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executable file
2178 lines (1684 loc) · 66 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
2178 lines (1684 loc) · 66 KB

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npm install @coolgk/utils

You can install and use the modules below as standalone packages. If you wish to use @coolgk/utils as an all-in-one package, replace @coolgk/[module] with @coolgk/utils/[module] in the require() or import statements in the examples below.

Report bugs here:

Also see:


A javascript / typescript MongoDB modelling library which enables joins in collections, simplifies CRUD operations for sub / nested documents and implements schema based data validation.


A simple, lightweight javascript / typescript MxC framework that helps you to create object oriented, modular and testable code.


a javascript / typescript module

npm install @coolgk/amqp

a simple RabbitMQ (amqp wrapper) class for publishing and consuming messages

Report bugs here:


import { Amqp } from '@coolgk/amqp';
// OR
// const { Amqp } = require('@coolgk/amqp');

const amqp = new Amqp({
    url: 'amqp://localhost/vhost'

const message = {
    a: 1,
    b: 'b'


// consumer.js
// consume message and return (send) a response back to publisher
amqp.consume(({rawMessage, message}) => {
    console.log('consumer received', message); // consumer received ignore response
                                               // consumer received { a: 1, b: 'b' }
    return {
        response: 'response message'

// publisher.js
// publish a message, no response from consumer
amqp.publish('ignore response');

// publish a message and handle response from consumer
amqp.publish(message, ({rawResponseMessage, responseMessage}) => {
    console.log('response from consumer', responseMessage); // response from consumer { response: 'response message' }

// example to add:
// consume from (multiple) routes
// round robin consumers
// direct route + a catch all consumer


Kind: global class

new Amqp(options)

Param Type Description
options object
options.url string connection string e.g. amqp://localhost
[options.sslPem] string pem file path
[options.sslCa] string sslCa file path
[options.sslPass] string password

amqp.closeConnection() ⇒ void

Kind: instance method of Amqp

amqp.publish(message, [callback], [options]) ⇒ promise.<Array.<boolean>>

Kind: instance method of Amqp

Param Type Default Description
message * message any type that can be JSON.stringify'ed
[callback] function callback(message) for processing response from consumers
[options] object
[options.routes] string | Array.<string> "['#']" route names
[options.exchangeName] string "'defaultExchange'" exchange name

amqp.getChannel() ⇒ promise

Kind: instance method of Amqp
Returns: promise - - promise


a javascript / typescript module

npm install @coolgk/array

array utilities

Report bugs here:


import { toArray } from '@coolgk/array';
// OR
// const { toArray } = require('@coolgk/array');

const a = undefined;
const b = false;
const c = '';
const d = [1,2,3];
const e = {a:1};

console.log(toArray(a)); // []
console.log(toArray(b)); // [ false ]
console.log(toArray(c)); // [ '' ]
console.log(toArray(d)); // [ 1, 2, 3 ]
console.log(toArray(e)); // [ { a: 1 } ]

    cache.set('x', 'val x'),
    cache.set('y', 'val y'),
    cache.set('z', 'val z')
    () => Promise.all([
        cache.get('x').then(console.log), // val x
        cache.get('y').then(console.log), // val y
        cache.get('z').then(console.log) // val z
    () => Promise.all([
    () => Promise.all([
        cache.get('x').then(console.log), // null
        cache.get('y').then(console.log), // null
        cache.get('z').then(console.log) // null

toArray(data) ⇒ array

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
data * any data to be type cast to array

cache.delete(name) ⇒ promise

Kind: instance method of Cache

Param Type Description
name string | Array.<string> name(s) of the variable

cache.getSetIfNull(name, callback, [expiry]) ⇒ promise

get the cached value, if not set, resolve "callback()" and save the value then return it

Kind: instance method of Cache
Returns: promise - - cached value

Param Type Default Description
name string name of the variable
callback function a callback function which returns a value or a promise
[expiry] number 0 expire time in seconds. 0 = never expire

cache.command(command, ...params) ⇒ promise

Kind: instance method of Cache

Param Type Description
command string redis command to run
...params array params for the command


a javascript / typescript module

npm install @coolgk/bcrypt

just a promise wrapper

Report bugs here:


import { encrypt, verify } from '@coolgk/bcrypt';
// OR
// const { encrypt, verify } = require('@coolgk/bcrypt');

const password = 'abc123';

encrypt(password).then((hash) => {
    verify(password, hash).then(console.log); // true
    verify(password, 'invalidhash').then(console.log, console.error); // Not a valid BCrypt hash.
    verify('invalidpass', hash).then(console.log); // false


encrypt(value, salt)promise.<string>
verify(value, hashedString)promise.<boolean>

encrypt(value, salt) ⇒ promise.<string>

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
value string string to encrypt
salt string salt

verify(value, hashedString) ⇒ promise.<boolean>

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
value string string to check
hashedString string encrypted hash


a javascript / typescript module

npm install @coolgk/cache

a redis wrapper

Report bugs here:


import { Cache } from '@coolgk/cache';
import { createClient } from 'redis';
// OR
// const { Cache } = require('@coolgk/cache');
// const { createClient } = require('redis');

const client = createClient({
    host: 'localhost',
    port: 12869,
    password: '----'

const cache = new Cache({
    redisClient: client

cache.set('abc', {a: 1}, 1).then(console.log); // 'OK'

cache.get('abc').then(console.log); // { a: 1 }

setTimeout(() => {
    cache.get('abc').then(console.log); // null
}, 1500);

