait() + for i := 0; i < len(mb.workers); i++ { + resp := <-mb.respsChan + mb.recordDroppedTimeseries(resp.droppedTimeSeries, resp.errs...) + } + close(mb.respsChan) + + numErrors := len(mb.allErrs) + if numErrors == 0 { + return nil + } + + if numErrors == 1 { + return mb.allErrs[0] + } + + errMsgs := make([]string, 0, numErrors) + for _, err := range mb.allErrs { + errMsgs = append(errMsgs, err.Error()) + } + return fmt.Errorf("[%s]", strings.Join(errMsgs, "; ")) +} + +// sendReqToChan grabs all the timeseies in this metricsBatcher, puts them +// to a CreateTimeSeriesRequest and sends the request to reqsChan. +func (mb *metricsBatcher) sendReqToChan() { + req := &monitoringpb.CreateTimeSeriesRequest{ + Name: mb.projectName, + TimeSeries: mb.allTss, + } + mb.reqsChan <- req +} + +// sendReq sends create time series requests to Stackdriver, +// and returns the count of dropped time series and error. +func sendReq(ctx context.Context, c *monitoring.MetricClient, req *monitoringpb.CreateTimeSeriesRequest) (int, error) { + if c != nil { // c==nil only happens in unit tests where we don't make real calls to Stackdriver server + err := createTimeSeries(ctx, c, req) + if err != nil { + return len(req.TimeSeries), err + } + } + return 0, nil +} + +type worker struct { + ctx context.Context + timeout time.Duration + mc *monitoring.MetricClient + + resp *response + + respsChan chan *response + reqsChan chan *monitoringpb.CreateTimeSeriesRequest + + wg *sync.WaitGroup +} + +func newWorker( + ctx context.Context, + mc *monitoring.MetricClient, + reqsChan chan *monitoringpb.CreateTimeSeriesRequest, + respsChan chan *response, + wg *sync.WaitGroup, + timeout time.Duration) *worker { + return &worker{ + ctx: ctx, + mc: mc, + resp: &response{}, + reqsChan: reqsChan, + respsChan: respsChan, + wg: wg, + } +} + +func (w *worker) start() { + for req := range w.reqsChan { + w.sendReqWithTimeout(req) + } + w.respsChan <- w.resp + w.wg.Done() +} + +func (w *worker) sendReqWithTimeout(req *monitoringpb.CreateTimeSeriesRequest) { + ctx, cancel := newContextWithTimeout(w.ctx, w.timeout) + defer cancel() + + w.recordDroppedTimeseries(sendReq(ctx, w.mc, req)) +} + +func (w *worker) recordDroppedTimeseries(numTimeSeries int, err error) { + w.resp.droppedTimeSeries += numTimeSeries + if err != nil { + w.resp.errs = append(w.resp.errs, err) + } +} + +type response struct { + droppedTimeSeries int + errs []error +} diff --git a/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/metrics_proto.go b/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/metrics_proto.go index 139daad0..5fe4b397 100644 --- a/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/metrics_proto.go +++ b/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/metrics_proto.go @@ -24,81 +24,74 @@ import ( "errors" "fmt" "path" - "sort" "strings" - "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp" - "go.opencensus.io/stats" - "go.opencensus.io/trace" + "go.opencensus.io/resource" - "cloud.google.com/go/monitoring/apiv3" + commonpb "github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-proto/gen-go/agent/common/v1" + metricspb "github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-proto/gen-go/metrics/v1" + resourcepb "github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-proto/gen-go/resource/v1" + timestamppb "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp" distributionpb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/distribution" labelpb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/label" googlemetricpb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/metric" + monitoredrespb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/monitoredres" monitoringpb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/monitoring/v3" - - commonpb "github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-proto/gen-go/agent/common/v1" - metricspb "github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-proto/gen-go/metrics/v1" - resourcepb "github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-proto/gen-go/resource/v1" - "go.opencensus.io/resource" ) -var errNilMetric = errors.New("expecting a non-nil metric") -var errNilMetricDescriptor = errors.New("expecting a non-nil metric descriptor") +var errNilMetricOrMetricDescriptor = errors.New("non-nil metric or metric descriptor") var percentileLabelKey = &metricspb.LabelKey{ Key: "percentile", Description: "the value at a given percentile of a distribution", } +var globalResource = &resource.Resource{Type: "global"} +var domains = []string{"googleapis.com", "kubernetes.io", "istio.io"} -type metricProtoPayload struct { - node *commonpb.Node - resource *resourcepb.Resource - metric *metricspb.Metric - additionalLabels map[string]labelValue -} - -func (se *statsExporter) addPayload(node *commonpb.Node, rsc *resourcepb.Resource, labels map[string]labelValue, metrics ...*metricspb.Metric) { - for _, metric := range metrics { - payload := &metricProtoPayload{ - metric: metric, - resource: rsc, - node: node, - additionalLabels: labels, - } - se.protoMetricsBundler.Add(payload, 1) - } -} - -// ExportMetricsProto exports OpenCensus Metrics Proto to Stackdriver Monitoring. -func (se *statsExporter) ExportMetricsProto(ctx context.Context, node *commonpb.Node, rsc *resourcepb.Resource, metrics []*metricspb.Metric) error { +// PushMetricsProto exports OpenCensus Metrics Proto to Stackdriver Monitoring synchronously, +// without de-duping or adding proto metrics to the bundler. +func (se *statsExporter) PushMetricsProto(ctx context.Context, node *commonpb.Node, rsc *resourcepb.Resource, metrics []*metricspb.Metric) (int, error) { if len(metrics) == 0 { - return errNilMetric + return 0, errNilMetricOrMetricDescriptor } - additionalLabels := se.defaultLabels - if additionalLabels == nil { - // additionalLabels must be stateless because each node is different - additionalLabels = getDefaultLabelsFromNode(node) - } + // Caches the resources seen so far + seenResources := make(map[*resourcepb.Resource]*monitoredrespb.MonitoredResource) + mb := newMetricsBatcher(ctx, se.o.ProjectID, se.o.NumberOfWorkers, se.c, se.o.Timeout) for _, metric := range metrics { + if len(metric.GetTimeseries()) == 0 { + // No TimeSeries to export, skip this metric. + continue + } + mappedRsc := se.getResource(rsc, metric, seenResources) if metric.GetMetricDescriptor().GetType() == metricspb.MetricDescriptor_SUMMARY { - se.addPayload(node, rsc, additionalLabels, se.convertSummaryMetrics(metric)...) + summaryMtcs := se.convertSummaryMetrics(metric) + for _, summaryMtc := range summaryMtcs { + if err := se.createMetricDescriptorFromMetricProto(ctx, summaryMtc); err != nil { + mb.recordDroppedTimeseries(len(summaryMtc.GetTimeseries()), err) + continue + } + se.protoMetricToTimeSeries(ctx, mappedRsc, summaryMtc, mb) + } } else { - se.addPayload(node, rsc, additionalLabels, metric) + if err := se.createMetricDescriptorFromMetricProto(ctx, metric); err != nil { + mb.recordDroppedTimeseries(len(metric.GetTimeseries()), err) + continue + } + se.protoMetricToTimeSeries(ctx, mappedRsc, metric, mb) } } - return nil + return mb.droppedTimeSeries, mb.close(ctx) } func (se *statsExporter) convertSummaryMetrics(summary *metricspb.Metric) []*metricspb.Metric { var metrics []*metricspb.Metric - var percentileTss []*metricspb.TimeSeries - var countTss []*metricspb.TimeSeries - var sumTss []*metricspb.TimeSeries for _, ts := range summary.Timeseries { + var percentileTss []*metricspb.TimeSeries + var countTss []*metricspb.TimeSeries + var sumTss []*metricspb.TimeSeries lvs := ts.GetLabelValues() startTime := ts.StartTimestamp @@ -141,7 +134,8 @@ func (se *statsExporter) convertSummaryMetrics(summary *metricspb.Metric) []*met for _, percentileValue := range snapshot.GetPercentileValues() { lvsWithPercentile := lvs[0:] lvsWithPercentile = append(lvsWithPercentile, &metricspb.LabelValue{ - Value: fmt.Sprintf("%f", percentileValue.Percentile), + HasValue: true, + Value: fmt.Sprintf("%f", percentileValue.Percentile), }) percentileTs := &metricspb.TimeSeries{ LabelValues: lvsWithPercentile, @@ -207,142 +201,22 @@ func (se *statsExporter) convertSummaryMetrics(summary *metricspb.Metric) []*met return metrics } -func (se *statsExporter) handleMetricsProtoUpload(payloads []*metricProtoPayload) { - err := se.uploadMetricsProto(payloads) - if err != nil { - se.o.handleError(err) - } -} - -func (se *statsExporter) uploadMetricsProto(payloads []*metricProtoPayload) error { - ctx, cancel := se.o.newContextWithTimeout() - defer cancel() - - ctx, span := trace.StartSpan( - ctx, - "contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver.uploadMetrics", - trace.WithSampler(trace.NeverSample()), - ) - defer span.End() - - for _, payload := range payloads { - // Now create the metric descriptor remotely. - if err := se.createMetricDescriptor(ctx, payload.metric, payload.additionalLabels); err != nil { - span.SetStatus(trace.Status{Code: 2, Message: err.Error()}) - return err - } - } - - var allTimeSeries []*monitoringpb.TimeSeries - for _, payload := range payloads { - tsl, err := se.protoMetricToTimeSeries(ctx, payload.node, payload.resource, payload.metric, payload.additionalLabels) - if err != nil { - span.SetStatus(trace.Status{Code: 2, Message: err.Error()}) - return err - } - allTimeSeries = append(allTimeSeries, tsl...) - } - - // Now batch timeseries up and then export. - for start, end := 0, 0; start < len(allTimeSeries); start = end { - end = start + maxTimeSeriesPerUpload - if end > len(allTimeSeries) { - end = len(allTimeSeries) - } - batch := allTimeSeries[start:end] - ctsreql := se.combineTimeSeriesToCreateTimeSeriesRequest(batch) - for _, ctsreq := range ctsreql { - if err := createTimeSeries(ctx, se.c, ctsreq); err != nil { - span.SetStatus(trace.Status{Code: trace.StatusCodeUnknown, Message: err.Error()}) - // TODO(@odeke-em): Don't fail fast here, perhaps batch errors? - // return err - } - } - } - - return nil -} - -// metricSignature creates a unique signature consisting of a -// metric's type and its lexicographically sorted label values -// See https://github.com/census-ecosystem/opencensus-go-exporter-stackdriver/issues/120 -func metricSignature(metric *googlemetricpb.Metric) string { - labels := metric.GetLabels() - labelValues := make([]string, 0, len(labels)) - - for _, labelValue := range labels { - labelValues = append(labelValues, labelValue) - } - sort.Strings(labelValues) - return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", metric.GetType(), strings.Join(labelValues, ",")) -} - -func (se *statsExporter) combineTimeSeriesToCreateTimeSeriesRequest(ts []*monitoringpb.TimeSeries) (ctsreql []*monitoringpb.CreateTimeSeriesRequest) { - if len(ts) == 0 { - return nil +func (se *statsExporter) getResource(rsc *resourcepb.Resource, metric *metricspb.Metric, seenRscs map[*resourcepb.Resource]*monitoredrespb.MonitoredResource) *monitoredrespb.MonitoredResource { + var resource = rsc + if metric.Resource != nil { + resource = metric.Resource } - - // Since there are scenarios in which Metrics with the same Type - // can be bunched in the same TimeSeries, we have to ensure that - // we create a unique CreateTimeSeriesRequest with entirely unique Metrics - // per TimeSeries, lest we'll encounter: - // - // err: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = One or more TimeSeries could not be written: - // Field timeSeries[2] had an invalid value: Duplicate TimeSeries encountered. - // Only one point can be written per TimeSeries per request.: timeSeries[2] - // - // This scenario happens when we are using the OpenCensus Agent in which multiple metrics - // are streamed by various client applications. - // See https://github.com/census-ecosystem/opencensus-go-exporter-stackdriver/issues/73 - uniqueTimeSeries := make([]*monitoringpb.TimeSeries, 0, len(ts)) - nonUniqueTimeSeries := make([]*monitoringpb.TimeSeries, 0, len(ts)) - seenMetrics := make(map[string]struct{}) - - for _, tti := range ts { - key := metricSignature(tti.Metric) - if _, alreadySeen := seenMetrics[key]; !alreadySeen { - uniqueTimeSeries = append(uniqueTimeSeries, tti) - seenMetrics[key] = struct{}{} - } else { - nonUniqueTimeSeries = append(nonUniqueTimeSeries, tti) - } + mappedRsc, ok := seenRscs[resource] + if !ok { + mappedRsc = se.o.MapResource(resourcepbToResource(resource)) + seenRscs[resource] = mappedRsc } - - // UniqueTimeSeries can be bunched up together - // While for each nonUniqueTimeSeries, we have - // to make a unique CreateTimeSeriesRequest. - ctsreql = append(ctsreql, &monitoringpb.CreateTimeSeriesRequest{ - Name: monitoring.MetricProjectPath(se.o.ProjectID), - TimeSeries: uniqueTimeSeries, - }) - - // Now recursively also combine the non-unique TimeSeries - // that were singly added to nonUniqueTimeSeries. - // The reason is that we need optimal combinations - // for optimal combinations because: - // * "a/b/c" - // * "a/b/c" - // * "x/y/z" - // * "a/b/c" - // * "x/y/z" - // * "p/y/z" - // * "d/y/z" - // - // should produce: - // CreateTimeSeries(uniqueTimeSeries) :: ["a/b/c", "x/y/z", "p/y/z", "d/y/z"] - // CreateTimeSeries(nonUniqueTimeSeries) :: ["a/b/c"] - // CreateTimeSeries(nonUniqueTimeSeries) :: ["a/b/c", "x/y/z"] - nonUniqueRequests := se.combineTimeSeriesToCreateTimeSeriesRequest(nonUniqueTimeSeries) - ctsreql = append(ctsreql, nonUniqueRequests...) - - return ctsreql + return mappedRsc } func resourcepbToResource(rsc *resourcepb.Resource) *resource.Resource { if rsc == nil { - return &resource.Resource{ - Type: "global", - } + return globalResource } res := &resource.Resource{ Type: rsc.Type, @@ -357,92 +231,87 @@ func resourcepbToResource(rsc *resourcepb.Resource) *resource.Resource { // protoMetricToTimeSeries converts a metric into a Stackdriver Monitoring v3 API CreateTimeSeriesRequest // but it doesn't invoke any remote API. -func (se *statsExporter) protoMetricToTimeSeries(ctx context.Context, node *commonpb.Node, rsc *resourcepb.Resource, metric *metricspb.Metric, additionalLabels map[string]labelValue) ([]*monitoringpb.TimeSeries, error) { - if metric == nil { - return nil, errNilMetric - } - - var resource = rsc - if metric.Resource != nil { - resource = metric.Resource +func (se *statsExporter) protoMetricToTimeSeries(ctx context.Context, mappedRsc *monitoredrespb.MonitoredResource, metric *metricspb.Metric, mb *metricsBatcher) { + if metric == nil || metric.MetricDescriptor == nil { + mb.recordDroppedTimeseries(len(metric.GetTimeseries()), errNilMetricOrMetricDescriptor) } - mappedRes := se.o.MapResource(resourcepbToResource(resource)) - - metricName, _, _, err := metricProseFromProto(metric) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - metricType, _ := se.metricTypeFromProto(metricName) + metricType := se.metricTypeFromProto(metric.GetMetricDescriptor().GetName()) metricLabelKeys := metric.GetMetricDescriptor().GetLabelKeys() - metricKind, _ := protoMetricDescriptorTypeToMetricKind(metric) + metricKind, valueType := protoMetricDescriptorTypeToMetricKind(metric) + labelKeys := make([]string, 0, len(metricLabelKeys)) + for _, key := range metricLabelKeys { + labelKeys = append(labelKeys, sanitize(key.GetKey())) + } - timeSeries := make([]*monitoringpb.TimeSeries, 0, len(metric.Timeseries)) for _, protoTimeSeries := range metric.Timeseries { + if len(protoTimeSeries.Points) == 0 { + // No points to send just move forward. + continue + } + sdPoints, err := se.protoTimeSeriesToMonitoringPoints(protoTimeSeries, metricKind) if err != nil { - return nil, err + mb.recordDroppedTimeseries(1, err) + continue } // Each TimeSeries has labelValues which MUST be correlated // with that from the MetricDescriptor - labels, err := labelsPerTimeSeries(additionalLabels, metricLabelKeys, protoTimeSeries.GetLabelValues()) + labels, err := labelsPerTimeSeries(se.defaultLabels, labelKeys, protoTimeSeries.GetLabelValues()) if err != nil { - // TODO: (@odeke-em) perhaps log this error from labels extraction, if non-nil. + mb.recordDroppedTimeseries(1, err) continue } - timeSeries = append(timeSeries, &monitoringpb.TimeSeries{ + mb.addTimeSeries(&monitoringpb.TimeSeries{ Metric: &googlemetricpb.Metric{ Type: metricType, Labels: labels, }, - Resource: mappedRes, - Points: sdPoints, + MetricKind: metricKind, + ValueType: valueType, + Resource: mappedRsc, + Points: sdPoints, }) } - - return timeSeries, nil } -func labelsPerTimeSeries(defaults map[string]labelValue, labelKeys []*metricspb.LabelKey, labelValues []*metricspb.LabelValue) (map[string]string, error) { +func labelsPerTimeSeries(defaults map[string]labelValue, labelKeys []string, labelValues []*metricspb.LabelValue) (map[string]string, error) { + if len(labelKeys) != len(labelValues) { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("length mismatch: len(labelKeys)=%d len(labelValues)=%d", len(labelKeys), len(labelValues)) + } + + if len(defaults)+len(labelKeys) == 0 { + // No labels for this metric + return nil, nil + } + labels := make(map[string]string) // Fill in the defaults firstly, irrespective of if the labelKeys and labelValues are mismatched. for key, label := range defaults { - labels[sanitize(key)] = label.val - } - - // Perform this sanity check now. - if len(labelKeys) != len(labelValues) { - return labels, fmt.Errorf("Length mismatch: len(labelKeys)=%d len(labelValues)=%d", len(labelKeys), len(labelValues)) + labels[key] = label.val } for i, labelKey := range labelKeys { labelValue := labelValues[i] - labels[sanitize(labelKey.GetKey())] = labelValue.GetValue() + if !labelValue.GetHasValue() { + continue + } + labels[labelKey] = labelValue.GetValue() } return labels, nil } -func (se *statsExporter) protoMetricDescriptorToCreateMetricDescriptorRequest(ctx context.Context, metric *metricspb.Metric, additionalLabels map[string]labelValue) (*monitoringpb.CreateMetricDescriptorRequest, error) { - // Otherwise, we encountered a cache-miss and - // should create the metric descriptor remotely. - inMD, err := se.protoToMonitoringMetricDescriptor(metric, additionalLabels) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - cmrdesc := &monitoringpb.CreateMetricDescriptorRequest{ - Name: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s", se.o.ProjectID), - MetricDescriptor: inMD, +func (se *statsExporter) createMetricDescriptorFromMetricProto(ctx context.Context, metric *metricspb.Metric) error { + // Skip create metric descriptor if configured + if se.o.SkipCMD { + return nil } - return cmrdesc, nil -} + ctx, cancel := newContextWithTimeout(ctx, se.o.Timeout) + defer cancel() -// createMetricDescriptor creates a metric descriptor from the OpenCensus proto metric -// and then creates it remotely using Stackdriver's API. -func (se *statsExporter) createMetricDescriptor(ctx context.Context, metric *metricspb.Metric, additionalLabels map[string]labelValue) error { se.protoMu.Lock() defer se.protoMu.Unlock() @@ -451,46 +320,35 @@ func (se *statsExporter) createMetricDescriptor(ctx context.Context, metric *met return nil } + if builtinMetric(se.metricTypeFromProto(name)) { + se.protoMetricDescriptors[name] = true + return nil + } + // Otherwise, we encountered a cache-miss and // should create the metric descriptor remotely. - inMD, err := se.protoToMonitoringMetricDescriptor(metric, additionalLabels) + inMD, err := se.protoToMonitoringMetricDescriptor(metric, se.defaultLabels) if err != nil { return err } - var md *googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor - if builtinMetric(inMD.Type) { - gmrdesc := &monitoringpb.GetMetricDescriptorRequest{ - Name: inMD.Name, - } - md, err = getMetricDescriptor(ctx, se.c, gmrdesc) - } else { - - cmrdesc := &monitoringpb.CreateMetricDescriptorRequest{ - Name: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s", se.o.ProjectID), - MetricDescriptor: inMD, - } - md, err = createMetricDescriptor(ctx, se.c, cmrdesc) - } - - if err == nil { - // Now record the metric as having been created. - se.protoMetricDescriptors[name] = md + if err = se.createMetricDescriptor(ctx, inMD); err != nil { + return err } - return err + se.protoMetricDescriptors[name] = true + return nil } -func (se *statsExporter) protoTimeSeriesToMonitoringPoints(ts *metricspb.TimeSeries, metricKind googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_MetricKind) (sptl []*monitoringpb.Point, err error) { +func (se *statsExporter) protoTimeSeriesToMonitoringPoints(ts *metricspb.TimeSeries, metricKind googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_MetricKind) ([]*monitoringpb.Point, error) { + sptl := make([]*monitoringpb.Point, 0, len(ts.Points)) for _, pt := range ts.Points { - // If we have a last value aggregation point i.e. MetricDescriptor_GAUGE // StartTime should be nil. startTime := ts.StartTimestamp if metricKind == googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_GAUGE { startTime = nil } - spt, err := fromProtoPoint(startTime, pt) if err != nil { return nil, err @@ -501,15 +359,15 @@ func (se *statsExporter) protoTimeSeriesToMonitoringPoints(ts *metricspb.TimeSer } func (se *statsExporter) protoToMonitoringMetricDescriptor(metric *metricspb.Metric, additionalLabels map[string]labelValue) (*googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor, error) { - if metric == nil { - return nil, errNilMetric + if metric == nil || metric.MetricDescriptor == nil { + return nil, errNilMetricOrMetricDescriptor } - metricName, description, unit, err := metricProseFromProto(metric) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - metricType, _ := se.metricTypeFromProto(metricName) + md := metric.GetMetricDescriptor() + metricName := md.GetName() + unit := md.GetUnit() + description := md.GetDescription() + metricType := se.metricTypeFromProto(metricName) displayName := se.displayName(metricName) metricKind, valueType := protoMetricDescriptorTypeToMetricKind(metric) @@ -550,32 +408,29 @@ func labelDescriptorsFromProto(defaults map[string]labelValue, protoLabelKeys [] return labelDescriptors } -func metricProseFromProto(metric *metricspb.Metric) (name, description, unit string, err error) { - md := metric.GetMetricDescriptor() - if md == nil { - return "", "", "", errNilMetricDescriptor +func (se *statsExporter) metricTypeFromProto(name string) string { + prefix := se.o.MetricPrefix + if prefix != "" { + name = prefix + name } - - name = md.GetName() - unit = md.GetUnit() - description = md.GetDescription() - - if md.Type == metricspb.MetricDescriptor_CUMULATIVE_INT64 { - // If the aggregation type is count, which counts the number of recorded measurements, the unit must be "1", - // because this view does not apply to the recorded values. - unit = stats.UnitDimensionless + if !hasDomain(name) { + // Still needed because the name may or may not have a "/" at the beginning. + name = path.Join(defaultDomain, name) } - - return name, description, unit, nil + return name } -func (se *statsExporter) metricTypeFromProto(name string) (string, bool) { - // TODO: (@odeke-em) support non-"custom.googleapis.com" metrics names. - name = path.Join("custom.googleapis.com", "opencensus", name) - return name, true +// hasDomain checks if the metric name already has a domain in it. +func hasDomain(name string) bool { + for _, domain := range domains { + if strings.Contains(name, domain) { + return true + } + } + return false } -func fromProtoPoint(startTime *timestamp.Timestamp, pt *metricspb.Point) (*monitoringpb.Point, error) { +func fromProtoPoint(startTime *timestamppb.Timestamp, pt *metricspb.Point) (*monitoringpb.Point, error) { if pt == nil { return nil, nil } @@ -585,14 +440,13 @@ func fromProtoPoint(startTime *timestamp.Timestamp, pt *metricspb.Point) (*monit return nil, err } - mpt := &monitoringpb.Point{ + return &monitoringpb.Point{ Value: mptv, Interval: &monitoringpb.TimeInterval{ StartTime: startTime, EndTime: pt.Timestamp, }, - } - return mpt, nil + }, nil } func protoToMetricPoint(value interface{}) (*monitoringpb.TypedValue, error) { @@ -600,8 +454,6 @@ func protoToMetricPoint(value interface{}) (*monitoringpb.TypedValue, error) { return nil, nil } - var err error - var tval *monitoringpb.TypedValue switch v := value.(type) { default: // All the other types are not yet handled. @@ -617,21 +469,21 @@ func protoToMetricPoint(value interface{}) (*monitoringpb.TypedValue, error) { // TODO: Add conversion from SummaryValue when // https://github.com/census-ecosystem/opencensus-go-exporter-stackdriver/issues/66 // has been figured out. - err = fmt.Errorf("protoToMetricPoint: unknown Data type: %T", value) + return nil, fmt.Errorf("protoToMetricPoint: unknown Data type: %T", value) case *metricspb.Point_Int64Value: - tval = &monitoringpb.TypedValue{ + return &monitoringpb.TypedValue{ Value: &monitoringpb.TypedValue_Int64Value{ Int64Value: v.Int64Value, }, - } + }, nil case *metricspb.Point_DoubleValue: - tval = &monitoringpb.TypedValue{ + return &monitoringpb.TypedValue{ Value: &monitoringpb.TypedValue_DoubleValue{ DoubleValue: v.DoubleValue, }, - } + }, nil case *metricspb.Point_DistributionValue: dv := v.DistributionValue @@ -669,10 +521,8 @@ func protoToMetricPoint(value interface{}) (*monitoringpb.TypedValue, error) { mv.DistributionValue.BucketCounts = addZeroBucketCountOnCondition(insertZeroBound, bucketCounts(dv.Buckets)...) } - tval = &monitoringpb.TypedValue{Value: mv} + return &monitoringpb.TypedValue{Value: mv}, nil } - - return tval, err } func bucketCounts(buckets []*metricspb.DistributionValue_Bucket) []int64 { @@ -714,13 +564,3 @@ func protoMetricDescriptorTypeToMetricKind(m *metricspb.Metric) (googlemetricpb. return googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_METRIC_KIND_UNSPECIFIED, googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_VALUE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED } } - -func getDefaultLabelsFromNode(node *commonpb.Node) map[string]labelValue { - taskValue := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d@%s", strings.ToLower(node.LibraryInfo.GetLanguage().String()), node.Identifier.Pid, node.Identifier.HostName) - return map[string]labelValue{ - opencensusTaskKey: { - val: taskValue, - desc: opencensusTaskDescription, - }, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/metrics_test_utils.go b/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/metrics_test_utils.go index bc7a1ff4..daf687b7 100644 --- a/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/metrics_test_utils.go +++ b/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/metrics_test_utils.go @@ -19,30 +19,35 @@ Common test utilities for comparing Stackdriver metrics. */ import ( - "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp" + "testing" + + "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto" "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp" "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/cmpopts" googlemetricpb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/metric" monitoredrespb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/monitoredres" monitoringpb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/monitoring/v3" - - "time" ) -func timestampToTime(ts *timestamp.Timestamp) time.Time { - if ts == nil { - return time.Unix(0, 0).UTC() - } - return time.Unix(ts.Seconds, int64(ts.Nanos)).UTC() -} - func cmpResource(got, want *monitoredrespb.MonitoredResource) string { return cmp.Diff(got, want, cmpopts.IgnoreUnexported(monitoredrespb.MonitoredResource{})) } +func requireTimeSeriesRequestEqual(t *testing.T, got, want []*monitoringpb.CreateTimeSeriesRequest) { + if len(got) != len(want) { + t.Fatalf("Unexpected slice len got: %d want: %d", len(got), len(want)) + } + for i, g := range got { + w := want[i] + if !proto.Equal(g, w) { + t.Fatalf("Unexpected proto difference got: %s want: %s", proto.MarshalTextString(g), proto.MarshalTextString(w)) + } + } +} + func cmpTSReqs(got, want []*monitoringpb.CreateTimeSeriesRequest) string { - return cmp.Diff(got, want, cmpopts.IgnoreUnexported(monitoringpb.CreateTimeSeriesRequest{})) + return cmp.Diff(got, want, cmpopts.IgnoreUnexported(monitoringpb.CreateTimeSeriesRequest{}), cmpopts.IgnoreTypes(googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_METRIC_KIND_UNSPECIFIED, googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_VALUE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED)) } func cmpMD(got, want *googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor) string { diff --git a/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/monitoredresource/aws_identity_doc_utils.go b/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/monitoredresource/aws_identity_doc_utils.go index d6a23a8c..ee519a4b 100644 --- a/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/monitoredresource/aws_identity_doc_utils.go +++ b/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/monitoredresource/aws_identity_doc_utils.go @@ -37,8 +37,12 @@ type awsIdentityDocument struct { // This is only done once. func retrieveAWSIdentityDocument() *awsIdentityDocument { awsIdentityDoc := awsIdentityDocument{} - c := ec2metadata.New(session.New()) - if c.Available() == false { + sesion, err := session.NewSession() + if err != nil { + return nil + } + c := ec2metadata.New(sesion) + if !c.Available() { return nil } ec2InstanceIdentifyDocument, err := c.GetInstanceIdentityDocument() diff --git a/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/monitoredresource/gcp_metadata_config.go b/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/monitoredresource/gcp_metadata_config.go index 412e3477..f0d88856 100644 --- a/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/monitoredresource/gcp_metadata_config.go +++ b/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/monitoredresource/gcp_metadata_config.go @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import ( "strings" "cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata" - "cloud.google.com/go/container/apiv1" + container "cloud.google.com/go/container/apiv1" containerpb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/container/v1" ) diff --git a/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/resource.go b/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/resource.go index 5e2fbce5..782011cb 100644 --- a/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/resource.go +++ b/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/resource.go @@ -22,13 +22,6 @@ import ( monitoredrespb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/monitoredres" ) -type resourceMap struct { - // Mapping from the input resource type to the monitored resource type in Stackdriver. - srcType, dstType string - // Mapping from Stackdriver monitored resource label to an OpenCensus resource label. - labels map[string]string -} - // Resource labels that are generally internal to the exporter. // Consider exposing these labels and a type identifier in the future to allow // for customization. @@ -41,7 +34,7 @@ const ( ) // Mappings for the well-known OpenCensus resources to applicable Stackdriver resources. -var k8sResourceMap = map[string]string{ +var k8sContainerMap = map[string]string{ "project_id": stackdriverProjectID, "location": resourcekeys.CloudKeyZone, "cluster_name": resourcekeys.K8SKeyClusterName, @@ -50,6 +43,21 @@ var k8sResourceMap = map[string]string{ "container_name": resourcekeys.ContainerKeyName, } +var k8sPodMap = map[string]string{ + "project_id": stackdriverProjectID, + "location": resourcekeys.CloudKeyZone, + "cluster_name": resourcekeys.K8SKeyClusterName, + "namespace_name": resourcekeys.K8SKeyNamespaceName, + "pod_name": resourcekeys.K8SKeyPodName, +} + +var k8sNodeMap = map[string]string{ + "project_id": stackdriverProjectID, + "location": resourcekeys.CloudKeyZone, + "cluster_name": resourcekeys.K8SKeyClusterName, + "node_name": resourcekeys.HostKeyName, +} + var gcpResourceMap = map[string]string{ "project_id": stackdriverProjectID, "instance_id": resourcekeys.HostKeyID, @@ -72,14 +80,20 @@ var genericResourceMap = map[string]string{ "task_id": stackdriverGenericTaskID, } -func transformResource(match, input map[string]string) map[string]string { +// returns transformed label map and true if all labels in match are found +// in input except optional project_id. It returns false if at least one label +// other than project_id is missing. +func transformResource(match, input map[string]string) (map[string]string, bool) { output := make(map[string]string, len(input)) for dst, src := range match { - if v, ok := input[src]; ok { + v, ok := input[src] + if ok { output[dst] = v + } else if dst != "project_id" { + return nil, true } } - return output + return output, false } func defaultMapResource(res *resource.Resource) *monitoredrespb.MonitoredResource { @@ -90,19 +104,36 @@ func defaultMapResource(res *resource.Resource) *monitoredrespb.MonitoredResourc if res == nil || res.Labels == nil { return result } - if res.Type == resourcekeys.ContainerType { + + switch { + case res.Type == resourcekeys.ContainerType: result.Type = "k8s_container" - match = k8sResourceMap - } else if v, ok := res.Labels[resourcekeys.CloudKeyProvider]; ok { - if v == resourcekeys.CloudProviderGCP { - result.Type = "gce_instance" - match = gcpResourceMap - } else if v == resourcekeys.CloudProviderAWS { - result.Type = "aws_ec2_instance" - match = awsResourceMap + match = k8sContainerMap + case res.Type == resourcekeys.K8SType: + result.Type = "k8s_pod" + match = k8sPodMap + case res.Type == resourcekeys.HostType && res.Labels[resourcekeys.K8SKeyClusterName] != "": + result.Type = "k8s_node" + match = k8sNodeMap + case res.Labels[resourcekeys.CloudKeyProvider] == resourcekeys.CloudProviderGCP: + result.Type = "gce_instance" + match = gcpResourceMap + case res.Labels[resourcekeys.CloudKeyProvider] == resourcekeys.CloudProviderAWS: + result.Type = "aws_ec2_instance" + match = awsResourceMap + } + + var missing bool + result.Labels, missing = transformResource(match, res.Labels) + if missing { + result.Type = "global" + // if project id specified then transform it. + if v, ok := res.Labels[stackdriverProjectID]; ok { + result.Labels = make(map[string]string, 1) + result.Labels["project_id"] = v } + return result } - result.Labels = transformResource(match, res.Labels) if result.Type == "aws_ec2_instance" { if v, ok := result.Labels["region"]; ok { result.Labels["region"] = fmt.Sprintf("aws:%s", v) diff --git a/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/stackdriver.go b/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/stackdriver.go index 4ae65f4c..ff2aee73 100644 --- a/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/stackdriver.go +++ b/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/stackdriver.go @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ import ( "log" "os" "path" + "strings" "time" metadataapi "cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata" @@ -61,7 +62,6 @@ import ( "contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/monitoredresource" "go.opencensus.io/resource" "go.opencensus.io/stats/view" - "go.opencensus.io/tag" "go.opencensus.io/trace" "golang.org/x/oauth2/google" "google.golang.org/api/option" @@ -238,31 +238,47 @@ type Options struct { // If unset, context.Background() will be used. Context context.Context + // SkipCMD enforces to skip all the CreateMetricDescriptor calls. + // These calls are important in order to configure the unit of the metrics, + // but in some cases all the exported metrics are builtin (unit is configured) + // or the unit is not important. + SkipCMD bool + // Timeout for all API calls. If not set, defaults to 5 seconds. Timeout time.Duration - // GetMonitoredResource may be provided to supply the details of the - // monitored resource dynamically based on the tags associated with each - // data point. Most users will not need to set this, but should instead - // set the MonitoredResource field. - // - // GetMonitoredResource may add or remove tags by returning a new set of - // tags. It is safe for the function to mutate its argument and return it. - // - // See the documentation on the MonitoredResource field for guidance on the - // interaction between monitored resources and labels. - // - // The MonitoredResource field is ignored if this field is set to a non-nil - // value. - GetMonitoredResource func(*view.View, []tag.Tag) ([]tag.Tag, monitoredresource.Interface) - // ReportingInterval sets the interval between reporting metrics. // If it is set to zero then default value is used. ReportingInterval time.Duration + + // NumberOfWorkers sets the number of go rountines that send requests + // to Stackdriver Monitoring. This is only used for Proto metrics export + // for now. The minimum number of workers is 1. + NumberOfWorkers int + + // ResourceByDescriptor may be provided to supply monitored resource dynamically + // based on the metric Descriptor. Most users will not need to set this, + // but should instead set ResourceDetector. + // + // The MonitoredResource and ResourceDetector fields are ignored if this + // field is set to a non-nil value. + // + // The ResourceByDescriptor is called to derive monitored resources from + // metric.Descriptor and the label map associated with the time-series. + // If any label is used for the derived resource then it will be removed + // from the label map. The remaining labels in the map are returned to + // be used with the time-series. + // + // If the func set to this field does not return valid resource even for one + // time-series then it will result into an error for the entire CreateTimeSeries request + // which may contain more than one time-series. + ResourceByDescriptor func(*metricdata.Descriptor, map[string]string) (map[string]string, monitoredresource.Interface) } const defaultTimeout = 5 * time.Second +var defaultDomain = path.Join("custom.googleapis.com", "opencensus") + // Exporter is a stats and trace exporter that uploads data to Stackdriver. // // You can create a single Exporter and register it as both a trace exporter @@ -292,10 +308,6 @@ func NewExporter(o Options) (*Exporter, error) { } if o.Location == "" { if metadataapi.OnGCE() { - ctx := o.Context - if ctx == nil { - ctx = context.Background() - } zone, err := metadataapi.Zone() if err != nil { // This error should be logged with a warning level. @@ -336,6 +348,9 @@ func NewExporter(o Options) (*Exporter, error) { o.Resource = o.MapResource(res) } + if o.MetricPrefix != "" && !strings.HasSuffix(o.MetricPrefix, "/") { + o.MetricPrefix = o.MetricPrefix + "/" + } se, err := newStatsExporter(o) if err != nil { @@ -353,13 +368,21 @@ func NewExporter(o Options) (*Exporter, error) { // ExportView exports to the Stackdriver Monitoring if view data // has one or more rows. +// Deprecated: use ExportMetrics and StartMetricsExporter instead. func (e *Exporter) ExportView(vd *view.Data) { e.statsExporter.ExportView(vd) } -// ExportMetricsProto exports OpenCensus Metrics Proto to Stackdriver Monitoring. +// ExportMetricsProto exports OpenCensus Metrics Proto to Stackdriver Monitoring synchronously, +// without de-duping or adding proto metrics to the bundler. func (e *Exporter) ExportMetricsProto(ctx context.Context, node *commonpb.Node, rsc *resourcepb.Resource, metrics []*metricspb.Metric) error { - return e.statsExporter.ExportMetricsProto(ctx, node, rsc, metrics) + _, err := e.statsExporter.PushMetricsProto(ctx, node, rsc, metrics) + return err +} + +// PushMetricsProto simliar with ExportMetricsProto but returns the number of dropped timeseries. +func (e *Exporter) PushMetricsProto(ctx context.Context, node *commonpb.Node, rsc *resourcepb.Resource, metrics []*metricspb.Metric) (int, error) { + return e.statsExporter.PushMetricsProto(ctx, node, rsc, metrics) } // ExportMetrics exports OpenCensus Metrics to Stackdriver Monitoring @@ -427,12 +450,10 @@ func (o Options) handleError(err error) { log.Printf("Failed to export to Stackdriver: %v", err) } -func (o Options) newContextWithTimeout() (context.Context, func()) { - ctx := o.Context +func newContextWithTimeout(ctx context.Context, timeout time.Duration) (context.Context, func()) { if ctx == nil { ctx = context.Background() } - timeout := o.Timeout if timeout <= 0 { timeout = defaultTimeout } diff --git a/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/stats.go b/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/stats.go index a0565f61..1b8164f2 100644 --- a/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/stats.go +++ b/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/stats.go @@ -20,18 +20,19 @@ import ( "fmt" "os" "path" + "sort" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" - "go.opencensus.io" + opencensus "go.opencensus.io" "go.opencensus.io/stats" "go.opencensus.io/stats/view" "go.opencensus.io/tag" "go.opencensus.io/trace" - "cloud.google.com/go/monitoring/apiv3" + monitoring "cloud.google.com/go/monitoring/apiv3" "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp" "go.opencensus.io/metric/metricdata" "go.opencensus.io/metric/metricexport" @@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ import ( distributionpb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/distribution" labelpb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/label" "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/metric" + googlemetricpb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/metric" metricpb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/metric" monitoredrespb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/monitoredres" monitoringpb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/monitoring/v3" @@ -59,18 +61,14 @@ var userAgent = fmt.Sprintf("opencensus-go %s; stackdriver-exporter %s", opencen type statsExporter struct { o Options - viewDataBundler *bundler.Bundler - protoMetricsBundler *bundler.Bundler - metricsBundler *bundler.Bundler - - createdViewsMu sync.Mutex - createdViews map[string]*metricpb.MetricDescriptor // Views already created remotely + viewDataBundler *bundler.Bundler + metricsBundler *bundler.Bundler protoMu sync.Mutex - protoMetricDescriptors map[string]*metricpb.MetricDescriptor // Saves the metric descriptors that were already created remotely + protoMetricDescriptors map[string]bool // Metric descriptors that were already created remotely metricMu sync.Mutex - metricDescriptors map[string]*metricpb.MetricDescriptor // Saves the metric descriptors that were already created remotely + metricDescriptors map[string]bool // Metric descriptors that were already created remotely c *monitoring.MetricClient defaultLabels map[string]labelValue @@ -103,39 +101,39 @@ func newStatsExporter(o Options) (*statsExporter, error) { e := &statsExporter{ c: client, o: o, - createdViews: make(map[string]*metricpb.MetricDescriptor), - protoMetricDescriptors: make(map[string]*metricpb.MetricDescriptor), - metricDescriptors: make(map[string]*metricpb.MetricDescriptor), + protoMetricDescriptors: make(map[string]bool), + metricDescriptors: make(map[string]bool), } + var defaultLablesNotSanitized map[string]labelValue if o.DefaultMonitoringLabels != nil { - e.defaultLabels = o.DefaultMonitoringLabels.m + defaultLablesNotSanitized = o.DefaultMonitoringLabels.m } else { - e.defaultLabels = map[string]labelValue{ + defaultLablesNotSanitized = map[string]labelValue{ opencensusTaskKey: {val: getTaskValue(), desc: opencensusTaskDescription}, } } + e.defaultLabels = make(map[string]labelValue) + // Fill in the defaults firstly, irrespective of if the labelKeys and labelValues are mismatched. + for key, label := range defaultLablesNotSanitized { + e.defaultLabels[sanitize(key)] = label + } + e.viewDataBundler = bundler.NewBundler((*view.Data)(nil), func(bundle interface{}) { vds := bundle.([]*view.Data) e.handleUpload(vds...) }) - e.protoMetricsBundler = bundler.NewBundler((*metricProtoPayload)(nil), func(bundle interface{}) { - payloads := bundle.([]*metricProtoPayload) - e.handleMetricsProtoUpload(payloads) - }) e.metricsBundler = bundler.NewBundler((*metricdata.Metric)(nil), func(bundle interface{}) { metrics := bundle.([]*metricdata.Metric) e.handleMetricsUpload(metrics) }) if delayThreshold := e.o.BundleDelayThreshold; delayThreshold > 0 { e.viewDataBundler.DelayThreshold = delayThreshold - e.protoMetricsBundler.DelayThreshold = delayThreshold e.metricsBundler.DelayThreshold = delayThreshold } if countThreshold := e.o.BundleCountThreshold; countThreshold > 0 { e.viewDataBundler.BundleCountThreshold = countThreshold - e.protoMetricsBundler.BundleCountThreshold = countThreshold e.metricsBundler.BundleCountThreshold = countThreshold } return e, nil @@ -143,7 +141,7 @@ func newStatsExporter(o Options) (*statsExporter, error) { func (e *statsExporter) startMetricsReader() error { e.initReaderOnce.Do(func() { - e.ir, _ = metricexport.NewIntervalReader(&metricexport.Reader{}, e) + e.ir, _ = metricexport.NewIntervalReader(metricexport.NewReader(), e) }) e.ir.ReportingInterval = e.o.ReportingInterval return e.ir.Start() @@ -156,10 +154,6 @@ func (e *statsExporter) stopMetricsReader() { } func (e *statsExporter) getMonitoredResource(v *view.View, tags []tag.Tag) ([]tag.Tag, *monitoredrespb.MonitoredResource) { - if get := e.o.GetMonitoredResource; get != nil { - newTags, mr := get(v, tags) - return newTags, convertMonitoredResourceToPB(mr) - } resource := e.o.Resource if resource == nil { resource = &monitoredrespb.MonitoredResource{ @@ -210,12 +204,11 @@ func (e *statsExporter) handleUpload(vds ...*view.Data) { // want to lose data that hasn't yet been exported. func (e *statsExporter) Flush() { e.viewDataBundler.Flush() - e.protoMetricsBundler.Flush() e.metricsBundler.Flush() } func (e *statsExporter) uploadStats(vds []*view.Data) error { - ctx, cancel := e.o.newContextWithTimeout() + ctx, cancel := newContextWithTimeout(e.o.Context, e.o.Timeout) defer cancel() ctx, span := trace.StartSpan( ctx, @@ -225,7 +218,7 @@ func (e *statsExporter) uploadStats(vds []*view.Data) error { defer span.End() for _, vd := range vds { - if err := e.createMeasure(ctx, vd.View); err != nil { + if err := e.createMetricDescriptorFromView(ctx, vd.View); err != nil { span.SetStatus(trace.Status{Code: 2, Message: err.Error()}) return err } @@ -334,34 +327,27 @@ func (e *statsExporter) viewToMetricDescriptor(ctx context.Context, v *view.View return res, nil } -func (e *statsExporter) viewToCreateMetricDescriptorRequest(ctx context.Context, v *view.View) (*monitoringpb.CreateMetricDescriptorRequest, error) { - inMD, err := e.viewToMetricDescriptor(ctx, v) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - cmrdesc := &monitoringpb.CreateMetricDescriptorRequest{ - Name: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s", e.o.ProjectID), - MetricDescriptor: inMD, - } - return cmrdesc, nil -} - -// createMeasure creates a MetricDescriptor for the given view data in Stackdriver Monitoring. +// createMetricDescriptorFromView creates a MetricDescriptor for the given view data in Stackdriver Monitoring. // An error will be returned if there is already a metric descriptor created with the same name // but it has a different aggregation or keys. -func (e *statsExporter) createMeasure(ctx context.Context, v *view.View) error { - e.createdViewsMu.Lock() - defer e.createdViewsMu.Unlock() +func (e *statsExporter) createMetricDescriptorFromView(ctx context.Context, v *view.View) error { + // Skip create metric descriptor if configured + if e.o.SkipCMD { + return nil + } + + e.metricMu.Lock() + defer e.metricMu.Unlock() viewName := v.Name - if md, ok := e.createdViews[viewName]; ok { - // [TODO:rghetia] Temporary fix for https://github.com/census-ecosystem/opencensus-go-exporter-stackdriver/issues/76#issuecomment-459459091 - if builtinMetric(md.Type) { - return nil - } - return e.equalMeasureAggTagKeys(md, v.Measure, v.Aggregation, v.TagKeys) + if _, created := e.metricDescriptors[viewName]; created { + return nil + } + + if builtinMetric(e.metricType(v)) { + e.metricDescriptors[viewName] = true + return nil } inMD, err := e.viewToMetricDescriptor(ctx, v) @@ -369,26 +355,13 @@ func (e *statsExporter) createMeasure(ctx context.Context, v *view.View) error { return err } - var dmd *metric.MetricDescriptor - if builtinMetric(inMD.Type) { - gmrdesc := &monitoringpb.GetMetricDescriptorRequest{ - Name: inMD.Name, - } - dmd, err = getMetricDescriptor(ctx, e.c, gmrdesc) - } else { - cmrdesc := &monitoringpb.CreateMetricDescriptorRequest{ - Name: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s", e.o.ProjectID), - MetricDescriptor: inMD, - } - dmd, err = createMetricDescriptor(ctx, e.c, cmrdesc) - } - if err != nil { + if err = e.createMetricDescriptor(ctx, inMD); err != nil { return err } // Now cache the metric descriptor - e.createdViews[viewName] = dmd - return err + e.metricDescriptors[viewName] = true + return nil } func (e *statsExporter) displayName(suffix string) string { @@ -399,6 +372,81 @@ func (e *statsExporter) displayName(suffix string) string { return path.Join(displayNamePrefix, suffix) } +func (e *statsExporter) combineTimeSeriesToCreateTimeSeriesRequest(ts []*monitoringpb.TimeSeries) (ctsreql []*monitoringpb.CreateTimeSeriesRequest) { + if len(ts) == 0 { + return nil + } + + // Since there are scenarios in which Metrics with the same Type + // can be bunched in the same TimeSeries, we have to ensure that + // we create a unique CreateTimeSeriesRequest with entirely unique Metrics + // per TimeSeries, lest we'll encounter: + // + // err: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = One or more TimeSeries could not be written: + // Field timeSeries[2] had an invalid value: Duplicate TimeSeries encountered. + // Only one point can be written per TimeSeries per request.: timeSeries[2] + // + // This scenario happens when we are using the OpenCensus Agent in which multiple metrics + // are streamed by various client applications. + // See https://github.com/census-ecosystem/opencensus-go-exporter-stackdriver/issues/73 + uniqueTimeSeries := make([]*monitoringpb.TimeSeries, 0, len(ts)) + nonUniqueTimeSeries := make([]*monitoringpb.TimeSeries, 0, len(ts)) + seenMetrics := make(map[string]struct{}) + + for _, tti := range ts { + key := metricSignature(tti.Metric) + if _, alreadySeen := seenMetrics[key]; !alreadySeen { + uniqueTimeSeries = append(uniqueTimeSeries, tti) + seenMetrics[key] = struct{}{} + } else { + nonUniqueTimeSeries = append(nonUniqueTimeSeries, tti) + } + } + + // UniqueTimeSeries can be bunched up together + // While for each nonUniqueTimeSeries, we have + // to make a unique CreateTimeSeriesRequest. + ctsreql = append(ctsreql, &monitoringpb.CreateTimeSeriesRequest{ + Name: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s", e.o.ProjectID), + TimeSeries: uniqueTimeSeries, + }) + + // Now recursively also combine the non-unique TimeSeries + // that were singly added to nonUniqueTimeSeries. + // The reason is that we need optimal combinations + // for optimal combinations because: + // * "a/b/c" + // * "a/b/c" + // * "x/y/z" + // * "a/b/c" + // * "x/y/z" + // * "p/y/z" + // * "d/y/z" + // + // should produce: + // CreateTimeSeries(uniqueTimeSeries) :: ["a/b/c", "x/y/z", "p/y/z", "d/y/z"] + // CreateTimeSeries(nonUniqueTimeSeries) :: ["a/b/c"] + // CreateTimeSeries(nonUniqueTimeSeries) :: ["a/b/c", "x/y/z"] + nonUniqueRequests := e.combineTimeSeriesToCreateTimeSeriesRequest(nonUniqueTimeSeries) + ctsreql = append(ctsreql, nonUniqueRequests...) + + return ctsreql +} + +// metricSignature creates a unique signature consisting of a +// metric's type and its lexicographically sorted label values +// See https://github.com/census-ecosystem/opencensus-go-exporter-stackdriver/issues/120 +func metricSignature(metric *googlemetricpb.Metric) string { + labels := metric.GetLabels() + labelValues := make([]string, 0, len(labels)) + + for _, labelValue := range labels { + labelValues = append(labelValues, labelValue) + } + sort.Strings(labelValues) + return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", metric.GetType(), strings.Join(labelValues, ",")) +} + func newPoint(v *view.View, row *view.Row, start, end time.Time) *monitoringpb.Point { switch v.Aggregation.Type { case view.AggTypeLastValue: @@ -548,61 +596,21 @@ func newLabelDescriptors(defaults map[string]labelValue, keys []tag.Key) []*labe return labelDescriptors } -func (e *statsExporter) equalMeasureAggTagKeys(md *metricpb.MetricDescriptor, m stats.Measure, agg *view.Aggregation, keys []tag.Key) error { - var aggTypeMatch bool - switch md.ValueType { - case metricpb.MetricDescriptor_INT64: - if _, ok := m.(*stats.Int64Measure); !(ok || agg.Type == view.AggTypeCount) { - return fmt.Errorf("stackdriver metric descriptor was not created as int64") - } - aggTypeMatch = agg.Type == view.AggTypeCount || agg.Type == view.AggTypeSum || agg.Type == view.AggTypeLastValue - case metricpb.MetricDescriptor_DOUBLE: - if _, ok := m.(*stats.Float64Measure); !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("stackdriver metric descriptor was not created as double") - } - aggTypeMatch = agg.Type == view.AggTypeSum || agg.Type == view.AggTypeLastValue - case metricpb.MetricDescriptor_DISTRIBUTION: - aggTypeMatch = agg.Type == view.AggTypeDistribution - } - - if !aggTypeMatch { - return fmt.Errorf("stackdriver metric descriptor was not created with aggregation type %T", agg.Type) - } - - labels := make(map[string]struct{}, len(keys)+len(e.defaultLabels)) - for _, k := range keys { - labels[sanitize(k.Name())] = struct{}{} - } - for k := range e.defaultLabels { - labels[sanitize(k)] = struct{}{} - } - - for _, k := range md.Labels { - if _, ok := labels[k.Key]; !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("stackdriver metric descriptor %q was not created with label %q", md.Type, k) - } - delete(labels, k.Key) - } - - if len(labels) > 0 { - extra := make([]string, 0, len(labels)) - for k := range labels { - extra = append(extra, k) - } - return fmt.Errorf("stackdriver metric descriptor %q contains unexpected labels: %s", md.Type, strings.Join(extra, ", ")) +func (e *statsExporter) createMetricDescriptor(ctx context.Context, md *metric.MetricDescriptor) error { + ctx, cancel := newContextWithTimeout(ctx, e.o.Timeout) + defer cancel() + cmrdesc := &monitoringpb.CreateMetricDescriptorRequest{ + Name: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s", e.o.ProjectID), + MetricDescriptor: md, } - - return nil + _, err := createMetricDescriptor(ctx, e.c, cmrdesc) + return err } var createMetricDescriptor = func(ctx context.Context, c *monitoring.MetricClient, mdr *monitoringpb.CreateMetricDescriptorRequest) (*metric.MetricDescriptor, error) { return c.CreateMetricDescriptor(ctx, mdr) } -var getMetricDescriptor = func(ctx context.Context, c *monitoring.MetricClient, mdr *monitoringpb.GetMetricDescriptorRequest) (*metric.MetricDescriptor, error) { - return c.GetMetricDescriptor(ctx, mdr) -} - var createTimeSeries = func(ctx context.Context, c *monitoring.MetricClient, ts *monitoringpb.CreateTimeSeriesRequest) error { return c.CreateTimeSeries(ctx, ts) } diff --git a/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/trace.go b/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/trace.go index 71e7f36d..ee6535ee 100644 --- a/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/trace.go +++ b/vendor/contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/trace.go @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ func (e *traceExporter) uploadSpans(spans []*tracepb.Span) { Spans: spans, } // Create a never-sampled span to prevent traces associated with exporter. - ctx, cancel := e.o.newContextWithTimeout() + ctx, cancel := newContextWithTimeout(e.o.Context, e.o.Timeout) defer cancel() ctx, span := trace.StartSpan( ctx, diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awsutil/path_value.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awsutil/path_value.go index 285e54d6..a4eb6a7f 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awsutil/path_value.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awsutil/path_value.go @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ func rValuesAtPath(v interface{}, path string, createPath, caseSensitive, nilTer value = value.FieldByNameFunc(func(name string) bool { if c == name { return true - } else if !caseSensitive && strings.ToLower(name) == strings.ToLower(c) { + } else if !caseSensitive && strings.EqualFold(name, c) { return true } return false diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/client/client.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/client/client.go index 70960538..03334d69 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/client/client.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/client/client.go @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import ( type Config struct { Config *aws.Config Handlers request.Handlers + PartitionID string Endpoint string SigningRegion string SigningName string @@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ func New(cfg aws.Config, info metadata.ClientInfo, handlers request.Handlers, op default: maxRetries := aws.IntValue(cfg.MaxRetries) if cfg.MaxRetries == nil || maxRetries == aws.UseServiceDefaultRetries { - maxRetries = 3 + maxRetries = DefaultRetryerMaxNumRetries } svc.Retryer = DefaultRetryer{NumMaxRetries: maxRetries} } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/client/default_retryer.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/client/default_retryer.go index a397b0d0..9f6af19d 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/client/default_retryer.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/client/default_retryer.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ package client import ( + "math" "strconv" "time" @@ -9,82 +10,142 @@ import ( ) // DefaultRetryer implements basic retry logic using exponential backoff for -// most services. If you want to implement custom retry logic, implement the -// request.Retryer interface or create a structure type that composes this -// struct and override the specific methods. For example, to override only -// the MaxRetries method: +// most services. If you want to implement custom retry logic, you can implement the +// request.Retryer interface. // -// type retryer struct { -// client.DefaultRetryer -// } -// -// // This implementation always has 100 max retries -// func (d retryer) MaxRetries() int { return 100 } type DefaultRetryer struct { + // Num max Retries is the number of max retries that will be performed. + // By default, this is zero. NumMaxRetries int + + // MinRetryDelay is the minimum retry delay after which retry will be performed. + // If not set, the value is 0ns. + MinRetryDelay time.Duration + + // MinThrottleRetryDelay is the minimum retry delay when throttled. + // If not set, the value is 0ns. + MinThrottleDelay time.Duration + + // MaxRetryDelay is the maximum retry delay before which retry must be performed. + // If not set, the value is 0ns. + MaxRetryDelay time.Duration + + // MaxThrottleDelay is the maximum retry delay when throttled. + // If not set, the value is 0ns. + MaxThrottleDelay time.Duration } +const ( + // DefaultRetryerMaxNumRetries sets maximum number of retries + DefaultRetryerMaxNumRetries = 3 + + // DefaultRetryerMinRetryDelay sets minimum retry delay + DefaultRetryerMinRetryDelay = 30 * time.Millisecond + + // DefaultRetryerMinThrottleDelay sets minimum delay when throttled + DefaultRetryerMinThrottleDelay = 500 * time.Millisecond + + // DefaultRetryerMaxRetryDelay sets maximum retry delay + DefaultRetryerMaxRetryDelay = 300 * time.Second + + // DefaultRetryerMaxThrottleDelay sets maximum delay when throttled + DefaultRetryerMaxThrottleDelay = 300 * time.Second +) + // MaxRetries returns the number of maximum returns the service will use to make // an individual API request. func (d DefaultRetryer) MaxRetries() int { return d.NumMaxRetries } +// setRetryerDefaults sets the default values of the retryer if not set +func (d *DefaultRetryer) setRetryerDefaults() { + if d.MinRetryDelay == 0 { + d.MinRetryDelay = DefaultRetryerMinRetryDelay + } + if d.MaxRetryDelay == 0 { + d.MaxRetryDelay = DefaultRetryerMaxRetryDelay + } + if d.MinThrottleDelay == 0 { + d.MinThrottleDelay = DefaultRetryerMinThrottleDelay + } + if d.MaxThrottleDelay == 0 { + d.MaxThrottleDelay = DefaultRetryerMaxThrottleDelay + } +} + // RetryRules returns the delay duration before retrying this request again func (d DefaultRetryer) RetryRules(r *request.Request) time.Duration { - // Set the upper limit of delay in retrying at ~five minutes - minTime := 30 - throttle := d.shouldThrottle(r) - if throttle { - if delay, ok := getRetryDelay(r); ok { - return delay - } - minTime = 500 + // if number of max retries is zero, no retries will be performed. + if d.NumMaxRetries == 0 { + return 0 + } + + // Sets default value for retryer members + d.setRetryerDefaults() + + // minDelay is the minimum retryer delay + minDelay := d.MinRetryDelay + + var initialDelay time.Duration + + isThrottle := r.IsErrorThrottle() + if isThrottle { + if delay, ok := getRetryAfterDelay(r); ok { + initialDelay = delay + } + minDelay = d.MinThrottleDelay } retryCount := r.RetryCount - if throttle && retryCount > 8 { - retryCount = 8 - } else if retryCount > 13 { - retryCount = 13 + + // maxDelay the maximum retryer delay + maxDelay := d.MaxRetryDelay + + if isThrottle { + maxDelay = d.MaxThrottleDelay + } + + var delay time.Duration + + // Logic to cap the retry count based on the minDelay provided + actualRetryCount := int(math.Log2(float64(minDelay))) + 1 + if actualRetryCount < 63-retryCount { + delay = time.Duration(1< maxDelay { + delay = getJitterDelay(maxDelay / 2) + } + } else { + delay = getJitterDelay(maxDelay / 2) } + return delay + initialDelay +} - delay := (1 << uint(retryCount)) * (sdkrand.SeededRand.Intn(minTime) + minTime) - return time.Duration(delay) * time.Millisecond +// getJitterDelay returns a jittered delay for retry +func getJitterDelay(duration time.Duration) time.Duration { + return time.Duration(sdkrand.SeededRand.Int63n(int64(duration)) + int64(duration)) } // ShouldRetry returns true if the request should be retried. func (d DefaultRetryer) ShouldRetry(r *request.Request) bool { + + // ShouldRetry returns false if number of max retries is 0. + if d.NumMaxRetries == 0 { + return false + } + // If one of the other handlers already set the retry state // we don't want to override it based on the service's state if r.Retryable != nil { return *r.Retryable } - - if r.HTTPResponse.StatusCode >= 500 && r.HTTPResponse.StatusCode != 501 { - return true - } - return r.IsErrorRetryable() || d.shouldThrottle(r) -} - -// ShouldThrottle returns true if the request should be throttled. -func (d DefaultRetryer) shouldThrottle(r *request.Request) bool { - switch r.HTTPResponse.StatusCode { - case 429: - case 502: - case 503: - case 504: - default: - return r.IsErrorThrottle() - } - - return true + return r.IsErrorRetryable() || r.IsErrorThrottle() } // This will look in the Retry-After header, RFC 7231, for how long // it will wait before attempting another request -func getRetryDelay(r *request.Request) (time.Duration, bool) { +func getRetryAfterDelay(r *request.Request) (time.Duration, bool) { if !canUseRetryAfterHeader(r) { return 0, false } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/client/metadata/client_info.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/client/metadata/client_info.go index 920e9fdd..0c48f72e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/client/metadata/client_info.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/client/metadata/client_info.go @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ type ClientInfo struct { ServiceName string ServiceID string APIVersion string + PartitionID string Endpoint string SigningName string SigningRegion string diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/client/no_op_retryer.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/client/no_op_retryer.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..881d575f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/client/no_op_retryer.go @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +package client + +import ( + "time" + + "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request" +) + +// NoOpRetryer provides a retryer that performs no retries. +// It should be used when we do not want retries to be performed. +type NoOpRetryer struct{} + +// MaxRetries returns the number of maximum returns the service will use to make +// an individual API; For NoOpRetryer the MaxRetries will always be zero. +func (d NoOpRetryer) MaxRetries() int { + return 0 +} + +// ShouldRetry will always return false for NoOpRetryer, as it should never retry. +func (d NoOpRetryer) ShouldRetry(_ *request.Request) bool { + return false +} + +// RetryRules returns the delay duration before retrying this request again; +// since NoOpRetryer does not retry, RetryRules always returns 0. +func (d NoOpRetryer) RetryRules(_ *request.Request) time.Duration { + return 0 +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/config.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/config.go index 10634d17..93ebbcc1 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/config.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/config.go @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ type RequestRetryer interface{} // A Config provides service configuration for service clients. By default, // all clients will use the defaults.DefaultConfig structure. // -// // Create Session with MaxRetry configuration to be shared by multiple +// // Create Session with MaxRetries configuration to be shared by multiple // // service clients. // sess := session.Must(session.NewSession(&aws.Config{ // MaxRetries: aws.Int(3), @@ -246,12 +246,18 @@ type Config struct { // Disabling this feature is useful when you want to use local endpoints // for testing that do not support the modeled host prefix pattern. DisableEndpointHostPrefix *bool + + // STSRegionalEndpoint will enable regional or legacy endpoint resolving + STSRegionalEndpoint endpoints.STSRegionalEndpoint + + // S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint will enable regional or legacy endpoint resolving + S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint endpoints.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint } // NewConfig returns a new Config pointer that can be chained with builder // methods to set multiple configuration values inline without using pointers. // -// // Create Session with MaxRetry configuration to be shared by multiple +// // Create Session with MaxRetries configuration to be shared by multiple // // service clients. // sess := session.Must(session.NewSession(aws.NewConfig(). // WithMaxRetries(3), @@ -420,6 +426,20 @@ func (c *Config) MergeIn(cfgs ...*Config) { } } +// WithSTSRegionalEndpoint will set whether or not to use regional endpoint flag +// when resolving the endpoint for a service +func (c *Config) WithSTSRegionalEndpoint(sre endpoints.STSRegionalEndpoint) *Config { + c.STSRegionalEndpoint = sre + return c +} + +// WithS3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint will set whether or not to use regional endpoint flag +// when resolving the endpoint for a service +func (c *Config) WithS3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint(sre endpoints.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint) *Config { + c.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint = sre + return c +} + func mergeInConfig(dst *Config, other *Config) { if other == nil { return @@ -520,6 +540,14 @@ func mergeInConfig(dst *Config, other *Config) { if other.DisableEndpointHostPrefix != nil { dst.DisableEndpointHostPrefix = other.DisableEndpointHostPrefix } + + if other.STSRegionalEndpoint != endpoints.UnsetSTSEndpoint { + dst.STSRegionalEndpoint = other.STSRegionalEndpoint + } + + if other.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint != endpoints.UnsetS3UsEast1Endpoint { + dst.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint = other.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint + } } // Copy will return a shallow copy of the Config object. If any additional diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/convert_types.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/convert_types.go index ff5d58e0..4e076c18 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/convert_types.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/convert_types.go @@ -179,6 +179,242 @@ func IntValueMap(src map[string]*int) map[string]int { return dst } +// Uint returns a pointer to the uint value passed in. +func Uint(v uint) *uint { + return &v +} + +// UintValue returns the value of the uint pointer passed in or +// 0 if the pointer is nil. +func UintValue(v *uint) uint { + if v != nil { + return *v + } + return 0 +} + +// UintSlice converts a slice of uint values uinto a slice of +// uint pointers +func UintSlice(src []uint) []*uint { + dst := make([]*uint, len(src)) + for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ { + dst[i] = &(src[i]) + } + return dst +} + +// UintValueSlice converts a slice of uint pointers uinto a slice of +// uint values +func UintValueSlice(src []*uint) []uint { + dst := make([]uint, len(src)) + for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ { + if src[i] != nil { + dst[i] = *(src[i]) + } + } + return dst +} + +// UintMap converts a string map of uint values uinto a string +// map of uint pointers +func UintMap(src map[string]uint) map[string]*uint { + dst := make(map[string]*uint) + for k, val := range src { + v := val + dst[k] = &v + } + return dst +} + +// UintValueMap converts a string map of uint pointers uinto a string +// map of uint values +func UintValueMap(src map[string]*uint) map[string]uint { + dst := make(map[string]uint) + for k, val := range src { + if val != nil { + dst[k] = *val + } + } + return dst +} + +// Int8 returns a pointer to the int8 value passed in. +func Int8(v int8) *int8 { + return &v +} + +// Int8Value returns the value of the int8 pointer passed in or +// 0 if the pointer is nil. +func Int8Value(v *int8) int8 { + if v != nil { + return *v + } + return 0 +} + +// Int8Slice converts a slice of int8 values into a slice of +// int8 pointers +func Int8Slice(src []int8) []*int8 { + dst := make([]*int8, len(src)) + for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ { + dst[i] = &(src[i]) + } + return dst +} + +// Int8ValueSlice converts a slice of int8 pointers into a slice of +// int8 values +func Int8ValueSlice(src []*int8) []int8 { + dst := make([]int8, len(src)) + for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ { + if src[i] != nil { + dst[i] = *(src[i]) + } + } + return dst +} + +// Int8Map converts a string map of int8 values into a string +// map of int8 pointers +func Int8Map(src map[string]int8) map[string]*int8 { + dst := make(map[string]*int8) + for k, val := range src { + v := val + dst[k] = &v + } + return dst +} + +// Int8ValueMap converts a string map of int8 pointers into a string +// map of int8 values +func Int8ValueMap(src map[string]*int8) map[string]int8 { + dst := make(map[string]int8) + for k, val := range src { + if val != nil { + dst[k] = *val + } + } + return dst +} + +// Int16 returns a pointer to the int16 value passed in. +func Int16(v int16) *int16 { + return &v +} + +// Int16Value returns the value of the int16 pointer passed in or +// 0 if the pointer is nil. +func Int16Value(v *int16) int16 { + if v != nil { + return *v + } + return 0 +} + +// Int16Slice converts a slice of int16 values into a slice of +// int16 pointers +func Int16Slice(src []int16) []*int16 { + dst := make([]*int16, len(src)) + for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ { + dst[i] = &(src[i]) + } + return dst +} + +// Int16ValueSlice converts a slice of int16 pointers into a slice of +// int16 values +func Int16ValueSlice(src []*int16) []int16 { + dst := make([]int16, len(src)) + for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ { + if src[i] != nil { + dst[i] = *(src[i]) + } + } + return dst +} + +// Int16Map converts a string map of int16 values into a string +// map of int16 pointers +func Int16Map(src map[string]int16) map[string]*int16 { + dst := make(map[string]*int16) + for k, val := range src { + v := val + dst[k] = &v + } + return dst +} + +// Int16ValueMap converts a string map of int16 pointers into a string +// map of int16 values +func Int16ValueMap(src map[string]*int16) map[string]int16 { + dst := make(map[string]int16) + for k, val := range src { + if val != nil { + dst[k] = *val + } + } + return dst +} + +// Int32 returns a pointer to the int32 value passed in. +func Int32(v int32) *int32 { + return &v +} + +// Int32Value returns the value of the int32 pointer passed in or +// 0 if the pointer is nil. +func Int32Value(v *int32) int32 { + if v != nil { + return *v + } + return 0 +} + +// Int32Slice converts a slice of int32 values into a slice of +// int32 pointers +func Int32Slice(src []int32) []*int32 { + dst := make([]*int32, len(src)) + for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ { + dst[i] = &(src[i]) + } + return dst +} + +// Int32ValueSlice converts a slice of int32 pointers into a slice of +// int32 values +func Int32ValueSlice(src []*int32) []int32 { + dst := make([]int32, len(src)) + for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ { + if src[i] != nil { + dst[i] = *(src[i]) + } + } + return dst +} + +// Int32Map converts a string map of int32 values into a string +// map of int32 pointers +func Int32Map(src map[string]int32) map[string]*int32 { + dst := make(map[string]*int32) + for k, val := range src { + v := val + dst[k] = &v + } + return dst +} + +// Int32ValueMap converts a string map of int32 pointers into a string +// map of int32 values +func Int32ValueMap(src map[string]*int32) map[string]int32 { + dst := make(map[string]int32) + for k, val := range src { + if val != nil { + dst[k] = *val + } + } + return dst +} + // Int64 returns a pointer to the int64 value passed in. func Int64(v int64) *int64 { return &v @@ -238,6 +474,301 @@ func Int64ValueMap(src map[string]*int64) map[string]int64 { return dst } +// Uint8 returns a pointer to the uint8 value passed in. +func Uint8(v uint8) *uint8 { + return &v +} + +// Uint8Value returns the value of the uint8 pointer passed in or +// 0 if the pointer is nil. +func Uint8Value(v *uint8) uint8 { + if v != nil { + return *v + } + return 0 +} + +// Uint8Slice converts a slice of uint8 values into a slice of +// uint8 pointers +func Uint8Slice(src []uint8) []*uint8 { + dst := make([]*uint8, len(src)) + for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ { + dst[i] = &(src[i]) + } + return dst +} + +// Uint8ValueSlice converts a slice of uint8 pointers into a slice of +// uint8 values +func Uint8ValueSlice(src []*uint8) []uint8 { + dst := make([]uint8, len(src)) + for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ { + if src[i] != nil { + dst[i] = *(src[i]) + } + } + return dst +} + +// Uint8Map converts a string map of uint8 values into a string +// map of uint8 pointers +func Uint8Map(src map[string]uint8) map[string]*uint8 { + dst := make(map[string]*uint8) + for k, val := range src { + v := val + dst[k] = &v + } + return dst +} + +// Uint8ValueMap converts a string map of uint8 pointers into a string +// map of uint8 values +func Uint8ValueMap(src map[string]*uint8) map[string]uint8 { + dst := make(map[string]uint8) + for k, val := range src { + if val != nil { + dst[k] = *val + } + } + return dst +} + +// Uint16 returns a pointer to the uint16 value passed in. +func Uint16(v uint16) *uint16 { + return &v +} + +// Uint16Value returns the value of the uint16 pointer passed in or +// 0 if the pointer is nil. +func Uint16Value(v *uint16) uint16 { + if v != nil { + return *v + } + return 0 +} + +// Uint16Slice converts a slice of uint16 values into a slice of +// uint16 pointers +func Uint16Slice(src []uint16) []*uint16 { + dst := make([]*uint16, len(src)) + for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ { + dst[i] = &(src[i]) + } + return dst +} + +// Uint16ValueSlice converts a slice of uint16 pointers into a slice of +// uint16 values +func Uint16ValueSlice(src []*uint16) []uint16 { + dst := make([]uint16, len(src)) + for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ { + if src[i] != nil { + dst[i] = *(src[i]) + } + } + return dst +} + +// Uint16Map converts a string map of uint16 values into a string +// map of uint16 pointers +func Uint16Map(src map[string]uint16) map[string]*uint16 { + dst := make(map[string]*uint16) + for k, val := range src { + v := val + dst[k] = &v + } + return dst +} + +// Uint16ValueMap converts a string map of uint16 pointers into a string +// map of uint16 values +func Uint16ValueMap(src map[string]*uint16) map[string]uint16 { + dst := make(map[string]uint16) + for k, val := range src { + if val != nil { + dst[k] = *val + } + } + return dst +} + +// Uint32 returns a pointer to the uint32 value passed in. +func Uint32(v uint32) *uint32 { + return &v +} + +// Uint32Value returns the value of the uint32 pointer passed in or +// 0 if the pointer is nil. +func Uint32Value(v *uint32) uint32 { + if v != nil { + return *v + } + return 0 +} + +// Uint32Slice converts a slice of uint32 values into a slice of +// uint32 pointers +func Uint32Slice(src []uint32) []*uint32 { + dst := make([]*uint32, len(src)) + for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ { + dst[i] = &(src[i]) + } + return dst +} + +// Uint32ValueSlice converts a slice of uint32 pointers into a slice of +// uint32 values +func Uint32ValueSlice(src []*uint32) []uint32 { + dst := make([]uint32, len(src)) + for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ { + if src[i] != nil { + dst[i] = *(src[i]) + } + } + return dst +} + +// Uint32Map converts a string map of uint32 values into a string +// map of uint32 pointers +func Uint32Map(src map[string]uint32) map[string]*uint32 { + dst := make(map[string]*uint32) + for k, val := range src { + v := val + dst[k] = &v + } + return dst +} + +// Uint32ValueMap converts a string map of uint32 pointers into a string +// map of uint32 values +func Uint32ValueMap(src map[string]*uint32) map[string]uint32 { + dst := make(map[string]uint32) + for k, val := range src { + if val != nil { + dst[k] = *val + } + } + return dst +} + +// Uint64 returns a pointer to the uint64 value passed in. +func Uint64(v uint64) *uint64 { + return &v +} + +// Uint64Value returns the value of the uint64 pointer passed in or +// 0 if the pointer is nil. +func Uint64Value(v *uint64) uint64 { + if v != nil { + return *v + } + return 0 +} + +// Uint64Slice converts a slice of uint64 values into a slice of +// uint64 pointers +func Uint64Slice(src []uint64) []*uint64 { + dst := make([]*uint64, len(src)) + for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ { + dst[i] = &(src[i]) + } + return dst +} + +// Uint64ValueSlice converts a slice of uint64 pointers into a slice of +// uint64 values +func Uint64ValueSlice(src []*uint64) []uint64 { + dst := make([]uint64, len(src)) + for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ { + if src[i] != nil { + dst[i] = *(src[i]) + } + } + return dst +} + +// Uint64Map converts a string map of uint64 values into a string +// map of uint64 pointers +func Uint64Map(src map[string]uint64) map[string]*uint64 { + dst := make(map[string]*uint64) + for k, val := range src { + v := val + dst[k] = &v + } + return dst +} + +// Uint64ValueMap converts a string map of uint64 pointers into a string +// map of uint64 values +func Uint64ValueMap(src map[string]*uint64) map[string]uint64 { + dst := make(map[string]uint64) + for k, val := range src { + if val != nil { + dst[k] = *val + } + } + return dst +} + +// Float32 returns a pointer to the float32 value passed in. +func Float32(v float32) *float32 { + return &v +} + +// Float32Value returns the value of the float32 pointer passed in or +// 0 if the pointer is nil. +func Float32Value(v *float32) float32 { + if v != nil { + return *v + } + return 0 +} + +// Float32Slice converts a slice of float32 values into a slice of +// float32 pointers +func Float32Slice(src []float32) []*float32 { + dst := make([]*float32, len(src)) + for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ { + dst[i] = &(src[i]) + } + return dst +} + +// Float32ValueSlice converts a slice of float32 pointers into a slice of +// float32 values +func Float32ValueSlice(src []*float32) []float32 { + dst := make([]float32, len(src)) + for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ { + if src[i] != nil { + dst[i] = *(src[i]) + } + } + return dst +} + +// Float32Map converts a string map of float32 values into a string +// map of float32 pointers +func Float32Map(src map[string]float32) map[string]*float32 { + dst := make(map[string]*float32) + for k, val := range src { + v := val + dst[k] = &v + } + return dst +} + +// Float32ValueMap converts a string map of float32 pointers into a string +// map of float32 values +func Float32ValueMap(src map[string]*float32) map[string]float32 { + dst := make(map[string]float32) + for k, val := range src { + if val != nil { + dst[k] = *val + } + } + return dst +} + // Float64 returns a pointer to the float64 value passed in. func Float64(v float64) *float64 { return &v diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/corehandlers/handlers.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/corehandlers/handlers.go index f8853d78..0c60e612 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/corehandlers/handlers.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/corehandlers/handlers.go @@ -159,9 +159,9 @@ func handleSendError(r *request.Request, err error) { Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader([]byte{})), } } - // Catch all other request errors. + // Catch all request errors, and let the default retrier determine + // if the error is retryable. r.Error = awserr.New("RequestError", "send request failed", err) - r.Retryable = aws.Bool(true) // network errors are retryable // Override the error with a context canceled error, if that was canceled. ctx := r.Context() @@ -184,37 +184,39 @@ var ValidateResponseHandler = request.NamedHandler{Name: "core.ValidateResponseH // AfterRetryHandler performs final checks to determine if the request should // be retried and how long to delay. -var AfterRetryHandler = request.NamedHandler{Name: "core.AfterRetryHandler", Fn: func(r *request.Request) { - // If one of the other handlers already set the retry state - // we don't want to override it based on the service's state - if r.Retryable == nil || aws.BoolValue(r.Config.EnforceShouldRetryCheck) { - r.Retryable = aws.Bool(r.ShouldRetry(r)) - } +var AfterRetryHandler = request.NamedHandler{ + Name: "core.AfterRetryHandler", + Fn: func(r *request.Request) { + // If one of the other handlers already set the retry state + // we don't want to override it based on the service's state + if r.Retryable == nil || aws.BoolValue(r.Config.EnforceShouldRetryCheck) { + r.Retryable = aws.Bool(r.ShouldRetry(r)) + } - if r.WillRetry() { - r.RetryDelay = r.RetryRules(r) + if r.WillRetry() { + r.RetryDelay = r.RetryRules(r) - if sleepFn := r.Config.SleepDelay; sleepFn != nil { - // Support SleepDelay for backwards compatibility and testing - sleepFn(r.RetryDelay) - } else if err := aws.SleepWithContext(r.Context(), r.RetryDelay); err != nil { - r.Error = awserr.New(request.CanceledErrorCode, - "request context canceled", err) - r.Retryable = aws.Bool(false) - return - } + if sleepFn := r.Config.SleepDelay; sleepFn != nil { + // Support SleepDelay for backwards compatibility and testing + sleepFn(r.RetryDelay) + } else if err := aws.SleepWithContext(r.Context(), r.RetryDelay); err != nil { + r.Error = awserr.New(request.CanceledErrorCode, + "request context canceled", err) + r.Retryable = aws.Bool(false) + return + } - // when the expired token exception occurs the credentials - // need to be expired locally so that the next request to - // get credentials will trigger a credentials refresh. - if r.IsErrorExpired() { - r.Config.Credentials.Expire() - } + // when the expired token exception occurs the credentials + // need to be expired locally so that the next request to + // get credentials will trigger a credentials refresh. + if r.IsErrorExpired() { + r.Config.Credentials.Expire() + } - r.RetryCount++ - r.Error = nil - } -}} + r.RetryCount++ + r.Error = nil + } + }} // ValidateEndpointHandler is a request handler to validate a request had the // appropriate Region and Endpoint set. Will set r.Error if the endpoint or diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials/endpointcreds/provider.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials/endpointcreds/provider.go index c2b2c5d6..1a7af53a 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials/endpointcreds/provider.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials/endpointcreds/provider.go @@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ func NewProviderClient(cfg aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers, endpoint strin return p } -// NewCredentialsClient returns a Credentials wrapper for retrieving credentials -// from an arbitrary endpoint concurrently. The client will request the +// NewCredentialsClient returns a pointer to a new Credentials object +// wrapping the endpoint credentials Provider. func NewCredentialsClient(cfg aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers, endpoint string, options ...func(*Provider)) *credentials.Credentials { return credentials.NewCredentials(NewProviderClient(cfg, handlers, endpoint, options...)) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials/processcreds/provider.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials/processcreds/provider.go index 1980c8c1..e6248360 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials/processcreds/provider.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials/processcreds/provider.go @@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ import ( "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awserr" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials" + "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkio" ) const ( @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ const ( // DefaultBufSize limits buffer size from growing to an enormous // amount due to a faulty process. - DefaultBufSize = 1024 + DefaultBufSize = int(8 * sdkio.KibiByte) // DefaultTimeout default limit on time a process can run. DefaultTimeout = time.Duration(1) * time.Minute diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials/stscreds/web_identity_provider.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials/stscreds/web_identity_provider.go index 20510d9a..b20b6339 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials/stscreds/web_identity_provider.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials/stscreds/web_identity_provider.go @@ -76,12 +76,15 @@ func (p *WebIdentityRoleProvider) Retrieve() (credentials.Value, error) { // uses unix time in nanoseconds to uniquely identify sessions. sessionName = strconv.FormatInt(now().UnixNano(), 10) } - resp, err := p.client.AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity(&sts.AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityInput{ + req, resp := p.client.AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequest(&sts.AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityInput{ RoleArn: &p.roleARN, RoleSessionName: &sessionName, WebIdentityToken: aws.String(string(b)), }) - if err != nil { + // InvalidIdentityToken error is a temporary error that can occur + // when assuming an Role with a JWT web identity token. + req.RetryErrorCodes = append(req.RetryErrorCodes, sts.ErrCodeInvalidIdentityTokenException) + if err := req.Send(); err != nil { return credentials.Value{}, awserr.New(ErrCodeWebIdentity, "failed to retrieve credentials", err) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/csm/metric_chan.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/csm/metric_chan.go index 514fc373..82a3e345 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/csm/metric_chan.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/csm/metric_chan.go @@ -16,25 +16,26 @@ var ( type metricChan struct { ch chan metric - paused int64 + paused *int64 } func newMetricChan(size int) metricChan { return metricChan{ - ch: make(chan metric, size), + ch: make(chan metric, size), + paused: new(int64), } } func (ch *metricChan) Pause() { - atomic.StoreInt64(&ch.paused, pausedEnum) + atomic.StoreInt64(ch.paused, pausedEnum) } func (ch *metricChan) Continue() { - atomic.StoreInt64(&ch.paused, runningEnum) + atomic.StoreInt64(ch.paused, runningEnum) } func (ch *metricChan) IsPaused() bool { - v := atomic.LoadInt64(&ch.paused) + v := atomic.LoadInt64(ch.paused) return v == pausedEnum } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/csm/reporter.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/csm/reporter.go index c7008d8c..9186587f 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/csm/reporter.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/csm/reporter.go @@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ func (rep *Reporter) sendAPICallAttemptMetric(r *request.Request) { XAmzRequestID: aws.String(r.RequestID), - AttemptCount: aws.Int(r.RetryCount + 1), AttemptLatency: aws.Int(int(now.Sub(r.AttemptTime).Nanoseconds() / int64(time.Millisecond))), AccessKey: aws.String(creds.AccessKeyID), } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/ec2metadata/api.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/ec2metadata/api.go index 2c8d5f56..12897eef 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/ec2metadata/api.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/ec2metadata/api.go @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/http" + "strconv" "strings" "time" @@ -12,8 +13,41 @@ import ( "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkuri" ) +// getToken uses the duration to return a token for EC2 metadata service, +// or an error if the request failed. +func (c *EC2Metadata) getToken(duration time.Duration) (tokenOutput, error) { + op := &request.Operation{ + Name: "GetToken", + HTTPMethod: "PUT", + HTTPPath: "/api/token", + } + + var output tokenOutput + req := c.NewRequest(op, nil, &output) + + // remove the fetch token handler from the request handlers to avoid infinite recursion + req.Handlers.Sign.RemoveByName(fetchTokenHandlerName) + + // Swap the unmarshalMetadataHandler with unmarshalTokenHandler on this request. + req.Handlers.Unmarshal.Swap(unmarshalMetadataHandlerName, unmarshalTokenHandler) + + ttl := strconv.FormatInt(int64(duration/time.Second), 10) + req.HTTPRequest.Header.Set(ttlHeader, ttl) + + err := req.Send() + + // Errors with bad request status should be returned. + if err != nil { + err = awserr.NewRequestFailure( + awserr.New(req.HTTPResponse.Status, http.StatusText(req.HTTPResponse.StatusCode), err), + req.HTTPResponse.StatusCode, req.RequestID) + } + + return output, err +} + // GetMetadata uses the path provided to request information from the EC2 -// instance metdata service. The content will be returned as a string, or +// instance metadata service. The content will be returned as a string, or // error if the request failed. func (c *EC2Metadata) GetMetadata(p string) (string, error) { op := &request.Operation{ @@ -21,11 +55,11 @@ func (c *EC2Metadata) GetMetadata(p string) (string, error) { HTTPMethod: "GET", HTTPPath: sdkuri.PathJoin("/meta-data", p), } - output := &metadataOutput{} + req := c.NewRequest(op, nil, output) - err := req.Send() + err := req.Send() return output.Content, err } @@ -41,13 +75,8 @@ func (c *EC2Metadata) GetUserData() (string, error) { output := &metadataOutput{} req := c.NewRequest(op, nil, output) - req.Handlers.UnmarshalError.PushBack(func(r *request.Request) { - if r.HTTPResponse.StatusCode == http.StatusNotFound { - r.Error = awserr.New("NotFoundError", "user-data not found", r.Error) - } - }) - err := req.Send() + err := req.Send() return output.Content, err } @@ -63,8 +92,8 @@ func (c *EC2Metadata) GetDynamicData(p string) (string, error) { output := &metadataOutput{} req := c.NewRequest(op, nil, output) - err := req.Send() + err := req.Send() return output.Content, err } @@ -116,17 +145,17 @@ func (c *EC2Metadata) IAMInfo() (EC2IAMInfo, error) { // Region returns the region the instance is running in. func (c *EC2Metadata) Region() (string, error) { - resp, err := c.GetMetadata("placement/availability-zone") + ec2InstanceIdentityDocument, err := c.GetInstanceIdentityDocument() if err != nil { return "", err } - - if len(resp) == 0 { - return "", awserr.New("EC2MetadataError", "invalid Region response", nil) + // extract region from the ec2InstanceIdentityDocument + region := ec2InstanceIdentityDocument.Region + if len(region) == 0 { + return "", awserr.New("EC2MetadataError", "invalid region received for ec2metadata instance", nil) } - - // returns region without the suffix. Eg: us-west-2a becomes us-west-2 - return resp[:len(resp)-1], nil + // returns region + return region, nil } // Available returns if the application has access to the EC2 Metadata service. @@ -152,18 +181,19 @@ type EC2IAMInfo struct { // An EC2InstanceIdentityDocument provides the shape for unmarshaling // an instance identity document type EC2InstanceIdentityDocument struct { - DevpayProductCodes []string `json:"devpayProductCodes"` - AvailabilityZone string `json:"availabilityZone"` - PrivateIP string `json:"privateIp"` - Version string `json:"version"` - Region string `json:"region"` - InstanceID string `json:"instanceId"` - BillingProducts []string `json:"billingProducts"` - InstanceType string `json:"instanceType"` - AccountID string `json:"accountId"` - PendingTime time.Time `json:"pendingTime"` - ImageID string `json:"imageId"` - KernelID string `json:"kernelId"` - RamdiskID string `json:"ramdiskId"` - Architecture string `json:"architecture"` + DevpayProductCodes []string `json:"devpayProductCodes"` + MarketplaceProductCodes []string `json:"marketplaceProductCodes"` + AvailabilityZone string `json:"availabilityZone"` + PrivateIP string `json:"privateIp"` + Version string `json:"version"` + Region string `json:"region"` + InstanceID string `json:"instanceId"` + BillingProducts []string `json:"billingProducts"` + InstanceType string `json:"instanceType"` + AccountID string `json:"accountId"` + PendingTime time.Time `json:"pendingTime"` + ImageID string `json:"imageId"` + KernelID string `json:"kernelId"` + RamdiskID string `json:"ramdiskId"` + Architecture string `json:"architecture"` } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/ec2metadata/service.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/ec2metadata/service.go index f0c1d31e..8eccac05 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/ec2metadata/service.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/ec2metadata/service.go @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import ( "io" "net/http" "os" + "strconv" "strings" "time" @@ -24,9 +25,25 @@ import ( "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request" ) -// ServiceName is the name of the service. -const ServiceName = "ec2metadata" -const disableServiceEnvVar = "AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED" +const ( + // ServiceName is the name of the service. + ServiceName = "ec2metadata" + disableServiceEnvVar = "AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED" + + // Headers for Token and TTL + ttlHeader = "x-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds" + tokenHeader = "x-aws-ec2-metadata-token" + + // Named Handler constants + fetchTokenHandlerName = "FetchTokenHandler" + unmarshalMetadataHandlerName = "unmarshalMetadataHandler" + unmarshalTokenHandlerName = "unmarshalTokenHandler" + enableTokenProviderHandlerName = "enableTokenProviderHandler" + + // TTL constants + defaultTTL = 21600 * time.Second + ttlExpirationWindow = 30 * time.Second +) // A EC2Metadata is an EC2 Metadata service Client. type EC2Metadata struct { @@ -80,13 +97,27 @@ func NewClient(cfg aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers, endpoint, signingRegio ), } - svc.Handlers.Unmarshal.PushBack(unmarshalHandler) + // token provider instance + tp := newTokenProvider(svc, defaultTTL) + + // NamedHandler for fetching token + svc.Handlers.Sign.PushBackNamed(request.NamedHandler{ + Name: fetchTokenHandlerName, + Fn: tp.fetchTokenHandler, + }) + // NamedHandler for enabling token provider + svc.Handlers.Complete.PushBackNamed(request.NamedHandler{ + Name: enableTokenProviderHandlerName, + Fn: tp.enableTokenProviderHandler, + }) + + svc.Handlers.Unmarshal.PushBackNamed(unmarshalHandler) svc.Handlers.UnmarshalError.PushBack(unmarshalError) svc.Handlers.Validate.Clear() svc.Handlers.Validate.PushBack(validateEndpointHandler) // Disable the EC2 Metadata service if the environment variable is set. - // This shortcirctes the service's functionality to always fail to send + // This short-circuits the service's functionality to always fail to send // requests. if strings.ToLower(os.Getenv(disableServiceEnvVar)) == "true" { svc.Handlers.Send.SwapNamed(request.NamedHandler{ @@ -107,7 +138,6 @@ func NewClient(cfg aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers, endpoint, signingRegio for _, option := range opts { option(svc.Client) } - return svc } @@ -119,30 +149,74 @@ type metadataOutput struct { Content string } -func unmarshalHandler(r *request.Request) { - defer r.HTTPResponse.Body.Close() - b := &bytes.Buffer{} - if _, err := io.Copy(b, r.HTTPResponse.Body); err != nil { - r.Error = awserr.New(request.ErrCodeSerialization, "unable to unmarshal EC2 metadata respose", err) - return - } +type tokenOutput struct { + Token string + TTL time.Duration +} - if data, ok := r.Data.(*metadataOutput); ok { - data.Content = b.String() - } +// unmarshal token handler is used to parse the response of a getToken operation +var unmarshalTokenHandler = request.NamedHandler{ + Name: unmarshalTokenHandlerName, + Fn: func(r *request.Request) { + defer r.HTTPResponse.Body.Close() + var b bytes.Buffer + if _, err := io.Copy(&b, r.HTTPResponse.Body); err != nil { + r.Error = awserr.NewRequestFailure(awserr.New(request.ErrCodeSerialization, + "unable to unmarshal EC2 metadata response", err), r.HTTPResponse.StatusCode, r.RequestID) + return + } + + v := r.HTTPResponse.Header.Get(ttlHeader) + data, ok := r.Data.(*tokenOutput) + if !ok { + return + } + + data.Token = b.String() + // TTL is in seconds + i, err := strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64) + if err != nil { + r.Error = awserr.NewRequestFailure(awserr.New(request.ParamFormatErrCode, + "unable to parse EC2 token TTL response", err), r.HTTPResponse.StatusCode, r.RequestID) + return + } + t := time.Duration(i) * time.Second + data.TTL = t + }, +} + +var unmarshalHandler = request.NamedHandler{ + Name: unmarshalMetadataHandlerName, + Fn: func(r *request.Request) { + defer r.HTTPResponse.Body.Close() + var b bytes.Buffer + if _, err := io.Copy(&b, r.HTTPResponse.Body); err != nil { + r.Error = awserr.NewRequestFailure(awserr.New(request.ErrCodeSerialization, + "unable to unmarshal EC2 metadata response", err), r.HTTPResponse.StatusCode, r.RequestID) + return + } + + if data, ok := r.Data.(*metadataOutput); ok { + data.Content = b.String() + } + }, } func unmarshalError(r *request.Request) { defer r.HTTPResponse.Body.Close() - b := &bytes.Buffer{} - if _, err := io.Copy(b, r.HTTPResponse.Body); err != nil { - r.Error = awserr.New(request.ErrCodeSerialization, "unable to unmarshal EC2 metadata error respose", err) + var b bytes.Buffer + + if _, err := io.Copy(&b, r.HTTPResponse.Body); err != nil { + r.Error = awserr.NewRequestFailure( + awserr.New(request.ErrCodeSerialization, "unable to unmarshal EC2 metadata error response", err), + r.HTTPResponse.StatusCode, r.RequestID) return } // Response body format is not consistent between metadata endpoints. // Grab the error message as a string and include that as the source error - r.Error = awserr.New("EC2MetadataError", "failed to make EC2Metadata request", errors.New(b.String())) + r.Error = awserr.NewRequestFailure(awserr.New("EC2MetadataError", "failed to make EC2Metadata request", errors.New(b.String())), + r.HTTPResponse.StatusCode, r.RequestID) } func validateEndpointHandler(r *request.Request) { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/ec2metadata/token_provider.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/ec2metadata/token_provider.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..06f76055 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/ec2metadata/token_provider.go @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +package ec2metadata + +import ( + "net/http" + "sync/atomic" + "time" + + "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awserr" + "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials" + "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request" +) + +// A tokenProvider struct provides access to EC2Metadata client +// and atomic instance of a token, along with configuredTTL for it. +// tokenProvider also provides an atomic flag to disable the +// fetch token operation. +// The disabled member will use 0 as false, and 1 as true. +type tokenProvider struct { + client *EC2Metadata + token atomic.Value + configuredTTL time.Duration + disabled uint32 +} + +// A ec2Token struct helps use of token in EC2 Metadata service ops +type ec2Token struct { + token string + credentials.Expiry +} + +// newTokenProvider provides a pointer to a tokenProvider instance +func newTokenProvider(c *EC2Metadata, duration time.Duration) *tokenProvider { + return &tokenProvider{client: c, configuredTTL: duration} +} + +// fetchTokenHandler fetches token for EC2Metadata service client by default. +func (t *tokenProvider) fetchTokenHandler(r *request.Request) { + + // short-circuits to insecure data flow if tokenProvider is disabled. + if v := atomic.LoadUint32(&t.disabled); v == 1 { + return + } + + if ec2Token, ok := t.token.Load().(ec2Token); ok && !ec2Token.IsExpired() { + r.HTTPRequest.Header.Set(tokenHeader, ec2Token.token) + return + } + + output, err := t.client.getToken(t.configuredTTL) + + if err != nil { + + // change the disabled flag on token provider to true, + // when error is request timeout error. + if requestFailureError, ok := err.(awserr.RequestFailure); ok { + switch requestFailureError.StatusCode() { + case http.StatusForbidden, http.StatusNotFound, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed: + atomic.StoreUint32(&t.disabled, 1) + case http.StatusBadRequest: + r.Error = requestFailureError + } + + // Check if request timed out while waiting for response + if e, ok := requestFailureError.OrigErr().(awserr.Error); ok { + if e.Code() == "RequestError" { + atomic.StoreUint32(&t.disabled, 1) + } + } + } + return + } + + newToken := ec2Token{ + token: output.Token, + } + newToken.SetExpiration(time.Now().Add(output.TTL), ttlExpirationWindow) + t.token.Store(newToken) + + // Inject token header to the request. + if ec2Token, ok := t.token.Load().(ec2Token); ok { + r.HTTPRequest.Header.Set(tokenHeader, ec2Token.token) + } +} + +// enableTokenProviderHandler enables the token provider +func (t *tokenProvider) enableTokenProviderHandler(r *request.Request) { + // If the error code status is 401, we enable the token provider + if e, ok := r.Error.(awserr.RequestFailure); ok && e != nil && + e.StatusCode() == http.StatusUnauthorized { + atomic.StoreUint32(&t.disabled, 0) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/decode.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/decode.go index 87b9ff3f..343a2106 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/decode.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/decode.go @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ func decodeV3Endpoints(modelDef modelDefinition, opts DecodeModelOptions) (Resol p := &ps[i] custAddEC2Metadata(p) custAddS3DualStack(p) + custRegionalS3(p) custRmIotDataService(p) custFixAppAutoscalingChina(p) custFixAppAutoscalingUsGov(p) @@ -100,6 +101,33 @@ func custAddS3DualStack(p *partition) { custAddDualstack(p, "s3-control") } +func custRegionalS3(p *partition) { + if p.ID != "aws" { + return + } + + service, ok := p.Services["s3"] + if !ok { + return + } + + // If global endpoint already exists no customization needed. + if _, ok := service.Endpoints["aws-global"]; ok { + return + } + + service.PartitionEndpoint = "aws-global" + service.Endpoints["us-east-1"] = endpoint{} + service.Endpoints["aws-global"] = endpoint{ + Hostname: "s3.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }, + } + + p.Services["s3"] = service +} + func custAddDualstack(p *partition, svcName string) { s, ok := p.Services[svcName] if !ok { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/defaults.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/defaults.go index 50b6c7af..5eb99c10 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/defaults.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/defaults.go @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ const ( AwsPartitionID = "aws" // AWS Standard partition. AwsCnPartitionID = "aws-cn" // AWS China partition. AwsUsGovPartitionID = "aws-us-gov" // AWS GovCloud (US) partition. + AwsIsoPartitionID = "aws-iso" // AWS ISO (US) partition. + AwsIsoBPartitionID = "aws-iso-b" // AWS ISOB (US) partition. ) // AWS Standard partition's regions. @@ -47,8 +49,18 @@ const ( UsGovWest1RegionID = "us-gov-west-1" // AWS GovCloud (US). ) +// AWS ISO (US) partition's regions. +const ( + UsIsoEast1RegionID = "us-iso-east-1" // US ISO East. +) + +// AWS ISOB (US) partition's regions. +const ( + UsIsobEast1RegionID = "us-isob-east-1" // US ISOB East (Ohio). +) + // DefaultResolver returns an Endpoint resolver that will be able -// to resolve endpoints for: AWS Standard, AWS China, and AWS GovCloud (US). +// to resolve endpoints for: AWS Standard, AWS China, AWS GovCloud (US), AWS ISO (US), and AWS ISOB (US). // // Use DefaultPartitions() to get the list of the default partitions. func DefaultResolver() Resolver { @@ -56,7 +68,7 @@ func DefaultResolver() Resolver { } // DefaultPartitions returns a list of the partitions the SDK is bundled -// with. The available partitions are: AWS Standard, AWS China, and AWS GovCloud (US). +// with. The available partitions are: AWS Standard, AWS China, AWS GovCloud (US), AWS ISO (US), and AWS ISOB (US). // // partitions := endpoints.DefaultPartitions // for _, p := range partitions { @@ -70,6 +82,8 @@ var defaultPartitions = partitions{ awsPartition, awscnPartition, awsusgovPartition, + awsisoPartition, + awsisobPartition, } // AwsPartition returns the Resolver for AWS Standard. @@ -195,6 +209,8 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "me-south-1": endpoint{}, + "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-2": endpoint{}, "us-west-1": endpoint{}, @@ -320,6 +336,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-southeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, + "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-west-2": endpoint{}, @@ -339,6 +356,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "api.sagemaker": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-east-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, "ap-south-1": endpoint{}, @@ -346,8 +364,12 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, "ca-central-1": endpoint{}, "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-north-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "me-south-1": endpoint{}, + "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1-fips": endpoint{ Hostname: "api-fips.sagemaker.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", @@ -403,11 +425,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, "application-autoscaling": service{ Defaults: endpoint{ - Hostname: "autoscaling.{region}.amazonaws.com", Protocols: []string{"http", "https"}, - CredentialScope: credentialScope{ - Service: "application-autoscaling", - }, }, Endpoints: endpoints{ "ap-east-1": endpoint{}, @@ -442,6 +460,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-2": endpoint{}, "us-west-1": endpoint{}, @@ -462,8 +481,14 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, - "us-east-1": endpoint{}, - "us-west-2": endpoint{}, + "fips": endpoint{ + Hostname: "appstream2-fips.us-west-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }, + }, + "us-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-west-2": endpoint{}, }, }, "appsync": service{ @@ -485,6 +510,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "athena": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-east-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, "ap-south-1": endpoint{}, @@ -495,8 +521,11 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "eu-north-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "me-south-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-2": endpoint{}, + "us-west-1": endpoint{}, "us-west-2": endpoint{}, }, }, @@ -527,11 +556,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, "autoscaling-plans": service{ Defaults: endpoint{ - Hostname: "autoscaling.{region}.amazonaws.com", Protocols: []string{"http", "https"}, - CredentialScope: credentialScope{ - Service: "autoscaling-plans", - }, }, Endpoints: endpoints{ "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, @@ -552,14 +577,20 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "backup": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-east-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, + "ap-south-1": endpoint{}, "ap-southeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, "ca-central-1": endpoint{}, "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-north-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "me-south-1": endpoint{}, + "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-2": endpoint{}, "us-west-1": endpoint{}, @@ -581,6 +612,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "me-south-1": endpoint{}, "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-2": endpoint{}, @@ -728,6 +760,8 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "me-south-1": endpoint{}, + "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-2": endpoint{}, "us-west-1": endpoint{}, @@ -839,11 +873,12 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ Region: "ca-central-1", }, }, - "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, - "us-east-1": endpoint{}, - "us-east-2": endpoint{}, - "us-west-1": endpoint{}, - "us-west-2": endpoint{}, + "me-south-1": endpoint{}, + "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-2": endpoint{}, + "us-west-1": endpoint{}, + "us-west-2": endpoint{}, }, }, "codedeploy": service{ @@ -903,6 +938,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, "ca-central-1": endpoint{}, "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-north-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, @@ -1031,6 +1067,16 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "us-west-2": endpoint{}, }, }, + "connect": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, + "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, + "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-west-2": endpoint{}, + }, + }, "cur": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ @@ -1050,6 +1096,22 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "us-west-2": endpoint{}, }, }, + "dataexchange": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, + "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, + "ap-southeast-1": endpoint{}, + "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, + "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, + "us-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-2": endpoint{}, + "us-west-1": endpoint{}, + "us-west-2": endpoint{}, + }, + }, "datapipeline": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ @@ -1063,16 +1125,48 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "datasync": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-east-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, + "ap-south-1": endpoint{}, "ap-southeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, + "ca-central-1": endpoint{}, "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-north-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, - "us-east-1": endpoint{}, - "us-east-2": endpoint{}, - "us-west-1": endpoint{}, - "us-west-2": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "fips-us-east-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "datasync-fips.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }, + }, + "fips-us-east-2": endpoint{ + Hostname: "datasync-fips.us-east-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-east-2", + }, + }, + "fips-us-west-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "datasync-fips.us-west-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-west-1", + }, + }, + "fips-us-west-2": endpoint{ + Hostname: "datasync-fips.us-west-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }, + }, + "me-south-1": endpoint{}, + "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-2": endpoint{}, + "us-west-1": endpoint{}, + "us-west-2": endpoint{}, }, }, "dax": service{ @@ -1084,6 +1178,8 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-2": endpoint{}, @@ -1100,6 +1196,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "directconnect": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-east-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, "ap-south-1": endpoint{}, @@ -1122,7 +1219,8 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "discovery": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ - "us-west-2": endpoint{}, + "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, + "us-west-2": endpoint{}, }, }, "dms": service{ @@ -1163,6 +1261,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ Region: "ap-northeast-2", }, }, + "ap-south-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "rds.