VuePDF is a client-side component for Vue 3 that allows you to flexibly render PDF pages within your project. This library wraps pdf.js
library so all main features of pdf.js
are supported by VuePDF
as well.
npm i @tato30/vue-pdf
yarn add @tato30/vue-pdf
The most basic usage is as simple as import the VuePDF
and usePDF
and use them on your project :)
<script setup>
import { VuePDF, usePDF } from '@tato30/vue-pdf'
const { pdf } = usePDF('sample.pdf')
<VuePDF :pdf="pdf" />
This component supports text selection and annotation interaction by enabling them with text-layer
and annotation-layer
props respectively, but for this layers renders correctly is necessary set some css
styles, it can be done by importing default styles from @tato30/vue-pdf/style.css
<script setup>
import { VuePDF, usePDF } from '@tato30/vue-pdf'
import '@tato30/vue-pdf/style.css'
const { pdf } = usePDF('sample.pdf')
<VuePDF :pdf="pdf" text-layer annotation-layer />
XFA forms also can be supported by enabling them from usePDF
<script setup>
import { VuePDF, usePDF } from '@tato30/vue-pdf'
import '@tato30/vue-pdf/style.css'
const { pdf } = usePDF({
url: '/xfa.pdf',
enableXfa: true,
<VuePDF :pdf="pdf" />
is a client-side library, so if you are working with a SSR framework like nuxt
, surely it will throw an error during the building stage, if that is the case, you could wrap VuePDF
in some sort of "client only" directive or component, also usePDF
should be wrapped.
If you are looking for display non-latin text or you are getting a warning like:
Warning: Error during font loading: CMapReaderFactory not initialized, see the useWorkerFetch parameter
you will probably need to copy the cmaps
directory from node_modules/pdfjs-dist
to your project's public
directory, don't worry about no having pdfjs-dist
it's installed alongside vue-pdf
ββ node_modules
β ββ pdfjs-dist
β β ββ cmaps <--- Copy this directory
ββ src
ββ public
| ββ *cmaps* <--- Paste it here!
ββ package.json
| ...
With that made the cmaps
will be available on relative path /cmaps/
, now you need the tell usePDF
uses that cmaps
const { pdf } = usePDF({
url: pdfsource,
cMapUrl: '/cmaps/',
If you need to support legacy browsers you could use any polyfill to patch modern functions, but this workaround only works on the main thread, the worker that runs in other thread will not get reached by any polyfills you apply.
This package embed and configure the pdf.js
worker for you but in case you need to support legacy environments you will need to configure the legacy
worker by adding this code:
<script setup lang="ts">
+ import * as PDFJS from 'pdfjs-dist';
+ import LegacyWorker from 'pdfjs-dist/legacy/build/pdf.worker.min?url';
import { VuePDF, usePDF } from '@tato30/vue-pdf';
+ PDFJS.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = LegacyWorker
const { pdf } = usePDF(/** */)
Just be aware to set the legacy
worker before use usePDF
Promise.withResolvers is not a function
That throws because Promise.withResolvers
is a relative "new feature" of JavaScript's Promises, even if almost all browsers support it, in NodeJS this feature was fully included on version v22 as a base feature. To solve this issue consider updating node version if you are currently using a lower one.
[ERROR] Top-level await is not available in the configured target environment ("chrome87", "edge88", "es2020", "firefox78", "safari14" + 2 overrides)
This error is more related to ESBuild settings instead of compatibility matters, Top-level await
is (as usually) a "new feature" of the JavaScript definition, practically all browsers support it and was included on NodeJS since v14.
To solve this issue you will need to add this settings on vite.config
optimizeDeps: {
esbuildOptions: {
supported: {
'top-level-await': true,
esbuild: {
supported: {
'top-level-await': true,
Any idea, suggestion or contribution to the code or documentation are very welcome.
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Change to code folder
cd vue-pdf
# Install node_modules
npm install
# Run code with hot reload
npm run dev
# Run docs
npm run dev:docs
Refer to this announcement for more details: #128