# #require "eio_main";;
open Eio.Std
let run (fn : Switch.t -> unit) =
Eio_main.run @@ fun _e ->
Switch.run fn
A very basic example:
# run (fun _sw ->
traceln "Running"
- : unit = ()
Turning off a switch still allows you to perform clean-up operations:
# run (fun sw ->
traceln "Running";
Switch.fail sw (Failure "Cancel");
traceln "Clean up"
+Clean up
Exception: Failure "Cancel".
, both fibers pass:
# run (fun _sw ->
(fun () -> for i = 1 to 2 do traceln "i = %d" i; Fiber.yield () done)
(fun () -> for j = 1 to 2 do traceln "j = %d" j; Fiber.yield () done)
+i = 1
+j = 1
+i = 2
+j = 2
- : unit = ()
, only 1st succeeds:
# run (fun sw ->
(fun () -> for i = 1 to 5 do traceln "i = %d" i; Fiber.yield () done)
(fun () -> failwith "Failed")
+i = 1
Exception: Failure "Failed".
, only 2nd succeeds:
# run (fun sw ->
(fun () -> Fiber.yield (); failwith "Failed")
(fun () -> for i = 1 to 5 do traceln "i = %d" i; Fiber.yield () done)
+i = 1
Exception: Failure "Failed".
, first fails immediately and the other doesn't start:
# run (fun sw ->
Fiber.both (fun () -> failwith "Failed") (fun () -> traceln "Second OK");
traceln "Not reached"
Exception: Failure "Failed".
, second fails but the other doesn't stop:
# run (fun sw ->
Fiber.both ignore (fun () -> failwith "Failed");
traceln "not reached"
Exception: Failure "Failed".
, both fibers fail:
# run (fun sw ->
(fun () -> Eio.Cancel.protect Fiber.yield; failwith "Failed 1")
(fun () -> Eio.Cancel.protect Fiber.yield; failwith "Failed 2")
Exception: Multiple exceptions:
Failure("Failed 1")
Failure("Failed 2")
The switch is already turned off when we try to fork. The new fiber doesn't start:
# run (fun sw ->
Switch.fail sw (Failure "Cancel");
Fiber.fork ~sw (fun () -> traceln "Not reached");
traceln "Main continues"
+Main continues
Exception: Failure "Cancel".
You can't use a switch after leaving its scope:
# let sw =
let x = ref None in
run (fun sw -> x := Some sw);
Option.get !x;;
val sw : Switch.t = <abstr>
# Switch.check sw;;
Exception: Invalid_argument "Switch finished!".
Wait for either a promise or a cancellation; cancellation first:
# run (fun sw ->
let p, r = Promise.create () in
Fiber.fork ~sw (fun () ->
(fun () -> traceln "Waiting"; Promise.await p; traceln "Resolved")
(fun () -> failwith "Cancelled")
Fiber.yield ();
Promise.resolve r ();
traceln "Main thread done";
+Main thread done
Exception: Failure "Cancelled".
Wait for either a promise or a switch; promise resolves first:
# run (fun sw ->
let p, r = Promise.create () in
Fiber.fork ~sw (fun () -> traceln "Waiting"; Promise.await p; traceln "Resolved");
Promise.resolve r ();
Fiber.yield ();
traceln "Now cancelling...";
Switch.fail sw (Failure "Cancelled")
+Now cancelling...
Exception: Failure "Cancelled".
Wait for either a promise or a switch; switch cancelled first. Result version.
# run (fun sw ->
let p, r = Promise.create () in
Fiber.fork ~sw (fun () -> traceln "Waiting"; Promise.await p; traceln "Resolved");
Switch.fail sw (Failure "Cancelled");
Promise.resolve r ()
Exception: Failure "Cancelled".
Wait for either a promise or a switch; promise resolves first but switch off without yielding:
# run (fun sw ->
let p, r = Promise.create () in
Fiber.fork ~sw (fun () -> traceln "Waiting"; Promise.await p; traceln "Resolved");
Promise.resolve r ();
traceln "Now cancelling...";
Switch.fail sw (Failure "Cancelled")
+Now cancelling...
Exception: Failure "Cancelled".
Child switches are cancelled when the parent is cancelled, but on_error
isn't notified:
# run (fun sw ->
let p, _ = Promise.create () in
let on_error ex = traceln "child: %s" (Printexc.to_string ex) in
Fiber.fork_sub ~sw ~on_error (fun sw -> traceln "Child 1"; Promise.await p);
Fiber.fork_sub ~sw ~on_error (fun sw -> traceln "Child 2"; Promise.await p);
Switch.fail sw (Failure "Cancel parent")
+Child 1
+Child 2
Exception: Failure "Cancel parent".