    () => Promise.resolve('data'),
).then((v) => {
    console.log(v); // { a: 1 }

    cache.set('x', 'val x'),
    cache.set('y', 'val y'),
    cache.set('z', 'val z')
    () => Promise.all([
        cache.get('x').then(console.log), // val x
        cache.get('y').then(console.log), // val y
        cache.get('z').then(console.log) // val z
    () => Promise.all([
    () => Promise.all([
        cache.get('x').then(console.log), // null
        cache.get('y').then(console.log), // null
        cache.get('z').then(console.log) // null


Kind: global class

new Cache(options)

Param Type Description
options object
[options.redisClient] object redis client from redis.createClient() redisClient needs to be passed in so the same connection can be used elsewhere and get closed outside this class

cache.set(name, value, [expiry]) ⇒ promise

Kind: instance method of Cache

Param Type Default Description
name string name of the variable
value * value is always JSON.stringify'ed
[expiry] number 0 expire time in seconds. 0 = never expire

cache.get(name) ⇒ promise

Kind: instance method of Cache
Returns: promise - - cached value

Param Type Description
name string name of the variable

cache.delete(name) ⇒ promise

Kind: instance method of Cache

Param Type Description
name string | Array.<string> name(s) of the variable

cache.getSetIfNull(name, callback, [expiry]) ⇒ promise

get the cached value, if not set, resolve "callback()" and save the value then return it

Kind: instance method of Cache
Returns: promise - - cached value

Param Type Default Description
name string name of the variable
callback function a callback function which returns a value or a promise
[expiry] number 0 expire time in seconds. 0 = never expire

cache.command(command, ...params) ⇒ promise

Kind: instance method of Cache

Param Type Description
command string redis command to run
...params array params for the command


a javascript / typescript module

npm install @coolgk/captcha

recapcha wrapper

Report bugs here:


const { verify } = require('@coolgk/captcha');
const secret = '-------';

verify(secret, captchaResponse).then((response) => {
    console.log(response); // { success: true, challenge_ts: '2017-12-03T08:19:48Z', hostname: '' }
                           // { success: false, 'error-codes': [ 'invalid-input-response' ] }

// OR

import { Captcha } from '@coolgk/captcha';
// OR
// const { Captcha } = require('@coolgk/captcha');

const captcha = new Captcha({ secret });

const captchaResponse = '---------';

captcha.verify(captchaResponse).then((response) => {
    console.log(response); // { success: true, challenge_ts: '2017-12-03T08:19:48Z', hostname: '' }
                           // { success: false, 'error-codes': [ 'invalid-input-response' ] }


Kind: global class

new Captcha(options)

Param Type Description
options object
options.secret object google captcha secret

captcha.verify(response, [remoteip])

Kind: instance method of Captcha

Param Type Description
response string repsonse from recaptcha
[remoteip] string ip address


a javascript / typescript module

npm install @coolgk/email

a email sender wrapper class

Report bugs here:


import { Email } from '@coolgk/email';
// OR
// const { Email } = require('@coolgk/email');

const email = new Email({host: 'localhost'});

    subject: 'hello this is email subject',
    from: {
            name: 'Daniel Gong',
            email: '[email protected]'
    to: [
            name: 'Dan Go',
            email: '[email protected]'
        '[email protected]'
    message: '<html><body><h1>test</h1>some message here <img src="cid:my-image" width="500" height="250"></body></html>',
    attachments: [
            path: '/tmp/test.png',
            name: 'screenshot.png'
            headers:{"Content-ID": "<my-image>"}
}).then((sentMessage) => {
}).catch((error) => {


Kind: global class

new Email(options)

Param Type Default Description
options object
[options.user] string username for logging into smtp
[options.password] string password for logging into smtp
[] string "'localhost'" smtp host
[options.port] string smtp port (if null a standard port number will be used)
[options.ssl] boolean boolean (if true or object, ssl connection will be made)
[options.tls] boolean boolean (if true or object, starttls will be initiated)
[options.domain] string domain to greet smtp with (defaults to os.hostname)
[options.authentication] Array.<string> authentication methods

email.send(options, [attachments]) ⇒ promise

Kind: instance method of Email
Returns: promise - - message sent

Param Type Description
options object
options.subject string email subject
[options.message] string html email message Array.<(string|object)> to email address[].name string name of the recipient[].email string email address of the recipient
[options.from] string | object see
[] Array.<(string|object)> see
[options.bcc] Array.<(string|object)> see
[attachments] Array.<object> email attachments
attachments.path string file path
[] string file name
[attachments.type] string file mime type
[attachments.method] string method to send attachment as (used by calendar invites)
[attachments.headers] object attachment headers, header: value pairs, e.g. {"Content-ID":""}


a javascript / typescript module

npm install @coolgk/facebook-sign-in

facebook sign in module which verifies client access token and returns account data