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "ap-south-1", + }, + }, + "ap-southeast-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "rds.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "ap-southeast-1", + }, + }, "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{ Hostname: "rds.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com", CredentialScope: credentialScope{ @@ -1187,6 +1297,12 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ Region: "eu-west-2", }, }, + "eu-west-3": endpoint{ + Hostname: "rds.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "eu-west-3", + }, + }, "us-east-1": endpoint{ Hostname: "rds.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", CredentialScope: credentialScope{ @@ -1210,6 +1326,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "ds": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-east-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, "ap-south-1": endpoint{}, @@ -1403,6 +1520,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "elasticfilesystem": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-east-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, "ap-south-1": endpoint{}, @@ -1410,9 +1528,12 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, "ca-central-1": endpoint{}, "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-north-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "me-south-1": endpoint{}, + "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-2": endpoint{}, "us-west-1": endpoint{}, @@ -1529,11 +1650,12 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ Region: "us-west-1", }, }, - "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, - "us-east-1": endpoint{}, - "us-east-2": endpoint{}, - "us-west-1": endpoint{}, - "us-west-2": endpoint{}, + "me-south-1": endpoint{}, + "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-2": endpoint{}, + "us-west-1": endpoint{}, + "us-west-2": endpoint{}, }, }, "events": service{ @@ -1562,6 +1684,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "firehose": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-east-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, "ap-south-1": endpoint{}, @@ -1573,6 +1696,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "me-south-1": endpoint{}, "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-2": endpoint{}, @@ -1587,17 +1711,44 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ Endpoints: endpoints{ "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, + "ap-south-1": endpoint{}, "ap-southeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, + "ca-central-1": endpoint{}, "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-north-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-2": endpoint{}, "us-west-1": endpoint{}, "us-west-2": endpoint{}, }, }, + "forecast": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, + "ap-southeast-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-2": endpoint{}, + "us-west-2": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "forecastquery": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, + "ap-southeast-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-2": endpoint{}, + "us-west-2": endpoint{}, + }, + }, "fsx": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ @@ -1605,6 +1756,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "ap-southeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-north-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, @@ -1672,6 +1824,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "me-south-1": endpoint{}, "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-2": endpoint{}, @@ -1723,11 +1876,36 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "me-south-1": endpoint{}, "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, - "us-east-2": endpoint{}, - "us-west-1": endpoint{}, - "us-west-2": endpoint{}, + "us-east-1-fips": endpoint{ + Hostname: "guardduty-fips.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }, + }, + "us-east-2": endpoint{}, + "us-east-2-fips": endpoint{ + Hostname: "guardduty-fips.us-east-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-east-2", + }, + }, + "us-west-1": endpoint{}, + "us-west-1-fips": endpoint{ + Hostname: "guardduty-fips.us-west-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-west-1", + }, + }, + "us-west-2": endpoint{}, + "us-west-2-fips": endpoint{ + Hostname: "guardduty-fips.us-west-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }, + }, }, }, "health": service{ @@ -1788,6 +1966,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, }, Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-east-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, "ap-south-1": endpoint{}, @@ -1799,6 +1978,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "me-south-1": endpoint{}, "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-2": endpoint{}, @@ -1821,9 +2001,12 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ Endpoints: endpoints{ "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, + "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, + "ap-southeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-2": endpoint{}, "us-west-2": endpoint{}, @@ -1838,6 +2021,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ Region: "ap-northeast-1", }, }, + "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{ + Hostname: "data.iotevents.ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "ap-northeast-2", + }, + }, + "ap-southeast-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "data.iotevents.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "ap-southeast-1", + }, + }, "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{ Hostname: "data.iotevents.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com", CredentialScope: credentialScope{ @@ -1856,6 +2051,12 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ Region: "eu-west-1", }, }, + "eu-west-2": endpoint{ + Hostname: "data.iotevents.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "eu-west-2", + }, + }, "us-east-1": endpoint{ Hostname: "data.iotevents.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", CredentialScope: credentialScope{ @@ -1876,6 +2077,27 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, }, }, + "iotsecuredtunneling": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, + "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, + "ap-south-1": endpoint{}, + "ap-southeast-1": endpoint{}, + "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, + "ca-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-north-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-2": endpoint{}, + "us-west-1": endpoint{}, + "us-west-2": endpoint{}, + }, + }, "iotthingsgraph": service{ Defaults: endpoint{ CredentialScope: credentialScope{ @@ -1884,6 +2106,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, Endpoints: endpoints{ "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, + "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, @@ -1893,18 +2116,22 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "kafka": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-east-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, "ap-south-1": endpoint{}, "ap-southeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, + "ca-central-1": endpoint{}, "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, "eu-north-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-2": endpoint{}, + "us-west-1": endpoint{}, "us-west-2": endpoint{}, }, }, @@ -1936,11 +2163,14 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ Endpoints: endpoints{ "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, + "ap-south-1": endpoint{}, "ap-southeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-north-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-2": endpoint{}, "us-west-2": endpoint{}, @@ -1980,6 +2210,24 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "us-west-2": endpoint{}, }, }, + "lakeformation": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, + "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, + "ap-south-1": endpoint{}, + "ap-southeast-1": endpoint{}, + "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, + "ca-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, + "us-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-2": endpoint{}, + "us-west-1": endpoint{}, + "us-west-2": endpoint{}, + }, + }, "lambda": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ @@ -2018,6 +2266,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "me-south-1": endpoint{}, "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-2": endpoint{}, @@ -2088,6 +2337,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "ap-southeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-north-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, @@ -2129,8 +2379,11 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, "eu-north-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-2": endpoint{}, "us-west-2": endpoint{}, }, }, @@ -2144,6 +2397,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, @@ -2194,7 +2448,8 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "mgh": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ - "us-west-2": endpoint{}, + "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, + "us-west-2": endpoint{}, }, }, "mobileanalytics": service{ @@ -2253,10 +2508,34 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, - "us-east-1": endpoint{}, - "us-east-2": endpoint{}, - "us-west-1": endpoint{}, - "us-west-2": endpoint{}, + "fips-us-east-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "mq-fips.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }, + }, + "fips-us-east-2": endpoint{ + Hostname: "mq-fips.us-east-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-east-2", + }, + }, + "fips-us-west-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "mq-fips.us-west-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-west-1", + }, + }, + "fips-us-west-2": endpoint{ + Hostname: "mq-fips.us-west-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }, + }, + "us-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-2": endpoint{}, + "us-west-1": endpoint{}, + "us-west-2": endpoint{}, }, }, "mturk-requester": service{ @@ -2302,6 +2581,12 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ Region: "ap-southeast-2", }, }, + "ca-central-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "rds.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "ca-central-1", + }, + }, "eu-central-1": endpoint{ Hostname: "rds.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com", CredentialScope: credentialScope{ @@ -2326,6 +2611,12 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ Region: "eu-west-2", }, }, + "me-south-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "rds.me-south-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "me-south-1", + }, + }, "us-east-1": endpoint{ Hostname: "rds.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", CredentialScope: credentialScope{ @@ -2346,6 +2637,65 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, }, }, + "oidc": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-southeast-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "oidc.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "ap-southeast-1", + }, + }, + "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{ + Hostname: "oidc.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "ap-southeast-2", + }, + }, + "ca-central-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "oidc.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "ca-central-1", + }, + }, + "eu-central-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "oidc.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "eu-central-1", + }, + }, + "eu-west-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "oidc.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "eu-west-1", + }, + }, + "eu-west-2": endpoint{ + Hostname: "oidc.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "eu-west-2", + }, + }, + "us-east-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "oidc.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }, + }, + "us-east-2": endpoint{ + Hostname: "oidc.us-east-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-east-2", + }, + }, + "us-west-2": endpoint{ + Hostname: "oidc.us-west-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }, + }, + }, + }, "opsworks": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ @@ -2404,8 +2754,30 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, - "us-east-1": endpoint{}, - "us-west-2": endpoint{}, + "fips-us-east-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "pinpoint-fips.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }, + }, + "fips-us-west-2": endpoint{ + Hostname: "pinpoint-fips.us-west-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }, + }, + "us-east-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "pinpoint.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }, + }, + "us-west-2": endpoint{ + Hostname: "pinpoint.us-west-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }, + }, }, }, "polly": service{ @@ -2429,6 +2801,65 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "us-west-2": endpoint{}, }, }, + "portal.sso": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-southeast-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "portal.sso.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "ap-southeast-1", + }, + }, + "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{ + Hostname: "portal.sso.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "ap-southeast-2", + }, + }, + "ca-central-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "portal.sso.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "ca-central-1", + }, + }, + "eu-central-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "portal.sso.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "eu-central-1", + }, + }, + "eu-west-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "portal.sso.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "eu-west-1", + }, + }, + "eu-west-2": endpoint{ + Hostname: "portal.sso.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "eu-west-2", + }, + }, + "us-east-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "portal.sso.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }, + }, + "us-east-2": endpoint{ + Hostname: "portal.sso.us-east-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-east-2", + }, + }, + "us-west-2": endpoint{ + Hostname: "portal.sso.us-west-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }, + }, + }, + }, "projects.iot1click": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ @@ -2441,6 +2872,20 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "us-west-2": endpoint{}, }, }, + "qldb": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, + "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, + "ap-southeast-1": endpoint{}, + "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, + "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-2": endpoint{}, + "us-west-2": endpoint{}, + }, + }, "ram": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ @@ -2455,6 +2900,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-2": endpoint{}, "us-west-1": endpoint{}, @@ -2541,12 +2987,36 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, - "me-south-1": endpoint{}, - "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, - "us-east-1": endpoint{}, - "us-east-2": endpoint{}, - "us-west-1": endpoint{}, - "us-west-2": endpoint{}, + "fips-us-east-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-groups-fips.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }, + }, + "fips-us-east-2": endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-groups-fips.us-east-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-east-2", + }, + }, + "fips-us-west-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-groups-fips.us-west-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-west-1", + }, + }, + "fips-us-west-2": endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-groups-fips.us-west-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }, + }, + "me-south-1": endpoint{}, + "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-2": endpoint{}, + "us-west-1": endpoint{}, + "us-west-2": endpoint{}, }, }, "robomaker": service{ @@ -2616,6 +3086,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "runtime.sagemaker": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-east-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, "ap-south-1": endpoint{}, @@ -2623,8 +3094,12 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, "ca-central-1": endpoint{}, "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-north-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "me-south-1": endpoint{}, + "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1-fips": endpoint{ Hostname: "runtime-fips.sagemaker.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", @@ -2656,7 +3131,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, }, "s3": service{ - PartitionEndpoint: "us-east-1", + PartitionEndpoint: "aws-global", IsRegionalized: boxedTrue, Defaults: endpoint{ Protocols: []string{"http", "https"}, @@ -2681,6 +3156,12 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ Hostname: "s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com", SignatureVersions: []string{"s3", "s3v4"}, }, + "aws-global": endpoint{ + Hostname: "s3.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }, + }, "ca-central-1": endpoint{}, "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, "eu-north-1": endpoint{}, @@ -2702,10 +3183,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ Hostname: "s3.sa-east-1.amazonaws.com", SignatureVersions: []string{"s3", "s3v4"}, }, - "us-east-1": endpoint{ - Hostname: "s3.amazonaws.com", - SignatureVersions: []string{"s3", "s3v4"}, - }, + "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-2": endpoint{}, "us-west-1": endpoint{ Hostname: "s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com", @@ -2868,6 +3346,19 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, }, }, + "savingsplans": service{ + PartitionEndpoint: "aws-global", + IsRegionalized: boxedFalse, + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "aws-global": endpoint{ + Hostname: "savingsplans.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }, + }, + }, + }, "sdb": service{ Defaults: endpoint{ Protocols: []string{"http", "https"}, @@ -2889,6 +3380,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "secretsmanager": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-east-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, "ap-south-1": endpoint{}, @@ -2900,6 +3392,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "me-south-1": endpoint{}, "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1-fips": endpoint{ @@ -2946,6 +3439,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "me-south-1": endpoint{}, "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-2": endpoint{}, @@ -2958,6 +3452,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ Protocols: []string{"https"}, }, Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-east-1": endpoint{ + Protocols: []string{"https"}, + }, "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{ Protocols: []string{"https"}, }, @@ -2991,6 +3488,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "eu-west-3": endpoint{ Protocols: []string{"https"}, }, + "me-south-1": endpoint{ + Protocols: []string{"https"}, + }, "sa-east-1": endpoint{ Protocols: []string{"https"}, }, @@ -3056,6 +3556,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "servicediscovery": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-east-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, "ap-south-1": endpoint{}, @@ -3063,9 +3564,11 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, "ca-central-1": endpoint{}, "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-north-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "me-south-1": endpoint{}, "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-2": endpoint{}, @@ -3073,6 +3576,20 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "us-west-2": endpoint{}, }, }, + "session.qldb": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, + "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, + "ap-southeast-1": endpoint{}, + "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, + "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-2": endpoint{}, + "us-west-2": endpoint{}, + }, + }, "shield": service{ IsRegionalized: boxedFalse, Defaults: endpoint{ @@ -3098,6 +3615,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "me-south-1": endpoint{}, "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-2": endpoint{}, @@ -3251,6 +3769,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "storagegateway": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-east-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, "ap-south-1": endpoint{}, @@ -3336,44 +3855,29 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, "sts": service{ PartitionEndpoint: "aws-global", - Defaults: endpoint{ - Hostname: "sts.amazonaws.com", - CredentialScope: credentialScope{ - Region: "us-east-1", - }, - }, + Endpoints: endpoints{ - "ap-east-1": endpoint{ - Hostname: "sts.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com", - CredentialScope: credentialScope{ - Region: "ap-east-1", - }, - }, + "ap-east-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, - "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{ - Hostname: "sts.ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com", - CredentialScope: credentialScope{ - Region: "ap-northeast-2", - }, - }, + "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, "ap-south-1": endpoint{}, "ap-southeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, - "aws-global": endpoint{}, - "ca-central-1": endpoint{}, - "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, - "eu-north-1": endpoint{}, - "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, - "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, - "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, - "me-south-1": endpoint{ - Hostname: "sts.me-south-1.amazonaws.com", + "aws-global": endpoint{ + Hostname: "sts.amazonaws.com", CredentialScope: credentialScope{ - Region: "me-south-1", + Region: "us-east-1", }, }, - "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, - "us-east-1": endpoint{}, + "ca-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-north-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "me-south-1": endpoint{}, + "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1-fips": endpoint{ Hostname: "sts-fips.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", CredentialScope: credentialScope{ @@ -3461,6 +3965,41 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "us-west-2": endpoint{}, }, }, + "transcribe": service{ + Defaults: endpoint{ + Protocols: []string{"https"}, + }, + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-east-1": endpoint{}, + "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, + "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, + "ap-south-1": endpoint{}, + "ap-southeast-1": endpoint{}, + "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, + "ca-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "me-south-1": endpoint{}, + "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-2": endpoint{}, + "us-west-1": endpoint{}, + "us-west-2": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "transcribestreaming": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, + "ca-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-east-2": endpoint{}, + "us-west-2": endpoint{}, + }, + }, "transfer": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ @@ -3471,9 +4010,11 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, "ca-central-1": endpoint{}, "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-north-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-2": endpoint{}, "us-west-1": endpoint{}, @@ -3485,13 +4026,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ Protocols: []string{"https"}, }, Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ap-east-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-1": endpoint{}, "ap-northeast-2": endpoint{}, "ap-south-1": endpoint{}, "ap-southeast-1": endpoint{}, + "ap-southeast-2": endpoint{}, "ca-central-1": endpoint{}, "eu-central-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-north-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, + "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1-fips": endpoint{ Hostname: "translate-fips.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", @@ -3506,6 +4052,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ Region: "us-east-2", }, }, + "us-west-1": endpoint{}, "us-west-2": endpoint{}, "us-west-2-fips": endpoint{ Hostname: "translate-fips.us-west-2.amazonaws.com", @@ -3601,6 +4148,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "eu-west-1": endpoint{}, "eu-west-2": endpoint{}, "eu-west-3": endpoint{}, + "me-south-1": endpoint{}, "sa-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-east-2": endpoint{}, @@ -3666,11 +4214,7 @@ var awscnPartition = partition{ }, "application-autoscaling": service{ Defaults: endpoint{ - Hostname: "autoscaling.{region}.amazonaws.com.cn", Protocols: []string{"http", "https"}, - CredentialScope: credentialScope{ - Service: "application-autoscaling", - }, }, Endpoints: endpoints{ "cn-north-1": endpoint{}, @@ -3686,6 +4230,13 @@ var awscnPartition = partition{ "cn-northwest-1": endpoint{}, }, }, + "batch": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "cn-north-1": endpoint{}, + "cn-northwest-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, "cloudformation": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ @@ -3741,6 +4292,12 @@ var awscnPartition = partition{ "cn-northwest-1": endpoint{}, }, }, + "dax": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "cn-northwest-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, "directconnect": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ @@ -3866,6 +4423,12 @@ var awscnPartition = partition{ "cn-northwest-1": endpoint{}, }, }, + "glue": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "cn-northwest-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, "greengrass": service{ IsRegionalized: boxedTrue, Defaults: endpoint{ @@ -3895,7 +4458,8 @@ var awscnPartition = partition{ }, }, Endpoints: endpoints{ - "cn-north-1": endpoint{}, + "cn-north-1": endpoint{}, + "cn-northwest-1": endpoint{}, }, }, "kinesis": service{ @@ -4081,7 +4645,7 @@ var awscnPartition = partition{ Endpoints: endpoints{ "aws-cn-global": endpoint{ - Hostname: "support.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com", + Hostname: "support.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com.cn", CredentialScope: credentialScope{ Region: "cn-north-1", }, @@ -4102,6 +4666,31 @@ var awscnPartition = partition{ "cn-northwest-1": endpoint{}, }, }, + "transcribe": service{ + Defaults: endpoint{ + Protocols: []string{"https"}, + }, + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "cn-north-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "cn.transcribe.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com.cn", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "cn-north-1", + }, + }, + "cn-northwest-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "cn.transcribe.cn-northwest-1.amazonaws.com.cn", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "cn-northwest-1", + }, + }, + }, + }, + "workspaces": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "cn-northwest-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, }, } @@ -4182,7 +4771,8 @@ var awsusgovPartition = partition{ }, "application-autoscaling": service{ Defaults: endpoint{ - Hostname: "autoscaling.{region}.amazonaws.com", + Hostname: "autoscaling.{region}.amazonaws.com", + Protocols: []string{"http", "https"}, CredentialScope: credentialScope{ Service: "application-autoscaling", }, @@ -4192,6 +4782,23 @@ var awsusgovPartition = partition{ "us-gov-west-1": endpoint{}, }, }, + "appstream2": service{ + Defaults: endpoint{ + Protocols: []string{"https"}, + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Service: "appstream", + }, + }, + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "fips": endpoint{ + Hostname: "appstream2-fips.us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-gov-west-1", + }, + }, + "us-gov-west-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, "athena": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ @@ -4296,6 +4903,13 @@ var awsusgovPartition = partition{ "datasync": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ + "fips-us-gov-west-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "datasync-fips.us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-gov-west-1", + }, + }, + "us-gov-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-gov-west-1": endpoint{}, }, }, @@ -4469,6 +5083,12 @@ var awsusgovPartition = partition{ "us-gov-west-1": endpoint{}, }, }, + "health": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-gov-west-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, "iam": service{ PartitionEndpoint: "aws-us-gov-global", IsRegionalized: boxedFalse, @@ -4564,6 +5184,23 @@ var awsusgovPartition = partition{ "us-gov-west-1": endpoint{}, }, }, + "neptune": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-gov-east-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "rds.us-gov-east-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-gov-east-1", + }, + }, + "us-gov-west-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "rds.us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-gov-west-1", + }, + }, + }, + }, "organizations": service{ PartitionEndpoint: "aws-us-gov-global", IsRegionalized: boxedFalse, @@ -4586,6 +5223,7 @@ var awsusgovPartition = partition{ "ram": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-gov-east-1": endpoint{}, "us-gov-west-1": endpoint{}, }, }, @@ -4609,6 +5247,45 @@ var awsusgovPartition = partition{ "us-gov-west-1": endpoint{}, }, }, + "resource-groups": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "fips-us-gov-east-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-groups.us-gov-east-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-gov-east-1", + }, + }, + "fips-us-gov-west-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-groups.us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-gov-west-1", + }, + }, + "us-gov-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-gov-west-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "route53": service{ + PartitionEndpoint: "aws-us-gov-global", + IsRegionalized: boxedFalse, + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "aws-us-gov-global": endpoint{ + Hostname: "route53.us-gov.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-gov-west-1", + }, + }, + }, + }, + "route53resolver": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-gov-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-gov-west-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, "runtime.sagemaker": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ @@ -4675,6 +5352,13 @@ var awsusgovPartition = partition{ "secretsmanager": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-gov-east-1": endpoint{}, + "us-gov-east-1-fips": endpoint{ + Hostname: "secretsmanager-fips.us-gov-east-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-gov-east-1", + }, + }, "us-gov-west-1": endpoint{}, "us-gov-west-1-fips": endpoint{ Hostname: "secretsmanager-fips.us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com", @@ -4689,11 +5373,26 @@ var awsusgovPartition = partition{ Protocols: []string{"https"}, }, Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-gov-east-1": endpoint{ + Protocols: []string{"https"}, + }, "us-gov-west-1": endpoint{ Protocols: []string{"https"}, }, }, }, + "servicecatalog": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-gov-west-1": endpoint{}, + "us-gov-west-1-fips": endpoint{ + Hostname: "servicecatalog-fips.us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-gov-west-1", + }, + }, + }, + }, "sms": service{ Endpoints: endpoints{ @@ -4791,17 +5490,25 @@ var awsusgovPartition = partition{ "us-gov-west-1": endpoint{}, }, }, - "translate": service{ + "transcribe": service{ Defaults: endpoint{ Protocols: []string{"https"}, }, Endpoints: endpoints{ "us-gov-west-1": endpoint{}, - "us-gov-west-1-fips": endpoint{ - Hostname: "translate-fips.us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com", - CredentialScope: credentialScope{ - Region: "us-gov-west-1", - }, + }, + }, + "translate": service{ + Defaults: endpoint{ + Protocols: []string{"https"}, + }, + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-gov-west-1": endpoint{}, + "us-gov-west-1-fips": endpoint{ + Hostname: "translate-fips.us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-gov-west-1", + }, }, }, }, @@ -4819,3 +5526,624 @@ var awsusgovPartition = partition{ }, }, } + +// AwsIsoPartition returns the Resolver for AWS ISO (US). +func AwsIsoPartition() Partition { + return awsisoPartition.Partition() +} + +var awsisoPartition = partition{ + ID: "aws-iso", + Name: "AWS ISO (US)", + DNSSuffix: "c2s.ic.gov", + RegionRegex: regionRegex{ + Regexp: func() *regexp.Regexp { + reg, _ := regexp.Compile("^us\\-iso\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$") + return reg + }(), + }, + Defaults: endpoint{ + Hostname: "{service}.{region}.{dnsSuffix}", + Protocols: []string{"https"}, + SignatureVersions: []string{"v4"}, + }, + Regions: regions{ + "us-iso-east-1": region{ + Description: "US ISO East", + }, + }, + Services: services{ + "api.ecr": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{ + Hostname: "api.ecr.us-iso-east-1.c2s.ic.gov", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-iso-east-1", + }, + }, + }, + }, + "api.sagemaker": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "apigateway": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "application-autoscaling": service{ + Defaults: endpoint{ + Hostname: "autoscaling.us-iso-east-1.c2s.ic.gov", + Protocols: []string{"http", "https"}, + }, + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "autoscaling": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{ + Protocols: []string{"http", "https"}, + }, + }, + }, + "cloudformation": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "cloudtrail": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "codedeploy": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "config": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "datapipeline": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "directconnect": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "dms": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "ds": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "dynamodb": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{ + Protocols: []string{"http", "https"}, + }, + }, + }, + "ec2": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "ec2metadata": service{ + PartitionEndpoint: "aws-global", + IsRegionalized: boxedFalse, + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "aws-global": endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + Protocols: []string{"http"}, + }, + }, + }, + "ecs": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "elasticache": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "elasticloadbalancing": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{ + Protocols: []string{"http", "https"}, + }, + }, + }, + "elasticmapreduce": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{ + Protocols: []string{"https"}, + }, + }, + }, + "events": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "glacier": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{ + Protocols: []string{"http", "https"}, + }, + }, + }, + "health": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "iam": service{ + PartitionEndpoint: "aws-iso-global", + IsRegionalized: boxedFalse, + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "aws-iso-global": endpoint{ + Hostname: "iam.us-iso-east-1.c2s.ic.gov", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-iso-east-1", + }, + }, + }, + }, + "kinesis": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "kms": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ProdFips": endpoint{ + Hostname: "kms-fips.us-iso-east-1.c2s.ic.gov", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-iso-east-1", + }, + }, + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "lambda": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "logs": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "monitoring": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "rds": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "redshift": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "route53": service{ + PartitionEndpoint: "aws-iso-global", + IsRegionalized: boxedFalse, + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "aws-iso-global": endpoint{ + Hostname: "route53.c2s.ic.gov", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-iso-east-1", + }, + }, + }, + }, + "runtime.sagemaker": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "s3": service{ + Defaults: endpoint{ + SignatureVersions: []string{"s3v4"}, + }, + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{ + Protocols: []string{"http", "https"}, + SignatureVersions: []string{"s3v4"}, + }, + }, + }, + "snowball": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "sns": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{ + Protocols: []string{"http", "https"}, + }, + }, + }, + "sqs": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{ + Protocols: []string{"http", "https"}, + }, + }, + }, + "states": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "streams.dynamodb": service{ + Defaults: endpoint{ + Protocols: []string{"http", "https"}, + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Service: "dynamodb", + }, + }, + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{ + Protocols: []string{"http", "https"}, + }, + }, + }, + "sts": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "support": service{ + PartitionEndpoint: "aws-iso-global", + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "aws-iso-global": endpoint{ + Hostname: "support.us-iso-east-1.c2s.ic.gov", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-iso-east-1", + }, + }, + }, + }, + "swf": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "workspaces": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-iso-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + }, +} + +// AwsIsoBPartition returns the Resolver for AWS ISOB (US). +func AwsIsoBPartition() Partition { + return awsisobPartition.Partition() +} + +var awsisobPartition = partition{ + ID: "aws-iso-b", + Name: "AWS ISOB (US)", + DNSSuffix: "sc2s.sgov.gov", + RegionRegex: regionRegex{ + Regexp: func() *regexp.Regexp { + reg, _ := regexp.Compile("^us\\-isob\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$") + return reg + }(), + }, + Defaults: endpoint{ + Hostname: "{service}.{region}.{dnsSuffix}", + Protocols: []string{"https"}, + SignatureVersions: []string{"v4"}, + }, + Regions: regions{ + "us-isob-east-1": region{ + Description: "US ISOB East (Ohio)", + }, + }, + Services: services{ + "application-autoscaling": service{ + Defaults: endpoint{ + Hostname: "autoscaling.us-isob-east-1.sc2s.sgov.gov", + Protocols: []string{"http", "https"}, + }, + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "autoscaling": service{ + Defaults: endpoint{ + Protocols: []string{"http", "https"}, + }, + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "cloudformation": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "cloudtrail": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "config": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "directconnect": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "dms": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "dynamodb": service{ + Defaults: endpoint{ + Protocols: []string{"http", "https"}, + }, + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "ec2": service{ + Defaults: endpoint{ + Protocols: []string{"http", "https"}, + }, + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "ec2metadata": service{ + PartitionEndpoint: "aws-global", + IsRegionalized: boxedFalse, + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "aws-global": endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + Protocols: []string{"http"}, + }, + }, + }, + "elasticache": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "elasticloadbalancing": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{ + Protocols: []string{"https"}, + }, + }, + }, + "elasticmapreduce": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "events": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "glacier": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "health": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "iam": service{ + PartitionEndpoint: "aws-iso-b-global", + IsRegionalized: boxedFalse, + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "aws-iso-b-global": endpoint{ + Hostname: "iam.us-isob-east-1.sc2s.sgov.gov", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-isob-east-1", + }, + }, + }, + }, + "kinesis": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "kms": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "ProdFips": endpoint{ + Hostname: "kms-fips.us-isob-east-1.sc2s.sgov.gov", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-isob-east-1", + }, + }, + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "logs": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "monitoring": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "rds": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "redshift": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "s3": service{ + Defaults: endpoint{ + Protocols: []string{"http", "https"}, + SignatureVersions: []string{"s3v4"}, + }, + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "snowball": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "sns": service{ + Defaults: endpoint{ + Protocols: []string{"http", "https"}, + }, + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "sqs": service{ + Defaults: endpoint{ + SSLCommonName: "{region}.queue.{dnsSuffix}", + Protocols: []string{"http", "https"}, + }, + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "states": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "streams.dynamodb": service{ + Defaults: endpoint{ + Protocols: []string{"http", "https"}, + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Service: "dynamodb", + }, + }, + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "sts": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + "support": service{ + PartitionEndpoint: "aws-iso-b-global", + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "aws-iso-b-global": endpoint{ + Hostname: "support.us-isob-east-1.sc2s.sgov.gov", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-isob-east-1", + }, + }, + }, + }, + "swf": service{ + + Endpoints: endpoints{ + "us-isob-east-1": endpoint{}, + }, + }, + }, +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/endpoints.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/endpoints.go index 9c936be6..1f53d9cb 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/endpoints.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/endpoints.go @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package endpoints import ( "fmt" "regexp" + "strings" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awserr" ) @@ -46,6 +47,108 @@ type Options struct { // // This option is ignored if StrictMatching is enabled. ResolveUnknownService bool + + // STS Regional Endpoint flag helps with resolving the STS endpoint + STSRegionalEndpoint STSRegionalEndpoint + + // S3 Regional Endpoint flag helps with resolving the S3 endpoint + S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint +} + +// STSRegionalEndpoint is an enum for the states of the STS Regional Endpoint +// options. +type STSRegionalEndpoint int + +func (e STSRegionalEndpoint) String() string { + switch e { + case LegacySTSEndpoint: + return "legacy" + case RegionalSTSEndpoint: + return "regional" + case UnsetSTSEndpoint: + return "" + default: + return "unknown" + } +} + +const ( + + // UnsetSTSEndpoint represents that STS Regional Endpoint flag is not specified. + UnsetSTSEndpoint STSRegionalEndpoint = iota + + // LegacySTSEndpoint represents when STS Regional Endpoint flag is specified + // to use legacy endpoints. + LegacySTSEndpoint + + // RegionalSTSEndpoint represents when STS Regional Endpoint flag is specified + // to use regional endpoints. + RegionalSTSEndpoint +) + +// GetSTSRegionalEndpoint function returns the STSRegionalEndpointFlag based +// on the input string provided in env config or shared config by the user. +// +// `legacy`, `regional` are the only case-insensitive valid strings for +// resolving the STS regional Endpoint flag. +func GetSTSRegionalEndpoint(s string) (STSRegionalEndpoint, error) { + switch { + case strings.EqualFold(s, "legacy"): + return LegacySTSEndpoint, nil + case strings.EqualFold(s, "regional"): + return RegionalSTSEndpoint, nil + default: + return UnsetSTSEndpoint, fmt.Errorf("unable to resolve the value of STSRegionalEndpoint for %v", s) + } +} + +// S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint is an enum for the states of the S3 us-east-1 +// Regional Endpoint options. +type S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint int + +func (e S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint) String() string { + switch e { + case LegacyS3UsEast1Endpoint: + return "legacy" + case RegionalS3UsEast1Endpoint: + return "regional" + case UnsetS3UsEast1Endpoint: + return "" + default: + return "unknown" + } +} + +const ( + + // UnsetS3UsEast1Endpoint represents that S3 Regional Endpoint flag is not + // specified. + UnsetS3UsEast1Endpoint S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint = iota + + // LegacyS3UsEast1Endpoint represents when S3 Regional Endpoint flag is + // specified to use legacy endpoints. + LegacyS3UsEast1Endpoint + + // RegionalS3UsEast1Endpoint represents when S3 Regional Endpoint flag is + // specified to use regional endpoints. + RegionalS3UsEast1Endpoint +) + +// GetS3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint function returns the S3UsEast1RegionalEndpointFlag based +// on the input string provided in env config or shared config by the user. +// +// `legacy`, `regional` are the only case-insensitive valid strings for +// resolving the S3 regional Endpoint flag. +func GetS3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint(s string) (S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint, error) { + switch { + case strings.EqualFold(s, "legacy"): + return LegacyS3UsEast1Endpoint, nil + case strings.EqualFold(s, "regional"): + return RegionalS3UsEast1Endpoint, nil + default: + return UnsetS3UsEast1Endpoint, + fmt.Errorf("unable to resolve the value of S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint for %v", s) + } } // Set combines all of the option functions together. @@ -79,6 +182,12 @@ func ResolveUnknownServiceOption(o *Options) { o.ResolveUnknownService = true } +// STSRegionalEndpointOption enables the STS endpoint resolver behavior to resolve +// STS endpoint to their regional endpoint, instead of the global endpoint. +func STSRegionalEndpointOption(o *Options) { + o.STSRegionalEndpoint = RegionalSTSEndpoint +} + // A Resolver provides the interface for functionality to resolve endpoints. // The build in Partition and DefaultResolver return value satisfy this interface. type Resolver interface { @@ -194,7 +303,7 @@ func (p Partition) ID() string { return p.id } // require the provided service and region to be known by the partition. // If the endpoint cannot be strictly resolved an error will be returned. This // mode is useful to ensure the endpoint resolved is valid. Without -// StrictMatching enabled the endpoint returned my look valid but may not work. +// StrictMatching enabled the endpoint returned may look valid but may not work. // StrictMatching requires the SDK to be updated if you want to take advantage // of new regions and services expansions. // @@ -350,6 +459,9 @@ type ResolvedEndpoint struct { // The endpoint URL URL string + // The endpoint partition + PartitionID string + // The region that should be used for signing requests. SigningRegion string diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/legacy_regions.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/legacy_regions.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..df75e899 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/legacy_regions.go @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +package endpoints + +var legacyGlobalRegions = map[string]map[string]struct{}{ + "sts": { + "ap-northeast-1": {}, + "ap-south-1": {}, + "ap-southeast-1": {}, + "ap-southeast-2": {}, + "ca-central-1": {}, + "eu-central-1": {}, + "eu-north-1": {}, + "eu-west-1": {}, + "eu-west-2": {}, + "eu-west-3": {}, + "sa-east-1": {}, + "us-east-1": {}, + "us-east-2": {}, + "us-west-1": {}, + "us-west-2": {}, + }, + "s3": { + "us-east-1": {}, + }, +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/v3model.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/v3model.go index 523ad79a..eb2ac83c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/v3model.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/v3model.go @@ -75,24 +75,56 @@ func (p partition) canResolveEndpoint(service, region string, strictMatch bool) return p.RegionRegex.MatchString(region) } +func allowLegacyEmptyRegion(service string) bool { + legacy := map[string]struct{}{ + "budgets": {}, + "ce": {}, + "chime": {}, + "cloudfront": {}, + "ec2metadata": {}, + "iam": {}, + "importexport": {}, + "organizations": {}, + "route53": {}, + "sts": {}, + "support": {}, + "waf": {}, + } + + _, allowed := legacy[service] + return allowed +} + func (p partition) EndpointFor(service, region string, opts ...func(*Options)) (resolved ResolvedEndpoint, err error) { var opt Options opt.Set(opts...) s, hasService := p.Services[service] - if !(hasService || opt.ResolveUnknownService) { + if len(service) == 0 || !(hasService || opt.ResolveUnknownService) { // Only return error if the resolver will not fallback to creating // endpoint based on service endpoint ID passed in. return resolved, NewUnknownServiceError(p.ID, service, serviceList(p.Services)) } + if len(region) == 0 && allowLegacyEmptyRegion(service) && len(s.PartitionEndpoint) != 0 { + region = s.PartitionEndpoint + } + + if (service == "sts" && opt.STSRegionalEndpoint != RegionalSTSEndpoint) || + (service == "s3" && opt.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint != RegionalS3UsEast1Endpoint) { + if _, ok := legacyGlobalRegions[service][region]; ok { + region = "aws-global" + } + } + e, hasEndpoint := s.endpointForRegion(region) - if !hasEndpoint && opt.StrictMatching { + if len(region) == 0 || (!hasEndpoint && opt.StrictMatching) { return resolved, NewUnknownEndpointError(p.ID, service, region, endpointList(s.Endpoints)) } defs := []endpoint{p.Defaults, s.Defaults} - return e.resolve(service, region, p.DNSSuffix, defs, opt), nil + + return e.resolve(service, p.ID, region, p.DNSSuffix, defs, opt), nil } func serviceList(ss services) []string { @@ -201,7 +233,7 @@ func getByPriority(s []string, p []string, def string) string { return s[0] } -func (e endpoint) resolve(service, region, dnsSuffix string, defs []endpoint, opts Options) ResolvedEndpoint { +func (e endpoint) resolve(service, partitionID, region, dnsSuffix string, defs []endpoint, opts Options) ResolvedEndpoint { var merged endpoint for _, def := range defs { merged.mergeIn(def) @@ -209,11 +241,23 @@ func (e endpoint) resolve(service, region, dnsSuffix string, defs []endpoint, op merged.mergeIn(e) e = merged - hostname := e.Hostname + signingRegion := e.CredentialScope.Region + if len(signingRegion) == 0 { + signingRegion = region + } + signingName := e.CredentialScope.Service + var signingNameDerived bool + if len(signingName) == 0 { + signingName = service + signingNameDerived = true + } + + hostname := e.Hostname // Offset the hostname for dualstack if enabled if opts.UseDualStack && e.HasDualStack == boxedTrue { hostname = e.DualStackHostname + region = signingRegion } u := strings.Replace(hostname, "{service}", service, 1) @@ -223,20 +267,9 @@ func (e endpoint) resolve(service, region, dnsSuffix string, defs []endpoint, op scheme := getEndpointScheme(e.Protocols, opts.DisableSSL) u = fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", scheme, u) - signingRegion := e.CredentialScope.Region - if len(signingRegion) == 0 { - signingRegion = region - } - - signingName := e.CredentialScope.Service - var signingNameDerived bool - if len(signingName) == 0 { - signingName = service - signingNameDerived = true - } - return ResolvedEndpoint{ URL: u, + PartitionID: partitionID, SigningRegion: signingRegion, SigningName: signingName, SigningNameDerived: signingNameDerived, diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request/handlers.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request/handlers.go index 627ec722..185b0731 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request/handlers.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request/handlers.go @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ type Handlers struct { Complete HandlerList } -// Copy returns of this handler's lists. +// Copy returns a copy of this handler's lists. func (h *Handlers) Copy() Handlers { return Handlers{ Validate: h.Validate.copy(), @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ func (h *Handlers) Copy() Handlers { } } -// Clear removes callback functions for all handlers +// Clear removes callback functions for all handlers. func (h *Handlers) Clear() { h.Validate.Clear() h.Build.Clear() diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request/request.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request/request.go index e7c9b2b6..52178141 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request/request.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request/request.go @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io" - "net" "net/http" "net/url" "reflect" @@ -65,6 +64,15 @@ type Request struct { LastSignedAt time.Time DisableFollowRedirects bool + // Additional API error codes that should be retried. IsErrorRetryable + // will consider these codes in addition to its built in cases. + RetryErrorCodes []string + + // Additional API error codes that should be retried with throttle backoff + // delay. IsErrorThrottle will consider these codes in addition to its + // built in cases. + ThrottleErrorCodes []string + // A value greater than 0 instructs the request to be signed as Presigned URL // You should not set this field directly. Instead use Request's // Presign or PresignRequest methods. @@ -91,8 +99,12 @@ type Operation struct { BeforePresignFn func(r *Request) error } -// New returns a new Request pointer for the service API -// operation and parameters. +// New returns a new Request pointer for the service API operation and +// parameters. +// +// A Retryer should be provided to direct how the request is retried. If +// Retryer is nil, a default no retry value will be used. You can use +// NoOpRetryer in the Client package to disable retry behavior directly. // // Params is any value of input parameters to be the request payload. // Data is pointer value to an object which the request's response @@ -100,6 +112,10 @@ type Operation struct { func New(cfg aws.Config, clientInfo metadata.ClientInfo, handlers Handlers, retryer Retryer, operation *Operation, params interface{}, data interface{}) *Request { + if retryer == nil { + retryer = noOpRetryer{} + } + method := operation.HTTPMethod if method == "" { method = "POST" @@ -498,21 +514,17 @@ func (r *Request) Send() error { if err := r.sendRequest(); err == nil { return nil - } else if !shouldRetryError(r.Error) { + } + r.Handlers.Retry.Run(r) + r.Handlers.AfterRetry.Run(r) + + if r.Error != nil || !aws.BoolValue(r.Retryable) { + return r.Error + } + + if err := r.prepareRetry(); err != nil { + r.Error = err return err - } else { - r.Handlers.Retry.Run(r) - r.Handlers.AfterRetry.Run(r) - - if r.Error != nil || !aws.BoolValue(r.Retryable) { - return r.Error - } - - if err := r.prepareRetry(); err != nil { - r.Error = err - return err - } - continue } } } @@ -596,51 +608,6 @@ func AddToUserAgent(r *Request, s string) { r.HTTPRequest.Header.Set("User-Agent", s) } -type temporary interface { - Temporary() bool -} - -func shouldRetryError(origErr error) bool { - switch err := origErr.(type) { - case awserr.Error: - if err.Code() == CanceledErrorCode { - return false - } - return shouldRetryError(err.OrigErr()) - case *url.Error: - if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "connection refused") { - // Refused connections should be retried as the service may not yet - // be running on the port. Go TCP dial considers refused - // connections as not temporary. - return true - } - // *url.Error only implements Temporary after golang 1.6 but since - // url.Error only wraps the error: - return shouldRetryError(err.Err) - case temporary: - if netErr, ok := err.(*net.OpError); ok && netErr.Op == "dial" { - return true - } - // If the error is temporary, we want to allow continuation of the - // retry process - return err.Temporary() || isErrConnectionReset(origErr) - case nil: - // `awserr.Error.OrigErr()` can be nil, meaning there was an error but - // because we don't know the cause, it is marked as retryable. See - // TestRequest4xxUnretryable for an example. - return true - default: - switch err.Error() { - case "net/http: request canceled", - "net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection": - // known 1.5 error case when an http request is cancelled - return false - } - // here we don't know the error; so we allow a retry. - return true - } -} - // SanitizeHostForHeader removes default port from host and updates request.Host func SanitizeHostForHeader(r *http.Request) { host := getHost(r) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request/request_pagination.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request/request_pagination.go index f093fc54..64784e16 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request/request_pagination.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request/request_pagination.go @@ -17,11 +17,13 @@ import ( // does the pagination between API operations, and Paginator defines the // configuration that will be used per page request. // -// cont := true -// for p.Next() && cont { +// for p.Next() { // data := p.Page().(*s3.ListObjectsOutput) // // process the page's data +// // ... +// // break out of loop to stop fetching additional pages // } +// // return p.Err() // // See service client API operation Pages methods for examples how the SDK will diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request/retryer.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request/retryer.go index d0aa54c6..8015acc6 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request/retryer.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request/retryer.go @@ -1,26 +1,75 @@ package request import ( + "net" + "net/url" + "strings" "time" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awserr" ) -// Retryer is an interface to control retry logic for a given service. -// The default implementation used by most services is the client.DefaultRetryer -// structure, which contains basic retry logic using exponential backoff. +// Retryer provides the interface drive the SDK's request retry behavior. The +// Retryer implementation is responsible for implementing exponential backoff, +// and determine if a request API error should be retried. +// +// client.DefaultRetryer is the SDK's default implementation of the Retryer. It +// uses the which uses the Request.IsErrorRetryable and Request.IsErrorThrottle +// methods to determine if the request is retried. type Retryer interface { + // RetryRules return the retry delay that should be used by the SDK before + // making another request attempt for the failed request. RetryRules(*Request) time.Duration + + // ShouldRetry returns if the failed request is retryable. + // + // Implementations may consider request attempt count when determining if a + // request is retryable, but the SDK will use MaxRetries to limit the + // number of attempts a request are made. ShouldRetry(*Request) bool + + // MaxRetries is the number of times a request may be retried before + // failing. MaxRetries() int } -// WithRetryer sets a config Retryer value to the given Config returning it -// for chaining. +// WithRetryer sets a Retryer value to the given Config returning the Config +// value for chaining. The value must not be nil. func WithRetryer(cfg *aws.Config, retryer Retryer) *aws.Config { + if retryer == nil { + if cfg.Logger != nil { + cfg.Logger.Log("ERROR: Request.WithRetryer called with nil retryer. Replacing with retry disabled Retryer.") + } + retryer = noOpRetryer{} + } cfg.Retryer = retryer return cfg + +} + +// noOpRetryer is a internal no op retryer used when a request is created +// without a retryer. +// +// Provides a retryer that performs no retries. +// It should be used when we do not want retries to be performed. +type noOpRetryer struct{} + +// MaxRetries returns the number of maximum returns the service will use to make +// an individual API; For NoOpRetryer the MaxRetries will always be zero. +func (d noOpRetryer) MaxRetries() int { + return 0 +} + +// ShouldRetry will always return false for NoOpRetryer, as it should never retry. +func (d noOpRetryer) ShouldRetry(_ *Request) bool { + return false +} + +// RetryRules returns the delay duration before retrying this request again; +// since NoOpRetryer does not retry, RetryRules always returns 0. +func (d noOpRetryer) RetryRules(_ *Request) time.Duration { + return 0 } // retryableCodes is a collection of service response codes which are retry-able @@ -76,10 +125,6 @@ var validParentCodes = map[string]struct{}{ ErrCodeRead: {}, } -type temporaryError interface { - Temporary() bool -} - func isNestedErrorRetryable(parentErr awserr.Error) bool { if parentErr == nil { return false @@ -98,7 +143,7 @@ func isNestedErrorRetryable(parentErr awserr.Error) bool { return isCodeRetryable(aerr.Code()) } - if t, ok := err.(temporaryError); ok { + if t, ok := err.(temporary); ok { return t.Temporary() || isErrConnectionReset(err) } @@ -108,32 +153,90 @@ func isNestedErrorRetryable(parentErr awserr.Error) bool { // IsErrorRetryable returns whether the error is retryable, based on its Code. // Returns false if error is nil. func IsErrorRetryable(err error) bool { - if err != nil { - if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok { - return isCodeRetryable(aerr.Code()) || isNestedErrorRetryable(aerr) + if err == nil { + return false + } + return shouldRetryError(err) +} + +type temporary interface { + Temporary() bool +} + +func shouldRetryError(origErr error) bool { + switch err := origErr.(type) { + case awserr.Error: + if err.Code() == CanceledErrorCode { + return false } + if isNestedErrorRetryable(err) { + return true + } + + origErr := err.OrigErr() + var shouldRetry bool + if origErr != nil { + shouldRetry := shouldRetryError(origErr) + if err.Code() == "RequestError" && !shouldRetry { + return false + } + } + if isCodeRetryable(err.Code()) { + return true + } + return shouldRetry + + case *url.Error: + if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "connection refused") { + // Refused connections should be retried as the service may not yet + // be running on the port. Go TCP dial considers refused + // connections as not temporary. + return true + } + // *url.Error only implements Temporary after golang 1.6 but since + // url.Error only wraps the error: + return shouldRetryError(err.Err) + + case temporary: + if netErr, ok := err.(*net.OpError); ok && netErr.Op == "dial" { + return true + } + // If the error is temporary, we want to allow continuation of the + // retry process + return err.Temporary() || isErrConnectionReset(origErr) + + case nil: + // `awserr.Error.OrigErr()` can be nil, meaning there was an error but + // because we don't know the cause, it is marked as retryable. See + // TestRequest4xxUnretryable for an example. + return true + + default: + switch err.Error() { + case "net/http: request canceled", + "net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection": + // known 1.5 error case when an http request is cancelled + return false + } + // here we don't know the error; so we allow a retry. + return true } - return false } // IsErrorThrottle returns whether the error is to be throttled based on its code. // Returns false if error is nil. func IsErrorThrottle(err error) bool { - if err != nil { - if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok { - return isCodeThrottle(aerr.Code()) - } + if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok && aerr != nil { + return isCodeThrottle(aerr.Code()) } return false } -// IsErrorExpiredCreds returns whether the error code is a credential expiry error. -// Returns false if error is nil. +// IsErrorExpiredCreds returns whether the error code is a credential expiry +// error. Returns false if error is nil. func IsErrorExpiredCreds(err error) bool { - if err != nil { - if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok { - return isCodeExpiredCreds(aerr.Code()) - } + if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok && aerr != nil { + return isCodeExpiredCreds(aerr.Code()) } return false } @@ -143,17 +246,58 @@ func IsErrorExpiredCreds(err error) bool { // // Alias for the utility function IsErrorRetryable func (r *Request) IsErrorRetryable() bool { + if isErrCode(r.Error, r.RetryErrorCodes) { + return true + } + + // HTTP response status code 501 should not be retried. + // 501 represents Not Implemented which means the request method is not + // supported by the server and cannot be handled. + if r.HTTPResponse != nil { + // HTTP response status code 500 represents internal server error and + // should be retried without any throttle. + if r.HTTPResponse.StatusCode == 500 { + return true + } + } return IsErrorRetryable(r.Error) } -// IsErrorThrottle returns whether the error is to be throttled based on its code. -// Returns false if the request has no Error set +// IsErrorThrottle returns whether the error is to be throttled based on its +// code. Returns false if the request has no Error set. // // Alias for the utility function IsErrorThrottle func (r *Request) IsErrorThrottle() bool { + if isErrCode(r.Error, r.ThrottleErrorCodes) { + return true + } + + if r.HTTPResponse != nil { + switch r.HTTPResponse.StatusCode { + case + 429, // error caused due to too many requests + 502, // Bad Gateway error should be throttled + 503, // caused when service is unavailable + 504: // error occurred due to gateway timeout + return true + } + } + return IsErrorThrottle(r.Error) } +func isErrCode(err error, codes []string) bool { + if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok && aerr != nil { + for _, code := range codes { + if code == aerr.Code() { + return true + } + } + } + + return false +} + // IsErrorExpired returns whether the error code is a credential expiry error. // Returns false if the request has no Error set. // diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session/credentials.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session/credentials.go index ce415182..cc64e24f 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session/credentials.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session/credentials.go @@ -21,9 +21,10 @@ func resolveCredentials(cfg *aws.Config, ) (*credentials.Credentials, error) { switch { - case len(envCfg.Profile) != 0: - // User explicitly provided an Profile, so load from shared config - // first. + case len(sessOpts.Profile) != 0: + // User explicitly provided an Profile in the session's configuration + // so load that profile from shared config first. + // Github(aws/aws-sdk-go#2727) return resolveCredsFromProfile(cfg, envCfg, sharedCfg, handlers, sessOpts) case envCfg.Creds.HasKeys(): @@ -46,10 +47,10 @@ func resolveCredentials(cfg *aws.Config, } // WebIdentityEmptyRoleARNErr will occur if 'AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE' was set but -// 'AWS_IAM_ROLE_ARN' was not set. +// 'AWS_ROLE_ARN' was not set. var WebIdentityEmptyRoleARNErr = awserr.New(stscreds.ErrCodeWebIdentity, "role ARN is not set", nil) -// WebIdentityEmptyTokenFilePathErr will occur if 'AWS_IAM_ROLE_ARN' was set but +// WebIdentityEmptyTokenFilePathErr will occur if 'AWS_ROLE_ARN' was set but // 'AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE' was not set. var WebIdentityEmptyTokenFilePathErr = awserr.New(stscreds.ErrCodeWebIdentity, "token file path is not set", nil) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session/doc.go index 38a7b05a..7ec66e7e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session/doc.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session/doc.go @@ -1,97 +1,93 @@ /* -Package session provides configuration for the SDK's service clients. - -Sessions can be shared across all service clients that share the same base -configuration. The Session is built from the SDK's default configuration and -request handlers. - -Sessions should be cached when possible, because creating a new Session will -load all configuration values from the environment, and config files each time -the Session is created. Sharing the Session value across all of your service -clients will ensure the configuration is loaded the fewest number of times possible. - -Concurrency +Package session provides configuration for the SDK's service clients. Sessions +can be shared across service clients that share the same base configuration. Sessions are safe to use concurrently as long as the Session is not being -modified. The SDK will not modify the Session once the Session has been created. -Creating service clients concurrently from a shared Session is safe. - -Sessions from Shared Config - -Sessions can be created using the method above that will only load the -additional config if the AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG environment variable is set. -Alternatively you can explicitly create a Session with shared config enabled. -To do this you can use NewSessionWithOptions to configure how the Session will -be created. Using the NewSessionWithOptions with SharedConfigState set to -SharedConfigEnable will create the session as if the AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG -environment variable was set. +modified. Sessions should be cached when possible, because creating a new +Session will load all configuration values from the environment, and config +files each time the Session is created. Sharing the Session value across all of +your service clients will ensure the configuration is loaded the fewest number +of times possible. -Creating Sessions - -When creating Sessions optional aws.Config values can be passed in that will -override the default, or loaded config values the Session is being created -with. This allows you to provide additional, or case based, configuration -as needed. +Sessions options from Shared Config By default NewSession will only load credentials from the shared credentials file (~/.aws/credentials). If the AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG environment variable is set to a truthy value the Session will be created from the configuration values from the shared config (~/.aws/config) and shared credentials -(~/.aws/credentials) files. See the section Sessions from Shared Config for -more information. +(~/.aws/credentials) files. Using the NewSessionWithOptions with +SharedConfigState set to SharedConfigEnable will create the session as if the +AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG environment variable was set. -Create a Session with the default config and request handlers. With credentials -region, and profile loaded from the environment and shared config automatically. -Requires the AWS_PROFILE to be set, or "default" is used. +Credential and config loading order - // Create Session - sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) +The Session will attempt to load configuration and credentials from the +environment, configuration files, and other credential sources. The order +configuration is loaded in is: - // Create a Session with a custom region - sess := session.Must(session.NewSession(&aws.Config{ - Region: aws.String("us-east-1"), - })) + * Environment Variables + * Shared Credentials file + * Shared Configuration file (if SharedConfig is enabled) + * EC2 Instance Metadata (credentials only) - // Create a S3 client instance from a session - sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) +The Environment variables for credentials will have precedence over shared +config even if SharedConfig is enabled. To override this behavior, and use +shared config credentials instead specify the session.Options.Profile, (e.g. +when using credential_source=Environment to assume a role). + + sess, err := session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{ + Profile: "myProfile", + }) - svc := s3.New(sess) +Creating Sessions -Create Session With Option Overrides +Creating a Session without additional options will load credentials region, and +profile loaded from the environment and shared config automatically. See, +"Environment Variables" section for information on environment variables used +by Session. -In addition to NewSession, Sessions can be created using NewSessionWithOptions. -This func allows you to control and override how the Session will be created -through code instead of being driven by environment variables only. + // Create Session + sess, err := session.NewSession() -Use NewSessionWithOptions when you want to provide the config profile, or -override the shared config state (AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG). + +When creating Sessions optional aws.Config values can be passed in that will +override the default, or loaded, config values the Session is being created +with. This allows you to provide additional, or case based, configuration +as needed. + + // Create a Session with a custom region + sess, err := session.NewSession(&aws.Config{ + Region: aws.String("us-west-2"), + }) + +Use NewSessionWithOptions to provide additional configuration driving how the +Session's configuration will be loaded. Such as, specifying shared config +profile, or override the shared config state, (AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG). // Equivalent to session.NewSession() - sess := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{ + sess, err := session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{ // Options - })) + }) - // Specify profile to load for the session's config - sess := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{ - Profile: "profile_name", - })) + sess, err := session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{ + // Specify profile to load for the session's config + Profile: "profile_name", - // Specify profile for config and region for requests - sess := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{ - Config: aws.Config{Region: aws.String("us-east-1")}, - Profile: "profile_name", - })) + // Provide SDK Config options, such as Region. + Config: aws.Config{ + Region: aws.String("us-west-2"), + }, - // Force enable Shared Config support - sess := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{ + // Force enable Shared Config support SharedConfigState: session.SharedConfigEnable, - })) + }) Adding Handlers -You can add handlers to a session for processing HTTP requests. All service -clients that use the session inherit the handlers. For example, the following -handler logs every request and its payload made by a service client: +You can add handlers to a session to decorate API operation, (e.g. adding HTTP +headers). All clients that use the Session receive a copy of the Session's +handlers. For example, the following request handler added to the Session logs +every requests made. // Create a session, and add additional handlers for all service // clients created with the Session to inherit. Adds logging handler. @@ -99,22 +95,15 @@ handler logs every request and its payload made by a service client: sess.Handlers.Send.PushFront(func(r *request.Request) { // Log every request made and its payload - logger.Printf("Request: %s/%s, Payload: %s", + logger.Printf("Request: %s/%s, Params: %s", r.ClientInfo.ServiceName, r.Operation, r.Params) }) -Deprecated "New" function - -The New session function has been deprecated because it does not provide good -way to return errors that occur when loading the configuration files and values. -Because of this, NewSession was created so errors can be retrieved when -creating a session fails. - Shared Config Fields -By default the SDK will only load the shared credentials file's (~/.aws/credentials) -credentials values, and all other config is provided by the environment variables, -SDK defaults, and user provided aws.Config values. +By default the SDK will only load the shared credentials file's +(~/.aws/credentials) credentials values, and all other config is provided by +the environment variables, SDK defaults, and user provided aws.Config values. If the AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG environment variable is set, or SharedConfigEnable option is used to create the Session the full shared config values will be @@ -125,24 +114,31 @@ files have the same format. If both config files are present the configuration from both files will be read. The Session will be created from configuration values from the shared -credentials file (~/.aws/credentials) over those in the shared config file (~/.aws/config). +credentials file (~/.aws/credentials) over those in the shared config file +(~/.aws/config). -Credentials are the values the SDK should use for authenticating requests with -AWS Services. They are from a configuration file will need to include both -aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key must be provided together in the -same file to be considered valid. The values will be ignored if not a complete -group. aws_session_token is an optional field that can be provided if both of -the other two fields are also provided. +Credentials are the values the SDK uses to authenticating requests with AWS +Services. When specified in a file, both aws_access_key_id and +aws_secret_access_key must be provided together in the same file to be +considered valid. They will be ignored if both are not present. +aws_session_token is an optional field that can be provided in addition to the +other two fields. aws_access_key_id = AKID aws_secret_access_key = SECRET aws_session_token = TOKEN -Assume Role values allow you to configure the SDK to assume an IAM role using -a set of credentials provided in a config file via the source_profile field. -Both "role_arn" and "source_profile" are required. The SDK supports assuming -a role with MFA token if the session option AssumeRoleTokenProvider -is set. + ; region only supported if SharedConfigEnabled. + region = us-east-1 + +Assume Role configuration + +The role_arn field allows you to configure the SDK to assume an IAM role using +a set of credentials from another source. Such as when paired with static +credentials, "profile_source", "credential_process", or "credential_source" +fields. If "role_arn" is provided, a source of credentials must also be +specified, such as "source_profile", "credential_source", or +"credential_process". role_arn = arn:aws:iam:::role/ source_profile = profile_with_creds @@ -150,40 +146,16 @@ is set. mfa_serial = role_session_name = session_name -Region is the region the SDK should use for looking up AWS service endpoints -and signing requests. - - region = us-east-1 - -Assume Role with MFA token -To create a session with support for assuming an IAM role with MFA set the -session option AssumeRoleTokenProvider to a function that will prompt for the -MFA token code when the SDK assumes the role and refreshes the role's credentials. -This allows you to configure the SDK via the shared config to assumea role -with MFA tokens. - -In order for the SDK to assume a role with MFA the SharedConfigState -session option must be set to SharedConfigEnable, or AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG -environment variable set. - -The shared configuration instructs the SDK to assume an IAM role with MFA -when the mfa_serial configuration field is set in the shared config -(~/.aws/config) or shared credentials (~/.aws/credentials) file. - -If mfa_serial is set in the configuration, the SDK will assume the role, and -the AssumeRoleTokenProvider session option is not set an an error will -be returned when creating the session. +The SDK supports assuming a role with MFA token. If "mfa_serial" is set, you +must also set the Session Option.AssumeRoleTokenProvider. The Session will fail +to load if the AssumeRoleTokenProvider is not specified. sess := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{ AssumeRoleTokenProvider: stscreds.StdinTokenProvider, })) - // Create service client value configured for credentials - // from assumed role. - svc := s3.New(sess) - -To setup assume role outside of a session see the stscreds.AssumeRoleProvider +To setup Assume Role outside of a session see the stscreds.AssumeRoleProvider documentation. Environment Variables diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session/env_config.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session/env_config.go index 3a998d5b..4092ab8f 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session/env_config.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session/env_config.go @@ -1,12 +1,14 @@ package session import ( + "fmt" "os" "strconv" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/defaults" + "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints" ) // EnvProviderName provides a name of the provider when config is loaded from environment. @@ -99,10 +101,10 @@ type envConfig struct { CustomCABundle string csmEnabled string - CSMEnabled bool + CSMEnabled *bool CSMPort string - CSMClientID string CSMHost string + CSMClientID string // Enables endpoint discovery via environment variables. // @@ -125,6 +127,20 @@ type envConfig struct { // // AWS_ROLE_SESSION_NAME=session_name RoleSessionName string + + // Specifies the STS Regional Endpoint flag for the SDK to resolve the endpoint + // for a service. + // + // AWS_STS_REGIONAL_ENDPOINTS=regional + // This can take value as `regional` or `legacy` + STSRegionalEndpoint endpoints.STSRegionalEndpoint + + // Specifies the S3 Regional Endpoint flag for the SDK to resolve the + // endpoint for a service. + // + // AWS_S3_US_EAST_1_REGIONAL_ENDPOINT=regional + // This can take value as `regional` or `legacy` + S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint endpoints.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint } var ( @@ -179,6 +195,12 @@ var ( roleSessionNameEnvKey = []string{ "AWS_ROLE_SESSION_NAME", } + stsRegionalEndpointKey = []string{ + "AWS_STS_REGIONAL_ENDPOINTS", + } + s3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint = []string{ + "AWS_S3_US_EAST_1_REGIONAL_ENDPOINT", + } ) // loadEnvConfig retrieves the SDK's environment configuration. @@ -187,7 +209,7 @@ var ( // If the environment variable `AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG` is set to a truthy value // the shared SDK config will be loaded in addition to the SDK's specific // configuration values. -func loadEnvConfig() envConfig { +func loadEnvConfig() (envConfig, error) { enableSharedConfig, _ := strconv.ParseBool(os.Getenv("AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG")) return envConfigLoad(enableSharedConfig) } @@ -198,11 +220,11 @@ func loadEnvConfig() envConfig { // Loads the shared configuration in addition to the SDK's specific configuration. // This will load the same values as `loadEnvConfig` if the `AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG` // environment variable is set. -func loadSharedEnvConfig() envConfig { +func loadSharedEnvConfig() (envConfig, error) { return envConfigLoad(true) } -func envConfigLoad(enableSharedConfig bool) envConfig { +func envConfigLoad(enableSharedConfig bool) (envConfig, error) { cfg := envConfig{} cfg.EnableSharedConfig = enableSharedConfig @@ -230,7 +252,11 @@ func envConfigLoad(enableSharedConfig bool) envConfig { setFromEnvVal(&cfg.CSMHost, csmHostEnvKey) setFromEnvVal(&cfg.CSMPort, csmPortEnvKey) setFromEnvVal(&cfg.CSMClientID, csmClientIDEnvKey) - cfg.CSMEnabled = len(cfg.csmEnabled) > 0 + + if len(cfg.csmEnabled) != 0 { + v, _ := strconv.ParseBool(cfg.csmEnabled) + cfg.CSMEnabled = &v + } regionKeys := regionEnvKeys profileKeys := profileEnvKeys @@ -260,12 +286,33 @@ func envConfigLoad(enableSharedConfig bool) envConfig { cfg.CustomCABundle = os.Getenv("AWS_CA_BUNDLE") - return cfg + var err error + // STS Regional Endpoint variable + for _, k := range stsRegionalEndpointKey { + if v := os.Getenv(k); len(v) != 0 { + cfg.STSRegionalEndpoint, err = endpoints.GetSTSRegionalEndpoint(v) + if err != nil { + return cfg, fmt.Errorf("failed to load, %v from env config, %v", k, err) + } + } + } + + // S3 Regional Endpoint variable + for _, k := range s3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint { + if v := os.Getenv(k); len(v) != 0 { + cfg.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint, err = endpoints.GetS3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint(v) + if err != nil { + return cfg, fmt.Errorf("failed to load, %v from env config, %v", k, err) + } + } + } + + return cfg, nil } func setFromEnvVal(dst *string, keys []string) { for _, k := range keys { - if v := os.Getenv(k); len(v) > 0 { + if v := os.Getenv(k); len(v) != 0 { *dst = v break } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session/session.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session/session.go index 3a28da5a..ab6daac7 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session/session.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session/session.go @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ type Session struct { // func is called instead of waiting to receive an error until a request is made. func New(cfgs ...*aws.Config) *Session { // load initial config from environment - envCfg := loadEnvConfig() + envCfg, envErr := loadEnvConfig() if envCfg.EnableSharedConfig { var cfg aws.Config @@ -93,26 +93,27 @@ func New(cfgs ...*aws.Config) *Session { // Session creation failed, need to report the error and prevent // any requests from succeeding. s = &Session{Config: defaults.Config()} - s.Config.MergeIn(cfgs...) - s.Config.Logger.Log("ERROR:", msg, "Error:", err) - s.Handlers.Validate.PushBack(func(r *request.Request) { - r.Error = err - }) + s.logDeprecatedNewSessionError(msg, err, cfgs) } return s } s := deprecatedNewSession(cfgs...) - if envCfg.CSMEnabled { - err := enableCSM(&s.Handlers, envCfg.CSMClientID, - envCfg.CSMHost, envCfg.CSMPort, s.Config.Logger) + if envErr != nil { + msg := "failed to load env config" + s.logDeprecatedNewSessionError(msg, envErr, cfgs) + } + + if csmCfg, err := loadCSMConfig(envCfg, []string{}); err != nil { + if l := s.Config.Logger; l != nil { + l.Log(fmt.Sprintf("ERROR: failed to load CSM configuration, %v", err)) + } + } else if csmCfg.Enabled { + err := enableCSM(&s.Handlers, csmCfg, s.Config.Logger) if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("failed to enable CSM, %v", err) - s.Config.Logger.Log("ERROR:", err.Error()) - s.Handlers.Validate.PushBack(func(r *request.Request) { - r.Error = err - }) + msg := "failed to enable CSM" + s.logDeprecatedNewSessionError(msg, err, cfgs) } } @@ -132,7 +133,7 @@ func New(cfgs ...*aws.Config) *Session { // to be built with retrieving credentials with AssumeRole set in the config. // // See the NewSessionWithOptions func for information on how to override or -// control through code how the Session will be created. Such as specifying the +// control through code how the Session will be created, such as specifying the // config profile, and controlling if shared config is enabled or not. func NewSession(cfgs ...*aws.Config) (*Session, error) { opts := Options{} @@ -275,13 +276,20 @@ type Options struct { // })) func NewSessionWithOptions(opts Options) (*Session, error) { var envCfg envConfig + var err error if opts.SharedConfigState == SharedConfigEnable { - envCfg = loadSharedEnvConfig() + envCfg, err = loadSharedEnvConfig() + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to load shared config, %v", err) + } } else { - envCfg = loadEnvConfig() + envCfg, err = loadEnvConfig() + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to load environment config, %v", err) + } } - if len(opts.Profile) > 0 { + if len(opts.Profile) != 0 { envCfg.Profile = opts.Profile } @@ -347,15 +355,12 @@ func deprecatedNewSession(cfgs ...*aws.Config) *Session { return s } -func enableCSM(handlers *request.Handlers, - clientID, host, port string, - logger aws.Logger, -) error { +func enableCSM(handlers *request.Handlers, cfg csmConfig, logger aws.Logger) error { if logger != nil { logger.Log("Enabling CSM") } - r, err := csm.Start(clientID, csm.AddressWithDefaults(host, port)) + r, err := csm.Start(cfg.ClientID, csm.AddressWithDefaults(cfg.Host, cfg.Port)) if err != nil { return err } @@ -395,7 +400,13 @@ func newSession(opts Options, envCfg envConfig, cfgs ...*aws.Config) (*Session, // Load additional config from file(s) sharedCfg, err := loadSharedConfig(envCfg.Profile, cfgFiles, envCfg.EnableSharedConfig) if err != nil { - if _, ok := err.(SharedConfigProfileNotExistsError); !ok { + if len(envCfg.Profile) == 0 && !envCfg.EnableSharedConfig && (envCfg.Creds.HasKeys() || userCfg.Credentials != nil) { + // Special case where the user has not explicitly specified an AWS_PROFILE, + // or session.Options.profile, shared config is not enabled, and the + // environment has credentials, allow the shared config file to fail to + // load since the user has already provided credentials, and nothing else + // is required to be read file. Github(aws/aws-sdk-go#2455) + } else if _, ok := err.(SharedConfigProfileNotExistsError); !ok { return nil, err } } @@ -410,9 +421,13 @@ func newSession(opts Options, envCfg envConfig, cfgs ...*aws.Config) (*Session, } initHandlers(s) - if envCfg.CSMEnabled { - err := enableCSM(&s.Handlers, envCfg.CSMClientID, - envCfg.CSMHost, envCfg.CSMPort, s.Config.Logger) + + if csmCfg, err := loadCSMConfig(envCfg, cfgFiles); err != nil { + if l := s.Config.Logger; l != nil { + l.Log(fmt.Sprintf("ERROR: failed to load CSM configuration, %v", err)) + } + } else if csmCfg.Enabled { + err = enableCSM(&s.Handlers, csmCfg, s.Config.Logger) if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -428,6 +443,46 @@ func newSession(opts Options, envCfg envConfig, cfgs ...*aws.Config) (*Session, return s, nil } +type csmConfig struct { + Enabled bool + Host string + Port string + ClientID string +} + +var csmProfileName = "aws_csm" + +func loadCSMConfig(envCfg envConfig, cfgFiles []string) (csmConfig, error) { + if envCfg.CSMEnabled != nil { + if *envCfg.CSMEnabled { + return csmConfig{ + Enabled: true, + ClientID: envCfg.CSMClientID, + Host: envCfg.CSMHost, + Port: envCfg.CSMPort, + }, nil + } + return csmConfig{}, nil + } + + sharedCfg, err := loadSharedConfig(csmProfileName, cfgFiles, false) + if err != nil { + if _, ok := err.(SharedConfigProfileNotExistsError); !ok { + return csmConfig{}, err + } + } + if sharedCfg.CSMEnabled != nil && *sharedCfg.CSMEnabled == true { + return csmConfig{ + Enabled: true, + ClientID: sharedCfg.CSMClientID, + Host: sharedCfg.CSMHost, + Port: sharedCfg.CSMPort, + }, nil + } + + return csmConfig{}, nil +} + func loadCustomCABundle(s *Session, bundle io.Reader) error { var t *http.Transport switch v := s.Config.HTTPClient.Transport.(type) { @@ -499,6 +554,22 @@ func mergeConfigSrcs(cfg, userCfg *aws.Config, } } + // Regional Endpoint flag for STS endpoint resolving + mergeSTSRegionalEndpointConfig(cfg, []endpoints.STSRegionalEndpoint{ + userCfg.STSRegionalEndpoint, + envCfg.STSRegionalEndpoint, + sharedCfg.STSRegionalEndpoint, + endpoints.LegacySTSEndpoint, + }) + + // Regional Endpoint flag for S3 endpoint resolving + mergeS3UsEast1RegionalEndpointConfig(cfg, []endpoints.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint{ + userCfg.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint, + envCfg.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint, + sharedCfg.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint, + endpoints.LegacyS3UsEast1Endpoint, + }) + // Configure credentials if not already set by the user when creating the // Session. if cfg.Credentials == credentials.AnonymousCredentials && userCfg.Credentials == nil { @@ -512,6 +583,24 @@ func mergeConfigSrcs(cfg, userCfg *aws.Config, return nil } +func mergeSTSRegionalEndpointConfig(cfg *aws.Config, values []endpoints.STSRegionalEndpoint) { + for _, v := range values { + if v != endpoints.UnsetSTSEndpoint { + cfg.STSRegionalEndpoint = v + break + } + } +} + +func mergeS3UsEast1RegionalEndpointConfig(cfg *aws.Config, values []endpoints.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint) { + for _, v := range values { + if v != endpoints.UnsetS3UsEast1Endpoint { + cfg.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint = v + break + } + } +} + func initHandlers(s *Session) { // Add the Validate parameter handler if it is not disabled. s.Handlers.Validate.Remove(corehandlers.ValidateParametersHandler) @@ -520,7 +609,7 @@ func initHandlers(s *Session) { } } -// Copy creates and returns a copy of the current Session, coping the config +// Copy creates and returns a copy of the current Session, copying the config // and handlers. If any additional configs are provided they will be merged // on top of the Session's copied config. // @@ -540,37 +629,15 @@ func (s *Session) Copy(cfgs ...*aws.Config) *Session { // ClientConfig satisfies the client.ConfigProvider interface and is used to // configure the service client instances. Passing the Session to the service // client's constructor (New) will use this method to configure the client. -func (s *Session) ClientConfig(serviceName string, cfgs ...*aws.Config) client.Config { - // Backwards compatibility, the error will be eaten if user calls ClientConfig - // directly. All SDK services will use ClientconfigWithError. - cfg, _ := s.clientConfigWithErr(serviceName, cfgs...) - - return cfg -} - -func (s *Session) clientConfigWithErr(serviceName string, cfgs ...*aws.Config) (client.Config, error) { +func (s *Session) ClientConfig(service string, cfgs ...*aws.Config) client.Config { s = s.Copy(cfgs...) - var resolved endpoints.ResolvedEndpoint - var err error - region := aws.StringValue(s.Config.Region) - - if endpoint := aws.StringValue(s.Config.Endpoint); len(endpoint) != 0 { - resolved.URL = endpoints.AddScheme(endpoint, aws.BoolValue(s.Config.DisableSSL)) - resolved.SigningRegion = region - } else { - resolved, err = s.Config.EndpointResolver.EndpointFor( - serviceName, region, - func(opt *endpoints.Options) { - opt.DisableSSL = aws.BoolValue(s.Config.DisableSSL) - opt.UseDualStack = aws.BoolValue(s.Config.UseDualStack) - - // Support the condition where the service is modeled but its - // endpoint metadata is not available. - opt.ResolveUnknownService = true - }, - ) + resolved, err := s.resolveEndpoint(service, region, s.Config) + if err != nil && s.Config.Logger != nil { + s.Config.Logger.Log(fmt.Sprintf( + "ERROR: unable to resolve endpoint for service %q, region %q, err: %v", + service, region, err)) } return client.Config{ @@ -580,7 +647,42 @@ func (s *Session) clientConfigWithErr(serviceName string, cfgs ...*aws.Config) ( SigningRegion: resolved.SigningRegion, SigningNameDerived: resolved.SigningNameDerived, SigningName: resolved.SigningName, - }, err + } +} + +func (s *Session) resolveEndpoint(service, region string, cfg *aws.Config) (endpoints.ResolvedEndpoint, error) { + + if ep := aws.StringValue(cfg.Endpoint); len(ep) != 0 { + return endpoints.ResolvedEndpoint{ + URL: endpoints.AddScheme(ep, aws.BoolValue(cfg.DisableSSL)), + SigningRegion: region, + }, nil + } + + resolved, err := cfg.EndpointResolver.EndpointFor(service, region, + func(opt *endpoints.Options) { + opt.DisableSSL = aws.BoolValue(cfg.DisableSSL) + opt.UseDualStack = aws.BoolValue(cfg.UseDualStack) + // Support for STSRegionalEndpoint where the STSRegionalEndpoint is + // provided in envConfig or sharedConfig with envConfig getting + // precedence. + opt.STSRegionalEndpoint = cfg.STSRegionalEndpoint + + // Support for S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint where the S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint is + // provided in envConfig or sharedConfig with envConfig getting + // precedence. + opt.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint = cfg.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint + + // Support the condition where the service is modeled but its + // endpoint metadata is not available. + opt.ResolveUnknownService = true + }, + ) + if err != nil { + return endpoints.ResolvedEndpoint{}, err + } + + return resolved, nil } // ClientConfigNoResolveEndpoint is the same as ClientConfig with the exception @@ -590,12 +692,9 @@ func (s *Session) ClientConfigNoResolveEndpoint(cfgs ...*aws.Config) client.Conf s = s.Copy(cfgs...) var resolved endpoints.ResolvedEndpoint - - region := aws.StringValue(s.Config.Region) - if ep := aws.StringValue(s.Config.Endpoint); len(ep) > 0 { resolved.URL = endpoints.AddScheme(ep, aws.BoolValue(s.Config.DisableSSL)) - resolved.SigningRegion = region + resolved.SigningRegion = aws.StringValue(s.Config.Region) } return client.Config{ @@ -607,3 +706,14 @@ func (s *Session) ClientConfigNoResolveEndpoint(cfgs ...*aws.Config) client.Conf SigningName: resolved.SigningName, } } + +// logDeprecatedNewSessionError function enables error handling for session +func (s *Session) logDeprecatedNewSessionError(msg string, err error, cfgs []*aws.Config) { + // Session creation failed, need to report the error and prevent + // any requests from succeeding. + s.Config.MergeIn(cfgs...) + s.Config.Logger.Log("ERROR:", msg, "Error:", err) + s.Handlers.Validate.PushBack(func(r *request.Request) { + r.Error = err + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session/shared_config.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session/shared_config.go index 5170b498..1d7b049c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session/shared_config.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session/shared_config.go @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import ( "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awserr" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials" + "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/ini" ) @@ -22,6 +23,12 @@ const ( mfaSerialKey = `mfa_serial` // optional roleSessionNameKey = `role_session_name` // optional + // CSM options + csmEnabledKey = `csm_enabled` + csmHostKey = `csm_host` + csmPortKey = `csm_port` + csmClientIDKey = `csm_client_id` + // Additional Config fields regionKey = `region` @@ -34,6 +41,12 @@ const ( // Web Identity Token File webIdentityTokenFileKey = `web_identity_token_file` // optional + // Additional config fields for regional or legacy endpoints + stsRegionalEndpointSharedKey = `sts_regional_endpoints` + + // Additional config fields for regional or legacy endpoints + s3UsEast1RegionalSharedKey = `s3_us_east_1_regional_endpoint` + // DefaultSharedConfigProfile is the default profile to be used when // loading configuration from the config files if another profile name // is not provided. @@ -76,6 +89,23 @@ type sharedConfig struct { // // endpoint_discovery_enabled = true EnableEndpointDiscovery *bool + // CSM Options + CSMEnabled *bool + CSMHost string + CSMPort string + CSMClientID string + + // Specifies the Regional Endpoint flag for the SDK to resolve the endpoint for a service + // + // sts_regional_endpoints = regional + // This can take value as `LegacySTSEndpoint` or `RegionalSTSEndpoint` + STSRegionalEndpoint endpoints.STSRegionalEndpoint + + // Specifies the Regional Endpoint flag for the SDK to resolve the endpoint for a service + // + // s3_us_east_1_regional_endpoint = regional + // This can take value as `LegacyS3UsEast1Endpoint` or `RegionalS3UsEast1Endpoint` + S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint endpoints.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint } type sharedConfigFile struct { @@ -232,8 +262,25 @@ func (cfg *sharedConfig) setFromIniFile(profile string, file sharedConfigFile, e updateString(&cfg.RoleSessionName, section, roleSessionNameKey) updateString(&cfg.SourceProfileName, section, sourceProfileKey) updateString(&cfg.CredentialSource, section, credentialSourceKey) - updateString(&cfg.Region, section, regionKey) + + if v := section.String(stsRegionalEndpointSharedKey); len(v) != 0 { + sre, err := endpoints.GetSTSRegionalEndpoint(v) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("failed to load %s from shared config, %s, %v", + stsRegionalEndpointSharedKey, file.Filename, err) + } + cfg.STSRegionalEndpoint = sre + } + + if v := section.String(s3UsEast1RegionalSharedKey); len(v) != 0 { + sre, err := endpoints.GetS3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint(v) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("failed to load %s from shared config, %s, %v", + s3UsEast1RegionalSharedKey, file.Filename, err) + } + cfg.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint = sre + } } updateString(&cfg.CredentialProcess, section, credentialProcessKey) @@ -251,10 +298,13 @@ func (cfg *sharedConfig) setFromIniFile(profile string, file sharedConfigFile, e } // Endpoint discovery - if section.Has(enableEndpointDiscoveryKey) { - v := section.Bool(enableEndpointDiscoveryKey) - cfg.EnableEndpointDiscovery = &v - } + updateBoolPtr(&cfg.EnableEndpointDiscovery, section, enableEndpointDiscoveryKey) + + // CSM options + updateBoolPtr(&cfg.CSMEnabled, section, csmEnabledKey) + updateString(&cfg.CSMHost, section, csmHostKey) + updateString(&cfg.CSMPort, section, csmPortKey) + updateString(&cfg.CSMClientID, section, csmClientIDKey) return nil } @@ -348,6 +398,16 @@ func updateString(dst *string, section ini.Section, key string) { *dst = section.String(key) } +// updateBoolPtr will only update the dst with the value in the section key, +// key is present in the section. +func updateBoolPtr(dst **bool, section ini.Section, key string) { + if !section.Has(key) { + return + } + *dst = new(bool) + **dst = section.Bool(key) +} + // SharedConfigLoadError is an error for the shared config file failed to load. type SharedConfigLoadError struct { Filename string diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/version.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/version.go index 994ad714..9df3ff69 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/version.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/version.go @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ package aws const SDKName = "aws-sdk-go" // SDKVersion is the version of this SDK -const SDKVersion = "1.21.10" +const SDKVersion = "1.25.44" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/ini/ini_parser.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/ini/ini_parser.go index e56dcee2..cf9fad81 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/ini/ini_parser.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/ini/ini_parser.go @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ loop: if len(tokens) == 0 { break loop } - + // if should skip is true, we skip the tokens until should skip is set to false. step = SkipTokenState } @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ loop: // S -> equal_expr' expr_stmt' switch k.Kind { case ASTKindEqualExpr: - // assiging a value to some key + // assigning a value to some key k.AppendChild(newExpression(tok)) stack.Push(newExprStatement(k)) case ASTKindExpr: @@ -250,6 +250,13 @@ loop: if !runeCompare(tok.Raw(), openBrace) { return nil, NewParseError("expected '['") } + // If OpenScopeState is not at the start, we must mark the previous ast as complete + // + // for example: if previous ast was a skip statement; + // we should mark it as complete before we create a new statement + if k.Kind != ASTKindStart { + stack.MarkComplete(k) + } stmt := newStatement() stack.Push(stmt) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/ini/skipper.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/ini/skipper.go index 6bb69644..da7a4049 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/ini/skipper.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/ini/skipper.go @@ -22,24 +22,24 @@ func newSkipper() skipper { } func (s *skipper) ShouldSkip(tok Token) bool { + // should skip state will be modified only if previous token was new line (NL); + // and the current token is not WhiteSpace (WS). if s.shouldSkip && s.prevTok.Type() == TokenNL && tok.Type() != TokenWS { - s.Continue() return false } s.prevTok = tok - return s.shouldSkip } func (s *skipper) Skip() { s.shouldSkip = true - s.prevTok = emptyToken } func (s *skipper) Continue() { s.shouldSkip = false + // empty token is assigned as we return to default state, when should skip is false s.prevTok = emptyToken } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkio/byte.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkio/byte.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6c443988 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkio/byte.go @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +package sdkio + +const ( + // Byte is 8 bits + Byte int64 = 1 + // KibiByte (KiB) is 1024 Bytes + KibiByte = Byte * 1024 + // MebiByte (MiB) is 1024 KiB + MebiByte = KibiByte * 1024 + // GibiByte (GiB) is 1024 MiB + GibiByte = MebiByte * 1024 +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkmath/floor.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkmath/floor.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..44898eed --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkmath/floor.go @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +// +build go1.10 + +package sdkmath + +import "math" + +// Round returns the nearest integer, rounding half away from zero. +// +// Special cases are: +// Round(±0) = ±0 +// Round(±Inf) = ±Inf +// Round(NaN) = NaN +func Round(x float64) float64 { + return math.Round(x) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkmath/floor_go1.9.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkmath/floor_go1.9.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..810ec7f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkmath/floor_go1.9.go @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +// +build !go1.10 + +package sdkmath + +import "math" + +// Copied from the Go standard library's (Go 1.12) math/floor.go for use in +// Go version prior to Go 1.10. +const ( + uvone = 0x3FF0000000000000 + mask = 0x7FF + shift = 64 - 11 - 1 + bias = 1023 + signMask = 1 << 63 + fracMask = 1<= 0.5 { + // return t + Copysign(1, x) + // } + // return t + // } + bits := math.Float64bits(x) + e := uint(bits>>shift) & mask + if e < bias { + // Round abs(x) < 1 including denormals. + bits &= signMask // +-0 + if e == bias-1 { + bits |= uvone // +-1 + } + } else if e < bias+shift { + // Round any abs(x) >= 1 containing a fractional component [0,1). + // + // Numbers with larger exponents are returned unchanged since they + // must be either an integer, infinity, or NaN. + const half = 1 << (shift - 1) + e -= bias + bits += half >> e + bits &^= fracMask >> e + } + return math.Float64frombits(bits) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkrand/read.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkrand/read.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f4651da2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkrand/read.go @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +// +build go1.6 + +package sdkrand + +import "math/rand" + +// Read provides the stub for math.Rand.Read method support for go version's +// 1.6 and greater. +func Read(r *rand.Rand, p []byte) (int, error) { + return r.Read(p) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkrand/read_1_5.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkrand/read_1_5.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b1d93a33 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkrand/read_1_5.go @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +// +build !go1.6 + +package sdkrand + +import "math/rand" + +// Read backfills Go 1.6's math.Rand.Reader for Go 1.5 +func Read(r *rand.Rand, p []byte) (n int, err error) { + // Copy of Go standard libraries math package's read function not added to + // standard library until Go 1.6. + var pos int8 + var val int64 + for n = 0; n < len(p); n++ { + if pos == 0 { + val = r.Int63() + pos = 7 + } + p[n] = byte(val) + val >>= 8 + pos-- + } + + return n, err +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/rest/unmarshal.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/rest/unmarshal.go index de021367..74e361e0 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/rest/unmarshal.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/rest/unmarshal.go @@ -146,6 +146,9 @@ func unmarshalStatusCode(v reflect.Value, statusCode int) { } func unmarshalHeaderMap(r reflect.Value, headers http.Header, prefix string) error { + if len(headers) == 0 { + return nil + } switch r.Interface().(type) { case map[string]*string: // we only support string map value types out := map[string]*string{} @@ -155,19 +158,28 @@ func unmarshalHeaderMap(r reflect.Value, headers http.Header, prefix string) err out[k[len(prefix):]] = &v[0] } } - r.Set(reflect.ValueOf(out)) + if len(out) != 0 { + r.Set(reflect.ValueOf(out)) + } + } return nil } func unmarshalHeader(v reflect.Value, header string, tag reflect.StructTag) error { - isJSONValue := tag.Get("type") == "jsonvalue" - if isJSONValue { + switch tag.Get("type") { + case "jsonvalue": if len(header) == 0 { return nil } - } else if !v.IsValid() || (header == "" && v.Elem().Kind() != reflect.String) { - return nil + case "blob": + if len(header) == 0 { + return nil + } + default: + if !v.IsValid() || (header == "" && v.Elem().Kind() != reflect.String) { + return nil + } } switch v.Interface().(type) { @@ -178,7 +190,7 @@ func unmarshalHeader(v reflect.Value, header string, tag reflect.StructTag) erro if err != nil { return err } - v.Set(reflect.ValueOf(&b)) + v.Set(reflect.ValueOf(b)) case *bool: b, err := strconv.ParseBool(header) if err != nil { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/timestamp.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/timestamp.go index b7ed6c6f..05d4ff51 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/timestamp.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/timestamp.go @@ -1,8 +1,11 @@ package protocol import ( + "math" "strconv" "time" + + "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkmath" ) // Names of time formats supported by the SDK @@ -13,12 +16,19 @@ const ( ) // Time formats supported by the SDK +// Output time is intended to not contain decimals const ( // RFC 7231#section- timetamp format. e.g Tue, 29 Apr 2014 18:30:38 GMT RFC822TimeFormat = "Mon, 2 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT" + // This format is used for output time without seconds precision + RFC822OutputTimeFormat = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT" + // RFC3339 a subset of the ISO8601 timestamp format. e.g 2014-04-29T18:30:38Z - ISO8601TimeFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" + ISO8601TimeFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z" + + // This format is used for output time without seconds precision + ISO8601OutputTimeFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" ) // IsKnownTimestampFormat returns if the timestamp format name @@ -42,9 +52,9 @@ func FormatTime(name string, t time.Time) string { switch name { case RFC822TimeFormatName: - return t.Format(RFC822TimeFormat) + return t.Format(RFC822OutputTimeFormat) case ISO8601TimeFormatName: - return t.Format(ISO8601TimeFormat) + return t.Format(ISO8601OutputTimeFormat) case UnixTimeFormatName: return strconv.FormatInt(t.Unix(), 10) default: @@ -62,10 +72,12 @@ func ParseTime(formatName, value string) (time.Time, error) { return time.Parse(ISO8601TimeFormat, value) case UnixTimeFormatName: v, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64) + _, dec := math.Modf(v) + dec = sdkmath.Round(dec*1e3) / 1e3 //Rounds 0.1229999 to 0.123 if err != nil { return time.Time{}, err } - return time.Unix(int64(v), 0), nil + return time.Unix(int64(v), int64(dec*(1e9))), nil default: panic("unknown timestamp format name, " + formatName) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/xml/xmlutil/sort.