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Fitcrack server README

This readme describes a non-trivial process of manual Fitcrack server instllation. We highly recommend to use the installer instead.

Install necessary packages

  • make (3.79+)
  • m4 (1.4+)
  • libtool (1.5+)
  • autoconf (2.58+)
  • automake (1.8+)
  • GCC (6.3.0+)
  • pkg-config (0.15+)
  • Python 2 (2.2+)
  • Python 3
  • pip for Python 3
  • MySQL (4.0.9+) or MariaDB (10.0+)
  • libnotify-dev
  • Apache with the following modules:
    • PHP (5+) with XML and MySQL modules
    • CGI
    • WSGI (for WebAdmin)
    • rewrite
  • PHP5 with cli support and the GD and MySQL modules
  • OpenSSL (0.98+)

Or use the distro-specific packages below...

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS commands

# Note: You might want to use newer version of php* packages
sudo apt install m4 make dh-autoreconf pkg-config git vim libapache2-mod-php5 libmysqlclient-dev php5-mysql php5-cli php5-gd python python-mysqldb libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev apache2-utils libboost1.62-all-dev
sudo apt install mysql-server-5.5
sudo apt install phpmyadmin (Configure database with dbconfig-common - YES)

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS / Debian 6 commands

apt-get install m4 make dh-autoreconf pkg-config git vim apache2 libapache2-mod-php mysql-server mysql-common libmysqlclient-dev zlibc zlib1g zlib1g-dev php php-xml php-mysql php-cli php-gd python python python3 python-mysqldb python3-pymysql python3-pip libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev apache2-utils libboost1.62-all-dev pkg-config libnotify-dev

mysql_secure_installation # Set MySQL root password

a2enmod cgi       # enable mod CGI
a2enmod rewrite   # enable mod rewrite
a2enmod wsgi      # enable mod wsgi
systemctl restart apache2

CentOS/RHEL 7 commands

yum install -y https://$(rpm -E '%{?centos:centos}%{!?centos:rhel}%{rhel}')
yum install -y epel-release centos-release-scl
yum install -y devtoolset-7 m4 libtool autoconf automake  git vim httpd php php-mysql mod_wsgi mariadb-server mariadb-devel zlib libcurl-devel openssl-libs python python36 python36u-mod_wsgi python36u-setuptools  MySQL-python python2-PyMySQL  boost* pkgconfig libnotify
alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.6 60
easy_install-3.6 pip
systemctl start httpd.service
systemctl enable httpd.service
systemctl start mariadb
mysql_secure_installation # Set MariaDB root password
systemctl enable mariadb.service

Create necessary users and groups

useadd -s /bin/bash -m boincadm
sudo addgroup boincadm
sudo usermod -a -G boincadm www-data

Get BOINC server resources

  • Copy the source directory ../boinc/ to /home/boincadm/boinc-src/
  • Or get the sources from GIT: cd ~ && git clone boinc-src

Copy fitcrack sporces to BOINC source directory


Apply Fitcrack patches to BOINC Makefiles

cd src/patches

Configure and build BOINC

cd ~/boinc-src
./configure --disable-client --disable-manager

Install libboinc

sudo make install

Make and configure the Fitcrack project

cd ~/boinc-src/tools

# Create the project:
# --url_base is the IP address of your server
# --test_app will be the name of the application,
# --db_user is the mysql username (root)
# --db_passwd is the mysql root password

./make_project --url_base http://*your_server_ip* --db_user root --db_passwd *root_password* --test_app fitcrack

Allow Apache access to Scheduler CGI scripts

sudo bash -c 'cat /home/boincadm/projects/*your_project_name*/*your_project_name*.httpd.conf >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf'

sudo vim /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
:%s/Allow from all/Allow from all\r        Require all granted/g
:%s/#ServerRoot "\/etc\/apache2"/#ServerRoot "\/etc\/apache2"\rServerName test.local/g

sudo /usr/sbin/apache2ctl restart

Secure the BOINC web (ops) administration:

htpasswd -cb ~/projects/*your_project_name*/html/ops/.htpasswd *your_username* *your_password*
vim /home/boincadm/projects/*your_project_name*/html/project/
cd /home/boincadm/projects/*your_project_name*/
sudo a2enmod cgi
sudo /usr/sbin/apache2ctl restart

Edit project config

vim /home/boincadm/projects/*your_project_name*/config.xml
:%s/    <\/config>/        <enable_assignment>1<\/enable_assignment>\r        <next_rpc_delay>10<\/next_rpc_delay>\r        <maintenance_delay>60<\/maintenance_delay>\r        <max_wus_in_progress>1<\/max_wus_in_progress>\r        <max_ncpus>1<\/max_ncpus>\r        <prefer_primary_platform>1<\/prefer_primary_platform>\r        <min_sendwork_interval>6<\/min_sendwork_interval>\r    <\/config>\r/g
:%s/sample_work_generator -d 3/work_generator -d 3 --app fitcrack/g
:%s/</daemons>/    <daemon>\r            <cmd>trickler --variety fitcrack</cmd>\r        </daemon>\r    </daemons>/g

Copy Fitcrack templates and project.xml

cd ~
cp templates/* /home/boincadm/projects/*your_project_name*/templates/
cp project.xml /home/boincadm/projects/*your_project_name*/

Delete default application versions:

rm -r ~/projects/*your_project_name*/apps/example_app/*

See the binary-creation info:

# Copy binaries of your host aplication to
# /home/boincadm/project/*your_project_name*/app/fitcrack/*version_number*/
# *version_number* directory has to contain subfolder named as targeted
# platform. All platforme detected by BOINC can
# be found at Each
# subfolder has to contain all of the files even
# those platform not-specific (archive etc.). Also there has to be version.xml
# with files specified for more info look
# at
# When you have files prepared like this you can call ./bin/update_versions
# script which then adds the new version to
# to the system and stages it for sending to clients.

Create the client-side binaries

mkdir /home/boincadm/projects/*your_project_name*/apps/fitcrack/1/
cp -r client_bin/* /home/boincadm/projects/*your_project_name*/apps/fitcrack/1/

Create Fitcrack-specific MySQL tables

# import the sql/*` scripts into MySQL *your_project_name* database

Note: If phpmyadmin does not work, use this command (works on Ubuntu 16.04):

sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/html

Start the server

cd ~/projects/*your_project_name*/


Done. Continue with Web-Admin installation guide to use the installed system through web browser.