Bootstrap Debian or Ubuntu into WSL (Windows Sybsystem for Linux).
- You must have administrative rights to your computer.
- Microsoft Windows Subsystem for Linux Installation Guide for Windows 10 is your starting point.
- Start the Debian or Ubuntu machine and follow the on screen prompts.
git clone
cd bootstrap-ubuntu
cat config
Flags are set to 1 or 0, true or false, respectively.
flag | purpose |
bashrcFlag | RBENV information is written to .bashrca when true. |
cloneRoot | Root to clone emend and emend-computer into. |
echoConfigFlag | Echo config to sysout. |
emendFlag | Install and build gem emend when true. |
gitconfigFlag | Set your git email, user and credential helpers. |
gitEmail | Your git email address ... Not mine :) |
gitName | Your git name ... Not mine :) |
graphVizFlag | Install Graphviz application. |
javaJreFlag | Install Java open jdk. |
miktexGpgKey | Debian or Ubuntu key needed to access MiKTeX download. |
miktexSource | Source options needed to download MiKTeX. |
muttFlag | Install neomutt and mutt-wizard. |
osUpdateFlag | Update operating system. |
profileFlag | Create default .profile to source .bashrc |
rbenvFlag | RBENV is installed when true. |
rubyVersion | Ruby version to install with RBENV. |
rustFlag | Install rust. |
rustProgramsFlag | Install rust application programs. |
texliveFlag | Install TexLive full. |
tldrFlag | Why not? |
ubuntuFlag | Special handling for Ubutun & Ruby when true. |
wslFlag | Caution this will force replace /etc/wsl.config. |
xWindowsFlag | Install X windows components when true. |
All coponents that can be installed without needing to restart a shell.