diff --git a/src/components/AddOn/core/AddOnStore/AddOnStore.spec.tsx b/src/components/AddOn/core/AddOnStore/AddOnStore.spec.tsx
index 9a7eb08e1b..b357309893 100644
--- a/src/components/AddOn/core/AddOnStore/AddOnStore.spec.tsx
+++ b/src/components/AddOn/core/AddOnStore/AddOnStore.spec.tsx
@@ -155,18 +155,6 @@ const PLUGIN_GET_MOCK = {
- request: {
- query: PLUGIN_GET,
- },
- result: {
- data: {
- getPlugins: [],
- },
- loading: true,
- },
vi.mock('react-router-dom', async () => {
const actualModule = await vi.importActual('react-router-dom');
return {
@@ -310,15 +298,13 @@ describe('Testing AddOnStore Component', () => {
- test('AddOnStore loading test', async () => {
- expect(true).toBe(true);
+ test('renders loader while loading', async () => {
@@ -327,6 +313,226 @@ describe('Testing AddOnStore Component', () => {
+ // Simulate loading state
+ test('renders available plugins by default', async () => {
+ const mocks = [
+ {
+ request: {
+ query: PLUGIN_GET,
+ },
+ result: {
+ data: {
+ getPlugins: [
+ {
+ _id: '1',
+ pluginName: 'Plugin 1',
+ pluginDesc: 'Desc 1',
+ pluginCreatedBy: 'User 1',
+ uninstalledOrgs: [],
+ installed: false,
+ enabled: true,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ];
+ render(
+ ,
+ );
+ await wait();
+ // Ensure plugin is displayed
+ expect(screen.getAllByText('Plugin 1')).toHaveLength(2);
+ });
+ test('switches to installed tab and displays plugins', async () => {
+ const mocks = [
+ {
+ request: {
+ query: PLUGIN_GET,
+ },
+ result: {
+ data: {
+ getPlugins: [
+ {
+ _id: '2',
+ pluginName: 'Plugin 2',
+ pluginDesc: 'Desc 2',
+ pluginCreatedBy: 'User 2',
+ uninstalledOrgs: [],
+ installed: true,
+ enabled: false,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ];
+ render(
+ ,
+ );
+ await wait();
+ // Switch to installed tab
+ const installedTab = screen.getByText('Installed');
+ fireEvent.click(installedTab);
+ // Ensure installed plugin is displayed
+ expect(screen.getAllByText('Plugin 2')).toHaveLength(2);
+ });
+ test('filters plugins based on search input', async () => {
+ const mocks = [
+ {
+ request: {
+ query: PLUGIN_GET,
+ },
+ result: {
+ data: {
+ getPlugins: [
+ {
+ _id: '1',
+ pluginName: 'Test Plugin',
+ pluginDesc: 'Description',
+ pluginCreatedBy: 'User',
+ uninstalledOrgs: [],
+ installed: false,
+ enabled: true,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ];
+ render(
+ ,
+ );
+ await wait();
+ const searchInput = screen.getByPlaceholderText('Ex: Donations');
+ fireEvent.change(searchInput, { target: { value: 'Test' } });
+ // Ensure the filtered plugin is displayed
+ const plugins = screen.getAllByText('Test Plugin');
+ expect(plugins).toHaveLength(2);
+ });
+ test('shows a message when no plugins match the search', async () => {
+ render(
+ ,
+ );
+ await wait();
+ const elements = screen.getAllByText('Plugin does not exists');
+ expect(elements).toHaveLength(2); // Ensure there are exactly 2 matching elements
+ });
+ test('sets showEnabled based on dropdown value', async () => {
+ const mocks = [
+ {
+ request: { query: PLUGIN_GET },
+ result: {
+ data: {
+ getPlugins: [
+ {
+ _id: '1',
+ pluginName: 'Test Plugin 1',
+ pluginDesc: 'Description',
+ pluginCreatedBy: 'User1',
+ uninstalledOrgs: [],
+ installed: false,
+ enabled: true,
+ },
+ {
+ _id: '2',
+ pluginName: 'Test Plugin 2',
+ pluginDesc: 'Description',
+ pluginCreatedBy: 'User2',
+ uninstalledOrgs: [],
+ installed: false,
+ enabled: true,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ];
+ render(
+ ,
+ );
+ await wait();
+ fireEvent.click(await screen.findByText('Installed'));
+ // Wait for the dropdown to appear
+ const dropdownToggle = await screen.findByTestId('filter-dropdown');
+ fireEvent.click(dropdownToggle);
+ // Click 'disabled' item
+ // fireEvent.click(await screen.findByText('Disabled'));
+ expect(dropdownToggle.textContent).toBe('Enabled');
+ });