Report bugs here:


const { FacebookSignIn } = require('@coolgk/facebook-sign-in');
// OR
// import { FacebookSignIn } from '@coolgk/facebook-sign-in';

const facebookSignIn = new FacebookSignIn({
    clientId: '...',
    secret: '...'

const invalidToken = '...';
const validToken = '...';

(async () => {
    const account1 = await facebookSignIn.verify(invalidToken);
    console.log(account1); // false

    const account2 = await facebookSignIn.verify(validToken);
    console.log(account2); // { email: '', id: '123123123123123123' }


Kind: global class

facebookSignIn.verify(token, [fields]) ⇒ Promise.<(false|object)>

verify access token from clients and return false or account data

Kind: instance method of FacebookSignIn
Returns: Promise.<(false|object)> - - false if access token is invalid otherwise returns account data

Param Type Default Description
token string facebook user's token string
[fields] string "'email'" fields to fetch from user's facebook account. comma separated value e.g. id,name,email


Kind: static class of FacebookSignIn

new FacebookSignIn(options)

Param Type Description
options object
options.clientId string facebook app id
options.secret string facebook app secret


a javascript / typescript module

npm install @coolgk/csv

read and write csv files

Report bugs here:


import { Csv } from '@coolgk/csv';
// OR
// const { Csv } = require('@coolgk/csv');

const csv = new Csv({
    tmpConfig: { dir: '/tmp/csv' } // optional

const arrayData = [

const objectData = [
    {col1: 'ab', col2: 'cd', col3: 'ef'},
    {col1: '2ab', col2: '2cd', col3: '2ef'},
    {col1: '3ab', col2: '3cd', col3: '3ef'}

        columns: ['column 1', 'column 2', 'column 3', 'h4', 'h5'],
        formatter: (row) => {
            return => 'formatted-' + value);
).then((csvFilePath) => {
    console.log(csvFilePath); // /tmp/csv/151229255018910356N9qKqUgrpzG2.csv
    read(csvFilePath, ['column 1', 'column 2', 'column 3', 'h4', 'h5']);

        columns: ['col1', 'col2', 'col3'],
        formatter: (row) => {
            return [row.col1 + '+format', row.col2 + '+format', row.col3 + '+format'];
).then((csvFilePath) => {
    console.log(csvFilePath); // /tmp/csv/151229255019910356AlO9kbzkdqjq.csv
    read(csvFilePath, ['col1', 'col2', 'col3']);

function read (file, columns) {
    // with columns/headers
    // read lines as object
    const lines = csv.readFile(file, {columns: columns});
        (lineArray, index) => {
            console.log(lineArray, index);
            // {
                // 'column 1': 'formatted-1',
                // 'column 2': 'formatted-2',
                // 'column 3': 'formatted-3',
                // h4: 'formatted-4',
                // h5: 'formatted-5'
            // } 1
        (total) => {
            console.log('read done, total:', total); // read done, total: 4

    // without columns/headers
    // read lines as array
    const lines2 = csv.readFile(file);
        (lineArray, index) => {
            console.log(lineArray, index); // [ 'formatted-1', 'formatted-2', 'formatted-3', 'formatted-4', 'formatted-5' ] 1
        (total) => {
            console.log('read done, total:', total); // read done, total: 4


a javascript / typescript module

npm install @coolgk/facebook-sign-in

facebook sign in module which verifies client access token and returns account data

Report bugs here:


const { FacebookSignIn } = require('@coolgk/facebook-sign-in');
// OR
// import { FacebookSignIn } from '@coolgk/facebook-sign-in';

const facebookSignIn = new FacebookSignIn({
    clientId: '...',
    secret: '...'

const invalidToken = '...';
const validToken = '...';

(async () => {
    const account1 = await facebookSignIn.verify(invalidToken);
    console.log(account1); // false

    const account2 = await facebookSignIn.verify(validToken);
    console.log(account2); // { email: '', id: '123123123123123123' }


Kind: global class

facebookSignIn.verify(token, [fields]) ⇒ Promise.<(false|object)>

verify access token from clients and return false or account data

Kind: instance method of FacebookSignIn
Returns: Promise.<(false|object)> - - false if access token is invalid otherwise returns account data

Param Type Default Description
token string facebook user's token string
[fields] string "'email'" fields to fetch from user's facebook account. comma separated value e.g. id,name,email


Kind: static class of FacebookSignIn

new FacebookSignIn(options)

Param Type Description
options object
options.clientId string facebook app id
options.secret string facebook app secret


a javascript / typescript module

npm install @coolgk/email

a email sender wrapper class

Report bugs here:


import { Email } from '@coolgk/email';
// OR
// const { Email } = require('@coolgk/email');

const email = new Email({host: 'localhost'});

    subject: 'hello this is email subject',
    from: {
            name: 'Daniel Gong',
            email: '[email protected]'
    to: [
            name: 'Dan Go',
            email: '[email protected]'
        '[email protected]'
    message: '<html><body><h1>test</h1>some message here <img src="cid:my-image" width="500" height="250"></body></html>',
    attachments: [
            path: '/tmp/test.png',
            name: 'screenshot.png'
            headers:{"Content-ID": "<my-image>"}
}).then((sentMessage) => {
}).catch((error) => {


