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TATDK edited this page Mar 7, 2011 · 11 revisions

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/account help [page]

Show commandlist in-game.
If page is set, showing the set page. /account help Returns

Bank Account Help - Page 1 of 2
This is used mainly to shared bank accounts
/account help [page]
/account open <accountname> [players]
/account info <accountname>
/account balance <accountname>
/account adduser <accountname> <player>
/account removeuser <accountname> <player>
/account password <accountname> [password]
/account deposit <accountname> <amount>

/account open <accountname> [players]

Open an new account with name specified in <accountname>.
If you want more players have access to the account, write their username in [players] separated by space. /account open MyAccount MyFriend MyOtherFriend Returns
On Success

ATM: MyAccount created
Players: TAT, MyFriend, MyOtherFriend

On Failed

ATM: Accountname is taken

/account info <accountname>

Get informations about the balance and who have access to the account with the name specified in <accountname>.
/account info MyAccount Returns:

ATM: Balance of MyAccount: 0 Coins
Players: TAT, MyFriend, MyOtherFriend

/account balance <accountname>

Get balance of the account with the name specified in <accountname>.
/account balance MyAccount Returns:

ATM: Balance for MyAccount: 0 Coin

/account adduser <accountname> <player>

Give a player access to an account.
/account adduser MyAccount SomeUser Returns:

ATM: SomeUser added to account

/account removeuser <accountname> <player>

Remove player access to an account.
/account removeuser MyAccount SomeUser Returns:

ATM: SomeUser removed from account

/account password <accountname> [password]

Lock an account with password. /account password MyAccount MySecretPassword Returns:

ATM: Password set for account

/account deposit <accountname> <amount>

Deposit money from your iConomy account to an account. /account deposit MyAccount 20 Returns:
On Success

ATM: 20 Coin added to MyAccount

On Failed

ATM: Couldn't deposit, are you sure you have enough money?

/account withdraw <accountname> <amount> [password]

Withdraw money from your account to your iConomy account.
If password is set, you must write the password for your account. /account withdraw MyAccount 10 MySecretPassword Returns:
On Success

ATM: 10 Coin withdrawed from MyAccount

On Failed

ATM: Couldn't withdraw, are you sure you have enough money on account?

/account transfer <from account> <to account> <amount> [password]

Transfer money from one account to another, the other doesn't need to be your own.
If password is set, you must write the password for your account. /account transfer MyAccount MyFriendsAccount 5 MySecretPassword Returns:
On Success

ATM: 5 Coin transfered from MyAccount to MyFriendsAccount

On Failed

ATM: Couldn't transfer, are you sure you have enough money on account?

/account close <accountname> [password]

Closes an account, if there is money left on the account, they will be withdrawn automatically.
If password is set, you must write the password for your account. /account close MyAccount MySecretPassword Returns:
On Success with money left

ATM: 5 Coin withdrawed
ATM: Account closed

On Success without money left

ATM: Account closed

/account setarea <areaname> (NOT AVAILABLE YET)

/account removearea <areaname> (NOT AVAILABLE YET)

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