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Docker image buildPylint/Unittest

IntelligentSocketDatalogger is an app which reads intelligent sockets in individually adjustable time intervals and stores their return values in an InfluxDB. Each socket can be set with additional parameters. So you can have the total Wh per device written into a text file once a day (time variable).

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  • Supported Python 3.10
  • Runs locally, as well as a Docker container
  • Shelly Plug S and Shelly 3EM sockets were tested

Supported sockets

Via a plugin concept, you can include any socket by writing your own handler and specifying the data that will be returned. The individual steps are explained in chapter Use your own socket. Furthermore, there are some examples in the file

  • Shelly Plug S (type name: shelly:plug-s)
  • Shelly 3EM (type name: shelly:3em)

Additional functions

Cost calculation: Writes the total work in KWh for the required period and calculates the total cost.
Power on counter: Counts how often a device switches on for the required time period.

Installation and execution

  1. Locally the program runs by executing the Currently, care must still be taken to load the environment variables into the IDE or environment. To do this, simply copy the repository and run The program was tested and developed under Python 3.10.
  2. Via a Docker container. See documentation: Example for a docker compose file you can see below.

Environment variables

Variable Explanation Unit Default value Required
DB_IP_ADDRESS IP address or hostname of the database - - Yes
DB_USER_NAME User name for logging into the DB - - Yes
DB_NAME Database name to store data - - Yes
DB_USER_PASSWORD Password to username - None No
DB_PORT Port to database - 8086 No
SSL Is SSL used - False No
VERIFY_SSL SSL verified - False No

Database structure

name type explanation unit
device String name of device -
time String Time stamp of the measurement in UTC -
power Float Current power of the device. Formatting: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ" Watt
is_valid Boolean Returned values are ok -
device_temperature Float temperature of the socket (no ambient temperature) °C
fetch_success Boolean Device was accessible during query -
energy_wh Float Current work of the device in the last time period watt-hour
current_a _b _c Float Current on module A, B or C of the Shelly 3EM Ampere
energy_wh_a _b _c Float Current work on module A, B or C of the Shelly 3EM watt-hour
is_valid_a _b _c Boolean Returned values are ok on module A, B or C of the Shelly 3EM -
power_a _b _c Float Current power on module A, B or C of the Shelly 3EM Watt
power_factor_a _b _c Float Power factor on module A, B or C of the Shelly 3EM Watt
voltage_a _b _c Float Voltage on module A, B or C of the Shelly 3EM Volt

Configuration files

In order to adapt the project to the own conceptions, two configuration files are available. Furthermore there are automatically created files, which depend on an error or the setting of the project.

Name Explanation Path
config.json General settings for the project ../files/
devices.json List of all smart sockets ../files/
main.log Error and information logging ../files/


    "log_level": "info",
    "calc_request_time_daily": "00:00",
    "calc_request_time_monthly": "01",
    "calc_request_time_yearly": "01.01",
    "price_kwh": 0.296

log_level: Logging level for the project. Possible settings: debug, info, warning, error, critical.
calc_request_time_daily: Specify the time at which the set reports are started daily. This parameter applies to all evaluations. The default time is 00:00.
calc_request_time_monthly: Specifies the day in the month on which the set reports are to be started monthly. The default setting is the first of the month.
calc_request_time_yearly: Specifies the day and month in the year on which the set reports are to be started annually. The default setting is 01.01.
price_kwh: Indicates the price per kilowatt-hour. The default price is 0.30€.


    "type": "shelly:plug-s",
    "ip": "",
    "update_time": 10,
    "cost_calc_month": "01",
      "daily": true,
      "monthly": true,
      "yearly": true
      "daily": false,
      "monthly": true,
      "yearly": false,
      "on_threshold": 2,
      "off_threshold": 1

washing machine: Device name, which is recorded.
type: The type of intelligent socket. Currently, only shelly:plug-s and shelly:3em are supported by default. ip: IP address in the connected network
update_time: Update time at which interval new data should be requested. Specification is in seconds.
cost_day: Enables the feature that once a day the total costs and work of the device for the last 24 hours are stored. The time is set in config.json with the parameter cost_calc_request_time. cost_calc_month: Activates the feature that once a month the total costs and the work of the device are calculated. The execution day in the month is set here.
cost_calc_year: Activates the feature that once a year the total costs and the work of the device are calculated. The execution day and month are set here.

Cost calculation (cost_calculation)

With this function you can define whether you want to have a daily, monthly and yearly report. The options daily, monthly and yearly are each assigned true for active or false for inactive.

Power on counter (power_on_counter)

This function counts how often a device switches on during the day, month and year. The options daily, monthly and yearly are each assigned true for active or false for inactive.
on_threshold: The value in Watt that must be exceeded for a switch-on to be detected.
off_threshold: The value in Watt that must be undershot for a switch-off to be detected.

graph LR
B-->|größer on_threshold|C((An))
C-->|kleiner off_threshold|B

ISDL Config Editor

For a simple creating of the configuration files, there is under ISDL Config Editor a graphic user interface. Here can be set over a input window e.g. the price/kWh and downloaded at the end the ready formatted configuration file. Also all sockets can be added individually with the necessary settings. This facilitates the setting and prevents formatting mistakes.

Docker Compose Example

version: "2"
    image: techniktueftler/intelligent_socket_datalogger
    container_name: intelligent_socket_datalogger
      - /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-0815/data/socket_datalogger/:/user/app/IntelligentSocketDatalogger/files/
      - DB_IP_ADDRESS=
      - DB_USER_NAME=shellyplug
      - DB_NAME=power_consumption

Use your own socket

It is possible to create your own implementation to include your own smart sockets. To do this, the device must have a way to retrieve data. Either via a http request or via an API, which can be reached via Python. The steps would be:

  1. Copy the plugin template (project directory in files with the name into the mounted path of the docker container.
  2. Write a separate handler for each device and assign a type via the decorator. Here you can specify your own name. This type is then what you specify in the device.conf for the device as the type.
  3. The code under def handler must then contain the addressing of the device, the processing and at the end return the data in the required format. Simply follow the example contained in the template file. If something is unclear or poorly defined, please be sure to write to me.

App Schedule

graph TB
    subgraph main [main]
        B[check DB connection] ---> |successful| C((Main))
        C --> loop1{All devices}
        loop1 --> D[["Start fetch data
        for device"]]
        D --> E[check calc requested]
        E --> |not requested| loop1
        E --> |requested| F[["Start calculation
        for each device"]]
        F --> loop1
        loop1 --> |all devices| G[check bot connection]
        G --> |successful| H[Start bot]
        H --> I[Start communication]
        I --> loop2{All devices}
        loop2 --> J[monitor requested]
        J --> |not requested| loop2
        J -->|requested| K[[Start device
        K --> loop2
    D --> sd
    G --> |failed| Y
    K --> md
    subgraph app [app]
    A((Start App)) -->B[check DB connection]
    sd>started devices] --> db[(shared data)]
    md>monitored devices] --> db[(shared data)]
    B --->|failed| Z((End App))