Kind: global class

new Email(options)

Param Type Default Description
options object
[options.user] string username for logging into smtp
[options.password] string password for logging into smtp
[] string "'localhost'" smtp host
[options.port] string smtp port (if null a standard port number will be used)
[options.ssl] boolean boolean (if true or object, ssl connection will be made)
[options.tls] boolean boolean (if true or object, starttls will be initiated)
[options.domain] string domain to greet smtp with (defaults to os.hostname)
[options.authentication] Array.<string> authentication methods

email.send(options, [attachments]) ⇒ promise

Kind: instance method of Email
Returns: promise - - message sent

Param Type Description
options object
options.subject string email subject
[options.message] string html email message Array.<(string|object)> to email address[].name string name of the recipient[].email string email address of the recipient
[options.from] string | object see
[] Array.<(string|object)> see
[options.bcc] Array.<(string|object)> see
[attachments] Array.<object> email attachments
attachments.path string file path
[] string file name
[attachments.type] string file mime type
[attachments.method] string method to send attachment as (used by calendar invites)
[attachments.headers] object attachment headers, header: value pairs, e.g. {"Content-ID":""}


a javascript / typescript module

npm install @coolgk/formdata

A http request form data parser (large file friendly) for 'application/json', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' and 'multipart/form-data'. It only parses form data when you ask for it.

Report bugs here:

Example Form

<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="text" name="name">
    <input type="text" name="age">
    <input type="file" name="photo">
    <input type="file" name="photo">
    <input type="file" name="id">

Express Middleware

// express middleware
const app = require('express')();
const formdata = require('@coolgk/formdata');

app.use(;'/id-only', async (request, response, next) => {
    const post = await request.formdata.getData('id'); // upload 3 files but only parse 1, ignore others
    // output
    // {
        // "name": "Tim",
        // "age": "33",
        // "id": {
            // "error": null,
            // "fieldname": "id",
            // "filename": "test.txt",
            // "encoding": "7bit",
            // "mimetype": "text/plain",
            // "size": 13,
            // "path": "/tmp/151605931497716067xZGgxPUdNvoj"
        // }
    // }
});'/all-files', async (request, response, next) => {
    const post = await request.formdata.getData(['id', 'photo']); // parse all files
    // output
    // {
        // "name": "Tim",
        // "age": "33",
        // "photo": [
            // {
                // "error": null,
                // "fieldname": "photo",
                // "filename": "test.png",
                // "encoding": "7bit",
                // "mimetype": "image/png",
                // "size": 604,
                // "path": "/tmp/151605931497716067xZGgxPUdNvoj"
            // },
            // {
                // "error": null,
                // "fieldname": "photo",
                // "filename": "test.svg",
                // "encoding": "7bit",
                // "mimetype": "image/svg+xml",
                // "size": 2484,
                // "path": "/tmp/151605931497916067EAUAa3yB4q42"
            // }
        // ],
        // "id": {
            // "error": null,
            // "fieldname": "id",
            // "filename": "test.txt",
            // "encoding": "7bit",
            // "mimetype": "text/plain",
            // "size": 13,
            // "path": "/tmp/151605931498016067zqZe6dlhidQ5"
        // }
    // }


Native Node App

const { formData, express, getFormData, FormDataError } = require('@coolgk/formdata');
const http = require('http');
http.createServer(async (request, response) => {

    const data = await getFormData(request, { fileFieldNames: ['id', 'photo'] });

    // OR
    // const formdata = formData(request);
    // ... some middelware
    // ... in some routes
    // const data = formdata.getData(['id', 'photo']);


    // {
        // "name": "Tim",
        // "age": "33",
        // "photo": [
            // {
                // "error": null,
                // "fieldname": "photo",
                // "filename": "test.png",
                // "encoding": "7bit",
                // "mimetype": "image/png",
                // "size": 604,
                // "path": "/tmp/151605931497716067xZGgxPUdNvoj"
            // },
            // {
                // "error": null,
                // "fieldname": "photo",
                // "filename": "test.svg",
                // "encoding": "7bit",
                // "mimetype": "image/svg+xml",
                // "size": 2484,
                // "path": "/tmp/151605931497916067EAUAa3yB4q42"
            // }
        // ],
        // "id": {
            // "error": null,
            // "fieldname": "id",
            // "filename": "test.txt",
            // "encoding": "7bit",
            // "mimetype": "text/plain",
            // "size": 13,
            // "path": "/tmp/151605931498016067zqZe6dlhidQ5"
        // }
    // }



a javascript / typescript module

npm install @coolgk/google-sign-in

google sign in module which verifies id token and returns account data

Report bugs here:


const { GoogleSignIn } = require('@coolgk/google-sign-in');
// OR
// import { GoogleSignIn } from '@coolgk/google-sign-in';

const googleSignIn = new GoogleSignIn({
    clientId: '......'

const invalidToken = '...';
const validToken = '...';

