This is the README for extension "youcompleteme-vscode". TODO. So much TODO
For now, much can be found out at
This extension is very much a work in (slow) progress
- Code completion
- Go to definition
- Linting with extended information support
- Hover provider (types)
- FixIts
- More completer commands
- Provide some VSCode commands that fire off Ycmd commands
You must have Python and Ycmd somewhere. I may publish actual instructions on how to build it sometime in the future. For now see for some instructions. Also useful is ./ --help
This extension contributes the following settings:
: Path to ycmd (The path should contain ycmd/default_settings.json)YouCompleteMe.pythonPath
: Full path of the python executableYouCompleteMe.filetypes
: filetypes for completionYouCompleteMe.triggerStrings.cpp
: Strings that trigger completion in C++ filesYouCompleteMe.triggerStrings.c
: Strings that trigger completion in C filesYouCompleteMe.reparseTimeout
: After this many milliseconds with no edits, the extension will reparse the current file and add diagnosticsYouCompleteMe.logLevel
: The verbosity of loggingYouCompleteMe.reparseWaitDelay
: The amount of time in milliseconds to wait to retry a request that was denied because the file was still parsingYouCompleteMe.fallbackToSemantic
: When set to true, if a non-semantic completions request returns nothing, YCM will try to get semantic completions
YCM: Shutdown server
: Shutdown YCM server. It will be started again with reloaded settings when a request is sent to it.
See Github issues
This is the first thing I am publishing, so please, excuse the mess.