Releases: TerraFirmaGreg-Team/Modpack-Modern
Releases · TerraFirmaGreg-Team/Modpack-Modern
- Probably fixed strange shit, when items could dispawn VERY quickly. (1-2mins) (by deleting KryptonReforged as incompat with embeddium)
- Fixed a situation where quests could not be counted immediately after completing the quest conditions. (by deleteing FTBQuestsOptimizer)
- Fixed loom recipe of WoolPotholder from TFC Hot Or Not, which is duplicating with wool recipe.
- Fixed a bug, when TFC Guide Book not working, (yes, its was a bug).
- Updated Quests For Primitive Age. (BabBimmaBome)
New Mods
- Shimmer
Updated mods
- GregTech Modern 1.2.0.a -> 1.2.3
- TerraFirmaGreg 0.5.6 -> 0.5.9
- GCYR 0.1.6 -> 0.1.8
- Appliedenergistics2 15.1.1 -> 15.2.2
- CC-Tweaked 1.110.3 -> 1.111.0
- Create Connected 0.7.4 -> 0.8.2
- CreativeCore 2.11.28 -> 2.11.30
- Curios 5.9.0 -> 5.9.1
- EnhancedVisuals 1.7.2 -> 1.8.1
- Etched 3.0.1 -> 3.0.2
- Exposure 1.5.1 -> 1.6.0
- ExtendedAE 1.1.4 -> 1.1.8
- Fallingtrees 0.12 -> 0.12.1
- Fancymenu 3.1.2 -> 3.2.3
- First Person 2.4.0 -> 2.4.1
- FTB-Quests 2001.4.4 -> 2001.4.5
- ImmediatelyFast 1.2.15 -> 1.2.17
- Jade 11.9.2 -> 11.9.3
- Ksyxis 1.3.0 -> 1.3.1
- Let Me Despawn 1.2.0 -> 1.2.1
- Mega Cells 2.3.5 -> 2.4.4
- Moonlight 2.11.31 -> 2.11.28
- Packet Fixer 1.3.2 -> 1.4.0
- PuzzlesLib 8.1.19 -> 8.1.20
- Steam_Rails 1.6.3 -> 1.6.4
- ToolBelt 1.20.0 -> 1.20.01
- YetAnotherConfigLib 3.4.2 -> 3.4.4
Removed mods
- KryptonReforged
- FTBQuestsOptimizer
- Rrls
What's Changed
- Update Discord invite link by @Rudomitori in #370
New Contributors
- @Rudomitori made their first contribution in #370
Full Changelog: 0.7.9...0.7.10
- Garnierite veins now spawns a bit frequently (60 -> 40).
- Backpack upgrades now can be crafted from any leather.
- Temp fix for glassworking with hot or not.
- Fix some broken quests AGAIN!
- Chisel and bits has been removed because it crashes servers often and has not yet been finalized. You can still return it to the assembly and its recipes that exist now will work correctly, we specifically left them in the modpack for this :)
- Maybe something else? definitely no.
Updated mods
- Ksysis 1.2.0 -> 1.3.0
- AmbientSounds 5.3.9 -> 6.0.1
- Chat Heads 0.10.33 -> 0.12.2
- CreativeCore 2.11.27 -> 2.11.28
- Do a barrel roll 3.5.5 -> 3.5.6
- Embeddium 0.3.14 -> 0.3.19
- Embeddiumplus 1.2.8 -> 1.2.12
- EMI 1.1.4 -> 1.1.6
- EnhancedVisuals 1.7.1 -> 1.7.2
- FirmaCivilization 0.2.9 -> 0.2.10
- Firstperson 2.3.4 -> 2.4.0
- TFC Groomer 0.1.1 -> 0.1.2
- TFC Ambiental 3.2.0 -> 3.3.0
- TFC Aged Alcohol 2.0 -> 2.1
- Sophisticated core ->
- PuzzlesLib 8.1.18 -> 8.1.19
- Open parties and claims 0.22.0 -> 0.22.2
- MouseTweaks 2.25 -> 2.25.1
- Moonlight 2.11.13 -> 2.11.28
- Kubejs TFC 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3
- Jade 11.8.0 -> 11.9.2
- ImmediatelyFast 1.2.12 -> 1.2.15
- FTBQuestsOptimizer 1.2.3 -> 2.0.1
- FTB-Teams 2001.2.0 -> 2001.3.0
- FTB-Quests 2001.3.5 -> 2001.4.4
- FTB-Library 2001.1.5 -> 2001.2.2
Removed mods
- Chisel And Bits
- Textrues_embeddium_options
Full Changelog: 0.7.8...0.7.9
- Fixed a bug where using GTCEu tools in the AstikoCarts plow caused the game to crash.