(async () => {
    const account1 = await googleSignIn.verify(invalidToken);
    console.log(account1); // false

    const account2 = await googleSignIn.verify(validToken);
    // {
    //     azp: '...',
    //     aud: '...',
    //     sub: '123123123',
    //     email: '[email protected]',
    //     email_verified: true,
    //     at_hash: 'asdfasdfasdfasdfa',
    //     exp: 1520633389,
    //     iss: '',
    //     jti: 'qfwfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfadsf',
    //     iat: 1520629789,
    //     name: 'first last',
    //     picture: '',
    //     given_name: 'first',
    //     family_name: 'last',
    //     locale: 'en-GB'
    // }


Kind: global class

googleSignIn.verify(token) ⇒ Promise.<(boolean|object)>

Kind: instance method of GoogleSignIn
Returns: Promise.<(boolean|object)> - - false if id token is invalid otherwise returns account data

Param Type Description
token string google id token string


Kind: static class of GoogleSignIn

new GoogleSignIn(options)

Param Type Description
options object
options.clientId string google client id


a javascript / typescript module

npm install @coolgk/jwt

a simple jwt token class

Report bugs here:


import { Jwt } from '@coolgk/jwt';
// OR
// const { Jwt } = require('@coolgk/jwt');

const jwt = new Jwt({secret: 'abc'});

const string = '';

const token = jwt.generate(string);

    jwt.verify(token), // { exp: 0, iat: 1512307492763, rng: 0.503008668963175, data: '' }
    jwt.verify(token+'1') // false

const token2 = jwt.generate(string, 200);

    jwt.verify(token2), // { exp: 1512307493026, iat: 1512307492826, rng: 0.5832258275608753, data: '' }
    jwt.verify(token+'1') // false

setTimeout(() => {
    console.log(jwt.verify(token2)); // false
}, 250);


Kind: global class

new Jwt(options)

Param Type Description
options object
options.secret string for encryption

jwt.generate(data, [expiry]) ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of Jwt

Param Type Default Description
data * any data can be JSON.stringify'ed
[expiry] number 0 in milliseconds 0 = never expire

jwt.verify(token) ⇒ boolean | object

Kind: instance method of Jwt
Returns: boolean | object - - false or the payload of the token

Param Type Description
token string token to verify


a javascript / typescript module

npm install @coolgk/number

number utitlies

Report bugs here:


import { round } from '@coolgk/number';
// OR
// const { round } = require('@coolgk/number');

console.log(round(1.3923, 2)); // 1.39
console.log(round(100, 2)); // 100
console.log(round(100.1264, 2)); // 100.13
console.log(round(100.958747, 4)); // 100.9587

round(value, precision) ⇒ number

Kind: global function

Param Type Default Description
value number number to round
precision number 2 precision


a javascript / typescript module

npm install @coolgk/pdf

html to PDF module. create PDF files from html string or file.

Report bugs here:


// for "error while loading shared libraries:" run "sudo apt-get -y install libfontconfig"

import { Pdf, Format, Orientation } from '@coolgk/pdf';
// OR
// const { Pdf, Format, Orientation } = require('@coolgk/pdf');

const pdf = new Pdf({
    tmpConfig: { dir: '/tmp/pdf' } // optional

        header: {
            height: '1cm',
            contents: "<strong style='color: red'>Page ${pageNumber} of ${numberOfPages} - ${pageNumber}</strong>"
        footer: {
            height: '1cm',
            contents: 'footer <strong>Page ${pageNumber} of ${numberOfPages}</strong>'
        margin: '0.5cm'
).then((pdfFile) => {

const htmlCode = `<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
            .pagebreak { page-break-after: always; }
            h2, h1 { color: red }
            <h1>page 1</h1>
            <p>some text <img src=''></p>
        <div class="pagebreak"></div>
            <h2>page 2</h2>

pdf.createFromHtmlString(htmlCode).then((pdfFile) => {


a javascript / typescript module

npm install @coolgk/session

An session handler that works without cookie (and with cookie too).

Report bugs here:

When working without cookie, this class reads the session token from the "Authorization" header. e.g. Authorization : Bearer cn389ncoiwuencr...

Express Middleware Example

// express middleware
const session = require('@coolgk/session');
const app = require('express')();

        redisClient: require('redis').createClient({
            host: process.env.REDIS_HOST,
            port: process.env.REDIS_PORT,
            password: process.env.REDIS_PASSWORD
        secret: '123' // secret is required for creating the session token / id

app.use(async (request, response, next) => {
    // allow access if it's the login page or the request has a valid session
    if ('/login' === request.url || await request.session.verifyAndRenew()) { // if session is verified, renew session
    } else { // deny access
        response.send('Please Login');
        // output
        // 'Please Login'

app.get('/login', async (request, response, next) => {
    // start a new session (create a new session id)
    const accessToken = await request.session.init();
    // set session variables
    await request.session.set('user', { id: 1, username: 'abc' });
    // send session token/id back
    response.json({ accessToken });
    // output
    // {"accessToken":"eyJleHAiOjAsIml..."}

app.get('/user', async (request, response, next) => {
    // get session variable
    response.json(await request.session.get('user'));
    // output
    // {"id":1,"username":"abc"}

app.get('/session', async (request, response, next) => {
    // get all session values
    response.json(await request.session.getAll());
    // output
    // {"user":{"id":1,"username":"abc"}}

app.get('/logout', async (request, response, next) => {
    // destroy current session
    await request.session.destroy();
    response.json(await request.session.getAll());
    // output
    // {}


