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-# Treblle for Laravel
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-[![MIT Licence](https://img.shields.io/packagist/l/treblle/treblle-laravel)](LICENSE.md)
-Treblle makes it super easy to understand what’s going on with your APIs and the apps that use them. Just by adding
-Treblle to your API out of the box you get:
-* Real-time API monitoring and logging
-* Auto-generated API docs with OAS support
-* API analytics
-* Quality scoring
-* One-click testing
-* API management on the go
-* Supports Laravel Vapor and Laravel Octane
-* and more...
-## Requirements
-* PHP 8.1+
-* Laravel 9+
-## Installation
-Install Treblle for Laravel via [Composer](http://getcomposer.org/) by running the following command in your terminal:
-composer require treblle/treblle-laravel