MVSNet is utilized as the backbone in default.
The pretrained weight is provided for a fast evaluation.
The training code will come in a few days.
The training code has been uploaded.
- It is suggested to use pytorch 1.2.0-1.4.0. The newest ones like pytorch 1.9.0 may fail to reproduce the same results. Please check the environment before running the evaluation code.
- pytorch 1.3.0
- torchvision 0.4.2
- cuda 10.1
The conda environments are packed in requirements.txt
- To fuse the per-view depth maps to a 3D point cloud, we use fusibile for depth fusion.
- Build the binary executable file from fusibile first:
- Enter the directory of
: - Check the gpu architecture in your server and modify the corresponding settings in
:- If 1080 Ti GPU with a computation capability of 6.0 is used, please add:
set(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS ${CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS};-O3 --use_fast_math --ptxas-options=-v -std=c++11 --compiler-options -Wall -gencode arch=compute_60,code=sm_60 -gencode arch=compute_60,code=sm_60)
. - If 2080 Ti GPU with a computation capability of 7.5 is used, please add:
set(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS ${CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS};-O3 --use_fast_math --ptxas-options=-v -std=c++11 --compiler-options -Wall -gencode arch=compute_75,code=sm_75 -gencode arch=compute_75,code=sm_75)
. - For other GPUs, please check the computation capability of your GPU in:
- If 1080 Ti GPU with a computation capability of 6.0 is used, please add:
- Create the directory by running
mkdir build
. - Enter the created directory,
cd build
. - Configure the CMake setting,
cmake ...
. - Build the project,
. - Then you can find the binary executable file named as
in thebuild
- Enter the directory of
- The hyper-parameters for controling the
during depth fusion are discussed in the following part.
- Downlad the preprocessed DTU testing data [ Google Cloud or Baidu Cloud (The password is
) ]- In the Baidu Cloud link, you can find the target file in the directory:
- In the Baidu Cloud link, you can find the target file in the directory:
- Edit the testing settings in
: the path of the testing dataset.
- Run the code by
bash scripts/ 0
.- It id noted that the
here is the id of your gpu.
- It id noted that the
- Run
bash scripts/
. - Hyper-parameters to control the
during depth fusion step can be modified
:--num_consistent / --prob_threshold --disp_threshold
- Download the Sample and from DTU's official website. Decompress the zip files and arange the ground truth point clouds following the official instructions of DTU.
- Edit the path settings in
.- The
should be changed according to the path of your data. For example,dataPath='/home/xhb/dtu_eval/SampleSet/MVS Data/'
- The
- Enter the
directory and run the matlab evaluation code,bash
. The results will be presented in a few hours. The time consumption is up to the available threads enabled in the Matlab environment.
As the paper suggests, our U-MVS is separated into two stages: self-supervised pretraining stage and pseudo-label post-training stage. The sequential procedure is as follows:
- Train the model unsupervisedly in self-supervised pretraining stage,
bash scripts/ selfsup_pretrain
. - Generate pseudo labels and uncertainty maps (aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty) with the pretrained model,
bash scripts/
. - Train the model with the generated labels in pseudo-label post-training stage,
bash scripts/ pselbl_postrain
- Download the preprocessed DTU training dataset [ Google Cloud or Baidu Cloud (The password is mo8w) ].
- Set the variable
to the exact path of the downloaded dataset in:scripts/
- Prepare the optical flow with the multi-view images in DTU dataset. You can either refer to the provided script:
or directly download our preprocessed optical flows (about 121G). - After downloading the files, enter the folder:
cd arflow
, and decompress the file with:tar -zxvf flow.tar.gz
. Then the generated folderflow
contains the multi-view optical flows. - Return to the root directory of this project
cd ..
and train the model using:bash scripts/ selfsup_pretrain
. - Hyperparameters can be modifed in
- When the aforementioned self-supervised pretraining is finished, we can generate the pseudo labels and epistemic/aleatoric uncertainty maps with the saved model. For a fast evaluation, we also provide a pretrained checkpoint in
. - Modify the
according to the exact path of the pretrained model in your machine. - Generate the pseudo label:
bash scripts/
. - The generated pseudo labels and uncertainty maps will be saved in the directory named
. - For a fast evaluation, you can also download our preprocessed data directly: uncertainty.tar.gz. Decompress it with
tar -zxvf uncertainty.tar.gz
and the pseudo labels are saved inuncertainty
- In the stage of pseudo-label post-training, the generated epistemic uncertainty is used to filter the unreliable regions in the generated pseudo label.
- Run
bash scripts/ pselbl_postrain
. - Hyperparameters can be modifed in
- For evaluation, you can run
bash scripts/
. The setting of this script is the same as the aforementioned settings when evaluating the pretrained model. - You can modify the
with the absolute path of target model, for example:CKPT_FILE="./checkpoints/selfsup_pretrain-2021-12-25/model_00065000.ckpt"