Native Node App Example

import { Session } from '@coolgk/session';
// OR
// const { Session } = require('@coolgk/session');

const http = require('http');
http.createServer(async (request, response) => {

    const session = new Session({
        redisClient: require('redis').createClient({
            host: process.env.REDIS_HOST,
            port: process.env.REDIS_PORT,
            password: process.env.REDIS_PASSWORD
        secret: '123',

## @coolgk/string
a javascript / typescript module

`npm install @coolgk/string`

string utility functions

Report bugs here: [](
## Examples
import { stripTags, escapeHtml, unescapeHtml, prepad0 } from '@coolgk/string';
// OR
// const { stripTags, escapeHtml, unescapeHtml, prepad0 } = require('@coolgk/string');

const str = '<h1>test</h1><script>alert(1)</script>'

console.log(stripTags(str)); //  test alert(1)
console.log(escapeHtml(str)); // &lt;h1&gt;test&lt;/h1&gt;&lt;script&gt;alert(1)&lt;/script&gt;
console.log(unescapeHtml(escapeHtml(str))); // <h1>test</h1><script>alert(1)</script>

console.log(prepad0(7, 2)); // 07
console.log(prepad0(70, 3)); // 070
console.log(prepad0(70, 4)); // 0070
console.log(prepad0(1, 4)); // 0001
console.log(prepad0(1000, 2)); // 1000



strip html tags e.g. "<h1>header</h1><p>message</p>" becomes "header message"


escaping user input e.g. html code in a message box


unescaping strings escaped by escapeHtml()

prepad0(value, length)string

use padStart instead

stripTags(a) ⇒ string

strip html tags e.g. "<h1>header</h1><p>message</p>" becomes "header message"

Kind: global function
Returns: string - - string with tags stripped

Param Type Description
a string string

escapeHtml(value) ⇒ string

escaping user input e.g. html code in a message box

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
value string string to escape

unescapeHtml(string) ⇒ string

unescaping strings escaped by escapeHtml()

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
string string string to unescape

prepad0(value, length) ⇒ string

use padStart instead

Kind: global function

Param Type Default Description
value number an integer in string or number format
length number 2 length of the output e.g. length = 2, 8 becomes 08. length = 3, 70 = 070.


a javascript / typescript module

npm install @coolgk/session

An session handler that works without cookie (and with cookie too).

Report bugs here:

When working without cookie, this class reads the session token from the "Authorization" header. e.g. Authorization : Bearer cn389ncoiwuencr...

Express Middleware Example

// express middleware
const session = require('@coolgk/session');
const app = require('express')();

        redisClient: require('redis').createClient({
            host: process.env.REDIS_HOST,
            port: process.env.REDIS_PORT,
            password: process.env.REDIS_PASSWORD
        secret: '123' // secret is required for creating the session token / id

app.use(async (request, response, next) => {
    // allow access if it's the login page or the request has a valid session
    if ('/login' === request.url || await request.session.verifyAndRenew()) { // if session is verified, renew session
    } else { // deny access
        response.send('Please Login');
        // output
        // 'Please Login'

app.get('/login', async (request, response, next) => {
    // start a new session (create a new session id)
    const accessToken = await request.session.init();
    // set session variables
    await request.session.set('user', { id: 1, username: 'abc' });
    // send session token/id back
    response.json({ accessToken });
    // output
    // {"accessToken":"eyJleHAiOjAsIml..."}

app.get('/user', async (request, response, next) => {
    // get session variable
    response.json(await request.session.get('user'));
    // output
    // {"id":1,"username":"abc"}

app.get('/session', async (request, response, next) => {
    // get all session values
    response.json(await request.session.getAll());
    // output
    // {"user":{"id":1,"username":"abc"}}

app.get('/logout', async (request, response, next) => {
    // destroy current session
    await request.session.destroy();
    response.json(await request.session.getAll());
    // output
    // {}


Native Node App Example

import { Session } from '@coolgk/session';
// OR
// const { Session } = require('@coolgk/session');

const http = require('http');
http.createServer(async (request, response) => {

    const session = new Session({
        redisClient: require('redis').createClient({
            host: process.env.REDIS_HOST,
            port: process.env.REDIS_PORT,
            password: process.env.REDIS_PASSWORD
        secret: '123',

    // ... some middelware
    // ... in some routes
    // set sesstion
    await session.start();
    await session.set('user', {id: 1, username: '[email protected]'});

    // check session and renew if verified
    const verified = await session.verifyAndRenew();
    if (verified) {
        // session exists, logged in, do something
    } else {
        // deny access or show login screen

    // show session data
            await session.getAll()
    ); // {"user":{"id":1,"username":""}}


To use without cookie

Create a session without the "response" property and the sessoin object will read the session id from the "Authorization" header i.e. Authorization : Bearer cn389ncoiwuencr...

const session = new Session({
    redisClient: require('redis').createClient({
        host: process.env.REDIS_HOST,
        port: process.env.REDIS_PORT,
        password: process.env.REDIS_PASSWORD
    secret: '123',