A child can fail independently of the parent:
# run (fun sw ->
let p1, r1 = Promise.create () in
let p2, r2 = Promise.create () in
let on_error ex = traceln "child: %s" (Printexc.to_string ex) in
Fiber.fork_sub ~sw ~on_error (fun sw -> traceln "Child 1"; Promise.await_exn p1);
Fiber.fork_sub ~sw ~on_error (fun sw -> traceln "Child 2"; Promise.await_exn p2);
Promise.resolve_error r1 (Failure "Child error");
Promise.resolve_ok r2 ();
Fiber.yield ();
traceln "Parent fiber is still running"
+Child 1
+Child 2
+child: Failure("Child error")
+Parent fiber is still running
- : unit = ()
A child can be cancelled independently of the parent:
# run (fun sw ->
let p, _ = Promise.create () in
let on_error ex = traceln "child: %s" (Printexc.to_string ex) in
let child = ref None in
Fiber.fork_sub ~sw ~on_error (fun sw ->
traceln "Child 1";
child := Some sw;
Promise.await ~sw p
Switch.fail (Option.get !child) (Failure "Cancel child");
Fiber.yield ();
traceln "Parent fiber is still running"
+Child 1
+child: Failure("Cancel child")
+Parent fiber is still running
- : unit = ()
A child error handler raises:
# run (fun sw ->
let p, r = Promise.create () in
let on_error = raise in
Fiber.fork_sub ~sw ~on_error (fun sw -> traceln "Child"; Promise.await_exn p);
Promise.resolve_error r (Failure "Child error escapes");
Fiber.yield ();
traceln "Not reached"
Exception: Failure "Child error escapes".
A child error handler deals with the exception:
# run (fun sw ->
let p, r = Promise.create () in
let on_error = traceln "caught: %a" Fmt.exn in
Fiber.fork_sub ~sw ~on_error (fun sw -> traceln "Child"; Promise.await_exn p);
Promise.resolve_error r (Failure "Child error is caught");
Fiber.yield ();
traceln "Still running"
+caught: Failure("Child error is caught")
+Still running
- : unit = ()
let release label = Fiber.yield (); traceln "release %s" label
Release on success:
# run (fun sw ->
Switch.on_release sw (fun () -> release "1");
Switch.on_release sw (fun () -> release "2");
+release 2
+release 1
- : unit = ()
Release on error:
# run (fun sw ->
Switch.on_release sw (fun () -> release "1");
Switch.on_release sw (fun () -> release "2");
failwith "Test error"
+release 2
+release 1
Exception: Failure "Test error".
A release operation itself fails:
# run (fun sw ->
Switch.on_release sw (fun () -> release "1"; failwith "failure 1");
Switch.on_release sw (fun () -> release "2");
Switch.on_release sw (fun () -> release "3"; failwith "failure 3");
+release 3
+release 2
+release 1
Exception: Multiple exceptions:
Failure("failure 3")
Failure("failure 1")
Attaching a release handler to a finished switch from a cancelled context:
# run @@ fun sw ->
let sub = Switch.run Fun.id in (* A finished switch *)
Switch.fail sw (Failure "Parent cancelled too!");
Switch.on_release sub (fun () -> release "1");;
+release 1
Multiple exceptions:
Failure("Parent cancelled too!")
Invalid_argument("Switch finished!")
Using switch from inside release handler:
# run (fun sw ->
Switch.on_release sw (fun () ->
Fiber.fork ~sw (fun () ->
traceln "Starting release 1";
Fiber.yield ();
traceln "Finished release 1"
Switch.on_release sw (fun () ->
Fiber.fork ~sw (fun () ->
Switch.on_release sw (fun () -> traceln "Late release");
traceln "Starting release 2";
Fiber.yield ();
traceln "Finished release 2"
traceln "Main fiber done"
+Main fiber done
+Starting release 2
+Starting release 1
+Finished release 2
+Finished release 1
+Late release
- : unit = ()
All release hooks run, even if some fail, and all errors are reported:
# run (fun sw ->
Fiber.fork ~sw (fun () -> try Fiber.await_cancel () with _ -> failwith "cancel1 failed");
Fiber.fork ~sw (fun () -> try Fiber.await_cancel () with _ -> failwith "cancel2 failed");
raise Exit
Multiple exceptions:
Failure("cancel2 failed")
Failure("cancel1 failed")
# run (fun sw ->
Fiber.fork ~sw (fun () ->
Switch.run @@ fun sw ->
try Fiber.await_cancel () with _ -> failwith "cleanup failed");
Fiber.fork ~sw (fun () -> failwith "simulated error")
Multiple exceptions:
Failure("simulated error")
Failure("cleanup failed")