Update a key
Updates the properties of a key and it’s associated objects. Requires Manage keys admin right.
lokalise2 key update [flags]
--char-limit int Maximum allowed number of characters in translations for this key.
--context string Optional context of the key (used with some file formats).
--custom-attributes string JSON containing custom attributes (if any).
--description string Description of the key.
--filenames string An object containing key filename attribute for each platform. (JSON, see https://lokalise.com/api2docs/curl/#transition-update-a-key-put).
-h, --help help for update
--is-archived Whether this key is archived.
--is-hidden Whether this key is hidden from non-admins (translators).
--is-plural Whether this key is plural.
--key-id int A unique identifier of the key (required).
--key-name object Key identifier. For projects with enabled Per-platform key names, pass object with included ios, android, web and other string attributes.
--merge-tags Enable to merge specified tags with the current tags attached to the key.
--platforms strings List of platforms, enabled for this key. Possible values are ios, android, web and other.
--plural-name string Optional custom plural name (used in some formats).
--tags strings List of tags for this keys.
--config string config file (default is ./config.yml)
--project-id string Unique project identifier (required).
-t, --token string API token. You can create API tokens at https://app.lokalise.com/profile.
- lokalise2 key - Manage keys