The Event Bus is an optional feature provided in vunion
to allow you to emit and listen to Global Events. Each event is isolated to the Bus alone, so no other $on's will be triggered by Bus Events. Also these events are available in any Component so it can help facilitate Component to Component communication.
You can access the bus two different ways and both ways expose the exact same functionality.
Anywhere in your code you can import the bus through vunion module and then interact with it from there.
// Import vunion module
import vunion from 'vunion';
// Then access the bus
// or
// Import the bus named export.
import {bus} from 'vunion';
// Then interact with it
bus.$emit('my-event', optional, args, toPass);
bus.$on('my-event', function(...args){
// Do something when the event is emitted.
The other way to access the bus is through any Vue instance.
Component script section:
export default {
Since we are utilizing the Vue event system as the backbone of the bus, it follows/mirrors the Vue Event API. All methods exposed ($emit, $on, $once, $off) are exactly the same as the Vue instance methods so it is easy to change your existing events to Bus events if you wish to.
If you want to have a better understanding of how the bus is working and how to debug it. Check out our Debugging Section.