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/xml/xmlutil/sort.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c1a51185 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/xml/xmlutil/sort.go @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +package xmlutil + +import ( + "encoding/xml" + "strings" +) + +type xmlAttrSlice []xml.Attr + +func (x xmlAttrSlice) Len() int { + return len(x) +} + +func (x xmlAttrSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { + spaceI, spaceJ := x[i].Name.Space, x[j].Name.Space + localI, localJ := x[i].Name.Local, x[j].Name.Local + valueI, valueJ := x[i].Value, x[j].Value + + spaceCmp := strings.Compare(spaceI, spaceJ) + localCmp := strings.Compare(localI, localJ) + valueCmp := strings.Compare(valueI, valueJ) + + if spaceCmp == -1 || (spaceCmp == 0 && (localCmp == -1 || (localCmp == 0 && valueCmp == -1))) { + return true + } + + return false +} + +func (x xmlAttrSlice) Swap(i, j int) { + x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/xml/xmlutil/xml_to_struct.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/xml/xmlutil/xml_to_struct.go index 515ce152..42f71648 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/xml/xmlutil/xml_to_struct.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/xml/xmlutil/xml_to_struct.go @@ -119,7 +119,18 @@ func (n *XMLNode) findElem(name string) (string, bool) { // StructToXML writes an XMLNode to a xml.Encoder as tokens. func StructToXML(e *xml.Encoder, node *XMLNode, sorted bool) error { - e.EncodeToken(xml.StartElement{Name: node.Name, Attr: node.Attr}) + // Sort Attributes + attrs := node.Attr + if sorted { + sortedAttrs := make([]xml.Attr, len(attrs)) + for _, k := range node.Attr { + sortedAttrs = append(sortedAttrs, k) + } + sort.Sort(xmlAttrSlice(sortedAttrs)) + attrs = sortedAttrs + } + + e.EncodeToken(xml.StartElement{Name: node.Name, Attr: attrs}) if node.Text != "" { e.EncodeToken(xml.CharData([]byte(node.Text))) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/ec2/api.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/ec2/api.go index 0385cb15..016a9437 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/ec2/api.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/ec2/api.go @@ -551,8 +551,9 @@ func (c *EC2) AllocateHostsRequest(input *AllocateHostsInput) (req *request.Requ // AllocateHosts API operation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. // -// Allocates a Dedicated Host to your account. At a minimum, specify the instance -// size type, Availability Zone, and quantity of hosts to allocate. +// Allocates a Dedicated Host to your account. At a minimum, specify the supported +// instance type or instance family, the Availability Zone in which to allocate +// the host, and the number of hosts to allocate. // // Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions // with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about @@ -3478,7 +3479,7 @@ func (c *EC2) CreateCustomerGatewayRequest(input *CreateCustomerGatewayInput) (r // gateway is the appliance at your end of the VPN connection. (The device on // the AWS side of the VPN connection is the virtual private gateway.) You must // provide the Internet-routable IP address of the customer gateway's external -// interface. The IP address must be static and may be behind a device performing +// interface. The IP address must be static and can be behind a device performing // network address translation (NAT). // // For devices that use Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), you can also provide @@ -3493,11 +3494,10 @@ func (c *EC2) CreateCustomerGatewayRequest(input *CreateCustomerGatewayInput) (r // For more information, see AWS Site-to-Site VPN (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpn/latest/s2svpn/VPC_VPN.html) // in the AWS Site-to-Site VPN User Guide. // -// You cannot create more than one customer gateway with the same VPN type, -// IP address, and BGP ASN parameter values. If you run an identical request -// more than one time, the first request creates the customer gateway, and subsequent -// requests return information about the existing customer gateway. The subsequent -// requests do not create new customer gateway resources. +// To create more than one customer gateway with the same VPN type, IP address, +// and BGP ASN, specify a unique device name for each customer gateway. Identical +// requests return information about the existing customer gateway and do not +// create new customer gateways. // // Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions // with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about @@ -5619,7 +5619,7 @@ func (c *EC2) CreateSnapshotsRequest(input *CreateSnapshotsInput) (req *request. // Creates crash-consistent snapshots of multiple EBS volumes and stores the // data in S3. Volumes are chosen by specifying an instance. Any attached volumes // will produce one snapshot each that is crash-consistent across the instance. -// Boot volumes can be excluded by changing the paramaters. +// Boot volumes can be excluded by changing the parameters. // // Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions // with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about @@ -5958,8 +5958,10 @@ func (c *EC2) CreateTrafficMirrorFilterRequest(input *CreateTrafficMirrorFilterI // A Traffic Mirror filter is a set of rules that defines the traffic to mirror. // // By default, no traffic is mirrored. To mirror traffic, use CreateTrafficMirrorFilterRule +// (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_CreateTrafficMirrorFilterRule.htm) // to add Traffic Mirror rules to the filter. The rules you add define what // traffic gets mirrored. You can also use ModifyTrafficMirrorFilterNetworkServices +// (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_ModifyTrafficMirrorFilterNetworkServices.html) // to mirror supported network services. // // Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions @@ -6034,7 +6036,7 @@ func (c *EC2) CreateTrafficMirrorFilterRuleRequest(input *CreateTrafficMirrorFil // CreateTrafficMirrorFilterRule API operation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. // -// Creates a Traffic Mirror rule. +// Creates a Traffic Mirror filter rule. // // A Traffic Mirror rule defines the Traffic Mirror source traffic to mirror. // @@ -6122,8 +6124,8 @@ func (c *EC2) CreateTrafficMirrorSessionRequest(input *CreateTrafficMirrorSessio // can be in the same VPC, or in a different VPC connected via VPC peering or // a transit gateway. // -// By default, no traffic is mirrored. Use CreateTrafficMirrorFilter to create -// filter rules that specify the traffic to mirror. +// By default, no traffic is mirrored. Use CreateTrafficMirrorFilter (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_CreateTrafficMirrorFilter.htm) +// to create filter rules that specify the traffic to mirror. // // Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions // with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about @@ -6206,7 +6208,8 @@ func (c *EC2) CreateTrafficMirrorTargetRequest(input *CreateTrafficMirrorTargetI // // A Traffic Mirror target can be a network interface, or a Network Load Balancer. // -// To use the target in a Traffic Mirror session, use CreateTrafficMirrorSession. +// To use the target in a Traffic Mirror session, use CreateTrafficMirrorSession +// (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_CreateTrafficMirrorSession.htm). // // Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions // with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about @@ -7128,7 +7131,7 @@ func (c *EC2) CreateVpnConnectionRequest(input *CreateVpnConnectionInput) (req * // CreateVpnConnection API operation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. // // Creates a VPN connection between an existing virtual private gateway and -// a VPN customer gateway. The supported connection types is ipsec.1. +// a VPN customer gateway. The supported connection type is ipsec.1. // // The response includes information that you need to give to your network administrator // to configure your customer gateway. @@ -8706,6 +8709,80 @@ func (c *EC2) DeletePlacementGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeletePlac return out, req.Send() } +const opDeleteQueuedReservedInstances = "DeleteQueuedReservedInstances" + +// DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the +// client's request for the DeleteQueuedReservedInstances operation. The "output" return +// value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes +// successfully. +// +// Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. +// the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error. +// +// See DeleteQueuedReservedInstances for more information on using the DeleteQueuedReservedInstances +// API call, and error handling. +// +// This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration +// into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic. +// +// +// // Example sending a request using the DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesRequest method. +// req, resp := client.DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesRequest(params) +// +// err := req.Send() +// if err == nil { // resp is now filled +// fmt.Println(resp) +// } +// +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/DeleteQueuedReservedInstances +func (c *EC2) DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesRequest(input *DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesOutput) { + op := &request.Operation{ + Name: opDeleteQueuedReservedInstances, + HTTPMethod: "POST", + HTTPPath: "/", + } + + if input == nil { + input = &DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesInput{} + } + + output = &DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesOutput{} + req = c.newRequest(op, input, output) + return +} + +// DeleteQueuedReservedInstances API operation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. +// +// Deletes the queued purchases for the specified Reserved Instances. +// +// Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions +// with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about +// the error. +// +// See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud's +// API operation DeleteQueuedReservedInstances for usage and error information. +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/DeleteQueuedReservedInstances +func (c *EC2) DeleteQueuedReservedInstances(input *DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesInput) (*DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesOutput, error) { + req, out := c.DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesRequest(input) + return out, req.Send() +} + +// DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesWithContext is the same as DeleteQueuedReservedInstances with the addition of +// the ability to pass a context and additional request options. +// +// See DeleteQueuedReservedInstances for details on how to use this API operation. +// +// The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If +// the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create +// sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ +// for more information on using Contexts. +func (c *EC2) DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesOutput, error) { + req, out := c.DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesRequest(input) + req.SetContext(ctx) + req.ApplyOptions(opts...) + return out, req.Send() +} + const opDeleteRoute = "DeleteRoute" // DeleteRouteRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the @@ -11269,10 +11346,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeByoipCidrsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *Describ }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeByoipCidrsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeByoipCidrsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -11400,10 +11479,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeCapacityReservationsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, inpu }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeCapacityReservationsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeCapacityReservationsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -11533,10 +11614,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeClassicLinkInstancesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, inpu }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeClassicLinkInstancesOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeClassicLinkInstancesOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -11663,10 +11746,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeClientVpnAuthorizationRulesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Contex }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeClientVpnAuthorizationRulesOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeClientVpnAuthorizationRulesOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -11794,10 +11879,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeClientVpnConnectionsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, inpu }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeClientVpnConnectionsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeClientVpnConnectionsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -11924,10 +12011,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeClientVpnEndpointsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeClientVpnEndpointsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeClientVpnEndpointsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -12054,10 +12143,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeClientVpnRoutesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *De }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeClientVpnRoutesOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeClientVpnRoutesOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -12184,10 +12275,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeClientVpnTargetNetworksPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, i }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeClientVpnTargetNetworksOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeClientVpnTargetNetworksOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -12472,10 +12565,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeDhcpOptionsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *Descri }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeDhcpOptionsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeDhcpOptionsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -12602,10 +12697,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeEgressOnlyInternetGatewaysPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeEgressOnlyInternetGatewaysOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeEgressOnlyInternetGatewaysOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -12685,6 +12782,138 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeElasticGpusWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEla return out, req.Send() } +const opDescribeExportImageTasks = "DescribeExportImageTasks" + +// DescribeExportImageTasksRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the +// client's request for the DescribeExportImageTasks operation. The "output" return +// value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes +// successfully. +// +// Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. +// the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error. +// +// See DescribeExportImageTasks for more information on using the DescribeExportImageTasks +// API call, and error handling. +// +// This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration +// into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic. +// +// +// // Example sending a request using the DescribeExportImageTasksRequest method. +// req, resp := client.DescribeExportImageTasksRequest(params) +// +// err := req.Send() +// if err == nil { // resp is now filled +// fmt.Println(resp) +// } +// +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/DescribeExportImageTasks +func (c *EC2) DescribeExportImageTasksRequest(input *DescribeExportImageTasksInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeExportImageTasksOutput) { + op := &request.Operation{ + Name: opDescribeExportImageTasks, + HTTPMethod: "POST", + HTTPPath: "/", + Paginator: &request.Paginator{ + InputTokens: []string{"NextToken"}, + OutputTokens: []string{"NextToken"}, + LimitToken: "MaxResults", + TruncationToken: "", + }, + } + + if input == nil { + input = &DescribeExportImageTasksInput{} + } + + output = &DescribeExportImageTasksOutput{} + req = c.newRequest(op, input, output) + return +} + +// DescribeExportImageTasks API operation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. +// +// Describes the specified export image tasks or all your export image tasks. +// +// Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions +// with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about +// the error. +// +// See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud's +// API operation DescribeExportImageTasks for usage and error information. +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/DescribeExportImageTasks +func (c *EC2) DescribeExportImageTasks(input *DescribeExportImageTasksInput) (*DescribeExportImageTasksOutput, error) { + req, out := c.DescribeExportImageTasksRequest(input) + return out, req.Send() +} + +// DescribeExportImageTasksWithContext is the same as DescribeExportImageTasks with the addition of +// the ability to pass a context and additional request options. +// +// See DescribeExportImageTasks for details on how to use this API operation. +// +// The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If +// the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create +// sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ +// for more information on using Contexts. +func (c *EC2) DescribeExportImageTasksWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeExportImageTasksInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeExportImageTasksOutput, error) { + req, out := c.DescribeExportImageTasksRequest(input) + req.SetContext(ctx) + req.ApplyOptions(opts...) + return out, req.Send() +} + +// DescribeExportImageTasksPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeExportImageTasks operation, +// calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop +// iterating, return false from the fn function. +// +// See DescribeExportImageTasks method for more information on how to use this operation. +// +// Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service. +// +// // Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeExportImageTasks operation. +// pageNum := 0 +// err := client.DescribeExportImageTasksPages(params, +// func(page *ec2.DescribeExportImageTasksOutput, lastPage bool) bool { +// pageNum++ +// fmt.Println(page) +// return pageNum <= 3 +// }) +// +func (c *EC2) DescribeExportImageTasksPages(input *DescribeExportImageTasksInput, fn func(*DescribeExportImageTasksOutput, bool) bool) error { + return c.DescribeExportImageTasksPagesWithContext(aws.BackgroundContext(), input, fn) +} + +// DescribeExportImageTasksPagesWithContext same as DescribeExportImageTasksPages except +// it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages. +// +// The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If +// the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create +// sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ +// for more information on using Contexts. +func (c *EC2) DescribeExportImageTasksPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeExportImageTasksInput, fn func(*DescribeExportImageTasksOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error { + p := request.Pagination{ + NewRequest: func() (*request.Request, error) { + var inCpy *DescribeExportImageTasksInput + if input != nil { + tmp := *input + inCpy = &tmp + } + req, _ := c.DescribeExportImageTasksRequest(inCpy) + req.SetContext(ctx) + req.ApplyOptions(opts...) + return req, nil + }, + } + + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeExportImageTasksOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } + } + + return p.Err() +} + const opDescribeExportTasks = "DescribeExportTasks" // DescribeExportTasksRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the @@ -12729,7 +12958,8 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeExportTasksRequest(input *DescribeExportTasksInput) (req * // DescribeExportTasks API operation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. // -// Describes the specified export tasks or all your export tasks. +// Describes the specified export instance tasks or all your export instance +// tasks. // // Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions // with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about @@ -12759,6 +12989,138 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeExportTasksWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeExp return out, req.Send() } +const opDescribeFastSnapshotRestores = "DescribeFastSnapshotRestores" + +// DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the +// client's request for the DescribeFastSnapshotRestores operation. The "output" return +// value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes +// successfully. +// +// Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. +// the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error. +// +// See DescribeFastSnapshotRestores for more information on using the DescribeFastSnapshotRestores +// API call, and error handling. +// +// This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration +// into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic. +// +// +// // Example sending a request using the DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresRequest method. +// req, resp := client.DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresRequest(params) +// +// err := req.Send() +// if err == nil { // resp is now filled +// fmt.Println(resp) +// } +// +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/DescribeFastSnapshotRestores +func (c *EC2) DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresRequest(input *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresOutput) { + op := &request.Operation{ + Name: opDescribeFastSnapshotRestores, + HTTPMethod: "POST", + HTTPPath: "/", + Paginator: &request.Paginator{ + InputTokens: []string{"NextToken"}, + OutputTokens: []string{"NextToken"}, + LimitToken: "MaxResults", + TruncationToken: "", + }, + } + + if input == nil { + input = &DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresInput{} + } + + output = &DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresOutput{} + req = c.newRequest(op, input, output) + return +} + +// DescribeFastSnapshotRestores API operation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. +// +// Describes the state of fast snapshot restores for your snapshots. +// +// Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions +// with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about +// the error. +// +// See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud's +// API operation DescribeFastSnapshotRestores for usage and error information. +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/DescribeFastSnapshotRestores +func (c *EC2) DescribeFastSnapshotRestores(input *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresInput) (*DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresOutput, error) { + req, out := c.DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresRequest(input) + return out, req.Send() +} + +// DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresWithContext is the same as DescribeFastSnapshotRestores with the addition of +// the ability to pass a context and additional request options. +// +// See DescribeFastSnapshotRestores for details on how to use this API operation. +// +// The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If +// the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create +// sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ +// for more information on using Contexts. +func (c *EC2) DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresOutput, error) { + req, out := c.DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresRequest(input) + req.SetContext(ctx) + req.ApplyOptions(opts...) + return out, req.Send() +} + +// DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeFastSnapshotRestores operation, +// calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop +// iterating, return false from the fn function. +// +// See DescribeFastSnapshotRestores method for more information on how to use this operation. +// +// Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service. +// +// // Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeFastSnapshotRestores operation. +// pageNum := 0 +// err := client.DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresPages(params, +// func(page *ec2.DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresOutput, lastPage bool) bool { +// pageNum++ +// fmt.Println(page) +// return pageNum <= 3 +// }) +// +func (c *EC2) DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresPages(input *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresInput, fn func(*DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresOutput, bool) bool) error { + return c.DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresPagesWithContext(aws.BackgroundContext(), input, fn) +} + +// DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresPagesWithContext same as DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresPages except +// it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages. +// +// The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If +// the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create +// sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ +// for more information on using Contexts. +func (c *EC2) DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresInput, fn func(*DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error { + p := request.Pagination{ + NewRequest: func() (*request.Request, error) { + var inCpy *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresInput + if input != nil { + tmp := *input + inCpy = &tmp + } + req, _ := c.DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresRequest(inCpy) + req.SetContext(ctx) + req.ApplyOptions(opts...) + return req, nil + }, + } + + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } + } + + return p.Err() +} + const opDescribeFleetHistory = "DescribeFleetHistory" // DescribeFleetHistoryRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the @@ -12805,6 +13167,10 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeFleetHistoryRequest(input *DescribeFleetHistoryInput) (req // // Describes the events for the specified EC2 Fleet during the specified time. // +// EC2 Fleet events are delayed by up to 30 seconds before they can be described. +// This ensures that you can query by the last evaluated time and not miss a +// recorded event. EC2 Fleet events are available for 48 hours. +// // Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions // with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about // the error. @@ -13030,10 +13396,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeFleetsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeFle }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeFleetsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeFleetsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -13162,10 +13530,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeFlowLogsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeF }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeFlowLogsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeFlowLogsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -13368,10 +13738,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeFpgaImagesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *Describ }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeFpgaImagesOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeFpgaImagesOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -13427,8 +13799,8 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeHostReservationOfferingsRequest(input *DescribeHostReserva // // Describes the Dedicated Host reservations that are available to purchase. // -// The results describe all the Dedicated Host reservation offerings, including -// offerings that may not match the instance family and Region of your Dedicated +// The results describe all of the Dedicated Host reservation offerings, including +// offerings that might not match the instance family and Region of your Dedicated // Hosts. When purchasing an offering, ensure that the instance family and Region // of the offering matches that of the Dedicated Hosts with which it is to be // associated. For more information about supported instance types, see Dedicated @@ -13506,10 +13878,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeHostReservationOfferingsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeHostReservationOfferingsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeHostReservationOfferingsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -13636,10 +14010,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeHostReservationsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *D }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeHostReservationsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeHostReservationsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -13770,10 +14146,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeHostsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeHost }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeHostsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeHostsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -13900,10 +14278,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeIamInstanceProfileAssociationsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Con }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeIamInstanceProfileAssociationsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeIamInstanceProfileAssociationsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -14372,10 +14752,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeImportImageTasksPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *D }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeImportImageTasksOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeImportImageTasksOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -14502,10 +14884,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeImportSnapshotTasksPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeImportSnapshotTasksOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeImportSnapshotTasksOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -14637,19 +15021,19 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeInstanceCreditSpecificationsRequest(input *DescribeInstanc // DescribeInstanceCreditSpecifications API operation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. // -// Describes the credit option for CPU usage of the specified T2 or T3 instances. -// The credit options are standard and unlimited. +// Describes the credit option for CPU usage of the specified burstable performance +// instances. The credit options are standard and unlimited. // -// If you do not specify an instance ID, Amazon EC2 returns T2 and T3 instances -// with the unlimited credit option, as well as instances that were previously -// configured as T2 or T3 with the unlimited credit option. For example, if -// you resize a T2 instance, while it is configured as unlimited, to an M4 instance, -// Amazon EC2 returns the M4 instance. +// If you do not specify an instance ID, Amazon EC2 returns burstable performance +// instances with the unlimited credit option, as well as instances that were +// previously configured as T2, T3, and T3a with the unlimited credit option. +// For example, if you resize a T2 instance, while it is configured as unlimited, +// to an M4 instance, Amazon EC2 returns the M4 instance. // // If you specify one or more instance IDs, Amazon EC2 returns the credit option // (standard or unlimited) of those instances. If you specify an instance ID -// that is not valid, such as an instance that is not a T2 or T3 instance, an -// error is returned. +// that is not valid, such as an instance that is not a burstable performance +// instance, an error is returned. // // Recently terminated instances might appear in the returned results. This // interval is usually less than one hour. @@ -14733,10 +15117,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeInstanceCreditSpecificationsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Conte }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeInstanceCreditSpecificationsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeInstanceCreditSpecificationsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -14884,13 +15270,166 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeInstanceStatusPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *Des }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeInstanceStatusOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeInstanceStatusOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } +const opDescribeInstanceTypeOfferings = "DescribeInstanceTypeOfferings" + +// DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the +// client's request for the DescribeInstanceTypeOfferings operation. The "output" return +// value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes +// successfully. +// +// Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. +// the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error. +// +// See DescribeInstanceTypeOfferings for more information on using the DescribeInstanceTypeOfferings +// API call, and error handling. +// +// This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration +// into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic. +// +// +// // Example sending a request using the DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsRequest method. +// req, resp := client.DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsRequest(params) +// +// err := req.Send() +// if err == nil { // resp is now filled +// fmt.Println(resp) +// } +// +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/DescribeInstanceTypeOfferings +func (c *EC2) DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsRequest(input *DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsOutput) { + op := &request.Operation{ + Name: opDescribeInstanceTypeOfferings, + HTTPMethod: "POST", + HTTPPath: "/", + } + + if input == nil { + input = &DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsInput{} + } + + output = &DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsOutput{} + req = c.newRequest(op, input, output) + return +} + +// DescribeInstanceTypeOfferings API operation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. +// +// Returns a list of all instance types offered. The results can be filtered +// by location (Region or Availability Zone). If no location is specified, the +// instance types offered in the current Region are returned. +// +// Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions +// with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about +// the error. +// +// See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud's +// API operation DescribeInstanceTypeOfferings for usage and error information. +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/DescribeInstanceTypeOfferings +func (c *EC2) DescribeInstanceTypeOfferings(input *DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsInput) (*DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsOutput, error) { + req, out := c.DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsRequest(input) + return out, req.Send() +} + +// DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsWithContext is the same as DescribeInstanceTypeOfferings with the addition of +// the ability to pass a context and additional request options. +// +// See DescribeInstanceTypeOfferings for details on how to use this API operation. +// +// The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If +// the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create +// sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ +// for more information on using Contexts. +func (c *EC2) DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsOutput, error) { + req, out := c.DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsRequest(input) + req.SetContext(ctx) + req.ApplyOptions(opts...) + return out, req.Send() +} + +const opDescribeInstanceTypes = "DescribeInstanceTypes" + +// DescribeInstanceTypesRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the +// client's request for the DescribeInstanceTypes operation. The "output" return +// value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes +// successfully. +// +// Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. +// the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error. +// +// See DescribeInstanceTypes for more information on using the DescribeInstanceTypes +// API call, and error handling. +// +// This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration +// into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic. +// +// +// // Example sending a request using the DescribeInstanceTypesRequest method. +// req, resp := client.DescribeInstanceTypesRequest(params) +// +// err := req.Send() +// if err == nil { // resp is now filled +// fmt.Println(resp) +// } +// +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/DescribeInstanceTypes +func (c *EC2) DescribeInstanceTypesRequest(input *DescribeInstanceTypesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeInstanceTypesOutput) { + op := &request.Operation{ + Name: opDescribeInstanceTypes, + HTTPMethod: "POST", + HTTPPath: "/", + } + + if input == nil { + input = &DescribeInstanceTypesInput{} + } + + output = &DescribeInstanceTypesOutput{} + req = c.newRequest(op, input, output) + return +} + +// DescribeInstanceTypes API operation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. +// +// Returns a list of all instance types offered in your current AWS Region. +// The results can be filtered by the attributes of the instance types. +// +// Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions +// with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about +// the error. +// +// See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud's +// API operation DescribeInstanceTypes for usage and error information. +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/DescribeInstanceTypes +func (c *EC2) DescribeInstanceTypes(input *DescribeInstanceTypesInput) (*DescribeInstanceTypesOutput, error) { + req, out := c.DescribeInstanceTypesRequest(input) + return out, req.Send() +} + +// DescribeInstanceTypesWithContext is the same as DescribeInstanceTypes with the addition of +// the ability to pass a context and additional request options. +// +// See DescribeInstanceTypes for details on how to use this API operation. +// +// The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If +// the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create +// sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ +// for more information on using Contexts. +func (c *EC2) DescribeInstanceTypesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeInstanceTypesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeInstanceTypesOutput, error) { + req, out := c.DescribeInstanceTypesRequest(input) + req.SetContext(ctx) + req.ApplyOptions(opts...) + return out, req.Send() +} + const opDescribeInstances = "DescribeInstances" // DescribeInstancesRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the @@ -15029,10 +15568,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeInstancesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *Describe }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeInstancesOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeInstancesOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -15159,10 +15700,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeInternetGatewaysPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *D }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeInternetGatewaysOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeInternetGatewaysOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -15367,10 +15910,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeLaunchTemplateVersionsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, in }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeLaunchTemplateVersionsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeLaunchTemplateVersionsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -15497,10 +16042,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeLaunchTemplatesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *De }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeLaunchTemplatesOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeLaunchTemplatesOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -15629,10 +16176,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeMovingAddressesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *De }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeMovingAddressesOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeMovingAddressesOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -15759,10 +16308,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeNatGatewaysPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *Descri }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeNatGatewaysOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeNatGatewaysOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -15892,10 +16443,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeNetworkAclsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *Descri }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeNetworkAclsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeNetworkAclsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -16097,10 +16650,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeNetworkInterfacePermissionsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Contex }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeNetworkInterfacePermissionsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeNetworkInterfacePermissionsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -16227,10 +16782,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeNetworkInterfacesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input * }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeNetworkInterfacesOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeNetworkInterfacesOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -16438,10 +16995,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribePrefixListsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *Descri }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribePrefixListsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribePrefixListsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -16582,10 +17141,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribePrincipalIdFormatPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input * }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribePrincipalIdFormatOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribePrincipalIdFormatOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -16712,10 +17273,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribePublicIpv4PoolsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *De }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribePublicIpv4PoolsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribePublicIpv4PoolsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -17101,10 +17664,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeReservedInstancesModificationsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Con }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeReservedInstancesModificationsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeReservedInstancesModificationsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -17242,10 +17807,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeReservedInstancesOfferingsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeReservedInstancesOfferingsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeReservedInstancesOfferingsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -17380,10 +17947,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeRouteTablesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *Descri }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeRouteTablesOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeRouteTablesOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -17518,10 +18087,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeScheduledInstanceAvailabilityPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Cont }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeScheduledInstanceAvailabilityOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeScheduledInstanceAvailabilityOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -17648,10 +18219,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeScheduledInstancesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeScheduledInstancesOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeScheduledInstancesOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -17860,10 +18433,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeSecurityGroupsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *Des }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeSecurityGroupsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeSecurityGroupsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -18115,10 +18690,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeSnapshotsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *Describe }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeSnapshotsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeSnapshotsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -18477,10 +19054,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeSpotFleetRequestsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input * }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeSpotFleetRequestsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeSpotFleetRequestsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -18623,10 +19202,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, inpu }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -18760,10 +19341,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeSpotPriceHistoryPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *D }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeSpotPriceHistoryOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeSpotPriceHistoryOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -18893,10 +19476,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeStaleSecurityGroupsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeStaleSecurityGroupsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeStaleSecurityGroupsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -19026,10 +19611,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeSubnetsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeSu }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeSubnetsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeSubnetsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -19159,10 +19746,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeTagsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeTagsI }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeTagsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeTagsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -19289,10 +19878,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeTrafficMirrorFiltersPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, inpu }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeTrafficMirrorFiltersOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeTrafficMirrorFiltersOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -19420,10 +20011,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeTrafficMirrorSessionsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, inp }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeTrafficMirrorSessionsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeTrafficMirrorSessionsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -19550,10 +20143,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeTrafficMirrorTargetsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, inpu }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeTrafficMirrorTargetsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeTrafficMirrorTargetsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -19683,10 +20278,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeTransitGatewayAttachmentsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeTransitGatewayAttachmentsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeTransitGatewayAttachmentsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -19814,10 +20411,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeTransitGatewayRouteTablesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeTransitGatewayRouteTablesOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeTransitGatewayRouteTablesOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -19945,10 +20544,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Conte }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -20076,10 +20677,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeTransitGatewaysPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *De }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeTransitGatewaysOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeTransitGatewaysOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -20319,10 +20922,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeVolumeStatusPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *Descr }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeVolumeStatusOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeVolumeStatusOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -20459,10 +21064,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeVolumesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeVo }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeVolumesOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeVolumesOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -20602,10 +21209,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeVolumesModificationsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, inpu }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeVolumesModificationsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeVolumesModificationsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -20887,10 +21496,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeVpcClassicLinkDnsSupportPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeVpcClassicLinkDnsSupportOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeVpcClassicLinkDnsSupportOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -21018,10 +21629,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeVpcEndpointConnectionNotificationsPagesWithContext(ctx aws }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeVpcEndpointConnectionNotificationsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeVpcEndpointConnectionNotificationsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -21149,10 +21762,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeVpcEndpointConnectionsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, in }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeVpcEndpointConnectionsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeVpcEndpointConnectionsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -21279,10 +21894,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeVpcEndpointServiceConfigurationsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.C }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeVpcEndpointServiceConfigurationsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeVpcEndpointServiceConfigurationsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -21410,10 +22027,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeVpcEndpointServicePermissionsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Cont }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeVpcEndpointServicePermissionsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeVpcEndpointServicePermissionsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -21614,10 +22233,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeVpcEndpointsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *Descr }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeVpcEndpointsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeVpcEndpointsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -21744,10 +22365,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeVpcPeeringConnectionsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, inp }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeVpcPeeringConnectionsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeVpcPeeringConnectionsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -21874,10 +22497,12 @@ func (c *EC2) DescribeVpcsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeVpcsI }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*DescribeVpcsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*DescribeVpcsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -22515,6 +23140,81 @@ func (c *EC2) DisableEbsEncryptionByDefaultWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *D return out, req.Send() } +const opDisableFastSnapshotRestores = "DisableFastSnapshotRestores" + +// DisableFastSnapshotRestoresRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the +// client's request for the DisableFastSnapshotRestores operation. The "output" return +// value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes +// successfully. +// +// Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. +// the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error. +// +// See DisableFastSnapshotRestores for more information on using the DisableFastSnapshotRestores +// API call, and error handling. +// +// This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration +// into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic. +// +// +// // Example sending a request using the DisableFastSnapshotRestoresRequest method. +// req, resp := client.DisableFastSnapshotRestoresRequest(params) +// +// err := req.Send() +// if err == nil { // resp is now filled +// fmt.Println(resp) +// } +// +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/DisableFastSnapshotRestores +func (c *EC2) DisableFastSnapshotRestoresRequest(input *DisableFastSnapshotRestoresInput) (req *request.Request, output *DisableFastSnapshotRestoresOutput) { + op := &request.Operation{ + Name: opDisableFastSnapshotRestores, + HTTPMethod: "POST", + HTTPPath: "/", + } + + if input == nil { + input = &DisableFastSnapshotRestoresInput{} + } + + output = &DisableFastSnapshotRestoresOutput{} + req = c.newRequest(op, input, output) + return +} + +// DisableFastSnapshotRestores API operation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. +// +// Disables fast snapshot restores for the specified snapshots in the specified +// Availability Zones. +// +// Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions +// with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about +// the error. +// +// See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud's +// API operation DisableFastSnapshotRestores for usage and error information. +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/DisableFastSnapshotRestores +func (c *EC2) DisableFastSnapshotRestores(input *DisableFastSnapshotRestoresInput) (*DisableFastSnapshotRestoresOutput, error) { + req, out := c.DisableFastSnapshotRestoresRequest(input) + return out, req.Send() +} + +// DisableFastSnapshotRestoresWithContext is the same as DisableFastSnapshotRestores with the addition of +// the ability to pass a context and additional request options. +// +// See DisableFastSnapshotRestores for details on how to use this API operation. +// +// The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If +// the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create +// sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ +// for more information on using Contexts. +func (c *EC2) DisableFastSnapshotRestoresWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DisableFastSnapshotRestoresInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DisableFastSnapshotRestoresOutput, error) { + req, out := c.DisableFastSnapshotRestoresRequest(input) + req.SetContext(ctx) + req.ApplyOptions(opts...) + return out, req.Send() +} + const opDisableTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation = "DisableTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation" // DisableTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagationRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the @@ -23462,6 +24162,85 @@ func (c *EC2) EnableEbsEncryptionByDefaultWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *En return out, req.Send() } +const opEnableFastSnapshotRestores = "EnableFastSnapshotRestores" + +// EnableFastSnapshotRestoresRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the +// client's request for the EnableFastSnapshotRestores operation. The "output" return +// value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes +// successfully. +// +// Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. +// the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error. +// +// See EnableFastSnapshotRestores for more information on using the EnableFastSnapshotRestores +// API call, and error handling. +// +// This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration +// into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic. +// +// +// // Example sending a request using the EnableFastSnapshotRestoresRequest method. +// req, resp := client.EnableFastSnapshotRestoresRequest(params) +// +// err := req.Send() +// if err == nil { // resp is now filled +// fmt.Println(resp) +// } +// +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/EnableFastSnapshotRestores +func (c *EC2) EnableFastSnapshotRestoresRequest(input *EnableFastSnapshotRestoresInput) (req *request.Request, output *EnableFastSnapshotRestoresOutput) { + op := &request.Operation{ + Name: opEnableFastSnapshotRestores, + HTTPMethod: "POST", + HTTPPath: "/", + } + + if input == nil { + input = &EnableFastSnapshotRestoresInput{} + } + + output = &EnableFastSnapshotRestoresOutput{} + req = c.newRequest(op, input, output) + return +} + +// EnableFastSnapshotRestores API operation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. +// +// Enables fast snapshot restores for the specified snapshots in the specified +// Availability Zones. +// +// You get the full benefit of fast snapshot restores after they enter the enabled +// state. To get the current state of fast snapshot restores, use DescribeFastSnapshotRestores. +// To disable fast snapshot restores, use DisableFastSnapshotRestores. +// +// Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions +// with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about +// the error. +// +// See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud's +// API operation EnableFastSnapshotRestores for usage and error information. +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/EnableFastSnapshotRestores +func (c *EC2) EnableFastSnapshotRestores(input *EnableFastSnapshotRestoresInput) (*EnableFastSnapshotRestoresOutput, error) { + req, out := c.EnableFastSnapshotRestoresRequest(input) + return out, req.Send() +} + +// EnableFastSnapshotRestoresWithContext is the same as EnableFastSnapshotRestores with the addition of +// the ability to pass a context and additional request options. +// +// See EnableFastSnapshotRestores for details on how to use this API operation. +// +// The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If +// the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create +// sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ +// for more information on using Contexts. +func (c *EC2) EnableFastSnapshotRestoresWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *EnableFastSnapshotRestoresInput, opts ...request.Option) (*EnableFastSnapshotRestoresOutput, error) { + req, out := c.EnableFastSnapshotRestoresRequest(input) + req.SetContext(ctx) + req.ApplyOptions(opts...) + return out, req.Send() +} + const opEnableTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation = "EnableTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation" // EnableTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagationRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the @@ -24001,6 +24780,82 @@ func (c *EC2) ExportClientVpnClientConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, inp return out, req.Send() } +const opExportImage = "ExportImage" + +// ExportImageRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the +// client's request for the ExportImage operation. The "output" return +// value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes +// successfully. +// +// Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. +// the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error. +// +// See ExportImage for more information on using the ExportImage +// API call, and error handling. +// +// This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration +// into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic. +// +// +// // Example sending a request using the ExportImageRequest method. +// req, resp := client.ExportImageRequest(params) +// +// err := req.Send() +// if err == nil { // resp is now filled +// fmt.Println(resp) +// } +// +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/ExportImage +func (c *EC2) ExportImageRequest(input *ExportImageInput) (req *request.Request, output *ExportImageOutput) { + op := &request.Operation{ + Name: opExportImage, + HTTPMethod: "POST", + HTTPPath: "/", + } + + if input == nil { + input = &ExportImageInput{} + } + + output = &ExportImageOutput{} + req = c.newRequest(op, input, output) + return +} + +// ExportImage API operation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. +// +// Exports an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to a VM file. For more information, +// see Exporting a VM Directory from an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vm-import/latest/userguide/vmexport_image.html) +// in the VM Import/Export User Guide. +// +// Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions +// with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about +// the error. +// +// See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud's +// API operation ExportImage for usage and error information. +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/ExportImage +func (c *EC2) ExportImage(input *ExportImageInput) (*ExportImageOutput, error) { + req, out := c.ExportImageRequest(input) + return out, req.Send() +} + +// ExportImageWithContext is the same as ExportImage with the addition of +// the ability to pass a context and additional request options. +// +// See ExportImage for details on how to use this API operation. +// +// The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If +// the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create +// sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ +// for more information on using Contexts. +func (c *EC2) ExportImageWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ExportImageInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ExportImageOutput, error) { + req, out := c.ExportImageRequest(input) + req.SetContext(ctx) + req.ApplyOptions(opts...) + return out, req.Send() +} + const opExportTransitGatewayRoutes = "ExportTransitGatewayRoutes" // ExportTransitGatewayRoutesRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the @@ -24121,6 +24976,12 @@ func (c *EC2) GetCapacityReservationUsageRequest(input *GetCapacityReservationUs // GetCapacityReservationUsage API operation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. // +// Gets usage information about a Capacity Reservation. If the Capacity Reservation +// is shared, it shows usage information for the Capacity Reservation owner +// and each AWS account that is currently using the shared capacity. If the +// Capacity Reservation is not shared, it shows only the Capacity Reservation +// owner's usage. +// // Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions // with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about // the error. @@ -24315,6 +25176,84 @@ func (c *EC2) GetConsoleScreenshotWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetConsole return out, req.Send() } +const opGetDefaultCreditSpecification = "GetDefaultCreditSpecification" + +// GetDefaultCreditSpecificationRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the +// client's request for the GetDefaultCreditSpecification operation. The "output" return +// value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes +// successfully. +// +// Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. +// the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error. +// +// See GetDefaultCreditSpecification for more information on using the GetDefaultCreditSpecification +// API call, and error handling. +// +// This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration +// into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic. +// +// +// // Example sending a request using the GetDefaultCreditSpecificationRequest method. +// req, resp := client.GetDefaultCreditSpecificationRequest(params) +// +// err := req.Send() +// if err == nil { // resp is now filled +// fmt.Println(resp) +// } +// +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/GetDefaultCreditSpecification +func (c *EC2) GetDefaultCreditSpecificationRequest(input *GetDefaultCreditSpecificationInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetDefaultCreditSpecificationOutput) { + op := &request.Operation{ + Name: opGetDefaultCreditSpecification, + HTTPMethod: "POST", + HTTPPath: "/", + } + + if input == nil { + input = &GetDefaultCreditSpecificationInput{} + } + + output = &GetDefaultCreditSpecificationOutput{} + req = c.newRequest(op, input, output) + return +} + +// GetDefaultCreditSpecification API operation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. +// +// Describes the default credit option for CPU usage of a burstable performance +// instance family. +// +// For more information, see Burstable Performance Instances (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/burstable-performance-instances.html) +// in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. +// +// Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions +// with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about +// the error. +// +// See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud's +// API operation GetDefaultCreditSpecification for usage and error information. +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/GetDefaultCreditSpecification +func (c *EC2) GetDefaultCreditSpecification(input *GetDefaultCreditSpecificationInput) (*GetDefaultCreditSpecificationOutput, error) { + req, out := c.GetDefaultCreditSpecificationRequest(input) + return out, req.Send() +} + +// GetDefaultCreditSpecificationWithContext is the same as GetDefaultCreditSpecification with the addition of +// the ability to pass a context and additional request options. +// +// See GetDefaultCreditSpecification for details on how to use this API operation. +// +// The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If +// the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create +// sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ +// for more information on using Contexts. +func (c *EC2) GetDefaultCreditSpecificationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetDefaultCreditSpecificationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetDefaultCreditSpecificationOutput, error) { + req, out := c.GetDefaultCreditSpecificationRequest(input) + req.SetContext(ctx) + req.ApplyOptions(opts...) + return out, req.Send() +} + const opGetEbsDefaultKmsKeyId = "GetEbsDefaultKmsKeyId" // GetEbsDefaultKmsKeyIdRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the @@ -24918,10 +25857,12 @@ func (c *EC2) GetTransitGatewayAttachmentPropagationsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Co }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*GetTransitGatewayAttachmentPropagationsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*GetTransitGatewayAttachmentPropagationsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -25049,10 +25990,12 @@ func (c *EC2) GetTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociationsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Co }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*GetTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociationsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*GetTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociationsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -25180,10 +26123,12 @@ func (c *EC2) GetTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagationsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Co }, } - cont := true - for p.Next() && cont { - cont = fn(p.Page().(*GetTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagationsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) + for p.Next() { + if !fn(p.Page().(*GetTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagationsOutput), !p.HasNextPage()) { + break + } } + return p.Err() } @@ -25811,6 +26756,94 @@ func (c *EC2) ModifyClientVpnEndpointWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyC return out, req.Send() } +const opModifyDefaultCreditSpecification = "ModifyDefaultCreditSpecification" + +// ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the +// client's request for the ModifyDefaultCreditSpecification operation. The "output" return +// value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes +// successfully. +// +// Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. +// the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error. +// +// See ModifyDefaultCreditSpecification for more information on using the ModifyDefaultCreditSpecification +// API call, and error handling. +// +// This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration +// into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic. +// +// +// // Example sending a request using the ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationRequest method. +// req, resp := client.ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationRequest(params) +// +// err := req.Send() +// if err == nil { // resp is now filled +// fmt.Println(resp) +// } +// +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/ModifyDefaultCreditSpecification +func (c *EC2) ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationRequest(input *ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationOutput) { + op := &request.Operation{ + Name: opModifyDefaultCreditSpecification, + HTTPMethod: "POST", + HTTPPath: "/", + } + + if input == nil { + input = &ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationInput{} + } + + output = &ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationOutput{} + req = c.newRequest(op, input, output) + return +} + +// ModifyDefaultCreditSpecification API operation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. +// +// Modifies the default credit option for CPU usage of burstable performance +// instances. The default credit option is set at the account level per AWS +// Region, and is specified per instance family. All new burstable performance +// instances in the account launch using the default credit option. +// +// ModifyDefaultCreditSpecification is an asynchronous operation, which works +// at an AWS Region level and modifies the credit option for each Availability +// Zone. All zones in a Region are updated within five minutes. But if instances +// are launched during this operation, they might not get the new credit option +// until the zone is updated. To verify whether the update has occurred, you +// can call GetDefaultCreditSpecification and check DefaultCreditSpecification +// for updates. +// +// For more information, see Burstable Performance Instances (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/burstable-performance-instances.html) +// in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. +// +// Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions +// with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about +// the error. +// +// See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud's +// API operation ModifyDefaultCreditSpecification for usage and error information. +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/ModifyDefaultCreditSpecification +func (c *EC2) ModifyDefaultCreditSpecification(input *ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationInput) (*ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationOutput, error) { + req, out := c.ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationRequest(input) + return out, req.Send() +} + +// ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationWithContext is the same as ModifyDefaultCreditSpecification with the addition of +// the ability to pass a context and additional request options. +// +// See ModifyDefaultCreditSpecification for details on how to use this API operation. +// +// The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If +// the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create +// sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ +// for more information on using Contexts. +func (c *EC2) ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationOutput, error) { + req, out := c.ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationRequest(input) + req.SetContext(ctx) + req.ApplyOptions(opts...) + return out, req.Send() +} + const opModifyEbsDefaultKmsKeyId = "ModifyEbsDefaultKmsKeyId" // ModifyEbsDefaultKmsKeyIdRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the @@ -25943,8 +26976,35 @@ func (c *EC2) ModifyFleetRequest(input *ModifyFleetInput) (req *request.Request, // // Modifies the specified EC2 Fleet. // +// You can only modify an EC2 Fleet request of type maintain. +// // While the EC2 Fleet is being modified, it is in the modifying state. // +// To scale up your EC2 Fleet, increase its target capacity. The EC2 Fleet launches +// the additional Spot Instances according to the allocation strategy for the +// EC2 Fleet request. If the allocation strategy is lowest-price, the EC2 Fleet +// launches instances using the Spot Instance pool with the lowest price. If +// the allocation strategy is diversified, the EC2 Fleet distributes the instances +// across the Spot Instance pools. If the allocation strategy is capacity-optimized, +// EC2 Fleet launches instances from Spot Instance pools with optimal capacity +// for the number of instances that are launching. +// +// To scale down your EC2 Fleet, decrease its target capacity. First, the EC2 +// Fleet cancels any open requests that exceed the new target capacity. You +// can request that the EC2 Fleet terminate Spot Instances until the size of +// the fleet no longer exceeds the new target capacity. If the allocation strategy +// is lowest-price, the EC2 Fleet terminates the instances with the highest +// price per unit. If the allocation strategy is capacity-optimized, the EC2 +// Fleet terminates the instances in the Spot Instance pools that have the least +// available Spot Instance capacity. If the allocation strategy is diversified, +// the EC2 Fleet terminates instances across the Spot Instance pools. Alternatively, +// you can request that the EC2 Fleet keep the fleet at its current size, but +// not replace any Spot Instances that are interrupted or that you terminate +// manually. +// +// If you are finished with your EC2 Fleet for now, but will use it again later, +// you can set the target capacity to 0. +// // Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions // with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about // the error. @@ -26099,6 +27159,10 @@ func (c *EC2) ModifyHostsRequest(input *ModifyHostsInput) (req *request.Request, // no host ID is provided, the instance is launched onto a suitable host with // auto-placement enabled. // +// You can also use this API action to modify a Dedicated Host to support either +// multiple instance types in an instance family, or to support a specific instance +// type only. +// // Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions // with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about // the error. @@ -26612,8 +27676,8 @@ func (c *EC2) ModifyInstanceCreditSpecificationRequest(input *ModifyInstanceCred // ModifyInstanceCreditSpecification API operation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. // -// Modifies the credit option for CPU usage on a running or stopped T2 or T3 -// instance. The credit options are standard and unlimited. +// Modifies the credit option for CPU usage on a running or stopped burstable +// performance instance. The credit options are standard and unlimited. // // For more information, see Burstable Performance Instances (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/burstable-performance-instances.html) // in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. @@ -26720,6 +27784,86 @@ func (c *EC2) ModifyInstanceEventStartTimeWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *Mo return out, req.Send() } +const opModifyInstanceMetadataOptions = "ModifyInstanceMetadataOptions" + +// ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the +// client's request for the ModifyInstanceMetadataOptions operation. The "output" return +// value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes +// successfully. +// +// Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. +// the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error. +// +// See ModifyInstanceMetadataOptions for more information on using the ModifyInstanceMetadataOptions +// API call, and error handling. +// +// This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration +// into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic. +// +// +// // Example sending a request using the ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsRequest method. +// req, resp := client.ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsRequest(params) +// +// err := req.Send() +// if err == nil { // resp is now filled +// fmt.Println(resp) +// } +// +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/ModifyInstanceMetadataOptions +func (c *EC2) ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsRequest(input *ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsOutput) { + op := &request.Operation{ + Name: opModifyInstanceMetadataOptions, + HTTPMethod: "POST", + HTTPPath: "/", + } + + if input == nil { + input = &ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsInput{} + } + + output = &ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsOutput{} + req = c.newRequest(op, input, output) + return +} + +// ModifyInstanceMetadataOptions API operation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. +// +// Modify the instance metadata parameters on a running or stopped instance. +// When you modify the parameters on a stopped instance, they are applied when +// the instance is started. When you modify the parameters on a running instance, +// the API responds with a state of “pending”. After the parameter modifications +// are successfully applied to the instance, the state of the modifications +// changes from “pending” to “applied” in subsequent describe-instances +// API calls. For more information, see Instance Metadata and User Data (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-metadata.html). +// +// Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions +// with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about +// the error. +// +// See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud's +// API operation ModifyInstanceMetadataOptions for usage and error information. +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/ModifyInstanceMetadataOptions +func (c *EC2) ModifyInstanceMetadataOptions(input *ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsInput) (*ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsOutput, error) { + req, out := c.ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsRequest(input) + return out, req.Send() +} + +// ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsWithContext is the same as ModifyInstanceMetadataOptions with the addition of +// the ability to pass a context and additional request options. +// +// See ModifyInstanceMetadataOptions for details on how to use this API operation. +// +// The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If +// the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create +// sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ +// for more information on using Contexts. +func (c *EC2) ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsOutput, error) { + req, out := c.ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsRequest(input) + req.SetContext(ctx) + req.ApplyOptions(opts...) + return out, req.Send() +} + const opModifyInstancePlacement = "ModifyInstancePlacement" // ModifyInstancePlacementRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the @@ -27097,6 +28241,7 @@ func (c *EC2) ModifySnapshotAttributeRequest(input *ModifySnapshotAttributeInput // or remove specified AWS account IDs from a snapshot's list of create volume // permissions, but you cannot do both in a single operation. If you need to // both add and remove account IDs for a snapshot, you must use multiple operations. +// You can make up to 500 modifications to a snapshot in a single operation. // // Encrypted snapshots and snapshots with AWS Marketplace product codes cannot // be made public. Snapshots encrypted with your default CMK cannot be shared @@ -27187,19 +28332,24 @@ func (c *EC2) ModifySpotFleetRequestRequest(input *ModifySpotFleetRequestInput) // To scale up your Spot Fleet, increase its target capacity. The Spot Fleet // launches the additional Spot Instances according to the allocation strategy // for the Spot Fleet request. If the allocation strategy is lowestPrice, the -// Spot Fleet launches instances using the Spot pool with the lowest price. -// If the allocation strategy is diversified, the Spot Fleet distributes the -// instances across the Spot pools. +// Spot Fleet launches instances using the Spot Instance pool with the lowest +// price. If the allocation strategy is diversified, the Spot Fleet distributes +// the instances across the Spot Instance pools. If the allocation strategy +// is capacityOptimized, Spot Fleet launches instances from Spot Instance pools +// with optimal capacity for the number of instances that are launching. // // To scale down your Spot Fleet, decrease its target capacity. First, the Spot // Fleet cancels any open requests that exceed the new target capacity. You // can request that the Spot Fleet terminate Spot Instances until the size of // the fleet no longer exceeds the new target capacity. If the allocation strategy // is lowestPrice, the Spot Fleet terminates the instances with the highest -// price per unit. If the allocation strategy is diversified, the Spot Fleet -// terminates instances across the Spot pools. Alternatively, you can request -// that the Spot Fleet keep the fleet at its current size, but not replace any -// Spot Instances that are interrupted or that you terminate manually. +// price per unit. If the allocation strategy is capacityOptimized, the Spot +// Fleet terminates the instances in the Spot Instance pools that have the least +// available Spot Instance capacity. If the allocation strategy is diversified, +// the Spot Fleet terminates instances across the Spot Instance pools. Alternatively, +// you can request that the Spot Fleet keep the fleet at its current size, but +// not replace any Spot Instances that are interrupted or that you terminate +// manually. // // If you are finished with your Spot Fleet for now, but will use it again later, // you can set the target capacity to 0. @@ -27360,7 +28510,7 @@ func (c *EC2) ModifyTrafficMirrorFilterNetworkServicesRequest(input *ModifyTraff // to mirror network services, use RemoveNetworkServices to remove the network // services from the Traffic Mirror filter. // -// FFor information about filter rule properties, see Network Services (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/mirroring/traffic-mirroring-considerations.html#traffic-mirroring-network-services) +// For information about filter rule properties, see Network Services (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/mirroring/traffic-mirroring-considerations.html) // in the Traffic Mirroring User Guide . // // Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions @@ -28415,7 +29565,7 @@ func (c *EC2) ModifyVpnConnectionRequest(input *ModifyVpnConnectionInput) (req * // ModifyVpnConnection API operation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. // -// Modifies the target gateway of a AWS Site-to-Site VPN connection. The following +// Modifies the target gateway of an AWS Site-to-Site VPN connection. The following // migration options are available: // // * An existing virtual private gateway to a new virtual private gateway @@ -28484,6 +29634,158 @@ func (c *EC2) ModifyVpnConnectionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyVpnCo return out, req.Send() } +const opModifyVpnTunnelCertificate = "ModifyVpnTunnelCertificate" + +// ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the +// client's request for the ModifyVpnTunnelCertificate operation. The "output" return +// value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes +// successfully. +// +// Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. +// the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error. +// +// See ModifyVpnTunnelCertificate for more information on using the ModifyVpnTunnelCertificate +// API call, and error handling. +// +// This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration +// into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic. +// +// +// // Example sending a request using the ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateRequest method. +// req, resp := client.ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateRequest(params) +// +// err := req.Send() +// if err == nil { // resp is now filled +// fmt.Println(resp) +// } +// +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/ModifyVpnTunnelCertificate +func (c *EC2) ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateRequest(input *ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateOutput) { + op := &request.Operation{ + Name: opModifyVpnTunnelCertificate, + HTTPMethod: "POST", + HTTPPath: "/", + } + + if input == nil { + input = &ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateInput{} + } + + output = &ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateOutput{} + req = c.newRequest(op, input, output) + return +} + +// ModifyVpnTunnelCertificate API operation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. +// +// Modifies the VPN tunnel endpoint certificate. +// +// Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions +// with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about +// the error. +// +// See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud's +// API operation ModifyVpnTunnelCertificate for usage and error information. +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/ModifyVpnTunnelCertificate +func (c *EC2) ModifyVpnTunnelCertificate(input *ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateInput) (*ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateOutput, error) { + req, out := c.ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateRequest(input) + return out, req.Send() +} + +// ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateWithContext is the same as ModifyVpnTunnelCertificate with the addition of +// the ability to pass a context and additional request options. +// +// See ModifyVpnTunnelCertificate for details on how to use this API operation. +// +// The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If +// the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create +// sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ +// for more information on using Contexts. +func (c *EC2) ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateOutput, error) { + req, out := c.ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateRequest(input) + req.SetContext(ctx) + req.ApplyOptions(opts...) + return out, req.Send() +} + +const opModifyVpnTunnelOptions = "ModifyVpnTunnelOptions" + +// ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the +// client's request for the ModifyVpnTunnelOptions operation. The "output" return +// value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes +// successfully. +// +// Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. +// the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error. +// +// See ModifyVpnTunnelOptions for more information on using the ModifyVpnTunnelOptions +// API call, and error handling. +// +// This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration +// into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic. +// +// +// // Example sending a request using the ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsRequest method. +// req, resp := client.ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsRequest(params) +// +// err := req.Send() +// if err == nil { // resp is now filled +// fmt.Println(resp) +// } +// +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/ModifyVpnTunnelOptions +func (c *EC2) ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsRequest(input *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsOutput) { + op := &request.Operation{ + Name: opModifyVpnTunnelOptions, + HTTPMethod: "POST", + HTTPPath: "/", + } + + if input == nil { + input = &ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsInput{} + } + + output = &ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsOutput{} + req = c.newRequest(op, input, output) + return +} + +// ModifyVpnTunnelOptions API operation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. +// +// Modifies the options for a VPN tunnel in an AWS Site-to-Site VPN connection. +// You can modify multiple options for a tunnel in a single request, but you +// can only modify one tunnel at a time. For more information, see Site-to-Site +// VPN Tunnel Options for Your Site-to-Site VPN Connection (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpn/latest/s2svpn/VPNTunnels.html) +// in the AWS Site-to-Site VPN User Guide. +// +// Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions +// with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about +// the error. +// +// See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud's +// API operation ModifyVpnTunnelOptions for usage and error information. +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/ModifyVpnTunnelOptions +func (c *EC2) ModifyVpnTunnelOptions(input *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsInput) (*ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsOutput, error) { + req, out := c.ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsRequest(input) + return out, req.Send() +} + +// ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsWithContext is the same as ModifyVpnTunnelOptions with the addition of +// the ability to pass a context and additional request options. +// +// See ModifyVpnTunnelOptions for details on how to use this API operation. +// +// The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If +// the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create +// sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ +// for more information on using Contexts. +func (c *EC2) ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsOutput, error) { + req, out := c.ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsRequest(input) + req.SetContext(ctx) + req.ApplyOptions(opts...) + return out, req.Send() +} + const opMonitorInstances = "MonitorInstances" // MonitorInstancesRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the @@ -28861,6 +30163,9 @@ func (c *EC2) PurchaseReservedInstancesOfferingRequest(input *PurchaseReservedIn // offerings that match your specifications. After you've purchased a Reserved // Instance, you can check for your new Reserved Instance with DescribeReservedInstances. // +// To queue a purchase for a future date and time, specify a purchase time. +// If you do not specify a purchase time, the default is the current time. +// // For more information, see Reserved Instances (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/concepts-on-demand-reserved-instances.html) // and Reserved Instance Marketplace (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ri-market-general.html) // in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. @@ -29122,16 +30427,24 @@ func (c *EC2) RegisterImageRequest(input *RegisterImageInput) (req *request.Requ // You can't register an image where a secondary (non-root) snapshot has AWS // Marketplace product codes. // -// Some Linux distributions, such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and SUSE -// Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), use the EC2 billing product code associated -// with an AMI to verify the subscription status for package updates. Creating -// an AMI from an EBS snapshot does not maintain this billing code, and instances -// launched from such an AMI are not able to connect to package update infrastructure. -// If you purchase a Reserved Instance offering for one of these Linux distributions -// and launch instances using an AMI that does not contain the required billing -// code, your Reserved Instance is not applied to these instances. +// Windows and some Linux distributions, such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) +// and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), use the EC2 billing product code +// associated with an AMI to verify the subscription status for package updates. +// To create a new AMI for operating systems that require a billing product +// code, do the following: +// +// Launch an instance from an existing AMI with that billing product code. +// +// Customize the instance. // -// To create an AMI for operating systems that require a billing code, see CreateImage. +// Create a new AMI from the instance using CreateImage to preserve the billing +// product code association. +// +// If you purchase a Reserved Instance to apply to an On-Demand Instance that +// was launched from an AMI with a billing product code, make sure that the +// Reserved Instance has the matching billing product code. If you purchase +// a Reserved Instance without the matching billing product code, the Reserved +// Instance will not be applied to the On-Demand Instance. // // If needed, you can deregister an AMI at any time. Any modifications you make // to an AMI backed by an instance store volume invalidates its registration. @@ -30179,10 +31492,10 @@ func (c *EC2) RequestSpotFleetRequest(input *RequestSpotFleetInput) (req *reques // You can submit a single request that includes multiple launch specifications // that vary by instance type, AMI, Availability Zone, or subnet. // -// By default, the Spot Fleet requests Spot Instances in the Spot pool where -// the price per unit is the lowest. Each launch specification can include its -// own instance weighting that reflects the value of the instance type to your -// application workload. +// By default, the Spot Fleet requests Spot Instances in the Spot Instance pool +// where the price per unit is the lowest. Each launch specification can include +// its own instance weighting that reflects the value of the instance type to +// your application workload. // // Alternatively, you can specify that the Spot Fleet distribute the target // capacity across the Spot pools included in its launch specifications. By @@ -31384,6 +32697,98 @@ func (c *EC2) SearchTransitGatewayRoutesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *Sear return out, req.Send() } +const opSendDiagnosticInterrupt = "SendDiagnosticInterrupt" + +// SendDiagnosticInterruptRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the +// client's request for the SendDiagnosticInterrupt operation. The "output" return +// value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes +// successfully. +// +// Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. +// the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error. +// +// See SendDiagnosticInterrupt for more information on using the SendDiagnosticInterrupt +// API call, and error handling. +// +// This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration +// into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic. +// +// +// // Example sending a request using the SendDiagnosticInterruptRequest method. +// req, resp := client.SendDiagnosticInterruptRequest(params) +// +// err := req.Send() +// if err == nil { // resp is now filled +// fmt.Println(resp) +// } +// +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/SendDiagnosticInterrupt +func (c *EC2) SendDiagnosticInterruptRequest(input *SendDiagnosticInterruptInput) (req *request.Request, output *SendDiagnosticInterruptOutput) { + op := &request.Operation{ + Name: opSendDiagnosticInterrupt, + HTTPMethod: "POST", + HTTPPath: "/", + } + + if input == nil { + input = &SendDiagnosticInterruptInput{} + } + + output = &SendDiagnosticInterruptOutput{} + req = c.newRequest(op, input, output) + req.Handlers.Unmarshal.Swap(ec2query.UnmarshalHandler.Name, protocol.UnmarshalDiscardBodyHandler) + return +} + +// SendDiagnosticInterrupt API operation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. +// +// Sends a diagnostic interrupt to the specified Amazon EC2 instance to trigger +// a kernel panic (on Linux instances), or a blue screen/stop error (on Windows +// instances). For instances based on Intel and AMD processors, the interrupt +// is received as a non-maskable interrupt (NMI). +// +// In general, the operating system crashes and reboots when a kernel panic +// or stop error is triggered. The operating system can also be configured to +// perform diagnostic tasks, such as generating a memory dump file, loading +// a secondary kernel, or obtaining a call trace. +// +// Before sending a diagnostic interrupt to your instance, ensure that its operating +// system is configured to perform the required diagnostic tasks. +// +// For more information about configuring your operating system to generate +// a crash dump when a kernel panic or stop error occurs, see Send a Diagnostic +// Interrupt (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/diagnostic-interrupt.html) +// (Linux instances) or Send a Diagnostic Interrupt (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/WindowsGuide/diagnostic-interrupt.html) +// (Windows instances). +// +// Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions +// with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about +// the error. +// +// See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud's +// API operation SendDiagnosticInterrupt for usage and error information. +// See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/ec2-2016-11-15/SendDiagnosticInterrupt +func (c *EC2) SendDiagnosticInterrupt(input *SendDiagnosticInterruptInput) (*SendDiagnosticInterruptOutput, error) { + req, out := c.SendDiagnosticInterruptRequest(input) + return out, req.Send() +} + +// SendDiagnosticInterruptWithContext is the same as SendDiagnosticInterrupt with the addition of +// the ability to pass a context and additional request options. +// +// See SendDiagnosticInterrupt for details on how to use this API operation. +// +// The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If +// the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create +// sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ +// for more information on using Contexts. +func (c *EC2) SendDiagnosticInterruptWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *SendDiagnosticInterruptInput, opts ...request.Option) (*SendDiagnosticInterruptOutput, error) { + req, out := c.SendDiagnosticInterruptRequest(input) + req.SetContext(ctx) + req.ApplyOptions(opts...) + return out, req.Send() +} + const opStartInstances = "StartInstances" // StartInstancesRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the @@ -32982,12 +34387,23 @@ type AllocateHostsInput struct { // Default: off HostRecovery *string `type:"string" enum:"HostRecovery"` - // Specifies the instance type for which to configure your Dedicated Hosts. - // When you specify the instance type, that is the only instance type that you - // can launch onto that host. + // Specifies the instance family to be supported by the Dedicated Hosts. If + // you specify an instance family, the Dedicated Hosts support multiple instance + // types within that instance family. // - // InstanceType is a required field - InstanceType *string `locationName:"instanceType" type:"string" required:"true"` + // If you want the Dedicated Hosts to support a specific instance type only, + // omit this parameter and specify InstanceType instead. You cannot specify + // InstanceFamily and InstanceType in the same request. + InstanceFamily *string `type:"string"` + + // Specifies the instance type to be supported by the Dedicated Hosts. If you + // specify an instance type, the Dedicated Hosts support instances of the specified + // instance type only. + // + // If you want the Dedicated Hosts to support multiple instance types in a specific + // instance family, omit this parameter and specify InstanceFamily instead. + // You cannot specify InstanceType and InstanceFamily in the same request. + InstanceType *string `locationName:"instanceType" type:"string"` // The number of Dedicated Hosts to allocate to your account with these parameters. // @@ -33014,9 +34430,6 @@ func (s *AllocateHostsInput) Validate() error { if s.AvailabilityZone == nil { invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("AvailabilityZone")) } - if s.InstanceType == nil { - invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("InstanceType")) - } if s.Quantity == nil { invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("Quantity")) } @@ -33051,6 +34464,12 @@ func (s *AllocateHostsInput) SetHostRecovery(v string) *AllocateHostsInput { return s } +// SetInstanceFamily sets the InstanceFamily field's value. +func (s *AllocateHostsInput) SetInstanceFamily(v string) *AllocateHostsInput { + s.InstanceFamily = &v + return s +} + // SetInstanceType sets the InstanceType field's value. func (s *AllocateHostsInput) SetInstanceType(v string) *AllocateHostsInput { s.InstanceType = &v @@ -34536,7 +35955,6 @@ func (s *AttachNetworkInterfaceOutput) SetAttachmentId(v string) *AttachNetworkI return s } -// Contains the parameters for AttachVolume. type AttachVolumeInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -35323,14 +36741,19 @@ func (s *AvailabilityZoneMessage) SetMessage(v string) *AvailabilityZoneMessage return s } -// The capacity information for instances launched onto the Dedicated Host. +// The capacity information for instances that can be launched onto the Dedicated +// Host. type AvailableCapacity struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` - // The total number of instances supported by the Dedicated Host. + // The number of instances that can be launched onto the Dedicated Host depending + // on the host's available capacity. For Dedicated Hosts that support multiple + // instance types, this parameter represents the number of instances for each + // instance size that is supported on the host. AvailableInstanceCapacity []*InstanceCapacity `locationName:"availableInstanceCapacity" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` - // The number of vCPUs available on the Dedicated Host. + // The number of vCPUs available for launching instances onto the Dedicated + // Host. AvailableVCpus *int64 `locationName:"availableVCpus" type:"integer"` } @@ -36457,12 +37880,14 @@ type CapacityReservation struct { // The Availability Zone in which the capacity is reserved. AvailabilityZone *string `locationName:"availabilityZone" type:"string"` + // The Availability Zone ID of the Capacity Reservation. AvailabilityZoneId *string `locationName:"availabilityZoneId" type:"string"` // The remaining capacity. Indicates the number of instances that can be launched // in the Capacity Reservation. AvailableInstanceCount *int64 `locationName:"availableInstanceCount" type:"integer"` + // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Capacity Reservation. CapacityReservationArn *string `locationName:"capacityReservationArn" type:"string"` // The ID of the Capacity Reservation. @@ -36519,6 +37944,7 @@ type CapacityReservation struct { // The type of instance for which the Capacity Reservation reserves capacity. InstanceType *string `locationName:"instanceType" type:"string"` + // The ID of the AWS account that owns the Capacity Reservation. OwnerId *string `locationName:"ownerId" type:"string"` // The current state of the Capacity Reservation. A Capacity Reservation can @@ -36527,11 +37953,11 @@ type CapacityReservation struct { // * active - The Capacity Reservation is active and the capacity is available // for your use. // - // * cancelled - The Capacity Reservation expired automatically at the date + // * expired - The Capacity Reservation expired automatically at the date // and time specified in your request. The reserved capacity is no longer // available for your use. // - // * expired - The Capacity Reservation was manually cancelled. The reserved + // * cancelled - The Capacity Reservation was manually cancelled. The reserved // capacity is no longer available for your use. // // * pending - The Capacity Reservation request was successful but the capacity @@ -36555,7 +37981,8 @@ type CapacityReservation struct { // that is dedicated to a single AWS account. Tenancy *string `locationName:"tenancy" type:"string" enum:"CapacityReservationTenancy"` - // The number of instances for which the Capacity Reservation reserves capacity. + // The total number of instances for which the Capacity Reservation reserves + // capacity. TotalInstanceCount *int64 `locationName:"totalInstanceCount" type:"integer"` } @@ -37515,8 +38942,7 @@ type ClientVpnEndpoint struct { // The ARN of the server certificate. ServerCertificateArn *string `locationName:"serverCertificateArn" type:"string"` - // Indicates whether split-tunnel is enabled in the AWS Client VPN endpoint - // endpoint. + // Indicates whether split-tunnel is enabled in the AWS Client VPN endpoint. // // For information about split-tunnel VPN endpoints, see Split-Tunnel AWS Client // VPN Endpoint (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpn/latest/clientvpn-admin/split-tunnel-vpn.html) @@ -38433,7 +39859,6 @@ func (s *CopyImageOutput) SetImageId(v string) *CopyImageOutput { return s } -// Contains the parameters for CopySnapshot. type CopySnapshotInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -38508,6 +39933,9 @@ type CopySnapshotInput struct { // // SourceSnapshotId is a required field SourceSnapshotId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` + + // The tags to apply to the new snapshot. + TagSpecifications []*TagSpecification `locationName:"TagSpecification" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` } // String returns the string representation @@ -38584,12 +40012,20 @@ func (s *CopySnapshotInput) SetSourceSnapshotId(v string) *CopySnapshotInput { return s } -// Contains the output of CopySnapshot. +// SetTagSpecifications sets the TagSpecifications field's value. +func (s *CopySnapshotInput) SetTagSpecifications(v []*TagSpecification) *CopySnapshotInput { + s.TagSpecifications = v + return s +} + type CopySnapshotOutput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` // The ID of the new snapshot. SnapshotId *string `locationName:"snapshotId" type:"string"` + + // Any tags applied to the new snapshot. + Tags []*Tag `locationName:"tagSet" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` } // String returns the string representation @@ -38608,6 +40044,12 @@ func (s *CopySnapshotOutput) SetSnapshotId(v string) *CopySnapshotOutput { return s } +// SetTags sets the Tags field's value. +func (s *CopySnapshotOutput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *CopySnapshotOutput { + s.Tags = v + return s +} + // The CPU options for the instance. type CpuOptions struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -38649,9 +40091,8 @@ type CpuOptionsRequest struct { // The number of CPU cores for the instance. CoreCount *int64 `type:"integer"` - // The number of threads per CPU core. To disable Intel Hyper-Threading Technology - // for the instance, specify a value of 1. Otherwise, specify the default value - // of 2. + // The number of threads per CPU core. To disable multithreading for the instance, + // specify a value of 1. Otherwise, specify the default value of 2. ThreadsPerCore *int64 `type:"integer"` } @@ -38683,6 +40124,7 @@ type CreateCapacityReservationInput struct { // The Availability Zone in which to create the Capacity Reservation. AvailabilityZone *string `type:"string"` + // The ID of the Availability Zone in which to create the Capacity Reservation. AvailabilityZoneId *string `type:"string"` // Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency @@ -38958,8 +40400,7 @@ type CreateClientVpnEndpointInput struct { // Information about the DNS servers to be used for DNS resolution. A Client // VPN endpoint can have up to two DNS servers. If no DNS server is specified, - // the DNS address of the VPC that is to be associated with Client VPN endpoint - // is used as the DNS server. + // the DNS address configured on the device is used for the DNS server. DnsServers []*string `locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` // Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without @@ -38974,8 +40415,7 @@ type CreateClientVpnEndpointInput struct { // ServerCertificateArn is a required field ServerCertificateArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"` - // Indicates whether split-tunnel is enabled on the AWS Client VPN endpoint - // endpoint. + // Indicates whether split-tunnel is enabled on the AWS Client VPN endpoint. // // By default, split-tunnel on a VPN endpoint is disabled. // @@ -39274,6 +40714,14 @@ type CreateCustomerGatewayInput struct { // BgpAsn is a required field BgpAsn *int64 `type:"integer" required:"true"` + // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the customer gateway certificate. + CertificateArn *string `type:"string"` + + // A name for the customer gateway device. + // + // Length Constraints: Up to 255 characters. + DeviceName *string `type:"string"` + // Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without // actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have // the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, @@ -39282,9 +40730,7 @@ type CreateCustomerGatewayInput struct { // The Internet-routable IP address for the customer gateway's outside interface. // The address must be static. - // - // PublicIp is a required field - PublicIp *string `locationName:"IpAddress" type:"string" required:"true"` + PublicIp *string `locationName:"IpAddress" type:"string"` // The type of VPN connection that this customer gateway supports (ipsec.1). // @@ -39308,9 +40754,6 @@ func (s *CreateCustomerGatewayInput) Validate() error { if s.BgpAsn == nil { invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("BgpAsn")) } - if s.PublicIp == nil { - invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("PublicIp")) - } if s.Type == nil { invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("Type")) } @@ -39327,6 +40770,18 @@ func (s *CreateCustomerGatewayInput) SetBgpAsn(v int64) *CreateCustomerGatewayIn return s } +// SetCertificateArn sets the CertificateArn field's value. +func (s *CreateCustomerGatewayInput) SetCertificateArn(v string) *CreateCustomerGatewayInput { + s.CertificateArn = &v + return s +} + +// SetDeviceName sets the DeviceName field's value. +func (s *CreateCustomerGatewayInput) SetDeviceName(v string) *CreateCustomerGatewayInput { + s.DeviceName = &v + return s +} + // SetDryRun sets the DryRun field's value. func (s *CreateCustomerGatewayInput) SetDryRun(v bool) *CreateCustomerGatewayInput { s.DryRun = &v @@ -40052,6 +41507,17 @@ type CreateFlowLogsInput struct { // Default: cloud-watch-logs LogDestinationType *string `type:"string" enum:"LogDestinationType"` + // The fields to include in the flow log record, in the order in which they + // should appear. For a list of available fields, see Flow Log Records (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/flow-logs.html#flow-log-records). + // If you omit this parameter, the flow log is created using the default format. + // If you specify this parameter, you must specify at least one field. + // + // Specify the fields using the ${field-id} format, separated by spaces. For + // the AWS CLI, use single quotation marks (' ') to surround the parameter value. + // + // Only applicable to flow logs that are published to an Amazon S3 bucket. + LogFormat *string `type:"string"` + // The name of a new or existing CloudWatch Logs log group where Amazon EC2 // publishes your flow logs. // @@ -40139,6 +41605,12 @@ func (s *CreateFlowLogsInput) SetLogDestinationType(v string) *CreateFlowLogsInp return s } +// SetLogFormat sets the LogFormat field's value. +func (s *CreateFlowLogsInput) SetLogFormat(v string) *CreateFlowLogsInput { + s.LogFormat = &v + return s +} + // SetLogGroupName sets the LogGroupName field's value. func (s *CreateFlowLogsInput) SetLogGroupName(v string) *CreateFlowLogsInput { s.LogGroupName = &v @@ -40232,6 +41704,9 @@ type CreateFpgaImageInput struct { // A name for the AFI. Name *string `type:"string"` + + // The tags to apply to the FPGA image during creation. + TagSpecifications []*TagSpecification `locationName:"TagSpecification" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` } // String returns the string representation @@ -40293,6 +41768,12 @@ func (s *CreateFpgaImageInput) SetName(v string) *CreateFpgaImageInput { return s } +// SetTagSpecifications sets the TagSpecifications field's value. +func (s *CreateFpgaImageInput) SetTagSpecifications(v []*TagSpecification) *CreateFpgaImageInput { + s.TagSpecifications = v + return s +} + type CreateFpgaImageOutput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -40646,7 +42127,7 @@ type CreateKeyPairOutput struct { KeyFingerprint *string `locationName:"keyFingerprint" type:"string"` // An unencrypted PEM encoded RSA private key. - KeyMaterial *string `locationName:"keyMaterial" type:"string"` + KeyMaterial *string `locationName:"keyMaterial" type:"string" sensitive:"true"` // The name of the key pair. KeyName *string `locationName:"keyName" type:"string"` @@ -40835,7 +42316,9 @@ type CreateLaunchTemplateVersionInput struct { // The version number of the launch template version on which to base the new // version. The new version inherits the same launch parameters as the source - // version, except for parameters that you specify in LaunchTemplateData. + // version, except for parameters that you specify in LaunchTemplateData. Snapshots + // applied to the block device mapping are ignored when creating a new version + // unless they are explicitly included. SourceVersion *string `type:"string"` // A description for the version of the launch template. @@ -42072,7 +43555,6 @@ func (s *CreateSecurityGroupOutput) SetGroupId(v string) *CreateSecurityGroupOut return s } -// Contains the parameters for CreateSnapshot. type CreateSnapshotInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -42150,9 +43632,10 @@ type CreateSnapshotsInput struct { // A description propagated to every snapshot specified by the instance. Description *string `type:"string"` - // Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action without actually - // making the request. Provides an error response. If you have the required - // permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation. + // Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without + // actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have + // the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, + // it is UnauthorizedOperation. DryRun *bool `type:"boolean"` // The instance to specify which volumes should be included in the snapshots. @@ -42840,9 +44323,8 @@ type CreateTrafficMirrorSessionInput struct { // The number of bytes in each packet to mirror. These are bytes after the VXLAN // header. Do not specify this parameter when you want to mirror the entire // packet. To mirror a subset of the packet, set this to the length (in bytes) - // that you want to mirror. For example, if you set this value to 1network0, - // then the first 100 bytes that meet the filter criteria are copied to the - // target. + // that you want to mirror. For example, if you set this value to 100, then + // the first 100 bytes that meet the filter criteria are copied to the target. // // If you do not want to mirror the entire packet, use the PacketLength parameter // to specify the number of bytes in each packet to mirror. @@ -43527,7 +45009,6 @@ func (s *CreateTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentRequestOptions) SetIpv6Support(v strin return s } -// Contains the parameters for CreateVolume. type CreateVolumeInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -43607,10 +45088,7 @@ type CreateVolumeInput struct { // IOPS SSD, st1 for Throughput Optimized HDD, sc1 for Cold HDD, or standard // for Magnetic volumes. // - // Defaults: If no volume type is specified, the default is standard in us-east-1, - // eu-west-1, eu-central-1, us-west-2, us-west-1, sa-east-1, ap-northeast-1, - // ap-northeast-2, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-south-1, us-gov-west-1, - // and cn-north-1. In all other Regions, EBS defaults to gp2. + // Default: gp2 VolumeType *string `type:"string" enum:"VolumeType"` } @@ -44718,9 +46196,15 @@ type CustomerGateway struct { // (ASN). BgpAsn *string `locationName:"bgpAsn" type:"string"` + // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the customer gateway certificate. + CertificateArn *string `locationName:"certificateArn" type:"string"` + // The ID of the customer gateway. CustomerGatewayId *string `locationName:"customerGatewayId" type:"string"` + // The name of customer gateway device. + DeviceName *string `locationName:"deviceName" type:"string"` + // The Internet-routable IP address of the customer gateway's outside interface. IpAddress *string `locationName:"ipAddress" type:"string"` @@ -44751,12 +46235,24 @@ func (s *CustomerGateway) SetBgpAsn(v string) *CustomerGateway { return s } +// SetCertificateArn sets the CertificateArn field's value. +func (s *CustomerGateway) SetCertificateArn(v string) *CustomerGateway { + s.CertificateArn = &v + return s +} + // SetCustomerGatewayId sets the CustomerGatewayId field's value. func (s *CustomerGateway) SetCustomerGatewayId(v string) *CustomerGateway { s.CustomerGatewayId = &v return s } +// SetDeviceName sets the DeviceName field's value. +func (s *CustomerGateway) SetDeviceName(v string) *CustomerGateway { + s.DeviceName = &v + return s +} + // SetIpAddress sets the IpAddress field's value. func (s *CustomerGateway) SetIpAddress(v string) *CustomerGateway { s.IpAddress = &v @@ -46344,6 +47840,125 @@ func (s DeletePlacementGroupOutput) GoString() string { return s.String() } +// Describes the error for a Reserved Instance whose queued purchase could not +// be deleted. +type DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesError struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The error code. + Code *string `locationName:"code" type:"string" enum:"DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesErrorCode"` + + // The error message. + Message *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesError) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesError) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetCode sets the Code field's value. +func (s *DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesError) SetCode(v string) *DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesError { + s.Code = &v + return s +} + +// SetMessage sets the Message field's value. +func (s *DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesError) SetMessage(v string) *DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesError { + s.Message = &v + return s +} + +type DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesInput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without + // actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have + // the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, + // it is UnauthorizedOperation. + DryRun *bool `type:"boolean"` + + // The IDs of the Reserved Instances. + // + // ReservedInstancesIds is a required field + ReservedInstancesIds []*string `locationName:"ReservedInstancesId" locationNameList:"item" min:"1" type:"list" required:"true"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesInput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesInput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid. +func (s *DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesInput) Validate() error { + invalidParams := request.ErrInvalidParams{Context: "DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesInput"} + if s.ReservedInstancesIds == nil { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("ReservedInstancesIds")) + } + if s.ReservedInstancesIds != nil && len(s.ReservedInstancesIds) < 1 { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamMinLen("ReservedInstancesIds", 1)) + } + + if invalidParams.Len() > 0 { + return invalidParams + } + return nil +} + +// SetDryRun sets the DryRun field's value. +func (s *DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesInput) SetDryRun(v bool) *DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesInput { + s.DryRun = &v + return s +} + +// SetReservedInstancesIds sets the ReservedInstancesIds field's value. +func (s *DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesInput) SetReservedInstancesIds(v []*string) *DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesInput { + s.ReservedInstancesIds = v + return s +} + +type DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesOutput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Information about the queued purchases that could not be deleted. + FailedQueuedPurchaseDeletions []*FailedQueuedPurchaseDeletion `locationName:"failedQueuedPurchaseDeletionSet" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // Information about the queued purchases that were successfully deleted. + SuccessfulQueuedPurchaseDeletions []*SuccessfulQueuedPurchaseDeletion `locationName:"successfulQueuedPurchaseDeletionSet" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesOutput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesOutput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetFailedQueuedPurchaseDeletions sets the FailedQueuedPurchaseDeletions field's value. +func (s *DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesOutput) SetFailedQueuedPurchaseDeletions(v []*FailedQueuedPurchaseDeletion) *DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesOutput { + s.FailedQueuedPurchaseDeletions = v + return s +} + +// SetSuccessfulQueuedPurchaseDeletions sets the SuccessfulQueuedPurchaseDeletions field's value. +func (s *DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesOutput) SetSuccessfulQueuedPurchaseDeletions(v []*SuccessfulQueuedPurchaseDeletion) *DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesOutput { + s.SuccessfulQueuedPurchaseDeletions = v + return s +} + type DeleteRouteInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -46551,7 +48166,6 @@ func (s DeleteSecurityGroupOutput) GoString() string { return s.String() } -// Contains the parameters for DeleteSnapshot. type DeleteSnapshotInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -47402,7 +49016,6 @@ func (s *DeleteTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentOutput) SetTransitGatewayVpcAttachment return s } -// Contains the parameters for DeleteVolume. type DeleteVolumeInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -49997,6 +51610,115 @@ func (s *DescribeElasticGpusOutput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeElasticGpusO return s } +type DescribeExportImageTasksInput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without + // actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have + // the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, + // it is UnauthorizedOperation. + DryRun *bool `type:"boolean"` + + // The IDs of the export image tasks. + ExportImageTaskIds []*string `locationName:"ExportImageTaskId" locationNameList:"ExportImageTaskId" type:"list"` + + // Filter tasks using the task-state filter and one of the following values: + // active, completed, deleting, or deleted. + Filters []*Filter `locationName:"Filter" locationNameList:"Filter" type:"list"` + + // The maximum number of results to return in a single call. + MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` + + // A token that indicates the next page of results. + NextToken *string `type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s DescribeExportImageTasksInput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s DescribeExportImageTasksInput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid. +func (s *DescribeExportImageTasksInput) Validate() error { + invalidParams := request.ErrInvalidParams{Context: "DescribeExportImageTasksInput"} + if s.MaxResults != nil && *s.MaxResults < 1 { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamMinValue("MaxResults", 1)) + } + + if invalidParams.Len() > 0 { + return invalidParams + } + return nil +} + +// SetDryRun sets the DryRun field's value. +func (s *DescribeExportImageTasksInput) SetDryRun(v bool) *DescribeExportImageTasksInput { + s.DryRun = &v + return s +} + +// SetExportImageTaskIds sets the ExportImageTaskIds field's value. +func (s *DescribeExportImageTasksInput) SetExportImageTaskIds(v []*string) *DescribeExportImageTasksInput { + s.ExportImageTaskIds = v + return s +} + +// SetFilters sets the Filters field's value. +func (s *DescribeExportImageTasksInput) SetFilters(v []*Filter) *DescribeExportImageTasksInput { + s.Filters = v + return s +} + +// SetMaxResults sets the MaxResults field's value. +func (s *DescribeExportImageTasksInput) SetMaxResults(v int64) *DescribeExportImageTasksInput { + s.MaxResults = &v + return s +} + +// SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value. +func (s *DescribeExportImageTasksInput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeExportImageTasksInput { + s.NextToken = &v + return s +} + +type DescribeExportImageTasksOutput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Information about the export image tasks. + ExportImageTasks []*ExportImageTask `locationName:"exportImageTaskSet" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // The token to use to get the next page of results. This value is null when + // there are no more results to return. + NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s DescribeExportImageTasksOutput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s DescribeExportImageTasksOutput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetExportImageTasks sets the ExportImageTasks field's value. +func (s *DescribeExportImageTasksOutput) SetExportImageTasks(v []*ExportImageTask) *DescribeExportImageTasksOutput { + s.ExportImageTasks = v + return s +} + +// SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value. +func (s *DescribeExportImageTasksOutput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeExportImageTasksOutput { + s.NextToken = &v + return s +} + type DescribeExportTasksInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -50043,6 +51765,222 @@ func (s *DescribeExportTasksOutput) SetExportTasks(v []*ExportTask) *DescribeExp return s } +// Describes fast snapshot restores for a snapshot. +type DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The Availability Zone. + AvailabilityZone *string `locationName:"availabilityZone" type:"string"` + + // The time at which fast snapshot restores entered the disabled state. + DisabledTime *time.Time `locationName:"disabledTime" type:"timestamp"` + + // The time at which fast snapshot restores entered the disabling state. + DisablingTime *time.Time `locationName:"disablingTime" type:"timestamp"` + + // The time at which fast snapshot restores entered the enabled state. + EnabledTime *time.Time `locationName:"enabledTime" type:"timestamp"` + + // The time at which fast snapshot restores entered the enabling state. + EnablingTime *time.Time `locationName:"enablingTime" type:"timestamp"` + + // The time at which fast snapshot restores entered the optimizing state. + OptimizingTime *time.Time `locationName:"optimizingTime" type:"timestamp"` + + // The alias of the snapshot owner. + OwnerAlias *string `locationName:"ownerAlias" type:"string"` + + // The ID of the AWS account that owns the snapshot. + OwnerId *string `locationName:"ownerId" type:"string"` + + // The ID of the snapshot. + SnapshotId *string `locationName:"snapshotId" type:"string"` + + // The state of fast snapshot restores. + State *string `locationName:"state" type:"string" enum:"FastSnapshotRestoreStateCode"` + + // The reason for the state transition. The possible values are as follows: + // + // * Client.UserInitiated - The state successfully transitioned to enabling + // or disabling. + // + // * Client.UserInitiated - Lifecycle state transition - The state successfully + // transitioned to optimizing, enabled, or disabled. + StateTransitionReason *string `locationName:"stateTransitionReason" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetAvailabilityZone sets the AvailabilityZone field's value. +func (s *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetAvailabilityZone(v string) *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.AvailabilityZone = &v + return s +} + +// SetDisabledTime sets the DisabledTime field's value. +func (s *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetDisabledTime(v time.Time) *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.DisabledTime = &v + return s +} + +// SetDisablingTime sets the DisablingTime field's value. +func (s *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetDisablingTime(v time.Time) *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.DisablingTime = &v + return s +} + +// SetEnabledTime sets the EnabledTime field's value. +func (s *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetEnabledTime(v time.Time) *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.EnabledTime = &v + return s +} + +// SetEnablingTime sets the EnablingTime field's value. +func (s *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetEnablingTime(v time.Time) *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.EnablingTime = &v + return s +} + +// SetOptimizingTime sets the OptimizingTime field's value. +func (s *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetOptimizingTime(v time.Time) *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.OptimizingTime = &v + return s +} + +// SetOwnerAlias sets the OwnerAlias field's value. +func (s *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetOwnerAlias(v string) *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.OwnerAlias = &v + return s +} + +// SetOwnerId sets the OwnerId field's value. +func (s *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetOwnerId(v string) *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.OwnerId = &v + return s +} + +// SetSnapshotId sets the SnapshotId field's value. +func (s *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetSnapshotId(v string) *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.SnapshotId = &v + return s +} + +// SetState sets the State field's value. +func (s *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetState(v string) *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.State = &v + return s +} + +// SetStateTransitionReason sets the StateTransitionReason field's value. +func (s *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetStateTransitionReason(v string) *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.StateTransitionReason = &v + return s +} + +type DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresInput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without + // actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have + // the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, + // it is UnauthorizedOperation. + DryRun *bool `type:"boolean"` + + // The filters. The possible values are: + // + // * availability-zone: The Availability Zone of the snapshot. + // + // * owner-id: The ID of the AWS account that owns the snapshot. + // + // * snapshot-id: The ID of the snapshot. + // + // * state: The state of fast snapshot restores for the snapshot (enabling + // | optimizing | enabled | disabling | disabled). + Filters []*Filter `locationName:"Filter" locationNameList:"Filter" type:"list"` + + // The maximum number of results to return with a single call. To retrieve the + // remaining results, make another call with the returned nextToken value. + MaxResults *int64 `type:"integer"` + + // The token for the next page of results. + NextToken *string `type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresInput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresInput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetDryRun sets the DryRun field's value. +func (s *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresInput) SetDryRun(v bool) *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresInput { + s.DryRun = &v + return s +} + +// SetFilters sets the Filters field's value. +func (s *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresInput) SetFilters(v []*Filter) *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresInput { + s.Filters = v + return s +} + +// SetMaxResults sets the MaxResults field's value. +func (s *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresInput) SetMaxResults(v int64) *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresInput { + s.MaxResults = &v + return s +} + +// SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value. +func (s *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresInput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresInput { + s.NextToken = &v + return s +} + +type DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresOutput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Information about the state of fast snapshot restores. + FastSnapshotRestores []*DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem `locationName:"fastSnapshotRestoreSet" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. This value is null + // when there are no more results to return. + NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresOutput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresOutput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetFastSnapshotRestores sets the FastSnapshotRestores field's value. +func (s *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresOutput) SetFastSnapshotRestores(v []*DescribeFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresOutput { + s.FastSnapshotRestores = v + return s +} + +// SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value. +func (s *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresOutput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeFastSnapshotRestoresOutput { + s.NextToken = &v + return s +} + // Describes the instances that could not be launched by the fleet. type DescribeFleetError struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -51807,14 +53745,13 @@ type DescribeImportImageTasksInput struct { DryRun *bool `type:"boolean"` // Filter tasks using the task-state filter and one of the following values: - // active, completed, deleting, deleted. + // active, completed, deleting, or deleted. Filters []*Filter `locationNameList:"Filter" type:"list"` - // A list of import image task IDs. + // The IDs of the import image tasks. ImportTaskIds []*string `locationName:"ImportTaskId" locationNameList:"ImportTaskId" type:"list"` - // The maximum number of results to return in a single call. To retrieve the - // remaining results, make another call with the returned NextToken value. + // The maximum number of results to return in a single call. MaxResults *int64 `type:"integer"` // A token that indicates the next page of results. @@ -52484,6 +54421,305 @@ func (s *DescribeInstanceStatusOutput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeInstanceS return s } +type DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsInput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without + // actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have + // the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, + // it is UnauthorizedOperation. + DryRun *bool `type:"boolean"` + + // One or more filters. Filter names and values are case-sensitive. + // + // * location - This depends on the location type. For example, if the location + // type is region (default), the location is the Region code (for example, + // us-east-2.) + // + // * instance-type - The instance type. + Filters []*Filter `locationName:"Filter" locationNameList:"Filter" type:"list"` + + // The location type. + LocationType *string `type:"string" enum:"LocationType"` + + // The maximum number of results to return for the request in a single page. + // The remaining results can be seen by sending another request with the next + // token value. + MaxResults *int64 `min:"5" type:"integer"` + + // The token to retrieve the next page of results. + NextToken *string `type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsInput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsInput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid. +func (s *DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsInput) Validate() error { + invalidParams := request.ErrInvalidParams{Context: "DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsInput"} + if s.MaxResults != nil && *s.MaxResults < 5 { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamMinValue("MaxResults", 5)) + } + + if invalidParams.Len() > 0 { + return invalidParams + } + return nil +} + +// SetDryRun sets the DryRun field's value. +func (s *DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsInput) SetDryRun(v bool) *DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsInput { + s.DryRun = &v + return s +} + +// SetFilters sets the Filters field's value. +func (s *DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsInput) SetFilters(v []*Filter) *DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsInput { + s.Filters = v + return s +} + +// SetLocationType sets the LocationType field's value. +func (s *DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsInput) SetLocationType(v string) *DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsInput { + s.LocationType = &v + return s +} + +// SetMaxResults sets the MaxResults field's value. +func (s *DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsInput) SetMaxResults(v int64) *DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsInput { + s.MaxResults = &v + return s +} + +// SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value. +func (s *DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsInput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsInput { + s.NextToken = &v + return s +} + +type DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsOutput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The instance types offered. + InstanceTypeOfferings []*InstanceTypeOffering `locationName:"instanceTypeOfferingSet" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. This value is null + // when there are no more results to return. + NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsOutput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsOutput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetInstanceTypeOfferings sets the InstanceTypeOfferings field's value. +func (s *DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsOutput) SetInstanceTypeOfferings(v []*InstanceTypeOffering) *DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsOutput { + s.InstanceTypeOfferings = v + return s +} + +// SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value. +func (s *DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsOutput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeInstanceTypeOfferingsOutput { + s.NextToken = &v + return s +} + +type DescribeInstanceTypesInput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without + // actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have + // the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, + // it is UnauthorizedOperation. + DryRun *bool `type:"boolean"` + + // One or more filters. Filter names and values are case-sensitive. + // + // * auto-recovery-supported - Indicates whether auto recovery is supported. + // (true | false) + // + // * bare-metal - Indicates whether it is a bare metal instance type. (true + // | false) + // + // * burstable-performance-supported - Indicates whether it is a burstable + // performance instance type. (true | false) + // + // * current-generation - Indicates whether this instance type is the latest + // generation instance type of an instance family. (true | false) + // + // * ebs-info.ebs-optimized-support - Indicates whether the instance type + // is EBS-optimized. (true | false) + // + // * ebs-info.encryption-support - Indicates whether EBS encryption is supported. + // (true | false) + // + // * free-tier-eligible - Indicates whether the instance type is eligible + // to use in the free tier. (true | false) + // + // * hibernation-supported - Indicates whether On-Demand hibernation is supported. + // (true | false) + // + // * hypervisor - The hypervisor used. (nitro | xen) + // + // * instance-storage-info.disk.count - The number of local disks. + // + // * instance-storage-info.disk.size-in-gb - The storage size of each instance + // storage disk, in GB. + // + // * instance-storage-info.disk.type - The storage technology for the local + // instance storage disks. (hdd | ssd) + // + // * instance-storage-info.total-size-in-gb - The total amount of storage + // available from all local instance storage, in GB. + // + // * instance-storage-supported - Indicates whether the instance type has + // local instance storage. (true | false) + // + // * memory-info.size-in-mib - The memory size. + // + // * network-info.ena-support - Indicates whether Elastic Network Adapter + // (ENA) is supported or required. (required | supported | unsupported) + // + // * network-info.ipv4-addresses-per-interface - The maximum number of private + // IPv4 addresses per network interface. + // + // * network-info.ipv6-addresses-per-interface - The maximum number of private + // IPv6 addresses per network interface. + // + // * network-info.ipv6-supported - Indicates whether the instance type supports + // IPv6. (true | false) + // + // * network-info.maximum-network-interfaces - The maximum number of network + // interfaces per instance. + // + // * network-info.network-performance - Describes the network performance. + // + // * processor-info.sustained-clock-speed-in-ghz - The CPU clock speed, in + // GHz. + // + // * vcpu-info.default-cores - The default number of cores for the instance + // type. + // + // * vcpu-info.default-threads-per-core - The default number of threads per + // cores for the instance type. + // + // * vcpu-info.default-vcpus - The default number of vCPUs for the instance + // type. + Filters []*Filter `locationName:"Filter" locationNameList:"Filter" type:"list"` + + // The instance types. For more information, see Instance Types (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-types.html) + // in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. + InstanceTypes []*string `locationName:"InstanceType" type:"list"` + + // The maximum number of results to return for the request in a single page. + // The remaining results can be seen by sending another request with the next + // token value. + MaxResults *int64 `min:"5" type:"integer"` + + // The token to retrieve the next page of results. + NextToken *string `type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s DescribeInstanceTypesInput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s DescribeInstanceTypesInput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid. +func (s *DescribeInstanceTypesInput) Validate() error { + invalidParams := request.ErrInvalidParams{Context: "DescribeInstanceTypesInput"} + if s.MaxResults != nil && *s.MaxResults < 5 { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamMinValue("MaxResults", 5)) + } + + if invalidParams.Len() > 0 { + return invalidParams + } + return nil +} + +// SetDryRun sets the DryRun field's value. +func (s *DescribeInstanceTypesInput) SetDryRun(v bool) *DescribeInstanceTypesInput { + s.DryRun = &v + return s +} + +// SetFilters sets the Filters field's value. +func (s *DescribeInstanceTypesInput) SetFilters(v []*Filter) *DescribeInstanceTypesInput { + s.Filters = v + return s +} + +// SetInstanceTypes sets the InstanceTypes field's value. +func (s *DescribeInstanceTypesInput) SetInstanceTypes(v []*string) *DescribeInstanceTypesInput { + s.InstanceTypes = v + return s +} + +// SetMaxResults sets the MaxResults field's value. +func (s *DescribeInstanceTypesInput) SetMaxResults(v int64) *DescribeInstanceTypesInput { + s.MaxResults = &v + return s +} + +// SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value. +func (s *DescribeInstanceTypesInput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeInstanceTypesInput { + s.NextToken = &v + return s +} + +type DescribeInstanceTypesOutput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The instance type. For more information, see Instance Types (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-types.html) + // in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. + InstanceTypes []*InstanceTypeInfo `locationName:"instanceTypeSet" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. This value is null + // when there are no more results to return. + NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s DescribeInstanceTypesOutput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s DescribeInstanceTypesOutput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetInstanceTypes sets the InstanceTypes field's value. +func (s *DescribeInstanceTypesOutput) SetInstanceTypes(v []*InstanceTypeInfo) *DescribeInstanceTypesOutput { + s.InstanceTypes = v + return s +} + +// SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value. +func (s *DescribeInstanceTypesOutput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeInstanceTypesOutput { + s.NextToken = &v + return s +} + type DescribeInstancesInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -52537,9 +54773,8 @@ type DescribeInstancesInput struct { // * hypervisor - The hypervisor type of the instance (ovm | xen). // // * iam-instance-profile.arn - The instance profile associated with the - // instance. Specified as an ARN. - // - // * image-id - The ID of the image used to launch the instance. + // instance. Specified as an ARN. image-id - The ID of the image used to + // launch the instance. // // * instance-id - The ID of the instance. // @@ -52572,6 +54807,15 @@ type DescribeInstancesInput struct { // // * launch-time - The time when the instance was launched. // + // * metadata-options.http-tokens - The metadata request authorization state + // (optional | required) + // + // * metadata-options.http-put-response-hop-limit - The http metadata request + // put response hop limit (integer, possible values 1 to 64) + // + // * metadata-options.http-endpoint - Enable or disable metadata access on + // http endpoint (enabled | disabled) + // // * monitoring-state - Indicates whether detailed monitoring is enabled // (disabled | enabled). // @@ -54549,6 +56793,9 @@ type DescribeRegionsInput struct { // // * endpoint - The endpoint of the Region (for example, ec2.us-east-1.amazonaws.com). // + // * opt-in-status - The opt-in status of the Region (opt-in-not-required + // | opted-in | not-opted-in). + // // * region-name - The name of the Region (for example, us-east-1). Filters []*Filter `locationName:"Filter" locationNameList:"Filter" type:"list"` @@ -55914,7 +58161,6 @@ func (s *DescribeSecurityGroupsOutput) SetSecurityGroups(v []*SecurityGroup) *De return s } -// Contains the parameters for DescribeSnapshotAttribute. type DescribeSnapshotAttributeInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -55979,7 +58225,6 @@ func (s *DescribeSnapshotAttributeInput) SetSnapshotId(v string) *DescribeSnapsh return s } -// Contains the output of DescribeSnapshotAttribute. type DescribeSnapshotAttributeOutput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -58213,7 +60458,6 @@ func (s *DescribeTransitGatewaysOutput) SetTransitGateways(v []*TransitGateway) return s } -// Contains the parameters for DescribeVolumeAttribute. type DescribeVolumeAttributeInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -58278,7 +60522,6 @@ func (s *DescribeVolumeAttributeInput) SetVolumeId(v string) *DescribeVolumeAttr return s } -// Contains the output of DescribeVolumeAttribute. type DescribeVolumeAttributeOutput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -59568,8 +61811,8 @@ type DescribeVpcEndpointsInput struct { // // * vpc-endpoint-id: The ID of the endpoint. // - // * vpc-endpoint-state: The state of the endpoint. (pending | available - // | deleting | deleted) + // * vpc-endpoint-state - The state of the endpoint (pendingAcceptance | + // pending | available | deleting | deleted | rejected | failed). // // * tag: - The key/value combination of a tag assigned to the resource. // Use the tag key in the filter name and the tag value as the filter value. @@ -60019,6 +62262,9 @@ type DescribeVpnConnectionsInput struct { // // * vpn-gateway-id - The ID of a virtual private gateway associated with // the VPN connection. + // + // * transit-gateway-id - The ID of a transit gateway associated with the + // VPN connection. Filters []*Filter `locationName:"Filter" locationNameList:"Filter" type:"list"` // One or more VPN connection IDs. @@ -60360,6 +62606,19 @@ type DetachNetworkInterfaceInput struct { DryRun *bool `locationName:"dryRun" type:"boolean"` // Specifies whether to force a detachment. + // + // * Use the Force parameter only as a last resort to detach a network interface + // from a failed instance. + // + // * If you use the Force parameter to detach a network interface, you might + // not be able to attach a different network interface to the same index + // on the instance without first stopping and starting the instance. + // + // * If you force the detachment of a network interface, the instance metadata + // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-metadata.html) + // might not get updated. This means that the attributes associated with + // the detached network interface might still be visible. The instance metadata + // will get updated when you stop and start the instance. Force *bool `locationName:"force" type:"boolean"` } @@ -60418,7 +62677,6 @@ func (s DetachNetworkInterfaceOutput) GoString() string { return s.String() } -// Contains the parameters for DetachVolume. type DetachVolumeInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -60762,6 +63020,325 @@ func (s *DisableEbsEncryptionByDefaultOutput) SetEbsEncryptionByDefault(v bool) return s } +// Contains information about the errors that occurred when disabling fast snapshot +// restores. +type DisableFastSnapshotRestoreErrorItem struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The errors. + FastSnapshotRestoreStateErrors []*DisableFastSnapshotRestoreStateErrorItem `locationName:"fastSnapshotRestoreStateErrorSet" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // The ID of the snapshot. + SnapshotId *string `locationName:"snapshotId" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s DisableFastSnapshotRestoreErrorItem) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s DisableFastSnapshotRestoreErrorItem) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetFastSnapshotRestoreStateErrors sets the FastSnapshotRestoreStateErrors field's value. +func (s *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreErrorItem) SetFastSnapshotRestoreStateErrors(v []*DisableFastSnapshotRestoreStateErrorItem) *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreErrorItem { + s.FastSnapshotRestoreStateErrors = v + return s +} + +// SetSnapshotId sets the SnapshotId field's value. +func (s *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreErrorItem) SetSnapshotId(v string) *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreErrorItem { + s.SnapshotId = &v + return s +} + +// Describes an error that occurred when disabling fast snapshot restores. +type DisableFastSnapshotRestoreStateError struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The error code. + Code *string `locationName:"code" type:"string"` + + // The error message. + Message *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s DisableFastSnapshotRestoreStateError) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s DisableFastSnapshotRestoreStateError) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetCode sets the Code field's value. +func (s *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreStateError) SetCode(v string) *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreStateError { + s.Code = &v + return s +} + +// SetMessage sets the Message field's value. +func (s *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreStateError) SetMessage(v string) *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreStateError { + s.Message = &v + return s +} + +// Contains information about an error that occurred when disabling fast snapshot +// restores. +type DisableFastSnapshotRestoreStateErrorItem struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The Availability Zone. + AvailabilityZone *string `locationName:"availabilityZone" type:"string"` + + // The error. + Error *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreStateError `locationName:"error" type:"structure"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s DisableFastSnapshotRestoreStateErrorItem) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s DisableFastSnapshotRestoreStateErrorItem) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetAvailabilityZone sets the AvailabilityZone field's value. +func (s *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreStateErrorItem) SetAvailabilityZone(v string) *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreStateErrorItem { + s.AvailabilityZone = &v + return s +} + +// SetError sets the Error field's value. +func (s *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreStateErrorItem) SetError(v *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreStateError) *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreStateErrorItem { + s.Error = v + return s +} + +// Describes fast snapshot restores that were successfully disabled. +type DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The Availability Zone. + AvailabilityZone *string `locationName:"availabilityZone" type:"string"` + + // The time at which fast snapshot restores entered the disabled state. + DisabledTime *time.Time `locationName:"disabledTime" type:"timestamp"` + + // The time at which fast snapshot restores entered the disabling state. + DisablingTime *time.Time `locationName:"disablingTime" type:"timestamp"` + + // The time at which fast snapshot restores entered the enabled state. + EnabledTime *time.Time `locationName:"enabledTime" type:"timestamp"` + + // The time at which fast snapshot restores entered the enabling state. + EnablingTime *time.Time `locationName:"enablingTime" type:"timestamp"` + + // The time at which fast snapshot restores entered the optimizing state. + OptimizingTime *time.Time `locationName:"optimizingTime" type:"timestamp"` + + // The alias of the snapshot owner. + OwnerAlias *string `locationName:"ownerAlias" type:"string"` + + // The ID of the AWS account that owns the snapshot. + OwnerId *string `locationName:"ownerId" type:"string"` + + // The ID of the snapshot. + SnapshotId *string `locationName:"snapshotId" type:"string"` + + // The state of fast snapshot restores for the snapshot. + State *string `locationName:"state" type:"string" enum:"FastSnapshotRestoreStateCode"` + + // The reason for the state transition. The possible values are as follows: + // + // * Client.UserInitiated - The state successfully transitioned to enabling + // or disabling. + // + // * Client.UserInitiated - Lifecycle state transition - The state successfully + // transitioned to optimizing, enabled, or disabled. + StateTransitionReason *string `locationName:"stateTransitionReason" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetAvailabilityZone sets the AvailabilityZone field's value. +func (s *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetAvailabilityZone(v string) *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.AvailabilityZone = &v + return s +} + +// SetDisabledTime sets the DisabledTime field's value. +func (s *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetDisabledTime(v time.Time) *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.DisabledTime = &v + return s +} + +// SetDisablingTime sets the DisablingTime field's value. +func (s *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetDisablingTime(v time.Time) *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.DisablingTime = &v + return s +} + +// SetEnabledTime sets the EnabledTime field's value. +func (s *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetEnabledTime(v time.Time) *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.EnabledTime = &v + return s +} + +// SetEnablingTime sets the EnablingTime field's value. +func (s *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetEnablingTime(v time.Time) *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.EnablingTime = &v + return s +} + +// SetOptimizingTime sets the OptimizingTime field's value. +func (s *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetOptimizingTime(v time.Time) *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.OptimizingTime = &v + return s +} + +// SetOwnerAlias sets the OwnerAlias field's value. +func (s *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetOwnerAlias(v string) *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.OwnerAlias = &v + return s +} + +// SetOwnerId sets the OwnerId field's value. +func (s *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetOwnerId(v string) *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.OwnerId = &v + return s +} + +// SetSnapshotId sets the SnapshotId field's value. +func (s *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetSnapshotId(v string) *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.SnapshotId = &v + return s +} + +// SetState sets the State field's value. +func (s *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetState(v string) *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.State = &v + return s +} + +// SetStateTransitionReason sets the StateTransitionReason field's value. +func (s *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetStateTransitionReason(v string) *DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.StateTransitionReason = &v + return s +} + +type DisableFastSnapshotRestoresInput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // One or more Availability Zones. For example, us-east-2a. + // + // AvailabilityZones is a required field + AvailabilityZones []*string `locationName:"AvailabilityZone" locationNameList:"AvailabilityZone" type:"list" required:"true"` + + // Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without + // actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have + // the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, + // it is UnauthorizedOperation. + DryRun *bool `type:"boolean"` + + // The IDs of one or more snapshots. For example, snap-1234567890abcdef0. + // + // SourceSnapshotIds is a required field + SourceSnapshotIds []*string `locationName:"SourceSnapshotId" locationNameList:"SnapshotId" type:"list" required:"true"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s DisableFastSnapshotRestoresInput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s DisableFastSnapshotRestoresInput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid. +func (s *DisableFastSnapshotRestoresInput) Validate() error { + invalidParams := request.ErrInvalidParams{Context: "DisableFastSnapshotRestoresInput"} + if s.AvailabilityZones == nil { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("AvailabilityZones")) + } + if s.SourceSnapshotIds == nil { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("SourceSnapshotIds")) + } + + if invalidParams.Len() > 0 { + return invalidParams + } + return nil +} + +// SetAvailabilityZones sets the AvailabilityZones field's value. +func (s *DisableFastSnapshotRestoresInput) SetAvailabilityZones(v []*string) *DisableFastSnapshotRestoresInput { + s.AvailabilityZones = v + return s +} + +// SetDryRun sets the DryRun field's value. +func (s *DisableFastSnapshotRestoresInput) SetDryRun(v bool) *DisableFastSnapshotRestoresInput { + s.DryRun = &v + return s +} + +// SetSourceSnapshotIds sets the SourceSnapshotIds field's value. +func (s *DisableFastSnapshotRestoresInput) SetSourceSnapshotIds(v []*string) *DisableFastSnapshotRestoresInput { + s.SourceSnapshotIds = v + return s +} + +type DisableFastSnapshotRestoresOutput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Information about the snapshots for which fast snapshot restores were successfully + // disabled. + Successful []*DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem `locationName:"successful" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // Information about the snapshots for which fast snapshot restores could not + // be disabled. + Unsuccessful []*DisableFastSnapshotRestoreErrorItem `locationName:"unsuccessful" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s DisableFastSnapshotRestoresOutput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s DisableFastSnapshotRestoresOutput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetSuccessful sets the Successful field's value. +func (s *DisableFastSnapshotRestoresOutput) SetSuccessful(v []*DisableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) *DisableFastSnapshotRestoresOutput { + s.Successful = v + return s +} + +// SetUnsuccessful sets the Unsuccessful field's value. +func (s *DisableFastSnapshotRestoresOutput) SetUnsuccessful(v []*DisableFastSnapshotRestoreErrorItem) *DisableFastSnapshotRestoresOutput { + s.Unsuccessful = v + return s +} + type DisableTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagationInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -61778,6 +64355,48 @@ func (s *DiskImageVolumeDescription) SetSize(v int64) *DiskImageVolumeDescriptio return s } +// Describes the disk. +type DiskInfo struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The number of disks with this configuration. + Count *int64 `locationName:"count" type:"integer"` + + // The size of the disk in GiB. + SizeInGB *int64 `locationName:"sizeInGB" type:"long"` + + // The type of disk. + Type *string `locationName:"type" type:"string" enum:"DiskType"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s DiskInfo) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s DiskInfo) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetCount sets the Count field's value. +func (s *DiskInfo) SetCount(v int64) *DiskInfo { + s.Count = &v + return s +} + +// SetSizeInGB sets the SizeInGB field's value. +func (s *DiskInfo) SetSizeInGB(v int64) *DiskInfo { + s.SizeInGB = &v + return s +} + +// SetType sets the Type field's value. +func (s *DiskInfo) SetType(v string) *DiskInfo { + s.Type = &v + return s +} + // Describes a DNS entry. type DnsEntry struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -61851,7 +64470,10 @@ func (s *DnsServersOptionsModifyStructure) SetEnabled(v bool) *DnsServersOptions type EbsBlockDevice struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` - // Indicates whether the EBS volume is deleted on instance termination. + // Indicates whether the EBS volume is deleted on instance termination. For + // more information, see Preserving Amazon EBS Volumes on Instance Termination + // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/terminating-instances.html#preserving-volumes-on-termination) + // in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. DeleteOnTermination *bool `locationName:"deleteOnTermination" type:"boolean"` // Indicates whether the encryption state of an EBS volume is changed while @@ -61909,9 +64531,10 @@ type EbsBlockDevice struct { // size. VolumeSize *int64 `locationName:"volumeSize" type:"integer"` - // The volume type. If you set the type to io1, you must also set the Iops property. + // The volume type. If you set the type to io1, you must also specify the IOPS + // that the volume supports. // - // Default: standard + // Default: gp2 VolumeType *string `locationName:"volumeType" type:"string" enum:"VolumeType"` } @@ -61967,6 +64590,41 @@ func (s *EbsBlockDevice) SetVolumeType(v string) *EbsBlockDevice { return s } +// Describes the Amazon EBS features supported by the instance type. +type EbsInfo struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Indicates that the instance type is Amazon EBS-optimized. For more information, + // see Amazon EBS-Optimized Instances (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/EBSOptimized.html) + // in Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. + EbsOptimizedSupport *string `locationName:"ebsOptimizedSupport" type:"string" enum:"EbsOptimizedSupport"` + + // Indicates whether Amazon EBS encryption is supported. + EncryptionSupport *string `locationName:"encryptionSupport" type:"string" enum:"EbsEncryptionSupport"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s EbsInfo) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s EbsInfo) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetEbsOptimizedSupport sets the EbsOptimizedSupport field's value. +func (s *EbsInfo) SetEbsOptimizedSupport(v string) *EbsInfo { + s.EbsOptimizedSupport = &v + return s +} + +// SetEncryptionSupport sets the EncryptionSupport field's value. +func (s *EbsInfo) SetEncryptionSupport(v string) *EbsInfo { + s.EncryptionSupport = &v + return s +} + // Describes a parameter used to set up an EBS volume in a block device mapping. type EbsInstanceBlockDevice struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -62434,6 +65092,326 @@ func (s *EnableEbsEncryptionByDefaultOutput) SetEbsEncryptionByDefault(v bool) * return s } +// Contains information about the errors that occurred when enabling fast snapshot +// restores. +type EnableFastSnapshotRestoreErrorItem struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The errors. + FastSnapshotRestoreStateErrors []*EnableFastSnapshotRestoreStateErrorItem `locationName:"fastSnapshotRestoreStateErrorSet" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // The ID of the snapshot. + SnapshotId *string `locationName:"snapshotId" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s EnableFastSnapshotRestoreErrorItem) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s EnableFastSnapshotRestoreErrorItem) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetFastSnapshotRestoreStateErrors sets the FastSnapshotRestoreStateErrors field's value. +func (s *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreErrorItem) SetFastSnapshotRestoreStateErrors(v []*EnableFastSnapshotRestoreStateErrorItem) *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreErrorItem { + s.FastSnapshotRestoreStateErrors = v + return s +} + +// SetSnapshotId sets the SnapshotId field's value. +func (s *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreErrorItem) SetSnapshotId(v string) *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreErrorItem { + s.SnapshotId = &v + return s +} + +// Describes an error that occurred when enabling fast snapshot restores. +type EnableFastSnapshotRestoreStateError struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The error code. + Code *string `locationName:"code" type:"string"` + + // The error message. + Message *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s EnableFastSnapshotRestoreStateError) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s EnableFastSnapshotRestoreStateError) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetCode sets the Code field's value. +func (s *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreStateError) SetCode(v string) *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreStateError { + s.Code = &v + return s +} + +// SetMessage sets the Message field's value. +func (s *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreStateError) SetMessage(v string) *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreStateError { + s.Message = &v + return s +} + +// Contains information about an error that occurred when enabling fast snapshot +// restores. +type EnableFastSnapshotRestoreStateErrorItem struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The Availability Zone. + AvailabilityZone *string `locationName:"availabilityZone" type:"string"` + + // The error. + Error *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreStateError `locationName:"error" type:"structure"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s EnableFastSnapshotRestoreStateErrorItem) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s EnableFastSnapshotRestoreStateErrorItem) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetAvailabilityZone sets the AvailabilityZone field's value. +func (s *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreStateErrorItem) SetAvailabilityZone(v string) *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreStateErrorItem { + s.AvailabilityZone = &v + return s +} + +// SetError sets the Error field's value. +func (s *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreStateErrorItem) SetError(v *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreStateError) *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreStateErrorItem { + s.Error = v + return s +} + +// Describes fast snapshot restores that were successfully enabled. +type EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The Availability Zone. + AvailabilityZone *string `locationName:"availabilityZone" type:"string"` + + // The time at which fast snapshot restores entered the disabled state. + DisabledTime *time.Time `locationName:"disabledTime" type:"timestamp"` + + // The time at which fast snapshot restores entered the disabling state. + DisablingTime *time.Time `locationName:"disablingTime" type:"timestamp"` + + // The time at which fast snapshot restores entered the enabled state. + EnabledTime *time.Time `locationName:"enabledTime" type:"timestamp"` + + // The time at which fast snapshot restores entered the enabling state. + EnablingTime *time.Time `locationName:"enablingTime" type:"timestamp"` + + // The time at which fast snapshot restores entered the optimizing state. + OptimizingTime *time.Time `locationName:"optimizingTime" type:"timestamp"` + + // The alias of the snapshot owner. + OwnerAlias *string `locationName:"ownerAlias" type:"string"` + + // The ID of the AWS account that owns the snapshot. + OwnerId *string `locationName:"ownerId" type:"string"` + + // The ID of the snapshot. + SnapshotId *string `locationName:"snapshotId" type:"string"` + + // The state of fast snapshot restores. + State *string `locationName:"state" type:"string" enum:"FastSnapshotRestoreStateCode"` + + // The reason for the state transition. The possible values are as follows: + // + // * Client.UserInitiated - The state successfully transitioned to enabling + // or disabling. + // + // * Client.UserInitiated - Lifecycle state transition - The state successfully + // transitioned to optimizing, enabled, or disabled. + StateTransitionReason *string `locationName:"stateTransitionReason" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetAvailabilityZone sets the AvailabilityZone field's value. +func (s *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetAvailabilityZone(v string) *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.AvailabilityZone = &v + return s +} + +// SetDisabledTime sets the DisabledTime field's value. +func (s *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetDisabledTime(v time.Time) *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.DisabledTime = &v + return s +} + +// SetDisablingTime sets the DisablingTime field's value. +func (s *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetDisablingTime(v time.Time) *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.DisablingTime = &v + return s +} + +// SetEnabledTime sets the EnabledTime field's value. +func (s *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetEnabledTime(v time.Time) *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.EnabledTime = &v + return s +} + +// SetEnablingTime sets the EnablingTime field's value. +func (s *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetEnablingTime(v time.Time) *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.EnablingTime = &v + return s +} + +// SetOptimizingTime sets the OptimizingTime field's value. +func (s *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetOptimizingTime(v time.Time) *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.OptimizingTime = &v + return s +} + +// SetOwnerAlias sets the OwnerAlias field's value. +func (s *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetOwnerAlias(v string) *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.OwnerAlias = &v + return s +} + +// SetOwnerId sets the OwnerId field's value. +func (s *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetOwnerId(v string) *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.OwnerId = &v + return s +} + +// SetSnapshotId sets the SnapshotId field's value. +func (s *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetSnapshotId(v string) *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.SnapshotId = &v + return s +} + +// SetState sets the State field's value. +func (s *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetState(v string) *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.State = &v + return s +} + +// SetStateTransitionReason sets the StateTransitionReason field's value. +func (s *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) SetStateTransitionReason(v string) *EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem { + s.StateTransitionReason = &v + return s +} + +type EnableFastSnapshotRestoresInput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // One or more Availability Zones. For example, us-east-2a. + // + // AvailabilityZones is a required field + AvailabilityZones []*string `locationName:"AvailabilityZone" locationNameList:"AvailabilityZone" type:"list" required:"true"` + + // Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without + // actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have + // the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, + // it is UnauthorizedOperation. + DryRun *bool `type:"boolean"` + + // The IDs of one or more snapshots. For example, snap-1234567890abcdef0. You + // can specify a snapshot that was shared with you from another AWS account. + // + // SourceSnapshotIds is a required field + SourceSnapshotIds []*string `locationName:"SourceSnapshotId" locationNameList:"SnapshotId" type:"list" required:"true"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s EnableFastSnapshotRestoresInput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s EnableFastSnapshotRestoresInput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid. +func (s *EnableFastSnapshotRestoresInput) Validate() error { + invalidParams := request.ErrInvalidParams{Context: "EnableFastSnapshotRestoresInput"} + if s.AvailabilityZones == nil { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("AvailabilityZones")) + } + if s.SourceSnapshotIds == nil { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("SourceSnapshotIds")) + } + + if invalidParams.Len() > 0 { + return invalidParams + } + return nil +} + +// SetAvailabilityZones sets the AvailabilityZones field's value. +func (s *EnableFastSnapshotRestoresInput) SetAvailabilityZones(v []*string) *EnableFastSnapshotRestoresInput { + s.AvailabilityZones = v + return s +} + +// SetDryRun sets the DryRun field's value. +func (s *EnableFastSnapshotRestoresInput) SetDryRun(v bool) *EnableFastSnapshotRestoresInput { + s.DryRun = &v + return s +} + +// SetSourceSnapshotIds sets the SourceSnapshotIds field's value. +func (s *EnableFastSnapshotRestoresInput) SetSourceSnapshotIds(v []*string) *EnableFastSnapshotRestoresInput { + s.SourceSnapshotIds = v + return s +} + +type EnableFastSnapshotRestoresOutput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Information about the snapshots for which fast snapshot restores were successfully + // enabled. + Successful []*EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem `locationName:"successful" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // Information about the snapshots for which fast snapshot restores could not + // be enabled. + Unsuccessful []*EnableFastSnapshotRestoreErrorItem `locationName:"unsuccessful" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s EnableFastSnapshotRestoresOutput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s EnableFastSnapshotRestoresOutput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetSuccessful sets the Successful field's value. +func (s *EnableFastSnapshotRestoresOutput) SetSuccessful(v []*EnableFastSnapshotRestoreSuccessItem) *EnableFastSnapshotRestoresOutput { + s.Successful = v + return s +} + +// SetUnsuccessful sets the Unsuccessful field's value. +func (s *EnableFastSnapshotRestoresOutput) SetUnsuccessful(v []*EnableFastSnapshotRestoreErrorItem) *EnableFastSnapshotRestoresOutput { + s.Unsuccessful = v + return s +} + type EnableTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagationInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -62591,7 +65569,6 @@ func (s EnableVgwRoutePropagationOutput) GoString() string { return s.String() } -// Contains the parameters for EnableVolumeIO. type EnableVolumeIOInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -63035,6 +66012,295 @@ func (s *ExportClientVpnClientConfigurationOutput) SetClientConfiguration(v stri return s } +type ExportImageInput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Token to enable idempotency for export image requests. + ClientToken *string `type:"string" idempotencyToken:"true"` + + // A description of the image being exported. The maximum length is 255 bytes. + Description *string `type:"string"` + + // The disk image format. + // + // DiskImageFormat is a required field + DiskImageFormat *string `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"DiskImageFormat"` + + // Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without + // actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have + // the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, + // it is UnauthorizedOperation. + DryRun *bool `type:"boolean"` + + // The ID of the image. + // + // ImageId is a required field + ImageId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` + + // The name of the role that grants VM Import/Export permission to export images + // to your S3 bucket. If this parameter is not specified, the default role is + // named 'vmimport'. + RoleName *string `type:"string"` + + // Information about the destination S3 bucket. The bucket must exist and grant + // WRITE and READ_ACP permissions to the AWS account vm-import-export@amazon.com. + // + // S3ExportLocation is a required field + S3ExportLocation *ExportTaskS3LocationRequest `type:"structure" required:"true"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s ExportImageInput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s ExportImageInput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid. +func (s *ExportImageInput) Validate() error { + invalidParams := request.ErrInvalidParams{Context: "ExportImageInput"} + if s.DiskImageFormat == nil { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("DiskImageFormat")) + } + if s.ImageId == nil { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("ImageId")) + } + if s.S3ExportLocation == nil { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("S3ExportLocation")) + } + if s.S3ExportLocation != nil { + if err := s.S3ExportLocation.Validate(); err != nil { + invalidParams.AddNested("S3ExportLocation", err.(request.ErrInvalidParams)) + } + } + + if invalidParams.Len() > 0 { + return invalidParams + } + return nil +} + +// SetClientToken sets the ClientToken field's value. +func (s *ExportImageInput) SetClientToken(v string) *ExportImageInput { + s.ClientToken = &v + return s +} + +// SetDescription sets the Description field's value. +func (s *ExportImageInput) SetDescription(v string) *ExportImageInput { + s.Description = &v + return s +} + +// SetDiskImageFormat sets the DiskImageFormat field's value. +func (s *ExportImageInput) SetDiskImageFormat(v string) *ExportImageInput { + s.DiskImageFormat = &v + return s +} + +// SetDryRun sets the DryRun field's value. +func (s *ExportImageInput) SetDryRun(v bool) *ExportImageInput { + s.DryRun = &v + return s +} + +// SetImageId sets the ImageId field's value. +func (s *ExportImageInput) SetImageId(v string) *ExportImageInput { + s.ImageId = &v + return s +} + +// SetRoleName sets the RoleName field's value. +func (s *ExportImageInput) SetRoleName(v string) *ExportImageInput { + s.RoleName = &v + return s +} + +// SetS3ExportLocation sets the S3ExportLocation field's value. +func (s *ExportImageInput) SetS3ExportLocation(v *ExportTaskS3LocationRequest) *ExportImageInput { + s.S3ExportLocation = v + return s +} + +type ExportImageOutput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // A description of the image being exported. + Description *string `locationName:"description" type:"string"` + + // The disk image format for the exported image. + DiskImageFormat *string `locationName:"diskImageFormat" type:"string" enum:"DiskImageFormat"` + + // The ID of the export image task. + ExportImageTaskId *string `locationName:"exportImageTaskId" type:"string"` + + // The ID of the image. + ImageId *string `locationName:"imageId" type:"string"` + + // The percent complete of the export image task. + Progress *string `locationName:"progress" type:"string"` + + // The name of the role that grants VM Import/Export permission to export images + // to your S3 bucket. + RoleName *string `locationName:"roleName" type:"string"` + + // Information about the destination S3 bucket. + S3ExportLocation *ExportTaskS3Location `locationName:"s3ExportLocation" type:"structure"` + + // The status of the export image task. The possible values are active, completed, + // deleting, and deleted. + Status *string `locationName:"status" type:"string"` + + // The status message for the export image task. + StatusMessage *string `locationName:"statusMessage" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s ExportImageOutput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s ExportImageOutput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetDescription sets the Description field's value. +func (s *ExportImageOutput) SetDescription(v string) *ExportImageOutput { + s.Description = &v + return s +} + +// SetDiskImageFormat sets the DiskImageFormat field's value. +func (s *ExportImageOutput) SetDiskImageFormat(v string) *ExportImageOutput { + s.DiskImageFormat = &v + return s +} + +// SetExportImageTaskId sets the ExportImageTaskId field's value. +func (s *ExportImageOutput) SetExportImageTaskId(v string) *ExportImageOutput { + s.ExportImageTaskId = &v + return s +} + +// SetImageId sets the ImageId field's value. +func (s *ExportImageOutput) SetImageId(v string) *ExportImageOutput { + s.ImageId = &v + return s +} + +// SetProgress sets the Progress field's value. +func (s *ExportImageOutput) SetProgress(v string) *ExportImageOutput { + s.Progress = &v + return s +} + +// SetRoleName sets the RoleName field's value. +func (s *ExportImageOutput) SetRoleName(v string) *ExportImageOutput { + s.RoleName = &v + return s +} + +// SetS3ExportLocation sets the S3ExportLocation field's value. +func (s *ExportImageOutput) SetS3ExportLocation(v *ExportTaskS3Location) *ExportImageOutput { + s.S3ExportLocation = v + return s +} + +// SetStatus sets the Status field's value. +func (s *ExportImageOutput) SetStatus(v string) *ExportImageOutput { + s.Status = &v + return s +} + +// SetStatusMessage sets the StatusMessage field's value. +func (s *ExportImageOutput) SetStatusMessage(v string) *ExportImageOutput { + s.StatusMessage = &v + return s +} + +// Describes an export image task. +type ExportImageTask struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // A description of the image being exported. + Description *string `locationName:"description" type:"string"` + + // The ID of the export image task. + ExportImageTaskId *string `locationName:"exportImageTaskId" type:"string"` + + // The ID of the image. + ImageId *string `locationName:"imageId" type:"string"` + + // The percent complete of the export image task. + Progress *string `locationName:"progress" type:"string"` + + // Information about the destination S3 bucket. + S3ExportLocation *ExportTaskS3Location `locationName:"s3ExportLocation" type:"structure"` + + // The status of the export image task. The possible values are active, completed, + // deleting, and deleted. + Status *string `locationName:"status" type:"string"` + + // The status message for the export image task. + StatusMessage *string `locationName:"statusMessage" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s ExportImageTask) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s ExportImageTask) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetDescription sets the Description field's value. +func (s *ExportImageTask) SetDescription(v string) *ExportImageTask { + s.Description = &v + return s +} + +// SetExportImageTaskId sets the ExportImageTaskId field's value. +func (s *ExportImageTask) SetExportImageTaskId(v string) *ExportImageTask { + s.ExportImageTaskId = &v + return s +} + +// SetImageId sets the ImageId field's value. +func (s *ExportImageTask) SetImageId(v string) *ExportImageTask { + s.ImageId = &v + return s +} + +// SetProgress sets the Progress field's value. +func (s *ExportImageTask) SetProgress(v string) *ExportImageTask { + s.Progress = &v + return s +} + +// SetS3ExportLocation sets the S3ExportLocation field's value. +func (s *ExportImageTask) SetS3ExportLocation(v *ExportTaskS3Location) *ExportImageTask { + s.S3ExportLocation = v + return s +} + +// SetStatus sets the Status field's value. +func (s *ExportImageTask) SetStatus(v string) *ExportImageTask { + s.Status = &v + return s +} + +// SetStatusMessage sets the StatusMessage field's value. +func (s *ExportImageTask) SetStatusMessage(v string) *ExportImageTask { + s.StatusMessage = &v + return s +} + // Describes an instance export task. type ExportTask struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -63104,6 +66370,87 @@ func (s *ExportTask) SetStatusMessage(v string) *ExportTask { return s } +// Describes the destination for an export image task. +type ExportTaskS3Location struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The destination S3 bucket. + S3Bucket *string `locationName:"s3Bucket" type:"string"` + + // The prefix (logical hierarchy) in the bucket. + S3Prefix *string `locationName:"s3Prefix" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s ExportTaskS3Location) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s ExportTaskS3Location) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetS3Bucket sets the S3Bucket field's value. +func (s *ExportTaskS3Location) SetS3Bucket(v string) *ExportTaskS3Location { + s.S3Bucket = &v + return s +} + +// SetS3Prefix sets the S3Prefix field's value. +func (s *ExportTaskS3Location) SetS3Prefix(v string) *ExportTaskS3Location { + s.S3Prefix = &v + return s +} + +// Describes the destination for an export image task. +type ExportTaskS3LocationRequest struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The destination S3 bucket. + // + // S3Bucket is a required field + S3Bucket *string `type:"string" required:"true"` + + // The prefix (logical hierarchy) in the bucket. + S3Prefix *string `type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s ExportTaskS3LocationRequest) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s ExportTaskS3LocationRequest) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid. +func (s *ExportTaskS3LocationRequest) Validate() error { + invalidParams := request.ErrInvalidParams{Context: "ExportTaskS3LocationRequest"} + if s.S3Bucket == nil { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("S3Bucket")) + } + + if invalidParams.Len() > 0 { + return invalidParams + } + return nil +} + +// SetS3Bucket sets the S3Bucket field's value. +func (s *ExportTaskS3LocationRequest) SetS3Bucket(v string) *ExportTaskS3LocationRequest { + s.S3Bucket = &v + return s +} + +// SetS3Prefix sets the S3Prefix field's value. +func (s *ExportTaskS3LocationRequest) SetS3Prefix(v string) *ExportTaskS3LocationRequest { + s.S3Prefix = &v + return s +} + // Describes the format and location for an instance export task. type ExportToS3Task struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -63333,6 +66680,39 @@ func (s *ExportTransitGatewayRoutesOutput) SetS3Location(v string) *ExportTransi return s } +// Describes a Reserved Instance whose queued purchase was not deleted. +type FailedQueuedPurchaseDeletion struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The error. + Error *DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesError `locationName:"error" type:"structure"` + + // The ID of the Reserved Instance. + ReservedInstancesId *string `locationName:"reservedInstancesId" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s FailedQueuedPurchaseDeletion) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s FailedQueuedPurchaseDeletion) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetError sets the Error field's value. +func (s *FailedQueuedPurchaseDeletion) SetError(v *DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesError) *FailedQueuedPurchaseDeletion { + s.Error = v + return s +} + +// SetReservedInstancesId sets the ReservedInstancesId field's value. +func (s *FailedQueuedPurchaseDeletion) SetReservedInstancesId(v string) *FailedQueuedPurchaseDeletion { + s.ReservedInstancesId = &v + return s +} + // A filter name and value pair that is used to return a more specific list // of results from a describe operation. Filters can be used to match a set // of resources by specific criteria, such as tags, attributes, or IDs. The @@ -64015,6 +67395,9 @@ type FlowLog struct { // Flow log data can be published to CloudWatch Logs or Amazon S3. LogDestinationType *string `locationName:"logDestinationType" type:"string" enum:"LogDestinationType"` + // The format of the flow log record. + LogFormat *string `locationName:"logFormat" type:"string"` + // The name of the flow log group. LogGroupName *string `locationName:"logGroupName" type:"string"` @@ -64083,6 +67466,12 @@ func (s *FlowLog) SetLogDestinationType(v string) *FlowLog { return s } +// SetLogFormat sets the LogFormat field's value. +func (s *FlowLog) SetLogFormat(v string) *FlowLog { + s.LogFormat = &v + return s +} + // SetLogGroupName sets the LogGroupName field's value. func (s *FlowLog) SetLogGroupName(v string) *FlowLog { s.LogGroupName = &v @@ -64101,6 +67490,81 @@ func (s *FlowLog) SetTrafficType(v string) *FlowLog { return s } +// Describes the FPGA accelerator for the instance type. +type FpgaDeviceInfo struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The count of FPGA accelerators for the instance type. + Count *int64 `locationName:"count" type:"integer"` + + // The manufacturer of the FPGA accelerator. + Manufacturer *string `locationName:"manufacturer" type:"string"` + + // Describes the memory for the FPGA accelerator for the instance type. + MemoryInfo *FpgaDeviceMemoryInfo `locationName:"memoryInfo" type:"structure"` + + // The name of the FPGA accelerator. + Name *string `locationName:"name" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s FpgaDeviceInfo) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s FpgaDeviceInfo) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetCount sets the Count field's value. +func (s *FpgaDeviceInfo) SetCount(v int64) *FpgaDeviceInfo { + s.Count = &v + return s +} + +// SetManufacturer sets the Manufacturer field's value. +func (s *FpgaDeviceInfo) SetManufacturer(v string) *FpgaDeviceInfo { + s.Manufacturer = &v + return s +} + +// SetMemoryInfo sets the MemoryInfo field's value. +func (s *FpgaDeviceInfo) SetMemoryInfo(v *FpgaDeviceMemoryInfo) *FpgaDeviceInfo { + s.MemoryInfo = v + return s +} + +// SetName sets the Name field's value. +func (s *FpgaDeviceInfo) SetName(v string) *FpgaDeviceInfo { + s.Name = &v + return s +} + +// Describes the memory for the FPGA accelerator for the instance type. +type FpgaDeviceMemoryInfo struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The size (in MiB) for the memory available to the FPGA accelerator. + SizeInMiB *int64 `locationName:"sizeInMiB" type:"integer"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s FpgaDeviceMemoryInfo) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s FpgaDeviceMemoryInfo) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetSizeInMiB sets the SizeInMiB field's value. +func (s *FpgaDeviceMemoryInfo) SetSizeInMiB(v int64) *FpgaDeviceMemoryInfo { + s.SizeInMiB = &v + return s +} + // Describes an Amazon FPGA image (AFI). type FpgaImage struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -64353,16 +67817,61 @@ func (s *FpgaImageState) SetMessage(v string) *FpgaImageState { return s } +// Describes the FPGAs for the instance type. +type FpgaInfo struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Describes the FPGAs for the instance type. + Fpgas []*FpgaDeviceInfo `locationName:"fpgas" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // The total memory of all FPGA accelerators for the instance type. + TotalFpgaMemoryInMiB *int64 `locationName:"totalFpgaMemoryInMiB" type:"integer"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s FpgaInfo) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s FpgaInfo) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetFpgas sets the Fpgas field's value. +func (s *FpgaInfo) SetFpgas(v []*FpgaDeviceInfo) *FpgaInfo { + s.Fpgas = v + return s +} + +// SetTotalFpgaMemoryInMiB sets the TotalFpgaMemoryInMiB field's value. +func (s *FpgaInfo) SetTotalFpgaMemoryInMiB(v int64) *FpgaInfo { + s.TotalFpgaMemoryInMiB = &v + return s +} + type GetCapacityReservationUsageInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + // The ID of the Capacity Reservation. + // // CapacityReservationId is a required field CapacityReservationId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` + // Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without + // actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have + // the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, + // it is UnauthorizedOperation. DryRun *bool `type:"boolean"` + // The maximum number of results to return for the request in a single page. + // The remaining results can be seen by sending another request with the returned + // nextToken value. + // + // Valid range: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 1000. MaxResults *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"` + // The token to retrieve the next page of results. NextToken *string `type:"string"` } @@ -64419,18 +67928,45 @@ func (s *GetCapacityReservationUsageInput) SetNextToken(v string) *GetCapacityRe type GetCapacityReservationUsageOutput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + // The remaining capacity. Indicates the number of instances that can be launched + // in the Capacity Reservation. AvailableInstanceCount *int64 `locationName:"availableInstanceCount" type:"integer"` + // The ID of the Capacity Reservation. CapacityReservationId *string `locationName:"capacityReservationId" type:"string"` + // The type of instance for which the Capacity Reservation reserves capacity. InstanceType *string `locationName:"instanceType" type:"string"` + // Information about the Capacity Reservation usage. InstanceUsages []*InstanceUsage `locationName:"instanceUsageSet" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + // The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. This value is null + // when there are no more results to return. NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` + // The current state of the Capacity Reservation. A Capacity Reservation can + // be in one of the following states: + // + // * active - The Capacity Reservation is active and the capacity is available + // for your use. + // + // * expired - The Capacity Reservation expired automatically at the date + // and time specified in your request. The reserved capacity is no longer + // available for your use. + // + // * cancelled - The Capacity Reservation was manually cancelled. The reserved + // capacity is no longer available for your use. + // + // * pending - The Capacity Reservation request was successful but the capacity + // provisioning is still pending. + // + // * failed - The Capacity Reservation request has failed. A request might + // fail due to invalid request parameters, capacity constraints, or instance + // limit constraints. Failed requests are retained for 60 minutes. State *string `locationName:"state" type:"string" enum:"CapacityReservationState"` + // The number of instances for which the Capacity Reservation reserves capacity. TotalInstanceCount *int64 `locationName:"totalInstanceCount" type:"integer"` } @@ -64681,6 +68217,79 @@ func (s *GetConsoleScreenshotOutput) SetInstanceId(v string) *GetConsoleScreensh return s } +type GetDefaultCreditSpecificationInput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without + // actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have + // the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, + // it is UnauthorizedOperation. + DryRun *bool `type:"boolean"` + + // The instance family. + // + // InstanceFamily is a required field + InstanceFamily *string `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"UnlimitedSupportedInstanceFamily"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s GetDefaultCreditSpecificationInput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s GetDefaultCreditSpecificationInput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid. +func (s *GetDefaultCreditSpecificationInput) Validate() error { + invalidParams := request.ErrInvalidParams{Context: "GetDefaultCreditSpecificationInput"} + if s.InstanceFamily == nil { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("InstanceFamily")) + } + + if invalidParams.Len() > 0 { + return invalidParams + } + return nil +} + +// SetDryRun sets the DryRun field's value. +func (s *GetDefaultCreditSpecificationInput) SetDryRun(v bool) *GetDefaultCreditSpecificationInput { + s.DryRun = &v + return s +} + +// SetInstanceFamily sets the InstanceFamily field's value. +func (s *GetDefaultCreditSpecificationInput) SetInstanceFamily(v string) *GetDefaultCreditSpecificationInput { + s.InstanceFamily = &v + return s +} + +type GetDefaultCreditSpecificationOutput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The default credit option for CPU usage of the instance family. + InstanceFamilyCreditSpecification *InstanceFamilyCreditSpecification `locationName:"instanceFamilyCreditSpecification" type:"structure"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s GetDefaultCreditSpecificationOutput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s GetDefaultCreditSpecificationOutput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetInstanceFamilyCreditSpecification sets the InstanceFamilyCreditSpecification field's value. +func (s *GetDefaultCreditSpecificationOutput) SetInstanceFamilyCreditSpecification(v *InstanceFamilyCreditSpecification) *GetDefaultCreditSpecificationOutput { + s.InstanceFamilyCreditSpecification = v + return s +} + type GetEbsDefaultKmsKeyIdInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -65572,6 +69181,114 @@ func (s *GetTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagationsOutput) SetTransitGatewayRouteTa return s } +// Describes the GPU accelerators for the instance type. +type GpuDeviceInfo struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The number of GPUs for the instance type. + Count *int64 `locationName:"count" type:"integer"` + + // The manufacturer of the GPU accelerator. + Manufacturer *string `locationName:"manufacturer" type:"string"` + + // Describes the memory available to the GPU accelerator. + MemoryInfo *GpuDeviceMemoryInfo `locationName:"memoryInfo" type:"structure"` + + // The name of the GPU accelerator. + Name *string `locationName:"name" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s GpuDeviceInfo) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s GpuDeviceInfo) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetCount sets the Count field's value. +func (s *GpuDeviceInfo) SetCount(v int64) *GpuDeviceInfo { + s.Count = &v + return s +} + +// SetManufacturer sets the Manufacturer field's value. +func (s *GpuDeviceInfo) SetManufacturer(v string) *GpuDeviceInfo { + s.Manufacturer = &v + return s +} + +// SetMemoryInfo sets the MemoryInfo field's value. +func (s *GpuDeviceInfo) SetMemoryInfo(v *GpuDeviceMemoryInfo) *GpuDeviceInfo { + s.MemoryInfo = v + return s +} + +// SetName sets the Name field's value. +func (s *GpuDeviceInfo) SetName(v string) *GpuDeviceInfo { + s.Name = &v + return s +} + +// Describes the memory available to the GPU accelerator. +type GpuDeviceMemoryInfo struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The size (in MiB) for the memory available to the GPU accelerator. + SizeInMiB *int64 `locationName:"sizeInMiB" type:"integer"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s GpuDeviceMemoryInfo) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s GpuDeviceMemoryInfo) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetSizeInMiB sets the SizeInMiB field's value. +func (s *GpuDeviceMemoryInfo) SetSizeInMiB(v int64) *GpuDeviceMemoryInfo { + s.SizeInMiB = &v + return s +} + +// Describes the GPU accelerators for the instance type. +type GpuInfo struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Describes the GPU accelerators for the instance type. + Gpus []*GpuDeviceInfo `locationName:"gpus" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // The total size of the memory for the GPU accelerators for the instance type. + TotalGpuMemoryInMiB *int64 `locationName:"totalGpuMemoryInMiB" type:"integer"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s GpuInfo) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s GpuInfo) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetGpus sets the Gpus field's value. +func (s *GpuInfo) SetGpus(v []*GpuDeviceInfo) *GpuInfo { + s.Gpus = v + return s +} + +// SetTotalGpuMemoryInMiB sets the TotalGpuMemoryInMiB field's value. +func (s *GpuInfo) SetTotalGpuMemoryInMiB(v int64) *GpuInfo { + s.TotalGpuMemoryInMiB = &v + return s +} + // Describes a security group. type GroupIdentifier struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -65607,8 +69324,7 @@ func (s *GroupIdentifier) SetGroupName(v string) *GroupIdentifier { // Indicates whether your instance is configured for hibernation. This parameter // is valid only if the instance meets the hibernation prerequisites (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/Hibernate.html#hibernating-prerequisites). -// Hibernation is currently supported only for Amazon Linux. For more information, -// see Hibernate Your Instance (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/Hibernate.html) +// For more information, see Hibernate Your Instance (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/Hibernate.html) // in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. type HibernationOptions struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -65636,8 +69352,7 @@ func (s *HibernationOptions) SetConfigured(v bool) *HibernationOptions { // Indicates whether your instance is configured for hibernation. This parameter // is valid only if the instance meets the hibernation prerequisites (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/Hibernate.html#hibernating-prerequisites). -// Hibernation is currently supported only for Amazon Linux. For more information, -// see Hibernate Your Instance (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/Hibernate.html) +// For more information, see Hibernate Your Instance (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/Hibernate.html) // in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. type HibernationOptionsRequest struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -65764,13 +69479,23 @@ type Host struct { // The time that the Dedicated Host was allocated. AllocationTime *time.Time `locationName:"allocationTime" type:"timestamp"` + // Indicates whether the Dedicated Host supports multiple instance types of + // the same instance family, or a specific instance type only. one indicates + // that the Dedicated Host supports multiple instance types in the instance + // family. off indicates that the Dedicated Host supports a single instance + // type only. + AllowsMultipleInstanceTypes *string `locationName:"allowsMultipleInstanceTypes" type:"string" enum:"AllowsMultipleInstanceTypes"` + // Whether auto-placement is on or off. AutoPlacement *string `locationName:"autoPlacement" type:"string" enum:"AutoPlacement"` // The Availability Zone of the Dedicated Host. AvailabilityZone *string `locationName:"availabilityZone" type:"string"` - // The number of new instances that can be launched onto the Dedicated Host. + // The ID of the Availability Zone in which the Dedicated Host is allocated. + AvailabilityZoneId *string `locationName:"availabilityZoneId" type:"string"` + + // Information about the instances running on the Dedicated Host. AvailableCapacity *AvailableCapacity `locationName:"availableCapacity" type:"structure"` // Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency @@ -65794,6 +69519,13 @@ type Host struct { // The IDs and instance type that are currently running on the Dedicated Host. Instances []*HostInstance `locationName:"instances" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + // Indicates whether the Dedicated Host is in a host resource group. If memberOfServiceLinkedResourceGroup + // is true, the host is in a host resource group; otherwise, it is not. + MemberOfServiceLinkedResourceGroup *bool `locationName:"memberOfServiceLinkedResourceGroup" type:"boolean"` + + // The ID of the AWS account that owns the Dedicated Host. + OwnerId *string `locationName:"ownerId" type:"string"` + // The time that the Dedicated Host was released. ReleaseTime *time.Time `locationName:"releaseTime" type:"timestamp"` @@ -65820,6 +69552,12 @@ func (s *Host) SetAllocationTime(v time.Time) *Host { return s } +// SetAllowsMultipleInstanceTypes sets the AllowsMultipleInstanceTypes field's value. +func (s *Host) SetAllowsMultipleInstanceTypes(v string) *Host { + s.AllowsMultipleInstanceTypes = &v + return s +} + // SetAutoPlacement sets the AutoPlacement field's value. func (s *Host) SetAutoPlacement(v string) *Host { s.AutoPlacement = &v @@ -65832,6 +69570,12 @@ func (s *Host) SetAvailabilityZone(v string) *Host { return s } +// SetAvailabilityZoneId sets the AvailabilityZoneId field's value. +func (s *Host) SetAvailabilityZoneId(v string) *Host { + s.AvailabilityZoneId = &v + return s +} + // SetAvailableCapacity sets the AvailableCapacity field's value. func (s *Host) SetAvailableCapacity(v *AvailableCapacity) *Host { s.AvailableCapacity = v @@ -65874,6 +69618,18 @@ func (s *Host) SetInstances(v []*HostInstance) *Host { return s } +// SetMemberOfServiceLinkedResourceGroup sets the MemberOfServiceLinkedResourceGroup field's value. +func (s *Host) SetMemberOfServiceLinkedResourceGroup(v bool) *Host { + s.MemberOfServiceLinkedResourceGroup = &v + return s +} + +// SetOwnerId sets the OwnerId field's value. +func (s *Host) SetOwnerId(v string) *Host { + s.OwnerId = &v + return s +} + // SetReleaseTime sets the ReleaseTime field's value. func (s *Host) SetReleaseTime(v time.Time) *Host { s.ReleaseTime = &v @@ -65896,11 +69652,14 @@ func (s *Host) SetTags(v []*Tag) *Host { type HostInstance struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` - // the IDs of instances that are running on the Dedicated Host. + // The ID of instance that is running on the Dedicated Host. InstanceId *string `locationName:"instanceId" type:"string"` - // The instance type size (for example, m3.medium) of the running instance. + // The instance type (for example, m3.medium) of the running instance. InstanceType *string `locationName:"instanceType" type:"string"` + + // The ID of the AWS account that owns the instance. + OwnerId *string `locationName:"ownerId" type:"string"` } // String returns the string representation @@ -65925,6 +69684,12 @@ func (s *HostInstance) SetInstanceType(v string) *HostInstance { return s } +// SetOwnerId sets the OwnerId field's value. +func (s *HostInstance) SetOwnerId(v string) *HostInstance { + s.OwnerId = &v + return s +} + // Details about the Dedicated Host Reservation offering. type HostOffering struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -66003,20 +69768,24 @@ func (s *HostOffering) SetUpfrontPrice(v string) *HostOffering { return s } -// Describes properties of a Dedicated Host. +// Describes the properties of a Dedicated Host. type HostProperties struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` // The number of cores on the Dedicated Host. Cores *int64 `locationName:"cores" type:"integer"` - // The instance type size that the Dedicated Host supports (for example, m3.medium). + // The instance family supported by the Dedicated Host. For example, m5. + InstanceFamily *string `locationName:"instanceFamily" type:"string"` + + // The instance type supported by the Dedicated Host. For example, m5.large. + // If the host supports multiple instance types, no instanceType is returned. InstanceType *string `locationName:"instanceType" type:"string"` // The number of sockets on the Dedicated Host. Sockets *int64 `locationName:"sockets" type:"integer"` - // The number of vCPUs on the Dedicated Host. + // The total number of vCPUs on the Dedicated Host. TotalVCpus *int64 `locationName:"totalVCpus" type:"integer"` } @@ -66036,6 +69805,12 @@ func (s *HostProperties) SetCores(v int64) *HostProperties { return s } +// SetInstanceFamily sets the InstanceFamily field's value. +func (s *HostProperties) SetInstanceFamily(v string) *HostProperties { + s.InstanceFamily = &v + return s +} + // SetInstanceType sets the InstanceType field's value. func (s *HostProperties) SetInstanceType(v string) *HostProperties { s.InstanceType = &v @@ -66200,6 +69975,54 @@ func (s *HostReservation) SetUpfrontPrice(v string) *HostReservation { return s } +// The internet key exchange (IKE) version permitted for the VPN tunnel. +type IKEVersionsListValue struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The IKE version. + Value *string `locationName:"value" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s IKEVersionsListValue) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s IKEVersionsListValue) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetValue sets the Value field's value. +func (s *IKEVersionsListValue) SetValue(v string) *IKEVersionsListValue { + s.Value = &v + return s +} + +// The IKE version that is permitted for the VPN tunnel. +type IKEVersionsRequestListValue struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The IKE version. + Value *string `type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s IKEVersionsRequestListValue) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s IKEVersionsRequestListValue) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetValue sets the Value field's value. +func (s *IKEVersionsRequestListValue) SetValue(v string) *IKEVersionsRequestListValue { + s.Value = &v + return s +} + // Describes an IAM instance profile. type IamInstanceProfile struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -66871,6 +70694,9 @@ type ImportImageInput struct { // The specified CMK must exist in the Region that the AMI is being copied to. KmsKeyId *string `type:"string"` + // The ARNs of the license configurations. + LicenseSpecifications []*ImportImageLicenseConfigurationRequest `locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + // The license type to be used for the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) after importing. // // By default, we detect the source-system operating system (OS) and apply the @@ -66957,6 +70783,12 @@ func (s *ImportImageInput) SetKmsKeyId(v string) *ImportImageInput { return s } +// SetLicenseSpecifications sets the LicenseSpecifications field's value. +func (s *ImportImageInput) SetLicenseSpecifications(v []*ImportImageLicenseConfigurationRequest) *ImportImageInput { + s.LicenseSpecifications = v + return s +} + // SetLicenseType sets the LicenseType field's value. func (s *ImportImageInput) SetLicenseType(v string) *ImportImageInput { s.LicenseType = &v @@ -66975,6 +70807,54 @@ func (s *ImportImageInput) SetRoleName(v string) *ImportImageInput { return s } +// The request information of license configurations. +type ImportImageLicenseConfigurationRequest struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The ARN of a license configuration. + LicenseConfigurationArn *string `type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s ImportImageLicenseConfigurationRequest) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s ImportImageLicenseConfigurationRequest) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetLicenseConfigurationArn sets the LicenseConfigurationArn field's value. +func (s *ImportImageLicenseConfigurationRequest) SetLicenseConfigurationArn(v string) *ImportImageLicenseConfigurationRequest { + s.LicenseConfigurationArn = &v + return s +} + +// The response information of license configurations. +type ImportImageLicenseConfigurationResponse struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The ARN of a license configuration. + LicenseConfigurationArn *string `locationName:"licenseConfigurationArn" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s ImportImageLicenseConfigurationResponse) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s ImportImageLicenseConfigurationResponse) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetLicenseConfigurationArn sets the LicenseConfigurationArn field's value. +func (s *ImportImageLicenseConfigurationResponse) SetLicenseConfigurationArn(v string) *ImportImageLicenseConfigurationResponse { + s.LicenseConfigurationArn = &v + return s +} + type ImportImageOutput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -67000,6 +70880,9 @@ type ImportImageOutput struct { // key (CMK) that was used to create the encrypted AMI. KmsKeyId *string `locationName:"kmsKeyId" type:"string"` + // The ARNs of the license configurations. + LicenseSpecifications []*ImportImageLicenseConfigurationResponse `locationName:"licenseSpecifications" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + // The license type of the virtual machine. LicenseType *string `locationName:"licenseType" type:"string"` @@ -67071,6 +70954,12 @@ func (s *ImportImageOutput) SetKmsKeyId(v string) *ImportImageOutput { return s } +// SetLicenseSpecifications sets the LicenseSpecifications field's value. +func (s *ImportImageOutput) SetLicenseSpecifications(v []*ImportImageLicenseConfigurationResponse) *ImportImageOutput { + s.LicenseSpecifications = v + return s +} + // SetLicenseType sets the LicenseType field's value. func (s *ImportImageOutput) SetLicenseType(v string) *ImportImageOutput { s.LicenseType = &v @@ -67137,6 +71026,9 @@ type ImportImageTask struct { // key (CMK) that was used to create the encrypted image. KmsKeyId *string `locationName:"kmsKeyId" type:"string"` + // The ARNs of the license configurations associated to the import image task. + LicenseSpecifications []*ImportImageLicenseConfigurationResponse `locationName:"licenseSpecifications" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + // The license type of the virtual machine. LicenseType *string `locationName:"licenseType" type:"string"` @@ -67208,6 +71100,12 @@ func (s *ImportImageTask) SetKmsKeyId(v string) *ImportImageTask { return s } +// SetLicenseSpecifications sets the LicenseSpecifications field's value. +func (s *ImportImageTask) SetLicenseSpecifications(v []*ImportImageLicenseConfigurationResponse) *ImportImageTask { + s.LicenseSpecifications = v + return s +} + // SetLicenseType sets the LicenseType field's value. func (s *ImportImageTask) SetLicenseType(v string) *ImportImageTask { s.LicenseType = &v @@ -67369,7 +71267,7 @@ type ImportInstanceLaunchSpecification struct { SubnetId *string `locationName:"subnetId" type:"string"` // The Base64-encoded user data to make available to the instance. - UserData *UserData `locationName:"userData" type:"structure"` + UserData *UserData `locationName:"userData" type:"structure" sensitive:"true"` } // String returns the string representation @@ -68158,6 +72056,9 @@ type Instance struct { // The license configurations. Licenses []*LicenseConfiguration `locationName:"licenseSet" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + // The metadata options for the instance. + MetadataOptions *InstanceMetadataOptionsResponse `locationName:"metadataOptions" type:"structure"` + // The monitoring for the instance. Monitoring *Monitoring `locationName:"monitoring" type:"structure"` @@ -68386,6 +72287,12 @@ func (s *Instance) SetLicenses(v []*LicenseConfiguration) *Instance { return s } +// SetMetadataOptions sets the MetadataOptions field's value. +func (s *Instance) SetMetadataOptions(v *InstanceMetadataOptionsResponse) *Instance { + s.MetadataOptions = v + return s +} + // SetMonitoring sets the Monitoring field's value. func (s *Instance) SetMonitoring(v *Monitoring) *Instance { s.Monitoring = v @@ -68610,17 +72517,20 @@ func (s *InstanceBlockDeviceMappingSpecification) SetVirtualName(v string) *Inst return s } -// Information about the instance type that the Dedicated Host supports. +// Information about the number of instances that can be launched onto the Dedicated +// Host. type InstanceCapacity struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` - // The number of instances that can still be launched onto the Dedicated Host. + // The number of instances that can be launched onto the Dedicated Host based + // on the host's available capacity. AvailableCapacity *int64 `locationName:"availableCapacity" type:"integer"` - // The instance type size supported by the Dedicated Host. + // The instance type supported by the Dedicated Host. InstanceType *string `locationName:"instanceType" type:"string"` - // The total number of instances that can be launched onto the Dedicated Host. + // The total number of instances that can be launched onto the Dedicated Host + // if there are no instances running on it. TotalCapacity *int64 `locationName:"totalCapacity" type:"integer"` } @@ -68685,7 +72595,7 @@ func (s *InstanceCount) SetState(v string) *InstanceCount { return s } -// Describes the credit option for CPU usage of a T2 or T3 instance. +// Describes the credit option for CPU usage of a burstable performance instance. type InstanceCreditSpecification struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -68719,7 +72629,7 @@ func (s *InstanceCreditSpecification) SetInstanceId(v string) *InstanceCreditSpe return s } -// Describes the credit option for CPU usage of a T2 or T3 instance. +// Describes the credit option for CPU usage of a burstable performance instance. type InstanceCreditSpecificationRequest struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -68786,6 +72696,41 @@ func (s *InstanceExportDetails) SetTargetEnvironment(v string) *InstanceExportDe return s } +// Describes the default credit option for CPU usage of a burstable performance +// instance family. +type InstanceFamilyCreditSpecification struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The default credit option for CPU usage of the instance family. Valid values + // are standard and unlimited. + CpuCredits *string `locationName:"cpuCredits" type:"string"` + + // The instance family. + InstanceFamily *string `locationName:"instanceFamily" type:"string" enum:"UnlimitedSupportedInstanceFamily"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s InstanceFamilyCreditSpecification) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s InstanceFamilyCreditSpecification) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetCpuCredits sets the CpuCredits field's value. +func (s *InstanceFamilyCreditSpecification) SetCpuCredits(v string) *InstanceFamilyCreditSpecification { + s.CpuCredits = &v + return s +} + +// SetInstanceFamily sets the InstanceFamily field's value. +func (s *InstanceFamilyCreditSpecification) SetInstanceFamily(v string) *InstanceFamilyCreditSpecification { + s.InstanceFamily = &v + return s +} + // Describes an IPv6 address. type InstanceIpv6Address struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -68867,6 +72812,146 @@ func (s *InstanceMarketOptionsRequest) SetSpotOptions(v *SpotMarketOptions) *Ins return s } +// The metadata options for the instance. +type InstanceMetadataOptionsRequest struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // This parameter enables or disables the HTTP metadata endpoint on your instances. + // If the parameter is not specified, the default state is enabled. + // + // If you specify a value of disabled, you will not be able to access your instance + // metadata. + HttpEndpoint *string `type:"string" enum:"InstanceMetadataEndpointState"` + + // The desired HTTP PUT response hop limit for instance metadata requests. The + // larger the number, the further instance metadata requests can travel. + // + // Default: 1 + // + // Possible values: Integers from 1 to 64 + HttpPutResponseHopLimit *int64 `type:"integer"` + + // The state of token usage for your instance metadata requests. If the parameter + // is not specified in the request, the default state is optional. + // + // If the state is optional, you can choose to retrieve instance metadata with + // or without a signed token header on your request. If you retrieve the IAM + // role credentials without a token, the version 1.0 role credentials are returned. + // If you retrieve the IAM role credentials using a valid signed token, the + // version 2.0 role credentials are returned. + // + // If the state is required, you must send a signed token header with any instance + // metadata retrieval requests. In this state, retrieving the IAM role credentials + // always returns the version 2.0 credentials; the version 1.0 credentials are + // not available. + HttpTokens *string `type:"string" enum:"HttpTokensState"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s InstanceMetadataOptionsRequest) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s InstanceMetadataOptionsRequest) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetHttpEndpoint sets the HttpEndpoint field's value. +func (s *InstanceMetadataOptionsRequest) SetHttpEndpoint(v string) *InstanceMetadataOptionsRequest { + s.HttpEndpoint = &v + return s +} + +// SetHttpPutResponseHopLimit sets the