diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14734f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +# Xcode +# +# gitignore contributors: remember to update Global/Xcode.gitignore, Objective-C.gitignore & Swift.gitignore + +## User settings +xcuserdata/ + +## compatibility with Xcode 8 and earlier (ignoring not required starting Xcode 9) +*.xcscmblueprint +*.xccheckout + +## compatibility with Xcode 3 and earlier (ignoring not required starting Xcode 4) +build/ +DerivedData/ +*.moved-aside +*.pbxuser +!default.pbxuser +*.mode1v3 +!default.mode1v3 +*.mode2v3 +!default.mode2v3 +*.perspectivev3 +!default.perspectivev3 + +## Obj-C/Swift specific +*.hmap + +## App packaging +*.ipa +*.dSYM.zip +*.dSYM + +## Playgrounds +timeline.xctimeline +playground.xcworkspace + +# Swift Package Manager +# +# Add this line if you want to avoid checking in source code from Swift Package Manager dependencies. +Packages/ +Package.pins +Package.resolved +*.xcodeproj +# +# Xcode automatically generates this directory with a .xcworkspacedata file and xcuserdata +# hence it is not needed unless you have added a package configuration file to your project +.swiftpm + +.build/ +.DS_Store + +# CocoaPods +# +# We recommend against adding the Pods directory to your .gitignore. However +# you should judge for yourself, the pros and cons are mentioned at: +# https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/using-cocoapods.html#should-i-check-the-pods-directory-into-source-control +# +# Pods/ +# +# Add this line if you want to avoid checking in source code from the Xcode workspace +# *.xcworkspace + +# Carthage +# +# Add this line if you want to avoid checking in source code from Carthage dependencies. +# Carthage/Checkouts + +Carthage/Build/ + +# Accio dependency management +Dependencies/ +.accio/ + +# fastlane +# +# It is recommended to not store the screenshots in the git repo. +# Instead, use fastlane to re-generate the screenshots whenever they are needed. +# For more information about the recommended setup visit: +# https://docs.fastlane.tools/best-practices/source-control/#source-control + +fastlane/report.xml +fastlane/Preview.html +fastlane/screenshots/**/*.png +fastlane/test_output + +# Code Injection +# +# After new code Injection tools there's a generated folder /iOSInjectionProject +# https://github.com/johnno1962/injectionforxcode + +iOSInjectionProject/ diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d460aab --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2020 Joel Perry + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. diff --git a/Package.swift b/Package.swift new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8e4b83 --- /dev/null +++ b/Package.swift @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +// swift-tools-version:5.2 +// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package. + +import PackageDescription + +let package = Package( + name: "ApolloCombine", + platforms: [ + .iOS(.v13) + ], + products: [ + .library(name: "ApolloCombine",targets: ["ApolloCombine"]), + ], + dependencies: [ + .package(name: "Apollo", + url: "https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-ios.git", from: "0.28.0") + ], + targets: [ + .target(name: "ApolloCombine", dependencies: [.product(name: "Apollo", package: "Apollo")]), + .testTarget(name: "ApolloCombineTests", dependencies: ["ApolloCombine"]) + ] +) diff --git a/README.md b/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c78c3d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +# ApolloCombine +![GitHub release (latest SemVer)](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/joel-perry/ApolloCombine) +[![Swift Package Manager Compatible](https://img.shields.io/badge/SPM-compatible-brightgreen.svg)](https://swift.org/package-manager/) +![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/license/joel-perry/ApolloCombine) + +A collection of Combine publishers for the [Apollo iOS client](https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-ios). + +## Usage +The extension to ApolloClient (in the aptly named `ApolloClientExtensions`) includes methods whose inputs mirror the existing ApolloClient operation methods. Instead of including a result handler, though, these methods return Combine publishers that deliver the results of the operation to subscribers. + +When `cancel()` is invoked on a subscription, the underlying Apollo operation is also cancelled. + +`fetchPublisher`, `performPublisher`, and `uploadPublisher` subscriptions will send `.finished` completions whey they are done. + +```swift +import ApolloCombine + +let client = ApolloClient(...) + +let fetchSubscription = client.fetchPublisher(query: MyQuery(), cachePolicy: .fetchIgnoringCacheData) + .sink(receiveCompletion: { completion in + // handle .finished or .failure + }, receiveValue: { graphQLResult in + // handle returned fetch data + }) + +// Cancelling the Combine