- Added .optionVersion method
- Added the ability not to fill the flags object with the default value if the default value is [ undefined, "$notFill" ]
- Added support for transmitting options via a third-party configuration file.
- Added ignoring dependencies from the dependencies folder that are not needed in production.
Added the dirty and .idea folder to .npmignore
Static methods:
- options
- createOptions
- reset
- resetAll
- command
- separateCommand
- optionFlag
- optionCommand
- help
- default
- custom
- customWithGenerate
- customWithGenerateFromObject
- demand
- undemand
- exclude
- noParse
- noParseFlags
- allParse
- remember
- warns
- arrayParse
- objectParse
- state
- fromArray
- fromObject
- toArray
- toObject
- toFargvStringArray
- toFargvStringObject
- fromFargvStringArray
- fromFargvStringObject
- strIsArray
- strIsObject
- strIsStrictArray
- strIsStrictObject
- generate
- generateFromObject
- init
- initF
- initC
- initFC && initCF
- help
- commands
- separateCommandHandler
- callAppropriateCommandHandlerOnlyOnce
- alwaysCallSeparateCommandHanler
- nextCommandsAsArray
- customArgv
- defaultArgv
- demandWithSkippedFlags
- demandFlags
- excludeFlags
- noParseFlags
- noParseNoDefaultFlags
- returnFilter
- rememberExecNodePath
- rememberExecFilePath
- rememberExecFileBasename
- rememberWarns
- showWarns
- parseWarn
- throwInsteadWarns
- includeEmptyFlags
- unlimitedFlagDefinitionCharacters
- supportOnlyLatinArgs
- defaultCommaSplitSym
- allowSpacesAsValues
- useDnvForFirstSpaceOP
- noParse
- noParseNoDefault
- allParse
- mainParse
- defaultNoneValue
- allTypes
- mainTypes
- minorTypes
- numericSeparator
- number
- bigint
- boolean
- array
- object
- null
- undefined
- NaN
- Infinity
- arrayParse
- ALL MAIN PARSE CONFIGS and maxRecursiveCalls
- objectParse
- ifDuplicateKey
- rewrite
- warn
Working static methods:
- options
- init
Not working static methods:
- default
- state ?
- customArgsList
- rememberExecNodePath
- rememberExecFilePath
- throwInsteadWarns
- supportEmptyFlags
- unlimitedFlagDefinitionCharacters
- supportOnlyLatinArgs
- allowSpacesAsValues
- useDnvForFirstSpaceOP
- noParse
- mainParse
- defaultNoneValue
- allTypes
- mainTypes
- minorTypes
- number
- bigint
- boolean
- array
- object
- null
- undefined
- NaN
- Infinity
- arrayParse + objectParse
- ALL MAIN PARSE CONFIGS and maxRecursiveCalls