HttpPutResponseHopLimit field's value. +func (s *InstanceMetadataOptionsRequest) SetHttpPutResponseHopLimit(v int64) *InstanceMetadataOptionsRequest { + s.HttpPutResponseHopLimit = &v + return s +} + +// SetHttpTokens sets the HttpTokens field's value. +func (s *InstanceMetadataOptionsRequest) SetHttpTokens(v string) *InstanceMetadataOptionsRequest { + s.HttpTokens = &v + return s +} + +// The metadata options for the instance. +type InstanceMetadataOptionsResponse struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // This parameter enables or disables the HTTP metadata endpoint on your instances. + // If the parameter is not specified, the default state is enabled. + // + // If you specify a value of disabled, you will not be able to access your instance + // metadata. + HttpEndpoint *string `locationName:"httpEndpoint" type:"string" enum:"InstanceMetadataEndpointState"` + + // The desired HTTP PUT response hop limit for instance metadata requests. The + // larger the number, the further instance metadata requests can travel. + // + // Default: 1 + // + // Possible values: Integers from 1 to 64 + HttpPutResponseHopLimit *int64 `locationName:"httpPutResponseHopLimit" type:"integer"` + + // The state of token usage for your instance metadata requests. If the parameter + // is not specified in the request, the default state is optional. + // + // If the state is optional, you can choose to retrieve instance metadata with + // or without a signed token header on your request. If you retrieve the IAM + // role credentials without a token, the version 1.0 role credentials are returned. + // If you retrieve the IAM role credentials using a valid signed token, the + // version 2.0 role credentials are returned. + // + // If the state is required, you must send a signed token header with any instance + // metadata retrieval requests. In this state, retrieving the IAM role credential + // always returns the version 2.0 credentials; the version 1.0 credentials are + // not available. + HttpTokens *string `locationName:"httpTokens" type:"string" enum:"HttpTokensState"` + + // The state of the metadata option changes. + // + // pending - The metadata options are being updated and the instance is not + // ready to process metadata traffic with the new selection. + // + // applied - The metadata options have been successfully applied on the instance. + State *string `locationName:"state" type:"string" enum:"InstanceMetadataOptionsState"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s InstanceMetadataOptionsResponse) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s InstanceMetadataOptionsResponse) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetHttpEndpoint sets the HttpEndpoint field's value. +func (s *InstanceMetadataOptionsResponse) SetHttpEndpoint(v string) *InstanceMetadataOptionsResponse { + s.HttpEndpoint = &v + return s +} + +// SetHttpPutResponseHopLimit sets the HttpPutResponseHopLimit field's value. +func (s *InstanceMetadataOptionsResponse) SetHttpPutResponseHopLimit(v int64) *InstanceMetadataOptionsResponse { + s.HttpPutResponseHopLimit = &v + return s +} + +// SetHttpTokens sets the HttpTokens field's value. +func (s *InstanceMetadataOptionsResponse) SetHttpTokens(v string) *InstanceMetadataOptionsResponse { + s.HttpTokens = &v + return s +} + +// SetState sets the State field's value. +func (s *InstanceMetadataOptionsResponse) SetState(v string) *InstanceMetadataOptionsResponse { + s.State = &v + return s +} + // Describes the monitoring of an instance. type InstanceMonitoring struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -69240,8 +73325,8 @@ type InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification struct { // request. SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount *int64 `locationName:"secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount" type:"integer"` - // The ID of the subnet associated with the network string. Applies only if - // creating a network interface when launching an instance. + // The ID of the subnet associated with the network interface. Applies only + // if creating a network interface when launching an instance. SubnetId *string `locationName:"subnetId" type:"string"` } @@ -69740,11 +73825,297 @@ func (s *InstanceStatusSummary) SetStatus(v string) *InstanceStatusSummary { return s } +// Describes the disks that are available for the instance type. +type InstanceStorageInfo struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Array describing the disks that are available for the instance type. + Disks []*DiskInfo `locationName:"disks" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // The total size of the disks, in GiB. + TotalSizeInGB *int64 `locationName:"totalSizeInGB" type:"long"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s InstanceStorageInfo) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s InstanceStorageInfo) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetDisks sets the Disks field's value. +func (s *InstanceStorageInfo) SetDisks(v []*DiskInfo) *InstanceStorageInfo { + s.Disks = v + return s +} + +// SetTotalSizeInGB sets the TotalSizeInGB field's value. +func (s *InstanceStorageInfo) SetTotalSizeInGB(v int64) *InstanceStorageInfo { + s.TotalSizeInGB = &v + return s +} + +// Describes the instance type. +type InstanceTypeInfo struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Indicates whether auto recovery is supported. + AutoRecoverySupported *bool `locationName:"autoRecoverySupported" type:"boolean"` + + // Indicates whether the instance is bare metal. + BareMetal *bool `locationName:"bareMetal" type:"boolean"` + + // Indicates whether the instance type is a burstable performance instance type. + BurstablePerformanceSupported *bool `locationName:"burstablePerformanceSupported" type:"boolean"` + + // Indicates whether the instance type is a current generation. + CurrentGeneration *bool `locationName:"currentGeneration" type:"boolean"` + + // Indicates whether Dedicated Hosts are supported on the instance type. + DedicatedHostsSupported *bool `locationName:"dedicatedHostsSupported" type:"boolean"` + + // Describes the Amazon EBS settings for the instance type. + EbsInfo *EbsInfo `locationName:"ebsInfo" type:"structure"` + + // Describes the FPGA accelerator settings for the instance type. + FpgaInfo *FpgaInfo `locationName:"fpgaInfo" type:"structure"` + + // Indicates whether the instance type is eligible for the free tier. + FreeTierEligible *bool `locationName:"freeTierEligible" type:"boolean"` + + // Describes the GPU accelerator settings for the instance type. + GpuInfo *GpuInfo `locationName:"gpuInfo" type:"structure"` + + // Indicates whether On-Demand hibernation is supported. + HibernationSupported *bool `locationName:"hibernationSupported" type:"boolean"` + + // Indicates the hypervisor used for the instance type. + Hypervisor *string `locationName:"hypervisor" type:"string" enum:"InstanceTypeHypervisor"` + + // Describes the disks for the instance type. + InstanceStorageInfo *InstanceStorageInfo `locationName:"instanceStorageInfo" type:"structure"` + + // Indicates whether instance storage is supported. + InstanceStorageSupported *bool `locationName:"instanceStorageSupported" type:"boolean"` + + // The instance type. For more information, see Instance Types (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-types.html) + // in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. + InstanceType *string `locationName:"instanceType" type:"string" enum:"InstanceType"` + + // Describes the memory for the instance type. + MemoryInfo *MemoryInfo `locationName:"memoryInfo" type:"structure"` + + // Describes the network settings for the instance type. + NetworkInfo *NetworkInfo `locationName:"networkInfo" type:"structure"` + + // Describes the placement group settings for the instance type. + PlacementGroupInfo *PlacementGroupInfo `locationName:"placementGroupInfo" type:"structure"` + + // Describes the processor. + ProcessorInfo *ProcessorInfo `locationName:"processorInfo" type:"structure"` + + // Indicates the supported root devices. + SupportedRootDevices []*string `locationName:"supportedRootDevices" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // Indicates whether the instance type is offered for spot or On-Demand. + SupportedUsageClasses []*string `locationName:"supportedUsageClasses" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // Describes the vCPU configurations for the instance type. + VCpuInfo *VCpuInfo `locationName:"vCpuInfo" type:"structure"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s InstanceTypeInfo) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s InstanceTypeInfo) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetAutoRecoverySupported sets the AutoRecoverySupported field's value. +func (s *InstanceTypeInfo) SetAutoRecoverySupported(v bool) *InstanceTypeInfo { + s.AutoRecoverySupported = &v + return s +} + +// SetBareMetal sets the BareMetal field's value. +func (s *InstanceTypeInfo) SetBareMetal(v bool) *InstanceTypeInfo { + s.BareMetal = &v + return s +} + +// SetBurstablePerformanceSupported sets the BurstablePerformanceSupported field's value. +func (s *InstanceTypeInfo) SetBurstablePerformanceSupported(v bool) *InstanceTypeInfo { + s.BurstablePerformanceSupported = &v + return s +} + +// SetCurrentGeneration sets the CurrentGeneration field's value. +func (s *InstanceTypeInfo) SetCurrentGeneration(v bool) *InstanceTypeInfo { + s.CurrentGeneration = &v + return s +} + +// SetDedicatedHostsSupported sets the DedicatedHostsSupported field's value. +func (s *InstanceTypeInfo) SetDedicatedHostsSupported(v bool) *InstanceTypeInfo { + s.DedicatedHostsSupported = &v + return s +} + +// SetEbsInfo sets the EbsInfo field's value. +func (s *InstanceTypeInfo) SetEbsInfo(v *EbsInfo) *InstanceTypeInfo { + s.EbsInfo = v + return s +} + +// SetFpgaInfo sets the FpgaInfo field's value. +func (s *InstanceTypeInfo) SetFpgaInfo(v *FpgaInfo) *InstanceTypeInfo { + s.FpgaInfo = v + return s +} + +// SetFreeTierEligible sets the FreeTierEligible field's value. +func (s *InstanceTypeInfo) SetFreeTierEligible(v bool) *InstanceTypeInfo { + s.FreeTierEligible = &v + return s +} + +// SetGpuInfo sets the GpuInfo field's value. +func (s *InstanceTypeInfo) SetGpuInfo(v *GpuInfo) *InstanceTypeInfo { + s.GpuInfo = v + return s +} + +// SetHibernationSupported sets the HibernationSupported field's value. +func (s *InstanceTypeInfo) SetHibernationSupported(v bool) *InstanceTypeInfo { + s.HibernationSupported = &v + return s +} + +// SetHypervisor sets the Hypervisor field's value. +func (s *InstanceTypeInfo) SetHypervisor(v string) *InstanceTypeInfo { + s.Hypervisor = &v + return s +} + +// SetInstanceStorageInfo sets the InstanceStorageInfo field's value. +func (s *InstanceTypeInfo) SetInstanceStorageInfo(v *InstanceStorageInfo) *InstanceTypeInfo { + s.InstanceStorageInfo = v + return s +} + +// SetInstanceStorageSupported sets the InstanceStorageSupported field's value. +func (s *InstanceTypeInfo) SetInstanceStorageSupported(v bool) *InstanceTypeInfo { + s.InstanceStorageSupported = &v + return s +} + +// SetInstanceType sets the InstanceType field's value. +func (s *InstanceTypeInfo) SetInstanceType(v string) *InstanceTypeInfo { + s.InstanceType = &v + return s +} + +// SetMemoryInfo sets the MemoryInfo field's value. +func (s *InstanceTypeInfo) SetMemoryInfo(v *MemoryInfo) *InstanceTypeInfo { + s.MemoryInfo = v + return s +} + +// SetNetworkInfo sets the NetworkInfo field's value. +func (s *InstanceTypeInfo) SetNetworkInfo(v *NetworkInfo) *InstanceTypeInfo { + s.NetworkInfo = v + return s +} + +// SetPlacementGroupInfo sets the PlacementGroupInfo field's value. +func (s *InstanceTypeInfo) SetPlacementGroupInfo(v *PlacementGroupInfo) *InstanceTypeInfo { + s.PlacementGroupInfo = v + return s +} + +// SetProcessorInfo sets the ProcessorInfo field's value. +func (s *InstanceTypeInfo) SetProcessorInfo(v *ProcessorInfo) *InstanceTypeInfo { + s.ProcessorInfo = v + return s +} + +// SetSupportedRootDevices sets the SupportedRootDevices field's value. +func (s *InstanceTypeInfo) SetSupportedRootDevices(v []*string) *InstanceTypeInfo { + s.SupportedRootDevices = v + return s +} + +// SetSupportedUsageClasses sets the SupportedUsageClasses field's value. +func (s *InstanceTypeInfo) SetSupportedUsageClasses(v []*string) *InstanceTypeInfo { + s.SupportedUsageClasses = v + return s +} + +// SetVCpuInfo sets the VCpuInfo field's value. +func (s *InstanceTypeInfo) SetVCpuInfo(v *VCpuInfo) *InstanceTypeInfo { + s.VCpuInfo = v + return s +} + +// The instance types offered. +type InstanceTypeOffering struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The instance type. For more information, see Instance Types (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-types.html) + // in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. + InstanceType *string `locationName:"instanceType" type:"string" enum:"InstanceType"` + + // The identifier for the location. This depends on the location type. For example, + // if the location type is region, the location is the Region code (for example, + // us-east-2.) + Location *string `locationName:"location" type:"string"` + + // The location type. + LocationType *string `locationName:"locationType" type:"string" enum:"LocationType"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s InstanceTypeOffering) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s InstanceTypeOffering) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetInstanceType sets the InstanceType field's value. +func (s *InstanceTypeOffering) SetInstanceType(v string) *InstanceTypeOffering { + s.InstanceType = &v + return s +} + +// SetLocation sets the Location field's value. +func (s *InstanceTypeOffering) SetLocation(v string) *InstanceTypeOffering { + s.Location = &v + return s +} + +// SetLocationType sets the LocationType field's value. +func (s *InstanceTypeOffering) SetLocationType(v string) *InstanceTypeOffering { + s.LocationType = &v + return s +} + +// Information about the Capacity Reservation usage. type InstanceUsage struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + // The ID of the AWS account that is making use of the Capacity Reservation. AccountId *string `locationName:"accountId" type:"string"` + // The number of instances the AWS account currently has in the Capacity Reservation. UsedInstanceCount *int64 `locationName:"usedInstanceCount" type:"integer"` } @@ -70706,9 +75077,8 @@ type LaunchTemplateCpuOptionsRequest struct { // The number of CPU cores for the instance. CoreCount *int64 `type:"integer"` - // The number of threads per CPU core. To disable Intel Hyper-Threading Technology - // for the instance, specify a value of 1. Otherwise, specify the default value - // of 2. + // The number of threads per CPU core. To disable multithreading for the instance, + // specify a value of 1. Otherwise, specify the default value of 2. ThreadsPerCore *int64 `type:"integer"` } @@ -70996,7 +75366,6 @@ func (s *LaunchTemplateHibernationOptions) SetConfigured(v bool) *LaunchTemplate // Indicates whether the instance is configured for hibernation. This parameter // is valid only if the instance meets the hibernation prerequisites (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/Hibernate.html#hibernating-prerequisites). -// Hibernation is currently supported only for Amazon Linux. type LaunchTemplateHibernationOptionsRequest struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -71566,6 +75935,9 @@ type LaunchTemplatePlacement struct { // The ID of the Dedicated Host for the instance. HostId *string `locationName:"hostId" type:"string"` + // The ARN of the host resource group in which to launch the instances. + HostResourceGroupArn *string `locationName:"hostResourceGroupArn" type:"string"` + // Reserved for future use. SpreadDomain *string `locationName:"spreadDomain" type:"string"` @@ -71608,6 +75980,12 @@ func (s *LaunchTemplatePlacement) SetHostId(v string) *LaunchTemplatePlacement { return s } +// SetHostResourceGroupArn sets the HostResourceGroupArn field's value. +func (s *LaunchTemplatePlacement) SetHostResourceGroupArn(v string) *LaunchTemplatePlacement { + s.HostResourceGroupArn = &v + return s +} + // SetSpreadDomain sets the SpreadDomain field's value. func (s *LaunchTemplatePlacement) SetSpreadDomain(v string) *LaunchTemplatePlacement { s.SpreadDomain = &v @@ -71636,6 +76014,11 @@ type LaunchTemplatePlacementRequest struct { // The ID of the Dedicated Host for the instance. HostId *string `type:"string"` + // The ARN of the host resource group in which to launch the instances. If you + // specify a host resource group ARN, omit the Tenancy parameter or set it to + // host. + HostResourceGroupArn *string `type:"string"` + // Reserved for future use. SpreadDomain *string `type:"string"` @@ -71678,6 +76061,12 @@ func (s *LaunchTemplatePlacementRequest) SetHostId(v string) *LaunchTemplatePlac return s } +// SetHostResourceGroupArn sets the HostResourceGroupArn field's value. +func (s *LaunchTemplatePlacementRequest) SetHostResourceGroupArn(v string) *LaunchTemplatePlacementRequest { + s.HostResourceGroupArn = &v + return s +} + // SetSpreadDomain sets the SpreadDomain field's value. func (s *LaunchTemplatePlacementRequest) SetSpreadDomain(v string) *LaunchTemplatePlacementRequest { s.SpreadDomain = &v @@ -72272,6 +76661,30 @@ func (s *LoadPermissionRequest) SetUserId(v string) *LoadPermissionRequest { return s } +// Describes the memory for the instance type. +type MemoryInfo struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Size of the memory, in MiB. + SizeInMiB *int64 `locationName:"sizeInMiB" type:"long"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s MemoryInfo) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s MemoryInfo) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetSizeInMiB sets the SizeInMiB field's value. +func (s *MemoryInfo) SetSizeInMiB(v int64) *MemoryInfo { + s.SizeInMiB = &v + return s +} + type ModifyCapacityReservationInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -72369,7 +76782,7 @@ func (s *ModifyCapacityReservationInput) SetInstanceCount(v int64) *ModifyCapaci type ModifyCapacityReservationOutput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` - // Information about the Capacity Reservation. + // Returns true if the request succeeds; otherwise, it returns an error. Return *bool `locationName:"return" type:"boolean"` } @@ -72524,6 +76937,95 @@ func (s *ModifyClientVpnEndpointOutput) SetReturn(v bool) *ModifyClientVpnEndpoi return s } +type ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationInput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The credit option for CPU usage of the instance family. + // + // Valid Values: standard | unlimited + // + // CpuCredits is a required field + CpuCredits *string `type:"string" required:"true"` + + // Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without + // actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have + // the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, + // it is UnauthorizedOperation. + DryRun *bool `type:"boolean"` + + // The instance family. + // + // InstanceFamily is a required field + InstanceFamily *string `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"UnlimitedSupportedInstanceFamily"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationInput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationInput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid. +func (s *ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationInput) Validate() error { + invalidParams := request.ErrInvalidParams{Context: "ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationInput"} + if s.CpuCredits == nil { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("CpuCredits")) + } + if s.InstanceFamily == nil { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("InstanceFamily")) + } + + if invalidParams.Len() > 0 { + return invalidParams + } + return nil +} + +// SetCpuCredits sets the CpuCredits field's value. +func (s *ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationInput) SetCpuCredits(v string) *ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationInput { + s.CpuCredits = &v + return s +} + +// SetDryRun sets the DryRun field's value. +func (s *ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationInput) SetDryRun(v bool) *ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationInput { + s.DryRun = &v + return s +} + +// SetInstanceFamily sets the InstanceFamily field's value. +func (s *ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationInput) SetInstanceFamily(v string) *ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationInput { + s.InstanceFamily = &v + return s +} + +type ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationOutput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The default credit option for CPU usage of the instance family. + InstanceFamilyCreditSpecification *InstanceFamilyCreditSpecification `locationName:"instanceFamilyCreditSpecification" type:"structure"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationOutput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationOutput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetInstanceFamilyCreditSpecification sets the InstanceFamilyCreditSpecification field's value. +func (s *ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationOutput) SetInstanceFamilyCreditSpecification(v *InstanceFamilyCreditSpecification) *ModifyDefaultCreditSpecificationOutput { + s.InstanceFamilyCreditSpecification = v + return s +} + type ModifyEbsDefaultKmsKeyIdInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -72880,6 +77382,24 @@ type ModifyHostsInput struct { // For more information, see Host Recovery (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/dedicated-hosts-recovery.html) // in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. HostRecovery *string `type:"string" enum:"HostRecovery"` + + // Specifies the instance family to be supported by the Dedicated Host. Specify + // this parameter to modify a Dedicated Host to support multiple instance types + // within its current instance family. + // + // If you want to modify a Dedicated Host to support a specific instance type + // only, omit this parameter and specify InstanceType instead. You cannot specify + // InstanceFamily and InstanceType in the same request. + InstanceFamily *string `type:"string"` + + // Specifies the instance type to be supported by the Dedicated Host. Specify + // this parameter to modify a Dedicated Host to support only a specific instance + // type. + // + // If you want to modify a Dedicated Host to support multiple instance types + // in its current instance family, omit this parameter and specify InstanceFamily + // instead. You cannot specify InstanceType and InstanceFamily in the same request. + InstanceType *string `type:"string"` } // String returns the string representation @@ -72923,6 +77443,18 @@ func (s *ModifyHostsInput) SetHostRecovery(v string) *ModifyHostsInput { return s } +// SetInstanceFamily sets the InstanceFamily field's value. +func (s *ModifyHostsInput) SetInstanceFamily(v string) *ModifyHostsInput { + s.InstanceFamily = &v + return s +} + +// SetInstanceType sets the InstanceType field's value. +func (s *ModifyHostsInput) SetInstanceType(v string) *ModifyHostsInput { + s.InstanceType = &v + return s +} + type ModifyHostsOutput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -73777,6 +78309,135 @@ func (s *ModifyInstanceEventStartTimeOutput) SetEvent(v *InstanceStatusEvent) *M return s } +type ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsInput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without + // actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have + // the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, + // it is UnauthorizedOperation. + DryRun *bool `type:"boolean"` + + // This parameter enables or disables the HTTP metadata endpoint on your instances. + // If the parameter is not specified, the existing state is maintained. + // + // If you specify a value of disabled, you will not be able to access your instance + // metadata. + HttpEndpoint *string `type:"string" enum:"InstanceMetadataEndpointState"` + + // The desired HTTP PUT response hop limit for instance metadata requests. The + // larger the number, the further instance metadata requests can travel. If + // no parameter is specified, the existing state is maintained. + // + // Possible values: Integers from 1 to 64 + HttpPutResponseHopLimit *int64 `type:"integer"` + + // The state of token usage for your instance metadata requests. If the parameter + // is not specified in the request, the default state is optional. + // + // If the state is optional, you can choose to retrieve instance metadata with + // or without a signed token header on your request. If you retrieve the IAM + // role credentials without a token, the version 1.0 role credentials are returned. + // If you retrieve the IAM role credentials using a valid signed token, the + // version 2.0 role credentials are returned. + // + // If the state is required, you must send a signed token header with any instance + // metadata retrieval requests. In this state, retrieving the IAM role credential + // always returns the version 2.0 credentials; the version 1.0 credentials are + // not available. + HttpTokens *string `type:"string" enum:"HttpTokensState"` + + // The ID of the instance. + // + // InstanceId is a required field + InstanceId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsInput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsInput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid. +func (s *ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsInput) Validate() error { + invalidParams := request.ErrInvalidParams{Context: "ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsInput"} + if s.InstanceId == nil { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("InstanceId")) + } + + if invalidParams.Len() > 0 { + return invalidParams + } + return nil +} + +// SetDryRun sets the DryRun field's value. +func (s *ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsInput) SetDryRun(v bool) *ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsInput { + s.DryRun = &v + return s +} + +// SetHttpEndpoint sets the HttpEndpoint field's value. +func (s *ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsInput) SetHttpEndpoint(v string) *ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsInput { + s.HttpEndpoint = &v + return s +} + +// SetHttpPutResponseHopLimit sets the HttpPutResponseHopLimit field's value. +func (s *ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsInput) SetHttpPutResponseHopLimit(v int64) *ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsInput { + s.HttpPutResponseHopLimit = &v + return s +} + +// SetHttpTokens sets the HttpTokens field's value. +func (s *ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsInput) SetHttpTokens(v string) *ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsInput { + s.HttpTokens = &v + return s +} + +// SetInstanceId sets the InstanceId field's value. +func (s *ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsInput) SetInstanceId(v string) *ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsInput { + s.InstanceId = &v + return s +} + +type ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsOutput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The ID of the instance. + InstanceId *string `locationName:"instanceId" type:"string"` + + // The metadata options for the instance. + InstanceMetadataOptions *InstanceMetadataOptionsResponse `locationName:"instanceMetadataOptions" type:"structure"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsOutput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsOutput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetInstanceId sets the InstanceId field's value. +func (s *ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsOutput) SetInstanceId(v string) *ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsOutput { + s.InstanceId = &v + return s +} + +// SetInstanceMetadataOptions sets the InstanceMetadataOptions field's value. +func (s *ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsOutput) SetInstanceMetadataOptions(v *InstanceMetadataOptionsResponse) *ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsOutput { + s.InstanceMetadataOptions = v + return s +} + type ModifyInstancePlacementInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -73794,6 +78455,9 @@ type ModifyInstancePlacementInput struct { // The ID of the Dedicated Host with which to associate the instance. HostId *string `locationName:"hostId" type:"string"` + // The ARN of the host resource group in which to place the instance. + HostResourceGroupArn *string `type:"string"` + // The ID of the instance that you are modifying. // // InstanceId is a required field @@ -73847,6 +78511,12 @@ func (s *ModifyInstancePlacementInput) SetHostId(v string) *ModifyInstancePlacem return s } +// SetHostResourceGroupArn sets the HostResourceGroupArn field's value. +func (s *ModifyInstancePlacementInput) SetHostResourceGroupArn(v string) *ModifyInstancePlacementInput { + s.HostResourceGroupArn = &v + return s +} + // SetInstanceId sets the InstanceId field's value. func (s *ModifyInstancePlacementInput) SetInstanceId(v string) *ModifyInstancePlacementInput { s.InstanceId = &v @@ -74187,7 +78857,6 @@ func (s *ModifyReservedInstancesOutput) SetReservedInstancesModificationId(v str return s } -// Contains the parameters for ModifySnapshotAttribute. type ModifySnapshotAttributeInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -75009,7 +79678,6 @@ func (s *ModifyTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentRequestOptions) SetIpv6Support(v strin return s } -// Contains the parameters for ModifyVolumeAttribute. type ModifyVolumeAttributeInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -75389,8 +80057,7 @@ type ModifyVpcEndpointInput struct { DryRun *bool `type:"boolean"` // A policy to attach to the endpoint that controls access to the service. The - // policy must be in valid JSON format. If this parameter is not specified, - // we attach a default policy that allows full access to the service. + // policy must be in valid JSON format. PolicyDocument *string `type:"string"` // (Interface endpoint) Indicate whether a private hosted zone is associated @@ -75915,6 +80582,9 @@ func (s *ModifyVpcTenancyOutput) SetReturnValue(v bool) *ModifyVpcTenancyOutput type ModifyVpnConnectionInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + // The ID of the customer gateway at your end of the VPN connection. + CustomerGatewayId *string `type:"string"` + // Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without // actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have // the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, @@ -75956,6 +80626,12 @@ func (s *ModifyVpnConnectionInput) Validate() error { return nil } +// SetCustomerGatewayId sets the CustomerGatewayId field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnConnectionInput) SetCustomerGatewayId(v string) *ModifyVpnConnectionInput { + s.CustomerGatewayId = &v + return s +} + // SetDryRun sets the DryRun field's value. func (s *ModifyVpnConnectionInput) SetDryRun(v bool) *ModifyVpnConnectionInput { s.DryRun = &v @@ -76003,6 +80679,416 @@ func (s *ModifyVpnConnectionOutput) SetVpnConnection(v *VpnConnection) *ModifyVp return s } +type ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateInput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without + // actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have + // the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, + // it is UnauthorizedOperation. + DryRun *bool `type:"boolean"` + + // The ID of the AWS Site-to-Site VPN connection. + // + // VpnConnectionId is a required field + VpnConnectionId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` + + // The external IP address of the VPN tunnel. + // + // VpnTunnelOutsideIpAddress is a required field + VpnTunnelOutsideIpAddress *string `type:"string" required:"true"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateInput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateInput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateInput) Validate() error { + invalidParams := request.ErrInvalidParams{Context: "ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateInput"} + if s.VpnConnectionId == nil { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("VpnConnectionId")) + } + if s.VpnTunnelOutsideIpAddress == nil { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("VpnTunnelOutsideIpAddress")) + } + + if invalidParams.Len() > 0 { + return invalidParams + } + return nil +} + +// SetDryRun sets the DryRun field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateInput) SetDryRun(v bool) *ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateInput { + s.DryRun = &v + return s +} + +// SetVpnConnectionId sets the VpnConnectionId field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateInput) SetVpnConnectionId(v string) *ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateInput { + s.VpnConnectionId = &v + return s +} + +// SetVpnTunnelOutsideIpAddress sets the VpnTunnelOutsideIpAddress field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateInput) SetVpnTunnelOutsideIpAddress(v string) *ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateInput { + s.VpnTunnelOutsideIpAddress = &v + return s +} + +type ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateOutput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Describes a VPN connection. + VpnConnection *VpnConnection `locationName:"vpnConnection" type:"structure"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateOutput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateOutput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetVpnConnection sets the VpnConnection field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateOutput) SetVpnConnection(v *VpnConnection) *ModifyVpnTunnelCertificateOutput { + s.VpnConnection = v + return s +} + +type ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsInput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without + // actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have + // the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, + // it is UnauthorizedOperation. + DryRun *bool `type:"boolean"` + + // The tunnel options to modify. + // + // TunnelOptions is a required field + TunnelOptions *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification `type:"structure" required:"true"` + + // The ID of the AWS Site-to-Site VPN connection. + // + // VpnConnectionId is a required field + VpnConnectionId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` + + // The external IP address of the VPN tunnel. + // + // VpnTunnelOutsideIpAddress is a required field + VpnTunnelOutsideIpAddress *string `type:"string" required:"true"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsInput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsInput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsInput) Validate() error { + invalidParams := request.ErrInvalidParams{Context: "ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsInput"} + if s.TunnelOptions == nil { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("TunnelOptions")) + } + if s.VpnConnectionId == nil { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("VpnConnectionId")) + } + if s.VpnTunnelOutsideIpAddress == nil { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("VpnTunnelOutsideIpAddress")) + } + + if invalidParams.Len() > 0 { + return invalidParams + } + return nil +} + +// SetDryRun sets the DryRun field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsInput) SetDryRun(v bool) *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsInput { + s.DryRun = &v + return s +} + +// SetTunnelOptions sets the TunnelOptions field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsInput) SetTunnelOptions(v *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsInput { + s.TunnelOptions = v + return s +} + +// SetVpnConnectionId sets the VpnConnectionId field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsInput) SetVpnConnectionId(v string) *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsInput { + s.VpnConnectionId = &v + return s +} + +// SetVpnTunnelOutsideIpAddress sets the VpnTunnelOutsideIpAddress field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsInput) SetVpnTunnelOutsideIpAddress(v string) *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsInput { + s.VpnTunnelOutsideIpAddress = &v + return s +} + +type ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsOutput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Describes a VPN connection. + VpnConnection *VpnConnection `locationName:"vpnConnection" type:"structure"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsOutput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsOutput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetVpnConnection sets the VpnConnection field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsOutput) SetVpnConnection(v *VpnConnection) *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsOutput { + s.VpnConnection = v + return s +} + +// The AWS Site-to-Site VPN tunnel options to modify. +type ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The number of seconds after which a DPD timeout occurs. + // + // Constraints: A value between 0 and 30. + // + // Default: 30 + DPDTimeoutSeconds *int64 `type:"integer"` + + // The IKE versions that are permitted for the VPN tunnel. + // + // Valid values: ikev1 | ikev2 + IKEVersions []*IKEVersionsRequestListValue `locationName:"IKEVersion" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // One or more Diffie-Hellman group numbers that are permitted for the VPN tunnel + // for phase 1 IKE negotiations. + // + // Valid values: 2 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 22 | 23 | 24 + Phase1DHGroupNumbers []*Phase1DHGroupNumbersRequestListValue `locationName:"Phase1DHGroupNumber" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // One or more encryption algorithms that are permitted for the VPN tunnel for + // phase 1 IKE negotiations. + // + // Valid values: AES128 | AES256 + Phase1EncryptionAlgorithms []*Phase1EncryptionAlgorithmsRequestListValue `locationName:"Phase1EncryptionAlgorithm" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // One or more integrity algorithms that are permitted for the VPN tunnel for + // phase 1 IKE negotiations. + // + // Valid values: SHA1 | SHA2-256 + Phase1IntegrityAlgorithms []*Phase1IntegrityAlgorithmsRequestListValue `locationName:"Phase1IntegrityAlgorithm" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // The lifetime for phase 1 of the IKE negotiation, in seconds. + // + // Constraints: A value between 900 and 28,800. + // + // Default: 28800 + Phase1LifetimeSeconds *int64 `type:"integer"` + + // One or more Diffie-Hellman group numbers that are permitted for the VPN tunnel + // for phase 2 IKE negotiations. + // + // Valid values: 2 | 5 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 22 | 23 | 24 + Phase2DHGroupNumbers []*Phase2DHGroupNumbersRequestListValue `locationName:"Phase2DHGroupNumber" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // One or more encryption algorithms that are permitted for the VPN tunnel for + // phase 2 IKE negotiations. + // + // Valid values: AES128 | AES256 + Phase2EncryptionAlgorithms []*Phase2EncryptionAlgorithmsRequestListValue `locationName:"Phase2EncryptionAlgorithm" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // One or more integrity algorithms that are permitted for the VPN tunnel for + // phase 2 IKE negotiations. + // + // Valid values: SHA1 | SHA2-256 + Phase2IntegrityAlgorithms []*Phase2IntegrityAlgorithmsRequestListValue `locationName:"Phase2IntegrityAlgorithm" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // The lifetime for phase 2 of the IKE negotiation, in seconds. + // + // Constraints: A value between 900 and 3,600. The value must be less than the + // value for Phase1LifetimeSeconds. + // + // Default: 3600 + Phase2LifetimeSeconds *int64 `type:"integer"` + + // The pre-shared key (PSK) to establish initial authentication between the + // virtual private gateway and the customer gateway. + // + // Constraints: Allowed characters are alphanumeric characters, periods (.), + // and underscores (_). Must be between 8 and 64 characters in length and cannot + // start with zero (0). + PreSharedKey *string `type:"string"` + + // The percentage of the rekey window (determined by RekeyMarginTimeSeconds) + // during which the rekey time is randomly selected. + // + // Constraints: A value between 0 and 100. + // + // Default: 100 + RekeyFuzzPercentage *int64 `type:"integer"` + + // The margin time, in seconds, before the phase 2 lifetime expires, during + // which the AWS side of the VPN connection performs an IKE rekey. The exact + // time of the rekey is randomly selected based on the value for RekeyFuzzPercentage. + // + // Constraints: A value between 60 and half of Phase2LifetimeSeconds. + // + // Default: 540 + RekeyMarginTimeSeconds *int64 `type:"integer"` + + // The number of packets in an IKE replay window. + // + // Constraints: A value between 64 and 2048. + // + // Default: 1024 + ReplayWindowSize *int64 `type:"integer"` + + // The range of inside IP addresses for the tunnel. Any specified CIDR blocks + // must be unique across all VPN connections that use the same virtual private + // gateway. + // + // Constraints: A size /30 CIDR block from the range. The following + // CIDR blocks are reserved and cannot be used: + // + // * + // + // * + // + // * + // + // * + // + // * + // + // * + // + // * + TunnelInsideCidr *string `type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetDPDTimeoutSeconds sets the DPDTimeoutSeconds field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetDPDTimeoutSeconds(v int64) *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.DPDTimeoutSeconds = &v + return s +} + +// SetIKEVersions sets the IKEVersions field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetIKEVersions(v []*IKEVersionsRequestListValue) *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.IKEVersions = v + return s +} + +// SetPhase1DHGroupNumbers sets the Phase1DHGroupNumbers field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetPhase1DHGroupNumbers(v []*Phase1DHGroupNumbersRequestListValue) *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.Phase1DHGroupNumbers = v + return s +} + +// SetPhase1EncryptionAlgorithms sets the Phase1EncryptionAlgorithms field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetPhase1EncryptionAlgorithms(v []*Phase1EncryptionAlgorithmsRequestListValue) *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.Phase1EncryptionAlgorithms = v + return s +} + +// SetPhase1IntegrityAlgorithms sets the Phase1IntegrityAlgorithms field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetPhase1IntegrityAlgorithms(v []*Phase1IntegrityAlgorithmsRequestListValue) *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.Phase1IntegrityAlgorithms = v + return s +} + +// SetPhase1LifetimeSeconds sets the Phase1LifetimeSeconds field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetPhase1LifetimeSeconds(v int64) *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.Phase1LifetimeSeconds = &v + return s +} + +// SetPhase2DHGroupNumbers sets the Phase2DHGroupNumbers field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetPhase2DHGroupNumbers(v []*Phase2DHGroupNumbersRequestListValue) *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.Phase2DHGroupNumbers = v + return s +} + +// SetPhase2EncryptionAlgorithms sets the Phase2EncryptionAlgorithms field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetPhase2EncryptionAlgorithms(v []*Phase2EncryptionAlgorithmsRequestListValue) *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.Phase2EncryptionAlgorithms = v + return s +} + +// SetPhase2IntegrityAlgorithms sets the Phase2IntegrityAlgorithms field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetPhase2IntegrityAlgorithms(v []*Phase2IntegrityAlgorithmsRequestListValue) *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.Phase2IntegrityAlgorithms = v + return s +} + +// SetPhase2LifetimeSeconds sets the Phase2LifetimeSeconds field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetPhase2LifetimeSeconds(v int64) *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.Phase2LifetimeSeconds = &v + return s +} + +// SetPreSharedKey sets the PreSharedKey field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetPreSharedKey(v string) *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.PreSharedKey = &v + return s +} + +// SetRekeyFuzzPercentage sets the RekeyFuzzPercentage field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetRekeyFuzzPercentage(v int64) *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.RekeyFuzzPercentage = &v + return s +} + +// SetRekeyMarginTimeSeconds sets the RekeyMarginTimeSeconds field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetRekeyMarginTimeSeconds(v int64) *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.RekeyMarginTimeSeconds = &v + return s +} + +// SetReplayWindowSize sets the ReplayWindowSize field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetReplayWindowSize(v int64) *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.ReplayWindowSize = &v + return s +} + +// SetTunnelInsideCidr sets the TunnelInsideCidr field's value. +func (s *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetTunnelInsideCidr(v string) *ModifyVpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.TunnelInsideCidr = &v + return s +} + type MonitorInstancesInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -76632,6 +81718,75 @@ func (s *NetworkAclEntry) SetRuleNumber(v int64) *NetworkAclEntry { return s } +// Describes the networking features of the instance type. +type NetworkInfo struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Indicates whether Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) is supported. + EnaSupport *string `locationName:"enaSupport" type:"string" enum:"EnaSupport"` + + // The maximum number of IPv4 addresses per network interface. + Ipv4AddressesPerInterface *int64 `locationName:"ipv4AddressesPerInterface" type:"integer"` + + // The maximum number of IPv6 addresses per network interface. + Ipv6AddressesPerInterface *int64 `locationName:"ipv6AddressesPerInterface" type:"integer"` + + // Indicates whether IPv6 is supported. + Ipv6Supported *bool `locationName:"ipv6Supported" type:"boolean"` + + // The maximum number of network interfaces for the instance type. + MaximumNetworkInterfaces *int64 `locationName:"maximumNetworkInterfaces" type:"integer"` + + // Describes the network performance. + NetworkPerformance *string `locationName:"networkPerformance" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s NetworkInfo) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s NetworkInfo) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetEnaSupport sets the EnaSupport field's value. +func (s *NetworkInfo) SetEnaSupport(v string) *NetworkInfo { + s.EnaSupport = &v + return s +} + +// SetIpv4AddressesPerInterface sets the Ipv4AddressesPerInterface field's value. +func (s *NetworkInfo) SetIpv4AddressesPerInterface(v int64) *NetworkInfo { + s.Ipv4AddressesPerInterface = &v + return s +} + +// SetIpv6AddressesPerInterface sets the Ipv6AddressesPerInterface field's value. +func (s *NetworkInfo) SetIpv6AddressesPerInterface(v int64) *NetworkInfo { + s.Ipv6AddressesPerInterface = &v + return s +} + +// SetIpv6Supported sets the Ipv6Supported field's value. +func (s *NetworkInfo) SetIpv6Supported(v bool) *NetworkInfo { + s.Ipv6Supported = &v + return s +} + +// SetMaximumNetworkInterfaces sets the MaximumNetworkInterfaces field's value. +func (s *NetworkInfo) SetMaximumNetworkInterfaces(v int64) *NetworkInfo { + s.MaximumNetworkInterfaces = &v + return s +} + +// SetNetworkPerformance sets the NetworkPerformance field's value. +func (s *NetworkInfo) SetNetworkPerformance(v string) *NetworkInfo { + s.NetworkPerformance = &v + return s +} + // Describes a network interface. type NetworkInterface struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -77489,6 +82644,296 @@ func (s *PeeringConnectionOptionsRequest) SetAllowEgressFromLocalVpcToRemoteClas return s } +// The Diffie-Hellmann group number for phase 1 IKE negotiations. +type Phase1DHGroupNumbersListValue struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The Diffie-Hellmann group number. + Value *int64 `locationName:"value" type:"integer"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s Phase1DHGroupNumbersListValue) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s Phase1DHGroupNumbersListValue) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetValue sets the Value field's value. +func (s *Phase1DHGroupNumbersListValue) SetValue(v int64) *Phase1DHGroupNumbersListValue { + s.Value = &v + return s +} + +// Specifies a Diffie-Hellman group number for the VPN tunnel for phase 1 IKE +// negotiations. +type Phase1DHGroupNumbersRequestListValue struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The Diffie-Hellmann group number. + Value *int64 `type:"integer"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s Phase1DHGroupNumbersRequestListValue) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s Phase1DHGroupNumbersRequestListValue) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetValue sets the Value field's value. +func (s *Phase1DHGroupNumbersRequestListValue) SetValue(v int64) *Phase1DHGroupNumbersRequestListValue { + s.Value = &v + return s +} + +// The encryption algorithm for phase 1 IKE negotiations. +type Phase1EncryptionAlgorithmsListValue struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The value for the encryption algorithm. + Value *string `locationName:"value" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s Phase1EncryptionAlgorithmsListValue) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s Phase1EncryptionAlgorithmsListValue) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetValue sets the Value field's value. +func (s *Phase1EncryptionAlgorithmsListValue) SetValue(v string) *Phase1EncryptionAlgorithmsListValue { + s.Value = &v + return s +} + +// Specifies the encryption algorithm for the VPN tunnel for phase 1 IKE negotiations. +type Phase1EncryptionAlgorithmsRequestListValue struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The value for the encryption algorithm. + Value *string `type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s Phase1EncryptionAlgorithmsRequestListValue) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s Phase1EncryptionAlgorithmsRequestListValue) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetValue sets the Value field's value. +func (s *Phase1EncryptionAlgorithmsRequestListValue) SetValue(v string) *Phase1EncryptionAlgorithmsRequestListValue { + s.Value = &v + return s +} + +// The integrity algorithm for phase 1 IKE negotiations. +type Phase1IntegrityAlgorithmsListValue struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The value for the integrity algorithm. + Value *string `locationName:"value" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s Phase1IntegrityAlgorithmsListValue) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s Phase1IntegrityAlgorithmsListValue) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetValue sets the Value field's value. +func (s *Phase1IntegrityAlgorithmsListValue) SetValue(v string) *Phase1IntegrityAlgorithmsListValue { + s.Value = &v + return s +} + +// Specifies the integrity algorithm for the VPN tunnel for phase 1 IKE negotiations. +type Phase1IntegrityAlgorithmsRequestListValue struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The value for the integrity algorithm. + Value *string `type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s Phase1IntegrityAlgorithmsRequestListValue) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s Phase1IntegrityAlgorithmsRequestListValue) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetValue sets the Value field's value. +func (s *Phase1IntegrityAlgorithmsRequestListValue) SetValue(v string) *Phase1IntegrityAlgorithmsRequestListValue { + s.Value = &v + return s +} + +// The Diffie-Hellmann group number for phase 2 IKE negotiations. +type Phase2DHGroupNumbersListValue struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The Diffie-Hellmann group number. + Value *int64 `locationName:"value" type:"integer"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s Phase2DHGroupNumbersListValue) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s Phase2DHGroupNumbersListValue) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetValue sets the Value field's value. +func (s *Phase2DHGroupNumbersListValue) SetValue(v int64) *Phase2DHGroupNumbersListValue { + s.Value = &v + return s +} + +// Specifies a Diffie-Hellman group number for the VPN tunnel for phase 2 IKE +// negotiations. +type Phase2DHGroupNumbersRequestListValue struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The Diffie-Hellmann group number. + Value *int64 `type:"integer"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s Phase2DHGroupNumbersRequestListValue) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s Phase2DHGroupNumbersRequestListValue) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetValue sets the Value field's value. +func (s *Phase2DHGroupNumbersRequestListValue) SetValue(v int64) *Phase2DHGroupNumbersRequestListValue { + s.Value = &v + return s +} + +// The encryption algorithm for phase 2 IKE negotiations. +type Phase2EncryptionAlgorithmsListValue struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The encryption algorithm. + Value *string `locationName:"value" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s Phase2EncryptionAlgorithmsListValue) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s Phase2EncryptionAlgorithmsListValue) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetValue sets the Value field's value. +func (s *Phase2EncryptionAlgorithmsListValue) SetValue(v string) *Phase2EncryptionAlgorithmsListValue { + s.Value = &v + return s +} + +// Specifies the encryption algorithm for the VPN tunnel for phase 2 IKE negotiations. +type Phase2EncryptionAlgorithmsRequestListValue struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The encryption algorithm. + Value *string `type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s Phase2EncryptionAlgorithmsRequestListValue) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s Phase2EncryptionAlgorithmsRequestListValue) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetValue sets the Value field's value. +func (s *Phase2EncryptionAlgorithmsRequestListValue) SetValue(v string) *Phase2EncryptionAlgorithmsRequestListValue { + s.Value = &v + return s +} + +// The integrity algorithm for phase 2 IKE negotiations. +type Phase2IntegrityAlgorithmsListValue struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The integrity algorithm. + Value *string `locationName:"value" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s Phase2IntegrityAlgorithmsListValue) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s Phase2IntegrityAlgorithmsListValue) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetValue sets the Value field's value. +func (s *Phase2IntegrityAlgorithmsListValue) SetValue(v string) *Phase2IntegrityAlgorithmsListValue { + s.Value = &v + return s +} + +// Specifies the integrity algorithm for the VPN tunnel for phase 2 IKE negotiations. +type Phase2IntegrityAlgorithmsRequestListValue struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The integrity algorithm. + Value *string `type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s Phase2IntegrityAlgorithmsRequestListValue) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s Phase2IntegrityAlgorithmsRequestListValue) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetValue sets the Value field's value. +func (s *Phase2IntegrityAlgorithmsRequestListValue) SetValue(v string) *Phase2IntegrityAlgorithmsRequestListValue { + s.Value = &v + return s +} + // Describes the placement of an instance. type Placement struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -77510,6 +82955,11 @@ type Placement struct { // is not supported for the ImportInstance command. HostId *string `locationName:"hostId" type:"string"` + // The ARN of the host resource group in which to launch the instances. If you + // specify a host resource group ARN, omit the Tenancy parameter or set it to + // host. + HostResourceGroupArn *string `locationName:"hostResourceGroupArn" type:"string"` + // The number of the partition the instance is in. Valid only if the placement // group strategy is set to partition. PartitionNumber *int64 `locationName:"partitionNumber" type:"integer"` @@ -77557,6 +83007,12 @@ func (s *Placement) SetHostId(v string) *Placement { return s } +// SetHostResourceGroupArn sets the HostResourceGroupArn field's value. +func (s *Placement) SetHostResourceGroupArn(v string) *Placement { + s.HostResourceGroupArn = &v + return s +} + // SetPartitionNumber sets the PartitionNumber field's value. func (s *Placement) SetPartitionNumber(v int64) *Placement { s.PartitionNumber = &v @@ -77626,6 +83082,30 @@ func (s *PlacementGroup) SetStrategy(v string) *PlacementGroup { return s } +// Describes the placement group support of the instance type. +type PlacementGroupInfo struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // A list of supported placement groups types. + SupportedStrategies []*string `locationName:"supportedStrategies" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s PlacementGroupInfo) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s PlacementGroupInfo) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetSupportedStrategies sets the SupportedStrategies field's value. +func (s *PlacementGroupInfo) SetSupportedStrategies(v []*string) *PlacementGroupInfo { + s.SupportedStrategies = v + return s +} + // Describes the placement of an instance. type PlacementResponse struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -77968,6 +83448,39 @@ func (s *PrivateIpAddressSpecification) SetPrivateIpAddress(v string) *PrivateIp return s } +// Describes the processor used by the instance type. +type ProcessorInfo struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // A list of architectures supported by the instance type. + SupportedArchitectures []*string `locationName:"supportedArchitectures" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // The speed of the processor, in GHz. + SustainedClockSpeedInGhz *float64 `locationName:"sustainedClockSpeedInGhz" type:"double"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s ProcessorInfo) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s ProcessorInfo) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetSupportedArchitectures sets the SupportedArchitectures field's value. +func (s *ProcessorInfo) SetSupportedArchitectures(v []*string) *ProcessorInfo { + s.SupportedArchitectures = v + return s +} + +// SetSustainedClockSpeedInGhz sets the SustainedClockSpeedInGhz field's value. +func (s *ProcessorInfo) SetSustainedClockSpeedInGhz(v float64) *ProcessorInfo { + s.SustainedClockSpeedInGhz = &v + return s +} + // Describes a product code. type ProductCode struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -78616,6 +84129,10 @@ type PurchaseReservedInstancesOfferingInput struct { // prices. LimitPrice *ReservedInstanceLimitPrice `locationName:"limitPrice" type:"structure"` + // The time at which to purchase the Reserved Instance, in UTC format (for example, + // YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). + PurchaseTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"` + // The ID of the Reserved Instance offering to purchase. // // ReservedInstancesOfferingId is a required field @@ -78666,6 +84183,12 @@ func (s *PurchaseReservedInstancesOfferingInput) SetLimitPrice(v *ReservedInstan return s } +// SetPurchaseTime sets the PurchaseTime field's value. +func (s *PurchaseReservedInstancesOfferingInput) SetPurchaseTime(v time.Time) *PurchaseReservedInstancesOfferingInput { + s.PurchaseTime = &v + return s +} + // SetReservedInstancesOfferingId sets the ReservedInstancesOfferingId field's value. func (s *PurchaseReservedInstancesOfferingInput) SetReservedInstancesOfferingId(v string) *PurchaseReservedInstancesOfferingInput { s.ReservedInstancesOfferingId = &v @@ -80354,8 +85877,7 @@ type RequestLaunchTemplateData struct { // Indicates whether an instance is enabled for hibernation. This parameter // is valid only if the instance meets the hibernation prerequisites (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/Hibernate.html#hibernating-prerequisites). - // Hibernation is currently supported only for Amazon Linux. For more information, - // see Hibernate Your Instance (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/Hibernate.html) + // For more information, see Hibernate Your Instance (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/Hibernate.html) // in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. HibernationOptions *LaunchTemplateHibernationOptionsRequest `type:"structure"` @@ -80791,6 +86313,10 @@ type RequestSpotInstancesInput struct { // launch, the request expires, or the request is canceled. If the request is // persistent, the request becomes active at this date and time and remains // active until it expires or is canceled. + // + // The specified start date and time cannot be equal to the current date and + // time. You must specify a start date and time that occurs after the current + // date and time. ValidFrom *time.Time `locationName:"validFrom" type:"timestamp"` // The end date of the request. If this is a one-time request, the request remains @@ -80982,7 +86508,9 @@ type RequestSpotLaunchSpecification struct { // you can specify the names or the IDs of the security groups. SecurityGroups []*string `locationName:"SecurityGroup" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` - // The ID of the subnet in which to launch the instance. + // The IDs of the subnets in which to launch the instance. To specify multiple + // subnets, separate them using commas; for example, "subnet-1234abcdeexample1, + // subnet-0987cdef6example2". SubnetId *string `locationName:"subnetId" type:"string"` // The Base64-encoded user data for the instance. User data is limited to 16 @@ -82313,7 +87841,6 @@ func (s ResetNetworkInterfaceAttributeOutput) GoString() string { return s.String() } -// Contains the parameters for ResetSnapshotAttribute. type ResetSnapshotAttributeInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -83427,13 +88954,13 @@ type RunInstancesInput struct { // in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. CpuOptions *CpuOptionsRequest `type:"structure"` - // The credit option for CPU usage of the T2 or T3 instance. Valid values are - // standard and unlimited. To change this attribute after launch, use ModifyInstanceCreditSpecification - // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_ModifyInstanceCreditSpecification.html). + // The credit option for CPU usage of the burstable performance instance. Valid + // values are standard and unlimited. To change this attribute after launch, + // use ModifyInstanceCreditSpecification (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_ModifyInstanceCreditSpecification.html). // For more information, see Burstable Performance Instances (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/burstable-performance-instances.html) // in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. // - // Default: standard (T2 instances) or unlimited (T3 instances) + // Default: standard (T2 instances) or unlimited (T3/T3a instances) CreditSpecification *CreditSpecificationRequest `type:"structure"` // If you set this parameter to true, you can't terminate the instance using @@ -83554,6 +89081,10 @@ type RunInstancesInput struct { // MaxCount is a required field MaxCount *int64 `type:"integer" required:"true"` + // The metadata options for the instance. For more information, see Instance + // Metadata and User Data (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-metadata.html). + MetadataOptions *InstanceMetadataOptionsRequest `type:"structure"` + // The minimum number of instances to launch. If you specify a minimum that // is more instances than Amazon EC2 can launch in the target Availability Zone, // Amazon EC2 launches no instances. @@ -83836,6 +89367,12 @@ func (s *RunInstancesInput) SetMaxCount(v int64) *RunInstancesInput { return s } +// SetMetadataOptions sets the MetadataOptions field's value. +func (s *RunInstancesInput) SetMetadataOptions(v *InstanceMetadataOptionsRequest) *RunInstancesInput { + s.MetadataOptions = v + return s +} + // SetMinCount sets the MinCount field's value. func (s *RunInstancesInput) SetMinCount(v int64) *RunInstancesInput { s.MinCount = &v @@ -84640,7 +90177,7 @@ type ScheduledInstancesEbs struct { // The volume type. gp2 for General Purpose SSD, io1 for Provisioned IOPS SSD, // Throughput Optimized HDD for st1, Cold HDD for sc1, or standard for Magnetic. // - // Default: standard + // Default: gp2 VolumeType *string `type:"string"` } @@ -85165,7 +90702,7 @@ type SearchTransitGatewayRoutesInput struct { // // * state - The state of the route (active | blackhole). // - // * type - The type of roue (propagated | static). + // * type - The type of route (propagated | static). // // Filters is a required field Filters []*Filter `locationName:"Filter" locationNameList:"Filter" type:"list" required:"true"` @@ -85426,6 +90963,70 @@ func (s *SecurityGroupReference) SetVpcPeeringConnectionId(v string) *SecurityGr return s } +type SendDiagnosticInterruptInput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without + // actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have + // the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, + // it is UnauthorizedOperation. + DryRun *bool `type:"boolean"` + + // The ID of the instance. + // + // InstanceId is a required field + InstanceId *string `type:"string" required:"true"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s SendDiagnosticInterruptInput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s SendDiagnosticInterruptInput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid. +func (s *SendDiagnosticInterruptInput) Validate() error { + invalidParams := request.ErrInvalidParams{Context: "SendDiagnosticInterruptInput"} + if s.InstanceId == nil { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("InstanceId")) + } + + if invalidParams.Len() > 0 { + return invalidParams + } + return nil +} + +// SetDryRun sets the DryRun field's value. +func (s *SendDiagnosticInterruptInput) SetDryRun(v bool) *SendDiagnosticInterruptInput { + s.DryRun = &v + return s +} + +// SetInstanceId sets the InstanceId field's value. +func (s *SendDiagnosticInterruptInput) SetInstanceId(v string) *SendDiagnosticInterruptInput { + s.InstanceId = &v + return s +} + +type SendDiagnosticInterruptOutput struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s SendDiagnosticInterruptOutput) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s SendDiagnosticInterruptOutput) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + // Describes a service configuration for a VPC endpoint service. type ServiceConfiguration struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -86378,7 +91979,7 @@ type SpotFleetLaunchSpecification struct { // Deprecated. AddressingType *string `locationName:"addressingType" type:"string"` - // One or more block devices that are mapped to the Spot instances. You can't + // One or more block devices that are mapped to the Spot Instances. You can't // specify both a snapshot ID and an encryption value. This is because only // blank volumes can be encrypted on creation. If a snapshot is the basis for // a volume, it is not blank and its encryption status is used for the volume @@ -86436,8 +92037,9 @@ type SpotFleetLaunchSpecification struct { // by the value of WeightedCapacity. SpotPrice *string `locationName:"spotPrice" type:"string"` - // The ID of the subnet in which to launch the instances. To specify multiple - // subnets, separate them using commas; for example, "subnet-a61dafcf, subnet-65ea5f08". + // The IDs of the subnets in which to launch the instances. To specify multiple + // subnets, separate them using commas; for example, "subnet-1234abcdeexample1, + // subnet-0987cdef6example2". SubnetId *string `locationName:"subnetId" type:"string"` // The tags to apply during creation. @@ -86668,8 +92270,19 @@ func (s *SpotFleetRequestConfig) SetSpotFleetRequestState(v string) *SpotFleetRe type SpotFleetRequestConfigData struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` - // Indicates how to allocate the target capacity across the Spot pools specified - // by the Spot Fleet request. The default is lowestPrice. + // Indicates how to allocate the target Spot Instance capacity across the Spot + // Instance pools specified by the Spot Fleet request. + // + // If the allocation strategy is lowestPrice, Spot Fleet launches instances + // from the Spot Instance pools with the lowest price. This is the default allocation + // strategy. + // + // If the allocation strategy is diversified, Spot Fleet launches instances + // from all the Spot Instance pools that you specify. + // + // If the allocation strategy is capacityOptimized, Spot Fleet launches instances + // from Spot Instance pools with optimal capacity for the number of instances + // that are launching. AllocationStrategy *string `locationName:"allocationStrategy" type:"string" enum:"AllocationStrategy"` // A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency @@ -87362,15 +92975,26 @@ func (s *SpotMarketOptions) SetValidUntil(v time.Time) *SpotMarketOptions { type SpotOptions struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` - // Indicates how to allocate the target capacity across the Spot pools specified - // by the Spot Fleet request. The default is lowest-price. + // Indicates how to allocate the target Spot Instance capacity across the Spot + // Instance pools specified by the EC2 Fleet. + // + // If the allocation strategy is lowest-price, EC2 Fleet launches instances + // from the Spot Instance pools with the lowest price. This is the default allocation + // strategy. + // + // If the allocation strategy is diversified, EC2 Fleet launches instances from + // all the Spot Instance pools that you specify. + // + // If the allocation strategy is capacity-optimized, EC2 Fleet launches instances + // from Spot Instance pools with optimal capacity for the number of instances + // that are launching. AllocationStrategy *string `locationName:"allocationStrategy" type:"string" enum:"SpotAllocationStrategy"` // The behavior when a Spot Instance is interrupted. The default is terminate. InstanceInterruptionBehavior *string `locationName:"instanceInterruptionBehavior" type:"string" enum:"SpotInstanceInterruptionBehavior"` // The number of Spot pools across which to allocate your target Spot capacity. - // Valid only when AllocationStrategy is set to lowestPrice. EC2 Fleet selects + // Valid only when AllocationStrategy is set to lowest-price. EC2 Fleet selects // the cheapest Spot pools and evenly allocates your target Spot capacity across // the number of Spot pools that you specify. InstancePoolsToUseCount *int64 `locationName:"instancePoolsToUseCount" type:"integer"` @@ -87447,8 +93071,19 @@ func (s *SpotOptions) SetSingleInstanceType(v bool) *SpotOptions { type SpotOptionsRequest struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` - // Indicates how to allocate the target capacity across the Spot pools specified - // by the Spot Fleet request. The default is lowestPrice. + // Indicates how to allocate the target Spot Instance capacity across the Spot + // Instance pools specified by the EC2 Fleet. + // + // If the allocation strategy is lowest-price, EC2 Fleet launches instances + // from the Spot Instance pools with the lowest price. This is the default allocation + // strategy. + // + // If the allocation strategy is diversified, EC2 Fleet launches instances from + // all the Spot Instance pools that you specify. + // + // If the allocation strategy is capacity-optimized, EC2 Fleet launches instances + // from Spot Instance pools with optimal capacity for the number of instances + // that are launching. AllocationStrategy *string `type:"string" enum:"SpotAllocationStrategy"` // The behavior when a Spot Instance is interrupted. The default is terminate. @@ -88309,8 +93944,8 @@ func (s *SubnetIpv6CidrBlockAssociation) SetIpv6CidrBlockState(v *SubnetCidrBloc return s } -// Describes the T2 or T3 instance whose credit option for CPU usage was successfully -// modified. +// Describes the burstable performance instance whose credit option for CPU +// usage was successfully modified. type SuccessfulInstanceCreditSpecificationItem struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -88334,6 +93969,30 @@ func (s *SuccessfulInstanceCreditSpecificationItem) SetInstanceId(v string) *Suc return s } +// Describes a Reserved Instance whose queued purchase was successfully deleted. +type SuccessfulQueuedPurchaseDeletion struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The ID of the Reserved Instance. + ReservedInstancesId *string `locationName:"reservedInstancesId" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s SuccessfulQueuedPurchaseDeletion) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s SuccessfulQueuedPurchaseDeletion) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetReservedInstancesId sets the ReservedInstancesId field's value. +func (s *SuccessfulQueuedPurchaseDeletion) SetReservedInstancesId(v string) *SuccessfulQueuedPurchaseDeletion { + s.ReservedInstancesId = &v + return s +} + // Describes a tag. type Tag struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -88430,10 +94089,11 @@ type TagSpecification struct { // The type of resource to tag. Currently, the resource types that support tagging // on creation are: capacity-reservation | client-vpn-endpoint | dedicated-host - // | fleet | instance | launch-template | snapshot | transit-gateway | transit-gateway-attachment + // | fleet | fpga-image | instance | launch-template | snapshot | traffic-mirror-filter + // | traffic-mirror-session | traffic-mirror-target | transit-gateway | transit-gateway-attachment // | transit-gateway-route-table | volume. // - // To tag a resource after it has been created, see CreateTags. + // To tag a resource after it has been created, see CreateTags (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_CreateTags.html). ResourceType *string `locationName:"resourceType" type:"string" enum:"ResourceType"` // The tags to apply to the resource. @@ -90480,6 +96140,170 @@ func (s *TransitGatewayVpcAttachmentOptions) SetIpv6Support(v string) *TransitGa return s } +// The VPN tunnel options. +type TunnelOption struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The number of seconds after which a DPD timeout occurs. + DpdTimeoutSeconds *int64 `locationName:"dpdTimeoutSeconds" type:"integer"` + + // The IKE versions that are permitted for the VPN tunnel. + IkeVersions []*IKEVersionsListValue `locationName:"ikeVersionSet" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // The external IP address of the VPN tunnel. + OutsideIpAddress *string `locationName:"outsideIpAddress" type:"string"` + + // The permitted Diffie-Hellman group numbers for the VPN tunnel for phase 1 + // IKE negotiations. + Phase1DHGroupNumbers []*Phase1DHGroupNumbersListValue `locationName:"phase1DHGroupNumberSet" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // The permitted encryption algorithms for the VPN tunnel for phase 1 IKE negotiations. + Phase1EncryptionAlgorithms []*Phase1EncryptionAlgorithmsListValue `locationName:"phase1EncryptionAlgorithmSet" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // The permitted integrity algorithms for the VPN tunnel for phase 1 IKE negotiations. + Phase1IntegrityAlgorithms []*Phase1IntegrityAlgorithmsListValue `locationName:"phase1IntegrityAlgorithmSet" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // The lifetime for phase 1 of the IKE negotiation, in seconds. + Phase1LifetimeSeconds *int64 `locationName:"phase1LifetimeSeconds" type:"integer"` + + // The permitted Diffie-Hellman group numbers for the VPN tunnel for phase 2 + // IKE negotiations. + Phase2DHGroupNumbers []*Phase2DHGroupNumbersListValue `locationName:"phase2DHGroupNumberSet" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // The permitted encryption algorithms for the VPN tunnel for phase 2 IKE negotiations. + Phase2EncryptionAlgorithms []*Phase2EncryptionAlgorithmsListValue `locationName:"phase2EncryptionAlgorithmSet" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // The permitted integrity algorithms for the VPN tunnel for phase 2 IKE negotiations. + Phase2IntegrityAlgorithms []*Phase2IntegrityAlgorithmsListValue `locationName:"phase2IntegrityAlgorithmSet" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // The lifetime for phase 2 of the IKE negotiation, in seconds. + Phase2LifetimeSeconds *int64 `locationName:"phase2LifetimeSeconds" type:"integer"` + + // The pre-shared key (PSK) to establish initial authentication between the + // virtual private gateway and the customer gateway. + PreSharedKey *string `locationName:"preSharedKey" type:"string"` + + // The percentage of the rekey window determined by RekeyMarginTimeSeconds during + // which the rekey time is randomly selected. + RekeyFuzzPercentage *int64 `locationName:"rekeyFuzzPercentage" type:"integer"` + + // The margin time, in seconds, before the phase 2 lifetime expires, during + // which the AWS side of the VPN connection performs an IKE rekey. + RekeyMarginTimeSeconds *int64 `locationName:"rekeyMarginTimeSeconds" type:"integer"` + + // The number of packets in an IKE replay window. + ReplayWindowSize *int64 `locationName:"replayWindowSize" type:"integer"` + + // The range of inside IP addresses for the tunnel. + TunnelInsideCidr *string `locationName:"tunnelInsideCidr" type:"string"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s TunnelOption) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s TunnelOption) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetDpdTimeoutSeconds sets the DpdTimeoutSeconds field's value. +func (s *TunnelOption) SetDpdTimeoutSeconds(v int64) *TunnelOption { + s.DpdTimeoutSeconds = &v + return s +} + +// SetIkeVersions sets the IkeVersions field's value. +func (s *TunnelOption) SetIkeVersions(v []*IKEVersionsListValue) *TunnelOption { + s.IkeVersions = v + return s +} + +// SetOutsideIpAddress sets the OutsideIpAddress field's value. +func (s *TunnelOption) SetOutsideIpAddress(v string) *TunnelOption { + s.OutsideIpAddress = &v + return s +} + +// SetPhase1DHGroupNumbers sets the Phase1DHGroupNumbers field's value. +func (s *TunnelOption) SetPhase1DHGroupNumbers(v []*Phase1DHGroupNumbersListValue) *TunnelOption { + s.Phase1DHGroupNumbers = v + return s +} + +// SetPhase1EncryptionAlgorithms sets the Phase1EncryptionAlgorithms field's value. +func (s *TunnelOption) SetPhase1EncryptionAlgorithms(v []*Phase1EncryptionAlgorithmsListValue) *TunnelOption { + s.Phase1EncryptionAlgorithms = v + return s +} + +// SetPhase1IntegrityAlgorithms sets the Phase1IntegrityAlgorithms field's value. +func (s *TunnelOption) SetPhase1IntegrityAlgorithms(v []*Phase1IntegrityAlgorithmsListValue) *TunnelOption { + s.Phase1IntegrityAlgorithms = v + return s +} + +// SetPhase1LifetimeSeconds sets the Phase1LifetimeSeconds field's value. +func (s *TunnelOption) SetPhase1LifetimeSeconds(v int64) *TunnelOption { + s.Phase1LifetimeSeconds = &v + return s +} + +// SetPhase2DHGroupNumbers sets the Phase2DHGroupNumbers field's value. +func (s *TunnelOption) SetPhase2DHGroupNumbers(v []*Phase2DHGroupNumbersListValue) *TunnelOption { + s.Phase2DHGroupNumbers = v + return s +} + +// SetPhase2EncryptionAlgorithms sets the Phase2EncryptionAlgorithms field's value. +func (s *TunnelOption) SetPhase2EncryptionAlgorithms(v []*Phase2EncryptionAlgorithmsListValue) *TunnelOption { + s.Phase2EncryptionAlgorithms = v + return s +} + +// SetPhase2IntegrityAlgorithms sets the Phase2IntegrityAlgorithms field's value. +func (s *TunnelOption) SetPhase2IntegrityAlgorithms(v []*Phase2IntegrityAlgorithmsListValue) *TunnelOption { + s.Phase2IntegrityAlgorithms = v + return s +} + +// SetPhase2LifetimeSeconds sets the Phase2LifetimeSeconds field's value. +func (s *TunnelOption) SetPhase2LifetimeSeconds(v int64) *TunnelOption { + s.Phase2LifetimeSeconds = &v + return s +} + +// SetPreSharedKey sets the PreSharedKey field's value. +func (s *TunnelOption) SetPreSharedKey(v string) *TunnelOption { + s.PreSharedKey = &v + return s +} + +// SetRekeyFuzzPercentage sets the RekeyFuzzPercentage field's value. +func (s *TunnelOption) SetRekeyFuzzPercentage(v int64) *TunnelOption { + s.RekeyFuzzPercentage = &v + return s +} + +// SetRekeyMarginTimeSeconds sets the RekeyMarginTimeSeconds field's value. +func (s *TunnelOption) SetRekeyMarginTimeSeconds(v int64) *TunnelOption { + s.RekeyMarginTimeSeconds = &v + return s +} + +// SetReplayWindowSize sets the ReplayWindowSize field's value. +func (s *TunnelOption) SetReplayWindowSize(v int64) *TunnelOption { + s.ReplayWindowSize = &v + return s +} + +// SetTunnelInsideCidr sets the TunnelInsideCidr field's value. +func (s *TunnelOption) SetTunnelInsideCidr(v string) *TunnelOption { + s.TunnelInsideCidr = &v + return s +} + type UnassignIpv6AddressesInput struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -90705,13 +96529,13 @@ func (s *UnmonitorInstancesOutput) SetInstanceMonitorings(v []*InstanceMonitorin return s } -// Describes the T2 or T3 instance whose credit option for CPU usage was not -// modified. +// Describes the burstable performance instance whose credit option for CPU +// usage was not modified. type UnsuccessfulInstanceCreditSpecificationItem struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` - // The applicable error for the T2 or T3 instance whose credit option for CPU - // usage was not modified. + // The applicable error for the burstable performance instance whose credit + // option for CPU usage was not modified. Error *UnsuccessfulInstanceCreditSpecificationItemError `locationName:"error" type:"structure"` // The ID of the instance. @@ -90740,8 +96564,8 @@ func (s *UnsuccessfulInstanceCreditSpecificationItem) SetInstanceId(v string) *U return s } -// Information about the error for the T2 or T3 instance whose credit option -// for CPU usage was not modified. +// Information about the error for the burstable performance instance whose +// credit option for CPU usage was not modified. type UnsuccessfulInstanceCreditSpecificationItemError struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -91097,7 +96921,7 @@ func (s *UserBucketDetails) SetS3Key(v string) *UserBucketDetails { // Describes the user data for an instance. type UserData struct { - _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + _ struct{} `type:"structure" sensitive:"true"` // The user data. If you are using an AWS SDK or command line tool, Base64-encoding // is performed for you, and you can load the text from a file. Otherwise, you @@ -91215,6 +97039,68 @@ func (s *UserIdGroupPair) SetVpcPeeringConnectionId(v string) *UserIdGroupPair { return s } +// Describes the vCPU configurations for the instance type. +type VCpuInfo struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The default number of cores for the instance type. + DefaultCores *int64 `locationName:"defaultCores" type:"integer"` + + // The default number of threads per core for the instance type. + DefaultThreadsPerCore *int64 `locationName:"defaultThreadsPerCore" type:"integer"` + + // The default number of vCPUs for the instance type. + DefaultVCpus *int64 `locationName:"defaultVCpus" type:"integer"` + + // List of the valid number of cores that can be configured for the instance + // type. + ValidCores []*int64 `locationName:"validCores" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // List of the valid number of threads per core that can be configured for the + // instance type. + ValidThreadsPerCore []*int64 `locationName:"validThreadsPerCore" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s VCpuInfo) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s VCpuInfo) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// SetDefaultCores sets the DefaultCores field's value. +func (s *VCpuInfo) SetDefaultCores(v int64) *VCpuInfo { + s.DefaultCores = &v + return s +} + +// SetDefaultThreadsPerCore sets the DefaultThreadsPerCore field's value. +func (s *VCpuInfo) SetDefaultThreadsPerCore(v int64) *VCpuInfo { + s.DefaultThreadsPerCore = &v + return s +} + +// SetDefaultVCpus sets the DefaultVCpus field's value. +func (s *VCpuInfo) SetDefaultVCpus(v int64) *VCpuInfo { + s.DefaultVCpus = &v + return s +} + +// SetValidCores sets the ValidCores field's value. +func (s *VCpuInfo) SetValidCores(v []*int64) *VCpuInfo { + s.ValidCores = v + return s +} + +// SetValidThreadsPerCore sets the ValidThreadsPerCore field's value. +func (s *VCpuInfo) SetValidThreadsPerCore(v []*int64) *VCpuInfo { + s.ValidThreadsPerCore = v + return s +} + // Describes telemetry for a VPN tunnel. type VgwTelemetry struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -91222,6 +97108,9 @@ type VgwTelemetry struct { // The number of accepted routes. AcceptedRouteCount *int64 `locationName:"acceptedRouteCount" type:"integer"` + // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the VPN tunnel endpoint certificate. + CertificateArn *string `locationName:"certificateArn" type:"string"` + // The date and time of the last change in status. LastStatusChange *time.Time `locationName:"lastStatusChange" type:"timestamp"` @@ -91252,6 +97141,12 @@ func (s *VgwTelemetry) SetAcceptedRouteCount(v int64) *VgwTelemetry { return s } +// SetCertificateArn sets the CertificateArn field's value. +func (s *VgwTelemetry) SetCertificateArn(v string) *VgwTelemetry { + s.CertificateArn = &v + return s +} + // SetLastStatusChange sets the LastStatusChange field's value. func (s *VgwTelemetry) SetLastStatusChange(v time.Time) *VgwTelemetry { s.LastStatusChange = &v @@ -91292,6 +97187,9 @@ type Volume struct { // Indicates whether the volume is encrypted. Encrypted *bool `locationName:"encrypted" type:"boolean"` + // Indicates whether the volume was created using fast snapshot restore. + FastRestored *bool `locationName:"fastRestored" type:"boolean"` + // The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports. // For Provisioned IOPS SSD volumes, this represents the number of IOPS that // are provisioned for the volume. For General Purpose SSD volumes, this represents @@ -91369,6 +97267,12 @@ func (s *Volume) SetEncrypted(v bool) *Volume { return s } +// SetFastRestored sets the FastRestored field's value. +func (s *Volume) SetFastRestored(v bool) *Volume { + s.FastRestored = &v + return s +} + // SetIops sets the Iops field's value. func (s *Volume) SetIops(v int64) *Volume { s.Iops = &v @@ -92787,6 +98691,9 @@ type VpnConnectionOptions struct { // Indicates whether the VPN connection uses static routes only. Static routes // must be used for devices that don't support BGP. StaticRoutesOnly *bool `locationName:"staticRoutesOnly" type:"boolean"` + + // Indicates the VPN tunnel options. + TunnelOptions []*TunnelOption `locationName:"tunnelOptionSet" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` } // String returns the string representation @@ -92805,6 +98712,12 @@ func (s *VpnConnectionOptions) SetStaticRoutesOnly(v bool) *VpnConnectionOptions return s } +// SetTunnelOptions sets the TunnelOptions field's value. +func (s *VpnConnectionOptions) SetTunnelOptions(v []*TunnelOption) *VpnConnectionOptions { + s.TunnelOptions = v + return s +} + // Describes VPN connection options. type VpnConnectionOptionsSpecification struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` @@ -92817,7 +98730,7 @@ type VpnConnectionOptionsSpecification struct { StaticRoutesOnly *bool `locationName:"staticRoutesOnly" type:"boolean"` // The tunnel options for the VPN connection. - TunnelOptions []*VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification `locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + TunnelOptions []*VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification `type:"list"` } // String returns the string representation @@ -92967,13 +98880,101 @@ func (s *VpnStaticRoute) SetState(v string) *VpnStaticRoute { type VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification struct { _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + // The number of seconds after which a DPD timeout occurs. + // + // Constraints: A value between 0 and 30. + // + // Default: 30 + DPDTimeoutSeconds *int64 `type:"integer"` + + // The IKE versions that are permitted for the VPN tunnel. + // + // Valid values: ikev1 | ikev2 + IKEVersions []*IKEVersionsRequestListValue `locationName:"IKEVersion" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // One or more Diffie-Hellman group numbers that are permitted for the VPN tunnel + // for phase 1 IKE negotiations. + // + // Valid values: 2 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 22 | 23 | 24 + Phase1DHGroupNumbers []*Phase1DHGroupNumbersRequestListValue `locationName:"Phase1DHGroupNumber" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // One or more encryption algorithms that are permitted for the VPN tunnel for + // phase 1 IKE negotiations. + // + // Valid values: AES128 | AES256 + Phase1EncryptionAlgorithms []*Phase1EncryptionAlgorithmsRequestListValue `locationName:"Phase1EncryptionAlgorithm" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // One or more integrity algorithms that are permitted for the VPN tunnel for + // phase 1 IKE negotiations. + // + // Valid values: SHA1 | SHA2-256 + Phase1IntegrityAlgorithms []*Phase1IntegrityAlgorithmsRequestListValue `locationName:"Phase1IntegrityAlgorithm" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // The lifetime for phase 1 of the IKE negotiation, in seconds. + // + // Constraints: A value between 900 and 28,800. + // + // Default: 28800 + Phase1LifetimeSeconds *int64 `type:"integer"` + + // One or more Diffie-Hellman group numbers that are permitted for the VPN tunnel + // for phase 2 IKE negotiations. + // + // Valid values: 2 | 5 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 22 | 23 | 24 + Phase2DHGroupNumbers []*Phase2DHGroupNumbersRequestListValue `locationName:"Phase2DHGroupNumber" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // One or more encryption algorithms that are permitted for the VPN tunnel for + // phase 2 IKE negotiations. + // + // Valid values: AES128 | AES256 + Phase2EncryptionAlgorithms []*Phase2EncryptionAlgorithmsRequestListValue `locationName:"Phase2EncryptionAlgorithm" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // One or more integrity algorithms that are permitted for the VPN tunnel for + // phase 2 IKE negotiations. + // + // Valid values: SHA1 | SHA2-256 + Phase2IntegrityAlgorithms []*Phase2IntegrityAlgorithmsRequestListValue `locationName:"Phase2IntegrityAlgorithm" locationNameList:"item" type:"list"` + + // The lifetime for phase 2 of the IKE negotiation, in seconds. + // + // Constraints: A value between 900 and 3,600. The value must be less than the + // value for Phase1LifetimeSeconds. + // + // Default: 3600 + Phase2LifetimeSeconds *int64 `type:"integer"` + // The pre-shared key (PSK) to establish initial authentication between the // virtual private gateway and customer gateway. // - // Constraints: Allowed characters are alphanumeric characters and ._. Must - // be between 8 and 64 characters in length and cannot start with zero (0). + // Constraints: Allowed characters are alphanumeric characters, periods (.), + // and underscores (_). Must be between 8 and 64 characters in length and cannot + // start with zero (0). PreSharedKey *string `type:"string"` + // The percentage of the rekey window (determined by RekeyMarginTimeSeconds) + // during which the rekey time is randomly selected. + // + // Constraints: A value between 0 and 100. + // + // Default: 100 + RekeyFuzzPercentage *int64 `type:"integer"` + + // The margin time, in seconds, before the phase 2 lifetime expires, during + // which the AWS side of the VPN connection performs an IKE rekey. The exact + // time of the rekey is randomly selected based on the value for RekeyFuzzPercentage. + // + // Constraints: A value between 60 and half of Phase2LifetimeSeconds. + // + // Default: 540 + RekeyMarginTimeSeconds *int64 `type:"integer"` + + // The number of packets in an IKE replay window. + // + // Constraints: A value between 64 and 2048. + // + // Default: 1024 + ReplayWindowSize *int64 `type:"integer"` + // The range of inside IP addresses for the tunnel. Any specified CIDR blocks // must be unique across all VPN connections that use the same virtual private // gateway. @@ -93007,12 +99008,90 @@ func (s VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) GoString() string { return s.String() } +// SetDPDTimeoutSeconds sets the DPDTimeoutSeconds field's value. +func (s *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetDPDTimeoutSeconds(v int64) *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.DPDTimeoutSeconds = &v + return s +} + +// SetIKEVersions sets the IKEVersions field's value. +func (s *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetIKEVersions(v []*IKEVersionsRequestListValue) *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.IKEVersions = v + return s +} + +// SetPhase1DHGroupNumbers sets the Phase1DHGroupNumbers field's value. +func (s *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetPhase1DHGroupNumbers(v []*Phase1DHGroupNumbersRequestListValue) *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.Phase1DHGroupNumbers = v + return s +} + +// SetPhase1EncryptionAlgorithms sets the Phase1EncryptionAlgorithms field's value. +func (s *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetPhase1EncryptionAlgorithms(v []*Phase1EncryptionAlgorithmsRequestListValue) *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.Phase1EncryptionAlgorithms = v + return s +} + +// SetPhase1IntegrityAlgorithms sets the Phase1IntegrityAlgorithms field's value. +func (s *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetPhase1IntegrityAlgorithms(v []*Phase1IntegrityAlgorithmsRequestListValue) *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.Phase1IntegrityAlgorithms = v + return s +} + +// SetPhase1LifetimeSeconds sets the Phase1LifetimeSeconds field's value. +func (s *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetPhase1LifetimeSeconds(v int64) *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.Phase1LifetimeSeconds = &v + return s +} + +// SetPhase2DHGroupNumbers sets the Phase2DHGroupNumbers field's value. +func (s *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetPhase2DHGroupNumbers(v []*Phase2DHGroupNumbersRequestListValue) *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.Phase2DHGroupNumbers = v + return s +} + +// SetPhase2EncryptionAlgorithms sets the Phase2EncryptionAlgorithms field's value. +func (s *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetPhase2EncryptionAlgorithms(v []*Phase2EncryptionAlgorithmsRequestListValue) *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.Phase2EncryptionAlgorithms = v + return s +} + +// SetPhase2IntegrityAlgorithms sets the Phase2IntegrityAlgorithms field's value. +func (s *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetPhase2IntegrityAlgorithms(v []*Phase2IntegrityAlgorithmsRequestListValue) *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.Phase2IntegrityAlgorithms = v + return s +} + +// SetPhase2LifetimeSeconds sets the Phase2LifetimeSeconds field's value. +func (s *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetPhase2LifetimeSeconds(v int64) *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.Phase2LifetimeSeconds = &v + return s +} + // SetPreSharedKey sets the PreSharedKey field's value. func (s *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetPreSharedKey(v string) *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { s.PreSharedKey = &v return s } +// SetRekeyFuzzPercentage sets the RekeyFuzzPercentage field's value. +func (s *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetRekeyFuzzPercentage(v int64) *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.RekeyFuzzPercentage = &v + return s +} + +// SetRekeyMarginTimeSeconds sets the RekeyMarginTimeSeconds field's value. +func (s *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetRekeyMarginTimeSeconds(v int64) *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.RekeyMarginTimeSeconds = &v + return s +} + +// SetReplayWindowSize sets the ReplayWindowSize field's value. +func (s *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetReplayWindowSize(v int64) *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { + s.ReplayWindowSize = &v + return s +} + // SetTunnelInsideCidr sets the TunnelInsideCidr field's value. func (s *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) SetTunnelInsideCidr(v string) *VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification { s.TunnelInsideCidr = &v @@ -93153,6 +99232,25 @@ const ( AllocationStrategyCapacityOptimized = "capacityOptimized" ) +const ( + // AllowsMultipleInstanceTypesOn is a AllowsMultipleInstanceTypes enum value + AllowsMultipleInstanceTypesOn = "on" + + // AllowsMultipleInstanceTypesOff is a AllowsMultipleInstanceTypes enum value + AllowsMultipleInstanceTypesOff = "off" +) + +const ( + // ArchitectureTypeI386 is a ArchitectureType enum value + ArchitectureTypeI386 = "i386" + + // ArchitectureTypeX8664 is a ArchitectureType enum value + ArchitectureTypeX8664 = "x86_64" + + // ArchitectureTypeArm64 is a ArchitectureType enum value + ArchitectureTypeArm64 = "arm64" +) + const ( // ArchitectureValuesI386 is a ArchitectureValues enum value ArchitectureValuesI386 = "i386" @@ -93558,6 +99656,17 @@ const ( DeleteFleetErrorCodeUnexpectedError = "unexpectedError" ) +const ( + // DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesErrorCodeReservedInstancesIdInvalid is a DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesErrorCode enum value + DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesErrorCodeReservedInstancesIdInvalid = "reserved-instances-id-invalid" + + // DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesErrorCodeReservedInstancesNotInQueuedState is a DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesErrorCode enum value + DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesErrorCodeReservedInstancesNotInQueuedState = "reserved-instances-not-in-queued-state" + + // DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesErrorCodeUnexpectedError is a DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesErrorCode enum value + DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesErrorCodeUnexpectedError = "unexpected-error" +) + const ( // DeviceTypeEbs is a DeviceType enum value DeviceTypeEbs = "ebs" @@ -93577,6 +99686,14 @@ const ( DiskImageFormatVhd = "VHD" ) +const ( + // DiskTypeHdd is a DiskType enum value + DiskTypeHdd = "hdd" + + // DiskTypeSsd is a DiskType enum value + DiskTypeSsd = "ssd" +) + const ( // DnsSupportValueEnable is a DnsSupportValue enum value DnsSupportValueEnable = "enable" @@ -93593,6 +99710,25 @@ const ( DomainTypeStandard = "standard" ) +const ( + // EbsEncryptionSupportUnsupported is a EbsEncryptionSupport enum value + EbsEncryptionSupportUnsupported = "unsupported" + + // EbsEncryptionSupportSupported is a EbsEncryptionSupport enum value + EbsEncryptionSupportSupported = "supported" +) + +const ( + // EbsOptimizedSupportUnsupported is a EbsOptimizedSupport enum value + EbsOptimizedSupportUnsupported = "unsupported" + + // EbsOptimizedSupportSupported is a EbsOptimizedSupport enum value + EbsOptimizedSupportSupported = "supported" + + // EbsOptimizedSupportDefault is a EbsOptimizedSupport enum value + EbsOptimizedSupportDefault = "default" +) + const ( // ElasticGpuStateAttached is a ElasticGpuState enum value ElasticGpuStateAttached = "ATTACHED" @@ -93606,6 +99742,17 @@ const ( ElasticGpuStatusImpaired = "IMPAIRED" ) +const ( + // EnaSupportUnsupported is a EnaSupport enum value + EnaSupportUnsupported = "unsupported" + + // EnaSupportSupported is a EnaSupport enum value + EnaSupportSupported = "supported" + + // EnaSupportRequired is a EnaSupport enum value + EnaSupportRequired = "required" +) + const ( // EndDateTypeUnlimited is a EndDateType enum value EndDateTypeUnlimited = "unlimited" @@ -93678,15 +99825,32 @@ const ( ExportTaskStateCompleted = "completed" ) +const ( + // FastSnapshotRestoreStateCodeEnabling is a FastSnapshotRestoreStateCode enum value + FastSnapshotRestoreStateCodeEnabling = "enabling" + + // FastSnapshotRestoreStateCodeOptimizing is a FastSnapshotRestoreStateCode enum value + FastSnapshotRestoreStateCodeOptimizing = "optimizing" + + // FastSnapshotRestoreStateCodeEnabled is a FastSnapshotRestoreStateCode enum value + FastSnapshotRestoreStateCodeEnabled = "enabled" + + // FastSnapshotRestoreStateCodeDisabling is a FastSnapshotRestoreStateCode enum value + FastSnapshotRestoreStateCodeDisabling = "disabling" + + // FastSnapshotRestoreStateCodeDisabled is a FastSnapshotRestoreStateCode enum value + FastSnapshotRestoreStateCodeDisabled = "disabled" +) + const ( // FleetActivityStatusError is a FleetActivityStatus enum value FleetActivityStatusError = "error" // FleetActivityStatusPendingFulfillment is a FleetActivityStatus enum value - FleetActivityStatusPendingFulfillment = "pending-fulfillment" + FleetActivityStatusPendingFulfillment = "pending_fulfillment" // FleetActivityStatusPendingTermination is a FleetActivityStatus enum value - FleetActivityStatusPendingTermination = "pending-termination" + FleetActivityStatusPendingTermination = "pending_termination" // FleetActivityStatusFulfilled is a FleetActivityStatus enum value FleetActivityStatusFulfilled = "fulfilled" @@ -93733,10 +99897,10 @@ const ( FleetStateCodeFailed = "failed" // FleetStateCodeDeletedRunning is a FleetStateCode enum value - FleetStateCodeDeletedRunning = "deleted-running" + FleetStateCodeDeletedRunning = "deleted_running" // FleetStateCodeDeletedTerminating is a FleetStateCode enum value - FleetStateCodeDeletedTerminating = "deleted-terminating" + FleetStateCodeDeletedTerminating = "deleted_terminating" // FleetStateCodeModifying is a FleetStateCode enum value FleetStateCodeModifying = "modifying" @@ -93813,6 +99977,14 @@ const ( HostTenancyHost = "host" ) +const ( + // HttpTokensStateOptional is a HttpTokensState enum value + HttpTokensStateOptional = "optional" + + // HttpTokensStateRequired is a HttpTokensState enum value + HttpTokensStateRequired = "required" +) + const ( // HypervisorTypeOvm is a HypervisorType enum value HypervisorTypeOvm = "ovm" @@ -93979,6 +100151,22 @@ const ( InstanceMatchCriteriaTargeted = "targeted" ) +const ( + // InstanceMetadataEndpointStateDisabled is a InstanceMetadataEndpointState enum value + InstanceMetadataEndpointStateDisabled = "disabled" + + // InstanceMetadataEndpointStateEnabled is a InstanceMetadataEndpointState enum value + InstanceMetadataEndpointStateEnabled = "enabled" +) + +const ( + // InstanceMetadataOptionsStatePending is a InstanceMetadataOptionsState enum value + InstanceMetadataOptionsStatePending = "pending" + + // InstanceMetadataOptionsStateApplied is a InstanceMetadataOptionsState enum value + InstanceMetadataOptionsStateApplied = "applied" +) + const ( // InstanceStateNamePending is a InstanceStateName enum value InstanceStateNamePending = "pending" @@ -94333,6 +100521,9 @@ const ( // InstanceTypeI3en24xlarge is a InstanceType enum value InstanceTypeI3en24xlarge = "i3en.24xlarge" + // InstanceTypeI3enMetal is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeI3enMetal = "i3en.metal" + // InstanceTypeHi14xlarge is a InstanceType enum value InstanceTypeHi14xlarge = "hi1.4xlarge" @@ -94417,9 +100608,18 @@ const ( // InstanceTypeC5d9xlarge is a InstanceType enum value InstanceTypeC5d9xlarge = "c5d.9xlarge" + // InstanceTypeC5d12xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeC5d12xlarge = "c5d.12xlarge" + // InstanceTypeC5d18xlarge is a InstanceType enum value InstanceTypeC5d18xlarge = "c5d.18xlarge" + // InstanceTypeC5d24xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeC5d24xlarge = "c5d.24xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeC5dMetal is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeC5dMetal = "c5d.metal" + // InstanceTypeC5nLarge is a InstanceType enum value InstanceTypeC5nLarge = "c5n.large" @@ -94462,6 +100662,24 @@ const ( // InstanceTypeG3sXlarge is a InstanceType enum value InstanceTypeG3sXlarge = "g3s.xlarge" + // InstanceTypeG4dnXlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeG4dnXlarge = "g4dn.xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeG4dn2xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeG4dn2xlarge = "g4dn.2xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeG4dn4xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeG4dn4xlarge = "g4dn.4xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeG4dn8xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeG4dn8xlarge = "g4dn.8xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeG4dn12xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeG4dn12xlarge = "g4dn.12xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeG4dn16xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeG4dn16xlarge = "g4dn.16xlarge" + // InstanceTypeCg14xlarge is a InstanceType enum value InstanceTypeCg14xlarge = "cg1.4xlarge" @@ -94651,6 +100869,12 @@ const ( // InstanceTypeU12tb1Metal is a InstanceType enum value InstanceTypeU12tb1Metal = "u-12tb1.metal" + // InstanceTypeU18tb1Metal is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeU18tb1Metal = "u-18tb1.metal" + + // InstanceTypeU24tb1Metal is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeU24tb1Metal = "u-24tb1.metal" + // InstanceTypeA1Medium is a InstanceType enum value InstanceTypeA1Medium = "a1.medium" @@ -94665,6 +100889,113 @@ const ( // InstanceTypeA14xlarge is a InstanceType enum value InstanceTypeA14xlarge = "a1.4xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeA1Metal is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeA1Metal = "a1.metal" + + // InstanceTypeM5dnLarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeM5dnLarge = "m5dn.large" + + // InstanceTypeM5dnXlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeM5dnXlarge = "m5dn.xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeM5dn2xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeM5dn2xlarge = "m5dn.2xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeM5dn4xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeM5dn4xlarge = "m5dn.4xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeM5dn8xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeM5dn8xlarge = "m5dn.8xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeM5dn12xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeM5dn12xlarge = "m5dn.12xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeM5dn16xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeM5dn16xlarge = "m5dn.16xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeM5dn24xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeM5dn24xlarge = "m5dn.24xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeM5nLarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeM5nLarge = "m5n.large" + + // InstanceTypeM5nXlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeM5nXlarge = "m5n.xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeM5n2xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeM5n2xlarge = "m5n.2xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeM5n4xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeM5n4xlarge = "m5n.4xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeM5n8xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeM5n8xlarge = "m5n.8xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeM5n12xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeM5n12xlarge = "m5n.12xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeM5n16xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeM5n16xlarge = "m5n.16xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeM5n24xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeM5n24xlarge = "m5n.24xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeR5dnLarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeR5dnLarge = "r5dn.large" + + // InstanceTypeR5dnXlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeR5dnXlarge = "r5dn.xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeR5dn2xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeR5dn2xlarge = "r5dn.2xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeR5dn4xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeR5dn4xlarge = "r5dn.4xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeR5dn8xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeR5dn8xlarge = "r5dn.8xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeR5dn12xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeR5dn12xlarge = "r5dn.12xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeR5dn16xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeR5dn16xlarge = "r5dn.16xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeR5dn24xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeR5dn24xlarge = "r5dn.24xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeR5nLarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeR5nLarge = "r5n.large" + + // InstanceTypeR5nXlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeR5nXlarge = "r5n.xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeR5n2xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeR5n2xlarge = "r5n.2xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeR5n4xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeR5n4xlarge = "r5n.4xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeR5n8xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeR5n8xlarge = "r5n.8xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeR5n12xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeR5n12xlarge = "r5n.12xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeR5n16xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeR5n16xlarge = "r5n.16xlarge" + + // InstanceTypeR5n24xlarge is a InstanceType enum value + InstanceTypeR5n24xlarge = "r5n.24xlarge" +) + +const ( + // InstanceTypeHypervisorNitro is a InstanceTypeHypervisor enum value + InstanceTypeHypervisorNitro = "nitro" + + // InstanceTypeHypervisorXen is a InstanceTypeHypervisor enum value + InstanceTypeHypervisorXen = "xen" ) const ( @@ -94731,6 +101062,17 @@ const ( ListingStatusClosed = "closed" ) +const ( + // LocationTypeRegion is a LocationType enum value + LocationTypeRegion = "region" + + // LocationTypeAvailabilityZone is a LocationType enum value + LocationTypeAvailabilityZone = "availability-zone" + + // LocationTypeAvailabilityZoneId is a LocationType enum value + LocationTypeAvailabilityZoneId = "availability-zone-id" +) + const ( // LogDestinationTypeCloudWatchLogs is a LogDestinationType enum value LogDestinationTypeCloudWatchLogs = "cloud-watch-logs" @@ -94918,6 +101260,17 @@ const ( PlacementGroupStateDeleted = "deleted" ) +const ( + // PlacementGroupStrategyCluster is a PlacementGroupStrategy enum value + PlacementGroupStrategyCluster = "cluster" + + // PlacementGroupStrategyPartition is a PlacementGroupStrategy enum value + PlacementGroupStrategyPartition = "partition" + + // PlacementGroupStrategySpread is a PlacementGroupStrategy enum value + PlacementGroupStrategySpread = "spread" +) + const ( // PlacementStrategyCluster is a PlacementStrategy enum value PlacementStrategyCluster = "cluster" @@ -95044,6 +101397,12 @@ const ( // ReservedInstanceStateRetired is a ReservedInstanceState enum value ReservedInstanceStateRetired = "retired" + + // ReservedInstanceStateQueued is a ReservedInstanceState enum value + ReservedInstanceStateQueued = "queued" + + // ReservedInstanceStateQueuedDeleted is a ReservedInstanceState enum value + ReservedInstanceStateQueuedDeleted = "queued-deleted" ) const ( @@ -95114,6 +101473,9 @@ const ( // ResourceTypeSnapshot is a ResourceType enum value ResourceTypeSnapshot = "snapshot" + // ResourceTypeSpotFleetRequest is a ResourceType enum value + ResourceTypeSpotFleetRequest = "spot-fleet-request" + // ResourceTypeSpotInstancesRequest is a ResourceType enum value ResourceTypeSpotInstancesRequest = "spot-instances-request" @@ -95154,6 +101516,14 @@ const ( ResourceTypeVpnGateway = "vpn-gateway" ) +const ( + // RootDeviceTypeEbs is a RootDeviceType enum value + RootDeviceTypeEbs = "ebs" + + // RootDeviceTypeInstanceStore is a RootDeviceType enum value + RootDeviceTypeInstanceStore = "instance-store" +) + const ( // RouteOriginCreateRouteTable is a RouteOrigin enum value RouteOriginCreateRouteTable = "CreateRouteTable" @@ -95603,6 +101973,17 @@ const ( TransportProtocolUdp = "udp" ) +const ( + // UnlimitedSupportedInstanceFamilyT2 is a UnlimitedSupportedInstanceFamily enum value + UnlimitedSupportedInstanceFamilyT2 = "t2" + + // UnlimitedSupportedInstanceFamilyT3 is a UnlimitedSupportedInstanceFamily enum value + UnlimitedSupportedInstanceFamilyT3 = "t3" + + // UnlimitedSupportedInstanceFamilyT3a is a UnlimitedSupportedInstanceFamily enum value + UnlimitedSupportedInstanceFamilyT3a = "t3a" +) + const ( // UnsuccessfulInstanceCreditSpecificationErrorCodeInvalidInstanceIdMalformed is a UnsuccessfulInstanceCreditSpecificationErrorCode enum value UnsuccessfulInstanceCreditSpecificationErrorCodeInvalidInstanceIdMalformed = "InvalidInstanceID.Malformed" @@ -95617,6 +101998,14 @@ const ( UnsuccessfulInstanceCreditSpecificationErrorCodeInstanceCreditSpecificationNotSupported = "InstanceCreditSpecification.NotSupported" ) +const ( + // UsageClassTypeSpot is a UsageClassType enum value + UsageClassTypeSpot = "spot" + + // UsageClassTypeOnDemand is a UsageClassType enum value + UsageClassTypeOnDemand = "on-demand" +) + const ( // VirtualizationTypeHvm is a VirtualizationType enum value VirtualizationTypeHvm = "hvm" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/ec2/customizations.