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Building Occlum Docker images

This folder contains scripts and Dockerfiles for users to build the Docker images for Occlum. An Occlum Docker image sets up the development environment for Occlum and also gets Occlum preinstalled.

Currently, three Linux OS distributions are supported: Ubuntu 20.04, aliyunlinux3 and anolis8.8.

How to Build

To build an Occlum Docker image, run the following command


where <OCCLUM_LABEL> is an arbitrary string chosen by the user to describe the version of Occlum preinstalled in the Docker image (e.g., "latest", "0.24.0", and "prerelease") and <OS_NAME> is the name of the OS distribution that the Docker image is based on. Currently, <OS_NAME> must be one of the following values: ubuntu20.04, aliyunlinux3 and anolis8.8. <OCCLUM_BRANCH> indicates which the docker image is built on, e.g "0.24.0". It is optional, if not provided, "master" branch will be used.

The resulting Docker image will have occlum/occlum:<OCCLUM_LABEL>-<OS_NAME> as its label.