- Fixed a bug where it was impossible to make feeders from TFC: Grooming Station.
- Fixed a bug where they could drop when walking on placed blocks.
- Fixed a bug where the boiler could not accept river water.
- Fixed a bug where recipes were incorrectly displayed in EMI. (The EMI version has been downgraded)
- Fixed bug when spades cant be putted into tool rack.
- Some quest fixes for 0.7.3 pump update.
Updated mods
- EMI -> 1.1.4
- TerraFirmaGreg-Core -> 0.5.6
- Chat_heads -> 0.10.33
- Not Enough Animations -> 1.7.3
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 0.7.7...0.7.8
- Rolled back the Embeddium version, freezes when loading the world
Updated mods
- Embeddium -> 0.3.15
New Mods
- Textrues_embeddium_options
Full Changelog: 0.7.6...0.7.7
- Fixed shit with axe / saw behaviors.
Updated mods
- TerraFirmaGreg-Core -> 0.5.3
- Embeddium -> 0.3.16
Removed mods
- Textrues_embeddium_options
Full Changelog: 0.7.5...0.7.6
- Fixed a crash on servers when opening interfaces GT.
Updated mods
- TerraFirmaGreg-Core -> 0.5.2
- EMI -> 1.1.5
- EnhancedVisuals -> 1.7.1
- Moonlight -> 2.11.13
- TerraFirmaGreg-Core -> 0.5.2
Full Changelog: 0.7.4...0.7.5
- Using Spout from Create, you can now pour metal into TFC molds.
- Now, when placing ingots, double ingots and plates, they will take the color from GTCEu, that is, they will be painted automatically.
- Improved crafting and decraft recipes for such TFC items: Brass Mechanisms, Anvil, Unfinished Lamp, Lamp, Trapdoor, Chain, etc.
- Added 5 new types of molds for casting various items specified in the last line.
- Added decraft recipes for: toolHeadBuzzSaw, toolHeadScrewdriver, toolHeadDrill, toolHeadChainsaw, toolHeadWrench.
- Now, gem tool headband recipes use a glass lens in their recipe, rather than a glass yellow lens.
- A lot of recipes added using TerraFirmaGregCore now use more logical numbers of duration and amount of energy for recipes.
- Added recipes for double ingots in Bender.
- Added recipes for decrafting double ingots.
- Added a recipe for processing double ingots into plates in ForgeHammer.
- Added recipes for processing small pieces of ore from TFC into GTCEu dust.
- The transfer of various items and recipes to the tfg ID has been completed, which may entail the removal of some items from your world, for example, GTCEu molds.
- Removed the ability to select other generators of the world, except for what TFC adds.
- Now, in the EMI tab, where the veins that spawn in the world are displayed, not only ordinary pieces of ore are displayed, but also poor, rich ones. (Disabled due to the lack of various ores from GTCEu, will appear in the next update, when we migrate from TFC generator to GTCEu)
- Added the ability to randomly rotate surface pieces of ore from GTCEu.
- Improved integration of Create and various blocks from FirmaLife.
- Improved integration of TFC-Ambiental and various blocks (for example, ice, dense ice and many other blocks were added).