This class extends @coolgk/token see set(), get(), delete(), getAll() in @coolgk/token

Kind: global class

session.destroy() ⇒ promise

destory the current session

Kind: instance method of Session

session.renew([expiry]) ⇒ promise

renew session optionally with a different expiry time

Kind: instance method of Session
Returns: promise - - false if session has not been started or has a invalid token string

Param Type Description
[expiry] number in seconds


a javascript / typescript module

npm install @coolgk/bcrypt

just a promise wrapper

Report bugs here:


import { encrypt, verify } from '@coolgk/bcrypt';
// OR
// const { encrypt, verify } = require('@coolgk/bcrypt');

const password = 'abc123';

encrypt(password).then((hash) => {
    verify(password, hash).then(console.log); // true
    verify(password, 'invalidhash').then(console.log, console.error); // Not a valid BCrypt hash.
    verify('invalidpass', hash).then(console.log); // false


encrypt(value, salt)promise.<string>
verify(value, hashedString)promise.<boolean>

encrypt(value, salt) ⇒ promise.<string>

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
value string string to encrypt
salt string salt

verify(value, hashedString) ⇒ promise.<boolean>

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
value string string to check
hashedString string encrypted hash


a javascript / typescript module

npm install @coolgk/tmp

wrapper functions, generate tmp file or folders

Report bugs here:


import { generateFile, generateDir, generateTmpName } from '@coolgk/tmp';
// OR
// const { generateFile, generateDir, generateTmpName } = require('@coolgk/tmp');

generateFile({dir: '/tmp/test'}).then((r) => console.log('file', r));
    // file { path: '/tmp/test/1512307052908140480ZZj6J0LOIJb.tmp' }

generateDir({dir: '/tmp/test'}).then((r) => console.log('dir',r));
    // dir { path: '/tmp/test/1512307052918140484Pnv1m95ZS2b' }

generateTmpName({dir: '/tmp/test'}).then((r) => console.log('name', r));
    // name { path: '/tmp/test/151230705292114048hb3XIds0FO9Y' }



generateFile([options]) ⇒ promise

Kind: global function
Returns: promise - - { path: ..., cleanupCallback: ... } calling cleanupCallback() removes the generated file

Param Type Default Description
[options] object
[options.mode] number 0600 the file mode to create with, defaults to 0600 on file and 0700 on directory
[options.prefix] string "" the optional prefix, fallbacks to tmp- if not provided
[options.postfix] string "'.tmp'" the optional postfix, fallbacks to .tmp on file creation
[options.dir] string "/tmp" the optional temporary directory, fallbacks to system default
[options.keep] boolean false if to keep the file

generateDir([options]) ⇒ promise

Kind: global function
Returns: promise - - { path: ..., cleanupCallback: ... } calling cleanupCallback() removes the generated file

Param Type Default Description
[options] object
[options.mode] number 0600 the file mode to create with, defaults to 0600 on file and 0700 on directory
[options.prefix] string "" the optional prefix, fallbacks to tmp- if not provided
[options.postfix] string "'.tmp'" the optional postfix, fallbacks to .tmp on file creation
[options.dir] string "/tmp" the optional temporary directory, fallbacks to system default
[options.keep] boolean false if to keep the file

generateTmpName([options]) ⇒ promise

Kind: global function
Returns: promise - - { path: ... }

Param Type Default Description
[options] object
[options.mode] number 0600 the file mode to create with, defaults to 0600 on file and 0700 on directory
[options.prefix] string "" the optional prefix, fallbacks to tmp- if not provided
[options.postfix] string "'.tmp'" the optional postfix, fallbacks to .tmp on file creation
[options.dir] string "/tmp" the optional temporary directory, fallbacks to system default


a javascript / typescript module

npm install @coolgk/url

a simple function for parsing parameters in a url

Report bugs here:


import { getParams } from '@coolgk/url';
// OR
// const { getParams } = require('@coolgk/url');

const url = '/123';
const pattern = '/:id';

console.log(getParams(url, pattern)); // { id: '123' }

const url2 = '/123/abc/456';
const pattern2 = '/:id/abc/:value';

console.log(getParams(url2, pattern2)); // { id: '123', value: '456' }

const url3 = '/123/456';
const pattern3 = ':id/:value';

console.log(getParams(url3, pattern3)); // { id: '123', value: '456' }

getParams(url, pattern) ⇒ object

a simple function to get params in a url e.g. with url: user/123, pattern: user/:id returns {id: 123}

