reliq is a html parsing and searching tool.
make install
make lib-install
make linked
yay -S reliq
Get some help
man reliq
Get div
tags with class tile
reliq 'div class="tile"'
Get div
tags with class tile
as a word and id current
as a word.
reliq 'div .tile #current' index.html
Get tags which does not have any tags inside them from file index.html
reliq '* c@[0]' index.html
Get tags that have length of their insides equal to 0 from file 'index.html'.
reliq '* i@>[0]' index.html
Get hyperlinks from level greater or equal to 6 from file index.html
reliq 'a href @l[6:] | "%(href)v\n"' index.html
Get any tag with class cont
and without id starting with img-
reliq '* .cont -#b>img-' index.html
Get hyperlinks ending with /[0-9]+\.html
reliq 'a href=Ee>/[0-9]+\.html | "%(href)a\n"' index.html
Get links that are not at 1 level, both are equivalent.
reliq 'a href l@[!0] | "(href)v\n"' index.html
reliq 'a href -l@[0] | "(href)v\n"' index.html
Get li
tags of which insides don't start with Views:
, both are equivalent.
reliq 'li i@bv>"Views:"' index.html
reliq 'li -i@b>"Views:"' index.html
Get ul
tags and html inside i
tags that are inside p
reliq 'ul, p; i | "%i\n"' index.html
Get the second to last image in every li
with id
matching extended regex img-[0-9]+
reliq 'li #E>img-[0-9]+; img src [-1] | "%(src)v\n"' index.html
Get tr
and td
inside table
reliq 'table; { tr, td }' index.html
Get tr
with either title
attribute with class x1
or x2
, or if it has one child. Note that )
has to be preceded with space otherwise it will be a part of previous argument and that brackets have to touch for it to be or.
reliq 'tr ( title ( .x1 )( .x2 ) )( c@[1] )'
Process output using cut
for each tag, and with sed
and tr
for the whole output.
reliq 'div #B>msg_[0-9-]* | "%(id)v" cut [1] "-" / sed "s/^msg_//" tr "\n" "\t"' index.html
Process output in a block (note that things in blocks have to be separated by ,
as just newline is not enough).
reliq '
div class=B>"memberProfileBanner memberTooltip-header.*" style=a>"url(" | "%(style)v" / sed "s#.*url(##;s#^//#https://#;s/?.*//;p;q" "n",
img src | "%(src)v" / sed "s/?.*//; q"
} / sed "s#^//#https://#"
' index.html
Get tr
in table
with level relative to table
equal 1
, and process it individually for every tag in block, and at the end of each block delete every \n
character and append \n
at the end.
reliq '
table border=1; tr l@[1]; {
td; * c@[0] | "%i\t"
} | tr "\n" echo "" "\n"
' index.html
Same but process all tags at once in block, then process final output of the block deleting all \n
and appending \n
at the end. The above creates tsv where each tr
has its own line, but this example creates only one line.
reliq '
table border=1; tr; {
td; * c@[0] | "%i\t"
} / tr "\n" echo "" "\n"
' index.html
Output of expression can be assigned to a field. Fields combined in json like structure will be written at the end of output, if any expression is not assigned to a field it's output will be written before the structure.
reliq '.links.a a href | "%(href)v\n", img src | "%(src)v\n"'
will return
Note that from now on any json structure in examples will be prettified for ease of reading, in reality reliq returns compressed json.
It is a json like structure because reliq doesn't enforce json output as in above example, if output would be directly connected to json parser an error might occur when incorrect changes are made to reliq script.
It also does not check for repeating field names e.g.
reliq '.a span #views | "%i", .a time datetime | "%(datetime)v\a"'
will return incorrect json
"a": "29423",
"a": "2024-07-19 07:12:05"
So reliq returning json depends on user!
Field is specified when there's .
followed by string matching [A-Za-z0-9_-]+
before expression e.g.
reliq '.some_fiELD-1 p | "%i"'
Fields can only be specified before expression, and will be ignored inside it making incorrect patterns e.g.
reliq 'ul; .a li' index.html
This will not return json like structure, or anything since .a
was specified as plain name of tag which cannot exist in html.