- The guide book from TFC is disabled, since the mod pack makes too many changes to the TFC and the book is not relevant, the relevant information will appear in the quests a little later.
- The primitive pump from GTCEu has been disabled, you must now use the mechanical one from Create.
- Infinite pumping of water from any water sources is disabled, now the base value of 1 million blocks for an infinite source is set, have fun.
- The recipe for the endless water cover is disabled, haha.
- Configured CarryOn.
- The recipe for gears from Create has been changed, now it uses creosote-treated boards.
- Quests have been changed to match the removal of the primitive pump.
- Improved Fermalife recipes, the ones that are added by the assembler, as well as Greg's metal/dust coloring.
- Improved FirmaCiv recipes, the ones that are added by the assembler, and his decraft in metal values.
- Added recipes/quests for AE2InfinityCard.
- Added recipes/quests for AE2NetworkAnalyzer.
- Added vanilla bucket recipe to assembler.
- Added a tinted glass recipe via GTCEu machines.
- Coral blocks have been returned to the game, as they still appear in TFC.
- If you are holding tongs from TFCHotOrNot in your hand and you have a hot GTCEu ingot in your inventory, you will not receive damage.
- Added recipes/quests for TFCHotOrNot.
- Added more fertilizer options coming from GTCEu items.
- Added new recipes for rail tracks that were added in the Steam&Rails update.
- Added the ability to put GTCEu power tools in the tool rack.
- Added recipes for CreateConnected.
- Added recipes/quests for для FramedBlocks.
- Energy cells from AE2 have been returned, as they are needed to move blocks using spatial pylons.
- Added TFC sea water recipe.
- Renamed TFC salt water to sea water.
- Recipes for energy converters from GTCEu are enabled.
- The recipe for the AE2 energy converter has been returned, it is needed to power pylons or cells from AE2.
- The mod for the music player was removed, it loaded the RAM too much, it was decided to change it to another one in the next update.
- Added salt recipe through TFC pot.
- Added recipes/quests for MERequester.
- Added recipes/quests for Etched.
- Added few new recipes for minecart.
- Fixed bug with firmaciv blocks, which drops firmaciv copper bolts instead of gtceu.
- Fixed bug, when breaking the ship casing, it can drop copper screws from FirmaCiv (WIP).
- Fixed the recipe for fish oil, now you can use any fish from TFC there.
- Fixed the recipe for golden vanilla rails.
- Fixed the quest for RTM coils, or rather its name and description.
- Fixed the number of metal contained in the rings, now 36.
- Fixed the number of metal contained in the bolts, now 18.
- Fixed the number of metal contained in the screws, now 16.
- Fixed a bug where it was impossible to put the hammer in the tool rack.
- Fixed the compass quest.
- Fixed the recipe for refractory clay in Assembler.
- Fixed a bug with the quest for HSS-G coins.
- Fixed the recipe for Brass Mechanisms in Assembler, now the output is +1.
- Fixed the decraft of a bucket in 1 ingot of red and 1 ingot of blue steel.
- Fixed a bug when the iron door was disassembled in 288 metal, in place 144.
- Fixed bugs related to some metal and not only items that are crafted from 1 metal, for example, but are decoded in GTCEu in 9 or more materials.
- Fixed a bug where there were white particles when the block with TFC ingots broke, now they are completely disabled.
- Fixed a bug where an ordinary block of ore did not have pieces of dust from the rock it was made of in the side.
- Fixed a bug where a wooden plate from GTCEu could not be crafted due to duplicate recipe patterns.
- Fixed the recipe for the shape of bricks from GTCEu due to the update to TFC 3.2.2.
- Fixed a bug where the fisher did not work when installed on salt water from TFC.
- Fixed a bug where the fisher did not work when installed on river water from TFC.
- Fixed a bug where the fisher did not waste the threads that were fed into it.
- Improved the removal of achievements from the game, now there is even more free RAM for players.
