The Coverage Checker command line tool is a .NET tool for extracting code coverage metrics from various code coverage formats.
For general information about the Coverage Checker project, see the repository's main README file.
To install the Coverage Checker command line tool, install the CoverageChecker.CommandLine NuGet package:
dotnet tool install --global CoverageChecker.CommandLine
The CoverageChecker.CommandLine tool can be invoked by running coveragechecker
from the command line.
Option | Description | Required | Default |
-f , --format |
The format of the coverage file(s). Options: SonarQube , Cobertura |
Yes | |
-d , --directory |
The directory to search for the coverage file(s) within. | No | The current directory |
-g , --glob-patterns |
The glob pattern(s) to use to search for the coverage file(s). | No | *.xml |
The CoverageChecker Command Line tool will output both the line and branch coverage of the analyzed files.