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/ec2/customizations.go index 7b42719d..efec8d8a 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/ec2/customizations.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/ec2/customizations.go @@ -8,65 +8,32 @@ import ( "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/client" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request" - "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkrand" ) -type retryer struct { - client.DefaultRetryer -} - -func (d retryer) RetryRules(r *request.Request) time.Duration { - switch r.Operation.Name { - case opModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute: - fallthrough - case opAssignPrivateIpAddresses: - return customRetryRule(r) - default: - return d.DefaultRetryer.RetryRules(r) - } -} - -func customRetryRule(r *request.Request) time.Duration { - retryTimes := []time.Duration{ - time.Second, - 3 * time.Second, - 5 * time.Second, - } - - count := r.RetryCount - if count >= len(retryTimes) { - count = len(retryTimes) - 1 - } - - minTime := int(retryTimes[count]) - return time.Duration(sdkrand.SeededRand.Intn(minTime) + minTime) -} +const ( + // customRetryerMinRetryDelay sets min retry delay + customRetryerMinRetryDelay = 1 * time.Second -func setCustomRetryer(c *client.Client) { - maxRetries := aws.IntValue(c.Config.MaxRetries) - if c.Config.MaxRetries == nil || maxRetries == aws.UseServiceDefaultRetries { - maxRetries = 3 - } - - c.Retryer = retryer{ - DefaultRetryer: client.DefaultRetryer{ - NumMaxRetries: maxRetries, - }, - } -} + // customRetryerMaxRetryDelay sets max retry delay + customRetryerMaxRetryDelay = 8 * time.Second +) func init() { - initClient = func(c *client.Client) { - if c.Config.Retryer == nil { - // Only override the retryer with a custom one if the config - // does not already contain a retryer - setCustomRetryer(c) - } - } initRequest = func(r *request.Request) { if r.Operation.Name == opCopySnapshot { // fill the PresignedURL parameter r.Handlers.Build.PushFront(fillPresignedURL) } + + // only set the retryer on request if config doesn't have a retryer + if r.Config.Retryer == nil && (r.Operation.Name == opModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute || r.Operation.Name == opAssignPrivateIpAddresses) { + r.Retryer = client.DefaultRetryer{ + NumMaxRetries: client.DefaultRetryerMaxNumRetries, + MinRetryDelay: customRetryerMinRetryDelay, + MinThrottleDelay: customRetryerMinRetryDelay, + MaxRetryDelay: customRetryerMaxRetryDelay, + MaxThrottleDelay: customRetryerMaxRetryDelay, + } + } } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/ec2/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/ec2/doc.go index e403b84a..31c314e0 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/ec2/doc.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/ec2/doc.go @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ // // To learn more, see the following resources: // -// * Amazon EC2: Amazon EC2 product page (http://aws.amazon.com/ec2), Amazon +// * Amazon EC2: AmazonEC2 product page (http://aws.amazon.com/ec2), Amazon // EC2 documentation (http://aws.amazon.com/documentation/ec2) // // * Amazon EBS: Amazon EBS product page (http://aws.amazon.com/ebs), Amazon diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/ec2/service.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/ec2/service.go index 6acbc43f..f8c07561 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/ec2/service.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/ec2/service.go @@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ const ( // aws.Config parameter to add your extra config. // // Example: +// mySession := session.Must(session.NewSession()) +// // // Create a EC2 client from just a session. // svc := ec2.New(mySession) // @@ -46,11 +48,11 @@ const ( // svc := ec2.New(mySession, aws.NewConfig().WithRegion("us-west-2")) func New(p client.ConfigProvider, cfgs ...*aws.Config) *EC2 { c := p.ClientConfig(EndpointsID, cfgs...) - return newClient(*c.Config, c.Handlers, c.Endpoint, c.SigningRegion, c.SigningName) + return newClient(*c.Config, c.Handlers, c.PartitionID, c.Endpoint, c.SigningRegion, c.SigningName) } // newClient creates, initializes and returns a new service client instance. -func newClient(cfg aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers, endpoint, signingRegion, signingName string) *EC2 { +func newClient(cfg aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers, partitionID, endpoint, signingRegion, signingName string) *EC2 { svc := &EC2{ Client: client.New( cfg, @@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ func newClient(cfg aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers, endpoint, signingRegio ServiceID: ServiceID, SigningName: signingName, SigningRegion: signingRegion, + PartitionID: partitionID, Endpoint: endpoint, APIVersion: "2016-11-15", }, diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/ec2/waiters.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/ec2/waiters.go index 0469f0f0..b9bdbde1 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/ec2/waiters.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/ec2/waiters.go @@ -952,6 +952,57 @@ func (c *EC2) WaitUntilPasswordDataAvailableWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input * return w.WaitWithContext(ctx) } +// WaitUntilSecurityGroupExists uses the Amazon EC2 API operation +// DescribeSecurityGroups to wait for a condition to be met before returning. +// If the condition is not met within the max attempt window, an error will +// be returned. +func (c *EC2) WaitUntilSecurityGroupExists(input *DescribeSecurityGroupsInput) error { + return c.WaitUntilSecurityGroupExistsWithContext(aws.BackgroundContext(), input) +} + +// WaitUntilSecurityGroupExistsWithContext is an extended version of WaitUntilSecurityGroupExists. +// With the support for passing in a context and options to configure the +// Waiter and the underlying request options. +// +// The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If +// the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create +// sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ +// for more information on using Contexts. +func (c *EC2) WaitUntilSecurityGroupExistsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeSecurityGroupsInput, opts ...request.WaiterOption) error { + w := request.Waiter{ + Name: "WaitUntilSecurityGroupExists", + MaxAttempts: 6, + Delay: request.ConstantWaiterDelay(5 * time.Second), + Acceptors: []request.WaiterAcceptor{ + { + State: request.SuccessWaiterState, + Matcher: request.PathWaiterMatch, Argument: "length(SecurityGroups[].GroupId) > `0`", + Expected: true, + }, + { + State: request.RetryWaiterState, + Matcher: request.ErrorWaiterMatch, + Expected: "InvalidGroupNotFound", + }, + }, + Logger: c.Config.Logger, + NewRequest: func(opts []request.Option) (*request.Request, error) { + var inCpy *DescribeSecurityGroupsInput + if input != nil { + tmp := *input + inCpy = &tmp + } + req, _ := c.DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest(inCpy) + req.SetContext(ctx) + req.ApplyOptions(opts...) + return req, nil + }, + } + w.ApplyOptions(opts...) + + return w.WaitWithContext(ctx) +} + // WaitUntilSnapshotCompleted uses the Amazon EC2 API operation // DescribeSnapshots to wait for a condition to be met before returning. // If the condition is not met within the max attempt window, an error will diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sts/api.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sts/api.go index eb0a6a41..7f60d4aa 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sts/api.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sts/api.go @@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleRequest(input *AssumeRoleInput) (req *request.Request, o // IAM Roles (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles.html) // in the IAM User Guide. // +// Session Duration +// // By default, the temporary security credentials created by AssumeRole last // for one hour. However, you can use the optional DurationSeconds parameter // to specify the duration of your session. You can provide a value from 900 @@ -91,6 +93,8 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleRequest(input *AssumeRoleInput) (req *request.Request, o // URL. For more information, see Using IAM Roles (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles_use.html) // in the IAM User Guide. // +// Permissions +// // The temporary security credentials created by AssumeRole can be used to make // API calls to any AWS service with the following exception: You cannot call // the AWS STS GetFederationToken or GetSessionToken API operations. @@ -99,7 +103,7 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleRequest(input *AssumeRoleInput) (req *request.Request, o // to this operation. You can pass a single JSON policy document to use as an // inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policies to // use as managed session policies. The plain text that you use for both inline -// and managed session policies shouldn't exceed 2048 characters. Passing policies +// and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. Passing policies // to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The resulting session's // permissions are the intersection of the role's identity-based policy and // the session policies. You can use the role's temporary credentials in subsequent @@ -131,6 +135,24 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleRequest(input *AssumeRoleInput) (req *request.Request, o // see IAM Policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html) // in the IAM User Guide. // +// Tags +// +// (Optional) You can pass tag key-value pairs to your session. These tags are +// called session tags. For more information about session tags, see Passing +// Session Tags in STS (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_session-tags.html) +// in the IAM User Guide. +// +// An administrator must grant you the permissions necessary to pass session +// tags. The administrator can also create granular permissions to allow you +// to pass only specific session tags. For more information, see Tutorial: Using +// Tags for Attribute-Based Access Control (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/tutorial_attribute-based-access-control.html) +// in the IAM User Guide. +// +// You can set the session tags as transitive. Transitive tags persist during +// role chaining. For more information, see Chaining Roles with Session Tags +// (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_session-tags.html#id_session-tags_role-chaining) +// in the IAM User Guide. +// // Using MFA with AssumeRole // // (Optional) You can include multi-factor authentication (MFA) information @@ -165,9 +187,18 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleRequest(input *AssumeRoleInput) (req *request.Request, o // message describes the specific error. // // * ErrCodePackedPolicyTooLargeException "PackedPolicyTooLarge" -// The request was rejected because the policy document was too large. The error -// message describes how big the policy document is, in packed form, as a percentage -// of what the API allows. +// The request was rejected because the total packed size of the session policies +// and session tags combined was too large. An AWS conversion compresses the +// session policy document, session policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed +// binary format that has a separate limit. The error message indicates by percentage +// how close the policies and tags are to the upper size limit. For more information, +// see Passing Session Tags in STS (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_session-tags.html) +// in the IAM User Guide. +// +// You could receive this error even though you meet other defined session policy +// and session tag limits. For more information, see IAM and STS Entity Character +// Limits (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_credentials_temp_enable-regions.html) +// in the IAM User Guide. // // * ErrCodeRegionDisabledException "RegionDisabledException" // STS is not activated in the requested region for the account that is being @@ -256,6 +287,8 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequest(input *AssumeRoleWithSAMLInput) (req *re // an access key ID, a secret access key, and a security token. Applications // can use these temporary security credentials to sign calls to AWS services. // +// Session Duration +// // By default, the temporary security credentials created by AssumeRoleWithSAML // last for one hour. However, you can use the optional DurationSeconds parameter // to specify the duration of your session. Your role session lasts for the @@ -271,6 +304,8 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequest(input *AssumeRoleWithSAMLInput) (req *re // URL. For more information, see Using IAM Roles (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles_use.html) // in the IAM User Guide. // +// Permissions +// // The temporary security credentials created by AssumeRoleWithSAML can be used // to make API calls to any AWS service with the following exception: you cannot // call the STS GetFederationToken or GetSessionToken API operations. @@ -279,7 +314,7 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequest(input *AssumeRoleWithSAMLInput) (req *re // to this operation. You can pass a single JSON policy document to use as an // inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policies to // use as managed session policies. The plain text that you use for both inline -// and managed session policies shouldn't exceed 2048 characters. Passing policies +// and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. Passing policies // to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The resulting session's // permissions are the intersection of the role's identity-based policy and // the session policies. You can use the role's temporary credentials in subsequent @@ -289,12 +324,6 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequest(input *AssumeRoleWithSAMLInput) (req *re // information, see Session Policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session) // in the IAM User Guide. // -// Before your application can call AssumeRoleWithSAML, you must configure your -// SAML identity provider (IdP) to issue the claims required by AWS. Additionally, -// you must use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to create a SAML provider -// entity in your AWS account that represents your identity provider. You must -// also create an IAM role that specifies this SAML provider in its trust policy. -// // Calling AssumeRoleWithSAML does not require the use of AWS security credentials. // The identity of the caller is validated by using keys in the metadata document // that is uploaded for the SAML provider entity for your identity provider. @@ -302,8 +331,50 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequest(input *AssumeRoleWithSAMLInput) (req *re // Calling AssumeRoleWithSAML can result in an entry in your AWS CloudTrail // logs. The entry includes the value in the NameID element of the SAML assertion. // We recommend that you use a NameIDType that is not associated with any personally -// identifiable information (PII). For example, you could instead use the Persistent -// Identifier (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent). +// identifiable information (PII). For example, you could instead use the persistent +// identifier (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent). +// +// Tags +// +// (Optional) You can configure your IdP to pass attributes into your SAML assertion +// as session tags. Each session tag consists of a key name and an associated +// value. For more information about session tags, see Passing Session Tags +// in STS (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_session-tags.html) +// in the IAM User Guide. +// +// You can pass up to 50 session tags. The plain text session tag keys can’t +// exceed 128 characters and the values can’t exceed 256 characters. For these +// and additional limits, see IAM and STS Character Limits (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_iam-limits.html#reference_iam-limits-entity-length) +// in the IAM User Guide. +// +// An AWS conversion compresses the passed session policies and session tags +// into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your request can fail +// for this limit even if your plain text meets the other requirements. The +// PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the policies +// and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. +// +// You can pass a session tag with the same key as a tag that is attached to +// the role. When you do, session tags override the role's tags with the same +// key. +// +// An administrator must grant you the permissions necessary to pass session +// tags. The administrator can also create granular permissions to allow you +// to pass only specific session tags. For more information, see Tutorial: Using +// Tags for Attribute-Based Access Control (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/tutorial_attribute-based-access-control.html) +// in the IAM User Guide. +// +// You can set the session tags as transitive. Transitive tags persist during +// role chaining. For more information, see Chaining Roles with Session Tags +// (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_session-tags.html#id_session-tags_role-chaining) +// in the IAM User Guide. +// +// SAML Configuration +// +// Before your application can call AssumeRoleWithSAML, you must configure your +// SAML identity provider (IdP) to issue the claims required by AWS. Additionally, +// you must use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to create a SAML provider +// entity in your AWS account that represents your identity provider. You must +// also create an IAM role that specifies this SAML provider in its trust policy. // // For more information, see the following resources: // @@ -332,9 +403,18 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequest(input *AssumeRoleWithSAMLInput) (req *re // message describes the specific error. // // * ErrCodePackedPolicyTooLargeException "PackedPolicyTooLarge" -// The request was rejected because the policy document was too large. The error -// message describes how big the policy document is, in packed form, as a percentage -// of what the API allows. +// The request was rejected because the total packed size of the session policies +// and session tags combined was too large. An AWS conversion compresses the +// session policy document, session policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed +// binary format that has a separate limit. The error message indicates by percentage +// how close the policies and tags are to the upper size limit. For more information, +// see Passing Session Tags in STS (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_session-tags.html) +// in the IAM User Guide. +// +// You could receive this error even though you meet other defined session policy +// and session tag limits. For more information, see IAM and STS Entity Character +// Limits (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_credentials_temp_enable-regions.html) +// in the IAM User Guide. // // * ErrCodeIDPRejectedClaimException "IDPRejectedClaim" // The identity provider (IdP) reported that authentication failed. This might @@ -456,6 +536,8 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequest(input *AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityI // key ID, a secret access key, and a security token. Applications can use these // temporary security credentials to sign calls to AWS service API operations. // +// Session Duration +// // By default, the temporary security credentials created by AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity // last for one hour. However, you can use the optional DurationSeconds parameter // to specify the duration of your session. You can provide a value from 900 @@ -469,6 +551,8 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequest(input *AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityI // URL. For more information, see Using IAM Roles (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles_use.html) // in the IAM User Guide. // +// Permissions +// // The temporary security credentials created by AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity can // be used to make API calls to any AWS service with the following exception: // you cannot call the STS GetFederationToken or GetSessionToken API operations. @@ -477,7 +561,7 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequest(input *AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityI // to this operation. You can pass a single JSON policy document to use as an // inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policies to // use as managed session policies. The plain text that you use for both inline -// and managed session policies shouldn't exceed 2048 characters. Passing policies +// and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. Passing policies // to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The resulting session's // permissions are the intersection of the role's identity-based policy and // the session policies. You can use the role's temporary credentials in subsequent @@ -487,6 +571,42 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequest(input *AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityI // information, see Session Policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session) // in the IAM User Guide. // +// Tags +// +// (Optional) You can configure your IdP to pass attributes into your web identity +// token as session tags. Each session tag consists of a key name and an associated +// value. For more information about session tags, see Passing Session Tags +// in STS (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_session-tags.html) +// in the IAM User Guide. +// +// You can pass up to 50 session tags. The plain text session tag keys can’t +// exceed 128 characters and the values can’t exceed 256 characters. For these +// and additional limits, see IAM and STS Character Limits (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_iam-limits.html#reference_iam-limits-entity-length) +// in the IAM User Guide. +// +// An AWS conversion compresses the passed session policies and session tags +// into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your request can fail +// for this limit even if your plain text meets the other requirements. The +// PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the policies +// and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. +// +// You can pass a session tag with the same key as a tag that is attached to +// the role. When you do, the session tag overrides the role tag with the same +// key. +// +// An administrator must grant you the permissions necessary to pass session +// tags. The administrator can also create granular permissions to allow you +// to pass only specific session tags. For more information, see Tutorial: Using +// Tags for Attribute-Based Access Control (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/tutorial_attribute-based-access-control.html) +// in the IAM User Guide. +// +// You can set the session tags as transitive. Transitive tags persist during +// role chaining. For more information, see Chaining Roles with Session Tags +// (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_session-tags.html#id_session-tags_role-chaining) +// in the IAM User Guide. +// +// Identities +// // Before your application can call AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity, you must have // an identity token from a supported identity provider and create a role that // the application can assume. The role that your application assumes must trust @@ -514,8 +634,8 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequest(input *AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityI // * AWS SDK for iOS Developer Guide (http://aws.amazon.com/sdkforios/) and // AWS SDK for Android Developer Guide (http://aws.amazon.com/sdkforandroid/). // These toolkits contain sample apps that show how to invoke the identity -// providers, and then how to use the information from these providers to -// get and use temporary security credentials. +// providers. The toolkits then show how to use the information from these +// providers to get and use temporary security credentials. // // * Web Identity Federation with Mobile Applications (http://aws.amazon.com/articles/web-identity-federation-with-mobile-applications). // This article discusses web identity federation and shows an example of @@ -535,9 +655,18 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequest(input *AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityI // message describes the specific error. // // * ErrCodePackedPolicyTooLargeException "PackedPolicyTooLarge" -// The request was rejected because the policy document was too large. The error -// message describes how big the policy document is, in packed form, as a percentage -// of what the API allows. +// The request was rejected because the total packed size of the session policies +// and session tags combined was too large. An AWS conversion compresses the +// session policy document, session policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed +// binary format that has a separate limit. The error message indicates by percentage +// how close the policies and tags are to the upper size limit. For more information, +// see Passing Session Tags in STS (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_session-tags.html) +// in the IAM User Guide. +// +// You could receive this error even though you meet other defined session policy +// and session tag limits. For more information, see IAM and STS Entity Character +// Limits (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_credentials_temp_enable-regions.html) +// in the IAM User Guide. // // * ErrCodeIDPRejectedClaimException "IDPRejectedClaim" // The identity provider (IdP) reported that authentication failed. This might @@ -547,11 +676,11 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequest(input *AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityI // can also mean that the claim has expired or has been explicitly revoked. // // * ErrCodeIDPCommunicationErrorException "IDPCommunicationError" -// The request could not be fulfilled because the non-AWS identity provider -// (IDP) that was asked to verify the incoming identity token could not be reached. -// This is often a transient error caused by network conditions. Retry the request +// The request could not be fulfilled because the identity provider (IDP) that +// was asked to verify the incoming identity token could not be reached. This +// is often a transient error caused by network conditions. Retry the request // a limited number of times so that you don't exceed the request rate. If the -// error persists, the non-AWS identity provider might be down or not responding. +// error persists, the identity provider might be down or not responding. // // * ErrCodeInvalidIdentityTokenException "InvalidIdentityToken" // The web identity token that was passed could not be validated by AWS. Get @@ -763,7 +892,8 @@ func (c *STS) GetAccessKeyInfoRequest(input *GetAccessKeyInfoInput) (req *reques // pull a credentials report (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_credentials_getting-report.html) // to learn which IAM user owns the keys. To learn who requested the temporary // credentials for an ASIA access key, view the STS events in your CloudTrail -// logs (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/cloudtrail-integration.html). +// logs (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/cloudtrail-integration.html) +// in the IAM User Guide. // // This operation does not indicate the state of the access key. The key might // be active, inactive, or deleted. Active keys might not have permissions to @@ -850,7 +980,8 @@ func (c *STS) GetCallerIdentityRequest(input *GetCallerIdentityInput) (req *requ // sts:GetCallerIdentity action, you can still perform this operation. Permissions // are not required because the same information is returned when an IAM user // or role is denied access. To view an example response, see I Am Not Authorized -// to Perform: iam:DeleteVirtualMFADevice (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/troubleshoot_general.html#troubleshoot_general_access-denied-delete-mfa). +// to Perform: iam:DeleteVirtualMFADevice (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/troubleshoot_general.html#troubleshoot_general_access-denied-delete-mfa) +// in the IAM User Guide. // // Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions // with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about @@ -942,7 +1073,8 @@ func (c *STS) GetFederationTokenRequest(input *GetFederationTokenInput) (req *re // or an OpenID Connect-compatible identity provider. In this case, we recommend // that you use Amazon Cognito (http://aws.amazon.com/cognito/) or AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity. // For more information, see Federation Through a Web-based Identity Provider -// (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_credentials_temp_request.html#api_assumerolewithwebidentity). +// (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_credentials_temp_request.html#api_assumerolewithwebidentity) +// in the IAM User Guide. // // You can also call GetFederationToken using the security credentials of an // AWS account root user, but we do not recommend it. Instead, we recommend @@ -952,41 +1084,67 @@ func (c *STS) GetFederationTokenRequest(input *GetFederationTokenInput) (req *re // Practices (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/best-practices.html) // in the IAM User Guide. // +// Session duration +// // The temporary credentials are valid for the specified duration, from 900 // seconds (15 minutes) up to a maximum of 129,600 seconds (36 hours). The default -// is 43,200 seconds (12 hours). Temporary credentials that are obtained by -// using AWS account root user credentials have a maximum duration of 3,600 -// seconds (1 hour). +// session duration is 43,200 seconds (12 hours). Temporary credentials that +// are obtained by using AWS account root user credentials have a maximum duration +// of 3,600 seconds (1 hour). // -// The temporary security credentials created by GetFederationToken can be used -// to make API calls to any AWS service with the following exceptions: +// Permissions // -// * You cannot use these credentials to call any IAM API operations. +// You can use the temporary credentials created by GetFederationToken in any +// AWS service except the following: // -// * You cannot call any STS API operations except GetCallerIdentity. +// * You cannot call any IAM operations using the AWS CLI or the AWS API. // -// Permissions +// * You cannot call any STS operations except GetCallerIdentity. // // You must pass an inline or managed session policy (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session) // to this operation. You can pass a single JSON policy document to use as an // inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policies to // use as managed session policies. The plain text that you use for both inline -// and managed session policies shouldn't exceed 2048 characters. +// and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. // // Though the session policy parameters are optional, if you do not pass a policy, -// then the resulting federated user session has no permissions. The only exception -// is when the credentials are used to access a resource that has a resource-based -// policy that specifically references the federated user session in the Principal -// element of the policy. When you pass session policies, the session permissions -// are the intersection of the IAM user policies and the session policies that -// you pass. This gives you a way to further restrict the permissions for a -// federated user. You cannot use session policies to grant more permissions -// than those that are defined in the permissions policy of the IAM user. For -// more information, see Session Policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session) +// then the resulting federated user session has no permissions. When you pass +// session policies, the session permissions are the intersection of the IAM +// user policies and the session policies that you pass. This gives you a way +// to further restrict the permissions for a federated user. You cannot use +// session policies to grant more permissions than those that are defined in +// the permissions policy of the IAM user. For more information, see Session +// Policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session) // in the IAM User Guide. For information about using GetFederationToken to // create temporary security credentials, see GetFederationToken—Federation // Through a Custom Identity Broker (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_credentials_temp_request.html#api_getfederationtoken). // +// You can use the credentials to access a resource that has a resource-based +// policy. If that policy specifically references the federated user session +// in the Principal element of the policy, the session has the permissions allowed +// by the policy. These permissions are granted in addition to the permissions +// granted by the session policies. +// +// Tags +// +// (Optional) You can pass tag key-value pairs to your session. These are called +// session tags. For more information about session tags, see Passing Session +// Tags in STS (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_session-tags.html) +// in the IAM User Guide. +// +// An administrator must grant you the permissions necessary to pass session +// tags. The administrator can also create granular permissions to allow you +// to pass only specific session tags. For more information, see Tutorial: Using +// Tags for Attribute-Based Access Control (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/tutorial_attribute-based-access-control.html) +// in the IAM User Guide. +// +// Tag key–value pairs are not case sensitive, but case is preserved. This +// means that you cannot have separate Department and department tag keys. Assume +// that the user that you are federating has the Department=Marketing tag and +// you pass the department=engineering session tag. Department and department +// are not saved as separate tags, and the session tag passed in the request +// takes precedence over the user tag. +// // Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions // with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about // the error. @@ -1000,9 +1158,18 @@ func (c *STS) GetFederationTokenRequest(input *GetFederationTokenInput) (req *re // message describes the specific error. // // * ErrCodePackedPolicyTooLargeException "PackedPolicyTooLarge" -// The request was rejected because the policy document was too large. The error -// message describes how big the policy document is, in packed form, as a percentage -// of what the API allows. +// The request was rejected because the total packed size of the session policies +// and session tags combined was too large. An AWS conversion compresses the +// session policy document, session policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed +// binary format that has a separate limit. The error message indicates by percentage +// how close the policies and tags are to the upper size limit. For more information, +// see Passing Session Tags in STS (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_session-tags.html) +// in the IAM User Guide. +// +// You could receive this error even though you meet other defined session policy +// and session tag limits. For more information, see IAM and STS Entity Character +// Limits (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_credentials_temp_enable-regions.html) +// in the IAM User Guide. // // * ErrCodeRegionDisabledException "RegionDisabledException" // STS is not activated in the requested region for the account that is being @@ -1091,6 +1258,8 @@ func (c *STS) GetSessionTokenRequest(input *GetSessionTokenInput) (req *request. // and Comparing the AWS STS API operations (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_credentials_temp_request.html#stsapi_comparison) // in the IAM User Guide. // +// Session Duration +// // The GetSessionToken operation must be called by using the long-term AWS security // credentials of the AWS account root user or an IAM user. Credentials that // are created by IAM users are valid for the duration that you specify. This @@ -1099,6 +1268,8 @@ func (c *STS) GetSessionTokenRequest(input *GetSessionTokenInput) (req *request. // based on account credentials can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to // 3,600 seconds (1 hour), with a default of 1 hour. // +// Permissions +// // The temporary security credentials created by GetSessionToken can be used // to make API calls to any AWS service with the following exceptions: // @@ -1213,16 +1384,16 @@ type AssumeRoleInput struct { // in the IAM User Guide. // // The plain text that you use for both inline and managed session policies - // shouldn't exceed 2048 characters. The JSON policy characters can be any ASCII + // can't exceed 2,048 characters. The JSON policy characters can be any ASCII // character from the space character to the end of the valid character list // (\u0020 through \u00FF). It can also include the tab (\u0009), linefeed (\u000A), // and carriage return (\u000D) characters. // - // The characters in this parameter count towards the 2048 character session - // policy guideline. However, an AWS conversion compresses the session policies - // into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. This is the enforced - // limit. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how - // close the policy is to the upper size limit. + // An AWS conversion compresses the passed session policies and session tags + // into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your request can fail + // for this limit even if your plain text meets the other requirements. The + // PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the policies + // and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. Policy *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the IAM managed policies that you want @@ -1231,15 +1402,15 @@ type AssumeRoleInput struct { // // This parameter is optional. You can provide up to 10 managed policy ARNs. // However, the plain text that you use for both inline and managed session - // policies shouldn't exceed 2048 characters. For more information about ARNs, + // policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. For more information about ARNs, // see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html) // in the AWS General Reference. // - // The characters in this parameter count towards the 2048 character session - // policy guideline. However, an AWS conversion compresses the session policies - // into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. This is the enforced - // limit. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how - // close the policy is to the upper size limit. + // An AWS conversion compresses the passed session policies and session tags + // into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your request can fail + // for this limit even if your plain text meets the other requirements. The + // PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the policies + // and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. // // Passing policies to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The // resulting session's permissions are the intersection of the role's identity-based @@ -1284,6 +1455,41 @@ type AssumeRoleInput struct { // also include underscores or any of the following characters: =,.@- SerialNumber *string `min:"9" type:"string"` + // A list of session tags that you want to pass. Each session tag consists of + // a key name and an associated value. For more information about session tags, + // see Tagging AWS STS Sessions (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_session-tags.html) + // in the IAM User Guide. + // + // This parameter is optional. You can pass up to 50 session tags. The plain + // text session tag keys can’t exceed 128 characters, and the values can’t + // exceed 256 characters. For these and additional limits, see IAM and STS Character + // Limits (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_iam-limits.html#reference_iam-limits-entity-length) + // in the IAM User Guide. + // + // An AWS conversion compresses the passed session policies and session tags + // into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your request can fail + // for this limit even if your plain text meets the other requirements. The + // PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the policies + // and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. + // + // You can pass a session tag with the same key as a tag that is already attached + // to the role. When you do, session tags override a role tag with the same + // key. + // + // Tag key–value pairs are not case sensitive, but case is preserved. This + // means that you cannot have separate Department and department tag keys. Assume + // that the role has the Department=Marketing tag and you pass the department=engineering + // session tag. Department and department are not saved as separate tags, and + // the session tag passed in the request takes precedence over the role tag. + // + // Additionally, if you used temporary credentials to perform this operation, + // the new session inherits any transitive session tags from the calling session. + // If you pass a session tag with the same key as an inherited tag, the operation + // fails. To view the inherited tags for a session, see the AWS CloudTrail logs. + // For more information, see Viewing Session Tags in CloudTrail (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/session-tags.html#id_session-tags_ctlogs) + // in the IAM User Guide. + Tags []*Tag `type:"list"` + // The value provided by the MFA device, if the trust policy of the role being // assumed requires MFA (that is, if the policy includes a condition that tests // for MFA). If the role being assumed requires MFA and if the TokenCode value @@ -1292,6 +1498,19 @@ type AssumeRoleInput struct { // The format for this parameter, as described by its regex pattern, is a sequence // of six numeric digits. TokenCode *string `min:"6" type:"string"` + + // A list of keys for session tags that you want to set as transitive. If you + // set a tag key as transitive, the corresponding key and value passes to subsequent + // sessions in a role chain. For more information, see Chaining Roles with Session + // Tags (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_session-tags.html#id_session-tags_role-chaining) + // in the IAM User Guide. + // + // This parameter is optional. When you set session tags as transitive, the + // session policy and session tags packed binary limit is not affected. + // + // If you choose not to specify a transitive tag key, then no tags are passed + // from this session to any subsequent sessions. + TransitiveTagKeys []*string `type:"list"` } // String returns the string representation @@ -1344,6 +1563,16 @@ func (s *AssumeRoleInput) Validate() error { } } } + if s.Tags != nil { + for i, v := range s.Tags { + if v == nil { + continue + } + if err := v.Validate(); err != nil { + invalidParams.AddNested(fmt.Sprintf("%s[%v]", "Tags", i), err.(request.ErrInvalidParams)) + } + } + } if invalidParams.Len() > 0 { return invalidParams @@ -1393,12 +1622,24 @@ func (s *AssumeRoleInput) SetSerialNumber(v string) *AssumeRoleInput { return s } +// SetTags sets the Tags field's value. +func (s *AssumeRoleInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *AssumeRoleInput { + s.Tags = v + return s +} + // SetTokenCode sets the TokenCode field's value. func (s *AssumeRoleInput) SetTokenCode(v string) *AssumeRoleInput { s.TokenCode = &v return s } +// SetTransitiveTagKeys sets the TransitiveTagKeys field's value. +func (s *AssumeRoleInput) SetTransitiveTagKeys(v []*string) *AssumeRoleInput { + s.TransitiveTagKeys = v + return s +} + // Contains the response to a successful AssumeRole request, including temporary // AWS credentials that can be used to make AWS requests. type AssumeRoleOutput struct { @@ -1418,9 +1659,10 @@ type AssumeRoleOutput struct { // We strongly recommend that you make no assumptions about the maximum size. Credentials *Credentials `type:"structure"` - // A percentage value that indicates the size of the policy in packed form. - // The service rejects any policy with a packed size greater than 100 percent, - // which means the policy exceeded the allowed space. + // A percentage value that indicates the packed size of the session policies + // and session tags combined passed in the request. The request fails if the + // packed size is greater than 100 percent, which means the policies and tags + // exceeded the allowed space. PackedPolicySize *int64 `type:"integer"` } @@ -1491,16 +1733,16 @@ type AssumeRoleWithSAMLInput struct { // in the IAM User Guide. // // The plain text that you use for both inline and managed session policies - // shouldn't exceed 2048 characters. The JSON policy characters can be any ASCII + // can't exceed 2,048 characters. The JSON policy characters can be any ASCII // character from the space character to the end of the valid character list // (\u0020 through \u00FF). It can also include the tab (\u0009), linefeed (\u000A), // and carriage return (\u000D) characters. // - // The characters in this parameter count towards the 2048 character session - // policy guideline. However, an AWS conversion compresses the session policies - // into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. This is the enforced - // limit. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how - // close the policy is to the upper size limit. + // An AWS conversion compresses the passed session policies and session tags + // into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your request can fail + // for this limit even if your plain text meets the other requirements. The + // PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the policies + // and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. Policy *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the IAM managed policies that you want @@ -1509,15 +1751,15 @@ type AssumeRoleWithSAMLInput struct { // // This parameter is optional. You can provide up to 10 managed policy ARNs. // However, the plain text that you use for both inline and managed session - // policies shouldn't exceed 2048 characters. For more information about ARNs, + // policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. For more information about ARNs, // see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html) // in the AWS General Reference. // - // The characters in this parameter count towards the 2048 character session - // policy guideline. However, an AWS conversion compresses the session policies - // into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. This is the enforced - // limit. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how - // close the policy is to the upper size limit. + // An AWS conversion compresses the passed session policies and session tags + // into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your request can fail + // for this limit even if your plain text meets the other requirements. The + // PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the policies + // and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. // // Passing policies to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The // resulting session's permissions are the intersection of the role's identity-based @@ -1673,9 +1915,10 @@ type AssumeRoleWithSAMLOutput struct { // ) ) NameQualifier *string `type:"string"` - // A percentage value that indicates the size of the policy in packed form. - // The service rejects any policy with a packed size greater than 100 percent, - // which means the policy exceeded the allowed space. + // A percentage value that indicates the packed size of the session policies + // and session tags combined passed in the request. The request fails if the + // packed size is greater than 100 percent, which means the policies and tags + // exceeded the allowed space. PackedPolicySize *int64 `type:"integer"` // The value of the NameID element in the Subject element of the SAML assertion. @@ -1786,16 +2029,16 @@ type AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityInput struct { // in the IAM User Guide. // // The plain text that you use for both inline and managed session policies - // shouldn't exceed 2048 characters. The JSON policy characters can be any ASCII + // can't exceed 2,048 characters. The JSON policy characters can be any ASCII // character from the space character to the end of the valid character list // (\u0020 through \u00FF). It can also include the tab (\u0009), linefeed (\u000A), // and carriage return (\u000D) characters. // - // The characters in this parameter count towards the 2048 character session - // policy guideline. However, an AWS conversion compresses the session policies - // into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. This is the enforced - // limit. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how - // close the policy is to the upper size limit. + // An AWS conversion compresses the passed session policies and session tags + // into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your request can fail + // for this limit even if your plain text meets the other requirements. The + // PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the policies + // and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. Policy *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the IAM managed policies that you want @@ -1804,15 +2047,15 @@ type AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityInput struct { // // This parameter is optional. You can provide up to 10 managed policy ARNs. // However, the plain text that you use for both inline and managed session - // policies shouldn't exceed 2048 characters. For more information about ARNs, + // policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. For more information about ARNs, // see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html) // in the AWS General Reference. // - // The characters in this parameter count towards the 2048 character session - // policy guideline. However, an AWS conversion compresses the session policies - // into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. This is the enforced - // limit. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how - // close the policy is to the upper size limit. + // An AWS conversion compresses the passed session policies and session tags + // into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your request can fail + // for this limit even if your plain text meets the other requirements. The + // PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the policies + // and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. // // Passing policies to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The // resulting session's permissions are the intersection of the role's identity-based @@ -1983,9 +2226,10 @@ type AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityOutput struct { // We strongly recommend that you make no assumptions about the maximum size. Credentials *Credentials `type:"structure"` - // A percentage value that indicates the size of the policy in packed form. - // The service rejects any policy with a packed size greater than 100 percent, - // which means the policy exceeded the allowed space. + // A percentage value that indicates the packed size of the session policies + // and session tags combined passed in the request. The request fails if the + // packed size is greater than 100 percent, which means the policies and tags + // exceeded the allowed space. PackedPolicySize *int64 `type:"integer"` // The issuing authority of the web identity token presented. For OpenID Connect @@ -2057,7 +2301,7 @@ type AssumedRoleUser struct { // The ARN of the temporary security credentials that are returned from the // AssumeRole action. For more information about ARNs and how to use them in // policies, see IAM Identifiers (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_identifiers.html) - // in Using IAM. + // in the IAM User Guide. // // Arn is a required field Arn *string `min:"20" type:"string" required:"true"` @@ -2225,7 +2469,7 @@ type FederatedUser struct { // The ARN that specifies the federated user that is associated with the credentials. // For more information about ARNs and how to use them in policies, see IAM // Identifiers (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_identifiers.html) - // in Using IAM. + // in the IAM User Guide. // // Arn is a required field Arn *string `min:"20" type:"string" required:"true"` @@ -2265,7 +2509,7 @@ type GetAccessKeyInfoInput struct { // The identifier of an access key. // // This parameter allows (through its regex pattern) a string of characters - // that can consist of any upper- or lowercased letter or digit. + // that can consist of any upper- or lowercase letter or digit. // // AccessKeyId is a required field AccessKeyId *string `min:"16" type:"string" required:"true"` @@ -2418,10 +2662,7 @@ type GetFederationTokenInput struct { // use as managed session policies. // // This parameter is optional. However, if you do not pass any session policies, - // then the resulting federated user session has no permissions. The only exception - // is when the credentials are used to access a resource that has a resource-based - // policy that specifically references the federated user session in the Principal - // element of the policy. + // then the resulting federated user session has no permissions. // // When you pass session policies, the session permissions are the intersection // of the IAM user policies and the session policies that you pass. This gives @@ -2431,17 +2672,23 @@ type GetFederationTokenInput struct { // Policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session) // in the IAM User Guide. // + // The resulting credentials can be used to access a resource that has a resource-based + // policy. If that policy specifically references the federated user session + // in the Principal element of the policy, the session has the permissions allowed + // by the policy. These permissions are granted in addition to the permissions + // that are granted by the session policies. + // // The plain text that you use for both inline and managed session policies - // shouldn't exceed 2048 characters. The JSON policy characters can be any ASCII + // can't exceed 2,048 characters. The JSON policy characters can be any ASCII // character from the space character to the end of the valid character list // (\u0020 through \u00FF). It can also include the tab (\u0009), linefeed (\u000A), // and carriage return (\u000D) characters. // - // The characters in this parameter count towards the 2048 character session - // policy guideline. However, an AWS conversion compresses the session policies - // into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. This is the enforced - // limit. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how - // close the policy is to the upper size limit. + // An AWS conversion compresses the passed session policies and session tags + // into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your request can fail + // for this limit even if your plain text meets the other requirements. The + // PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the policies + // and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. Policy *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the IAM managed policies that you want @@ -2452,16 +2699,13 @@ type GetFederationTokenInput struct { // to this operation. You can pass a single JSON policy document to use as an // inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policies to // use as managed session policies. The plain text that you use for both inline - // and managed session policies shouldn't exceed 2048 characters. You can provide + // and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. You can provide // up to 10 managed policy ARNs. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon // Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html) // in the AWS General Reference. // // This parameter is optional. However, if you do not pass any session policies, - // then the resulting federated user session has no permissions. The only exception - // is when the credentials are used to access a resource that has a resource-based - // policy that specifically references the federated user session in the Principal - // element of the policy. + // then the resulting federated user session has no permissions. // // When you pass session policies, the session permissions are the intersection // of the IAM user policies and the session policies that you pass. This gives @@ -2471,12 +2715,46 @@ type GetFederationTokenInput struct { // Policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session) // in the IAM User Guide. // - // The characters in this parameter count towards the 2048 character session - // policy guideline. However, an AWS conversion compresses the session policies - // into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. This is the enforced - // limit. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how - // close the policy is to the upper size limit. + // The resulting credentials can be used to access a resource that has a resource-based + // policy. If that policy specifically references the federated user session + // in the Principal element of the policy, the session has the permissions allowed + // by the policy. These permissions are granted in addition to the permissions + // that are granted by the session policies. + // + // An AWS conversion compresses the passed session policies and session tags + // into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your request can fail + // for this limit even if your plain text meets the other requirements. The + // PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the policies + // and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. PolicyArns []*PolicyDescriptorType `type:"list"` + + // A list of session tags. Each session tag consists of a key name and an associated + // value. For more information about session tags, see Passing Session Tags + // in STS (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_session-tags.html) + // in the IAM User Guide. + // + // This parameter is optional. You can pass up to 50 session tags. The plain + // text session tag keys can’t exceed 128 characters and the values can’t + // exceed 256 characters. For these and additional limits, see IAM and STS Character + // Limits (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_iam-limits.html#reference_iam-limits-entity-length) + // in the IAM User Guide. + // + // An AWS conversion compresses the passed session policies and session tags + // into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your request can fail + // for this limit even if your plain text meets the other requirements. The + // PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the policies + // and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. + // + // You can pass a session tag with the same key as a tag that is already attached + // to the user you are federating. When you do, session tags override a user + // tag with the same key. + // + // Tag key–value pairs are not case sensitive, but case is preserved. This + // means that you cannot have separate Department and department tag keys. Assume + // that the role has the Department=Marketing tag and you pass the department=engineering + // session tag. Department and department are not saved as separate tags, and + // the session tag passed in the request takes precedence over the role tag. + Tags []*Tag `type:"list"` } // String returns the string representation @@ -2514,6 +2792,16 @@ func (s *GetFederationTokenInput) Validate() error { } } } + if s.Tags != nil { + for i, v := range s.Tags { + if v == nil { + continue + } + if err := v.Validate(); err != nil { + invalidParams.AddNested(fmt.Sprintf("%s[%v]", "Tags", i), err.(request.ErrInvalidParams)) + } + } + } if invalidParams.Len() > 0 { return invalidParams @@ -2545,6 +2833,12 @@ func (s *GetFederationTokenInput) SetPolicyArns(v []*PolicyDescriptorType) *GetF return s } +// SetTags sets the Tags field's value. +func (s *GetFederationTokenInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *GetFederationTokenInput { + s.Tags = v + return s +} + // Contains the response to a successful GetFederationToken request, including // temporary AWS credentials that can be used to make AWS requests. type GetFederationTokenOutput struct { @@ -2563,9 +2857,10 @@ type GetFederationTokenOutput struct { // an Amazon S3 bucket policy. FederatedUser *FederatedUser `type:"structure"` - // A percentage value indicating the size of the policy in packed form. The - // service rejects policies for which the packed size is greater than 100 percent - // of the allowed value. + // A percentage value that indicates the packed size of the session policies + // and session tags combined passed in the request. The request fails if the + // packed size is greater than 100 percent, which means the policies and tags + // exceeded the allowed space. PackedPolicySize *int64 `type:"integer"` } @@ -2748,3 +3043,73 @@ func (s *PolicyDescriptorType) SetArn(v string) *PolicyDescriptorType { s.Arn = &v return s } + +// You can pass custom key-value pair attributes when you assume a role or federate +// a user. These are called session tags. You can then use the session tags +// to control access to resources. For more information, see Tagging AWS STS +// Sessions (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_session-tags.html) +// in the IAM User Guide. +type Tag struct { + _ struct{} `type:"structure"` + + // The key for a session tag. + // + // You can pass up to 50 session tags. The plain text session tag keys can’t + // exceed 128 characters. For these and additional limits, see IAM and STS Character + // Limits (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_iam-limits.html#reference_iam-limits-entity-length) + // in the IAM User Guide. + // + // Key is a required field + Key *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"` + + // The value for a session tag. + // + // You can pass up to 50 session tags. The plain text session tag values can’t + // exceed 256 characters. For these and additional limits, see IAM and STS Character + // Limits (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_iam-limits.html#reference_iam-limits-entity-length) + // in the IAM User Guide. + // + // Value is a required field + Value *string `type:"string" required:"true"` +} + +// String returns the string representation +func (s Tag) String() string { + return awsutil.Prettify(s) +} + +// GoString returns the string representation +func (s Tag) GoString() string { + return s.String() +} + +// Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid. +func (s *Tag) Validate() error { + invalidParams := request.ErrInvalidParams{Context: "Tag"} + if s.Key == nil { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("Key")) + } + if s.Key != nil && len(*s.Key) < 1 { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamMinLen("Key", 1)) + } + if s.Value == nil { + invalidParams.Add(request.NewErrParamRequired("Value")) + } + + if invalidParams.Len() > 0 { + return invalidParams + } + return nil +} + +// SetKey sets the Key field's value. +func (s *Tag) SetKey(v string) *Tag { + s.Key = &v + return s +} + +// SetValue sets the Value field's value. +func (s *Tag) SetValue(v string) *Tag { + s.Value = &v + return s +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sts/customizations.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sts/customizations.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d5307fca --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sts/customizations.go @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +package sts + +import "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request" + +func init() { + initRequest = customizeRequest +} + +func customizeRequest(r *request.Request) { + r.RetryErrorCodes = append(r.RetryErrorCodes, ErrCodeIDPCommunicationErrorException) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sts/errors.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sts/errors.go index 41ea09c3..a233f542 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sts/errors.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sts/errors.go @@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ const ( // ErrCodeIDPCommunicationErrorException for service response error code // "IDPCommunicationError". // - // The request could not be fulfilled because the non-AWS identity provider - // (IDP) that was asked to verify the incoming identity token could not be reached. - // This is often a transient error caused by network conditions. Retry the request + // The request could not be fulfilled because the identity provider (IDP) that + // was asked to verify the incoming identity token could not be reached. This + // is often a transient error caused by network conditions. Retry the request // a limited number of times so that you don't exceed the request rate. If the - // error persists, the non-AWS identity provider might be down or not responding. + // error persists, the identity provider might be down or not responding. ErrCodeIDPCommunicationErrorException = "IDPCommunicationError" // ErrCodeIDPRejectedClaimException for service response error code @@ -56,9 +56,18 @@ const ( // ErrCodePackedPolicyTooLargeException for service response error code // "PackedPolicyTooLarge". // - // The request was rejected because the policy document was too large. The error - // message describes how big the policy document is, in packed form, as a percentage - // of what the API allows. + // The request was rejected because the total packed size of the session policies + // and session tags combined was too large. An AWS conversion compresses the + // session policy document, session policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed + // binary format that has a separate limit. The error message indicates by percentage + // how close the policies and tags are to the upper size limit. For more information, + // see Passing Session Tags in STS (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_session-tags.html) + // in the IAM User Guide. + // + // You could receive this error even though you meet other defined session policy + // and session tag limits. For more information, see IAM and STS Entity Character + // Limits (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_credentials_temp_enable-regions.html) + // in the IAM User Guide. ErrCodePackedPolicyTooLargeException = "PackedPolicyTooLarge" // ErrCodeRegionDisabledException for service response error code diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sts/service.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sts/service.go index 185c914d..586faed1 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sts/service.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sts/service.go @@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ const ( // aws.Config parameter to add your extra config. // // Example: +// mySession := session.Must(session.NewSession()) +// // // Create a STS client from just a session. // svc := sts.New(mySession) // @@ -46,11 +48,11 @@ const ( // svc := sts.New(mySession, aws.NewConfig().WithRegion("us-west-2")) func New(p client.ConfigProvider, cfgs ...*aws.Config) *STS { c := p.ClientConfig(EndpointsID, cfgs...) - return newClient(*c.Config, c.Handlers, c.Endpoint, c.SigningRegion, c.SigningName) + return newClient(*c.Config, c.Handlers, c.PartitionID, c.Endpoint, c.SigningRegion, c.SigningName) } // newClient creates, initializes and returns a new service client instance. -func newClient(cfg aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers, endpoint, signingRegion, signingName string) *STS { +func newClient(cfg aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers, partitionID, endpoint, signingRegion, signingName string) *STS { svc := &STS{ Client: client.New( cfg, @@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ func newClient(cfg aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers, endpoint, signingRegio ServiceID: ServiceID, SigningName: signingName, SigningRegion: signingRegion, + PartitionID: partitionID, Endpoint: endpoint, APIVersion: "2011-06-15", }, diff --git a/vendor/github.com/miekg/dns/duplicate_generate.go b/vendor/github.com/miekg/dns/duplicate_generate.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9b7a71b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/miekg/dns/duplicate_generate.go @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +//+build ignore + +// types_generate.go is meant to run with go generate. It will use +// go/{importer,types} to track down all the RR struct types. Then for each type +// it will generate conversion tables (TypeToRR and TypeToString) and banal +// methods (len, Header, copy) based on the struct tags. The generated source is +// written to ztypes.go, and is meant to be checked into git. +package main + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + "go/format" + "go/importer" + "go/types" + "log" + "os" +) + +var packageHdr = ` +// Code generated by "go run duplicate_generate.go"; DO NOT EDIT. + +package dns + +` + +func getTypeStruct(t types.Type, scope *types.Scope) (*types.Struct, bool) { + st, ok := t.Underlying().(*types.Struct) + if !ok { + return nil, false + } + if st.Field(0).Type() == scope.Lookup("RR_Header").Type() { + return st, false + } + if st.Field(0).Anonymous() { + st, _ := getTypeStruct(st.Field(0).Type(), scope) + return st, true + } + return nil, false +} + +func main() { + // Import and type-check the package + pkg, err := importer.Default().Import("github.com/miekg/dns") + fatalIfErr(err) + scope := pkg.Scope() + + // Collect actual types (*X) + var namedTypes []string + for _, name := range scope.Names() { + o := scope.Lookup(name) + if o == nil || !o.Exported() { + continue + } + + if st, _ := getTypeStruct(o.Type(), scope); st == nil { + continue + } + + if name == "PrivateRR" || name == "OPT" { + continue + } + + namedTypes = append(namedTypes, o.Name()) + } + + b := &bytes.Buffer{} + b.WriteString(packageHdr) + + // Generate the duplicate check for each type. + fmt.Fprint(b, "// isDuplicate() functions\n\n") + for _, name := range namedTypes { + + o := scope.Lookup(name) + st, isEmbedded := getTypeStruct(o.Type(), scope) + if isEmbedded { + continue + } + fmt.Fprintf(b, "func (r1 *%s) isDuplicate(_r2 RR) bool {\n", name) + fmt.Fprintf(b, "r2, ok := _r2.(*%s)\n", name) + fmt.Fprint(b, "if !ok { return false }\n") + fmt.Fprint(b, "_ = r2\n") + for i := 1; i < st.NumFields(); i++ { + field := st.Field(i).Name() + o2 := func(s string) { fmt.Fprintf(b, s+"\n", field, field) } + o3 := func(s string) { fmt.Fprintf(b, s+"\n", field, field, field) } + + // For some reason, a and aaaa don't pop up as *types.Slice here (mostly like because the are + // *indirectly* defined as a slice in the net package). + if _, ok := st.Field(i).Type().(*types.Slice); ok { + o2("if len(r1.%s) != len(r2.%s) {\nreturn false\n}") + + if st.Tag(i) == `dns:"cdomain-name"` || st.Tag(i) == `dns:"domain-name"` { + o3(`for i := 0; i < len(r1.%s); i++ { + if !isDuplicateName(r1.%s[i], r2.%s[i]) { + return false + } + }`) + + continue + } + + o3(`for i := 0; i < len(r1.%s); i++ { + if r1.%s[i] != r2.%s[i] { + return false + } + }`) + + continue + } + + switch st.Tag(i) { + case `dns:"-"`: + // ignored + case `dns:"a"`, `dns:"aaaa"`: + o2("if !r1.%s.Equal(r2.%s) {\nreturn false\n}") + case `dns:"cdomain-name"`, `dns:"domain-name"`: + o2("if !isDuplicateName(r1.%s, r2.%s) {\nreturn false\n}") + default: + o2("if r1.%s != r2.%s {\nreturn false\n}") + } + } + fmt.Fprintf(b, "return true\n}\n\n") + } + + // gofmt + res, err := format.Source(b.Bytes()) + if err != nil { + b.WriteTo(os.Stderr) + log.Fatal(err) + } + + // write result + f, err := os.Create("zduplicate.go") + fatalIfErr(err) + defer f.Close() + f.Write(res) +} + +func fatalIfErr(err error) { + if err != nil { + log.Fatal(err) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/miekg/dns/msg_generate.go b/vendor/github.com/miekg/dns/msg_generate.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..721a0fce --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/miekg/dns/msg_generate.go @@ -0,0 +1,328 @@ +//+build ignore + +// msg_generate.go is meant to run with go generate. It will use +// go/{importer,types} to track down all the RR struct types. Then for each type +// it will generate pack/unpack methods based on the struct tags. The generated source is +// written to zmsg.go, and is meant to be checked into git. +package main + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + "go/format" + "go/importer" + "go/types" + "log" + "os" + "strings" +) + +var packageHdr = ` +// Code generated by "go run msg_generate.go"; DO NOT EDIT. + +package dns + +` + +// getTypeStruct will take a type and the package scope, and return the +// (innermost) struct if the type is considered a RR type (currently defined as +// those structs beginning with a RR_Header, could be redefined as implementing +// the RR interface). The bool return value indicates if embedded structs were +// resolved. +func getTypeStruct(t types.Type, scope *types.Scope) (*types.Struct, bool) { + st, ok := t.Underlying().(*types.Struct) + if !ok { + return nil, false + } + if st.Field(0).Type() == scope.Lookup("RR_Header").Type() { + return st, false + } + if st.Field(0).Anonymous() { + st, _ := getTypeStruct(st.Field(0).Type(), scope) + return st, true + } + return nil, false +} + +func main() { + // Import and type-check the package + pkg, err := importer.Default().Import("github.com/miekg/dns") + fatalIfErr(err) + scope := pkg.Scope() + + // Collect actual types (*X) + var namedTypes []string + for _, name := range scope.Names() { + o := scope.Lookup(name) + if o == nil || !o.Exported() { + continue + } + if st, _ := getTypeStruct(o.Type(), scope); st == nil { + continue + } + if name == "PrivateRR" { + continue + } + + // Check if corresponding TypeX exists + if scope.Lookup("Type"+o.Name()) == nil && o.Name() != "RFC3597" { + log.Fatalf("Constant Type%s does not exist.", o.Name()) + } + + namedTypes = append(namedTypes, o.Name()) + } + + b := &bytes.Buffer{} + b.WriteString(packageHdr) + + fmt.Fprint(b, "// pack*() functions\n\n") + for _, name := range namedTypes { + o := scope.Lookup(name) + st, _ := getTypeStruct(o.Type(), scope) + + fmt.Fprintf(b, "func (rr *%s) pack(msg []byte, off int, compression compressionMap, compress bool) (off1 int, err error) {\n", name) + for i := 1; i < st.NumFields(); i++ { + o := func(s string) { + fmt.Fprintf(b, s, st.Field(i).Name()) + fmt.Fprint(b, `if err != nil { +return off, err +} +`) + } + + if _, ok := st.Field(i).Type().(*types.Slice); ok { + switch st.Tag(i) { + case `dns:"-"`: // ignored + case `dns:"txt"`: + o("off, err = packStringTxt(rr.%s, msg, off)\n") + case `dns:"opt"`: + o("off, err = packDataOpt(rr.%s, msg, off)\n") + case `dns:"nsec"`: + o("off, err = packDataNsec(rr.%s, msg, off)\n") + case `dns:"domain-name"`: + o("off, err = packDataDomainNames(rr.%s, msg, off, compression, false)\n") + default: + log.Fatalln(name, st.Field(i).Name(), st.Tag(i)) + } + continue + } + + switch { + case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"-"`: // ignored + case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"cdomain-name"`: + o("off, err = packDomainName(rr.%s, msg, off, compression, compress)\n") + case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"domain-name"`: + o("off, err = packDomainName(rr.%s, msg, off, compression, false)\n") + case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"a"`: + o("off, err = packDataA(rr.%s, msg, off)\n") + case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"aaaa"`: + o("off, err = packDataAAAA(rr.%s, msg, off)\n") + case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"uint48"`: + o("off, err = packUint48(rr.%s, msg, off)\n") + case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"txt"`: + o("off, err = packString(rr.%s, msg, off)\n") + + case strings.HasPrefix(st.Tag(i), `dns:"size-base32`): // size-base32 can be packed just like base32 + fallthrough + case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"base32"`: + o("off, err = packStringBase32(rr.%s, msg, off)\n") + + case strings.HasPrefix(st.Tag(i), `dns:"size-base64`): // size-base64 can be packed just like base64 + fallthrough + case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"base64"`: + o("off, err = packStringBase64(rr.%s, msg, off)\n") + + case strings.HasPrefix(st.Tag(i), `dns:"size-hex:SaltLength`): + // directly write instead of using o() so we get the error check in the correct place + field := st.Field(i).Name() + fmt.Fprintf(b, `// Only pack salt if value is not "-", i.e. empty +if rr.%s != "-" { + off, err = packStringHex(rr.%s, msg, off) + if err != nil { + return off, err + } +} +`, field, field) + continue + case strings.HasPrefix(st.Tag(i), `dns:"size-hex`): // size-hex can be packed just like hex + fallthrough + case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"hex"`: + o("off, err = packStringHex(rr.%s, msg, off)\n") + case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"any"`: + o("off, err = packStringAny(rr.%s, msg, off)\n") + case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"octet"`: + o("off, err = packStringOctet(rr.%s, msg, off)\n") + case st.Tag(i) == "": + switch st.Field(i).Type().(*types.Basic).Kind() { + case types.Uint8: + o("off, err = packUint8(rr.%s, msg, off)\n") + case types.Uint16: + o("off, err = packUint16(rr.%s, msg, off)\n") + case types.Uint32: + o("off, err = packUint32(rr.%s, msg, off)\n") + case types.Uint64: + o("off, err = packUint64(rr.%s, msg, off)\n") + case types.String: + o("off, err = packString(rr.%s, msg, off)\n") + default: + log.Fatalln(name, st.Field(i).Name()) + } + default: + log.Fatalln(name, st.Field(i).Name(), st.Tag(i)) + } + } + fmt.Fprintln(b, "return off, nil }\n") + } + + fmt.Fprint(b, "// unpack*() functions\n\n") + for _, name := range namedTypes { + o := scope.Lookup(name) + st, _ := getTypeStruct(o.Type(), scope) + + fmt.Fprintf(b, "func (rr *%s) unpack(msg []byte, off int) (off1 int, err error) {\n", name) + fmt.Fprint(b, `rdStart := off +_ = rdStart + +`) + for i := 1; i < st.NumFields(); i++ { + o := func(s string) { + fmt.Fprintf(b, s, st.Field(i).Name()) + fmt.Fprint(b, `if err != nil { +return off, err +} +`) + } + + // size-* are special, because they reference a struct member we should use for the length. + if strings.HasPrefix(st.Tag(i), `dns:"size-`) { + structMember := structMember(st.Tag(i)) + structTag := structTag(st.Tag(i)) + switch structTag { + case "hex": + fmt.Fprintf(b, "rr.%s, off, err = unpackStringHex(msg, off, off + int(rr.%s))\n", st.Field(i).Name(), structMember) + case "base32": + fmt.Fprintf(b, "rr.%s, off, err = unpackStringBase32(msg, off, off + int(rr.%s))\n", st.Field(i).Name(), structMember) + case "base64": + fmt.Fprintf(b, "rr.%s, off, err = unpackStringBase64(msg, off, off + int(rr.%s))\n", st.Field(i).Name(), structMember) + default: + log.Fatalln(name, st.Field(i).Name(), st.Tag(i)) + } + fmt.Fprint(b, `if err != nil { +return off, err +} +`) + continue + } + + if _, ok := st.Field(i).Type().(*types.Slice); ok { + switch st.Tag(i) { + case `dns:"-"`: // ignored + case `dns:"txt"`: + o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackStringTxt(msg, off)\n") + case `dns:"opt"`: + o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackDataOpt(msg, off)\n") + case `dns:"nsec"`: + o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackDataNsec(msg, off)\n") + case `dns:"domain-name"`: + o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackDataDomainNames(msg, off, rdStart + int(rr.Hdr.Rdlength))\n") + default: + log.Fatalln(name, st.Field(i).Name(), st.Tag(i)) + } + continue + } + + switch st.Tag(i) { + case `dns:"-"`: // ignored + case `dns:"cdomain-name"`: + fallthrough + case `dns:"domain-name"`: + o("rr.%s, off, err = UnpackDomainName(msg, off)\n") + case `dns:"a"`: + o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackDataA(msg, off)\n") + case `dns:"aaaa"`: + o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackDataAAAA(msg, off)\n") + case `dns:"uint48"`: + o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackUint48(msg, off)\n") + case `dns:"txt"`: + o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackString(msg, off)\n") + case `dns:"base32"`: + o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackStringBase32(msg, off, rdStart + int(rr.Hdr.Rdlength))\n") + case `dns:"base64"`: + o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackStringBase64(msg, off, rdStart + int(rr.Hdr.Rdlength))\n") + case `dns:"hex"`: + o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackStringHex(msg, off, rdStart + int(rr.Hdr.Rdlength))\n") + case `dns:"any"`: + o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackStringAny(msg, off, rdStart + int(rr.Hdr.Rdlength))\n") + case `dns:"octet"`: + o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackStringOctet(msg, off)\n") + case "": + switch st.Field(i).Type().(*types.Basic).Kind() { + case types.Uint8: + o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackUint8(msg, off)\n") + case types.Uint16: + o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackUint16(msg, off)\n") + case types.Uint32: + o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackUint32(msg, off)\n") + case types.Uint64: + o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackUint64(msg, off)\n") + case types.String: + o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackString(msg, off)\n") + default: + log.Fatalln(name, st.Field(i).Name()) + } + default: + log.Fatalln(name, st.Field(i).Name(), st.Tag(i)) + } + // If we've hit len(msg) we return without error. + if i < st.NumFields()-1 { + fmt.Fprintf(b, `if off == len(msg) { +return off, nil + } +`) + } + } + fmt.Fprintf(b, "return off, nil }\n\n") + } + + // gofmt + res, err := format.Source(b.Bytes()) + if err != nil { + b.WriteTo(os.Stderr) + log.Fatal(err) + } + + // write result + f, err := os.Create("zmsg.go") + fatalIfErr(err) + defer f.Close() + f.Write(res) +} + +// structMember will take a tag like dns:"size-base32:SaltLength" and return the last part of this string. +func structMember(s string) string { + fields := strings.Split(s, ":") + if len(fields) == 0 { + return "" + } + f := fields[len(fields)-1] + // f should have a closing " + if len(f) > 1 { + return f[:len(f)-1] + } + return f +} + +// structTag will take a tag like dns:"size-base32:SaltLength" and return base32. +func structTag(s string) string { + fields := strings.Split(s, ":") + if len(fields) < 2 { + return "" + } + return fields[1][len("\"size-"):] +} + +func fatalIfErr(err error) { + if err != nil { + log.Fatal(err) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/miekg/dns/types_generate.go b/vendor/github.com/miekg/dns/types_generate.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8cda2a74 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/miekg/dns/types_generate.go @@ -0,0 +1,285 @@ +//+build ignore + +// types_generate.go is meant to run with go generate. It will use +// go/{importer,types} to track down all the RR struct types. Then for each type +// it will generate conversion tables (TypeToRR and TypeToString) and banal +// methods (len, Header, copy) based on the struct tags. The generated source is +// written to ztypes.go, and is meant to be checked into git. +package main + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + "go/format" + "go/importer" + "go/types" + "log" + "os" + "strings" + "text/template" +) + +var skipLen = map[string]struct{}{ + "NSEC": {}, + "NSEC3": {}, + "OPT": {}, + "CSYNC": {}, +} + +var packageHdr = ` +// Code generated by "go run types_generate.go"; DO NOT EDIT. + +package dns + +import ( + "encoding/base64" + "net" +) + +` + +var TypeToRR = template.Must(template.New("TypeToRR").Parse(` +// TypeToRR is a map of constructors for each RR type. +var TypeToRR = map[uint16]func() RR{ +{{range .}}{{if ne . "RFC3597"}} Type{{.}}: func() RR { return new({{.}}) }, +{{end}}{{end}} } + +`)) + +var typeToString = template.Must(template.New("typeToString").Parse(` +// TypeToString is a map of strings for each RR type. +var TypeToString = map[uint16]string{ +{{range .}}{{if ne . "NSAPPTR"}} Type{{.}}: "{{.}}", +{{end}}{{end}} TypeNSAPPTR: "NSAP-PTR", +} + +`)) + +var headerFunc = template.Must(template.New("headerFunc").Parse(` +{{range .}} func (rr *{{.}}) Header() *RR_Header { return &rr.Hdr } +{{end}} + +`)) + +// getTypeStruct will take a type and the package scope, and return the +// (innermost) struct if the type is considered a RR type (currently defined as +// those structs beginning with a RR_Header, could be redefined as implementing +// the RR interface). The bool return value indicates if embedded structs were +// resolved. +func getTypeStruct(t types.Type, scope *types.Scope) (*types.Struct, bool) { + st, ok := t.Underlying().(*types.Struct) + if !ok { + return nil, false + } + if st.Field(0).Type() == scope.Lookup("RR_Header").Type() { + return st, false + } + if st.Field(0).Anonymous() { + st, _ := getTypeStruct(st.Field(0).Type(), scope) + return st, true + } + return nil, false +} + +func main() { + // Import and type-check the package + pkg, err := importer.Default().Import("github.com/miekg/dns") + fatalIfErr(err) + scope := pkg.Scope() + + // Collect constants like TypeX + var numberedTypes []string + for _, name := range scope.Names() { + o := scope.Lookup(name) + if o == nil || !o.Exported() { + continue + } + b, ok := o.Type().(*types.Basic) + if !ok || b.Kind() != types.Uint16 { + continue + } + if !strings.HasPrefix(o.Name(), "Type") { + continue + } + name := strings.TrimPrefix(o.Name(), "Type") + if name == "PrivateRR" { + continue + } + numberedTypes = append(numberedTypes, name) + } + + // Collect actual types (*X) + var namedTypes []string + for _, name := range scope.Names() { + o := scope.Lookup(name) + if o == nil || !o.Exported() { + continue + } + if st, _ := getTypeStruct(o.Type(), scope); st == nil { + continue + } + if name == "PrivateRR" { + continue + } + + // Check if corresponding TypeX exists + if scope.Lookup("Type"+o.Name()) == nil && o.Name() != "RFC3597" { + log.Fatalf("Constant Type%s does not exist.", o.Name()) + } + + namedTypes = append(namedTypes, o.Name()) + } + + b := &bytes.Buffer{} + b.WriteString(packageHdr) + + // Generate TypeToRR + fatalIfErr(TypeToRR.Execute(b, namedTypes)) + + // Generate typeToString + fatalIfErr(typeToString.Execute(b, numberedTypes)) + + // Generate headerFunc + fatalIfErr(headerFunc.Execute(b, namedTypes)) + + // Generate len() + fmt.Fprint(b, "// len() functions\n") + for _, name := range namedTypes { + if _, ok := skipLen[name]; ok { + continue + } + o := scope.Lookup(name) + st, isEmbedded := getTypeStruct(o.Type(), scope) + if isEmbedded { + continue + } + fmt.Fprintf(b, "func (rr *%s) len(off int, compression map[string]struct{}) int {\n", name) + fmt.Fprintf(b, "l := rr.Hdr.len(off, compression)\n") + for i := 1; i < st.NumFields(); i++ { + o := func(s string) { fmt.Fprintf(b, s, st.Field(i).Name()) } + + if _, ok := st.Field(i).Type().(*types.Slice); ok { + switch st.Tag(i) { + case `dns:"-"`: + // ignored + case `dns:"cdomain-name"`: + o("for _, x := range rr.%s { l += domainNameLen(x, off+l, compression, true) }\n") + case `dns:"domain-name"`: + o("for _, x := range rr.%s { l += domainNameLen(x, off+l, compression, false) }\n") + case `dns:"txt"`: + o("for _, x := range rr.%s { l += len(x) + 1 }\n") + default: + log.Fatalln(name, st.Field(i).Name(), st.Tag(i)) + } + continue + } + + switch { + case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"-"`: + // ignored + case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"cdomain-name"`: + o("l += domainNameLen(rr.%s, off+l, compression, true)\n") + case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"domain-name"`: + o("l += domainNameLen(rr.%s, off+l, compression, false)\n") + case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"octet"`: + o("l += len(rr.%s)\n") + case strings.HasPrefix(st.Tag(i), `dns:"size-base64`): + fallthrough + case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"base64"`: + o("l += base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(rr.%s))\n") + case strings.HasPrefix(st.Tag(i), `dns:"size-hex:`): // this has an extra field where the length is stored + o("l += len(rr.%s)/2\n") + case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"hex"`: + o("l += len(rr.%s)/2\n") + case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"any"`: + o("l += len(rr.%s)\n") + case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"a"`: + o("if len(rr.%s) != 0 { l += net.IPv4len }\n") + case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"aaaa"`: + o("if len(rr.%s) != 0 { l += net.IPv6len }\n") + case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"txt"`: + o("for _, t := range rr.%s { l += len(t) + 1 }\n") + case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"uint48"`: + o("l += 6 // %s\n") + case st.Tag(i) == "": + switch st.Field(i).Type().(*types.Basic).Kind() { + case types.Uint8: + o("l++ // %s\n") + case types.Uint16: + o("l += 2 // %s\n") + case types.Uint32: + o("l += 4 // %s\n") + case types.Uint64: + o("l += 8 // %s\n") + case types.String: + o("l += len(rr.%s) + 1\n") + default: + log.Fatalln(name, st.Field(i).Name()) + } + default: + log.Fatalln(name, st.Field(i).Name(), st.Tag(i)) + } + } + fmt.Fprintf(b, "return l }\n") + } + + // Generate copy() + fmt.Fprint(b, "// copy() functions\n") + for _, name := range namedTypes { + o := scope.Lookup(name) + st, isEmbedded := getTypeStruct(o.Type(), scope) + if isEmbedded { + continue + } + fmt.Fprintf(b, "func (rr *%s) copy() RR {\n", name) + fields := []string{"rr.Hdr"} + for i := 1; i < st.NumFields(); i++ { + f := st.Field(i).Name() + if sl, ok := st.Field(i).Type().(*types.Slice); ok { + t := sl.Underlying().String() + t = strings.TrimPrefix(t, "[]") + if strings.Contains(t, ".") { + splits := strings.Split(t, ".") + t = splits[len(splits)-1] + } + // For the EDNS0 interface (used in the OPT RR), we need to call the copy method on each element. + if t == "EDNS0" { + fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s := make([]%s, len(rr.%s));\nfor i,e := range rr.%s {\n %s[i] = e.copy()\n}\n", + f, t, f, f, f) + fields = append(fields, f) + continue + } + fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s := make([]%s, len(rr.%s)); copy(%s, rr.%s)\n", + f, t, f, f, f) + fields = append(fields, f) + continue + } + if st.Field(i).Type().String() == "net.IP" { + fields = append(fields, "copyIP(rr."+f+")") + continue + } + fields = append(fields, "rr."+f) + } + fmt.Fprintf(b, "return &%s{%s}\n", name, strings.Join(fields, ",")) + fmt.Fprintf(b, "}\n") + } + + // gofmt + res, err := format.Source(b.Bytes()) + if err != nil { + b.WriteTo(os.Stderr) + log.Fatal(err) + } + + // write result + f, err := os.Create("ztypes.go") + fatalIfErr(err) + defer f.Close() + f.Write(res) +} + +func fatalIfErr(err error) { + if err != nil { + log.Fatal(err) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/iana/gen.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/iana/gen.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2a7661c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/iana/gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,383 @@ +// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +//go:generate go run gen.go + +// This program generates internet protocol constants and tables by +// reading IANA protocol registries. +package main + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/xml" + "fmt" + "go/format" + "io" + "io/ioutil" + "net/http" + "os" + "strconv" + "strings" +) + +var registries = []struct { + url string + parse func(io.Writer, io.Reader) error +}{ + { + "https://www.iana.org/assignments/dscp-registry/dscp-registry.xml", + parseDSCPRegistry, + }, + { + "https://www.iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers/protocol-numbers.xml", + parseProtocolNumbers, + }, + { + "https://www.iana.org/assignments/address-family-numbers/address-family-numbers.xml", + parseAddrFamilyNumbers, + }, +} + +func main() { + var bb bytes.Buffer + fmt.Fprintf(&bb, "// go generate gen.go\n") + fmt.Fprintf(&bb, "// Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT.\n\n") + fmt.Fprintf(&bb, "// Package iana provides protocol number resources managed by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).\n") + fmt.Fprintf(&bb, `package iana // import "golang.org/x/net/internal/iana"`+"\n\n") + for _, r := range registries { + resp, err := http.Get(r.url) + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) + os.Exit(1) + } + defer resp.Body.Close() + if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "got HTTP status code %v for %v\n", resp.StatusCode, r.url) + os.Exit(1) + } + if err := r.parse(&bb, resp.Body); err != nil { + fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) + os.Exit(1) + } + fmt.Fprintf(&bb, "\n") + } + b, err := format.Source(bb.Bytes()) + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) + os.Exit(1) + } + if err := ioutil.WriteFile("const.go", b, 0644); err != nil { + fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) + os.Exit(1) + } +} + +func parseDSCPRegistry(w io.Writer, r io.Reader) error { + dec := xml.NewDecoder(r) + var dr dscpRegistry + if err := dec.Decode(&dr); err != nil { + return err + } + fmt.Fprintf(w, "// %s, Updated: %s\n", dr.Title, dr.Updated) + fmt.Fprintf(w, "const (\n") + for _, dr := range dr.escapeDSCP() { + fmt.Fprintf(w, "DiffServ%s = %#02x", dr.Name, dr.Value) + fmt.Fprintf(w, "// %s\n", dr.OrigName) + } + for _, er := range dr.escapeECN() { + fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s = %#02x", er.Descr, er.Value) + fmt.Fprintf(w, "// %s\n", er.OrigDescr) + } + fmt.Fprintf(w, ")\n") + return nil +} + +type dscpRegistry struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"registry"` + Title string `xml:"title"` + Updated string `xml:"updated"` + Note string `xml:"note"` + Registries []struct { + Title string `xml:"title"` + Registries []struct { + Title string `xml:"title"` + Records []struct { + Name string `xml:"name"` + Space string `xml:"space"` + } `xml:"record"` + } `xml:"registry"` + Records []struct { + Value string `xml:"value"` + Descr string `xml:"description"` + } `xml:"record"` + } `xml:"registry"` +} + +type canonDSCPRecord struct { + OrigName string + Name string + Value int +} + +func (drr *dscpRegistry) escapeDSCP() []canonDSCPRecord { + var drs []canonDSCPRecord + for _, preg := range drr.Registries { + if !strings.Contains(preg.Title, "Differentiated Services Field Codepoints") { + continue + } + for _, reg := range preg.Registries { + if !strings.Contains(reg.Title, "Pool 1 Codepoints") { + continue + } + drs = make([]canonDSCPRecord, len(reg.Records)) + sr := strings.NewReplacer( + "+", "", + "-", "", + "/", "", + ".", "", + " ", "", + ) + for i, dr := range reg.Records { + s := strings.TrimSpace(dr.Name) + drs[i].OrigName = s + drs[i].Name = sr.Replace(s) + n, err := strconv.ParseUint(dr.Space, 2, 8) + if err != nil { + continue + } + drs[i].Value = int(n) << 2 + } + } + } + return drs +} + +type canonECNRecord struct { + OrigDescr string + Descr string + Value int +} + +func (drr *dscpRegistry) escapeECN() []canonECNRecord { + var ers []canonECNRecord + for _, reg := range drr.Registries { + if !strings.Contains(reg.Title, "ECN Field") { + continue + } + ers = make([]canonECNRecord, len(reg.Records)) + sr := strings.NewReplacer( + "Capable", "", + "Not-ECT", "", + "ECT(1)", "", + "ECT(0)", "", + "CE", "", + "(", "", + ")", "", + "+", "", + "-", "", + "/", "", + ".", "", + " ", "", + ) + for i, er := range reg.Records { + s := strings.TrimSpace(er.Descr) + ers[i].OrigDescr = s + ss := strings.Split(s, " ") + if len(ss) > 1 { + ers[i].Descr = strings.Join(ss[1:], " ") + } else { + ers[i].Descr = ss[0] + } + ers[i].Descr = sr.Replace(er.Descr) + n, err := strconv.ParseUint(er.Value, 2, 8) + if err != nil { + continue + } + ers[i].Value = int(n) + } + } + return ers +} + +func parseProtocolNumbers(w io.Writer, r io.Reader) error { + dec := xml.NewDecoder(r) + var pn protocolNumbers + if err := dec.Decode(&pn); err != nil { + return err + } + prs := pn.escape() + prs = append([]canonProtocolRecord{{ + Name: "IP", + Descr: "IPv4 encapsulation, pseudo protocol number", + Value: 0, + }}, prs...) + fmt.Fprintf(w, "// %s, Updated: %s\n", pn.Title, pn.Updated) + fmt.Fprintf(w, "const (\n") + for _, pr := range prs { + if pr.Name == "" { + continue + } + fmt.Fprintf(w, "Protocol%s = %d", pr.Name, pr.Value) + s := pr.Descr + if s == "" { + s = pr.OrigName + } + fmt.Fprintf(w, "// %s\n", s) + } + fmt.Fprintf(w, ")\n") + return nil +} + +type protocolNumbers struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"registry"` + Title string `xml:"title"` + Updated string `xml:"updated"` + RegTitle string `xml:"registry>title"` + Note string `xml:"registry>note"` + Records []struct { + Value string `xml:"value"` + Name string `xml:"name"` + Descr string `xml:"description"` + } `xml:"registry>record"` +} + +type canonProtocolRecord struct { + OrigName string + Name string + Descr string + Value int +} + +func (pn *protocolNumbers) escape() []canonProtocolRecord { + prs := make([]canonProtocolRecord, len(pn.Records)) + sr := strings.NewReplacer( + "-in-", "in", + "-within-", "within", + "-over-", "over", + "+", "P", + "-", "", + "/", "", + ".", "", + " ", "", + ) + for i, pr := range pn.Records { + if strings.Contains(pr.Name, "Deprecated") || + strings.Contains(pr.Name, "deprecated") { + continue + } + prs[i].OrigName = pr.Name + s := strings.TrimSpace(pr.Name) + switch pr.Name { + case "ISIS over IPv4": + prs[i].Name = "ISIS" + case "manet": + prs[i].Name = "MANET" + default: + prs[i].Name = sr.Replace(s) + } + ss := strings.Split(pr.Descr, "\n") + for i := range ss { + ss[i] = strings.TrimSpace(ss[i]) + } + if len(ss) > 1 { + prs[i].Descr = strings.Join(ss, " ") + } else { + prs[i].Descr = ss[0] + } + prs[i].Value, _ = strconv.Atoi(pr.Value) + } + return prs +} + +func parseAddrFamilyNumbers(w io.Writer, r io.Reader) error { + dec := xml.NewDecoder(r) + var afn addrFamilylNumbers + if err := dec.Decode(&afn); err != nil { + return err + } + afrs := afn.escape() + fmt.Fprintf(w, "// %s, Updated: %s\n", afn.Title, afn.Updated) + fmt.Fprintf(w, "const (\n") + for _, afr := range afrs { + if afr.Name == "" { + continue + } + fmt.Fprintf(w, "AddrFamily%s = %d", afr.Name, afr.Value) + fmt.Fprintf(w, "// %s\n", afr.Descr) + } + fmt.Fprintf(w, ")\n") + return nil +} + +type addrFamilylNumbers struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"registry"` + Title string `xml:"title"` + Updated string `xml:"updated"` + RegTitle string `xml:"registry>title"` + Note string `xml:"registry>note"` + Records []struct { + Value string `xml:"value"` + Descr string `xml:"description"` + } `xml:"registry>record"` +} + +type canonAddrFamilyRecord struct { + Name string + Descr string + Value int +} + +func (afn *addrFamilylNumbers) escape() []canonAddrFamilyRecord { + afrs := make([]canonAddrFamilyRecord, len(afn.Records)) + sr := strings.NewReplacer( + "IP version 4", "IPv4", + "IP version 6", "IPv6", + "Identifier", "ID", + "-", "", + "-", "", + "/", "", + ".", "", + " ", "", + ) + for i, afr := range afn.Records { + if strings.Contains(afr.Descr, "Unassigned") || + strings.Contains(afr.Descr, "Reserved") { + continue + } + afrs[i].Descr = afr.Descr + s := strings.TrimSpace(afr.Descr) + switch s { + case "IP (IP version 4)": + afrs[i].Name = "IPv4" + case "IP6 (IP version 6)": + afrs[i].Name = "IPv6" + case "AFI for L2VPN information": + afrs[i].Name = "L2VPN" + case "E.164 with NSAP format subaddress": + afrs[i].Name = "E164withSubaddress" + case "MT IP: Multi-Topology IP version 4": + afrs[i].Name = "MTIPv4" + case "MAC/24": + afrs[i].Name = "MACFinal24bits" + case "MAC/40": + afrs[i].Name = "MACFinal40bits" + case "IPv6/64": + afrs[i].Name = "IPv6Initial64bits" + default: + n := strings.Index(s, "(") + if n > 0 { + s = s[:n] + } + n = strings.Index(s, ":") + if n > 0 { + s = s[:n] + } + afrs[i].Name = sr.Replace(s) + } + afrs[i].Value, _ = strconv.Atoi(afr.Value) + } + return afrs +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/defs_aix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/defs_aix.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ae1b21c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/defs_aix.go @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// +godefs map struct_in_addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ +// +godefs map struct_in6_addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + +package socket + +/* +#include + +#include +*/ +import "C" + +type iovec C.struct_iovec + +type msghdr C.struct_msghdr + +type mmsghdr C.struct_mmsghdr + +type cmsghdr C.struct_cmsghdr + +type sockaddrInet C.struct_sockaddr_in + +type sockaddrInet6 C.struct_sockaddr_in6 + +const ( + sizeofIovec = C.sizeof_struct_iovec + sizeofMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_msghdr + sizeofCmsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_cmsghdr + + sizeofSockaddrInet = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in + sizeofSockaddrInet6 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in6 +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/defs_darwin.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/defs_darwin.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b780bc67 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/defs_darwin.go @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// +godefs map struct_in_addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ +// +godefs map struct_in6_addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + +package socket + +/* +#include + +#include +*/ +import "C" + +type iovec C.struct_iovec + +type msghdr C.struct_msghdr + +type cmsghdr C.struct_cmsghdr + +type sockaddrInet C.struct_sockaddr_in + +type sockaddrInet6 C.struct_sockaddr_in6 + +const ( + sizeofIovec = C.sizeof_struct_iovec + sizeofMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_msghdr + sizeofCmsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_cmsghdr + + sizeofSockaddrInet = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in + sizeofSockaddrInet6 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in6 +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/defs_dragonfly.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/defs_dragonfly.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b780bc67 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/defs_dragonfly.go @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// +godefs map struct_in_addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ +// +godefs map struct_in6_addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + +package socket + +/* +#include + +#include +*/ +import "C" + +type iovec C.struct_iovec + +type msghdr C.struct_msghdr + +type cmsghdr C.struct_cmsghdr + +type sockaddrInet C.struct_sockaddr_in + +type sockaddrInet6 C.struct_sockaddr_in6 + +const ( + sizeofIovec = C.sizeof_struct_iovec + sizeofMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_msghdr + sizeofCmsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_cmsghdr + + sizeofSockaddrInet = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in + sizeofSockaddrInet6 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in6 +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/defs_freebsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/defs_freebsd.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b780bc67 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/defs_freebsd.go @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// +godefs map struct_in_addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ +// +godefs map struct_in6_addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + +package socket + +/* +#include + +#include +*/ +import "C" + +type iovec C.struct_iovec + +type msghdr C.struct_msghdr + +type cmsghdr C.struct_cmsghdr + +type sockaddrInet C.struct_sockaddr_in + +type sockaddrInet6 C.struct_sockaddr_in6 + +const ( + sizeofIovec = C.sizeof_struct_iovec + sizeofMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_msghdr + sizeofCmsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_cmsghdr + + sizeofSockaddrInet = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in + sizeofSockaddrInet6 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in6 +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/defs_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/defs_linux.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..85bb7450 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/defs_linux.go @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// +godefs map struct_in_addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ +// +godefs map struct_in6_addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + +package socket + +/* +#include +#include + +#define _GNU_SOURCE +#include +*/ +import "C" + +type iovec C.struct_iovec + +type msghdr C.struct_msghdr + +type mmsghdr C.struct_mmsghdr + +type cmsghdr C.struct_cmsghdr + +type sockaddrInet C.struct_sockaddr_in + +type sockaddrInet6 C.struct_sockaddr_in6 + +const ( + sizeofIovec = C.sizeof_struct_iovec + sizeofMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_msghdr + sizeofCmsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_cmsghdr + + sizeofSockaddrInet = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in + sizeofSockaddrInet6 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in6 +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/defs_netbsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/defs_netbsd.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5bfdd467 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/defs_netbsd.go @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// +godefs map struct_in_addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ +// +godefs map struct_in6_addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + +package socket + +/* +#include + +#include +*/ +import "C" + +type iovec C.struct_iovec + +type msghdr C.struct_msghdr + +type mmsghdr C.struct_mmsghdr + +type cmsghdr C.struct_cmsghdr + +type sockaddrInet C.struct_sockaddr_in + +type sockaddrInet6 C.struct_sockaddr_in6 + +const ( + sizeofIovec = C.sizeof_struct_iovec + sizeofMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_msghdr + sizeofCmsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_cmsghdr + + sizeofSockaddrInet = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in + sizeofSockaddrInet6 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in6 +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/defs_openbsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/defs_openbsd.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b780bc67 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/defs_openbsd.go @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// +godefs map struct_in_addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ +// +godefs map struct_in6_addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + +package socket + +/* +#include + +#include +*/ +import "C" + +type iovec C.struct_iovec + +type msghdr C.struct_msghdr + +type cmsghdr C.struct_cmsghdr + +type sockaddrInet C.struct_sockaddr_in + +type sockaddrInet6 C.struct_sockaddr_in6 + +const ( + sizeofIovec = C.sizeof_struct_iovec + sizeofMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_msghdr + sizeofCmsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_cmsghdr + + sizeofSockaddrInet = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in + sizeofSockaddrInet6 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in6 +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/defs_solaris.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/defs_solaris.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b780bc67 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/defs_solaris.go @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// +godefs map struct_in_addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ +// +godefs map struct_in6_addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + +package socket + +/* +#include + +#include +*/ +import "C" + +type iovec C.struct_iovec + +type msghdr C.struct_msghdr + +type cmsghdr C.struct_cmsghdr + +type sockaddrInet C.struct_sockaddr_in + +type sockaddrInet6 C.struct_sockaddr_in6 + +const ( + sizeofIovec = C.sizeof_struct_iovec + sizeofMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_msghdr + sizeofCmsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_cmsghdr + + sizeofSockaddrInet = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in + sizeofSockaddrInet6 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in6 +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/defs_aix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/defs_aix.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0f37211c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/defs_aix.go @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// +godefs map struct_in_addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ + +package ipv4 + +/* +#include +*/ +import "C" + +const ( + sysIP_OPTIONS = C.IP_OPTIONS + sysIP_HDRINCL = C.IP_HDRINCL + sysIP_TOS = C.IP_TOS + sysIP_TTL = C.IP_TTL + sysIP_RECVOPTS = C.IP_RECVOPTS + sysIP_RECVRETOPTS = C.IP_RECVRETOPTS + sysIP_RECVDSTADDR = C.IP_RECVDSTADDR + sysIP_RETOPTS = C.IP_RETOPTS + // IP_RECVIF is defined on AIX but doesn't work. + // IP_RECVINTERFACE must be used instead. + sysIP_RECVIF = C.IP_RECVINTERFACE + sysIP_RECVTTL = C.IP_RECVTTL + + sysIP_MULTICAST_IF = C.IP_MULTICAST_IF + sysIP_MULTICAST_TTL = C.IP_MULTICAST_TTL + sysIP_MULTICAST_LOOP = C.IP_MULTICAST_LOOP + sysIP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = C.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP + sysIP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP = C.IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP + + sizeofIPMreq = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreq +) + +type ipMreq C.struct_ip_mreq diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/defs_darwin.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/defs_darwin.