Fields take precedence before everything
reliq '
.field dd; {
time datetime | "%(datetime)v\a",
a i@v>"<" | "%i\a",
* l@[0] | "%i"
} / tr '\n' sed "s/^\a*//;s/\a.*//"
' index.html
Fields can be nested in another fields
reliq '
.user {
h4 class=b>message-name,
* .MessageCard__user-info__name
}; {
.name [0] * c@[0] | "%i",
.link [0] a class href | "%(href)v",
.id.u [0] * data-user-id | "%(data-user-id)v"
' index.html
will return
"user": {
"name": "TUVIMEN",
"link": "",
"id": 1245
If field that nests other fields has expression without field, that expression will not be assigned to nesting field, and will output normally before json structure, breaking compability with json e.g.
reliq '
.user div #user; {
.name span .user-name | "%i",
.link [0] a href | "%(href)v",
div .user-avatar; img src | "%(src)v\n"
' index.html
will return
"user": {
"name": "hexderm",
"link": ""
This further underlines the importance of writing correct script.
Unless fields are nested they will be on the same level no matter where they are in script
reliq '
.signature div .signature #B>sig[0-9]* | "%i",
dl .postprofile #B>profile[0-9]*; {
dt l@[1]; {
.avatar img src | "%(src)v",
.user a c@[0] | "%i",
.userid.u a href c@[0] | "%(href)v" / sed "s/.*[&;]u=([0-9]+).*/\1/" "E",
.userinfo.a("\a") dd l@[1] i@vf>" " | "%i\a" / tr '\n\t' sed "
s/ +:/:/
/<ul [^>]*class=\"profile-icons\">/{
s/.*<a href=\"([^\"]*)\" title=\"Site [^\"]*\".*/Site\t\1/
s/: */\t/
" "E" "\a"
' index.html
will return
"signature": "Helicopter: \"helico\" -> spiral, \"pter\" -> with wings",
"avatar": "",
"user": "Twospoons",
"userid": 5218,
"userinfo": [
"Mood\tA trace of hope..."
If field is presented with block with |
with empty format that contains fields, field type will change to array and block will be executed for each tag
reliq '
.posts form #quickModForm; table l@[1]; tr l@[1] i@B>"id=\"subject_[0-9]*\"" i@v>""; {
.postid.u div #B>subject_[0-9]* | "%(id)v" / sed "s/.*_//",
.date td valign=middle; div .smalltext | "%i" / sed "s/.* ://;s/^<\/b> //;s/ »//g;s/<br *\/>.*//;s/<[^>]*>//g;s/ *$//",
.avatar td valign=top rowspan=2; img .avatar src | "%(src)v",
} | ,
.title td #top_subject | "%i" / sed "s/[^:]*: //;s/([^(]*)//;s/ //g;s/ *$//"
will return
"posts": [
"postid": 62225223,
"date": "May 10, 2023, 08:46:51 PM",
"avatar": "/useravatars/avatar_2654005.png"
"postid": 62225251,
"date": "May 10, 2023, 08:57:28 PM",
"avatar": "/useravatars/avatar_300014.png"
"title": "Bitcoins held by the US government"
Note that ,
was separated by space from |
. Formats can be specified only when |
or /
is separated from both sides with whitespaces. You cannot write li |tr "\n"
or p/tr "a-z" "A-Z"
, when format is empty that space is still required.
If field name is followed by another .
with alphanumeric string it will have different type. Types are described in the manual. The most used ones are .u
and .a
finds first unsigned integer e.g. on is -2849.4 kg
will return 2849
splits string by delimiter creating array. By default delimiter is set to \n
and type to .s
. So .a
are equivalent. .a("\t").u
will have \t
delimiter and will hold element consisting of unsigned integers.
reliq '.years.a("\t").u table .int-values; [0] tr | "%i" / tr "\n" "\t"'
will return
"years": [
- forumscraper
- torge
- wordpress-madara-scraper
- mangabuddy-scraper
- elektroda-scraper
- and many others of my repositories