challenge Atcoder Beginer Contests
- install oj, acc, goenv, atcoder's go version, etc.
pip3 install online-judge-tools
npm install -g atcoder-cli
brew update
brew install goenv
# actual atcoder's go version is 1.20.6, but using 1.20.14 to use statick check
goenv install 1.20.14
# install compatible version of gopls(language server) and dlv(debug tool).
go install[email protected]
go install[email protected]
- setup atcoder-cli
# to download all tasks for acc new
acc config default-task-choice all
# language setting
cd `acc config-dir`
mkdir go && cd go
vi template.json # then copy and paste ./template.json
vi main.go # then copy and paste ./template.go
- add go/goenv setting and alias to
# go, goenv
eval "$(goenv init -)"
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
# AtCoder
alias acct='oj t -c "go run main.go"'
alias accs='acct && acc s -s -- -y'
alias accss='acc s -s -- -y'
- how to challenge a contest
cd ABC
acc new {contest_id} # init dir for the contest
cd a # move problem dir
acct # test by samples
accs # test by samples && submit
accss # just submit
- update Go template file (sync file registered atocoder-cli with
make update-tpl