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c8f2e05b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/defs_darwin.go @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// +godefs map struct_in_addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ + +package ipv4 + +/* +#include + +#include +*/ +import "C" + +const ( + sysIP_OPTIONS = C.IP_OPTIONS + sysIP_HDRINCL = C.IP_HDRINCL + sysIP_TOS = C.IP_TOS + sysIP_TTL = C.IP_TTL + sysIP_RECVOPTS = C.IP_RECVOPTS + sysIP_RECVRETOPTS = C.IP_RECVRETOPTS + sysIP_RECVDSTADDR = C.IP_RECVDSTADDR + sysIP_RETOPTS = C.IP_RETOPTS + sysIP_RECVIF = C.IP_RECVIF + sysIP_STRIPHDR = C.IP_STRIPHDR + sysIP_RECVTTL = C.IP_RECVTTL + sysIP_BOUND_IF = C.IP_BOUND_IF + sysIP_PKTINFO = C.IP_PKTINFO + sysIP_RECVPKTINFO = C.IP_RECVPKTINFO + + sysIP_MULTICAST_IF = C.IP_MULTICAST_IF + sysIP_MULTICAST_TTL = C.IP_MULTICAST_TTL + sysIP_MULTICAST_LOOP = C.IP_MULTICAST_LOOP + sysIP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = C.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP + sysIP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP = C.IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP + sysIP_MULTICAST_VIF = C.IP_MULTICAST_VIF + sysIP_MULTICAST_IFINDEX = C.IP_MULTICAST_IFINDEX + sysIP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = C.IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP + sysIP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = C.IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP + sysIP_BLOCK_SOURCE = C.IP_BLOCK_SOURCE + sysIP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = C.IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE + sysMCAST_JOIN_GROUP = C.MCAST_JOIN_GROUP + sysMCAST_LEAVE_GROUP = C.MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP + sysMCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP = C.MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP + sysMCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP = C.MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP + sysMCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE = C.MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE + sysMCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = C.MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE + + sizeofSockaddrStorage = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_storage + sizeofSockaddrInet = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in + sizeofInetPktinfo = C.sizeof_struct_in_pktinfo + + sizeofIPMreq = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreq + sizeofIPMreqn = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreqn + sizeofIPMreqSource = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreq_source + sizeofGroupReq = C.sizeof_struct_group_req + sizeofGroupSourceReq = C.sizeof_struct_group_source_req +) + +type sockaddrStorage C.struct_sockaddr_storage + +type sockaddrInet C.struct_sockaddr_in + +type inetPktinfo C.struct_in_pktinfo + +type ipMreq C.struct_ip_mreq + +type ipMreqn C.struct_ip_mreqn + +type ipMreqSource C.struct_ip_mreq_source + +type groupReq C.struct_group_req + +type groupSourceReq C.struct_group_source_req diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/defs_dragonfly.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/defs_dragonfly.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f30544ea --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/defs_dragonfly.go @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// +godefs map struct_in_addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ + +package ipv4 + +/* +#include +*/ +import "C" + +const ( + sysIP_OPTIONS = C.IP_OPTIONS + sysIP_HDRINCL = C.IP_HDRINCL + sysIP_TOS = C.IP_TOS + sysIP_TTL = C.IP_TTL + sysIP_RECVOPTS = C.IP_RECVOPTS + sysIP_RECVRETOPTS = C.IP_RECVRETOPTS + sysIP_RECVDSTADDR = C.IP_RECVDSTADDR + sysIP_RETOPTS = C.IP_RETOPTS + sysIP_RECVIF = C.IP_RECVIF + sysIP_RECVTTL = C.IP_RECVTTL + + sysIP_MULTICAST_IF = C.IP_MULTICAST_IF + sysIP_MULTICAST_TTL = C.IP_MULTICAST_TTL + sysIP_MULTICAST_LOOP = C.IP_MULTICAST_LOOP + sysIP_MULTICAST_VIF = C.IP_MULTICAST_VIF + sysIP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = C.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP + sysIP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP = C.IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP + + sizeofIPMreq = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreq +) + +type ipMreq C.struct_ip_mreq diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/defs_freebsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/defs_freebsd.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4dd57d86 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/defs_freebsd.go @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// +godefs map struct_in_addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ + +package ipv4 + +/* +#include + +#include +*/ +import "C" + +const ( + sysIP_OPTIONS = C.IP_OPTIONS + sysIP_HDRINCL = C.IP_HDRINCL + sysIP_TOS = C.IP_TOS + sysIP_TTL = C.IP_TTL + sysIP_RECVOPTS = C.IP_RECVOPTS + sysIP_RECVRETOPTS = C.IP_RECVRETOPTS + sysIP_RECVDSTADDR = C.IP_RECVDSTADDR + sysIP_SENDSRCADDR = C.IP_SENDSRCADDR + sysIP_RETOPTS = C.IP_RETOPTS + sysIP_RECVIF = C.IP_RECVIF + sysIP_ONESBCAST = C.IP_ONESBCAST + sysIP_BINDANY = C.IP_BINDANY + sysIP_RECVTTL = C.IP_RECVTTL + sysIP_MINTTL = C.IP_MINTTL + sysIP_DONTFRAG = C.IP_DONTFRAG + sysIP_RECVTOS = C.IP_RECVTOS + + sysIP_MULTICAST_IF = C.IP_MULTICAST_IF + sysIP_MULTICAST_TTL = C.IP_MULTICAST_TTL + sysIP_MULTICAST_LOOP = C.IP_MULTICAST_LOOP + sysIP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = C.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP + sysIP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP = C.IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP + sysIP_MULTICAST_VIF = C.IP_MULTICAST_VIF + sysIP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = C.IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP + sysIP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = C.IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP + sysIP_BLOCK_SOURCE = C.IP_BLOCK_SOURCE + sysIP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = C.IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE + sysMCAST_JOIN_GROUP = C.MCAST_JOIN_GROUP + sysMCAST_LEAVE_GROUP = C.MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP + sysMCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP = C.MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP + sysMCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP = C.MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP + sysMCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE = C.MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE + sysMCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = C.MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE + + sizeofSockaddrStorage = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_storage + sizeofSockaddrInet = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in + + sizeofIPMreq = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreq + sizeofIPMreqn = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreqn + sizeofIPMreqSource = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreq_source + sizeofGroupReq = C.sizeof_struct_group_req + sizeofGroupSourceReq = C.sizeof_struct_group_source_req +) + +type sockaddrStorage C.struct_sockaddr_storage + +type sockaddrInet C.struct_sockaddr_in + +type ipMreq C.struct_ip_mreq + +type ipMreqn C.struct_ip_mreqn + +type ipMreqSource C.struct_ip_mreq_source + +type groupReq C.struct_group_req + +type groupSourceReq C.struct_group_source_req diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/defs_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/defs_linux.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7d05c1dc --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/defs_linux.go @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// +godefs map struct_in_addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ + +package ipv4 + +/* +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +*/ +import "C" + +const ( + sysIP_TOS = C.IP_TOS + sysIP_TTL = C.IP_TTL + sysIP_HDRINCL = C.IP_HDRINCL + sysIP_OPTIONS = C.IP_OPTIONS + sysIP_ROUTER_ALERT = C.IP_ROUTER_ALERT + sysIP_RECVOPTS = C.IP_RECVOPTS + sysIP_RETOPTS = C.IP_RETOPTS + sysIP_PKTINFO = C.IP_PKTINFO + sysIP_PKTOPTIONS = C.IP_PKTOPTIONS + sysIP_MTU_DISCOVER = C.IP_MTU_DISCOVER + sysIP_RECVERR = C.IP_RECVERR + sysIP_RECVTTL = C.IP_RECVTTL + sysIP_RECVTOS = C.IP_RECVTOS + sysIP_MTU = C.IP_MTU + sysIP_FREEBIND = C.IP_FREEBIND + sysIP_TRANSPARENT = C.IP_TRANSPARENT + sysIP_RECVRETOPTS = C.IP_RECVRETOPTS + sysIP_ORIGDSTADDR = C.IP_ORIGDSTADDR + sysIP_RECVORIGDSTADDR = C.IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR + sysIP_MINTTL = C.IP_MINTTL + sysIP_NODEFRAG = C.IP_NODEFRAG + sysIP_UNICAST_IF = C.IP_UNICAST_IF + + sysIP_MULTICAST_IF = C.IP_MULTICAST_IF + sysIP_MULTICAST_TTL = C.IP_MULTICAST_TTL + sysIP_MULTICAST_LOOP = C.IP_MULTICAST_LOOP + sysIP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = C.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP + sysIP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP = C.IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP + sysIP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = C.IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE + sysIP_BLOCK_SOURCE = C.IP_BLOCK_SOURCE + sysIP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = C.IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP + sysIP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = C.IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP + sysIP_MSFILTER = C.IP_MSFILTER + sysMCAST_JOIN_GROUP = C.MCAST_JOIN_GROUP + sysMCAST_LEAVE_GROUP = C.MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP + sysMCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP = C.MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP + sysMCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP = C.MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP + sysMCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE = C.MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE + sysMCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = C.MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE + sysMCAST_MSFILTER = C.MCAST_MSFILTER + sysIP_MULTICAST_ALL = C.IP_MULTICAST_ALL + + //sysIP_PMTUDISC_DONT = C.IP_PMTUDISC_DONT + //sysIP_PMTUDISC_WANT = C.IP_PMTUDISC_WANT + //sysIP_PMTUDISC_DO = C.IP_PMTUDISC_DO + //sysIP_PMTUDISC_PROBE = C.IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE + //sysIP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE = C.IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE + //sysIP_PMTUDISC_OMIT = C.IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT + + sysICMP_FILTER = C.ICMP_FILTER + + sysSO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE = C.SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE + sysSO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL = C.SO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL + sysSO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP = C.SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP + sysSO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6 = C.SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6 + sysSO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS = C.SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS + sysSO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING = C.SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING + + sizeofKernelSockaddrStorage = C.sizeof_struct___kernel_sockaddr_storage + sizeofSockaddrInet = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in + sizeofInetPktinfo = C.sizeof_struct_in_pktinfo + sizeofSockExtendedErr = C.sizeof_struct_sock_extended_err + + sizeofIPMreq = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreq + sizeofIPMreqn = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreqn + sizeofIPMreqSource = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreq_source + sizeofGroupReq = C.sizeof_struct_group_req + sizeofGroupSourceReq = C.sizeof_struct_group_source_req + + sizeofICMPFilter = C.sizeof_struct_icmp_filter +) + +type kernelSockaddrStorage C.struct___kernel_sockaddr_storage + +type sockaddrInet C.struct_sockaddr_in + +type inetPktinfo C.struct_in_pktinfo + +type sockExtendedErr C.struct_sock_extended_err + +type ipMreq C.struct_ip_mreq + +type ipMreqn C.struct_ip_mreqn + +type ipMreqSource C.struct_ip_mreq_source + +type groupReq C.struct_group_req + +type groupSourceReq C.struct_group_source_req + +type icmpFilter C.struct_icmp_filter diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/defs_netbsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/defs_netbsd.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8f8af1b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/defs_netbsd.go @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// +godefs map struct_in_addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ + +package ipv4 + +/* +#include +*/ +import "C" + +const ( + sysIP_OPTIONS = C.IP_OPTIONS + sysIP_HDRINCL = C.IP_HDRINCL + sysIP_TOS = C.IP_TOS + sysIP_TTL = C.IP_TTL + sysIP_RECVOPTS = C.IP_RECVOPTS + sysIP_RECVRETOPTS = C.IP_RECVRETOPTS + sysIP_RECVDSTADDR = C.IP_RECVDSTADDR + sysIP_RETOPTS = C.IP_RETOPTS + sysIP_RECVIF = C.IP_RECVIF + sysIP_RECVTTL = C.IP_RECVTTL + + sysIP_MULTICAST_IF = C.IP_MULTICAST_IF + sysIP_MULTICAST_TTL = C.IP_MULTICAST_TTL + sysIP_MULTICAST_LOOP = C.IP_MULTICAST_LOOP + sysIP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = C.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP + sysIP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP = C.IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP + + sizeofIPMreq = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreq +) + +type ipMreq C.struct_ip_mreq diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/defs_openbsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/defs_openbsd.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8f8af1b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/defs_openbsd.go @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// +godefs map struct_in_addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ + +package ipv4 + +/* +#include +*/ +import "C" + +const ( + sysIP_OPTIONS = C.IP_OPTIONS + sysIP_HDRINCL = C.IP_HDRINCL + sysIP_TOS = C.IP_TOS + sysIP_TTL = C.IP_TTL + sysIP_RECVOPTS = C.IP_RECVOPTS + sysIP_RECVRETOPTS = C.IP_RECVRETOPTS + sysIP_RECVDSTADDR = C.IP_RECVDSTADDR + sysIP_RETOPTS = C.IP_RETOPTS + sysIP_RECVIF = C.IP_RECVIF + sysIP_RECVTTL = C.IP_RECVTTL + + sysIP_MULTICAST_IF = C.IP_MULTICAST_IF + sysIP_MULTICAST_TTL = C.IP_MULTICAST_TTL + sysIP_MULTICAST_LOOP = C.IP_MULTICAST_LOOP + sysIP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = C.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP + sysIP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP = C.IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP + + sizeofIPMreq = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreq +) + +type ipMreq C.struct_ip_mreq diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/defs_solaris.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/defs_solaris.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aeb33e9c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/defs_solaris.go @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// +godefs map struct_in_addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ + +package ipv4 + +/* +#include + +#include +*/ +import "C" + +const ( + sysIP_OPTIONS = C.IP_OPTIONS + sysIP_HDRINCL = C.IP_HDRINCL + sysIP_TOS = C.IP_TOS + sysIP_TTL = C.IP_TTL + sysIP_RECVOPTS = C.IP_RECVOPTS + sysIP_RECVRETOPTS = C.IP_RECVRETOPTS + sysIP_RECVDSTADDR = C.IP_RECVDSTADDR + sysIP_RETOPTS = C.IP_RETOPTS + sysIP_RECVIF = C.IP_RECVIF + sysIP_RECVSLLA = C.IP_RECVSLLA + sysIP_RECVTTL = C.IP_RECVTTL + + sysIP_MULTICAST_IF = C.IP_MULTICAST_IF + sysIP_MULTICAST_TTL = C.IP_MULTICAST_TTL + sysIP_MULTICAST_LOOP = C.IP_MULTICAST_LOOP + sysIP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = C.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP + sysIP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP = C.IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP + sysIP_BLOCK_SOURCE = C.IP_BLOCK_SOURCE + sysIP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = C.IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE + sysIP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = C.IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP + sysIP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = C.IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP + sysIP_NEXTHOP = C.IP_NEXTHOP + + sysIP_PKTINFO = C.IP_PKTINFO + sysIP_RECVPKTINFO = C.IP_RECVPKTINFO + sysIP_DONTFRAG = C.IP_DONTFRAG + + sysIP_BOUND_IF = C.IP_BOUND_IF + sysIP_UNSPEC_SRC = C.IP_UNSPEC_SRC + sysIP_BROADCAST_TTL = C.IP_BROADCAST_TTL + sysIP_DHCPINIT_IF = C.IP_DHCPINIT_IF + + sysIP_REUSEADDR = C.IP_REUSEADDR + sysIP_DONTROUTE = C.IP_DONTROUTE + sysIP_BROADCAST = C.IP_BROADCAST + + sysMCAST_JOIN_GROUP = C.MCAST_JOIN_GROUP + sysMCAST_LEAVE_GROUP = C.MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP + sysMCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE = C.MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE + sysMCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = C.MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE + sysMCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP = C.MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP + sysMCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP = C.MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP + + sizeofSockaddrStorage = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_storage + sizeofSockaddrInet = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in + sizeofInetPktinfo = C.sizeof_struct_in_pktinfo + + sizeofIPMreq = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreq + sizeofIPMreqSource = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreq_source + sizeofGroupReq = C.sizeof_struct_group_req + sizeofGroupSourceReq = C.sizeof_struct_group_source_req +) + +type sockaddrStorage C.struct_sockaddr_storage + +type sockaddrInet C.struct_sockaddr_in + +type inetPktinfo C.struct_in_pktinfo + +type ipMreq C.struct_ip_mreq + +type ipMreqSource C.struct_ip_mreq_source + +type groupReq C.struct_group_req + +type groupSourceReq C.struct_group_source_req diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/gen.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/gen.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1bb1737f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +//go:generate go run gen.go + +// This program generates system adaptation constants and types, +// internet protocol constants and tables by reading template files +// and IANA protocol registries. +package main + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/xml" + "fmt" + "go/format" + "io" + "io/ioutil" + "net/http" + "os" + "os/exec" + "runtime" + "strconv" + "strings" +) + +func main() { + if err := genzsys(); err != nil { + fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) + os.Exit(1) + } + if err := geniana(); err != nil { + fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) + os.Exit(1) + } +} + +func genzsys() error { + defs := "defs_" + runtime.GOOS + ".go" + f, err := os.Open(defs) + if err != nil { + if os.IsNotExist(err) { + return nil + } + return err + } + f.Close() + cmd := exec.Command("go", "tool", "cgo", "-godefs", defs) + b, err := cmd.Output() + if err != nil { + return err + } + b, err = format.Source(b) + if err != nil { + return err + } + zsys := "zsys_" + runtime.GOOS + ".go" + switch runtime.GOOS { + case "freebsd", "linux": + zsys = "zsys_" + runtime.GOOS + "_" + runtime.GOARCH + ".go" + } + if err := ioutil.WriteFile(zsys, b, 0644); err != nil { + return err + } + return nil +} + +var registries = []struct { + url string + parse func(io.Writer, io.Reader) error +}{ + { + "https://www.iana.org/assignments/icmp-parameters/icmp-parameters.xml", + parseICMPv4Parameters, + }, +} + +func geniana() error { + var bb bytes.Buffer + fmt.Fprintf(&bb, "// go generate gen.go\n") + fmt.Fprintf(&bb, "// Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT.\n\n") + fmt.Fprintf(&bb, "package ipv4\n\n") + for _, r := range registries { + resp, err := http.Get(r.url) + if err != nil { + return err + } + defer resp.Body.Close() + if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { + return fmt.Errorf("got HTTP status code %v for %v\n", resp.StatusCode, r.url) + } + if err := r.parse(&bb, resp.Body); err != nil { + return err + } + fmt.Fprintf(&bb, "\n") + } + b, err := format.Source(bb.Bytes()) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if err := ioutil.WriteFile("iana.go", b, 0644); err != nil { + return err + } + return nil +} + +func parseICMPv4Parameters(w io.Writer, r io.Reader) error { + dec := xml.NewDecoder(r) + var icp icmpv4Parameters + if err := dec.Decode(&icp); err != nil { + return err + } + prs := icp.escape() + fmt.Fprintf(w, "// %s, Updated: %s\n", icp.Title, icp.Updated) + fmt.Fprintf(w, "const (\n") + for _, pr := range prs { + if pr.Descr == "" { + continue + } + fmt.Fprintf(w, "ICMPType%s ICMPType = %d", pr.Descr, pr.Value) + fmt.Fprintf(w, "// %s\n", pr.OrigDescr) + } + fmt.Fprintf(w, ")\n\n") + fmt.Fprintf(w, "// %s, Updated: %s\n", icp.Title, icp.Updated) + fmt.Fprintf(w, "var icmpTypes = map[ICMPType]string{\n") + for _, pr := range prs { + if pr.Descr == "" { + continue + } + fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d: %q,\n", pr.Value, strings.ToLower(pr.OrigDescr)) + } + fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n") + return nil +} + +type icmpv4Parameters struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"registry"` + Title string `xml:"title"` + Updated string `xml:"updated"` + Registries []struct { + Title string `xml:"title"` + Records []struct { + Value string `xml:"value"` + Descr string `xml:"description"` + } `xml:"record"` + } `xml:"registry"` +} + +type canonICMPv4ParamRecord struct { + OrigDescr string + Descr string + Value int +} + +func (icp *icmpv4Parameters) escape() []canonICMPv4ParamRecord { + id := -1 + for i, r := range icp.Registries { + if strings.Contains(r.Title, "Type") || strings.Contains(r.Title, "type") { + id = i + break + } + } + if id < 0 { + return nil + } + prs := make([]canonICMPv4ParamRecord, len(icp.Registries[id].Records)) + sr := strings.NewReplacer( + "Messages", "", + "Message", "", + "ICMP", "", + "+", "P", + "-", "", + "/", "", + ".", "", + " ", "", + ) + for i, pr := range icp.Registries[id].Records { + if strings.Contains(pr.Descr, "Reserved") || + strings.Contains(pr.Descr, "Unassigned") || + strings.Contains(pr.Descr, "Deprecated") || + strings.Contains(pr.Descr, "Experiment") || + strings.Contains(pr.Descr, "experiment") { + continue + } + ss := strings.Split(pr.Descr, "\n") + if len(ss) > 1 { + prs[i].Descr = strings.Join(ss, " ") + } else { + prs[i].Descr = ss[0] + } + s := strings.TrimSpace(prs[i].Descr) + prs[i].OrigDescr = s + prs[i].Descr = sr.Replace(s) + prs[i].Value, _ = strconv.Atoi(pr.Value) + } + return prs +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/defs_aix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/defs_aix.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ea396a3c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/defs_aix.go @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// +godefs map struct_in6_addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + +package ipv6 + +/* +#include +#include + +#include +#include +*/ +import "C" + +const ( + sysIPV6_UNICAST_HOPS = C.IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS + sysIPV6_MULTICAST_IF = C.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF + sysIPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS = C.IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS + sysIPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP = C.IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP + sysIPV6_JOIN_GROUP = C.IPV6_JOIN_GROUP + sysIPV6_LEAVE_GROUP = C.IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP + sysICMP6_FILTER = C.ICMP6_FILTER + + sysIPV6_CHECKSUM = C.IPV6_CHECKSUM + sysIPV6_V6ONLY = C.IPV6_V6ONLY + + sysIPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS = C.IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS + + sysIPV6_RECVPKTINFO = C.IPV6_RECVPKTINFO + sysIPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT = C.IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT + sysIPV6_RECVRTHDR = C.IPV6_RECVRTHDR + sysIPV6_RECVHOPOPTS = C.IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS + sysIPV6_RECVDSTOPTS = C.IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS + + sysIPV6_USE_MIN_MTU = C.IPV6_USE_MIN_MTU + sysIPV6_RECVPATHMTU = C.IPV6_RECVPATHMTU + sysIPV6_PATHMTU = C.IPV6_PATHMTU + + sysIPV6_PKTINFO = C.IPV6_PKTINFO + sysIPV6_HOPLIMIT = C.IPV6_HOPLIMIT + sysIPV6_NEXTHOP = C.IPV6_NEXTHOP + sysIPV6_HOPOPTS = C.IPV6_HOPOPTS + sysIPV6_DSTOPTS = C.IPV6_DSTOPTS + sysIPV6_RTHDR = C.IPV6_RTHDR + + sysIPV6_RECVTCLASS = C.IPV6_RECVTCLASS + + sysIPV6_TCLASS = C.IPV6_TCLASS + sysIPV6_DONTFRAG = C.IPV6_DONTFRAG + + sizeofSockaddrStorage = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_storage + sizeofSockaddrInet6 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in6 + sizeofInet6Pktinfo = C.sizeof_struct_in6_pktinfo + sizeofIPv6Mtuinfo = C.sizeof_struct_ip6_mtuinfo + + sizeofIPv6Mreq = C.sizeof_struct_ipv6_mreq + sizeofGroupReq = C.sizeof_struct_group_req + sizeofGroupSourceReq = C.sizeof_struct_group_source_req + + sizeofICMPv6Filter = C.sizeof_struct_icmp6_filter +) + +type sockaddrStorage C.struct_sockaddr_storage + +type sockaddrInet6 C.struct_sockaddr_in6 + +type inet6Pktinfo C.struct_in6_pktinfo + +type ipv6Mtuinfo C.struct_ip6_mtuinfo + +type ipv6Mreq C.struct_ipv6_mreq + +type icmpv6Filter C.struct_icmp6_filter + +type groupReq C.struct_group_req + +type groupSourceReq C.struct_group_source_req diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/defs_darwin.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/defs_darwin.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..55ddc116 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/defs_darwin.go @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// +godefs map struct_in6_addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + +package ipv6 + +/* +#define __APPLE_USE_RFC_3542 +#include +#include +*/ +import "C" + +const ( + sysIPV6_UNICAST_HOPS = C.IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS + sysIPV6_MULTICAST_IF = C.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF + sysIPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS = C.IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS + sysIPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP = C.IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP + sysIPV6_JOIN_GROUP = C.IPV6_JOIN_GROUP + sysIPV6_LEAVE_GROUP = C.IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP + + sysIPV6_PORTRANGE = C.IPV6_PORTRANGE + sysICMP6_FILTER = C.ICMP6_FILTER + sysIPV6_2292PKTINFO = C.IPV6_2292PKTINFO + sysIPV6_2292HOPLIMIT = C.IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT + sysIPV6_2292NEXTHOP = C.IPV6_2292NEXTHOP + sysIPV6_2292HOPOPTS = C.IPV6_2292HOPOPTS + sysIPV6_2292DSTOPTS = C.IPV6_2292DSTOPTS + sysIPV6_2292RTHDR = C.IPV6_2292RTHDR + + sysIPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS = C.IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS + + sysIPV6_CHECKSUM = C.IPV6_CHECKSUM + sysIPV6_V6ONLY = C.IPV6_V6ONLY + + sysIPV6_IPSEC_POLICY = C.IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY + + sysIPV6_RECVTCLASS = C.IPV6_RECVTCLASS + sysIPV6_TCLASS = C.IPV6_TCLASS + + sysIPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS = C.IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS + + sysIPV6_RECVPKTINFO = C.IPV6_RECVPKTINFO + + sysIPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT = C.IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT + sysIPV6_RECVRTHDR = C.IPV6_RECVRTHDR + sysIPV6_RECVHOPOPTS = C.IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS + sysIPV6_RECVDSTOPTS = C.IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS + + sysIPV6_USE_MIN_MTU = C.IPV6_USE_MIN_MTU + sysIPV6_RECVPATHMTU = C.IPV6_RECVPATHMTU + + sysIPV6_PATHMTU = C.IPV6_PATHMTU + + sysIPV6_PKTINFO = C.IPV6_PKTINFO + sysIPV6_HOPLIMIT = C.IPV6_HOPLIMIT + sysIPV6_NEXTHOP = C.IPV6_NEXTHOP + sysIPV6_HOPOPTS = C.IPV6_HOPOPTS + sysIPV6_DSTOPTS = C.IPV6_DSTOPTS + sysIPV6_RTHDR = C.IPV6_RTHDR + + sysIPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL = C.IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL + + sysIPV6_DONTFRAG = C.IPV6_DONTFRAG + + sysIPV6_PREFER_TEMPADDR = C.IPV6_PREFER_TEMPADDR + + sysIPV6_MSFILTER = C.IPV6_MSFILTER + sysMCAST_JOIN_GROUP = C.MCAST_JOIN_GROUP + sysMCAST_LEAVE_GROUP = C.MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP + sysMCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP = C.MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP + sysMCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP = C.MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP + sysMCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE = C.MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE + sysMCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = C.MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE + + sysIPV6_BOUND_IF = C.IPV6_BOUND_IF + + sysIPV6_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT = C.IPV6_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT + sysIPV6_PORTRANGE_HIGH = C.IPV6_PORTRANGE_HIGH + sysIPV6_PORTRANGE_LOW = C.IPV6_PORTRANGE_LOW + + sizeofSockaddrStorage = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_storage + sizeofSockaddrInet6 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in6 + sizeofInet6Pktinfo = C.sizeof_struct_in6_pktinfo + sizeofIPv6Mtuinfo = C.sizeof_struct_ip6_mtuinfo + + sizeofIPv6Mreq = C.sizeof_struct_ipv6_mreq + sizeofGroupReq = C.sizeof_struct_group_req + sizeofGroupSourceReq = C.sizeof_struct_group_source_req + + sizeofICMPv6Filter = C.sizeof_struct_icmp6_filter +) + +type sockaddrStorage C.struct_sockaddr_storage + +type sockaddrInet6 C.struct_sockaddr_in6 + +type inet6Pktinfo C.struct_in6_pktinfo + +type ipv6Mtuinfo C.struct_ip6_mtuinfo + +type ipv6Mreq C.struct_ipv6_mreq + +type icmpv6Filter C.struct_icmp6_filter + +type groupReq C.struct_group_req + +type groupSourceReq C.struct_group_source_req diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/defs_dragonfly.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/defs_dragonfly.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..27a1d1d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/defs_dragonfly.go @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// +godefs map struct_in6_addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + +package ipv6 + +/* +#include +#include + +#include +#include +*/ +import "C" + +const ( + sysIPV6_UNICAST_HOPS = C.IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS + sysIPV6_MULTICAST_IF = C.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF + sysIPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS = C.IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS + sysIPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP = C.IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP + sysIPV6_JOIN_GROUP = C.IPV6_JOIN_GROUP + sysIPV6_LEAVE_GROUP = C.IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP + sysIPV6_PORTRANGE = C.IPV6_PORTRANGE + sysICMP6_FILTER = C.ICMP6_FILTER + + sysIPV6_CHECKSUM = C.IPV6_CHECKSUM + sysIPV6_V6ONLY = C.IPV6_V6ONLY + + sysIPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS = C.IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS + sysIPV6_RECVPKTINFO = C.IPV6_RECVPKTINFO + sysIPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT = C.IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT + sysIPV6_RECVRTHDR = C.IPV6_RECVRTHDR + sysIPV6_RECVHOPOPTS = C.IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS + sysIPV6_RECVDSTOPTS = C.IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS + + sysIPV6_USE_MIN_MTU = C.IPV6_USE_MIN_MTU + sysIPV6_RECVPATHMTU = C.IPV6_RECVPATHMTU + + sysIPV6_PATHMTU = C.IPV6_PATHMTU + + sysIPV6_PKTINFO = C.IPV6_PKTINFO + sysIPV6_HOPLIMIT = C.IPV6_HOPLIMIT + sysIPV6_NEXTHOP = C.IPV6_NEXTHOP + sysIPV6_HOPOPTS = C.IPV6_HOPOPTS + sysIPV6_DSTOPTS = C.IPV6_DSTOPTS + sysIPV6_RTHDR = C.IPV6_RTHDR + + sysIPV6_RECVTCLASS = C.IPV6_RECVTCLASS + + sysIPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL = C.IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL + + sysIPV6_TCLASS = C.IPV6_TCLASS + sysIPV6_DONTFRAG = C.IPV6_DONTFRAG + + sysIPV6_PREFER_TEMPADDR = C.IPV6_PREFER_TEMPADDR + + sysIPV6_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT = C.IPV6_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT + sysIPV6_PORTRANGE_HIGH = C.IPV6_PORTRANGE_HIGH + sysIPV6_PORTRANGE_LOW = C.IPV6_PORTRANGE_LOW + + sizeofSockaddrInet6 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in6 + sizeofInet6Pktinfo = C.sizeof_struct_in6_pktinfo + sizeofIPv6Mtuinfo = C.sizeof_struct_ip6_mtuinfo + + sizeofIPv6Mreq = C.sizeof_struct_ipv6_mreq + + sizeofICMPv6Filter = C.sizeof_struct_icmp6_filter +) + +type sockaddrInet6 C.struct_sockaddr_in6 + +type inet6Pktinfo C.struct_in6_pktinfo + +type ipv6Mtuinfo C.struct_ip6_mtuinfo + +type ipv6Mreq C.struct_ipv6_mreq + +type icmpv6Filter C.struct_icmp6_filter diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/defs_freebsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/defs_freebsd.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..53e62538 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/defs_freebsd.go @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// +godefs map struct_in6_addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + +package ipv6 + +/* +#include +#include + +#include +#include +*/ +import "C" + +const ( + sysIPV6_UNICAST_HOPS = C.IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS + sysIPV6_MULTICAST_IF = C.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF + sysIPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS = C.IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS + sysIPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP = C.IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP + sysIPV6_JOIN_GROUP = C.IPV6_JOIN_GROUP + sysIPV6_LEAVE_GROUP = C.IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP + sysIPV6_PORTRANGE = C.IPV6_PORTRANGE + sysICMP6_FILTER = C.ICMP6_FILTER + + sysIPV6_CHECKSUM = C.IPV6_CHECKSUM + sysIPV6_V6ONLY = C.IPV6_V6ONLY + + sysIPV6_IPSEC_POLICY = C.IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY + + sysIPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS = C.IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS + + sysIPV6_RECVPKTINFO = C.IPV6_RECVPKTINFO + sysIPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT = C.IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT + sysIPV6_RECVRTHDR = C.IPV6_RECVRTHDR + sysIPV6_RECVHOPOPTS = C.IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS + sysIPV6_RECVDSTOPTS = C.IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS + + sysIPV6_USE_MIN_MTU = C.IPV6_USE_MIN_MTU + sysIPV6_RECVPATHMTU = C.IPV6_RECVPATHMTU + + sysIPV6_PATHMTU = C.IPV6_PATHMTU + + sysIPV6_PKTINFO = C.IPV6_PKTINFO + sysIPV6_HOPLIMIT = C.IPV6_HOPLIMIT + sysIPV6_NEXTHOP = C.IPV6_NEXTHOP + sysIPV6_HOPOPTS = C.IPV6_HOPOPTS + sysIPV6_DSTOPTS = C.IPV6_DSTOPTS + sysIPV6_RTHDR = C.IPV6_RTHDR + + sysIPV6_RECVTCLASS = C.IPV6_RECVTCLASS + + sysIPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL = C.IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL + + sysIPV6_TCLASS = C.IPV6_TCLASS + sysIPV6_DONTFRAG = C.IPV6_DONTFRAG + + sysIPV6_PREFER_TEMPADDR = C.IPV6_PREFER_TEMPADDR + + sysIPV6_BINDANY = C.IPV6_BINDANY + + sysIPV6_MSFILTER = C.IPV6_MSFILTER + + sysMCAST_JOIN_GROUP = C.MCAST_JOIN_GROUP + sysMCAST_LEAVE_GROUP = C.MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP + sysMCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP = C.MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP + sysMCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP = C.MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP + sysMCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE = C.MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE + sysMCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = C.MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE + + sysIPV6_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT = C.IPV6_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT + sysIPV6_PORTRANGE_HIGH = C.IPV6_PORTRANGE_HIGH + sysIPV6_PORTRANGE_LOW = C.IPV6_PORTRANGE_LOW + + sizeofSockaddrStorage = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_storage + sizeofSockaddrInet6 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in6 + sizeofInet6Pktinfo = C.sizeof_struct_in6_pktinfo + sizeofIPv6Mtuinfo = C.sizeof_struct_ip6_mtuinfo + + sizeofIPv6Mreq = C.sizeof_struct_ipv6_mreq + sizeofGroupReq = C.sizeof_struct_group_req + sizeofGroupSourceReq = C.sizeof_struct_group_source_req + + sizeofICMPv6Filter = C.sizeof_struct_icmp6_filter +) + +type sockaddrStorage C.struct_sockaddr_storage + +type sockaddrInet6 C.struct_sockaddr_in6 + +type inet6Pktinfo C.struct_in6_pktinfo + +type ipv6Mtuinfo C.struct_ip6_mtuinfo + +type ipv6Mreq C.struct_ipv6_mreq + +type groupReq C.struct_group_req + +type groupSourceReq C.struct_group_source_req + +type icmpv6Filter C.struct_icmp6_filter diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/defs_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/defs_linux.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3b697bee --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/defs_linux.go @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// +godefs map struct_in6_addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + +package ipv6 + +/* +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +*/ +import "C" + +const ( + sysIPV6_ADDRFORM = C.IPV6_ADDRFORM + sysIPV6_2292PKTINFO = C.IPV6_2292PKTINFO + sysIPV6_2292HOPOPTS = C.IPV6_2292HOPOPTS + sysIPV6_2292DSTOPTS = C.IPV6_2292DSTOPTS + sysIPV6_2292RTHDR = C.IPV6_2292RTHDR + sysIPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS = C.IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS + sysIPV6_CHECKSUM = C.IPV6_CHECKSUM + sysIPV6_2292HOPLIMIT = C.IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT + sysIPV6_NEXTHOP = C.IPV6_NEXTHOP + sysIPV6_FLOWINFO = C.IPV6_FLOWINFO + + sysIPV6_UNICAST_HOPS = C.IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS + sysIPV6_MULTICAST_IF = C.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF + sysIPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS = C.IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS + sysIPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP = C.IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP + sysIPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = C.IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP + sysIPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP = C.IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP + sysMCAST_JOIN_GROUP = C.MCAST_JOIN_GROUP + sysMCAST_LEAVE_GROUP = C.MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP + sysMCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP = C.MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP + sysMCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP = C.MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP + sysMCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE = C.MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE + sysMCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = C.MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE + sysMCAST_MSFILTER = C.MCAST_MSFILTER + sysIPV6_ROUTER_ALERT = C.IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT + sysIPV6_MTU_DISCOVER = C.IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER + sysIPV6_MTU = C.IPV6_MTU + sysIPV6_RECVERR = C.IPV6_RECVERR + sysIPV6_V6ONLY = C.IPV6_V6ONLY + sysIPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST = C.IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST + sysIPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST = C.IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST + + //sysIPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT = C.IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT + //sysIPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT = C.IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT + //sysIPV6_PMTUDISC_DO = C.IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO + //sysIPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE = C.IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE + //sysIPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE = C.IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE + //sysIPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT = C.IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT + + sysIPV6_FLOWLABEL_MGR = C.IPV6_FLOWLABEL_MGR + sysIPV6_FLOWINFO_SEND = C.IPV6_FLOWINFO_SEND + + sysIPV6_IPSEC_POLICY = C.IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY + sysIPV6_XFRM_POLICY = C.IPV6_XFRM_POLICY + + sysIPV6_RECVPKTINFO = C.IPV6_RECVPKTINFO + sysIPV6_PKTINFO = C.IPV6_PKTINFO + sysIPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT = C.IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT + sysIPV6_HOPLIMIT = C.IPV6_HOPLIMIT + sysIPV6_RECVHOPOPTS = C.IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS + sysIPV6_HOPOPTS = C.IPV6_HOPOPTS + sysIPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS = C.IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS + sysIPV6_RECVRTHDR = C.IPV6_RECVRTHDR + sysIPV6_RTHDR = C.IPV6_RTHDR + sysIPV6_RECVDSTOPTS = C.IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS + sysIPV6_DSTOPTS = C.IPV6_DSTOPTS + sysIPV6_RECVPATHMTU = C.IPV6_RECVPATHMTU + sysIPV6_PATHMTU = C.IPV6_PATHMTU + sysIPV6_DONTFRAG = C.IPV6_DONTFRAG + + sysIPV6_RECVTCLASS = C.IPV6_RECVTCLASS + sysIPV6_TCLASS = C.IPV6_TCLASS + + sysIPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES = C.IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES + + sysIPV6_PREFER_SRC_TMP = C.IPV6_PREFER_SRC_TMP + sysIPV6_PREFER_SRC_PUBLIC = C.IPV6_PREFER_SRC_PUBLIC + sysIPV6_PREFER_SRC_PUBTMP_DEFAULT = C.IPV6_PREFER_SRC_PUBTMP_DEFAULT + sysIPV6_PREFER_SRC_COA = C.IPV6_PREFER_SRC_COA + sysIPV6_PREFER_SRC_HOME = C.IPV6_PREFER_SRC_HOME + sysIPV6_PREFER_SRC_CGA = C.IPV6_PREFER_SRC_CGA + sysIPV6_PREFER_SRC_NONCGA = C.IPV6_PREFER_SRC_NONCGA + + sysIPV6_MINHOPCOUNT = C.IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT + + sysIPV6_ORIGDSTADDR = C.IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR + sysIPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR = C.IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR + sysIPV6_TRANSPARENT = C.IPV6_TRANSPARENT + sysIPV6_UNICAST_IF = C.IPV6_UNICAST_IF + + sysICMPV6_FILTER = C.ICMPV6_FILTER + + sysICMPV6_FILTER_BLOCK = C.ICMPV6_FILTER_BLOCK + sysICMPV6_FILTER_PASS = C.ICMPV6_FILTER_PASS + sysICMPV6_FILTER_BLOCKOTHERS = C.ICMPV6_FILTER_BLOCKOTHERS + sysICMPV6_FILTER_PASSONLY = C.ICMPV6_FILTER_PASSONLY + + sizeofKernelSockaddrStorage = C.sizeof_struct___kernel_sockaddr_storage + sizeofSockaddrInet6 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in6 + sizeofInet6Pktinfo = C.sizeof_struct_in6_pktinfo + sizeofIPv6Mtuinfo = C.sizeof_struct_ip6_mtuinfo + sizeofIPv6FlowlabelReq = C.sizeof_struct_in6_flowlabel_req + + sizeofIPv6Mreq = C.sizeof_struct_ipv6_mreq + sizeofGroupReq = C.sizeof_struct_group_req + sizeofGroupSourceReq = C.sizeof_struct_group_source_req + + sizeofICMPv6Filter = C.sizeof_struct_icmp6_filter +) + +type kernelSockaddrStorage C.struct___kernel_sockaddr_storage + +type sockaddrInet6 C.struct_sockaddr_in6 + +type inet6Pktinfo C.struct_in6_pktinfo + +type ipv6Mtuinfo C.struct_ip6_mtuinfo + +type ipv6FlowlabelReq C.struct_in6_flowlabel_req + +type ipv6Mreq C.struct_ipv6_mreq + +type groupReq C.struct_group_req + +type groupSourceReq C.struct_group_source_req + +type icmpv6Filter C.struct_icmp6_filter diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/defs_netbsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/defs_netbsd.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..be9ceb9c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/defs_netbsd.go @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// +godefs map struct_in6_addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + +package ipv6 + +/* +#include +#include + +#include +#include +*/ +import "C" + +const ( + sysIPV6_UNICAST_HOPS = C.IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS + sysIPV6_MULTICAST_IF = C.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF + sysIPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS = C.IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS + sysIPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP = C.IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP + sysIPV6_JOIN_GROUP = C.IPV6_JOIN_GROUP + sysIPV6_LEAVE_GROUP = C.IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP + sysIPV6_PORTRANGE = C.IPV6_PORTRANGE + sysICMP6_FILTER = C.ICMP6_FILTER + + sysIPV6_CHECKSUM = C.IPV6_CHECKSUM + sysIPV6_V6ONLY = C.IPV6_V6ONLY + + sysIPV6_IPSEC_POLICY = C.IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY + + sysIPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS = C.IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS + + sysIPV6_RECVPKTINFO = C.IPV6_RECVPKTINFO + sysIPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT = C.IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT + sysIPV6_RECVRTHDR = C.IPV6_RECVRTHDR + sysIPV6_RECVHOPOPTS = C.IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS + sysIPV6_RECVDSTOPTS = C.IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS + + sysIPV6_USE_MIN_MTU = C.IPV6_USE_MIN_MTU + sysIPV6_RECVPATHMTU = C.IPV6_RECVPATHMTU + sysIPV6_PATHMTU = C.IPV6_PATHMTU + + sysIPV6_PKTINFO = C.IPV6_PKTINFO + sysIPV6_HOPLIMIT = C.IPV6_HOPLIMIT + sysIPV6_NEXTHOP = C.IPV6_NEXTHOP + sysIPV6_HOPOPTS = C.IPV6_HOPOPTS + sysIPV6_DSTOPTS = C.IPV6_DSTOPTS + sysIPV6_RTHDR = C.IPV6_RTHDR + + sysIPV6_RECVTCLASS = C.IPV6_RECVTCLASS + + sysIPV6_TCLASS = C.IPV6_TCLASS + sysIPV6_DONTFRAG = C.IPV6_DONTFRAG + + sysIPV6_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT = C.IPV6_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT + sysIPV6_PORTRANGE_HIGH = C.IPV6_PORTRANGE_HIGH + sysIPV6_PORTRANGE_LOW = C.IPV6_PORTRANGE_LOW + + sizeofSockaddrInet6 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in6 + sizeofInet6Pktinfo = C.sizeof_struct_in6_pktinfo + sizeofIPv6Mtuinfo = C.sizeof_struct_ip6_mtuinfo + + sizeofIPv6Mreq = C.sizeof_struct_ipv6_mreq + + sizeofICMPv6Filter = C.sizeof_struct_icmp6_filter +) + +type sockaddrInet6 C.struct_sockaddr_in6 + +type inet6Pktinfo C.struct_in6_pktinfo + +type ipv6Mtuinfo C.struct_ip6_mtuinfo + +type ipv6Mreq C.struct_ipv6_mreq + +type icmpv6Filter C.struct_icmp6_filter diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/defs_openbsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/defs_openbsd.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..177ddf87 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/defs_openbsd.go @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// +godefs map struct_in6_addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + +package ipv6 + +/* +#include +#include + +#include +#include +*/ +import "C" + +const ( + sysIPV6_UNICAST_HOPS = C.IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS + sysIPV6_MULTICAST_IF = C.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF + sysIPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS = C.IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS + sysIPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP = C.IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP + sysIPV6_JOIN_GROUP = C.IPV6_JOIN_GROUP + sysIPV6_LEAVE_GROUP = C.IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP + sysIPV6_PORTRANGE = C.IPV6_PORTRANGE + sysICMP6_FILTER = C.ICMP6_FILTER + + sysIPV6_CHECKSUM = C.IPV6_CHECKSUM + sysIPV6_V6ONLY = C.IPV6_V6ONLY + + sysIPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS = C.IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS + + sysIPV6_RECVPKTINFO = C.IPV6_RECVPKTINFO + sysIPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT = C.IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT + sysIPV6_RECVRTHDR = C.IPV6_RECVRTHDR + sysIPV6_RECVHOPOPTS = C.IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS + sysIPV6_RECVDSTOPTS = C.IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS + + sysIPV6_USE_MIN_MTU = C.IPV6_USE_MIN_MTU + sysIPV6_RECVPATHMTU = C.IPV6_RECVPATHMTU + + sysIPV6_PATHMTU = C.IPV6_PATHMTU + + sysIPV6_PKTINFO = C.IPV6_PKTINFO + sysIPV6_HOPLIMIT = C.IPV6_HOPLIMIT + sysIPV6_NEXTHOP = C.IPV6_NEXTHOP + sysIPV6_HOPOPTS = C.IPV6_HOPOPTS + sysIPV6_DSTOPTS = C.IPV6_DSTOPTS + sysIPV6_RTHDR = C.IPV6_RTHDR + + sysIPV6_AUTH_LEVEL = C.IPV6_AUTH_LEVEL + sysIPV6_ESP_TRANS_LEVEL = C.IPV6_ESP_TRANS_LEVEL + sysIPV6_ESP_NETWORK_LEVEL = C.IPV6_ESP_NETWORK_LEVEL + sysIPSEC6_OUTSA = C.IPSEC6_OUTSA + sysIPV6_RECVTCLASS = C.IPV6_RECVTCLASS + + sysIPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL = C.IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL + sysIPV6_IPCOMP_LEVEL = C.IPV6_IPCOMP_LEVEL + + sysIPV6_TCLASS = C.IPV6_TCLASS + sysIPV6_DONTFRAG = C.IPV6_DONTFRAG + sysIPV6_PIPEX = C.IPV6_PIPEX + + sysIPV6_RTABLE = C.IPV6_RTABLE + + sysIPV6_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT = C.IPV6_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT + sysIPV6_PORTRANGE_HIGH = C.IPV6_PORTRANGE_HIGH + sysIPV6_PORTRANGE_LOW = C.IPV6_PORTRANGE_LOW + + sizeofSockaddrInet6 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in6 + sizeofInet6Pktinfo = C.sizeof_struct_in6_pktinfo + sizeofIPv6Mtuinfo = C.sizeof_struct_ip6_mtuinfo + + sizeofIPv6Mreq = C.sizeof_struct_ipv6_mreq + + sizeofICMPv6Filter = C.sizeof_struct_icmp6_filter +) + +type sockaddrInet6 C.struct_sockaddr_in6 + +type inet6Pktinfo C.struct_in6_pktinfo + +type ipv6Mtuinfo C.struct_ip6_mtuinfo + +type ipv6Mreq C.struct_ipv6_mreq + +type icmpv6Filter C.struct_icmp6_filter diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/defs_solaris.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/defs_solaris.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0f8ce2b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/defs_solaris.go @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// +godefs map struct_in6_addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + +package ipv6 + +/* +#include + +#include +#include +*/ +import "C" + +const ( + sysIPV6_UNICAST_HOPS = C.IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS + sysIPV6_MULTICAST_IF = C.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF + sysIPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS = C.IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS + sysIPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP = C.IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP + sysIPV6_JOIN_GROUP = C.IPV6_JOIN_GROUP + sysIPV6_LEAVE_GROUP = C.IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP + + sysIPV6_PKTINFO = C.IPV6_PKTINFO + + sysIPV6_HOPLIMIT = C.IPV6_HOPLIMIT + sysIPV6_NEXTHOP = C.IPV6_NEXTHOP + sysIPV6_HOPOPTS = C.IPV6_HOPOPTS + sysIPV6_DSTOPTS = C.IPV6_DSTOPTS + + sysIPV6_RTHDR = C.IPV6_RTHDR + sysIPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS = C.IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS + + sysIPV6_RECVPKTINFO = C.IPV6_RECVPKTINFO + sysIPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT = C.IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT + sysIPV6_RECVHOPOPTS = C.IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS + + sysIPV6_RECVRTHDR = C.IPV6_RECVRTHDR + + sysIPV6_RECVRTHDRDSTOPTS = C.IPV6_RECVRTHDRDSTOPTS + + sysIPV6_CHECKSUM = C.IPV6_CHECKSUM + sysIPV6_RECVTCLASS = C.IPV6_RECVTCLASS + sysIPV6_USE_MIN_MTU = C.IPV6_USE_MIN_MTU + sysIPV6_DONTFRAG = C.IPV6_DONTFRAG + sysIPV6_SEC_OPT = C.IPV6_SEC_OPT + sysIPV6_SRC_PREFERENCES = C.IPV6_SRC_PREFERENCES + sysIPV6_RECVPATHMTU = C.IPV6_RECVPATHMTU + sysIPV6_PATHMTU = C.IPV6_PATHMTU + sysIPV6_TCLASS = C.IPV6_TCLASS + sysIPV6_V6ONLY = C.IPV6_V6ONLY + + sysIPV6_RECVDSTOPTS = C.IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS + + sysMCAST_JOIN_GROUP = C.MCAST_JOIN_GROUP + sysMCAST_LEAVE_GROUP = C.MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP + sysMCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE = C.MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE + sysMCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = C.MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE + sysMCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP = C.MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP + sysMCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP = C.MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP + + sysIPV6_PREFER_SRC_HOME = C.IPV6_PREFER_SRC_HOME + sysIPV6_PREFER_SRC_COA = C.IPV6_PREFER_SRC_COA + sysIPV6_PREFER_SRC_PUBLIC = C.IPV6_PREFER_SRC_PUBLIC + sysIPV6_PREFER_SRC_TMP = C.IPV6_PREFER_SRC_TMP + sysIPV6_PREFER_SRC_NONCGA = C.IPV6_PREFER_SRC_NONCGA + sysIPV6_PREFER_SRC_CGA = C.IPV6_PREFER_SRC_CGA + + sysIPV6_PREFER_SRC_MIPMASK = C.IPV6_PREFER_SRC_MIPMASK + sysIPV6_PREFER_SRC_MIPDEFAULT = C.IPV6_PREFER_SRC_MIPDEFAULT + sysIPV6_PREFER_SRC_TMPMASK = C.IPV6_PREFER_SRC_TMPMASK + sysIPV6_PREFER_SRC_TMPDEFAULT = C.IPV6_PREFER_SRC_TMPDEFAULT + sysIPV6_PREFER_SRC_CGAMASK = C.IPV6_PREFER_SRC_CGAMASK + sysIPV6_PREFER_SRC_CGADEFAULT = C.IPV6_PREFER_SRC_CGADEFAULT + + sysIPV6_PREFER_SRC_MASK = C.IPV6_PREFER_SRC_MASK + + sysIPV6_PREFER_SRC_DEFAULT = C.IPV6_PREFER_SRC_DEFAULT + + sysIPV6_BOUND_IF = C.IPV6_BOUND_IF + sysIPV6_UNSPEC_SRC = C.IPV6_UNSPEC_SRC + + sysICMP6_FILTER = C.ICMP6_FILTER + + sizeofSockaddrStorage = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_storage + sizeofSockaddrInet6 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in6 + sizeofInet6Pktinfo = C.sizeof_struct_in6_pktinfo + sizeofIPv6Mtuinfo = C.sizeof_struct_ip6_mtuinfo + + sizeofIPv6Mreq = C.sizeof_struct_ipv6_mreq + sizeofGroupReq = C.sizeof_struct_group_req + sizeofGroupSourceReq = C.sizeof_struct_group_source_req + + sizeofICMPv6Filter = C.sizeof_struct_icmp6_filter +) + +type sockaddrStorage C.struct_sockaddr_storage + +type sockaddrInet6 C.struct_sockaddr_in6 + +type inet6Pktinfo C.struct_in6_pktinfo + +type ipv6Mtuinfo C.struct_ip6_mtuinfo + +type ipv6Mreq C.struct_ipv6_mreq + +type groupReq C.struct_group_req + +type groupSourceReq C.struct_group_source_req + +type icmpv6Filter C.struct_icmp6_filter diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/gen.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/gen.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5885664f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +//go:generate go run gen.go + +// This program generates system adaptation constants and types, +// internet protocol constants and tables by reading template files +// and IANA protocol registries. +package main + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/xml" + "fmt" + "go/format" + "io" + "io/ioutil" + "net/http" + "os" + "os/exec" + "runtime" + "strconv" + "strings" +) + +func main() { + if err := genzsys(); err != nil { + fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) + os.Exit(1) + } + if err := geniana(); err != nil { + fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) + os.Exit(1) + } +} + +func genzsys() error { + defs := "defs_" + runtime.GOOS + ".go" + f, err := os.Open(defs) + if err != nil { + if os.IsNotExist(err) { + return nil + } + return err + } + f.Close() + cmd := exec.Command("go", "tool", "cgo", "-godefs", defs) + b, err := cmd.Output() + if err != nil { + return err + } + b, err = format.Source(b) + if err != nil { + return err + } + zsys := "zsys_" + runtime.GOOS + ".go" + switch runtime.GOOS { + case "freebsd", "linux": + zsys = "zsys_" + runtime.GOOS + "_" + runtime.GOARCH + ".go" + } + if err := ioutil.WriteFile(zsys, b, 0644); err != nil { + return err + } + return nil +} + +var registries = []struct { + url string + parse func(io.Writer, io.Reader) error +}{ + { + "https://www.iana.org/assignments/icmpv6-parameters/icmpv6-parameters.xml", + parseICMPv6Parameters, + }, +} + +func geniana() error { + var bb bytes.Buffer + fmt.Fprintf(&bb, "// go generate gen.go\n") + fmt.Fprintf(&bb, "// Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT.\n\n") + fmt.Fprintf(&bb, "package ipv6\n\n") + for _, r := range registries { + resp, err := http.Get(r.url) + if err != nil { + return err + } + defer resp.Body.Close() + if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { + return fmt.Errorf("got HTTP status code %v for %v\n", resp.StatusCode, r.url) + } + if err := r.parse(&bb, resp.Body); err != nil { + return err + } + fmt.Fprintf(&bb, "\n") + } + b, err := format.Source(bb.Bytes()) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if err := ioutil.WriteFile("iana.go", b, 0644); err != nil { + return err + } + return nil +} + +func parseICMPv6Parameters(w io.Writer, r io.Reader) error { + dec := xml.NewDecoder(r) + var icp icmpv6Parameters + if err := dec.Decode(&icp); err != nil { + return err + } + prs := icp.escape() + fmt.Fprintf(w, "// %s, Updated: %s\n", icp.Title, icp.Updated) + fmt.Fprintf(w, "const (\n") + for _, pr := range prs { + if pr.Name == "" { + continue + } + fmt.Fprintf(w, "ICMPType%s ICMPType = %d", pr.Name, pr.Value) + fmt.Fprintf(w, "// %s\n", pr.OrigName) + } + fmt.Fprintf(w, ")\n\n") + fmt.Fprintf(w, "// %s, Updated: %s\n", icp.Title, icp.Updated) + fmt.Fprintf(w, "var icmpTypes = map[ICMPType]string{\n") + for _, pr := range prs { + if pr.Name == "" { + continue + } + fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d: %q,\n", pr.Value, strings.ToLower(pr.OrigName)) + } + fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n") + return nil +} + +type icmpv6Parameters struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"registry"` + Title string `xml:"title"` + Updated string `xml:"updated"` + Registries []struct { + Title string `xml:"title"` + Records []struct { + Value string `xml:"value"` + Name string `xml:"name"` + } `xml:"record"` + } `xml:"registry"` +} + +type canonICMPv6ParamRecord struct { + OrigName string + Name string + Value int +} + +func (icp *icmpv6Parameters) escape() []canonICMPv6ParamRecord { + id := -1 + for i, r := range icp.Registries { + if strings.Contains(r.Title, "Type") || strings.Contains(r.Title, "type") { + id = i + break + } + } + if id < 0 { + return nil + } + prs := make([]canonICMPv6ParamRecord, len(icp.Registries[id].Records)) + sr := strings.NewReplacer( + "Messages", "", + "Message", "", + "ICMP", "", + "+", "P", + "-", "", + "/", "", + ".", "", + " ", "", + ) + for i, pr := range icp.Registries[id].Records { + if strings.Contains(pr.Name, "Reserved") || + strings.Contains(pr.Name, "Unassigned") || + strings.Contains(pr.Name, "Deprecated") || + strings.Contains(pr.Name, "Experiment") || + strings.Contains(pr.Name, "experiment") { + continue + } + ss := strings.Split(pr.Name, "\n") + if len(ss) > 1 { + prs[i].Name = strings.Join(ss, " ") + } else { + prs[i].Name = ss[0] + } + s := strings.TrimSpace(prs[i].Name) + prs[i].OrigName = s + prs[i].Name = sr.Replace(s) + prs[i].Value, _ = strconv.Atoi(pr.Value) + } + return prs +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkasm_darwin.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkasm_darwin.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6f7bb6ed --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkasm_darwin.go @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// mkasm_darwin.go generates assembly trampolines to call libSystem routines from Go. +//This program must be run after mksyscall.go. +package main + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + "io/ioutil" + "log" + "os" + "strings" +) + +func writeASMFile(in string, fileName string, buildTags string) { + trampolines := map[string]bool{} + + var out bytes.Buffer + + fmt.Fprintf(&out, "// go run mkasm_darwin.go %s\n", strings.Join(os.Args[1:], " ")) + fmt.Fprintf(&out, "// Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT.\n") + fmt.Fprintf(&out, "\n") + fmt.Fprintf(&out, "// +build %s\n", buildTags) + fmt.Fprintf(&out, "\n") + fmt.Fprintf(&out, "#include \"textflag.h\"\n") + for _, line := range strings.Split(in, "\n") { + if !strings.HasPrefix(line, "func ") || !strings.HasSuffix(line, "_trampoline()") { + continue + } + fn := line[5 : len(line)-13] + if !trampolines[fn] { + trampolines[fn] = true + fmt.Fprintf(&out, "TEXT ·%s_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0\n", fn) + fmt.Fprintf(&out, "\tJMP\t%s(SB)\n", fn) + } + } + err := ioutil.WriteFile(fileName, out.Bytes(), 0644) + if err != nil { + log.Fatalf("can't write %s: %s", fileName, err) + } +} + +func main() { + in1, err := ioutil.ReadFile("syscall_darwin.go") + if err != nil { + log.Fatalf("can't open syscall_darwin.go: %s", err) + } + arch := os.Args[1] + in2, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fmt.Sprintf("syscall_darwin_%s.go", arch)) + if err != nil { + log.Fatalf("can't open syscall_darwin_%s.go: %s", arch, err) + } + in3, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fmt.Sprintf("zsyscall_darwin_%s.go", arch)) + if err != nil { + log.Fatalf("can't open zsyscall_darwin_%s.go: %s", arch, err) + } + in := string(in1) + string(in2) + string(in3) + + writeASMFile(in, fmt.Sprintf("zsyscall_darwin_%s.s", arch), "go1.12") + + in1, err = ioutil.ReadFile("syscall_darwin.1_13.go") + if err != nil { + log.Fatalf("can't open syscall_darwin.1_13.go: %s", err) + } + in2, err = ioutil.ReadFile(fmt.Sprintf("zsyscall_darwin_%s.1_13.go", arch)) + if err != nil { + log.Fatalf("can't open zsyscall_darwin_%s.1_13.go: %s", arch, err) + } + + in = string(in1) + string(in2) + + writeASMFile(in, fmt.Sprintf("zsyscall_darwin_%s.1_13.s", arch), "go1.13") +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkpost.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkpost.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..eb433205 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkpost.go @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// mkpost processes the output of cgo -godefs to +// modify the generated types. It is used to clean up +// the sys API in an architecture specific manner. +// +// mkpost is run after cgo -godefs; see README.md. +package main + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + "go/format" + "io/ioutil" + "log" + "os" + "regexp" +) + +func main() { + // Get the OS and architecture (using GOARCH_TARGET if it exists) + goos := os.Getenv("GOOS") + goarch := os.Getenv("GOARCH_TARGET") + if goarch == "" { + goarch = os.Getenv("GOARCH") + } + // Check that we are using the Docker-based build system if we should be. + if goos == "linux" { + if os.Getenv("GOLANG_SYS_BUILD") != "docker" { + os.Stderr.WriteString("In the Docker-based build system, mkpost should not be called directly.\n") + os.Stderr.WriteString("See README.md\n") + os.Exit(1) + } + } + + b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin) + if err != nil { + log.Fatal(err) + } + + if goos == "aix" { + // Replace type of Atim, Mtim and Ctim by Timespec in Stat_t + // to avoid having both StTimespec and Timespec. + sttimespec := regexp.MustCompile(`_Ctype_struct_st_timespec`) + b = sttimespec.ReplaceAll(b, []byte("Timespec")) + } + + // Intentionally export __val fields in Fsid and Sigset_t + valRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`type (Fsid|Sigset_t) struct {(\s+)X__(bits|val)(\s+\S+\s+)}`) + b = valRegex.ReplaceAll(b, []byte("type $1 struct {${2}Val$4}")) + + // Intentionally export __fds_bits field in FdSet + fdSetRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`type (FdSet) struct {(\s+)X__fds_bits(\s+\S+\s+)}`) + b = fdSetRegex.ReplaceAll(b, []byte("type $1 struct {${2}Bits$3}")) + + // If we have empty Ptrace structs, we should delete them. Only s390x emits + // nonempty Ptrace structs. + ptraceRexexp := regexp.MustCompile(`type Ptrace((Psw|Fpregs|Per) struct {\s*})`) + b = ptraceRexexp.ReplaceAll(b, nil) + + // Replace the control_regs union with a blank identifier for now. + controlRegsRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`(Control_regs)\s+\[0\]uint64`) + b = controlRegsRegex.ReplaceAll(b, []byte("_ [0]uint64")) + + // Remove fields that are added by glibc + // Note that this is unstable as the identifers are private. + removeFieldsRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`X__glibc\S*`) + b = removeFieldsRegex.ReplaceAll(b, []byte("_")) + + // Convert [65]int8 to [65]byte in Utsname members to simplify + // conversion to string; see golang.org/issue/20753 + convertUtsnameRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`((Sys|Node|Domain)name|Release|Version|Machine)(\s+)\[(\d+)\]u?int8`) + b = convertUtsnameRegex.ReplaceAll(b, []byte("$1$3[$4]byte")) + + // Convert [1024]int8 to [1024]byte in Ptmget members + convertPtmget := regexp.MustCompile(`([SC]n)(\s+)\[(\d+)\]u?int8`) + b = convertPtmget.ReplaceAll(b, []byte("$1[$3]byte")) + + // Remove spare fields (e.g. in Statx_t) + spareFieldsRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`X__spare\S*`) + b = spareFieldsRegex.ReplaceAll(b, []byte("_")) + + // Remove cgo padding fields + removePaddingFieldsRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`Pad_cgo_\d+`) + b = removePaddingFieldsRegex.ReplaceAll(b, []byte("_")) + + // Remove padding, hidden, or unused fields + removeFieldsRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`\b(X_\S+|Padding)`) + b = removeFieldsRegex.ReplaceAll(b, []byte("_")) + + // Remove the first line of warning from cgo + b = b[bytes.IndexByte(b, '\n')+1:] + // Modify the command in the header to include: + // mkpost, our own warning, and a build tag. + replacement := fmt.Sprintf(`$1 | go run mkpost.go +// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. + +// +build %s,%s`, goarch, goos) + cgoCommandRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`(cgo -godefs .*)`) + b = cgoCommandRegex.ReplaceAll(b, []byte(replacement)) + + // Rename Stat_t time fields + if goos == "freebsd" && goarch == "386" { + // Hide Stat_t.[AMCB]tim_ext fields + renameStatTimeExtFieldsRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`[AMCB]tim_ext`) + b = renameStatTimeExtFieldsRegex.ReplaceAll(b, []byte("_")) + } + renameStatTimeFieldsRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`([AMCB])(?:irth)?time?(?:spec)?\s+(Timespec|StTimespec)`) + b = renameStatTimeFieldsRegex.ReplaceAll(b, []byte("${1}tim ${2}")) + + // gofmt + b, err = format.Source(b) + if err != nil { + log.Fatal(err) + } + + os.Stdout.Write(b) +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mksyscall.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mksyscall.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9e540cc8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mksyscall.go @@ -0,0 +1,402 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +/* +This program reads a file containing function prototypes +(like syscall_darwin.go) and generates system call bodies. +The prototypes are marked by lines beginning with "//sys" +and read like func declarations if //sys is replaced by func, but: + * The parameter lists must give a name for each argument. + This includes return parameters. + * The parameter lists must give a type for each argument: + the (x, y, z int) shorthand is not allowed. + * If the return parameter is an error number, it must be named errno. + +A line beginning with //sysnb is like //sys, except that the +goroutine will not be suspended during the execution of the system +call. This must only be used for system calls which can never +block, as otherwise the system call could cause all goroutines to +hang. +*/ +package main + +import ( + "bufio" + "flag" + "fmt" + "os" + "regexp" + "strings" +) + +var ( + b32 = flag.Bool("b32", false, "32bit big-endian") + l32 = flag.Bool("l32", false, "32bit little-endian") + plan9 = flag.Bool("plan9", false, "plan9") + openbsd = flag.Bool("openbsd", false, "openbsd") + netbsd = flag.Bool("netbsd", false, "netbsd") + dragonfly = flag.Bool("dragonfly", false, "dragonfly") + arm = flag.Bool("arm", false, "arm") // 64-bit value should use (even, odd)-pair + tags = flag.String("tags", "", "build tags") + filename = flag.String("output", "", "output file name (standard output if omitted)") +) + +// cmdLine returns this programs's commandline arguments +func cmdLine() string { + return "go run mksyscall.go " + strings.Join(os.Args[1:], " ") +} + +// buildTags returns build tags +func buildTags() string { + return *tags +} + +// Param is function parameter +type Param struct { + Name string + Type string +} + +// usage prints the program usage +func usage() { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: go run mksyscall.go [-b32 | -l32] [-tags x,y] [file ...]\n") + os.Exit(1) +} + +// parseParamList parses parameter list and returns a slice of parameters +func parseParamList(list string) []string { + list = strings.TrimSpace(list) + if list == "" { + return []string{} + } + return regexp.MustCompile(`\s*,\s*`).Split(list, -1) +} + +// parseParam splits a parameter into name and type +func parseParam(p string) Param { + ps := regexp.MustCompile(`^(\S*) (\S*)$`).FindStringSubmatch(p) + if ps == nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "malformed parameter: %s\n", p) + os.Exit(1) + } + return Param{ps[1], ps[2]} +} + +func main() { + // Get the OS and architecture (using GOARCH_TARGET if it exists) + goos := os.Getenv("GOOS") + if goos == "" { + fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "GOOS not defined in environment") + os.Exit(1) + } + goarch := os.Getenv("GOARCH_TARGET") + if goarch == "" { + goarch = os.Getenv("GOARCH") + } + + // Check that we are using the Docker-based build system if we should + if goos == "linux" { + if os.Getenv("GOLANG_SYS_BUILD") != "docker" { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "In the Docker-based build system, mksyscall should not be called directly.\n") + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "See README.md\n") + os.Exit(1) + } + } + + flag.Usage = usage + flag.Parse() + if len(flag.Args()) <= 0 { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "no files to parse provided\n") + usage() + } + + endianness := "" + if *b32 { + endianness = "big-endian" + } else if *l32 { + endianness = "little-endian" + } + + libc := false + if goos == "darwin" && (strings.Contains(buildTags(), ",go1.12") || strings.Contains(buildTags(), ",go1.13")) { + libc = true + } + trampolines := map[string]bool{} + + text := "" + for _, path := range flag.Args() { + file, err := os.Open(path) + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, err.Error()) + os.Exit(1) + } + s := bufio.NewScanner(file) + for s.Scan() { + t := s.Text() + t = strings.TrimSpace(t) + t = regexp.MustCompile(`\s+`).ReplaceAllString(t, ` `) + nonblock := regexp.MustCompile(`^\/\/sysnb `).FindStringSubmatch(t) + if regexp.MustCompile(`^\/\/sys `).FindStringSubmatch(t) == nil && nonblock == nil { + continue + } + + // Line must be of the form + // func Open(path string, mode int, perm int) (fd int, errno error) + // Split into name, in params, out params. + f := regexp.MustCompile(`^\/\/sys(nb)? (\w+)\(([^()]*)\)\s*(?:\(([^()]+)\))?\s*(?:=\s*((?i)SYS_[A-Z0-9_]+))?$`).FindStringSubmatch(t) + if f == nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s:%s\nmalformed //sys declaration\n", path, t) + os.Exit(1) + } + funct, inps, outps, sysname := f[2], f[3], f[4], f[5] + + // ClockGettime doesn't have a syscall number on Darwin, only generate libc wrappers. + if goos == "darwin" && !libc && funct == "ClockGettime" { + continue + } + + // Split argument lists on comma. + in := parseParamList(inps) + out := parseParamList(outps) + + // Try in vain to keep people from editing this file. + // The theory is that they jump into the middle of the file + // without reading the header. + text += "// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\n" + + // Go function header. + outDecl := "" + if len(out) > 0 { + outDecl = fmt.Sprintf(" (%s)", strings.Join(out, ", ")) + } + text += fmt.Sprintf("func %s(%s)%s {\n", funct, strings.Join(in, ", "), outDecl) + + // Check if err return available + errvar := "" + for _, param := range out { + p := parseParam(param) + if p.Type == "error" { + errvar = p.Name + break + } + } + + // Prepare arguments to Syscall. + var args []string + n := 0 + for _, param := range in { + p := parseParam(param) + if regexp.MustCompile(`^\*`).FindStringSubmatch(p.Type) != nil { + args = append(args, "uintptr(unsafe.Pointer("+p.Name+"))") + } else if p.Type == "string" && errvar != "" { + text += fmt.Sprintf("\tvar _p%d *byte\n", n) + text += fmt.Sprintf("\t_p%d, %s = BytePtrFromString(%s)\n", n, errvar, p.Name) + text += fmt.Sprintf("\tif %s != nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n", errvar) + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p%d))", n)) + n++ + } else if p.Type == "string" { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, path+":"+funct+" uses string arguments, but has no error return\n") + text += fmt.Sprintf("\tvar _p%d *byte\n", n) + text += fmt.Sprintf("\t_p%d, _ = BytePtrFromString(%s)\n", n, p.Name) + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p%d))", n)) + n++ + } else if regexp.MustCompile(`^\[\](.*)`).FindStringSubmatch(p.Type) != nil { + // Convert slice into pointer, length. + // Have to be careful not to take address of &a[0] if len == 0: + // pass dummy pointer in that case. + // Used to pass nil, but some OSes or simulators reject write(fd, nil, 0). + text += fmt.Sprintf("\tvar _p%d unsafe.Pointer\n", n) + text += fmt.Sprintf("\tif len(%s) > 0 {\n\t\t_p%d = unsafe.Pointer(&%s[0])\n\t}", p.Name, n, p.Name) + text += fmt.Sprintf(" else {\n\t\t_p%d = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)\n\t}\n", n) + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(_p%d)", n), fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(len(%s))", p.Name)) + n++ + } else if p.Type == "int64" && (*openbsd || *netbsd) { + args = append(args, "0") + if endianness == "big-endian" { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s>>32)", p.Name), fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name)) + } else if endianness == "little-endian" { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name), fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s>>32)", p.Name)) + } else { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name)) + } + } else if p.Type == "int64" && *dragonfly { + if regexp.MustCompile(`^(?i)extp(read|write)`).FindStringSubmatch(funct) == nil { + args = append(args, "0") + } + if endianness == "big-endian" { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s>>32)", p.Name), fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name)) + } else if endianness == "little-endian" { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name), fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s>>32)", p.Name)) + } else { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name)) + } + } else if (p.Type == "int64" || p.Type == "uint64") && endianness != "" { + if len(args)%2 == 1 && *arm { + // arm abi specifies 64-bit argument uses + // (even, odd) pair + args = append(args, "0") + } + if endianness == "big-endian" { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s>>32)", p.Name), fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name)) + } else { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name), fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s>>32)", p.Name)) + } + } else { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name)) + } + } + + // Determine which form to use; pad args with zeros. + asm := "Syscall" + if nonblock != nil { + if errvar == "" && goos == "linux" { + asm = "RawSyscallNoError" + } else { + asm = "RawSyscall" + } + } else { + if errvar == "" && goos == "linux" { + asm = "SyscallNoError" + } + } + if len(args) <= 3 { + for len(args) < 3 { + args = append(args, "0") + } + } else if len(args) <= 6 { + asm += "6" + for len(args) < 6 { + args = append(args, "0") + } + } else if len(args) <= 9 { + asm += "9" + for len(args) < 9 { + args = append(args, "0") + } + } else { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s:%s too many arguments to system call\n", path, funct) + } + + // System call number. + if sysname == "" { + sysname = "SYS_" + funct + sysname = regexp.MustCompile(`([a-z])([A-Z])`).ReplaceAllString(sysname, `${1}_$2`) + sysname = strings.ToUpper(sysname) + } + + var libcFn string + if libc { + asm = "syscall_" + strings.ToLower(asm[:1]) + asm[1:] // internal syscall call + sysname = strings.TrimPrefix(sysname, "SYS_") // remove SYS_ + sysname = strings.ToLower(sysname) // lowercase + libcFn = sysname + sysname = "funcPC(libc_" + sysname + "_trampoline)" + } + + // Actual call. + arglist := strings.Join(args, ", ") + call := fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s, %s)", asm, sysname, arglist) + + // Assign return values. + body := "" + ret := []string{"_", "_", "_"} + doErrno := false + for i := 0; i < len(out); i++ { + p := parseParam(out[i]) + reg := "" + if p.Name == "err" && !*plan9 { + reg = "e1" + ret[2] = reg + doErrno = true + } else if p.Name == "err" && *plan9 { + ret[0] = "r0" + ret[2] = "e1" + break + } else { + reg = fmt.Sprintf("r%d", i) + ret[i] = reg + } + if p.Type == "bool" { + reg = fmt.Sprintf("%s != 0", reg) + } + if p.Type == "int64" && endianness != "" { + // 64-bit number in r1:r0 or r0:r1. + if i+2 > len(out) { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s:%s not enough registers for int64 return\n", path, funct) + } + if endianness == "big-endian" { + reg = fmt.Sprintf("int64(r%d)<<32 | int64(r%d)", i, i+1) + } else { + reg = fmt.Sprintf("int64(r%d)<<32 | int64(r%d)", i+1, i) + } + ret[i] = fmt.Sprintf("r%d", i) + ret[i+1] = fmt.Sprintf("r%d", i+1) + } + if reg != "e1" || *plan9 { + body += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s = %s(%s)\n", p.Name, p.Type, reg) + } + } + if ret[0] == "_" && ret[1] == "_" && ret[2] == "_" { + text += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s\n", call) + } else { + if errvar == "" && goos == "linux" { + // raw syscall without error on Linux, see golang.org/issue/22924 + text += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s, %s := %s\n", ret[0], ret[1], call) + } else { + text += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s, %s, %s := %s\n", ret[0], ret[1], ret[2], call) + } + } + text += body + + if *plan9 && ret[2] == "e1" { + text += "\tif int32(r0) == -1 {\n" + text += "\t\terr = e1\n" + text += "\t}\n" + } else if doErrno { + text += "\tif e1 != 0 {\n" + text += "\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n" + text += "\t}\n" + } + text += "\treturn\n" + text += "}\n\n" + + if libc && !trampolines[libcFn] { + // some system calls share a trampoline, like read and readlen. + trampolines[libcFn] = true + // Declare assembly trampoline. + text += fmt.Sprintf("func libc_%s_trampoline()\n", libcFn) + // Assembly trampoline calls the libc_* function, which this magic + // redirects to use the function from libSystem. + text += fmt.Sprintf("//go:linkname libc_%s libc_%s\n", libcFn, libcFn) + text += fmt.Sprintf("//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_%s %s \"/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib\"\n", libcFn, libcFn) + text += "\n" + } + } + if err := s.Err(); err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, err.Error()) + os.Exit(1) + } + file.Close() + } + fmt.Printf(srcTemplate, cmdLine(), buildTags(), text) +} + +const srcTemplate = `// %s +// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. + +// +build %s + +package unix + +import ( + "syscall" + "unsafe" +) + +var _ syscall.Errno + +%s +` diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mksyscall_aix_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mksyscall_aix_ppc.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3be3cdfc --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mksyscall_aix_ppc.go @@ -0,0 +1,415 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +/* +This program reads a file containing function prototypes +(like syscall_aix.go) and generates system call bodies. +The prototypes are marked by lines beginning with "//sys" +and read like func declarations if //sys is replaced by func, but: + * The parameter lists must give a name for each argument. + This includes return parameters. + * The parameter lists must give a type for each argument: + the (x, y, z int) shorthand is not allowed. + * If the return parameter is an error number, it must be named err. + * If go func name needs to be different than its libc name, + * or the function is not in libc, name could be specified + * at the end, after "=" sign, like + //sys getsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val uintptr, vallen *_Socklen) (err error) = libsocket.getsockopt +*/ +package main + +import ( + "bufio" + "flag" + "fmt" + "os" + "regexp" + "strings" +) + +var ( + b32 = flag.Bool("b32", false, "32bit big-endian") + l32 = flag.Bool("l32", false, "32bit little-endian") + aix = flag.Bool("aix", false, "aix") + tags = flag.String("tags", "", "build tags") +) + +// cmdLine returns this programs's commandline arguments +func cmdLine() string { + return "go run mksyscall_aix_ppc.go " + strings.Join(os.Args[1:], " ") +} + +// buildTags returns build tags +func buildTags() string { + return *tags +} + +// Param is function parameter +type Param struct { + Name string + Type string +} + +// usage prints the program usage +func usage() { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: go run mksyscall_aix_ppc.go [-b32 | -l32] [-tags x,y] [file ...]\n") + os.Exit(1) +} + +// parseParamList parses parameter list and returns a slice of parameters +func parseParamList(list string) []string { + list = strings.TrimSpace(list) + if list == "" { + return []string{} + } + return regexp.MustCompile(`\s*,\s*`).Split(list, -1) +} + +// parseParam splits a parameter into name and type +func parseParam(p string) Param { + ps := regexp.MustCompile(`^(\S*) (\S*)$`).FindStringSubmatch(p) + if ps == nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "malformed parameter: %s\n", p) + os.Exit(1) + } + return Param{ps[1], ps[2]} +} + +func main() { + flag.Usage = usage + flag.Parse() + if len(flag.Args()) <= 0 { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "no files to parse provided\n") + usage() + } + + endianness := "" + if *b32 { + endianness = "big-endian" + } else if *l32 { + endianness = "little-endian" + } + + pack := "" + text := "" + cExtern := "/*\n#include \n#include \n" + for _, path := range flag.Args() { + file, err := os.Open(path) + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, err.Error()) + os.Exit(1) + } + s := bufio.NewScanner(file) + for s.Scan() { + t := s.Text() + t = strings.TrimSpace(t) + t = regexp.MustCompile(`\s+`).ReplaceAllString(t, ` `) + if p := regexp.MustCompile(`^package (\S+)$`).FindStringSubmatch(t); p != nil && pack == "" { + pack = p[1] + } + nonblock := regexp.MustCompile(`^\/\/sysnb `).FindStringSubmatch(t) + if regexp.MustCompile(`^\/\/sys `).FindStringSubmatch(t) == nil && nonblock == nil { + continue + } + + // Line must be of the form + // func Open(path string, mode int, perm int) (fd int, err error) + // Split into name, in params, out params. + f := regexp.MustCompile(`^\/\/sys(nb)? (\w+)\(([^()]*)\)\s*(?:\(([^()]+)\))?\s*(?:=\s*(?:(\w*)\.)?(\w*))?$`).FindStringSubmatch(t) + if f == nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s:%s\nmalformed //sys declaration\n", path, t) + os.Exit(1) + } + funct, inps, outps, modname, sysname := f[2], f[3], f[4], f[5], f[6] + + // Split argument lists on comma. + in := parseParamList(inps) + out := parseParamList(outps) + + inps = strings.Join(in, ", ") + outps = strings.Join(out, ", ") + + // Try in vain to keep people from editing this file. + // The theory is that they jump into the middle of the file + // without reading the header. + text += "// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\n" + + // Check if value return, err return available + errvar := "" + retvar := "" + rettype := "" + for _, param := range out { + p := parseParam(param) + if p.Type == "error" { + errvar = p.Name + } else { + retvar = p.Name + rettype = p.Type + } + } + + // System call name. + if sysname == "" { + sysname = funct + } + sysname = regexp.MustCompile(`([a-z])([A-Z])`).ReplaceAllString(sysname, `${1}_$2`) + sysname = strings.ToLower(sysname) // All libc functions are lowercase. + + cRettype := "" + if rettype == "unsafe.Pointer" { + cRettype = "uintptr_t" + } else if rettype == "uintptr" { + cRettype = "uintptr_t" + } else if regexp.MustCompile(`^_`).FindStringSubmatch(rettype) != nil { + cRettype = "uintptr_t" + } else if rettype == "int" { + cRettype = "int" + } else if rettype == "int32" { + cRettype = "int" + } else if rettype == "int64" { + cRettype = "long long" + } else if rettype == "uint32" { + cRettype = "unsigned int" + } else if rettype == "uint64" { + cRettype = "unsigned long long" + } else { + cRettype = "int" + } + if sysname == "exit" { + cRettype = "void" + } + + // Change p.Types to c + var cIn []string + for _, param := range in { + p := parseParam(param) + if regexp.MustCompile(`^\*`).FindStringSubmatch(p.Type) != nil { + cIn = append(cIn, "uintptr_t") + } else if p.Type == "string" { + cIn = append(cIn, "uintptr_t") + } else if regexp.MustCompile(`^\[\](.*)`).FindStringSubmatch(p.Type) != nil { + cIn = append(cIn, "uintptr_t", "size_t") + } else if p.Type == "unsafe.Pointer" { + cIn = append(cIn, "uintptr_t") + } else if p.Type == "uintptr" { + cIn = append(cIn, "uintptr_t") + } else if regexp.MustCompile(`^_`).FindStringSubmatch(p.Type) != nil { + cIn = append(cIn, "uintptr_t") + } else if p.Type == "int" { + cIn = append(cIn, "int") + } else if p.Type == "int32" { + cIn = append(cIn, "int") + } else if p.Type == "int64" { + cIn = append(cIn, "long long") + } else if p.Type == "uint32" { + cIn = append(cIn, "unsigned int") + } else if p.Type == "uint64" { + cIn = append(cIn, "unsigned long long") + } else { + cIn = append(cIn, "int") + } + } + + if funct != "fcntl" && funct != "FcntlInt" && funct != "readlen" && funct != "writelen" { + if sysname == "select" { + // select is a keyword of Go. Its name is + // changed to c_select. + cExtern += "#define c_select select\n" + } + // Imports of system calls from libc + cExtern += fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", cRettype, sysname) + cIn := strings.Join(cIn, ", ") + cExtern += fmt.Sprintf("(%s);\n", cIn) + } + + // So file name. + if *aix { + if modname == "" { + modname = "libc.a/shr_64.o" + } else { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: only syscall using libc are available\n", funct) + os.Exit(1) + } + } + + strconvfunc := "C.CString" + + // Go function header. + if outps != "" { + outps = fmt.Sprintf(" (%s)", outps) + } + if text != "" { + text += "\n" + } + + text += fmt.Sprintf("func %s(%s)%s {\n", funct, strings.Join(in, ", "), outps) + + // Prepare arguments to Syscall. + var args []string + n := 0 + argN := 0 + for _, param := range in { + p := parseParam(param) + if regexp.MustCompile(`^\*`).FindStringSubmatch(p.Type) != nil { + args = append(args, "C.uintptr_t(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer("+p.Name+")))") + } else if p.Type == "string" && errvar != "" { + text += fmt.Sprintf("\t_p%d := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(%s(%s)))\n", n, strconvfunc, p.Name) + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("C.uintptr_t(_p%d)", n)) + n++ + } else if p.Type == "string" { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, path+":"+funct+" uses string arguments, but has no error return\n") + text += fmt.Sprintf("\t_p%d := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(%s(%s)))\n", n, strconvfunc, p.Name) + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("C.uintptr_t(_p%d)", n)) + n++ + } else if m := regexp.MustCompile(`^\[\](.*)`).FindStringSubmatch(p.Type); m != nil { + // Convert slice into pointer, length. + // Have to be careful not to take address of &a[0] if len == 0: + // pass nil in that case. + text += fmt.Sprintf("\tvar _p%d *%s\n", n, m[1]) + text += fmt.Sprintf("\tif len(%s) > 0 {\n\t\t_p%d = &%s[0]\n\t}\n", p.Name, n, p.Name) + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("C.uintptr_t(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p%d)))", n)) + n++ + text += fmt.Sprintf("\tvar _p%d int\n", n) + text += fmt.Sprintf("\t_p%d = len(%s)\n", n, p.Name) + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("C.size_t(_p%d)", n)) + n++ + } else if p.Type == "int64" && endianness != "" { + if endianness == "big-endian" { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s>>32)", p.Name), fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name)) + } else { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name), fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s>>32)", p.Name)) + } + n++ + } else if p.Type == "bool" { + text += fmt.Sprintf("\tvar _p%d uint32\n", n) + text += fmt.Sprintf("\tif %s {\n\t\t_p%d = 1\n\t} else {\n\t\t_p%d = 0\n\t}\n", p.Name, n, n) + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("_p%d", n)) + } else if regexp.MustCompile(`^_`).FindStringSubmatch(p.Type) != nil { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("C.uintptr_t(uintptr(%s))", p.Name)) + } else if p.Type == "unsafe.Pointer" { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("C.uintptr_t(uintptr(%s))", p.Name)) + } else if p.Type == "int" { + if (argN == 2) && ((funct == "readlen") || (funct == "writelen")) { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("C.size_t(%s)", p.Name)) + } else if argN == 0 && funct == "fcntl" { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("C.uintptr_t(%s)", p.Name)) + } else if (argN == 2) && ((funct == "fcntl") || (funct == "FcntlInt")) { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("C.uintptr_t(%s)", p.Name)) + } else { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("C.int(%s)", p.Name)) + } + } else if p.Type == "int32" { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("C.int(%s)", p.Name)) + } else if p.Type == "int64" { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("C.longlong(%s)", p.Name)) + } else if p.Type == "uint32" { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("C.uint(%s)", p.Name)) + } else if p.Type == "uint64" { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("C.ulonglong(%s)", p.Name)) + } else if p.Type == "uintptr" { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("C.uintptr_t(%s)", p.Name)) + } else { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("C.int(%s)", p.Name)) + } + argN++ + } + + // Actual call. + arglist := strings.Join(args, ", ") + call := "" + if sysname == "exit" { + if errvar != "" { + call += "er :=" + } else { + call += "" + } + } else if errvar != "" { + call += "r0,er :=" + } else if retvar != "" { + call += "r0,_ :=" + } else { + call += "" + } + if sysname == "select" { + // select is a keyword of Go. Its name is + // changed to c_select. + call += fmt.Sprintf("C.c_%s(%s)", sysname, arglist) + } else { + call += fmt.Sprintf("C.%s(%s)", sysname, arglist) + } + + // Assign return values. + body := "" + for i := 0; i < len(out); i++ { + p := parseParam(out[i]) + reg := "" + if p.Name == "err" { + reg = "e1" + } else { + reg = "r0" + } + if reg != "e1" { + body += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s = %s(%s)\n", p.Name, p.Type, reg) + } + } + + // verify return + if sysname != "exit" && errvar != "" { + if regexp.MustCompile(`^uintptr`).FindStringSubmatch(cRettype) != nil { + body += "\tif (uintptr(r0) ==^uintptr(0) && er != nil) {\n" + body += fmt.Sprintf("\t\t%s = er\n", errvar) + body += "\t}\n" + } else { + body += "\tif (r0 ==-1 && er != nil) {\n" + body += fmt.Sprintf("\t\t%s = er\n", errvar) + body += "\t}\n" + } + } else if errvar != "" { + body += "\tif (er != nil) {\n" + body += fmt.Sprintf("\t\t%s = er\n", errvar) + body += "\t}\n" + } + + text += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s\n", call) + text += body + + text += "\treturn\n" + text += "}\n" + } + if err := s.Err(); err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, err.Error()) + os.Exit(1) + } + file.Close() + } + imp := "" + if pack != "unix" { + imp = "import \"golang.org/x/sys/unix\"\n" + + } + fmt.Printf(srcTemplate, cmdLine(), buildTags(), pack, cExtern, imp, text) +} + +const srcTemplate = `// %s +// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. + +// +build %s + +package %s + + +%s +*/ +import "C" +import ( + "unsafe" +) + + +%s + +%s +` diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mksyscall_aix_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mksyscall_aix_ppc64.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c9600995 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mksyscall_aix_ppc64.go @@ -0,0 +1,614 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +/* +This program reads a file containing function prototypes +(like syscall_aix.go) and generates system call bodies. +The prototypes are marked by lines beginning with "//sys" +and read like func declarations if //sys is replaced by func, but: + * The parameter lists must give a name for each argument. + This includes return parameters. + * The parameter lists must give a type for each argument: + the (x, y, z int) shorthand is not allowed. + * If the return parameter is an error number, it must be named err. + * If go func name needs to be different than its libc name, + * or the function is not in libc, name could be specified + * at the end, after "=" sign, like + //sys getsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val uintptr, vallen *_Socklen) (err error) = libsocket.getsockopt + + +This program will generate three files and handle both gc and gccgo implementation: + - zsyscall_aix_ppc64.go: the common part of each implementation (error handler, pointer creation) + - zsyscall_aix_ppc64_gc.go: gc part with //go_cgo_import_dynamic and a call to syscall6 + - zsyscall_aix_ppc64_gccgo.go: gccgo part with C function and conversion to C type. + + The generated code looks like this + +zsyscall_aix_ppc64.go +func asyscall(...) (n int, err error) { + // Pointer Creation + r1, e1 := callasyscall(...) + // Type Conversion + // Error Handler + return +} + +zsyscall_aix_ppc64_gc.go +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_asyscall asyscall "libc.a/shr_64.o" +//go:linkname libc_asyscall libc_asyscall +var asyscall syscallFunc + +func callasyscall(...) (r1 uintptr, e1 Errno) { + r1, _, e1 = syscall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&libc_asyscall)), "nb_args", ... ) + return +} + +zsyscall_aix_ppc64_ggcgo.go + +// int asyscall(...) + +import "C" + +func callasyscall(...) (r1 uintptr, e1 Errno) { + r1 = uintptr(C.asyscall(...)) + e1 = syscall.GetErrno() + return +} +*/ + +package main + +import ( + "bufio" + "flag" + "fmt" + "io/ioutil" + "os" + "regexp" + "strings" +) + +var ( + b32 = flag.Bool("b32", false, "32bit big-endian") + l32 = flag.Bool("l32", false, "32bit little-endian") + aix = flag.Bool("aix", false, "aix") + tags = flag.String("tags", "", "build tags") +) + +// cmdLine returns this programs's commandline arguments +func cmdLine() string { + return "go run mksyscall_aix_ppc64.go " + strings.Join(os.Args[1:], " ") +} + +// buildTags returns build tags +func buildTags() string { + return *tags +} + +// Param is function parameter +type Param struct { + Name string + Type string +} + +// usage prints the program usage +func usage() { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: go run mksyscall_aix_ppc64.go [-b32 | -l32] [-tags x,y] [file ...]\n") + os.Exit(1) +} + +// parseParamList parses parameter list and returns a slice of parameters +func parseParamList(list string) []string { + list = strings.TrimSpace(list) + if list == "" { + return []string{} + } + return regexp.MustCompile(`\s*,\s*`).Split(list, -1) +} + +// parseParam splits a parameter into name and type +func parseParam(p string) Param { + ps := regexp.MustCompile(`^(\S*) (\S*)$`).FindStringSubmatch(p) + if ps == nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "malformed parameter: %s\n", p) + os.Exit(1) + } + return Param{ps[1], ps[2]} +} + +func main() { + flag.Usage = usage + flag.Parse() + if len(flag.Args()) <= 0 { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "no files to parse provided\n") + usage() + } + + endianness := "" + if *b32 { + endianness = "big-endian" + } else if *l32 { + endianness = "little-endian" + } + + pack := "" + // GCCGO + textgccgo := "" + cExtern := "/*\n#include \n" + // GC + textgc := "" + dynimports := "" + linknames := "" + var vars []string + // COMMON + textcommon := "" + for _, path := range flag.Args() { + file, err := os.Open(path) + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, err.Error()) + os.Exit(1) + } + s := bufio.NewScanner(file) + for s.Scan() { + t := s.Text() + t = strings.TrimSpace(t) + t = regexp.MustCompile(`\s+`).ReplaceAllString(t, ` `) + if p := regexp.MustCompile(`^package (\S+)$`).FindStringSubmatch(t); p != nil && pack == "" { + pack = p[1] + } + nonblock := regexp.MustCompile(`^\/\/sysnb `).FindStringSubmatch(t) + if regexp.MustCompile(`^\/\/sys `).FindStringSubmatch(t) == nil && nonblock == nil { + continue + } + + // Line must be of the form + // func Open(path string, mode int, perm int) (fd int, err error) + // Split into name, in params, out params. + f := regexp.MustCompile(`^\/\/sys(nb)? (\w+)\(([^()]*)\)\s*(?:\(([^()]+)\))?\s*(?:=\s*(?:(\w*)\.)?(\w*))?$`).FindStringSubmatch(t) + if f == nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s:%s\nmalformed //sys declaration\n", path, t) + os.Exit(1) + } + funct, inps, outps, modname, sysname := f[2], f[3], f[4], f[5], f[6] + + // Split argument lists on comma. + in := parseParamList(inps) + out := parseParamList(outps) + + inps = strings.Join(in, ", ") + outps = strings.Join(out, ", ") + + if sysname == "" { + sysname = funct + } + + onlyCommon := false + if funct == "readlen" || funct == "writelen" || funct == "FcntlInt" || funct == "FcntlFlock" { + // This function call another syscall which is already implemented. + // Therefore, the gc and gccgo part must not be generated. + onlyCommon = true + } + + // Try in vain to keep people from editing this file. + // The theory is that they jump into the middle of the file + // without reading the header. + + textcommon += "// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\n" + if !onlyCommon { + textgccgo += "// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\n" + textgc += "// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\n" + } + + // Check if value return, err return available + errvar := "" + rettype := "" + for _, param := range out { + p := parseParam(param) + if p.Type == "error" { + errvar = p.Name + } else { + rettype = p.Type + } + } + + sysname = regexp.MustCompile(`([a-z])([A-Z])`).ReplaceAllString(sysname, `${1}_$2`) + sysname = strings.ToLower(sysname) // All libc functions are lowercase. + + // GCCGO Prototype return type + cRettype := "" + if rettype == "unsafe.Pointer" { + cRettype = "uintptr_t" + } else if rettype == "uintptr" { + cRettype = "uintptr_t" + } else if regexp.MustCompile(`^_`).FindStringSubmatch(rettype) != nil { + cRettype = "uintptr_t" + } else if rettype == "int" { + cRettype = "int" + } else if rettype == "int32" { + cRettype = "int" + } else if rettype == "int64" { + cRettype = "long long" + } else if rettype == "uint32" { + cRettype = "unsigned int" + } else if rettype == "uint64" { + cRettype = "unsigned long long" + } else { + cRettype = "int" + } + if sysname == "exit" { + cRettype = "void" + } + + // GCCGO Prototype arguments type + var cIn []string + for i, param := range in { + p := parseParam(param) + if regexp.MustCompile(`^\*`).FindStringSubmatch(p.Type) != nil { + cIn = append(cIn, "uintptr_t") + } else if p.Type == "string" { + cIn = append(cIn, "uintptr_t") + } else if regexp.MustCompile(`^\[\](.*)`).FindStringSubmatch(p.Type) != nil { + cIn = append(cIn, "uintptr_t", "size_t") + } else if p.Type == "unsafe.Pointer" { + cIn = append(cIn, "uintptr_t") + } else if p.Type == "uintptr" { + cIn = append(cIn, "uintptr_t") + } else if regexp.MustCompile(`^_`).FindStringSubmatch(p.Type) != nil { + cIn = append(cIn, "uintptr_t") + } else if p.Type == "int" { + if (i == 0 || i == 2) && funct == "fcntl" { + // These fcntl arguments needs to be uintptr to be able to call FcntlInt and FcntlFlock + cIn = append(cIn, "uintptr_t") + } else { + cIn = append(cIn, "int") + } + + } else if p.Type == "int32" { + cIn = append(cIn, "int") + } else if p.Type == "int64" { + cIn = append(cIn, "long long") + } else if p.Type == "uint32" { + cIn = append(cIn, "unsigned int") + } else if p.Type == "uint64" { + cIn = append(cIn, "unsigned long long") + } else { + cIn = append(cIn, "int") + } + } + + if !onlyCommon { + // GCCGO Prototype Generation + // Imports of system calls from libc + if sysname == "select" { + // select is a keyword of Go. Its name is + // changed to c_select. + cExtern += "#define c_select select\n" + } + cExtern += fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", cRettype, sysname) + cIn := strings.Join(cIn, ", ") + cExtern += fmt.Sprintf("(%s);\n", cIn) + } + // GC Library name + if modname == "" { + modname = "libc.a/shr_64.o" + } else { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: only syscall using libc are available\n", funct) + os.Exit(1) + } + sysvarname := fmt.Sprintf("libc_%s", sysname) + + if !onlyCommon { + // GC Runtime import of function to allow cross-platform builds. + dynimports += fmt.Sprintf("//go:cgo_import_dynamic %s %s \"%s\"\n", sysvarname, sysname, modname) + // GC Link symbol to proc address variable. + linknames += fmt.Sprintf("//go:linkname %s %s\n", sysvarname, sysvarname) + // GC Library proc address variable. + vars = append(vars, sysvarname) + } + + strconvfunc := "BytePtrFromString" + strconvtype := "*byte" + + // Go function header. + if outps != "" { + outps = fmt.Sprintf(" (%s)", outps) + } + if textcommon != "" { + textcommon += "\n" + } + + textcommon += fmt.Sprintf("func %s(%s)%s {\n", funct, strings.Join(in, ", "), outps) + + // Prepare arguments tocall. + var argscommon []string // Arguments in the common part + var argscall []string // Arguments for call prototype + var argsgc []string // Arguments for gc call (with syscall6) + var argsgccgo []string // Arguments for gccgo call (with C.name_of_syscall) + n := 0 + argN := 0 + for _, param := range in { + p := parseParam(param) + if regexp.MustCompile(`^\*`).FindStringSubmatch(p.Type) != nil { + argscommon = append(argscommon, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(%s))", p.Name)) + argscall = append(argscall, fmt.Sprintf("%s uintptr", p.Name)) + argsgc = append(argsgc, p.Name) + argsgccgo = append(argsgccgo, fmt.Sprintf("C.uintptr_t(%s)", p.Name)) + } else if p.Type == "string" && errvar != "" { + textcommon += fmt.Sprintf("\tvar _p%d %s\n", n, strconvtype) + textcommon += fmt.Sprintf("\t_p%d, %s = %s(%s)\n", n, errvar, strconvfunc, p.Name) + textcommon += fmt.Sprintf("\tif %s != nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n", errvar) + + argscommon = append(argscommon, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p%d))", n)) + argscall = append(argscall, fmt.Sprintf("_p%d uintptr ", n)) + argsgc = append(argsgc, fmt.Sprintf("_p%d", n)) + argsgccgo = append(argsgccgo, fmt.Sprintf("C.uintptr_t(_p%d)", n)) + n++ + } else if p.Type == "string" { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, path+":"+funct+" uses string arguments, but has no error return\n") + textcommon += fmt.Sprintf("\tvar _p%d %s\n", n, strconvtype) + textcommon += fmt.Sprintf("\t_p%d, %s = %s(%s)\n", n, errvar, strconvfunc, p.Name) + textcommon += fmt.Sprintf("\tif %s != nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n", errvar) + + argscommon = append(argscommon, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p%d))", n)) + argscall = append(argscall, fmt.Sprintf("_p%d uintptr", n)) + argsgc = append(argsgc, fmt.Sprintf("_p%d", n)) + argsgccgo = append(argsgccgo, fmt.Sprintf("C.uintptr_t(_p%d)", n)) + n++ + } else if m := regexp.MustCompile(`^\[\](.*)`).FindStringSubmatch(p.Type); m != nil { + // Convert slice into pointer, length. + // Have to be careful not to take address of &a[0] if len == 0: + // pass nil in that case. + textcommon += fmt.Sprintf("\tvar _p%d *%s\n", n, m[1]) + textcommon += fmt.Sprintf("\tif len(%s) > 0 {\n\t\t_p%d = &%s[0]\n\t}\n", p.Name, n, p.Name) + argscommon = append(argscommon, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p%d))", n), fmt.Sprintf("len(%s)", p.Name)) + argscall = append(argscall, fmt.Sprintf("_p%d uintptr", n), fmt.Sprintf("_lenp%d int", n)) + argsgc = append(argsgc, fmt.Sprintf("_p%d", n), fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(_lenp%d)", n)) + argsgccgo = append(argsgccgo, fmt.Sprintf("C.uintptr_t(_p%d)", n), fmt.Sprintf("C.size_t(_lenp%d)", n)) + n++ + } else if p.Type == "int64" && endianness != "" { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, path+":"+funct+" uses int64 with 32 bits mode. Case not yet implemented\n") + } else if p.Type == "bool" { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, path+":"+funct+" uses bool. Case not yet implemented\n") + } else if regexp.MustCompile(`^_`).FindStringSubmatch(p.Type) != nil || p.Type == "unsafe.Pointer" { + argscommon = append(argscommon, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name)) + argscall = append(argscall, fmt.Sprintf("%s uintptr", p.Name)) + argsgc = append(argsgc, p.Name) + argsgccgo = append(argsgccgo, fmt.Sprintf("C.uintptr_t(%s)", p.Name)) + } else if p.Type == "int" { + if (argN == 0 || argN == 2) && ((funct == "fcntl") || (funct == "FcntlInt") || (funct == "FcntlFlock")) { + // These fcntl arguments need to be uintptr to be able to call FcntlInt and FcntlFlock + argscommon = append(argscommon, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name)) + argscall = append(argscall, fmt.Sprintf("%s uintptr", p.Name)) + argsgc = append(argsgc, p.Name) + argsgccgo = append(argsgccgo, fmt.Sprintf("C.uintptr_t(%s)", p.Name)) + + } else { + argscommon = append(argscommon, p.Name) + argscall = append(argscall, fmt.Sprintf("%s int", p.Name)) + argsgc = append(argsgc, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name)) + argsgccgo = append(argsgccgo, fmt.Sprintf("C.int(%s)", p.Name)) + } + } else if p.Type == "int32" { + argscommon = append(argscommon, p.Name) + argscall = append(argscall, fmt.Sprintf("%s int32", p.Name)) + argsgc = append(argsgc, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name)) + argsgccgo = append(argsgccgo, fmt.Sprintf("C.int(%s)", p.Name)) + } else if p.Type == "int64" { + argscommon = append(argscommon, p.Name) + argscall = append(argscall, fmt.Sprintf("%s int64", p.Name)) + argsgc = append(argsgc, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name)) + argsgccgo = append(argsgccgo, fmt.Sprintf("C.longlong(%s)", p.Name)) + } else if p.Type == "uint32" { + argscommon = append(argscommon, p.Name) + argscall = append(argscall, fmt.Sprintf("%s uint32", p.Name)) + argsgc = append(argsgc, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name)) + argsgccgo = append(argsgccgo, fmt.Sprintf("C.uint(%s)", p.Name)) + } else if p.Type == "uint64" { + argscommon = append(argscommon, p.Name) + argscall = append(argscall, fmt.Sprintf("%s uint64", p.Name)) + argsgc = append(argsgc, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name)) + argsgccgo = append(argsgccgo, fmt.Sprintf("C.ulonglong(%s)", p.Name)) + } else if p.Type == "uintptr" { + argscommon = append(argscommon, p.Name) + argscall = append(argscall, fmt.Sprintf("%s uintptr", p.Name)) + argsgc = append(argsgc, p.Name) + argsgccgo = append(argsgccgo, fmt.Sprintf("C.uintptr_t(%s)", p.Name)) + } else { + argscommon = append(argscommon, fmt.Sprintf("int(%s)", p.Name)) + argscall = append(argscall, fmt.Sprintf("%s int", p.Name)) + argsgc = append(argsgc, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name)) + argsgccgo = append(argsgccgo, fmt.Sprintf("C.int(%s)", p.Name)) + } + argN++ + } + nargs := len(argsgc) + + // COMMON function generation + argscommonlist := strings.Join(argscommon, ", ") + callcommon := fmt.Sprintf("call%s(%s)", sysname, argscommonlist) + ret := []string{"_", "_"} + body := "" + doErrno := false + for i := 0; i < len(out); i++ { + p := parseParam(out[i]) + reg := "" + if p.Name == "err" { + reg = "e1" + ret[1] = reg + doErrno = true + } else { + reg = "r0" + ret[0] = reg + } + if p.Type == "bool" { + reg = fmt.Sprintf("%s != 0", reg) + } + if reg != "e1" { + body += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s = %s(%s)\n", p.Name, p.Type, reg) + } + } + if ret[0] == "_" && ret[1] == "_" { + textcommon += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s\n", callcommon) + } else { + textcommon += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s, %s := %s\n", ret[0], ret[1], callcommon) + } + textcommon += body + + if doErrno { + textcommon += "\tif e1 != 0 {\n" + textcommon += "\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n" + textcommon += "\t}\n" + } + textcommon += "\treturn\n" + textcommon += "}\n" + + if onlyCommon { + continue + } + + // CALL Prototype + callProto := fmt.Sprintf("func call%s(%s) (r1 uintptr, e1 Errno) {\n", sysname, strings.Join(argscall, ", ")) + + // GC function generation + asm := "syscall6" + if nonblock != nil { + asm = "rawSyscall6" + } + + if len(argsgc) <= 6 { + for len(argsgc) < 6 { + argsgc = append(argsgc, "0") + } + } else { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: too many arguments to system call", funct) + os.Exit(1) + } + argsgclist := strings.Join(argsgc, ", ") + callgc := fmt.Sprintf("%s(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&%s)), %d, %s)", asm, sysvarname, nargs, argsgclist) + + textgc += callProto + textgc += fmt.Sprintf("\tr1, _, e1 = %s\n", callgc) + textgc += "\treturn\n}\n" + + // GCCGO function generation + argsgccgolist := strings.Join(argsgccgo, ", ") + var callgccgo string + if sysname == "select" { + // select is a keyword of Go. Its name is + // changed to c_select. + callgccgo = fmt.Sprintf("C.c_%s(%s)", sysname, argsgccgolist) + } else { + callgccgo = fmt.Sprintf("C.%s(%s)", sysname, argsgccgolist) + } + textgccgo += callProto + textgccgo += fmt.Sprintf("\tr1 = uintptr(%s)\n", callgccgo) + textgccgo += "\te1 = syscall.GetErrno()\n" + textgccgo += "\treturn\n}\n" + } + if err := s.Err(); err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, err.Error()) + os.Exit(1) + } + file.Close() + } + imp := "" + if pack != "unix" { + imp = "import \"golang.org/x/sys/unix\"\n" + + } + + // Print zsyscall_aix_ppc64.go + err := ioutil.WriteFile("zsyscall_aix_ppc64.go", + []byte(fmt.Sprintf(srcTemplate1, cmdLine(), buildTags(), pack, imp, textcommon)), + 0644) + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, err.Error()) + os.Exit(1) + } + + // Print zsyscall_aix_ppc64_gc.go + vardecls := "\t" + strings.Join(vars, ",\n\t") + vardecls += " syscallFunc" + err = ioutil.WriteFile("zsyscall_aix_ppc64_gc.go", + []byte(fmt.Sprintf(srcTemplate2, cmdLine(), buildTags(), pack, imp, dynimports, linknames, vardecls, textgc)), + 0644) + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, err.Error()) + os.Exit(1) + } + + // Print zsyscall_aix_ppc64_gccgo.go + err = ioutil.WriteFile("zsyscall_aix_ppc64_gccgo.go", + []byte(fmt.Sprintf(srcTemplate3, cmdLine(), buildTags(), pack, cExtern, imp, textgccgo)), + 0644) + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, err.Error()) + os.Exit(1) + } +} + +const srcTemplate1 = `// %s +// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. + +// +build %s + +package %s + +import ( + "unsafe" +) + + +%s + +%s +` +const srcTemplate2 = `// %s +// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. + +// +build %s +// +build !gccgo + +package %s + +import ( + "unsafe" +) +%s +%s +%s +type syscallFunc uintptr + +var ( +%s +) + +// Implemented in runtime/syscall_aix.go. +func rawSyscall6(trap, nargs, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err Errno) +func syscall6(trap, nargs, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err Errno) + +%s +` +const srcTemplate3 = `// %s +// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. + +// +build %s +// +build gccgo + +package %s + +%s +*/ +import "C" +import ( + "syscall" +) + + +%s + +%s +` diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mksyscall_solaris.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mksyscall_solaris.