- Go into the Markdown Source Code to get the actual formatting
- Only contribute if you actually know what you are doing and talking about on the API / Operation
- If you modify multiple files dont make a commit for each file, rather for each service
- Good Naming for PRs, Issues, Commits... (NOT modified file.md, say what you want / changed)
- Markdown formatting (Visual Studio Code)
- Include an example response (shortened)
Method: {Method}
Auth Required: {Yes/No} ({Permission})
: <description>
[JSON Code Block] [if required]
: <description>
: <description>
: <description>
Horizontal Line
*Example Response*
[JSON] Codeblock / Note which Status to expect if no content is returned
"hello": "world"
Description: {description}
Profiles: {profileId1}
, {profileId2}
[JS Code Block]
"{property}": "{example_value}" // {property_description}
[Property Description]:
- 1 Space after the Comment Start
- Dont use all LowerCase e.g. "item guid" -> "Item GUID"