Kind: global function
Returns: object - - e.g. {userid: 123}

Param Type Description
url string url after the domain name e.g. url should be /user/:id
pattern string e.g. /:userid/:name


a javascript / typescript module

npm install @coolgk/unit

unit conversion

Report bugs here:


import { bytesToString, millisecondsToString } from '@coolgk/unit';
// OR
// const { bytesToString, millisecondsToString } = require('@coolgk/unit');

    bytesToString(500), // 500B
    bytesToString(5000), // 4.88KB
    bytesToString(5000000), // 4.77MB
    bytesToString(5000000000), // 4.66GB
    bytesToString(5000000000000), // 4.55TB
    bytesToString(5000000000000000), // 4547.47TB
    bytesToString(5000000000000000000) // 4547473.51TB

console.log('1 sec', millisecondsToString(1 * 1000)); // 1 second
console.log('1 min', millisecondsToString(60 * 1000)); // 1 minute
console.log('100 sec', millisecondsToString(100 * 1000)); // 1 minute
console.log('3 hrs', millisecondsToString(60 * 60 * 3 * 1000)); // 3 hour
console.log('1.5 days', millisecondsToString(60 * 60 * 24 * 1.5 * 1000)); // 1 day
console.log('65 days', millisecondsToString(60 * 60 * 24 * 65 * 1000)); // 2 month
console.log('365 days', millisecondsToString(60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 1000)); // 1 year
console.log('500 days', millisecondsToString(60 * 60 * 24 * 500 * 1000)); // 1 year
console.log('900 days', millisecondsToString(60 * 60 * 24 * 900 * 1000));// 2 year
console.log('1900 days', millisecondsToString(60 * 60 * 24 * 1900 * 1000)); // 5 year
console.log('365001 days', millisecondsToString(60 * 60 * 24 * 365001 * 1000)); // 1013 year



or use


bytesToString(value) ⇒ string

or use

Kind: global function
Returns: string - value in KB, MB, GB or TB

Param Type Description
value number value in byte

millisecondsToString(value) ⇒ string

Kind: global function
Returns: string - value in second, minute, hour, day, month or year

Param Type Description
value number number of milliseconds


a javascript / typescript module

npm install @coolgk/token

an expirable, revocable, renewable token with data storage

Report bugs here:


import { Token } from '@coolgk/token';
import { createClient } from 'redis';
// OR
// const { Token } = require('@coolgk/token');
// const createClient = require('redis').createClient;

(async () => {

    const redisClient = createClient({
        host: 'localhost',
        port: 6379,
        password: '----'

    const token = new Token({
        redisClient: redisClient,
        expiry: 5,
        token: 'abcde'

        await token.verify()
    ) // false

    await token.renew();

        await token.verify()
    ) // true

        await token.get('var1');
    ); // null

        await token.getAll()
    ); // {}

    await token.set('var1', {a: 'var1', b: false});

        await token.get('var1');
    ); // {a: 'var1', b: false}

    await token.set('var2', 'string var 2');

        await token.getAll()
    ); // { var1: { a: 'var1', b: false }, var2: 'string var 2' }

    await token.delete('var2');

        await token.get('var2');
    ); // null

        await token.getAll()
    ); // { var1: { a: 'var1', b: false } }

    await token.destroy();

        await token.verify()
    ) // false

        await token.get('var1');
    ); // null

        await token.getAll()
    ); // {}





TokenError : object

Error Codes


Kind: global class

new Token(options)

Param Type Default Description
options object
options.token string token string for creating a token object
options.redisClient object redis client from redis.createClient()
[options.prefix] string "'token'" prefix used in redis e.g. token:[TOKEN_STRING...]
[options.expiry] number 0 in seconds. 0 = never expire

token.renew([expiry]) ⇒ promise

Kind: instance method of Token

Param Type Description
[expiry] number in seconds

token.set(name, value) ⇒ promise

set a data field value

Kind: instance method of Token

Param Type Description
name string field name
value * anything can be JSON.stringify'ed

token.verify() ⇒ promise.<boolean>

verify if token has expired

Kind: instance method of Token

token.get(name) ⇒ promise

get the value of a data field

Kind: instance method of Token

Param Type Description
name string data field name

token.destroy() ⇒ promise

delete the token

Kind: instance method of Token

token.delete(name) ⇒ promise

delete a data field in the token

Kind: instance method of Token

Param Type Description
name string data field name

token.getAll() ⇒ promise.<{}>

get the values of all data fields in the token

Kind: instance method of Token


set a new token string

Kind: instance method of Token

Param Type Description
token string new token string

TokenError : object

Error Codes

Kind: global constant

Name Type Description
INVALID_TOKEN string invalid token string
RESERVED_NAME string reserved names are used when setting token variables e.g. _timestamp
EXPIRED_TOKEN string token expired or renew() has not been called


a javascript / typescript module

npm install @coolgk/url

a simple function for parsing parameters in a url

Report bugs here:


import { getParams } from '@coolgk/url';
// OR
// const { getParams } = require('@coolgk/url');

const url = '/123';
const pattern = '/:id';

console.log(getParams(url, pattern)); // { id: '123' }

const url2 = '/123/abc/456';
const pattern2 = '/:id/abc/:value';

console.log(getParams(url2, pattern2)); // { id: '123', value: '456' }

const url3 = '/123/456';
const pattern3 = ':id/:value';

console.log(getParams(url3, pattern3)); // { id: '123', value: '456' }

getParams(url, pattern) ⇒ object

a simple function to get params in a url e.g. with url: user/123, pattern: user/:id returns {id: 123}

Kind: global function
Returns: object - - e.g. {userid: 123}

Param Type Description
url string url after the domain name e.g. url should be /user/:id
pattern string e.g. /:userid/:name