To make qualitative figures, adjust keyword arguments for plot_scene
in the following script and run it:
python scripts/paper/
To make LaTex tables, run the following script:
python scripts/paper/
You could toggle the boolean flag MAIN
in the script above to determine whether standard deviations are included in the table.
Running the script above produces the following console outputs:
...output omitted...
& Depth$\downarrow$ & Normal$\downarrow$ & Shape$\downarrow$ & PSNR-H$\uparrow$ & PSNR-L$\uparrow$ & SSIM$\uparrow$ & LPIPS$\downarrow$ & PSNR-H$\uparrow$ & PSNR-L$\uparrow$ & SSIM$\uparrow$ & LPIPS$\downarrow$\\\midrule
...output omitted...
Then copy all console outputs after Final:\n======
) to the following template to produce a LaTex table:
\caption{\textbf{Benchmark Comparison of Existing Methods}.
\textdagger denotes models trained with the ground-truth 3D scans and pseudo materials optimized from light-box captures.
Depth SI-MSE $\times 10^{-3}$. Shape Chamfer distance $\times 10^{-3}$.
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{Geometry}
& \multicolumn{4}{c}{Novel Scene Relighting}
& \multicolumn{4}{c}{Novel View Synthesis}
\cmidrule(l){2-4} \cmidrule(l){5-8} \cmidrule(l){9-12}