A Java toolkit for creating cross-platform programs using just XML (.rsm), CSS and JavaScript.
- Initial Loader - 99%
- CSS Parser - 90%
- JavaScript Parsing System - 100%
- XML Widget JavaScript Callbacks - 100% (Basic set, more will be added later)
- JavaScript-Java Standard Library - 70%
- Linking and relative file support - 100%
- Swing GUI XML Loader - 100%
- Swing layout support - 20% - TODO
- File format specification - TODO
<rsm theme="camo">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"/>
<style type="text/css">
#body {
margin-left: 20px;
margin-right: 10px;
margin-bottom: 2800px;
#clickableButton {
margin-left: 20;
margin-right: 20;
position-x: 0;
position-y: rel;
anchor: west;
padding-y: 40;
padding-x: 20;
#onButton {
margin: 0 25 -30 0;
anchor: west;
fill: none;
foreground-color: #222222;
.standardPosition {
margin: 0 20 0 20;
background-color: #FaFaFa;
foreground-color: #335599;
fill: NONE;
anchor: west;
#rightSide {
position-x: rel;
occupied-cells-x: 1;
occupied-cells-y: 5;
position-y: 0;
margin: 20 10 20 20;
width: 400;
height: 200;
label {
fill: none;
weight-y: 0.0;
margin-left: 20;
margin-right: 20;
background-color: #999999;
border: 2 #DDDDDD;
spinner {
margin-left: 20;
margin-right: 20;
button {
margin-left: 20;
<script type="text/javascript">
//Button Clicking System
function runBtnEvt(text, sourceID) {
var label_list = program.getElementsByClass("changesOnHover");
for (index = 0; index < label_list.length; ++index) {
if (sourceID == 0) {
label_list[index].setText(text+" from Label");
} else {
label_list[index].widget.setText(text+" from Button");
function changeBackground(widget, state) {
var widgetID = program.getElementById(widget).widget;
var color;
if (state == 'click') {
var color = Color.decode("#666666");
window.setTimeout('changeBackground("onButton", "over")', 300);
} else if (state == 'over') {
var color = Color.decode("#EEEEEE");
} else if (state == 'out') {
var color = Color.decode("#999999");
<window id="__INIT__">
<title>RapidS: Test init file</title>
<body layout="gridBag" theme="camo">
<label class="changesOnHover" onmouseup="runBtnEvt('Click', 0)"
onmouseover="runBtnEvt('Mouse Over', 0)"
onmouseout="runBtnEvt('Mouse Out', 0)">label changes on mouseover, mouseout, and click.</label>
<label id="onButton" onclick="changeBackground('onButton', 'click')"
onmouseover="changeBackground('onButton', 'over')"
onmouseout="changeBackground('onButton', 'out')">Clickable label on Button</label>
<button id="clickableButton" class="changesOnHover" onclick="runBtnEvt('Click', 1)"
onmouseover="runBtnEvt('Mouse Over', 1)"
onmouseout="runBtnEvt('Mouse Out', 1)">Changes the status of the label.</button>
<spinner id="spinner" value="10" max="20" min="-1"
onselection="runBtnEvt('Spinner: '+program.getElementById('spinner').widget.getValue(), 1)" />
<textfield class="standardPosition">Enter a single line of text here!</textfield>
<textarea id="rightSide">Enter multiple lines of text here!</textarea>