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Releases: TheBastionBot/Bastion

Bastion v8.6

04 Sep 21:44
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  • Dashboard
    An all new Dashboard is now live for all the users of Bastion. You can check it out here.
  • Safe List
    You can now add roles & channels to a safe list for link filter & invite filter to ignore messages sent by members in those roles or in those channels from the specified filters. Check out the safeList --help command.
  • Invite Roles
    You can now associate roles with an invite and anyone who joins the server will be assigned the respective roles associted with the invite used. Currently only available for self hosted instances of Bastion. Checkout the inviteRoles --help command.
  • More Languages
    You can now set the language in your server to Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, and Ukrainian. Join us if you want to bring Bastion to your language! Checkout the languages --help command.


  • Some under-the-hood improvements to make Bastion even better.


  • Killed some bugs in the greetings and farewells commands where Bastion was expecting for embed objects unnecessarily.
  • description: Some under-the-hood fixes to make Bastion better than ever.

Bastion v8.5

22 Aug 13:20
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New Stuff:

  • Community Servers
    Your server is now listed in Bastion's Community Servers. Wanna boost your rankingg there? Read below.
  • Server Boosting
    You can now boost the ranking of your favorite servers everyday, using the boost command, in community server listing.

Some Improvements:

  • You can now see the list of servers where music is enabled using the --servers or -l option of the music command.
  • Infraction events will now be logged in the moderation logs too.
  • You can now use echo to send messages to any channel in the server.
  • Greetings, farewell, and trigger responses will now directly support bastion embed objects rather than discord embed objects. Build your own Bastion Embed Object!
  • Some under-the-hood improvements, to make Bastion better than ever.

Bastion v8.4

15 Aug 06:03
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New Stuff

  • Invite Tracking
    You can enable referrals in the server and allow users to invite others to the server and track the invites to see who have invited how many users.
  • Invite Rewards
    You can also set multiple role rewards for inviting any specified amount of new users that users can claim when they've referred that many users.
  • COVID-19 Tracker
    You can track global, as well as regional, COVID-19 stats using the covid19 command.

Some Improvements:

  • Some under-the-hood improvements, to make Bastion better than ever.

Bastion v8.3

04 Aug 09:09
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New Stuff

  • Discord Status
    You can now see Discord's status without visiting Discord's status page. Use the --discord option with the status command.
  • New Trigger Variables
    You can now use {id}, {content}, and {content.clean} variables in trigger responses to resolve the message ID, content, and cleaned content (with all mentions replaced by the equivalent text), respectively.
  • Multiple Unique Presence
    You were previously able to set Bastion's activity to automatically cycle through multiple games. But that wasn't enough. So, now you can cycle through multiple presence. That means, not only multiple games, but multiple activities, status, and streaming URL!

Some Improvements

  • Bot owners can now bypass command cooldowns.
  • Some under-the-hood improvements, to make Bastion better than ever.

Squashed these Bugs:

  • Fixed an issue where you weren't able to blacklist a server in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where Level-up Messages would show your previous level.
  • Some under-the-hood fixes.

Bastion v8.2.1

25 Jul 21:14
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Some Improvements:

  • Voice Sessions categories will now have Create Invite permission, by default, so that even when the session is locked, members can still invite others to join the sessions.
  • Some under-the-hood improvements, to make Bastion better than ever.

Killed these Bugs:

  • Fixed an issue where you weren't able to add infractions to members if their profile wasn't already created.
  • Fixed an issue where you weren't able to blacklist a user in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue that some servers were facing with Level up Messages and Level up Roles.
  • Some under-the-hood fixes.

Bastion v8.2

17 Jul 21:05
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New features

  • Lock Voice Sessions
    You can now lock a Voice Session channel once all the members are in the channel so no one else could join the channel without permission.
  • Safelist
    You can now create a Safelist role and messages anyone in with that role, regardless of their permissions, won't get filtered by Bastion's filters.
  • Edit Messages
    Ever felt the need to edit a message sent by Bastion? Well, now you can use the new edit command to do exactly that.
  • Individual Grants
    You can now choose to grant XP & Coins to individual members instead of granting it to all the active members.

Some Improvements:

  • Some under-the-hood improvements, to make Bastion better than ever.

Killed these Bugs:

  • Fixed a minor issue with the Role Store where the buy option didn't display how much you spent on a Role.
  • Fixed a minor issue with lockdown enabled/disabled acknowledgement messages being swapped.
  • Some under-the-hood fixes.

Bastion v8.1.1

14 Jun 20:17
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Some Improvements

  • Auto Roles won't try to add empty list of roles when there are no Auto Roles set.

Killed these Bugs

  • Fixed an issue with the role command that displayed the list of members even when it wasn't asked.
  • Fixed an issue with the giveaway command that displayed that you needed premium membership even when you didn't need it.
  • Fixed an issue with the poll command that displayed that you needed premium membership even when you didn't need it.
  • Fixed an issue with the grant command that prevented it from mentioning how much XP and Coins was granted to the members, in some cases.

Bastion v8.1

10 Jun 18:56
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New Features

  • Gambling commands are now back! flip, roll and rps will allow server members to bet on the outcome, provided gambling is enabled in the server.
  • If a member violates any filters, it'll be automatically added to their list of infractions.
  • You can now configure whether the music activity should be displayed while playing music.
  • You can now see the members in a role by using the --members option with the role command.
  • The infractions command isn't new, but it has new options that'll allow you to set the thresholds for the infraction actions.
  • You can now use the new grant command to grant XP and Coins to all members of your server at once, provided gamification is enabled in the server and profiles for the members have been created.

Made some improvements

  • The invite command can now be used even without the Create Invites permission. Well, it can be used, but it won't create an instant invite for you; it'll only show the invite link to invite Bastion to your server.

Killed these bugs

  • Some commands' description were missing, found them! They are back at their place now.
  • Fixed a rare case when a member's balance had the chance to become the lowest possible negative value when they went into debt. Thank goodness it's fixed, before it affected anyone!
  • Fixed some cases where coins transaction logs won't get created.

Bastion v8.0.1

10 Jun 14:33
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  • Added --delete option's syntax to triggers command.
  • Handled some edge cases in interrupts.
  • Auto parse Bastion Embed Object from string.
  • Handled constants violation properly.
  • Add detailed error logs to stderr even for errors that goes to Discord.
  • Added some missing strings in locales.
  • Added a workaround for youtube-dl's 429 errors.
  • Handled some edge cases in gameServer command.
  • Some under-the-hood improvements.


  • Fixed partial member issue in some listeners.
  • Fixed some commands not accepting plain strings to auto generate embeds.
  • Fixed streamerRole command's syntax.
  • Fixed an issue in warn which used member id instead of user id.
  • Fixed an issue that sent the warn DMs to the responsible moderator, in some cases, instead of the warned user.
  • Fixed an issue that showed unsupported badges in private Bastion.
  • Fixed a race condition in daily command.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented iam to work for only Self Roles.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed bots to get reaction roles.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed bots to get reaction roles.
  • Bots are taking over, huh?
  • Fixed an issue where Bastion was looking for the emoji option when creating level up roles. What's the point? πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
  • Fixed a caching issue with Starboard.
  • Some under-the-hood fixes.

Bastion v8

05 Jun 22:32
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