Create a task
Creates a task in the project. Requires Manage tasks admin right.
lokalise2 task create [flags]
--auto-close-languages Whether languages should be closed automatically upon completion of the last item (default true). Use --auto-close-languages=false to disable. (default true)
--auto-close-task Whether the task should be automatically closed upon all language completion (default true). Use --auto-close-task=false to disable. (default true)
--closing-tags strings Tags that will be added to affected keys when task is closed.
--custom-translation-status-ids ints IDs of custom translation statuses that will be applied to task items after item is completed.
--description string Short description of the task.
--do-lock-translations If set to 1, will lock translations for non-assigned project members.
--due-date Y-m-d H:i:s Due date in Y-m-d H:i:s format. Example: `2018-12-24 23:59:59`.
-h, --help help for create
--keys ints List of keys identifiers, included in task. Required if parent_task_id is not specified.
--languages users List of languages in the task. One of users or `groups` must be provided (JSON, required, see
--parent-task-id int If task_type is review, it can have a parent task. Current task will be opened when parent task is closed.
--task-type translation Specify if task type is translation (default) or `review`.
--title string Task title (required).
--config string config file (default is ./config.yml)
--project-id string Unique project identifier (required).
-t, --token string API token. You can create API tokens at
- lokalise2 task - Manage tasks