subscription will also cancel the underlying Apollo operation +fetchSubscription.cancel() + +``` +## Installation +### Swift Package Manager +The [Swift Package Manager](https://swift.org/package-manager/) is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the `swift` compiler. Use Xcode’s Swift Packages option, which is located within the File menu. + +## License +ApolloCombine is released under the MIT license. [See LICENSE](LICENSE) for details. diff --git a/Sources/ApolloCombine/ApolloClientExtensions.swift b/Sources/ApolloCombine/ApolloClientExtensions.swift new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59f3896 --- /dev/null +++ b/Sources/ApolloCombine/ApolloClientExtensions.swift @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +import Apollo +import Combine +import Foundation + +public extension ApolloClient { + + /// Fetches a query from the server or from the local cache, depending on the current contents of the cache and the specified cache policy. + /// + /// - Parameters: + /// - query: The query to fetch. + /// - cachePolicy: A cache policy that specifies when results should be fetched from the server and when data should be loaded from the local cache. + /// - context: [optional] A context to use for the cache to work with results. Defaults to nil. + /// - queue: A dispatch queue on which the result handler will be called. Defaults to the main queue. + /// - Returns: A publisher that delivers results from the fetch operaion. + func fetchPublisher(query: Query, + cachePolicy: CachePolicy = .returnCacheDataElseFetch, + context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer? = nil, + queue: DispatchQueue = .main) -> Publishers.ApolloFetch { + let config = Publishers.ApolloFetchConfiguration(client: self, query: query, cachePolicy: cachePolicy, context: context, queue: queue) + return Publishers.ApolloFetch(with: config) + } + + /// Performs a mutation by sending it to the server. + /// + /// - Parameters: + /// - mutation: The mutation to perform. + /// - context: [optional] A context to use for the cache to work with results. Defaults to nil. + /// - queue: A dispatch queue on which the result handler will be called. Defaults to the main queue. + /// - Returns: A publisher that delivers results from the perform operaion. + func performPublisher(mutation: Mutation, + context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer? = nil, + queue: DispatchQueue = .main) -> Publishers.ApolloPerform { + let config = Publishers.ApolloPerformConfiguration(client: self, mutation: mutation, context: context, queue: queue) + return Publishers.ApolloPerform(with: config) + } + + /// Uploads the given files with the given operation. + /// + /// - Parameters: + /// - operation: The operation to send + /// - context: [optional] A context to use for the cache to work with results. Should default to nil. + /// - files: An array of `GraphQLFile` objects to send. + /// - queue: A dispatch queue on which the result handler will be called. Defaults to the main queue. + /// - Returns: A publisher that delivers results from the upload operaion. + func uploadPublisher(operation: Operation, + context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer? = nil, + files: [GraphQLFile], + queue: DispatchQueue = .main) -> Publishers.ApolloUpload { + let config = Publishers.ApolloUploadConfiguration(client: self, operation: operation, context: context, files: files, queue: queue) + return Publishers.ApolloUpload(with: config) + } + + /// Watches a query by first fetching an initial result from the server or from the local cache, depending on the current contents of the cache and the specified cache policy. After the initial fetch, the returned publisher will get notified whenever any of the data the query result depends on changes in the local cache, and delivers the new result. + /// + /// - Parameters: + /// - query: The query to watch. + /// - cachePolicy: A cache policy that specifies when results should be fetched from the server or from the local cache. + /// - queue: A dispatch queue on which the result handler will be called. Defaults to the main queue. + /// - Returns: A publisher that delivers results from the watch operaion. + func watchPublisher(query: Query, + cachePolicy: CachePolicy = .returnCacheDataElseFetch, + queue: DispatchQueue = .main) -> Publishers.ApolloWatch { + let config = Publishers.ApolloWatchConfiguration(client: self, query: query, cachePolicy: cachePolicy, queue: queue) + return Publishers.ApolloWatch(with: config) + } + + /// Subscribe to a subscription + /// + /// - Parameters: + /// - subscription: The subscription to subscribe to. + /// - queue: A dispatch queue on which the result handler will be called. Defaults to the main queue. + /// - Returns: A publisher that delivers results from the subscribe operaion. + func subscribePublisher(subscription: Subscription, + queue: DispatchQueue = .main) -> Publishers.ApolloSubscribe { + let config = Publishers.ApolloSubscribeConfiguration(client: self, subscription: subscription, queue: queue) + return Publishers.ApolloSubscribe(with: config) + } +} + diff --git a/Sources/ApolloCombine/PublishersExtensions.swift b/Sources/ApolloCombine/PublishersExtensions.swift new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97cfe74 --- /dev/null +++ b/Sources/ApolloCombine/PublishersExtensions.swift @@ -0,0 +1,305 @@ +import Apollo +import Combine +import Foundation + +// Each operation type has 3 elements: +// 1. A Publisher instance. +// 2. A Configuration struct that encapsulates the parameters for the operation and a reference to the client making the call. +// 3. A Subscription that wraps the underlying operation and returns results to subscribers. + +public extension Publishers { + + // MARK: Fetch + struct ApolloFetch: Publisher { + public typealias Output = GraphQLResult + public typealias Failure = Error + + private let configuration: ApolloFetchConfiguration + + public init(with configuration: ApolloFetchConfiguration) { + self.configuration = configuration + } + + public func receive(subscriber: S) where Failure == S.Failure, Output == S.Input { + let subscription = ApolloFetchSubscription(subscriber: subscriber, configuration: configuration) + subscriber.receive(subscription: subscription) + } + } + + struct ApolloFetchConfiguration { + let client: ApolloClient + let query: Query + let cachePolicy: CachePolicy + let context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer? + let queue: DispatchQueue + } + + private final class ApolloFetchSubscription: Subscription + where S.Failure == Error, S.Input == GraphQLResult { + private let configuration: ApolloFetchConfiguration + var subscriber: S? + private var task: Apollo.Cancellable? + + init(subscriber: S?, configuration: ApolloFetchConfiguration) { + self.subscriber = subscriber + self.configuration = configuration + } + + func request(_ demand: Subscribers.Demand) { + task = configuration.client.fetch(query: configuration.query, + cachePolicy: configuration.cachePolicy, + context: configuration.context, + queue: configuration.queue) + { [weak self] result in + switch result { + case .success(let data): + _ = self?.subscriber?.receive(data) + + if self?.configuration.cachePolicy == .returnCacheDataAndFetch && data.source == .cache { + return + } + self?.subscriber?.receive(completion: .finished) + + case .failure(let error): + self?.subscriber?.receive(completion: .failure(error)) + } + } + } + + func cancel() { + task?.cancel() + task = nil + subscriber = nil + } + } + + // MARK: - Perform + struct ApolloPerform: Publisher { + public typealias Output = GraphQLResult + public typealias Failure = Error + + private let configuration: ApolloPerformConfiguration + + public init(with configuration: ApolloPerformConfiguration) { + self.configuration = configuration + } + + public func receive(subscriber: S) where Failure == S.Failure, Output == S.Input { + let subscription = ApolloPerformSubscription(subscriber: subscriber, configuration: configuration) + subscriber.receive(subscription: subscription) + } + } + + struct ApolloPerformConfiguration { + let client: ApolloClient + let mutation: Mutation + let context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer? + let queue: DispatchQueue + } + + private final class ApolloPerformSubscription: Subscription + where S.Failure == Error, S.Input == GraphQLResult { + private let configuration: ApolloPerformConfiguration + private var subscriber: S? + private var task: Apollo.Cancellable? + + init(subscriber: S, configuration: ApolloPerformConfiguration) { + self.subscriber = subscriber + self.configuration = configuration + } + + func request(_ demand: Subscribers.Demand) { + task = configuration.client.perform(mutation: configuration.mutation, + context: configuration.context, + queue: configuration.queue) + { [weak self] result in + switch result { + case .success(let data): + _ = self?.subscriber?.receive(data) + self?.subscriber?.receive(completion: .finished) + + case .failure(let error): + self?.subscriber?.receive(completion: .failure(error)) + } + } + } + + func cancel() { + task?.cancel() + task = nil + subscriber = nil + } + } + + // MARK: - Upload + struct ApolloUpload: Publisher { + public typealias Output = GraphQLResult + public typealias Failure = Error + + private let configuration: ApolloUploadConfiguration + + public init(with configuration: ApolloUploadConfiguration) { + self.configuration = configuration + } + + public func receive(subscriber: S) where Failure == S.Failure, Output == S.Input { + let subscription = ApolloUploadSubscription(subscriber: subscriber, configuration: configuration) + subscriber.receive(subscription: subscription) + } + } + + struct ApolloUploadConfiguration { + let client: ApolloClient + let operation: Operation + let