Read bad apple and extract frames
Read pixel data from frame
- hard-code color depth and number of channels for now - man, never knew strides were a thing (show image without stride?) - holy cow its slow... lets measure fps - extracting things from within the loop (barely any result at all.... 3.1 -> 3.2 fps) - remove reader (big jump! 3 -> 9 fps!) - still kinda slow though, i guess its time to bust out the virtualvm and see why - oh... the string format thing is kind of slow.... - ![](./visualvm_1.jpg) - using a lookup table lets us get somewhat stable 30 fps! - but.... that can't be it, right? how far can we go? - ~120fps by only sending diffs! - Let's see where the bottleneck is now - Looks like the println statement takes quite some time - ![](./visualvm_2.jpg) - doing byte array manipulation instead of using/creating Strings seems to have helped somewhat. - it is starting to become hard to measure performance just using the crude fps measurments, maybe it's time to improve that - implemented jmh - Current score: | Benchmark | Mode | Cnt | Score | Error | Units | | --------------- | ---- | --- | ------ | ------- | ----- | | Benchmarks.init | avgt | 25 | 21,780 | ± 0,415 | s/op | - i think its time to switch to nio, since the write operation on the buffer still takes the majority of the frame time - ![](./visualvm_3.jpg) - score with nio: | Benchmark | Mode | Cnt | Score | Error | Units | | --------------- | ---- | --- | ------ | ------- | ----- | | Benchmarks.init | avgt | 25 | 16,305 | ± 0,112 | s/op | - and write times are looking much better - ![](./visualvm_4.jpg) - changing to non-blocking nio, doesn't make a big difference. let's try double buffering! - ![](./visualvm_5.jpg) | Benchmark | Mode | Cnt | Score | Error | Units | | --------------- | ---- | --- | ------ | ------- | ----- | | Benchmarks.init | avgt | 25 | 15,337 | ± 0,320 | s/op | - it's better, but writing the pixels to the buffer takes the majority of the time, let's do something about that! - Hm... writing in parallel did make it a bit faster, but the screen-tearing is awful and it's not as fast as it can be, since i have to synchronize the write to the buffer... | Benchmark | Mode | Cnt | Score | Error | Units | | --------------- | ---- | --- | ------ | ------- | ----- | | Benchmarks.init | avgt | 25 | 14,788 | ± 0,352 | s/op | - well... introducing local buffers _did_ make the screen tearing go away, but the performance is virtually the same - oh..... - ![](./visualvm_6.jpg) - looks like we wait half the frame time to aquire the next frame buffer... - replace allocate with allocateDirect (heap vs. off heap?), but that just makes the percentage of acquire time worse... | Benchmark | Mode | Cnt | Score | Error | Units | | --------------- | ---- | --- | ------ | ------- | ----- | | Benchmarks.init | avgt | 25 | 14,698 | ± 0,102 | s/op | - running on a stronger machine (8 cores instead of 4) improves things again, but... throwing hardware at the problem is only half as fun | Benchmark | Mode | Cnt | Score | Error | Units | | --------------- | ---- | --- | ------ | ------- | ----- | | Benchmarks.init | avgt | 25 | 10.256 | ± 0.319 | s/op | - .... or is it the stronger single cores?? - Why is the pixelpwnr-server using exactly 1 core to the max? - ![](./usage_pixelpwn-server.jpg) - Okay, i should have guessed as much, but the server i am running against is bound to 1 thread per connection.... - That explains the long wait times for the buffer to be released... - Should i change the server code? - Should i update my code to spawn multiple connection? - ..... changing the server would be quite fun... but maybe not in the spirit of this endeavour? - Decisions decisions... - After a _very crude_ test; results of multiple connections are a lot better but... the screen tearing.... eww, not worth it Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units Benchmarks.init avgt 25 5.578 ± 0.154 s/op