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3d864738 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mksyscall_solaris.go @@ -0,0 +1,335 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +/* + This program reads a file containing function prototypes + (like syscall_solaris.go) and generates system call bodies. + The prototypes are marked by lines beginning with "//sys" + and read like func declarations if //sys is replaced by func, but: + * The parameter lists must give a name for each argument. + This includes return parameters. + * The parameter lists must give a type for each argument: + the (x, y, z int) shorthand is not allowed. + * If the return parameter is an error number, it must be named err. + * If go func name needs to be different than its libc name, + * or the function is not in libc, name could be specified + * at the end, after "=" sign, like + //sys getsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val uintptr, vallen *_Socklen) (err error) = libsocket.getsockopt +*/ + +package main + +import ( + "bufio" + "flag" + "fmt" + "os" + "regexp" + "strings" +) + +var ( + b32 = flag.Bool("b32", false, "32bit big-endian") + l32 = flag.Bool("l32", false, "32bit little-endian") + tags = flag.String("tags", "", "build tags") +) + +// cmdLine returns this programs's commandline arguments +func cmdLine() string { + return "go run mksyscall_solaris.go " + strings.Join(os.Args[1:], " ") +} + +// buildTags returns build tags +func buildTags() string { + return *tags +} + +// Param is function parameter +type Param struct { + Name string + Type string +} + +// usage prints the program usage +func usage() { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: go run mksyscall_solaris.go [-b32 | -l32] [-tags x,y] [file ...]\n") + os.Exit(1) +} + +// parseParamList parses parameter list and returns a slice of parameters +func parseParamList(list string) []string { + list = strings.TrimSpace(list) + if list == "" { + return []string{} + } + return regexp.MustCompile(`\s*,\s*`).Split(list, -1) +} + +// parseParam splits a parameter into name and type +func parseParam(p string) Param { + ps := regexp.MustCompile(`^(\S*) (\S*)$`).FindStringSubmatch(p) + if ps == nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "malformed parameter: %s\n", p) + os.Exit(1) + } + return Param{ps[1], ps[2]} +} + +func main() { + flag.Usage = usage + flag.Parse() + if len(flag.Args()) <= 0 { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "no files to parse provided\n") + usage() + } + + endianness := "" + if *b32 { + endianness = "big-endian" + } else if *l32 { + endianness = "little-endian" + } + + pack := "" + text := "" + dynimports := "" + linknames := "" + var vars []string + for _, path := range flag.Args() { + file, err := os.Open(path) + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, err.Error()) + os.Exit(1) + } + s := bufio.NewScanner(file) + for s.Scan() { + t := s.Text() + t = strings.TrimSpace(t) + t = regexp.MustCompile(`\s+`).ReplaceAllString(t, ` `) + if p := regexp.MustCompile(`^package (\S+)$`).FindStringSubmatch(t); p != nil && pack == "" { + pack = p[1] + } + nonblock := regexp.MustCompile(`^\/\/sysnb `).FindStringSubmatch(t) + if regexp.MustCompile(`^\/\/sys `).FindStringSubmatch(t) == nil && nonblock == nil { + continue + } + + // Line must be of the form + // func Open(path string, mode int, perm int) (fd int, err error) + // Split into name, in params, out params. + f := regexp.MustCompile(`^\/\/sys(nb)? (\w+)\(([^()]*)\)\s*(?:\(([^()]+)\))?\s*(?:=\s*(?:(\w*)\.)?(\w*))?$`).FindStringSubmatch(t) + if f == nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s:%s\nmalformed //sys declaration\n", path, t) + os.Exit(1) + } + funct, inps, outps, modname, sysname := f[2], f[3], f[4], f[5], f[6] + + // Split argument lists on comma. + in := parseParamList(inps) + out := parseParamList(outps) + + inps = strings.Join(in, ", ") + outps = strings.Join(out, ", ") + + // Try in vain to keep people from editing this file. + // The theory is that they jump into the middle of the file + // without reading the header. + text += "// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\n" + + // So file name. + if modname == "" { + modname = "libc" + } + + // System call name. + if sysname == "" { + sysname = funct + } + + // System call pointer variable name. + sysvarname := fmt.Sprintf("proc%s", sysname) + + strconvfunc := "BytePtrFromString" + strconvtype := "*byte" + + sysname = strings.ToLower(sysname) // All libc functions are lowercase. + + // Runtime import of function to allow cross-platform builds. + dynimports += fmt.Sprintf("//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_%s %s \"%s.so\"\n", sysname, sysname, modname) + // Link symbol to proc address variable. + linknames += fmt.Sprintf("//go:linkname %s libc_%s\n", sysvarname, sysname) + // Library proc address variable. + vars = append(vars, sysvarname) + + // Go function header. + outlist := strings.Join(out, ", ") + if outlist != "" { + outlist = fmt.Sprintf(" (%s)", outlist) + } + if text != "" { + text += "\n" + } + text += fmt.Sprintf("func %s(%s)%s {\n", funct, strings.Join(in, ", "), outlist) + + // Check if err return available + errvar := "" + for _, param := range out { + p := parseParam(param) + if p.Type == "error" { + errvar = p.Name + continue + } + } + + // Prepare arguments to Syscall. + var args []string + n := 0 + for _, param := range in { + p := parseParam(param) + if regexp.MustCompile(`^\*`).FindStringSubmatch(p.Type) != nil { + args = append(args, "uintptr(unsafe.Pointer("+p.Name+"))") + } else if p.Type == "string" && errvar != "" { + text += fmt.Sprintf("\tvar _p%d %s\n", n, strconvtype) + text += fmt.Sprintf("\t_p%d, %s = %s(%s)\n", n, errvar, strconvfunc, p.Name) + text += fmt.Sprintf("\tif %s != nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n", errvar) + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p%d))", n)) + n++ + } else if p.Type == "string" { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, path+":"+funct+" uses string arguments, but has no error return\n") + text += fmt.Sprintf("\tvar _p%d %s\n", n, strconvtype) + text += fmt.Sprintf("\t_p%d, _ = %s(%s)\n", n, strconvfunc, p.Name) + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p%d))", n)) + n++ + } else if s := regexp.MustCompile(`^\[\](.*)`).FindStringSubmatch(p.Type); s != nil { + // Convert slice into pointer, length. + // Have to be careful not to take address of &a[0] if len == 0: + // pass nil in that case. + text += fmt.Sprintf("\tvar _p%d *%s\n", n, s[1]) + text += fmt.Sprintf("\tif len(%s) > 0 {\n\t\t_p%d = &%s[0]\n\t}\n", p.Name, n, p.Name) + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p%d))", n), fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(len(%s))", p.Name)) + n++ + } else if p.Type == "int64" && endianness != "" { + if endianness == "big-endian" { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s>>32)", p.Name), fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name)) + } else { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name), fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s>>32)", p.Name)) + } + } else if p.Type == "bool" { + text += fmt.Sprintf("\tvar _p%d uint32\n", n) + text += fmt.Sprintf("\tif %s {\n\t\t_p%d = 1\n\t} else {\n\t\t_p%d = 0\n\t}\n", p.Name, n, n) + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(_p%d)", n)) + n++ + } else { + args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name)) + } + } + nargs := len(args) + + // Determine which form to use; pad args with zeros. + asm := "sysvicall6" + if nonblock != nil { + asm = "rawSysvicall6" + } + if len(args) <= 6 { + for len(args) < 6 { + args = append(args, "0") + } + } else { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: too many arguments to system call\n", path) + os.Exit(1) + } + + // Actual call. + arglist := strings.Join(args, ", ") + call := fmt.Sprintf("%s(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&%s)), %d, %s)", asm, sysvarname, nargs, arglist) + + // Assign return values. + body := "" + ret := []string{"_", "_", "_"} + doErrno := false + for i := 0; i < len(out); i++ { + p := parseParam(out[i]) + reg := "" + if p.Name == "err" { + reg = "e1" + ret[2] = reg + doErrno = true + } else { + reg = fmt.Sprintf("r%d", i) + ret[i] = reg + } + if p.Type == "bool" { + reg = fmt.Sprintf("%d != 0", reg) + } + if p.Type == "int64" && endianness != "" { + // 64-bit number in r1:r0 or r0:r1. + if i+2 > len(out) { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: not enough registers for int64 return\n", path) + os.Exit(1) + } + if endianness == "big-endian" { + reg = fmt.Sprintf("int64(r%d)<<32 | int64(r%d)", i, i+1) + } else { + reg = fmt.Sprintf("int64(r%d)<<32 | int64(r%d)", i+1, i) + } + ret[i] = fmt.Sprintf("r%d", i) + ret[i+1] = fmt.Sprintf("r%d", i+1) + } + if reg != "e1" { + body += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s = %s(%s)\n", p.Name, p.Type, reg) + } + } + if ret[0] == "_" && ret[1] == "_" && ret[2] == "_" { + text += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s\n", call) + } else { + text += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s, %s, %s := %s\n", ret[0], ret[1], ret[2], call) + } + text += body + + if doErrno { + text += "\tif e1 != 0 {\n" + text += "\t\terr = e1\n" + text += "\t}\n" + } + text += "\treturn\n" + text += "}\n" + } + if err := s.Err(); err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, err.Error()) + os.Exit(1) + } + file.Close() + } + imp := "" + if pack != "unix" { + imp = "import \"golang.org/x/sys/unix\"\n" + + } + vardecls := "\t" + strings.Join(vars, ",\n\t") + vardecls += " syscallFunc" + fmt.Printf(srcTemplate, cmdLine(), buildTags(), pack, imp, dynimports, linknames, vardecls, text) +} + +const srcTemplate = `// %s +// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. + +// +build %s + +package %s + +import ( + "syscall" + "unsafe" +) +%s +%s +%s +var ( +%s +) + +%s +` diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mksysctl_openbsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mksysctl_openbsd.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b6b40990 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mksysctl_openbsd.go @@ -0,0 +1,355 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// Parse the header files for OpenBSD and generate a Go usable sysctl MIB. +// +// Build a MIB with each entry being an array containing the level, type and +// a hash that will contain additional entries if the current entry is a node. +// We then walk this MIB and create a flattened sysctl name to OID hash. + +package main + +import ( + "bufio" + "fmt" + "os" + "path/filepath" + "regexp" + "sort" + "strings" +) + +var ( + goos, goarch string +) + +// cmdLine returns this programs's commandline arguments. +func cmdLine() string { + return "go run mksysctl_openbsd.go " + strings.Join(os.Args[1:], " ") +} + +// buildTags returns build tags. +func buildTags() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s", goarch, goos) +} + +// reMatch performs regular expression match and stores the substring slice to value pointed by m. +func reMatch(re *regexp.Regexp, str string, m *[]string) bool { + *m = re.FindStringSubmatch(str) + if *m != nil { + return true + } + return false +} + +type nodeElement struct { + n int + t string + pE *map[string]nodeElement +} + +var ( + debugEnabled bool + mib map[string]nodeElement + node *map[string]nodeElement + nodeMap map[string]string + sysCtl []string +) + +var ( + ctlNames1RE = regexp.MustCompile(`^#define\s+(CTL_NAMES)\s+{`) + ctlNames2RE = regexp.MustCompile(`^#define\s+(CTL_(.*)_NAMES)\s+{`) + ctlNames3RE = regexp.MustCompile(`^#define\s+((.*)CTL_NAMES)\s+{`) + netInetRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^netinet/`) + netInet6RE = regexp.MustCompile(`^netinet6/`) + netRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^net/`) + bracesRE = regexp.MustCompile(`{.*}`) + ctlTypeRE = regexp.MustCompile(`{\s+"(\w+)",\s+(CTLTYPE_[A-Z]+)\s+}`) + fsNetKernRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^(fs|net|kern)_`) +) + +func debug(s string) { + if debugEnabled { + fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, s) + } +} + +// Walk the MIB and build a sysctl name to OID mapping. +func buildSysctl(pNode *map[string]nodeElement, name string, oid []int) { + lNode := pNode // local copy of pointer to node + var keys []string + for k := range *lNode { + keys = append(keys, k) + } + sort.Strings(keys) + + for _, key := range keys { + nodename := name + if name != "" { + nodename += "." + } + nodename += key + + nodeoid := append(oid, (*pNode)[key].n) + + if (*pNode)[key].t == `CTLTYPE_NODE` { + if _, ok := nodeMap[nodename]; ok { + lNode = &mib + ctlName := nodeMap[nodename] + for _, part := range strings.Split(ctlName, ".") { + lNode = ((*lNode)[part]).pE + } + } else { + lNode = (*pNode)[key].pE + } + buildSysctl(lNode, nodename, nodeoid) + } else if (*pNode)[key].t != "" { + oidStr := []string{} + for j := range nodeoid { + oidStr = append(oidStr, fmt.Sprintf("%d", nodeoid[j])) + } + text := "\t{ \"" + nodename + "\", []_C_int{ " + strings.Join(oidStr, ", ") + " } }, \n" + sysCtl = append(sysCtl, text) + } + } +} + +func main() { + // Get the OS (using GOOS_TARGET if it exist) + goos = os.Getenv("GOOS_TARGET") + if goos == "" { + goos = os.Getenv("GOOS") + } + // Get the architecture (using GOARCH_TARGET if it exists) + goarch = os.Getenv("GOARCH_TARGET") + if goarch == "" { + goarch = os.Getenv("GOARCH") + } + // Check if GOOS and GOARCH environment variables are defined + if goarch == "" || goos == "" { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "GOARCH or GOOS not defined in environment\n") + os.Exit(1) + } + + mib = make(map[string]nodeElement) + headers := [...]string{ + `sys/sysctl.h`, + `sys/socket.h`, + `sys/tty.h`, + `sys/malloc.h`, + `sys/mount.h`, + `sys/namei.h`, + `sys/sem.h`, + `sys/shm.h`, + `sys/vmmeter.h`, + `uvm/uvmexp.h`, + `uvm/uvm_param.h`, + `uvm/uvm_swap_encrypt.h`, + `ddb/db_var.h`, + `net/if.h`, + `net/if_pfsync.h`, + `net/pipex.h`, + `netinet/in.h`, + `netinet/icmp_var.h`, + `netinet/igmp_var.h`, + `netinet/ip_ah.h`, + `netinet/ip_carp.h`, + `netinet/ip_divert.h`, + `netinet/ip_esp.h`, + `netinet/ip_ether.h`, + `netinet/ip_gre.h`, + `netinet/ip_ipcomp.h`, + `netinet/ip_ipip.h`, + `netinet/pim_var.h`, + `netinet/tcp_var.h`, + `netinet/udp_var.h`, + `netinet6/in6.h`, + `netinet6/ip6_divert.h`, + `netinet6/pim6_var.h`, + `netinet/icmp6.h`, + `netmpls/mpls.h`, + } + + ctls := [...]string{ + `kern`, + `vm`, + `fs`, + `net`, + //debug /* Special handling required */ + `hw`, + //machdep /* Arch specific */ + `user`, + `ddb`, + //vfs /* Special handling required */ + `fs.posix`, + `kern.forkstat`, + `kern.intrcnt`, + `kern.malloc`, + `kern.nchstats`, + `kern.seminfo`, + `kern.shminfo`, + `kern.timecounter`, + `kern.tty`, + `kern.watchdog`, + `net.bpf`, + `net.ifq`, + `net.inet`, + `net.inet.ah`, + `net.inet.carp`, + `net.inet.divert`, + `net.inet.esp`, + `net.inet.etherip`, + `net.inet.gre`, + `net.inet.icmp`, + `net.inet.igmp`, + `net.inet.ip`, + `net.inet.ip.ifq`, + `net.inet.ipcomp`, + `net.inet.ipip`, + `net.inet.mobileip`, + `net.inet.pfsync`, + `net.inet.pim`, + `net.inet.tcp`, + `net.inet.udp`, + `net.inet6`, + `net.inet6.divert`, + `net.inet6.ip6`, + `net.inet6.icmp6`, + `net.inet6.pim6`, + `net.inet6.tcp6`, + `net.inet6.udp6`, + `net.mpls`, + `net.mpls.ifq`, + `net.key`, + `net.pflow`, + `net.pfsync`, + `net.pipex`, + `net.rt`, + `vm.swapencrypt`, + //vfsgenctl /* Special handling required */ + } + + // Node name "fixups" + ctlMap := map[string]string{ + "ipproto": "net.inet", + "net.inet.ipproto": "net.inet", + "net.inet6.ipv6proto": "net.inet6", + "net.inet6.ipv6": "net.inet6.ip6", + "net.inet.icmpv6": "net.inet6.icmp6", + "net.inet6.divert6": "net.inet6.divert", + "net.inet6.tcp6": "net.inet.tcp", + "net.inet6.udp6": "net.inet.udp", + "mpls": "net.mpls", + "swpenc": "vm.swapencrypt", + } + + // Node mappings + nodeMap = map[string]string{ + "net.inet.ip.ifq": "net.ifq", + "net.inet.pfsync": "net.pfsync", + "net.mpls.ifq": "net.ifq", + } + + mCtls := make(map[string]bool) + for _, ctl := range ctls { + mCtls[ctl] = true + } + + for _, header := range headers { + debug("Processing " + header) + file, err := os.Open(filepath.Join("/usr/include", header)) + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err) + os.Exit(1) + } + s := bufio.NewScanner(file) + for s.Scan() { + var sub []string + if reMatch(ctlNames1RE, s.Text(), &sub) || + reMatch(ctlNames2RE, s.Text(), &sub) || + reMatch(ctlNames3RE, s.Text(), &sub) { + if sub[1] == `CTL_NAMES` { + // Top level. + node = &mib + } else { + // Node. + nodename := strings.ToLower(sub[2]) + ctlName := "" + if reMatch(netInetRE, header, &sub) { + ctlName = "net.inet." + nodename + } else if reMatch(netInet6RE, header, &sub) { + ctlName = "net.inet6." + nodename + } else if reMatch(netRE, header, &sub) { + ctlName = "net." + nodename + } else { + ctlName = nodename + ctlName = fsNetKernRE.ReplaceAllString(ctlName, `$1.`) + } + + if val, ok := ctlMap[ctlName]; ok { + ctlName = val + } + if _, ok := mCtls[ctlName]; !ok { + debug("Ignoring " + ctlName + "...") + continue + } + + // Walk down from the top of the MIB. + node = &mib + for _, part := range strings.Split(ctlName, ".") { + if _, ok := (*node)[part]; !ok { + debug("Missing node " + part) + (*node)[part] = nodeElement{n: 0, t: "", pE: &map[string]nodeElement{}} + } + node = (*node)[part].pE + } + } + + // Populate current node with entries. + i := -1 + for !strings.HasPrefix(s.Text(), "}") { + s.Scan() + if reMatch(bracesRE, s.Text(), &sub) { + i++ + } + if !reMatch(ctlTypeRE, s.Text(), &sub) { + continue + } + (*node)[sub[1]] = nodeElement{n: i, t: sub[2], pE: &map[string]nodeElement{}} + } + } + } + err = s.Err() + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err) + os.Exit(1) + } + file.Close() + } + buildSysctl(&mib, "", []int{}) + + sort.Strings(sysCtl) + text := strings.Join(sysCtl, "") + + fmt.Printf(srcTemplate, cmdLine(), buildTags(), text) +} + +const srcTemplate = `// %s +// Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. + +// +build %s + +package unix + +type mibentry struct { + ctlname string + ctloid []_C_int +} + +var sysctlMib = []mibentry { +%s +} +` diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mksysnum.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mksysnum.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..baa6ecd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mksysnum.go @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// Generate system call table for DragonFly, NetBSD, +// FreeBSD, OpenBSD or Darwin from master list +// (for example, /usr/src/sys/kern/syscalls.master or +// sys/syscall.h). +package main + +import ( + "bufio" + "fmt" + "io" + "io/ioutil" + "net/http" + "os" + "regexp" + "strings" +) + +var ( + goos, goarch string +) + +// cmdLine returns this programs's commandline arguments +func cmdLine() string { + return "go run mksysnum.go " + strings.Join(os.Args[1:], " ") +} + +// buildTags returns build tags +func buildTags() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s", goarch, goos) +} + +func checkErr(err error) { + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err) + os.Exit(1) + } +} + +// source string and substring slice for regexp +type re struct { + str string // source string + sub []string // matched sub-string +} + +// Match performs regular expression match +func (r *re) Match(exp string) bool { + r.sub = regexp.MustCompile(exp).FindStringSubmatch(r.str) + if r.sub != nil { + return true + } + return false +} + +// fetchFile fetches a text file from URL +func fetchFile(URL string) io.Reader { + resp, err := http.Get(URL) + checkErr(err) + defer resp.Body.Close() + body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) + checkErr(err) + return strings.NewReader(string(body)) +} + +// readFile reads a text file from path +func readFile(path string) io.Reader { + file, err := os.Open(os.Args[1]) + checkErr(err) + return file +} + +func format(name, num, proto string) string { + name = strings.ToUpper(name) + // There are multiple entries for enosys and nosys, so comment them out. + nm := re{str: name} + if nm.Match(`^SYS_E?NOSYS$`) { + name = fmt.Sprintf("// %s", name) + } + if name == `SYS_SYS_EXIT` { + name = `SYS_EXIT` + } + return fmt.Sprintf(" %s = %s; // %s\n", name, num, proto) +} + +func main() { + // Get the OS (using GOOS_TARGET if it exist) + goos = os.Getenv("GOOS_TARGET") + if goos == "" { + goos = os.Getenv("GOOS") + } + // Get the architecture (using GOARCH_TARGET if it exists) + goarch = os.Getenv("GOARCH_TARGET") + if goarch == "" { + goarch = os.Getenv("GOARCH") + } + // Check if GOOS and GOARCH environment variables are defined + if goarch == "" || goos == "" { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "GOARCH or GOOS not defined in environment\n") + os.Exit(1) + } + + file := strings.TrimSpace(os.Args[1]) + var syscalls io.Reader + if strings.HasPrefix(file, "https://") || strings.HasPrefix(file, "http://") { + // Download syscalls.master file + syscalls = fetchFile(file) + } else { + syscalls = readFile(file) + } + + var text, line string + s := bufio.NewScanner(syscalls) + for s.Scan() { + t := re{str: line} + if t.Match(`^(.*)\\$`) { + // Handle continuation + line = t.sub[1] + line += strings.TrimLeft(s.Text(), " \t") + } else { + // New line + line = s.Text() + } + t = re{str: line} + if t.Match(`\\$`) { + continue + } + t = re{str: line} + + switch goos { + case "dragonfly": + if t.Match(`^([0-9]+)\s+STD\s+({ \S+\s+(\w+).*)$`) { + num, proto := t.sub[1], t.sub[2] + name := fmt.Sprintf("SYS_%s", t.sub[3]) + text += format(name, num, proto) + } + case "freebsd": + if t.Match(`^([0-9]+)\s+\S+\s+(?:(?:NO)?STD|COMPAT10)\s+({ \S+\s+(\w+).*)$`) { + num, proto := t.sub[1], t.sub[2] + name := fmt.Sprintf("SYS_%s", t.sub[3]) + text += format(name, num, proto) + } + case "openbsd": + if t.Match(`^([0-9]+)\s+STD\s+(NOLOCK\s+)?({ \S+\s+\*?(\w+).*)$`) { + num, proto, name := t.sub[1], t.sub[3], t.sub[4] + text += format(name, num, proto) + } + case "netbsd": + if t.Match(`^([0-9]+)\s+((STD)|(NOERR))\s+(RUMP\s+)?({\s+\S+\s*\*?\s*\|(\S+)\|(\S*)\|(\w+).*\s+})(\s+(\S+))?$`) { + num, proto, compat := t.sub[1], t.sub[6], t.sub[8] + name := t.sub[7] + "_" + t.sub[9] + if t.sub[11] != "" { + name = t.sub[7] + "_" + t.sub[11] + } + name = strings.ToUpper(name) + if compat == "" || compat == "13" || compat == "30" || compat == "50" { + text += fmt.Sprintf(" %s = %s; // %s\n", name, num, proto) + } + } + case "darwin": + if t.Match(`^#define\s+SYS_(\w+)\s+([0-9]+)`) { + name, num := t.sub[1], t.sub[2] + name = strings.ToUpper(name) + text += fmt.Sprintf(" SYS_%s = %s;\n", name, num) + } + default: + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "unrecognized GOOS=%s\n", goos) + os.Exit(1) + + } + } + err := s.Err() + checkErr(err) + + fmt.Printf(template, cmdLine(), buildTags(), text) +} + +const template = `// %s +// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. + +// +build %s + +package unix + +const( +%s)` diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/types_aix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/types_aix.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..40d2beed --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/types_aix.go @@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore +// +build aix + +/* +Input to cgo -godefs. See also mkerrors.sh and mkall.sh +*/ + +// +godefs map struct_in_addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ +// +godefs map struct_in6_addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + +package unix + +/* +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include + + +#include +#include + +enum { + sizeofPtr = sizeof(void*), +}; + +union sockaddr_all { + struct sockaddr s1; // this one gets used for fields + struct sockaddr_in s2; // these pad it out + struct sockaddr_in6 s3; + struct sockaddr_un s4; + struct sockaddr_dl s5; +}; + +struct sockaddr_any { + struct sockaddr addr; + char pad[sizeof(union sockaddr_all) - sizeof(struct sockaddr)]; +}; + +*/ +import "C" + +// Machine characteristics + +const ( + SizeofPtr = C.sizeofPtr + SizeofShort = C.sizeof_short + SizeofInt = C.sizeof_int + SizeofLong = C.sizeof_long + SizeofLongLong = C.sizeof_longlong + PathMax = C.PATH_MAX +) + +// Basic types + +type ( + _C_short C.short + _C_int C.int + _C_long C.long + _C_long_long C.longlong +) + +type off64 C.off64_t +type off C.off_t +type Mode_t C.mode_t + +// Time + +type Timespec C.struct_timespec + +type Timeval C.struct_timeval + +type Timeval32 C.struct_timeval32 + +type Timex C.struct_timex + +type Time_t C.time_t + +type Tms C.struct_tms + +type Utimbuf C.struct_utimbuf + +type Timezone C.struct_timezone + +// Processes + +type Rusage C.struct_rusage + +type Rlimit C.struct_rlimit64 + +type Pid_t C.pid_t + +type _Gid_t C.gid_t + +type dev_t C.dev_t + +// Files + +type Stat_t C.struct_stat + +type StatxTimestamp C.struct_statx_timestamp + +type Statx_t C.struct_statx + +type Dirent C.struct_dirent + +// Sockets + +type RawSockaddrInet4 C.struct_sockaddr_in + +type RawSockaddrInet6 C.struct_sockaddr_in6 + +type RawSockaddrUnix C.struct_sockaddr_un + +type RawSockaddrDatalink C.struct_sockaddr_dl + +type RawSockaddr C.struct_sockaddr + +type RawSockaddrAny C.struct_sockaddr_any + +type _Socklen C.socklen_t + +type Cmsghdr C.struct_cmsghdr + +type ICMPv6Filter C.struct_icmp6_filter + +type Iovec C.struct_iovec + +type IPMreq C.struct_ip_mreq + +type IPv6Mreq C.struct_ipv6_mreq + +type IPv6MTUInfo C.struct_ip6_mtuinfo + +type Linger C.struct_linger + +type Msghdr C.struct_msghdr + +const ( + SizeofSockaddrInet4 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in + SizeofSockaddrInet6 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in6 + SizeofSockaddrAny = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_any + SizeofSockaddrUnix = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_un + SizeofSockaddrDatalink = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_dl + SizeofLinger = C.sizeof_struct_linger + SizeofIPMreq = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreq + SizeofIPv6Mreq = C.sizeof_struct_ipv6_mreq + SizeofIPv6MTUInfo = C.sizeof_struct_ip6_mtuinfo + SizeofMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_msghdr + SizeofCmsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_cmsghdr + SizeofICMPv6Filter = C.sizeof_struct_icmp6_filter +) + +// Routing and interface messages + +const ( + SizeofIfMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_if_msghdr +) + +type IfMsgHdr C.struct_if_msghdr + +// Misc + +type FdSet C.fd_set + +type Utsname C.struct_utsname + +type Ustat_t C.struct_ustat + +type Sigset_t C.sigset_t + +const ( + AT_FDCWD = C.AT_FDCWD + AT_REMOVEDIR = C.AT_REMOVEDIR + AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = C.AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW +) + +// Terminal handling + +type Termios C.struct_termios + +type Termio C.struct_termio + +type Winsize C.struct_winsize + +//poll + +type PollFd struct { + Fd int32 + Events uint16 + Revents uint16 +} + +const ( + POLLERR = C.POLLERR + POLLHUP = C.POLLHUP + POLLIN = C.POLLIN + POLLNVAL = C.POLLNVAL + POLLOUT = C.POLLOUT + POLLPRI = C.POLLPRI + POLLRDBAND = C.POLLRDBAND + POLLRDNORM = C.POLLRDNORM + POLLWRBAND = C.POLLWRBAND + POLLWRNORM = C.POLLWRNORM +) + +//flock_t + +type Flock_t C.struct_flock64 + +// Statfs + +type Fsid_t C.struct_fsid_t +type Fsid64_t C.struct_fsid64_t + +type Statfs_t C.struct_statfs + +const RNDGETENTCNT = 0x80045200 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/types_darwin.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/types_darwin.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..155c2e69 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/types_darwin.go @@ -0,0 +1,283 @@ +// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +/* +Input to cgo -godefs. See README.md +*/ + +// +godefs map struct_in_addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ +// +godefs map struct_in6_addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + +package unix + +/* +#define __DARWIN_UNIX03 0 +#define KERNEL +#define _DARWIN_USE_64_BIT_INODE +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +enum { + sizeofPtr = sizeof(void*), +}; + +union sockaddr_all { + struct sockaddr s1; // this one gets used for fields + struct sockaddr_in s2; // these pad it out + struct sockaddr_in6 s3; + struct sockaddr_un s4; + struct sockaddr_dl s5; +}; + +struct sockaddr_any { + struct sockaddr addr; + char pad[sizeof(union sockaddr_all) - sizeof(struct sockaddr)]; +}; + +*/ +import "C" + +// Machine characteristics + +const ( + SizeofPtr = C.sizeofPtr + SizeofShort = C.sizeof_short + SizeofInt = C.sizeof_int + SizeofLong = C.sizeof_long + SizeofLongLong = C.sizeof_longlong +) + +// Basic types + +type ( + _C_short C.short + _C_int C.int + _C_long C.long + _C_long_long C.longlong +) + +// Time + +type Timespec C.struct_timespec + +type Timeval C.struct_timeval + +type Timeval32 C.struct_timeval32 + +// Processes + +type Rusage C.struct_rusage + +type Rlimit C.struct_rlimit + +type _Gid_t C.gid_t + +// Files + +type Stat_t C.struct_stat64 + +type Statfs_t C.struct_statfs64 + +type Flock_t C.struct_flock + +type Fstore_t C.struct_fstore + +type Radvisory_t C.struct_radvisory + +type Fbootstraptransfer_t C.struct_fbootstraptransfer + +type Log2phys_t C.struct_log2phys + +type Fsid C.struct_fsid + +type Dirent C.struct_dirent + +// Sockets + +type RawSockaddrInet4 C.struct_sockaddr_in + +type RawSockaddrInet6 C.struct_sockaddr_in6 + +type RawSockaddrUnix C.struct_sockaddr_un + +type RawSockaddrDatalink C.struct_sockaddr_dl + +type RawSockaddr C.struct_sockaddr + +type RawSockaddrAny C.struct_sockaddr_any + +type _Socklen C.socklen_t + +type Linger C.struct_linger + +type Iovec C.struct_iovec + +type IPMreq C.struct_ip_mreq + +type IPv6Mreq C.struct_ipv6_mreq + +type Msghdr C.struct_msghdr + +type Cmsghdr C.struct_cmsghdr + +type Inet4Pktinfo C.struct_in_pktinfo + +type Inet6Pktinfo C.struct_in6_pktinfo + +type IPv6MTUInfo C.struct_ip6_mtuinfo + +type ICMPv6Filter C.struct_icmp6_filter + +const ( + SizeofSockaddrInet4 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in + SizeofSockaddrInet6 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in6 + SizeofSockaddrAny = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_any + SizeofSockaddrUnix = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_un + SizeofSockaddrDatalink = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_dl + SizeofLinger = C.sizeof_struct_linger + SizeofIPMreq = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreq + SizeofIPv6Mreq = C.sizeof_struct_ipv6_mreq + SizeofMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_msghdr + SizeofCmsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_cmsghdr + SizeofInet4Pktinfo = C.sizeof_struct_in_pktinfo + SizeofInet6Pktinfo = C.sizeof_struct_in6_pktinfo + SizeofIPv6MTUInfo = C.sizeof_struct_ip6_mtuinfo + SizeofICMPv6Filter = C.sizeof_struct_icmp6_filter +) + +// Ptrace requests + +const ( + PTRACE_TRACEME = C.PT_TRACE_ME + PTRACE_CONT = C.PT_CONTINUE + PTRACE_KILL = C.PT_KILL +) + +// Events (kqueue, kevent) + +type Kevent_t C.struct_kevent + +// Select + +type FdSet C.fd_set + +// Routing and interface messages + +const ( + SizeofIfMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_if_msghdr + SizeofIfData = C.sizeof_struct_if_data + SizeofIfaMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_ifa_msghdr + SizeofIfmaMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_ifma_msghdr + SizeofIfmaMsghdr2 = C.sizeof_struct_ifma_msghdr2 + SizeofRtMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_rt_msghdr + SizeofRtMetrics = C.sizeof_struct_rt_metrics +) + +type IfMsghdr C.struct_if_msghdr + +type IfData C.struct_if_data + +type IfaMsghdr C.struct_ifa_msghdr + +type IfmaMsghdr C.struct_ifma_msghdr + +type IfmaMsghdr2 C.struct_ifma_msghdr2 + +type RtMsghdr C.struct_rt_msghdr + +type RtMetrics C.struct_rt_metrics + +// Berkeley packet filter + +const ( + SizeofBpfVersion = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_version + SizeofBpfStat = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_stat + SizeofBpfProgram = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_program + SizeofBpfInsn = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_insn + SizeofBpfHdr = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_hdr +) + +type BpfVersion C.struct_bpf_version + +type BpfStat C.struct_bpf_stat + +type BpfProgram C.struct_bpf_program + +type BpfInsn C.struct_bpf_insn + +type BpfHdr C.struct_bpf_hdr + +// Terminal handling + +type Termios C.struct_termios + +type Winsize C.struct_winsize + +// fchmodat-like syscalls. + +const ( + AT_FDCWD = C.AT_FDCWD + AT_REMOVEDIR = C.AT_REMOVEDIR + AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = C.AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW + AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = C.AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW +) + +// poll + +type PollFd C.struct_pollfd + +const ( + POLLERR = C.POLLERR + POLLHUP = C.POLLHUP + POLLIN = C.POLLIN + POLLNVAL = C.POLLNVAL + POLLOUT = C.POLLOUT + POLLPRI = C.POLLPRI + POLLRDBAND = C.POLLRDBAND + POLLRDNORM = C.POLLRDNORM + POLLWRBAND = C.POLLWRBAND + POLLWRNORM = C.POLLWRNORM +) + +// uname + +type Utsname C.struct_utsname + +// Clockinfo + +const SizeofClockinfo = C.sizeof_struct_clockinfo + +type Clockinfo C.struct_clockinfo diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/types_dragonfly.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/types_dragonfly.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3365dd79 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/types_dragonfly.go @@ -0,0 +1,263 @@ +// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +/* +Input to cgo -godefs. See README.md +*/ + +// +godefs map struct_in_addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ +// +godefs map struct_in6_addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + +package unix + +/* +#define KERNEL +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +enum { + sizeofPtr = sizeof(void*), +}; + +union sockaddr_all { + struct sockaddr s1; // this one gets used for fields + struct sockaddr_in s2; // these pad it out + struct sockaddr_in6 s3; + struct sockaddr_un s4; + struct sockaddr_dl s5; +}; + +struct sockaddr_any { + struct sockaddr addr; + char pad[sizeof(union sockaddr_all) - sizeof(struct sockaddr)]; +}; + +*/ +import "C" + +// Machine characteristics + +const ( + SizeofPtr = C.sizeofPtr + SizeofShort = C.sizeof_short + SizeofInt = C.sizeof_int + SizeofLong = C.sizeof_long + SizeofLongLong = C.sizeof_longlong +) + +// Basic types + +type ( + _C_short C.short + _C_int C.int + _C_long C.long + _C_long_long C.longlong +) + +// Time + +type Timespec C.struct_timespec + +type Timeval C.struct_timeval + +// Processes + +type Rusage C.struct_rusage + +type Rlimit C.struct_rlimit + +type _Gid_t C.gid_t + +// Files + +type Stat_t C.struct_stat + +type Statfs_t C.struct_statfs + +type Flock_t C.struct_flock + +type Dirent C.struct_dirent + +type Fsid C.struct_fsid + +// File system limits + +const ( + PathMax = C.PATH_MAX +) + +// Sockets + +type RawSockaddrInet4 C.struct_sockaddr_in + +type RawSockaddrInet6 C.struct_sockaddr_in6 + +type RawSockaddrUnix C.struct_sockaddr_un + +type RawSockaddrDatalink C.struct_sockaddr_dl + +type RawSockaddr C.struct_sockaddr + +type RawSockaddrAny C.struct_sockaddr_any + +type _Socklen C.socklen_t + +type Linger C.struct_linger + +type Iovec C.struct_iovec + +type IPMreq C.struct_ip_mreq + +type IPv6Mreq C.struct_ipv6_mreq + +type Msghdr C.struct_msghdr + +type Cmsghdr C.struct_cmsghdr + +type Inet6Pktinfo C.struct_in6_pktinfo + +type IPv6MTUInfo C.struct_ip6_mtuinfo + +type ICMPv6Filter C.struct_icmp6_filter + +const ( + SizeofSockaddrInet4 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in + SizeofSockaddrInet6 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in6 + SizeofSockaddrAny = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_any + SizeofSockaddrUnix = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_un + SizeofSockaddrDatalink = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_dl + SizeofLinger = C.sizeof_struct_linger + SizeofIPMreq = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreq + SizeofIPv6Mreq = C.sizeof_struct_ipv6_mreq + SizeofMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_msghdr + SizeofCmsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_cmsghdr + SizeofInet6Pktinfo = C.sizeof_struct_in6_pktinfo + SizeofIPv6MTUInfo = C.sizeof_struct_ip6_mtuinfo + SizeofICMPv6Filter = C.sizeof_struct_icmp6_filter +) + +// Ptrace requests + +const ( + PTRACE_TRACEME = C.PT_TRACE_ME + PTRACE_CONT = C.PT_CONTINUE + PTRACE_KILL = C.PT_KILL +) + +// Events (kqueue, kevent) + +type Kevent_t C.struct_kevent + +// Select + +type FdSet C.fd_set + +// Routing and interface messages + +const ( + SizeofIfMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_if_msghdr + SizeofIfData = C.sizeof_struct_if_data + SizeofIfaMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_ifa_msghdr + SizeofIfmaMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_ifma_msghdr + SizeofIfAnnounceMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_if_announcemsghdr + SizeofRtMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_rt_msghdr + SizeofRtMetrics = C.sizeof_struct_rt_metrics +) + +type IfMsghdr C.struct_if_msghdr + +type IfData C.struct_if_data + +type IfaMsghdr C.struct_ifa_msghdr + +type IfmaMsghdr C.struct_ifma_msghdr + +type IfAnnounceMsghdr C.struct_if_announcemsghdr + +type RtMsghdr C.struct_rt_msghdr + +type RtMetrics C.struct_rt_metrics + +// Berkeley packet filter + +const ( + SizeofBpfVersion = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_version + SizeofBpfStat = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_stat + SizeofBpfProgram = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_program + SizeofBpfInsn = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_insn + SizeofBpfHdr = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_hdr +) + +type BpfVersion C.struct_bpf_version + +type BpfStat C.struct_bpf_stat + +type BpfProgram C.struct_bpf_program + +type BpfInsn C.struct_bpf_insn + +type BpfHdr C.struct_bpf_hdr + +// Terminal handling + +type Termios C.struct_termios + +type Winsize C.struct_winsize + +// fchmodat-like syscalls. + +const ( + AT_FDCWD = C.AT_FDCWD + AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = C.AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW +) + +// poll + +type PollFd C.struct_pollfd + +const ( + POLLERR = C.POLLERR + POLLHUP = C.POLLHUP + POLLIN = C.POLLIN + POLLNVAL = C.POLLNVAL + POLLOUT = C.POLLOUT + POLLPRI = C.POLLPRI + POLLRDBAND = C.POLLRDBAND + POLLRDNORM = C.POLLRDNORM + POLLWRBAND = C.POLLWRBAND + POLLWRNORM = C.POLLWRNORM +) + +// Uname + +type Utsname C.struct_utsname diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/types_freebsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/types_freebsd.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a121dc33 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/types_freebsd.go @@ -0,0 +1,400 @@ +// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +/* +Input to cgo -godefs. See README.md +*/ + +// +godefs map struct_in_addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ +// +godefs map struct_in6_addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + +package unix + +/* +#define _WANT_FREEBSD11_STAT 1 +#define _WANT_FREEBSD11_STATFS 1 +#define _WANT_FREEBSD11_DIRENT 1 +#define _WANT_FREEBSD11_KEVENT 1 + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +enum { + sizeofPtr = sizeof(void*), +}; + +union sockaddr_all { + struct sockaddr s1; // this one gets used for fields + struct sockaddr_in s2; // these pad it out + struct sockaddr_in6 s3; + struct sockaddr_un s4; + struct sockaddr_dl s5; +}; + +struct sockaddr_any { + struct sockaddr addr; + char pad[sizeof(union sockaddr_all) - sizeof(struct sockaddr)]; +}; + +// This structure is a duplicate of if_data on FreeBSD 8-STABLE. +// See /usr/include/net/if.h. +struct if_data8 { + u_char ifi_type; + u_char ifi_physical; + u_char ifi_addrlen; + u_char ifi_hdrlen; + u_char ifi_link_state; + u_char ifi_spare_char1; + u_char ifi_spare_char2; + u_char ifi_datalen; + u_long ifi_mtu; + u_long ifi_metric; + u_long ifi_baudrate; + u_long ifi_ipackets; + u_long ifi_ierrors; + u_long ifi_opackets; + u_long ifi_oerrors; + u_long ifi_collisions; + u_long ifi_ibytes; + u_long ifi_obytes; + u_long ifi_imcasts; + u_long ifi_omcasts; + u_long ifi_iqdrops; + u_long ifi_noproto; + u_long ifi_hwassist; +// FIXME: these are now unions, so maybe need to change definitions? +#undef ifi_epoch + time_t ifi_epoch; +#undef ifi_lastchange + struct timeval ifi_lastchange; +}; + +// This structure is a duplicate of if_msghdr on FreeBSD 8-STABLE. +// See /usr/include/net/if.h. +struct if_msghdr8 { + u_short ifm_msglen; + u_char ifm_version; + u_char ifm_type; + int ifm_addrs; + int ifm_flags; + u_short ifm_index; + struct if_data8 ifm_data; +}; +*/ +import "C" + +// Machine characteristics + +const ( + SizeofPtr = C.sizeofPtr + SizeofShort = C.sizeof_short + SizeofInt = C.sizeof_int + SizeofLong = C.sizeof_long + SizeofLongLong = C.sizeof_longlong +) + +// Basic types + +type ( + _C_short C.short + _C_int C.int + _C_long C.long + _C_long_long C.longlong +) + +// Time + +type Timespec C.struct_timespec + +type Timeval C.struct_timeval + +// Processes + +type Rusage C.struct_rusage + +type Rlimit C.struct_rlimit + +type _Gid_t C.gid_t + +// Files + +const ( + _statfsVersion = C.STATFS_VERSION + _dirblksiz = C.DIRBLKSIZ +) + +type Stat_t C.struct_stat + +type stat_freebsd11_t C.struct_freebsd11_stat + +type Statfs_t C.struct_statfs + +type statfs_freebsd11_t C.struct_freebsd11_statfs + +type Flock_t C.struct_flock + +type Dirent C.struct_dirent + +type dirent_freebsd11 C.struct_freebsd11_dirent + +type Fsid C.struct_fsid + +// File system limits + +const ( + PathMax = C.PATH_MAX +) + +// Advice to Fadvise + +const ( + FADV_NORMAL = C.POSIX_FADV_NORMAL + FADV_RANDOM = C.POSIX_FADV_RANDOM + FADV_SEQUENTIAL = C.POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL + FADV_WILLNEED = C.POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED + FADV_DONTNEED = C.POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED + FADV_NOREUSE = C.POSIX_FADV_NOREUSE +) + +// Sockets + +type RawSockaddrInet4 C.struct_sockaddr_in + +type RawSockaddrInet6 C.struct_sockaddr_in6 + +type RawSockaddrUnix C.struct_sockaddr_un + +type RawSockaddrDatalink C.struct_sockaddr_dl + +type RawSockaddr C.struct_sockaddr + +type RawSockaddrAny C.struct_sockaddr_any + +type _Socklen C.socklen_t + +type Linger C.struct_linger + +type Iovec C.struct_iovec + +type IPMreq C.struct_ip_mreq + +type IPMreqn C.struct_ip_mreqn + +type IPv6Mreq C.struct_ipv6_mreq + +type Msghdr C.struct_msghdr + +type Cmsghdr C.struct_cmsghdr + +type Inet6Pktinfo C.struct_in6_pktinfo + +type IPv6MTUInfo C.struct_ip6_mtuinfo + +type ICMPv6Filter C.struct_icmp6_filter + +const ( + SizeofSockaddrInet4 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in + SizeofSockaddrInet6 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in6 + SizeofSockaddrAny = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_any + SizeofSockaddrUnix = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_un + SizeofSockaddrDatalink = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_dl + SizeofLinger = C.sizeof_struct_linger + SizeofIPMreq = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreq + SizeofIPMreqn = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreqn + SizeofIPv6Mreq = C.sizeof_struct_ipv6_mreq + SizeofMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_msghdr + SizeofCmsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_cmsghdr + SizeofInet6Pktinfo = C.sizeof_struct_in6_pktinfo + SizeofIPv6MTUInfo = C.sizeof_struct_ip6_mtuinfo + SizeofICMPv6Filter = C.sizeof_struct_icmp6_filter +) + +// Ptrace requests + +const ( + PTRACE_ATTACH = C.PT_ATTACH + PTRACE_CONT = C.PT_CONTINUE + PTRACE_DETACH = C.PT_DETACH + PTRACE_GETFPREGS = C.PT_GETFPREGS + PTRACE_GETFSBASE = C.PT_GETFSBASE + PTRACE_GETLWPLIST = C.PT_GETLWPLIST + PTRACE_GETNUMLWPS = C.PT_GETNUMLWPS + PTRACE_GETREGS = C.PT_GETREGS + PTRACE_GETXSTATE = C.PT_GETXSTATE + PTRACE_IO = C.PT_IO + PTRACE_KILL = C.PT_KILL + PTRACE_LWPEVENTS = C.PT_LWP_EVENTS + PTRACE_LWPINFO = C.PT_LWPINFO + PTRACE_SETFPREGS = C.PT_SETFPREGS + PTRACE_SETREGS = C.PT_SETREGS + PTRACE_SINGLESTEP = C.PT_STEP + PTRACE_TRACEME = C.PT_TRACE_ME +) + +const ( + PIOD_READ_D = C.PIOD_READ_D + PIOD_WRITE_D = C.PIOD_WRITE_D + PIOD_READ_I = C.PIOD_READ_I + PIOD_WRITE_I = C.PIOD_WRITE_I +) + +const ( + PL_FLAG_BORN = C.PL_FLAG_BORN + PL_FLAG_EXITED = C.PL_FLAG_EXITED + PL_FLAG_SI = C.PL_FLAG_SI +) + +const ( + TRAP_BRKPT = C.TRAP_BRKPT + TRAP_TRACE = C.TRAP_TRACE +) + +type PtraceLwpInfoStruct C.struct_ptrace_lwpinfo + +type __Siginfo C.struct___siginfo + +type Sigset_t C.sigset_t + +type Reg C.struct_reg + +type FpReg C.struct_fpreg + +type PtraceIoDesc C.struct_ptrace_io_desc + +// Events (kqueue, kevent) + +type Kevent_t C.struct_kevent_freebsd11 + +// Select + +type FdSet C.fd_set + +// Routing and interface messages + +const ( + sizeofIfMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_if_msghdr + SizeofIfMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_if_msghdr8 + sizeofIfData = C.sizeof_struct_if_data + SizeofIfData = C.sizeof_struct_if_data8 + SizeofIfaMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_ifa_msghdr + SizeofIfmaMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_ifma_msghdr + SizeofIfAnnounceMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_if_announcemsghdr + SizeofRtMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_rt_msghdr + SizeofRtMetrics = C.sizeof_struct_rt_metrics +) + +type ifMsghdr C.struct_if_msghdr + +type IfMsghdr C.struct_if_msghdr8 + +type ifData C.struct_if_data + +type IfData C.struct_if_data8 + +type IfaMsghdr C.struct_ifa_msghdr + +type IfmaMsghdr C.struct_ifma_msghdr + +type IfAnnounceMsghdr C.struct_if_announcemsghdr + +type RtMsghdr C.struct_rt_msghdr + +type RtMetrics C.struct_rt_metrics + +// Berkeley packet filter + +const ( + SizeofBpfVersion = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_version + SizeofBpfStat = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_stat + SizeofBpfZbuf = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_zbuf + SizeofBpfProgram = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_program + SizeofBpfInsn = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_insn + SizeofBpfHdr = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_hdr + SizeofBpfZbufHeader = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_zbuf_header +) + +type BpfVersion C.struct_bpf_version + +type BpfStat C.struct_bpf_stat + +type BpfZbuf C.struct_bpf_zbuf + +type BpfProgram C.struct_bpf_program + +type BpfInsn C.struct_bpf_insn + +type BpfHdr C.struct_bpf_hdr + +type BpfZbufHeader C.struct_bpf_zbuf_header + +// Terminal handling + +type Termios C.struct_termios + +type Winsize C.struct_winsize + +// fchmodat-like syscalls. + +const ( + AT_FDCWD = C.AT_FDCWD + AT_REMOVEDIR = C.AT_REMOVEDIR + AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = C.AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW + AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = C.AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW +) + +// poll + +type PollFd C.struct_pollfd + +const ( + POLLERR = C.POLLERR + POLLHUP = C.POLLHUP + POLLIN = C.POLLIN + POLLINIGNEOF = C.POLLINIGNEOF + POLLNVAL = C.POLLNVAL + POLLOUT = C.POLLOUT + POLLPRI = C.POLLPRI + POLLRDBAND = C.POLLRDBAND + POLLRDNORM = C.POLLRDNORM + POLLWRBAND = C.POLLWRBAND + POLLWRNORM = C.POLLWRNORM +) + +// Capabilities + +type CapRights C.struct_cap_rights + +// Uname + +type Utsname C.struct_utsname diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/types_netbsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/types_netbsd.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4a96d72c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/types_netbsd.go @@ -0,0 +1,290 @@ +// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +/* +Input to cgo -godefs. See README.md +*/ + +// +godefs map struct_in_addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ +// +godefs map struct_in6_addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + +package unix + +/* +#define KERNEL +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +enum { + sizeofPtr = sizeof(void*), +}; + +union sockaddr_all { + struct sockaddr s1; // this one gets used for fields + struct sockaddr_in s2; // these pad it out + struct sockaddr_in6 s3; + struct sockaddr_un s4; + struct sockaddr_dl s5; +}; + +struct sockaddr_any { + struct sockaddr addr; + char pad[sizeof(union sockaddr_all) - sizeof(struct sockaddr)]; +}; + +*/ +import "C" + +// Machine characteristics + +const ( + SizeofPtr = C.sizeofPtr + SizeofShort = C.sizeof_short + SizeofInt = C.sizeof_int + SizeofLong = C.sizeof_long + SizeofLongLong = C.sizeof_longlong +) + +// Basic types + +type ( + _C_short C.short + _C_int C.int + _C_long C.long + _C_long_long C.longlong +) + +// Time + +type Timespec C.struct_timespec + +type Timeval C.struct_timeval + +// Processes + +type Rusage C.struct_rusage + +type Rlimit C.struct_rlimit + +type _Gid_t C.gid_t + +// Files + +type Stat_t C.struct_stat + +type Statfs_t C.struct_statfs + +type Flock_t C.struct_flock + +type Dirent C.struct_dirent + +type Fsid C.fsid_t + +// File system limits + +const ( + PathMax = C.PATH_MAX +) + +// Advice to Fadvise + +const ( + FADV_NORMAL = C.POSIX_FADV_NORMAL + FADV_RANDOM = C.POSIX_FADV_RANDOM + FADV_SEQUENTIAL = C.POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL + FADV_WILLNEED = C.POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED + FADV_DONTNEED = C.POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED + FADV_NOREUSE = C.POSIX_FADV_NOREUSE +) + +// Sockets + +type RawSockaddrInet4 C.struct_sockaddr_in + +type RawSockaddrInet6 C.struct_sockaddr_in6 + +type RawSockaddrUnix C.struct_sockaddr_un + +type RawSockaddrDatalink C.struct_sockaddr_dl + +type RawSockaddr C.struct_sockaddr + +type RawSockaddrAny C.struct_sockaddr_any + +type _Socklen C.socklen_t + +type Linger C.struct_linger + +type Iovec C.struct_iovec + +type IPMreq C.struct_ip_mreq + +type IPv6Mreq C.struct_ipv6_mreq + +type Msghdr C.struct_msghdr + +type Cmsghdr C.struct_cmsghdr + +type Inet6Pktinfo C.struct_in6_pktinfo + +type IPv6MTUInfo C.struct_ip6_mtuinfo + +type ICMPv6Filter C.struct_icmp6_filter + +const ( + SizeofSockaddrInet4 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in + SizeofSockaddrInet6 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in6 + SizeofSockaddrAny = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_any + SizeofSockaddrUnix = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_un + SizeofSockaddrDatalink = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_dl + SizeofLinger = C.sizeof_struct_linger + SizeofIPMreq = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreq + SizeofIPv6Mreq = C.sizeof_struct_ipv6_mreq + SizeofMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_msghdr + SizeofCmsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_cmsghdr + SizeofInet6Pktinfo = C.sizeof_struct_in6_pktinfo + SizeofIPv6MTUInfo = C.sizeof_struct_ip6_mtuinfo + SizeofICMPv6Filter = C.sizeof_struct_icmp6_filter +) + +// Ptrace requests + +const ( + PTRACE_TRACEME = C.PT_TRACE_ME + PTRACE_CONT = C.PT_CONTINUE + PTRACE_KILL = C.PT_KILL +) + +// Events (kqueue, kevent) + +type Kevent_t C.struct_kevent + +// Select + +type FdSet C.fd_set + +// Routing and interface messages + +const ( + SizeofIfMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_if_msghdr + SizeofIfData = C.sizeof_struct_if_data + SizeofIfaMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_ifa_msghdr + SizeofIfAnnounceMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_if_announcemsghdr + SizeofRtMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_rt_msghdr + SizeofRtMetrics = C.sizeof_struct_rt_metrics +) + +type IfMsghdr C.struct_if_msghdr + +type IfData C.struct_if_data + +type IfaMsghdr C.struct_ifa_msghdr + +type IfAnnounceMsghdr C.struct_if_announcemsghdr + +type RtMsghdr C.struct_rt_msghdr + +type RtMetrics C.struct_rt_metrics + +type Mclpool C.struct_mclpool + +// Berkeley packet filter + +const ( + SizeofBpfVersion = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_version + SizeofBpfStat = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_stat + SizeofBpfProgram = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_program + SizeofBpfInsn = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_insn + SizeofBpfHdr = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_hdr +) + +type BpfVersion C.struct_bpf_version + +type BpfStat C.struct_bpf_stat + +type BpfProgram C.struct_bpf_program + +type BpfInsn C.struct_bpf_insn + +type BpfHdr C.struct_bpf_hdr + +type BpfTimeval C.struct_bpf_timeval + +// Terminal handling + +type Termios C.struct_termios + +type Winsize C.struct_winsize + +type Ptmget C.struct_ptmget + +// fchmodat-like syscalls. + +const ( + AT_FDCWD = C.AT_FDCWD + AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = C.AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW + AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = C.AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW +) + +// poll + +type PollFd C.struct_pollfd + +const ( + POLLERR = C.POLLERR + POLLHUP = C.POLLHUP + POLLIN = C.POLLIN + POLLNVAL = C.POLLNVAL + POLLOUT = C.POLLOUT + POLLPRI = C.POLLPRI + POLLRDBAND = C.POLLRDBAND + POLLRDNORM = C.POLLRDNORM + POLLWRBAND = C.POLLWRBAND + POLLWRNORM = C.POLLWRNORM +) + +// Sysctl + +type Sysctlnode C.struct_sysctlnode + +// Uname + +type Utsname C.struct_utsname + +// Clockinfo + +const SizeofClockinfo = C.sizeof_struct_clockinfo + +type Clockinfo C.struct_clockinfo diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/types_openbsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/types_openbsd.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..775cb57d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/types_openbsd.go @@ -0,0 +1,283 @@ +// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +/* +Input to cgo -godefs. See README.md +*/ + +// +godefs map struct_in_addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ +// +godefs map struct_in6_addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + +package unix + +/* +#define KERNEL +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +enum { + sizeofPtr = sizeof(void*), +}; + +union sockaddr_all { + struct sockaddr s1; // this one gets used for fields + struct sockaddr_in s2; // these pad it out + struct sockaddr_in6 s3; + struct sockaddr_un s4; + struct sockaddr_dl s5; +}; + +struct sockaddr_any { + struct sockaddr addr; + char pad[sizeof(union sockaddr_all) - sizeof(struct sockaddr)]; +}; + +*/ +import "C" + +// Machine characteristics + +const ( + SizeofPtr = C.sizeofPtr + SizeofShort = C.sizeof_short + SizeofInt = C.sizeof_int + SizeofLong = C.sizeof_long + SizeofLongLong = C.sizeof_longlong +) + +// Basic types + +type ( + _C_short C.short + _C_int C.int + _C_long C.long + _C_long_long C.longlong +) + +// Time + +type Timespec C.struct_timespec + +type Timeval C.struct_timeval + +// Processes + +type Rusage C.struct_rusage + +type Rlimit C.struct_rlimit + +type _Gid_t C.gid_t + +// Files + +type Stat_t C.struct_stat + +type Statfs_t C.struct_statfs + +type Flock_t C.struct_flock + +type Dirent C.struct_dirent + +type Fsid C.fsid_t + +// File system limits + +const ( + PathMax = C.PATH_MAX +) + +// Sockets + +type RawSockaddrInet4 C.struct_sockaddr_in + +type RawSockaddrInet6 C.struct_sockaddr_in6 + +type RawSockaddrUnix C.struct_sockaddr_un + +type RawSockaddrDatalink C.struct_sockaddr_dl + +type RawSockaddr C.struct_sockaddr + +type RawSockaddrAny C.struct_sockaddr_any + +type _Socklen C.socklen_t + +type Linger C.struct_linger + +type Iovec C.struct_iovec + +type IPMreq C.struct_ip_mreq + +type IPv6Mreq C.struct_ipv6_mreq + +type Msghdr C.struct_msghdr + +type Cmsghdr C.struct_cmsghdr + +type Inet6Pktinfo C.struct_in6_pktinfo + +type IPv6MTUInfo C.struct_ip6_mtuinfo + +type ICMPv6Filter C.struct_icmp6_filter + +const ( + SizeofSockaddrInet4 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in + SizeofSockaddrInet6 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in6 + SizeofSockaddrAny = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_any + SizeofSockaddrUnix = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_un + SizeofSockaddrDatalink = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_dl + SizeofLinger = C.sizeof_struct_linger + SizeofIPMreq = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreq + SizeofIPv6Mreq = C.sizeof_struct_ipv6_mreq + SizeofMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_msghdr + SizeofCmsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_cmsghdr + SizeofInet6Pktinfo = C.sizeof_struct_in6_pktinfo + SizeofIPv6MTUInfo = C.sizeof_struct_ip6_mtuinfo + SizeofICMPv6Filter = C.sizeof_struct_icmp6_filter +) + +// Ptrace requests + +const ( + PTRACE_TRACEME = C.PT_TRACE_ME + PTRACE_CONT = C.PT_CONTINUE + PTRACE_KILL = C.PT_KILL +) + +// Events (kqueue, kevent) + +type Kevent_t C.struct_kevent + +// Select + +type FdSet C.fd_set + +// Routing and interface messages + +const ( + SizeofIfMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_if_msghdr + SizeofIfData = C.sizeof_struct_if_data + SizeofIfaMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_ifa_msghdr + SizeofIfAnnounceMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_if_announcemsghdr + SizeofRtMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_rt_msghdr + SizeofRtMetrics = C.sizeof_struct_rt_metrics +) + +type IfMsghdr C.struct_if_msghdr + +type IfData C.struct_if_data + +type IfaMsghdr C.struct_ifa_msghdr + +type IfAnnounceMsghdr C.struct_if_announcemsghdr + +type RtMsghdr C.struct_rt_msghdr + +type RtMetrics C.struct_rt_metrics + +type Mclpool C.struct_mclpool + +// Berkeley packet filter + +const ( + SizeofBpfVersion = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_version + SizeofBpfStat = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_stat + SizeofBpfProgram = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_program + SizeofBpfInsn = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_insn + SizeofBpfHdr = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_hdr +) + +type BpfVersion C.struct_bpf_version + +type BpfStat C.struct_bpf_stat + +type BpfProgram C.struct_bpf_program + +type BpfInsn C.struct_bpf_insn + +type BpfHdr C.struct_bpf_hdr + +type BpfTimeval C.struct_bpf_timeval + +// Terminal handling + +type Termios C.struct_termios + +type Winsize C.struct_winsize + +// fchmodat-like syscalls. + +const ( + AT_FDCWD = C.AT_FDCWD + AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = C.AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW + AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = C.AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW +) + +// poll + +type PollFd C.struct_pollfd + +const ( + POLLERR = C.POLLERR + POLLHUP = C.POLLHUP + POLLIN = C.POLLIN + POLLNVAL = C.POLLNVAL + POLLOUT = C.POLLOUT + POLLPRI = C.POLLPRI + POLLRDBAND = C.POLLRDBAND + POLLRDNORM = C.POLLRDNORM + POLLWRBAND = C.POLLWRBAND + POLLWRNORM = C.POLLWRNORM +) + +// Signal Sets + +type Sigset_t C.sigset_t + +// Uname + +type Utsname C.struct_utsname + +// Uvmexp + +const SizeofUvmexp = C.sizeof_struct_uvmexp + +type Uvmexp C.struct_uvmexp + +// Clockinfo + +const SizeofClockinfo = C.sizeof_struct_clockinfo + +type Clockinfo C.struct_clockinfo diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/types_solaris.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/types_solaris.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2b716f93 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/types_solaris.go @@ -0,0 +1,266 @@ +// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +/* +Input to cgo -godefs. See README.md +*/ + +// +godefs map struct_in_addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ +// +godefs map struct_in6_addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + +package unix + +/* +#define KERNEL +// These defines ensure that builds done on newer versions of Solaris are +// backwards-compatible with older versions of Solaris and +// OpenSolaris-based derivatives. +#define __USE_SUNOS_SOCKETS__ // msghdr +#define __USE_LEGACY_PROTOTYPES__ // iovec +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +enum { + sizeofPtr = sizeof(void*), +}; + +union sockaddr_all { + struct sockaddr s1; // this one gets used for fields + struct sockaddr_in s2; // these pad it out + struct sockaddr_in6 s3; + struct sockaddr_un s4; + struct sockaddr_dl s5; +}; + +struct sockaddr_any { + struct sockaddr addr; + char pad[sizeof(union sockaddr_all) - sizeof(struct sockaddr)]; +}; + +*/ +import "C" + +// Machine characteristics + +const ( + SizeofPtr = C.sizeofPtr + SizeofShort = C.sizeof_short + SizeofInt = C.sizeof_int + SizeofLong = C.sizeof_long + SizeofLongLong = C.sizeof_longlong + PathMax = C.PATH_MAX + MaxHostNameLen = C.MAXHOSTNAMELEN +) + +// Basic types + +type ( + _C_short C.short + _C_int C.int + _C_long C.long + _C_long_long C.longlong +) + +// Time + +type Timespec C.struct_timespec + +type Timeval C.struct_timeval + +type Timeval32 C.struct_timeval32 + +type Tms C.struct_tms + +type Utimbuf C.struct_utimbuf + +// Processes + +type Rusage C.struct_rusage + +type Rlimit C.struct_rlimit + +type _Gid_t C.gid_t + +// Files + +type Stat_t C.struct_stat + +type Flock_t C.struct_flock + +type Dirent C.struct_dirent + +// Filesystems + +type _Fsblkcnt_t C.fsblkcnt_t + +type Statvfs_t C.struct_statvfs + +// Sockets + +type RawSockaddrInet4 C.struct_sockaddr_in + +type RawSockaddrInet6 C.struct_sockaddr_in6 + +type RawSockaddrUnix C.struct_sockaddr_un + +type RawSockaddrDatalink C.struct_sockaddr_dl + +type RawSockaddr C.struct_sockaddr + +type RawSockaddrAny C.struct_sockaddr_any + +type _Socklen C.socklen_t + +type Linger C.struct_linger + +type Iovec C.struct_iovec + +type IPMreq C.struct_ip_mreq + +type IPv6Mreq C.struct_ipv6_mreq + +type Msghdr C.struct_msghdr + +type Cmsghdr C.struct_cmsghdr + +type Inet6Pktinfo C.struct_in6_pktinfo + +type IPv6MTUInfo C.struct_ip6_mtuinfo + +type ICMPv6Filter C.struct_icmp6_filter + +const ( + SizeofSockaddrInet4 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in + SizeofSockaddrInet6 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in6 + SizeofSockaddrAny = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_any + SizeofSockaddrUnix = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_un + SizeofSockaddrDatalink = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_dl + SizeofLinger = C.sizeof_struct_linger + SizeofIPMreq = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreq + SizeofIPv6Mreq = C.sizeof_struct_ipv6_mreq + SizeofMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_msghdr + SizeofCmsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_cmsghdr + SizeofInet6Pktinfo = C.sizeof_struct_in6_pktinfo + SizeofIPv6MTUInfo = C.sizeof_struct_ip6_mtuinfo + SizeofICMPv6Filter = C.sizeof_struct_icmp6_filter +) + +// Select + +type FdSet C.fd_set + +// Misc + +type Utsname C.struct_utsname + +type Ustat_t C.struct_ustat + +const ( + AT_FDCWD = C.AT_FDCWD + AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = C.AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW + AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = C.AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW + AT_REMOVEDIR = C.AT_REMOVEDIR + AT_EACCESS = C.AT_EACCESS +) + +// Routing and interface messages + +const ( + SizeofIfMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_if_msghdr + SizeofIfData = C.sizeof_struct_if_data + SizeofIfaMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_ifa_msghdr + SizeofRtMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_rt_msghdr + SizeofRtMetrics = C.sizeof_struct_rt_metrics +) + +type IfMsghdr C.struct_if_msghdr + +type IfData C.struct_if_data + +type IfaMsghdr C.struct_ifa_msghdr + +type RtMsghdr C.struct_rt_msghdr + +type RtMetrics C.struct_rt_metrics + +// Berkeley packet filter + +const ( + SizeofBpfVersion = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_version + SizeofBpfStat = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_stat + SizeofBpfProgram = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_program + SizeofBpfInsn = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_insn + SizeofBpfHdr = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_hdr +) + +type BpfVersion C.struct_bpf_version + +type BpfStat C.struct_bpf_stat + +type BpfProgram C.struct_bpf_program + +type BpfInsn C.struct_bpf_insn + +type BpfTimeval C.struct_bpf_timeval + +type BpfHdr C.struct_bpf_hdr + +// Terminal handling + +type Termios C.struct_termios + +type Termio C.struct_termio + +type Winsize C.struct_winsize + +// poll + +type PollFd C.struct_pollfd + +const ( + POLLERR = C.POLLERR + POLLHUP = C.POLLHUP + POLLIN = C.POLLIN + POLLNVAL = C.POLLNVAL + POLLOUT = C.POLLOUT + POLLPRI = C.POLLPRI + POLLRDBAND = C.POLLRDBAND + POLLRDNORM = C.POLLRDNORM + POLLWRBAND = C.POLLWRBAND + POLLWRNORM = C.POLLWRNORM +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go index 79ce9156..a0cd45c1 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go @@ -701,6 +701,8 @@ const socket_error = uintptr(^uint32(0)) //sys WSACleanup() (err error) [failretval==socket_error] = ws2_32.WSACleanup //sys WSAIoctl(s Handle, iocc uint32, inbuf *byte, cbif uint32, outbuf *byte, cbob uint32, cbbr *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped, completionRoutine uintptr) (err error) [failretval==socket_error] = ws2_32.WSAIoctl //sys socket(af int32, typ int32, protocol int32) (handle Handle, err error) [failretval==InvalidHandle] = ws2_32.socket +//sys sendto(s Handle, buf []byte, flags int, to unsafe.Pointer, tolen int32) (err error) [failretval==socket_error] = ws2_32.sendto +//sys recvfrom(s Handle, buf []byte, flags int, from *RawSockaddrAny, fromlen *int) (n int, err error) [failretval==-1] = ws2_32.recvfrom //sys Setsockopt(s Handle, level int32, optname int32, optval *byte, optlen int32) (err error) [failretval==socket_error] = ws2_32.setsockopt //sys Getsockopt(s Handle, level int32, optname int32, optval *byte, optlen *int32) (err error) [failretval==socket_error] = ws2_32.getsockopt //sys bind(s Handle, name unsafe.Pointer, namelen int32) (err error) [failretval==socket_error] = ws2_32.bind @@ -1129,10 +1131,26 @@ func NsecToTimespec(nsec int64) (ts Timespec) { // TODO(brainman): fix all needed for net func Accept(fd Handle) (nfd Handle, sa Sockaddr, err error) { return 0, nil, syscall.EWINDOWS } + func Recvfrom(fd Handle, p []byte, flags int) (n int, from Sockaddr, err error) { - return 0, nil, syscall.EWINDOWS + var rsa RawSockaddrAny + l := int(unsafe.Sizeof(rsa)) + n, err = recvfrom(fd, p, flags, &rsa, &l) + if err != nil { + return + } + from, err = rsa.Sockaddr() + return } -func Sendto(fd Handle, p []byte, flags int, to Sockaddr) (err error) { return syscall.EWINDOWS } + +func Sendto(fd Handle, p []byte, flags int, to Sockaddr) (err error) { + ptr, l, err := to.sockaddr() + if err != nil { + return err + } + return sendto(fd, p, flags, ptr, l) +} + func SetsockoptTimeval(fd Handle, level, opt int, tv *Timeval) (err error) { return syscall.EWINDOWS } // The Linger struct is wrong but we only noticed after Go 1. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/zsyscall_windows.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/zsyscall_windows.go index 7bed68b2..4563918f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/zsyscall_windows.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/zsyscall_windows.go @@ -257,6 +257,8 @@ var ( procWSACleanup = modws2_32.NewProc("WSACleanup") procWSAIoctl = modws2_32.NewProc("WSAIoctl") procsocket = modws2_32.NewProc("socket") + procsendto = modws2_32.NewProc("sendto") + procrecvfrom = modws2_32.NewProc("recvfrom") procsetsockopt = modws2_32.NewProc("setsockopt") procgetsockopt = modws2_32.NewProc("getsockopt") procbind = modws2_32.NewProc("bind") @@ -2873,6 +2875,39 @@ func socket(af int32, typ int32, protocol int32) (handle Handle, err error) { return } +func sendto(s Handle, buf []byte, flags int, to unsafe.Pointer, tolen int32) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + if len(buf) > 0 { + _p0 = &buf[0] + } + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procsendto.Addr(), 6, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(len(buf)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(to), uintptr(tolen)) + if r1 == socket_error { + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } else { + err = syscall.EINVAL + } + } + return +} + +func recvfrom(s Handle, buf []byte, flags int, from *RawSockaddrAny, fromlen *int) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 *byte + if len(buf) > 0 { + _p0 = &buf[0] + } + r0, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procrecvfrom.Addr(), 6, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(len(buf)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(from)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fromlen))) + n = int(r0) + if n == -1 { + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } else { + err = syscall.EINVAL + } + } + return +} + func Setsockopt(s Handle, level int32, optname int32, optval *byte, optlen int32) (err error) { r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procsetsockopt.Addr(), 5, uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(optname), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(optval)), uintptr(optlen), 0) if r1 == socket_error { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/gen.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/gen.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..987fc169 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +package main + +import ( + "flag" + "log" + + "golang.org/x/text/internal/gen" + "golang.org/x/text/internal/triegen" + "golang.org/x/text/internal/ucd" +) + +var outputFile = flag.String("out", "tables.go", "output file") + +func main() { + gen.Init() + gen.Repackage("gen_trieval.go", "trieval.go", "bidi") + gen.Repackage("gen_ranges.go", "ranges_test.go", "bidi") + + genTables() +} + +// bidiClass names and codes taken from class "bc" in +// https://www.unicode.org/Public/8.0.0/ucd/PropertyValueAliases.txt +var bidiClass = map[string]Class{ + "AL": AL, // ArabicLetter + "AN": AN, // ArabicNumber + "B": B, // ParagraphSeparator + "BN": BN, // BoundaryNeutral + "CS": CS, // CommonSeparator + "EN": EN, // EuropeanNumber + "ES": ES, // EuropeanSeparator + "ET": ET, // EuropeanTerminator + "L": L, // LeftToRight + "NSM": NSM, // NonspacingMark + "ON": ON, // OtherNeutral + "R": R, // RightToLeft + "S": S, // SegmentSeparator + "WS": WS, // WhiteSpace + + "FSI": Control, + "PDF": Control, + "PDI": Control, + "LRE": Control, + "LRI": Control, + "LRO": Control, + "RLE": Control, + "RLI": Control, + "RLO": Control, +} + +func genTables() { + if numClass > 0x0F { + log.Fatalf("Too many Class constants (%#x > 0x0F).", numClass) + } + w := gen.NewCodeWriter() + defer w.WriteVersionedGoFile(*outputFile, "bidi") + + gen.WriteUnicodeVersion(w) + + t := triegen.NewTrie("bidi") + + // Build data about bracket mapping. These bits need to be or-ed with + // any other bits. + orMask := map[rune]uint64{} + + xorMap := map[rune]int{} + xorMasks := []rune{0} // First value is no-op. + + ucd.Parse(gen.OpenUCDFile("BidiBrackets.txt"), func(p *ucd.Parser) { + r1 := p.Rune(0) + r2 := p.Rune(1) + xor := r1 ^ r2 + if _, ok := xorMap[xor]; !ok { + xorMap[xor] = len(xorMasks) + xorMasks = append(xorMasks, xor) + } + entry := uint64(xorMap[xor]) << xorMaskShift + switch p.String(2) { + case "o": + entry |= openMask + case "c", "n": + default: + log.Fatalf("Unknown bracket class %q.", p.String(2)) + } + orMask[r1] = entry + }) + + w.WriteComment(` + xorMasks contains masks to be xor-ed with brackets to get the reverse + version.`) + w.WriteVar("xorMasks", xorMasks) + + done := map[rune]bool{} + + insert := func(r rune, c Class) { + if !done[r] { + t.Insert(r, orMask[r]|uint64(c)) + done[r] = true + } + } + + // Insert the derived BiDi properties. + ucd.Parse(gen.OpenUCDFile("extracted/DerivedBidiClass.txt"), func(p *ucd.Parser) { + r := p.Rune(0) + class, ok := bidiClass[p.String(1)] + if !ok { + log.Fatalf("%U: Unknown BiDi class %q", r, p.String(1)) + } + insert(r, class) + }) + visitDefaults(insert) + + // TODO: use sparse blocks. This would reduce table size considerably + // from the looks of it. + + sz, err := t.Gen(w) + if err != nil { + log.Fatal(err) + } + w.Size += sz +} + +// dummy values to make methods in gen_common compile. The real versions +// will be generated by this file to tables.go. +var ( + xorMasks []rune +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/gen_ranges.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/gen_ranges.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..02c3b505 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/gen_ranges.go @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +package main + +import ( + "unicode" + + "golang.org/x/text/internal/gen" + "golang.org/x/text/internal/ucd" + "golang.org/x/text/unicode/rangetable" +) + +// These tables are hand-extracted from: +// https://www.unicode.org/Public/8.0.0/ucd/extracted/DerivedBidiClass.txt +func visitDefaults(fn func(r rune, c Class)) { + // first write default values for ranges listed above. + visitRunes(fn, AL, []rune{ + 0x0600, 0x07BF, // Arabic + 0x08A0, 0x08FF, // Arabic Extended-A + 0xFB50, 0xFDCF, // Arabic Presentation Forms + 0xFDF0, 0xFDFF, + 0xFE70, 0xFEFF, + 0x0001EE00, 0x0001EEFF, // Arabic Mathematical Alpha Symbols + }) + visitRunes(fn, R, []rune{ + 0x0590, 0x05FF, // Hebrew + 0x07C0, 0x089F, // Nko et al. + 0xFB1D, 0xFB4F, + 0x00010800, 0x00010FFF, // Cypriot Syllabary et. al. + 0x0001E800, 0x0001EDFF, + 0x0001EF00, 0x0001EFFF, + }) + visitRunes(fn, ET, []rune{ // European Terminator + 0x20A0, 0x20Cf, // Currency symbols + }) + rangetable.Visit(unicode.Noncharacter_Code_Point, func(r rune) { + fn(r, BN) // Boundary Neutral + }) + ucd.Parse(gen.OpenUCDFile("DerivedCoreProperties.txt"), func(p *ucd.Parser) { + if p.String(1) == "Default_Ignorable_Code_Point" { + fn(p.Rune(0), BN) // Boundary Neutral + } + }) +} + +func visitRunes(fn func(r rune, c Class), c Class, runes []rune) { + for i := 0; i < len(runes); i += 2 { + lo, hi := runes[i], runes[i+1] + for j := lo; j <= hi; j++ { + fn(j, c) + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/gen_trieval.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/gen_trieval.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9cb99428 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/gen_trieval.go @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +package main + +// Class is the Unicode BiDi class. Each rune has a single class. +type Class uint + +const ( + L Class = iota // LeftToRight + R // RightToLeft + EN // EuropeanNumber + ES // EuropeanSeparator + ET // EuropeanTerminator + AN // ArabicNumber + CS // CommonSeparator + B // ParagraphSeparator + S // SegmentSeparator + WS // WhiteSpace + ON // OtherNeutral + BN // BoundaryNeutral + NSM // NonspacingMark + AL // ArabicLetter + Control // Control LRO - PDI + + numClass + + LRO // LeftToRightOverride + RLO // RightToLeftOverride + LRE // LeftToRightEmbedding + RLE // RightToLeftEmbedding + PDF // PopDirectionalFormat + LRI // LeftToRightIsolate + RLI // RightToLeftIsolate + FSI // FirstStrongIsolate + PDI // PopDirectionalIsolate + + unknownClass = ^Class(0) +) + +var controlToClass = map[rune]Class{ + 0x202D: LRO, // LeftToRightOverride, + 0x202E: RLO, // RightToLeftOverride, + 0x202A: LRE, // LeftToRightEmbedding, + 0x202B: RLE, // RightToLeftEmbedding, + 0x202C: PDF, // PopDirectionalFormat, + 0x2066: LRI, // LeftToRightIsolate, + 0x2067: RLI, // RightToLeftIsolate, + 0x2068: FSI, // FirstStrongIsolate, + 0x2069: PDI, // PopDirectionalIsolate, +} + +// A trie entry has the following bits: +// 7..5 XOR mask for brackets +// 4 1: Bracket open, 0: Bracket close +// 3..0 Class type + +const ( + openMask = 0x10 + xorMaskShift = 5 +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/maketables.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/maketables.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..30a3aa93 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/maketables.go @@ -0,0 +1,986 @@ +// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// Normalization table generator. +// Data read from the web. +// See forminfo.go for a description of the trie values associated with each rune. + +package main + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/binary" + "flag" + "fmt" + "io" + "log" + "sort" + "strconv" + "strings" + + "golang.org/x/text/internal/gen" + "golang.org/x/text/internal/triegen" + "golang.org/x/text/internal/ucd" +) + +func main() { + gen.Init() + loadUnicodeData() + compactCCC() + loadCompositionExclusions() + completeCharFields(FCanonical) + completeCharFields(FCompatibility) + computeNonStarterCounts() + verifyComputed() + printChars() + testDerived() + printTestdata() + makeTables() +} + +var ( + tablelist = flag.String("tables", + "all", + "comma-separated list of which tables to generate; "+ + "can be 'decomp', 'recomp', 'info' and 'all'") + test = flag.Bool("test", + false, + "test existing tables against DerivedNormalizationProps and generate test data for regression testing") + verbose = flag.Bool("verbose", + false, + "write data to stdout as it is parsed") +) + +const MaxChar = 0x10FFFF // anything above this shouldn't exist + +// Quick Check properties of runes allow us to quickly +// determine whether a rune may occur in a normal form. +// For a given normal form, a rune may be guaranteed to occur +// verbatim (QC=Yes), may or may not combine with another +// rune (QC=Maybe), or may not occur (QC=No). +type QCResult int + +const ( + QCUnknown QCResult = iota + QCYes + QCNo + QCMaybe +) + +func (r QCResult) String() string { + switch r { + case QCYes: + return "Yes" + case QCNo: + return "No" + case QCMaybe: + return "Maybe" + } + return "***UNKNOWN***" +} + +const ( + FCanonical = iota // NFC or NFD + FCompatibility // NFKC or NFKD + FNumberOfFormTypes +) + +const ( + MComposed = iota // NFC or NFKC + MDecomposed // NFD or NFKD + MNumberOfModes +) + +// This contains only the properties we're interested in. +type Char struct { + name string + codePoint rune // if zero, this index is not a valid code point. + ccc uint8 // canonical combining class + origCCC uint8 + excludeInComp bool // from CompositionExclusions.txt + compatDecomp bool // it has a compatibility expansion + + nTrailingNonStarters uint8 + nLeadingNonStarters uint8 // must be equal to trailing if non-zero + + forms [FNumberOfFormTypes]FormInfo // For FCanonical and FCompatibility + + state State +} + +var chars = make([]Char, MaxChar+1) +var cccMap = make(map[uint8]uint8) + +func (c Char) String() string { + buf := new(bytes.Buffer) + + fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%U [%s]:\n", c.codePoint, c.name) + fmt.Fprintf(buf, " ccc: %v\n", c.ccc) + fmt.Fprintf(buf, " excludeInComp: %v\n", c.excludeInComp) + fmt.Fprintf(buf, " compatDecomp: %v\n", c.compatDecomp) + fmt.Fprintf(buf, " state: %v\n", c.state) + fmt.Fprintf(buf, " NFC:\n") + fmt.Fprint(buf, c.forms[FCanonical]) + fmt.Fprintf(buf, " NFKC:\n") + fmt.Fprint(buf, c.forms[FCompatibility]) + + return buf.String() +} + +// In UnicodeData.txt, some ranges are marked like this: +// 3400;;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; +// 4DB5;;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; +// parseCharacter keeps a state variable indicating the weirdness. +type State int + +const ( + SNormal State = iota // known to be zero for the type + SFirst + SLast + SMissing +) + +var lastChar = rune('\u0000') + +func (c Char) isValid() bool { + return c.codePoint != 0 && c.state != SMissing +} + +type FormInfo struct { + quickCheck [MNumberOfModes]QCResult // index: MComposed or MDecomposed + verified [MNumberOfModes]bool // index: MComposed or MDecomposed + + combinesForward bool // May combine with rune on the right + combinesBackward bool // May combine with rune on the left + isOneWay bool // Never appears in result + inDecomp bool // Some decompositions result in this char. + decomp Decomposition + expandedDecomp Decomposition +} + +func (f FormInfo) String() string { + buf := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0)) + + fmt.Fprintf(buf, " quickCheck[C]: %v\n", f.quickCheck[MComposed]) + fmt.Fprintf(buf, " quickCheck[D]: %v\n", f.quickCheck[MDecomposed]) + fmt.Fprintf(buf, " cmbForward: %v\n", f.combinesForward) + fmt.Fprintf(buf, " cmbBackward: %v\n", f.combinesBackward) + fmt.Fprintf(buf, " isOneWay: %v\n", f.isOneWay) + fmt.Fprintf(buf, " inDecomp: %v\n", f.inDecomp) + fmt.Fprintf(buf, " decomposition: %X\n", f.decomp) + fmt.Fprintf(buf, " expandedDecomp: %X\n", f.expandedDecomp) + + return buf.String() +} + +type Decomposition []rune + +func parseDecomposition(s string, skipfirst bool) (a []rune, err error) { + decomp := strings.Split(s, " ") + if len(decomp) > 0 && skipfirst { + decomp = decomp[1:] + } + for _, d := range decomp { + point, err := strconv.ParseUint(d, 16, 64) + if err != nil { + return a, err + } + a = append(a, rune(point)) + } + return a, nil +} + +func loadUnicodeData() { + f := gen.OpenUCDFile("UnicodeData.txt") + defer f.Close() + p := ucd.New(f) + for p.Next() { + r := p.Rune(ucd.CodePoint) + char := &chars[r] + + char.ccc = uint8(p.Uint(ucd.CanonicalCombiningClass)) + decmap := p.String(ucd.DecompMapping) + + exp, err := parseDecomposition(decmap, false) + isCompat := false + if err != nil { + if len(decmap) > 0 { + exp, err = parseDecomposition(decmap, true) + if err != nil { + log.Fatalf(`%U: bad decomp |%v|: "%s"`, r, decmap, err) + } + isCompat = true + } + } + + char.name = p.String(ucd.Name) + char.codePoint = r + char.forms[FCompatibility].decomp = exp + if !isCompat { + char.forms[FCanonical].decomp = exp + } else { + char.compatDecomp = true + } + if len(decmap) > 0 { + char.forms[FCompatibility].decomp = exp + } + } + if err := p.Err(); err != nil { + log.Fatal(err) + } +} + +// compactCCC converts the sparse set of CCC values to a continguous one, +// reducing the number of bits needed from 8 to 6. +func compactCCC() { + m := make(map[uint8]uint8) + for i := range chars { + c := &chars[i] + m[c.ccc] = 0 + } + cccs := []int{} + for v, _ := range m { + cccs = append(cccs, int(v)) + } + sort.Ints(cccs) + for i, c := range cccs { + cccMap[uint8(i)] = uint8(c) + m[uint8(c)] = uint8(i) + } + for i := range chars { + c := &chars[i] + c.origCCC = c.ccc + c.ccc = m[c.ccc] + } + if len(m) >= 1<<6 { + log.Fatalf("too many difference CCC values: %d >= 64", len(m)) + } +} + +// CompositionExclusions.txt has form: +// 0958 # ... +// See https://unicode.org/reports/tr44/ for full explanation +func loadCompositionExclusions() { + f := gen.OpenUCDFile("CompositionExclusions.txt") + defer f.Close() + p := ucd.New(f) + for p.Next() { + c := &chars[p.Rune(0)] + if c.excludeInComp { + log.Fatalf("%U: Duplicate entry in exclusions.", c.codePoint) + } + c.excludeInComp = true + } + if e := p.Err(); e != nil { + log.Fatal(e) + } +} + +// hasCompatDecomp returns true if any of the recursive +// decompositions contains a compatibility expansion. +// In this case, the character may not occur in NFK*. +func hasCompatDecomp(r rune) bool { + c := &chars[r] + if c.compatDecomp { + return true + } + for _, d := range c.forms[FCompatibility].decomp { + if hasCompatDecomp(d) { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +// Hangul related constants. +const ( + HangulBase = 0xAC00 + HangulEnd = 0xD7A4 // hangulBase + Jamo combinations (19 * 21 * 28) + + JamoLBase = 0x1100 + JamoLEnd = 0x1113 + JamoVBase = 0x1161 + JamoVEnd = 0x1176 + JamoTBase = 0x11A8 + JamoTEnd = 0x11C3 + + JamoLVTCount = 19 * 21 * 28 + JamoTCount = 28 +) + +func isHangul(r rune) bool { + return HangulBase <= r && r < HangulEnd +} + +func isHangulWithoutJamoT(r rune) bool { + if !isHangul(r) { + return false + } + r -= HangulBase + return r < JamoLVTCount && r%JamoTCount == 0 +} + +func ccc(r rune) uint8 { + return chars[r].ccc +} + +// Insert a rune in a buffer, ordered by Canonical Combining Class. +func insertOrdered(b Decomposition, r rune) Decomposition { + n := len(b) + b = append(b, 0) + cc := ccc(r) + if cc > 0 { + // Use bubble sort. + for ; n > 0; n-- { + if ccc(b[n-1]) <= cc { + break + } + b[n] = b[n-1] + } + } + b[n] = r + return b +} + +// Recursively decompose. +func decomposeRecursive(form int, r rune, d Decomposition) Decomposition { + dcomp := chars[r].forms[form].decomp + if len(dcomp) == 0 { + return insertOrdered(d, r) + } + for _, c := range dcomp { + d = decomposeRecursive(form, c, d) + } + return d +} + +func completeCharFields(form int) { + // Phase 0: pre-expand decomposition. + for i := range chars { + f := &chars[i].forms[form] + if len(f.decomp) == 0 { + continue + } + exp := make(Decomposition, 0) + for _, c := range f.decomp { + exp = decomposeRecursive(form, c, exp) + } + f.expandedDecomp = exp + } + + // Phase 1: composition exclusion, mark decomposition. + for i := range chars { + c := &chars[i] + f := &c.forms[form] + + // Marks script-specific exclusions and version restricted. + f.isOneWay = c.excludeInComp + + // Singletons + f.isOneWay = f.isOneWay || len(f.decomp) == 1 + + // Non-starter decompositions + if len(f.decomp) > 1 { + chk := c.ccc != 0 || chars[f.decomp[0]].ccc != 0 + f.isOneWay = f.isOneWay || chk + } + + // Runes that decompose into more than two runes. + f.isOneWay = f.isOneWay || len(f.decomp) > 2 + + if form == FCompatibility { + f.isOneWay = f.isOneWay || hasCompatDecomp(c.codePoint) + } + + for _, r := range f.decomp { + chars[r].forms[form].inDecomp = true + } + } + + // Phase 2: forward and backward combining. + for i := range chars { + c := &chars[i] + f := &c.forms[form] + + if !f.isOneWay && len(f.decomp) == 2 { + f0 := &chars[f.decomp[0]].forms[form] + f1 := &chars[f.decomp[1]].forms[form] + if !f0.isOneWay { + f0.combinesForward = true + } + if !f1.isOneWay { + f1.combinesBackward = true + } + } + if isHangulWithoutJamoT(rune(i)) { + f.combinesForward = true + } + } + + // Phase 3: quick check values. + for i := range chars { + c := &chars[i] + f := &c.forms[form] + + switch { + case len(f.decomp) > 0: + f.quickCheck[MDecomposed] = QCNo + case isHangul(rune(i)): + f.quickCheck[MDecomposed] = QCNo + default: + f.quickCheck[MDecomposed] = QCYes + } + switch { + case f.isOneWay: + f.quickCheck[MComposed] = QCNo + case (i & 0xffff00) == JamoLBase: + f.quickCheck[MComposed] = QCYes + if JamoLBase <= i && i < JamoLEnd { + f.combinesForward = true + } + if JamoVBase <= i && i < JamoVEnd { + f.quickCheck[MComposed] = QCMaybe + f.combinesBackward = true + f.combinesForward = true + } + if JamoTBase <= i && i < JamoTEnd { + f.quickCheck[MComposed] = QCMaybe + f.combinesBackward = true + } + case !f.combinesBackward: + f.quickCheck[MComposed] = QCYes + default: + f.quickCheck[MComposed] = QCMaybe + } + } +} + +func computeNonStarterCounts() { + // Phase 4: leading and trailing non-starter count + for i := range chars { + c := &chars[i] + + runes := []rune{rune(i)} + // We always use FCompatibility so that the CGJ insertion points do not + // change for repeated normalizations with different forms. + if exp := c.forms[FCompatibility].expandedDecomp; len(exp) > 0 { + runes = exp + } + // We consider runes that combine backwards to be non-starters for the + // purpose of Stream-Safe Text Processing. + for _, r := range runes { + if cr := &chars[r]; cr.ccc == 0 && !cr.forms[FCompatibility].combinesBackward { + break + } + c.nLeadingNonStarters++ + } + for i := len(runes) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + if cr := &chars[runes[i]]; cr.ccc == 0 && !cr.forms[FCompatibility].combinesBackward { + break + } + c.nTrailingNonStarters++ + } + if c.nTrailingNonStarters > 3 { + log.Fatalf("%U: Decomposition with more than 3 (%d) trailing modifiers (%U)", i, c.nTrailingNonStarters, runes) + } + + if isHangul(rune(i)) { + c.nTrailingNonStarters = 2 + if isHangulWithoutJamoT(rune(i)) { + c.nTrailingNonStarters = 1 + } + } + + if l, t := c.nLeadingNonStarters, c.nTrailingNonStarters; l > 0 && l != t { + log.Fatalf("%U: number of leading and trailing non-starters should be equal (%d vs %d)", i, l, t) + } + if t := c.nTrailingNonStarters; t > 3 { + log.Fatalf("%U: number of trailing non-starters is %d > 3", t) + } + } +} + +func printBytes(w io.Writer, b []byte, name string) { + fmt.Fprintf(w, "// %s: %d bytes\n", name, len(b)) + fmt.Fprintf(w, "var %s = [...]byte {", name) + for i, c := range b { + switch { + case i%64 == 0: + fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n// Bytes %x - %x\n", i, i+63) + case i%8 == 0: + fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n") + } + fmt.Fprintf(w, "0x%.2X, ", c) + } + fmt.Fprint(w, "\n}\n\n") +} + +// See forminfo.go for format. +func makeEntry(f *FormInfo, c *Char) uint16 { + e := uint16(0) + if r := c.codePoint; HangulBase <= r && r < HangulEnd { + e |= 0x40 + } + if f.combinesForward { + e |= 0x20 + } + if f.quickCheck[MDecomposed] == QCNo { + e |= 0x4 + } + switch f.quickCheck[MComposed] { + case QCYes: + case QCNo: + e |= 0x10 + case QCMaybe: + e |= 0x18 + default: + log.Fatalf("Illegal quickcheck value %v.", f.quickCheck[MComposed]) + } + e |= uint16(c.nTrailingNonStarters) + return e +} + +// decompSet keeps track of unique decompositions, grouped by whether +// the decomposition is followed by a trailing and/or leading CCC. +type decompSet [7]map[string]bool + +const ( + normalDecomp = iota + firstMulti + firstCCC + endMulti + firstLeadingCCC + firstCCCZeroExcept + firstStarterWithNLead + lastDecomp +) + +var cname = []string{"firstMulti", "firstCCC", "endMulti", "firstLeadingCCC", "firstCCCZeroExcept", "firstStarterWithNLead", "lastDecomp"} + +func makeDecompSet() decompSet { + m := decompSet{} + for i := range m { + m[i] = make(map[string]bool) + } + return m +} +func (m *decompSet) insert(key int, s string) { + m[key][s] = true +} + +func printCharInfoTables(w io.Writer) int { + mkstr := func(r rune, f *FormInfo) (int, string) { + d := f.expandedDecomp + s := string([]rune(d)) + if max := 1 << 6; len(s) >= max { + const msg = "%U: too many bytes in decomposition: %d >= %d" + log.Fatalf(msg, r, len(s), max) + } + head := uint8(len(s)) + if f.quickCheck[MComposed] != QCYes { + head |= 0x40 + } + if f.combinesForward { + head |= 0x80 + } + s = string([]byte{head}) + s + + lccc := ccc(d[0]) + tccc := ccc(d[len(d)-1]) + cc := ccc(r) + if cc != 0 && lccc == 0 && tccc == 0 { + log.Fatalf("%U: trailing and leading ccc are 0 for non-zero ccc %d", r, cc) + } + if tccc < lccc && lccc != 0 { + const msg = "%U: lccc (%d) must be <= tcc (%d)" + log.Fatalf(msg, r, lccc, tccc) + } + index := normalDecomp + nTrail := chars[r].nTrailingNonStarters + nLead := chars[r].nLeadingNonStarters + if tccc > 0 || lccc > 0 || nTrail > 0 { + tccc <<= 2 + tccc |= nTrail + s += string([]byte{tccc}) + index = endMulti + for _, r := range d[1:] { + if ccc(r) == 0 { + index = firstCCC + } + } + if lccc > 0 || nLead > 0 { + s += string([]byte{lccc}) + if index == firstCCC { + log.Fatalf("%U: multi-segment decomposition not supported for decompositions with leading CCC != 0", r) + } + index = firstLeadingCCC + } + if cc != lccc { + if cc != 0 { + log.Fatalf("%U: for lccc != ccc, expected ccc to be 0; was %d", r, cc) + } + index = firstCCCZeroExcept + } + } else if len(d) > 1 { + index = firstMulti + } + return index, s + } + + decompSet := makeDecompSet() + const nLeadStr = "\x00\x01" // 0-byte length and tccc with nTrail. + decompSet.insert(firstStarterWithNLead, nLeadStr) + + // Store the uniqued decompositions in a byte buffer, + // preceded by their byte length. + for _, c := range chars { + for _, f := range c.forms { + if len(f.expandedDecomp) == 0 { + continue + } + if f.combinesBackward { + log.Fatalf("%U: combinesBackward and decompose", c.codePoint) + } + index, s := mkstr(c.codePoint, &f) + decompSet.insert(index, s) + } + } + + decompositions := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 10000)) + size := 0 + positionMap := make(map[string]uint16) + decompositions.WriteString("\000") + fmt.Fprintln(w, "const (") + for i, m := range decompSet { + sa := []string{} + for s := range m { + sa = append(sa, s) + } + sort.Strings(sa) + for _, s := range sa { + p := decompositions.Len() + decompositions.WriteString(s) + positionMap[s] = uint16(p) + } + if cname[i] != "" { + fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s = 0x%X\n", cname[i], decompositions.Len()) + } + } + fmt.Fprintln(w, "maxDecomp = 0x8000") + fmt.Fprintln(w, ")") + b := decompositions.Bytes() + printBytes(w, b, "decomps") + size += len(b) + + varnames := []string{"nfc", "nfkc"} + for i := 0; i < FNumberOfFormTypes; i++ { + trie := triegen.NewTrie(varnames[i]) + + for r, c := range chars { + f := c.forms[i] + d := f.expandedDecomp + if len(d) != 0 { + _, key := mkstr(c.codePoint, &f) + trie.Insert(rune(r), uint64(positionMap[key])) + if c.ccc != ccc(d[0]) { + // We assume the lead ccc of a decomposition !=0 in this case. + if ccc(d[0]) == 0 { + log.Fatalf("Expected leading CCC to be non-zero; ccc is %d", c.ccc) + } + } + } else if c.nLeadingNonStarters > 0 && len(f.expandedDecomp) == 0 && c.ccc == 0 && !f.combinesBackward { + // Handle cases where it can't be detected that the nLead should be equal + // to nTrail. + trie.Insert(c.codePoint, uint64(positionMap[nLeadStr])) + } else if v := makeEntry(&f, &c)<<8 | uint16(c.ccc); v != 0 { + trie.Insert(c.codePoint, uint64(0x8000|v)) + } + } + sz, err := trie.Gen(w, triegen.Compact(&normCompacter{name: varnames[i]})) + if err != nil { + log.Fatal(err) + } + size += sz + } + return size +} + +func contains(sa []string, s string) bool { + for _, a := range sa { + if a == s { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +func makeTables() { + w := &bytes.Buffer{} + + size := 0 + if *tablelist == "" { + return + } + list := strings.Split(*tablelist, ",") + if *tablelist == "all" { + list = []string{"recomp", "info"} + } + + // Compute maximum decomposition size. + max := 0 + for _, c := range chars { + if n := len(string(c.forms[FCompatibility].expandedDecomp)); n > max { + max = n + } + } + fmt.Fprintln(w, `import "sync"`) + fmt.Fprintln(w) + + fmt.Fprintln(w, "const (") + fmt.Fprintln(w, "\t// Version is the Unicode edition from which the tables are derived.") + fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tVersion = %q\n", gen.UnicodeVersion()) + fmt.Fprintln(w) + fmt.Fprintln(w, "\t// MaxTransformChunkSize indicates the maximum number of bytes that Transform") + fmt.Fprintln(w, "\t// may need to write atomically for any Form. Making a destination buffer at") + fmt.Fprintln(w, "\t// least this size ensures that Transform can always make progress and that") + fmt.Fprintln(w, "\t// the user does not need to grow the buffer on an ErrShortDst.") + fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tMaxTransformChunkSize = %d+maxNonStarters*4\n", len(string(0x034F))+max) + fmt.Fprintln(w, ")\n") + + // Print the CCC remap table. + size += len(cccMap) + fmt.Fprintf(w, "var ccc = [%d]uint8{", len(cccMap)) + for i := 0; i < len(cccMap); i++ { + if i%8 == 0 { + fmt.Fprintln(w) + } + fmt.Fprintf(w, "%3d, ", cccMap[uint8(i)]) + } + fmt.Fprintln(w, "\n}\n") + + if contains(list, "info") { + size += printCharInfoTables(w) + } + + if contains(list, "recomp") { + // Note that we use 32 bit keys, instead of 64 bit. + // This clips the bits of three entries, but we know + // this won't cause a collision. The compiler will catch + // any changes made to UnicodeData.txt that introduces + // a collision. + // Note that the recomposition map for NFC and NFKC + // are identical. + + // Recomposition map + nrentries := 0 + for _, c := range chars { + f := c.forms[FCanonical] + if !f.isOneWay && len(f.decomp) > 0 { + nrentries++ + } + } + sz := nrentries * 8 + size += sz + fmt.Fprintf(w, "// recompMap: %d bytes (entries only)\n", sz) + fmt.Fprintln(w, "var recompMap map[uint32]rune") + fmt.Fprintln(w, "var recompMapOnce sync.Once\n") + fmt.Fprintln(w, `const recompMapPacked = "" +`) + var buf [8]byte + for i, c := range chars { + f := c.forms[FCanonical] + d := f.decomp + if !f.isOneWay && len(d) > 0 { + key := uint32(uint16(d[0]))<<16 + uint32(uint16(d[1])) + binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[:4], key) + binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[4:], uint32(i)) + fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t\t%q + // 0x%.8X: 0x%.8X\n", string(buf[:]), key, uint32(i)) + } + } + // hack so we don't have to special case the trailing plus sign + fmt.Fprintf(w, ` ""`) + fmt.Fprintln(w) + } + + fmt.Fprintf(w, "// Total size of tables: %dKB (%d bytes)\n", (size+512)/1024, size) + gen.WriteVersionedGoFile("tables.go", "norm", w.Bytes()) +} + +func printChars() { + if *verbose { + for _, c := range chars { + if !c.isValid() || c.state == SMissing { + continue + } + fmt.Println(c) + } + } +} + +// verifyComputed does various consistency tests. +func verifyComputed() { + for i, c := range chars { + for _, f := range c.forms { + isNo := (f.quickCheck[MDecomposed] == QCNo) + if (len(f.decomp) > 0) != isNo && !isHangul(rune(i)) { + log.Fatalf("%U: NF*D QC must be No if rune decomposes", i) + } + + isMaybe := f.quickCheck[MComposed] == QCMaybe + if f.combinesBackward != isMaybe { + log.Fatalf("%U: NF*C QC must be Maybe if combinesBackward", i) + } + if len(f.decomp) > 0 && f.combinesForward && isMaybe { + log.Fatalf("%U: NF*C QC must be Yes or No if combinesForward and decomposes", i) + } + + if len(f.expandedDecomp) != 0 { + continue + } + if a, b := c.nLeadingNonStarters > 0, (c.ccc > 0 || f.combinesBackward); a != b { + // We accept these runes to be treated differently (it only affects + // segment breaking in iteration, most likely on improper use), but + // reconsider if more characters are added. + // U+FF9E HALFWIDTH KATAKANA VOICED SOUND MARK;Lm;0;L; 3099;;;;N;;;;; + // U+FF9F HALFWIDTH KATAKANA SEMI-VOICED SOUND MARK;Lm;0;L; 309A;;;;N;;;;; + // U+3133 HANGUL LETTER KIYEOK-SIOS;Lo;0;L; 11AA;;;;N;HANGUL LETTER GIYEOG SIOS;;;; + // U+318E HANGUL LETTER ARAEAE;Lo;0;L; 11A1;;;;N;HANGUL LETTER ALAE AE;;;; + // U+FFA3 HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER KIYEOK-SIOS;Lo;0;L; 3133;;;;N;HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER GIYEOG SIOS;;;; + // U+FFDC HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER I;Lo;0;L; 3163;;;;N;;;;; + if i != 0xFF9E && i != 0xFF9F && !(0x3133 <= i && i <= 0x318E) && !(0xFFA3 <= i && i <= 0xFFDC) { + log.Fatalf("%U: nLead was %v; want %v", i, a, b) + } + } + } + nfc := c.forms[FCanonical] + nfkc := c.forms[FCompatibility] + if nfc.combinesBackward != nfkc.combinesBackward { + log.Fatalf("%U: Cannot combine combinesBackward\n", c.codePoint) + } + } +} + +// Use values in DerivedNormalizationProps.txt to compare against the +// values we computed. +// DerivedNormalizationProps.txt has form: +// 00C0..00C5 ; NFD_QC; N # ... +// 0374 ; NFD_QC; N # ... +// See https://unicode.org/reports/tr44/ for full explanation +func testDerived() { + f := gen.OpenUCDFile("DerivedNormalizationProps.txt") + defer f.Close() + p := ucd.New(f) + for p.Next() { + r := p.Rune(0) + c := &chars[r] + + var ftype, mode int + qt := p.String(1) + switch qt { + case "NFC_QC": + ftype, mode = FCanonical, MComposed + case "NFD_QC": + ftype, mode = FCanonical, MDecomposed + case "NFKC_QC": + ftype, mode = FCompatibility, MComposed + case "NFKD_QC": + ftype, mode = FCompatibility, MDecomposed + default: + continue + } + var qr QCResult + switch p.String(2) { + case "Y": + qr = QCYes + case "N": + qr = QCNo + case "M": + qr = QCMaybe + default: + log.Fatalf(`Unexpected quick check value "%s"`, p.String(2)) + } + if got := c.forms[ftype].quickCheck[mode]; got != qr { + log.Printf("%U: FAILED %s (was %v need %v)\n", r, qt, got, qr) + } + c.forms[ftype].verified[mode] = true + } + if err := p.Err(); err != nil { + log.Fatal(err) + } + // Any unspecified value must be QCYes. Verify this. + for i, c := range chars { + for j, fd := range c.forms { + for k, qr := range fd.quickCheck { + if !fd.verified[k] && qr != QCYes { + m := "%U: FAIL F:%d M:%d (was %v need Yes) %s\n" + log.Printf(m, i, j, k, qr, c.name) + } + } + } + } +} + +var testHeader = `const ( + Yes = iota + No + Maybe +) + +type formData struct { + qc uint8 + combinesForward bool + decomposition string +} + +type runeData struct { + r rune + ccc uint8 + nLead uint8 + nTrail uint8 + f [2]formData // 0: canonical; 1: compatibility +} + +func f(qc uint8, cf bool, dec string) [2]formData { + return [2]formData{{qc, cf, dec}, {qc, cf, dec}} +} + +func g(qc, qck uint8, cf, cfk bool, d, dk string) [2]formData { + return [2]formData{{qc, cf, d}, {qck, cfk, dk}} +} + +var testData = []runeData{ +` + +func printTestdata() { + type lastInfo struct { + ccc uint8 + nLead uint8 + nTrail uint8 + f string + } + + last := lastInfo{} + w := &bytes.Buffer{} + fmt.Fprintf(w, testHeader) + for r, c := range chars { + f := c.forms[FCanonical] + qc, cf, d := f.quickCheck[MComposed], f.combinesForward, string(f.expandedDecomp) + f = c.forms[FCompatibility] + qck, cfk, dk := f.quickCheck[MComposed], f.combinesForward, string(f.expandedDecomp) + s := "" + if d == dk && qc == qck && cf == cfk { + s = fmt.Sprintf("f(%s, %v, %q)", qc, cf, d) + } else { + s = fmt.Sprintf("g(%s, %s, %v, %v, %q, %q)", qc, qck, cf, cfk, d, dk) + } + current := lastInfo{c.ccc, c.nLeadingNonStarters, c.nTrailingNonStarters, s} + if last != current { + fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t{0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %s},\n", r, c.origCCC, c.nLeadingNonStarters, c.nTrailingNonStarters, s) + last = current + } + } + fmt.Fprintln(w, "}") + gen.WriteVersionedGoFile("data_test.go", "norm", w.Bytes()) +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/triegen.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/triegen.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..45d71190 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/triegen.go @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// Trie table generator. +// Used by make*tables tools to generate a go file with trie data structures +// for mapping UTF-8 to a 16-bit value. All but the last byte in a UTF-8 byte +// sequence are used to lookup offsets in the index table to be used for the +// next byte. The last byte is used to index into a table with 16-bit values. + +package main + +import ( + "fmt" + "io" +) + +const maxSparseEntries = 16 + +type normCompacter struct { + sparseBlocks [][]uint64 + sparseOffset []uint16 + sparseCount int + name string +} + +func mostFrequentStride(a []uint64) int { + counts := make(map[int]int) + var v int + for _, x := range a { + if stride := int(x) - v; v != 0 && stride >= 0 { + counts[stride]++ + } + v = int(x) + } + var maxs, maxc int + for stride, cnt := range counts { + if cnt > maxc || (cnt == maxc && stride < maxs) { + maxs, maxc = stride, cnt + } + } + return maxs +} + +func countSparseEntries(a []uint64) int { + stride := mostFrequentStride(a) + var v, count int + for _, tv := range a { + if int(tv)-v != stride { + if tv != 0 { + count++ + } + } + v = int(tv) + } + return count +} + +func (c *normCompacter) Size(v []uint64) (sz int, ok bool) { + if n := countSparseEntries(v); n <= maxSparseEntries { + return (n+1)*4 + 2, true + } + return 0, false +} + +func (c *normCompacter) Store(v []uint64) uint32 { + h := uint32(len(c.sparseOffset)) + c.sparseBlocks = append(c.sparseBlocks, v) + c.sparseOffset = append(c.sparseOffset, uint16(c.sparseCount)) + c.sparseCount += countSparseEntries(v) + 1 + return h +} + +func (c *normCompacter) Handler() string { + return c.name + "Sparse.lookup" +} + +func (c *normCompacter) Print(w io.Writer) (retErr error) { + p := func(f string, x ...interface{}) { + if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, f, x...); retErr == nil && err != nil { + retErr = err + } + } + + ls := len(c.sparseBlocks) + p("// %sSparseOffset: %d entries, %d bytes\n", c.name, ls, ls*2) + p("var %sSparseOffset = %#v\n\n", c.name, c.sparseOffset) + + ns := c.sparseCount + p("// %sSparseValues: %d entries, %d bytes\n", c.name, ns, ns*4) + p("var %sSparseValues = [%d]valueRange {", c.name, ns) + for i, b := range c.sparseBlocks { + p("\n// Block %#x, offset %#x", i, c.sparseOffset[i]) + var v int + stride := mostFrequentStride(b) + n := countSparseEntries(b) + p("\n{value:%#04x,lo:%#02x},", stride, uint8(n)) + for i, nv := range b { + if int(nv)-v != stride { + if v != 0 { + p(",hi:%#02x},", 0x80+i-1) + } + if nv != 0 { + p("\n{value:%#04x,lo:%#02x", nv, 0x80+i) + } + } + v = int(nv) + } + if v != 0 { + p(",hi:%#02x},", 0x80+len(b)-1) + } + } + p("\n}\n\n") + return +} diff --git a/vendor/modules.txt b/vendor/modules.txt index 42b2257d..26512f53 100644 --- a/vendor/modules.txt +++ b/vendor/modules.txt @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ # cloud.google.com/go v0.49.0 cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata -cloud.google.com/go/container/apiv1 -cloud.google.com/go/internal/version cloud.google.com/go/monitoring/apiv3 cloud.google.com/go/trace/apiv2 +cloud.google.com/go/container/apiv1 +cloud.google.com/go/internal/version # contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/prometheus v0.1.0 contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/prometheus -# contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver v0.12.4 +# contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver v0.12.8 contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/monitoredresource # github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go v36.2.0+incompatible @@ -35,40 +35,41 @@ github.com/alecthomas/template/parse github.com/alecthomas/units # github.com/armon/go-metrics v0.0.0-20190430140413-ec5e00d3c878 github.com/armon/go-metrics -# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.21.10 +# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.25.44 +github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/ec2metadata +github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awserr -github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awsutil github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/client github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/client/metadata github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/corehandlers github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials -github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials/ec2rolecreds -github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials/endpointcreds +github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request +github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkuri github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials/processcreds github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials/stscreds github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/csm github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/defaults -github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/ec2metadata github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints -github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request -github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session -github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/signer/v4 github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/ini +github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/shareddefaults +github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/ec2 github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkio github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkrand -github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkuri -github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/shareddefaults +github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awsutil +github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sts +github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sts/stsiface +github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials/ec2rolecreds +github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials/endpointcreds +github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/signer/v4 github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/ec2query -github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/json/jsonutil github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/query -github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/query/queryutil +github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/json/jsonutil github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/rest +github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkmath +github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/query/queryutil github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/xml/xmlutil -github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/ec2 -github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sts -github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sts/stsiface # github.com/beorn7/perks v1.0.1 github.com/beorn7/perks/quantile # github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-proto v0.2.1 @@ -94,15 +95,15 @@ github.com/gogo/protobuf/sortkeys # github.com/golang/groupcache v0.0.0-20191027212112-611e8accdfc9 github.com/golang/groupcache/lru # github.com/golang/protobuf v1.3.2 +github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/empty +github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp github.com/golang/protobuf/proto -github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go/descriptor -github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes -github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/any github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/duration -github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/empty github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/struct -github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/wrappers +github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/any +github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes +github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go/descriptor # github.com/golang/snappy v0.0.1 github.com/golang/snappy # github.com/google/go-cmp v0.3.1 @@ -125,14 +126,14 @@ github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud/openstack github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud/openstack/compute/v2/extensions/floatingips github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud/openstack/compute/v2/extensions/hypervisors -github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud/openstack/compute/v2/flavors -github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud/openstack/compute/v2/images github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud/openstack/compute/v2/servers -github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud/openstack/identity/v2/tenants +github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud/pagination github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud/openstack/identity/v2/tokens github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud/openstack/identity/v3/tokens github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud/openstack/utils -github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud/pagination +github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud/openstack/compute/v2/flavors +github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud/openstack/compute/v2/images +github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud/openstack/identity/v2/tenants # github.com/grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-prometheus v1.2.0 github.com/grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-prometheus # github.com/hashicorp/consul/api v1.1.0 @@ -182,26 +183,37 @@ github.com/opentracing/opentracing-go/log # github.com/pkg/errors v0.8.1 github.com/pkg/errors # github.com/prometheus/client_golang v1.0.0 +github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/internal -github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp # github.com/prometheus/client_model v0.0.0-20190812154241-14fe0d1b01d4 github.com/prometheus/client_model/go # github.com/prometheus/common v0.4.1 -github.com/prometheus/common/config -github.com/prometheus/common/expfmt -github.com/prometheus/common/internal/bitbucket.org/ww/goautoneg -github.com/prometheus/common/model github.com/prometheus/common/promlog github.com/prometheus/common/promlog/flag github.com/prometheus/common/version +github.com/prometheus/common/expfmt +github.com/prometheus/common/model +github.com/prometheus/common/config +github.com/prometheus/common/internal/bitbucket.org/ww/goautoneg # 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