- Reduced the amount of material output from poor pieces by 25%.
- Fixed a bug with recipes for poor pieces of ore.
- Fixed a bug where chips were not displayed in chemical reactor recipes using EMI.
- Fixed a bug where an alert about using experimental settings appeared anyway before creating a new world.
- Fixed a bug in the console due to crooked CreateAdditions development handles and create machine rolling recipes.
- Fixed a bad recipe for bloomery after updating TFC to version 3.2.0.
- Fixed the decraft of LV machines in red/blue steel instead of regular steel.
Updated mods
- Clumps ->
- CraftPresence -> 2.3.9
- CreativeCore -> 2.11.27
- Cucumber -> 7.0.8
- FirmaCivilization -> 0.2.8
- Firmalife -> 2.1.0
- ImmediatelyFast -> 1.2.11
- ItemPhysicLite -> 1.6.4
- PlayerRevive -> 2.0.25
- Steam_Rails -> 1.6.3
- TerraFirmaCraft -> 3.2.2
- XaerosWorldMap -> 1.38.4
- Xaeros_Minimap -> 24.1.1
- AE2wtlib -> 15.2.3
- Appliedenergistics2 -> 15.1.1
- CC-tweaked -> 1.110.3
- Chisels-and-bits -> 1.4.148
- Curios -> 5.8.1
- Do_a_barrel_roll -> 3.5.5
- Embeddium -> 0.3.14
- Embeddiumplus -> 1.2.7
- EMI -> 1.1.4
- Exposure -> 1.5.1
- FTB-xmod-compat -> 2.1.1
- GCYR -> 0.1.6
- GTCEU -> 1.2.0.a
- Kubejs -> 2001.6.5-build.7
- Kubejs_tfc -> 1.1.2
- Modernfix -> 5.17.0
- Moonlight -> 2.11.12
- Open-parties-and-claims -> 0.22.0
- PacketFixer -> 1.3.2
- Radium -> 0.12.3
- Sophisticatedbackpacks ->
- Sophisticatedcore ->
- U_team_core ->
- EnhancedVisuals -> 1.7.0
- Notenoughanimations -> 1.7.2
- Recipeessentials -> 3.4
- Searchables -> 1.0.3
New Mods
- AE2NetworkAnalyzer
- AEInfinityBooster
- AE2insertexportcard
- ExtendedAE
- TFCDesirePaths
- TFCHotOrNot
- TFCTumbleweed
- TFCVesselTooltip
- FramedBlocks
- Tumbleweed
- TFC_support_indicator
- Supermartijn642configlib
- Supermartijn642corelib
- Showcaseitem
- Seamless-loading-screen
- Pandalib
- Megacells
- Precisionprospecting
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- Glodium
- Fallingtrees
- YeetusExperimentus
- BetterFoliage
- Carryon
- Clientcrafting
- Corals-tfc
- Create_connected
Removed mods
- Bobby
- Starlight
What's Changed
- доска by @FriendlyCube in #301
- Fix GT tools with duplicates in TFC cannot set on the tool racks, and fix GT spare parts melting recipes by @chemlzh in #334
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.7.2...TerraFirmaGreg-1.20.x
- Fix some bugs with LAN game (by removing SimpleLogin).
- Removed fix for simplelogin from TFG-Core.
- Fix for fishing machine from GTCEu (loot).
Updated mods
- TFG-Core -> 0.4.10
- cc-tweaked -> 1.110.0
- o_a_barrel_roll -> 3.5.3
- moonlight -> 2.11.9
- sophisticatedbackpacks ->
- modelfix -> 1.15
- PuzzlesLib -> 8.1.18
New Mods
- bobby
Removed mods
- CustomSkinLoader
- SimpleLogin
- async-locator
- betterchunkloading
- chunksending
- connectivity
- dynview
- gpumemleakfix
- netherportalfix
- smoothchunk
- voicechat
- farsight
Full Changelog: 0.7.1...0.7.2