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API Reference

The Things Network's backend servers.


      --allow-insecure                  Allow insecure fallback if TLS unavailable
      --au-fsb int                      Frequency sub-band for the AU band (0-indexed) (default 1)
      --auth-token string               The JWT token to be used for the discovery server
      --config string                   config file (default "$HOME/.ttn.yml")
      --description string              The description of this component
      --discovery-address string        The address of the Discovery server (default "")
      --elasticsearch string            Location of Elasticsearch server for logging
      --elasticsearch-password string   Password used to connect to the Elasticsearch server
      --elasticsearch-prefix string     Prefix of the ES index for logging - changes the index from "<component>-<date>" to "<prefix>-<component>-<date>"
      --elasticsearch-username string   Username used to connect to the Elasticsearch server
      --eu-rx2-dr int                   RX2 data rate for the EU band (SF12=0,SF9=3) (default 3)
      --health-port int                 The port number where the health server should be started
      --id string                       The id of this component
      --key-dir string                  The directory where public/private keys are stored (default "$HOME/.ttn")
      --log-file string                 Location of the log file
      --min-tls-version string          Minimum TLS version
      --no-cli-logs                     Disable CLI logs
      --public                          Announce this component as part of The Things Network (public community network)
      --tls                             Use TLS (default true)
      --us-fsb int                      Frequency sub-band for the US band (0-indexed) (default 1)

ttn broker

Usage: ttn broker [flags]


      --deduplication-delay int          Deduplication delay (in ms) (default 200)
      --networkserver-address string     Networkserver host and port (default "localhost:1903")
      --networkserver-cert string        Networkserver certificate to use
      --networkserver-token string       Networkserver token to use
      --server-address string            The IP address to listen for communication (default "")
      --server-address-announce string   The public IP address to announce (default "localhost")
      --server-port int                  The port for communication (default 1902)

ttn broker gen-cert

ttn gen-cert generates a TLS Certificate

Usage: ttn broker gen-cert

ttn broker gen-keypair

ttn gen-keypair generates a public/private keypair

Usage: ttn broker gen-keypair

ttn broker register-prefix

ttn broker register prefix registers a prefix to this Broker

Usage: ttn broker register-prefix [prefix ...]

ttn discovery

Usage: ttn discovery [flags]


      --cache                         Add a cache in front of the database
      --http-address string           The IP address where the gRPC proxy should listen (default "")
      --http-port int                 The port where the gRPC proxy should listen (default 8080)
      --master-auth-servers strings   Auth servers that are allowed to manage this network (default [ttn-account-v2])
      --redis-address string          Redis server and port (default "localhost:6379")
      --redis-db int                  Redis database
      --redis-password string         Redis password
      --server-address string         The IP address to listen for communication (default "")
      --server-port int               The port for communication (default 1900)

ttn discovery gen-cert

ttn gen-cert generates a TLS Certificate

Usage: ttn discovery gen-cert

ttn discovery gen-keypair

ttn gen-keypair generates a public/private keypair

Usage: ttn discovery gen-keypair

ttn handler

Usage: ttn handler [flags]


      --amqp-address string               AMQP host and port. Leave empty to disable AMQP
      --amqp-address-announce string      AMQP address to announce (takes value of server-address-announce if empty while enabled)
      --amqp-exchange string              AMQP exchange (default "ttn.handler")
      --amqp-password string              AMQP password (default "guest")
      --amqp-username string              AMQP username (default "guest")
      --broker-id string                  The ID of the TTN Broker as announced in the Discovery server (default "dev")
      --extra-device-attributes strings   Extra device attributes to be whitelisted
      --http-address string               The IP address where the gRPC proxy should listen (default "")
      --http-port int                     The port where the gRPC proxy should listen (default 8084)
      --mqtt-address string               MQTT host and port. Leave empty to disable MQTT
      --mqtt-address-announce string      MQTT address to announce (takes value of server-address-announce if empty while enabled)
      --mqtt-fields                       Enable MQTT Fields
      --mqtt-password string              MQTT password
      --mqtt-username string              MQTT username
      --redis-address string              Redis host and port (default "localhost:6379")
      --redis-db int                      Redis database
      --redis-password string             Redis password
      --server-address string             The IP address to listen for communication (default "")
      --server-address-announce string    The public IP address to announce (default "localhost")
      --server-port int                   The port for communication (default 1904)

ttn handler gen-cert

ttn gen-cert generates a TLS Certificate

Usage: ttn handler gen-cert

ttn handler gen-keypair

ttn gen-keypair generates a public/private keypair

Usage: ttn handler gen-keypair

ttn networkserver

Usage: ttn networkserver [flags]


      --force-adr-optimize               Force ADR optimization
      --net-id int                       LoRaWAN NetID (default 19)
      --redis-address string             Redis server and port (default "localhost:6379")
      --redis-db int                     Redis database
      --redis-password string            Redis password
      --server-address string            The IP address to listen for communication (default "")
      --server-address-announce string   The public IP address to announce (default "localhost")
      --server-port int                  The port for communication (default 1903)

ttn networkserver authorize

ttn networkserver authorize generates a token that Brokers should use to connect

Usage: ttn networkserver authorize [id] [flags]


      --valid int   The number of days the token is valid

ttn networkserver gen-cert

ttn gen-cert generates a TLS Certificate

Usage: ttn networkserver gen-cert

ttn networkserver gen-keypair

ttn gen-keypair generates a public/private keypair

Usage: ttn networkserver gen-keypair

ttn router

Usage: ttn router [flags]


      --mqtt-address-announce string     MQTT address to announce
      --server-address string            The IP address to listen for communication (default "")
      --server-address-announce string   The public IP address to announce (default "localhost")
      --server-port int                  The port for communication (default 1901)
      --skip-verify-gateway-token        Skip verification of the gateway token

ttn router gen-cert

ttn gen-cert generates a TLS Certificate

Usage: ttn router gen-cert

ttn router gen-keypair

ttn gen-keypair generates a public/private keypair

Usage: ttn router gen-keypair

ttn selfupdate

ttn selfupdate updates the current ttn to the latest version

Usage: ttn selfupdate

ttn version

ttn version gets the build and version information of ttn

Usage: ttn version