All notable changes to the flutter_splendid_ble
plugin will be documented in this file.
- Initial support for Bluetooth operations on Android:
- Bluetooth status checking.
- Emitting current Bluetooth status.
- Bluetooth device scanning.
- Bluetooth device connection handling.
- Bluetooth service and characteristic discovery and subscription.
- Reading from Bluetooth characteristics.
- Writing to Bluetooth characteristics.
- Terminating a connection to a BLE device.
- Android example application to demonstrate basic usage.
- Comprehensive documentation for Android functionality.
- Finalized support for Android.
- Added support for Bluetooth operations MacOS:
- Bluetooth status checking.
- Emitting current Bluetooth status.
- Bluetooth device scanning.
- Bluetooth device connection handling.
- Bluetooth service and characteristic discovery and subscription.
- Reading from Bluetooth characteristics.
- Writing to Bluetooth characteristics.
- Terminating a connection to a BLE device.
- Added MacOS support to the example application.
- Comprehensive documentation for MacOS functionality.
- Added automated test for all plugin methods.
- Added support for Bluetooth operations on iOS:
- Bluetooth status checking.
- Emitting current Bluetooth status.
- Bluetooth device scanning.
- Bluetooth device connection handling.
- Bluetooth service and characteristic discovery and subscription.
- Reading from Bluetooth characteristics.
- Writing to Bluetooth characteristics.
- Terminating a connection to a BLE device.
- Added iOS support to the example application.
- Comprehensive documentation for iOS functionality.
- Added extensive usage/tutorials content to README.
- Fixed linter issues
- Updated documentation, especially around handling of streams
- Cosmetic updates to README
- README updates
- Updated example app
- Wrote extensive tutorial article
- Updated dependencies
- Updated scan filtering by UUID
- Updated dependencies
- Updated documentation
- Updated formatting to meet Dart standards
- Clear scan results when restarting BLE scan
- Updated documentation for example app
- Updated Bluetooth permissions handling process
- Updated documentation
- Re-formatted project according to Dart standards
- Added ability to filter scans by service UUIDs on macOS
- Added content to the README about configuring and requesting permissions
- Updated Dartdoc references
- Updated documentation
- Updated documentation
- Updated lint rules for example
- Updated lint rules for plugin
- Updated documentation
- Updated characteristic interaction UI
- Added method to get connected Bluetooth devices (currently only for iOS and macOS)
- Created a new documentation site using Docusaurus:
- Updated handling of scan filters on Android