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PRs Welcome Maintenance Ask Me Anything ! Support Server

An easy to setup and easy to use Welcome System Bot for Discord.js with the package canvas

Installation | How to use the Bot

1. Install node.js v12+ or higher

2. Download this repo and unzip it | or git clone it

3. Install all of the packages with npm install | the packages are npm install discord.js canvacord enmap

3.1 Fill in everything in config.json

4. start the bot with node index.js

Usage - index.js

const Discord = require("discord.js");         //load the Discord.js Library
const client = new Discord.Client();           //make a new Client
const config = require("./config.json");       //load the config.json file
const Enmap = require("enmap")                 //load the enmap library
const canvacord = require("canvacord")         //load the canvacord library
client.points = new Enmap({ name: "points" }); //For ranking system
client.on("ready", ()=>console.log("READY"));  //log when the bot gets ready
const ranking = require("./ranking");          //load the ranking file
ranking(client);                               //call the ranking file with the client
client.login(config.TOKEN);                    //start the bot with the bot token

Usage - config.json

  • "TOKEN" ... is your Bot token
  • "PREFIX" ... is the PREFIX for the commands
  • "maximum_leaderboard" ... is the maximum amount of users listed on the leaderboard cmd
  • "embedcolor" ... is the color of your embeds
    "TOKEN": "NzQ4MDk22135412OTY5.X0Yc2g.masd2pFasdasd2Urh3X0S_2yuBo",
    "PREFIX": "?",

    "maximum_leaderboard": "50",
    "embedcolor": "#118fff"


If you are having errors/problems with starting delete the package.json file and do, before you install the packages npm init


You can always Support me by inviting one of my own Discord Bots

2021's best Music Bot | Lava Music Musicium Music Bot Milrato Multi Bot


If consider using this Bot, make sure to credit me!