context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer? + let files: [GraphQLFile] + let queue: DispatchQueue + } + + private final class ApolloUploadSubscription: Subscription + where S.Failure == Error, S.Input == GraphQLResult { + private let configuration: ApolloUploadConfiguration + private var subscriber: S? + private var task: Apollo.Cancellable? + + init(subscriber: S, configuration: ApolloUploadConfiguration) { + self.subscriber = subscriber + self.configuration = configuration + } + + func request(_ demand: Subscribers.Demand) { + task = configuration.client.upload(operation: configuration.operation, + context: configuration.context, + files: configuration.files, + queue: configuration.queue) + { [weak self] result in + switch result { + case .success(let data): + _ = self?.subscriber?.receive(data) + self?.subscriber?.receive(completion: .finished) + + case .failure(let error): + self?.subscriber?.receive(completion: .failure(error)) + } + } + } + + func cancel() { + task?.cancel() + task = nil + subscriber = nil + } + } + + // MARK: - Watch + struct ApolloWatch: Publisher { + public typealias Output = GraphQLResult + public typealias Failure = Error + + private let configuration: ApolloWatchConfiguration + + public init(with configuration: ApolloWatchConfiguration) { + self.configuration = configuration + } + + public func receive(subscriber: S) where Failure == S.Failure, Output == S.Input { + let subscription = ApolloWatchSubscription(subscriber: subscriber, configuration: configuration) + subscriber.receive(subscription: subscription) + } + } + + struct ApolloWatchConfiguration { + let client: ApolloClient + let query: Query + let cachePolicy: CachePolicy + let queue: DispatchQueue + } + + private final class ApolloWatchSubscription: Subscription + where S.Failure == Error, S.Input == GraphQLResult { + private let configuration: ApolloWatchConfiguration + private var subscriber: S? + private var task: GraphQLQueryWatcher? + + init(subscriber: S, configuration: ApolloWatchConfiguration) { + self.subscriber = subscriber + self.configuration = configuration + } + + func request(_ demand: Subscribers.Demand) { + task = configuration.client.watch(query: configuration.query, + cachePolicy: configuration.cachePolicy, + queue: configuration.queue) + { [weak self] result in + switch result { + case .success(let data): + _ = self?.subscriber?.receive(data) + + case .failure(let error): + self?.subscriber?.receive(completion: .failure(error)) + } + } + } + + func cancel() { + task?.cancel() + task = nil + subscriber = nil + } + } + + // MARK: - Subscribe + struct ApolloSubscribe: Publisher { + public typealias Output = GraphQLResult + public typealias Failure = Error + + private let configuration: ApolloSubscribeConfiguration + + public init(with configuration: ApolloSubscribeConfiguration) { + self.configuration = configuration + } + + public func receive(subscriber: S) where Failure == S.Failure, Output == S.Input { + let subscription = ApolloSubscribeSubscription(subscriber: subscriber, configuration: configuration) + subscriber.receive(subscription: subscription) + } + } + + struct ApolloSubscribeConfiguration { + let client: ApolloClient + let subscription: Subscription + let queue: DispatchQueue + } + + private final class ApolloSubscribeSubscription: Subscription + where S.Failure == Error, S.Input == GraphQLResult { + private let configuration: ApolloSubscribeConfiguration + private var subscriber: S? + private var task: Apollo.Cancellable? + + init(subscriber: S, configuration: ApolloSubscribeConfiguration) { + self.subscriber = subscriber + self.configuration = configuration + } + + func request(_ demand: Subscribers.Demand) { + task = configuration.client.subscribe(subscription: configuration.subscription, + queue: configuration.queue) + { [weak self] result in + switch result { + case .success(let data): + _ = self?.subscriber?.receive(data) + + case .failure(let error): + self?.subscriber?.receive(completion: .failure(error)) + } + } + } + + func cancel() { + task?.cancel() + task = nil + subscriber = nil + } + } +} diff --git a/Tests/ApolloCombineTests/XCTestManifests.swift b/Tests/ApolloCombineTests/XCTestManifests.swift new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77d97f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tests/ApolloCombineTests/XCTestManifests.swift @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +import XCTest + +#if !canImport(ObjectiveC) +public func allTests() -> [XCTestCaseEntry] { + return [ + testCase(ApolloCombineTests.allTests), + ] +} +#endif diff --git a/Tests/LinuxMain.swift b/Tests/LinuxMain.swift new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4be89bd --- /dev/null +++ b/Tests/LinuxMain.swift @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +import XCTest + +import ApolloCombineTests + +var tests = [XCTestCaseEntry]() +tests += ApolloCombineTests.allTests() +XCTMain(tests)