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Mantav2 Migration

(Up to the Manta Operator Guide front page.)

This section describes how an operator can migrate a Mantav1 deployment to the new Mantav2 major version. See this document for a description of mantav2.



The procedure to migrate a mantav1 to mantav2 will roughly be the following. Specific steps will be provided later in this document.

  1. Convert the manta deployment zone from mantav1 to mantav2. This is the point at which the operator is warned that this migration is not reversible and that mantav2 is backward incompatible.

     sdcadm self-update --latest
     sdcadm post-setup manta
  2. Snaplink cleanup. Snaplinks must be cleaned from the system, otherwise the new GC and rebalancer systems cannot guarantee data integrity.

  3. Deploy the new garbage collector (GCv2) system.

  4. Recommended service updates. This is where obsolete mantav1 service instances (marlin, jobpuller, jobsupervisor, marlin-dashboard, and medusa) can be undeployed. As well, any or all remaining Manta services can be updated to their latest "mantav2-*" images.

  5. Optional service updates. The new rebalancer service and the services that make up the new Buckets API can be deployed.

  6. Additional clean up. Some orphaned data (related to the removed jobs feature and to the earlier GC system) can be removed.

Other than the usual possible brief downtimes for service upgrades, this migration procedure does not make Manta unavailable at any point.

The following instructions use bold to indicate the explicit steps that must be run.

Step 1: Manta deployment zone

The first step is to update the Manta deployment tooling (i.e. the manta deployment zone) to a mantav2 image. Run the following on the headnode global zone of every datacenter in the Manta region:

sdcadm self-update --latest
sdcadm post-setup manta

or if using specific image UUIDs:


sdcadm self-update $sdcadm_image
sdcadm post-setup manta -i $manta_deployment_image

The sdcadm post-setup manta command will warn that the migration process is not reversible and require an interactive confirmation to proceed. The new manta deployment image provides a mantav2-migrate tool that will assist with some of the subsequent steps.

Step 2: Disable old GC

Disabling old jobs-based GC

The jobs-based GC (and other jobs-based tasks such as "audit" and metering) in the Manta "ops" zone (aka "mola") are obsolete and can/should be disabled if they aren't already. Disable all "ops" service jobs via the following:

sapiadm update $(sdc-sapi /services?name=ops | json -Ha uuid) metadata.DISABLE_ALL_JOBS=true

Deleting obsolete "tombstone" directories

The old GC system used a delayed-delete mechanism where deleted files were put in a daily "/manta/tombstone/YYYY-MM-DD" directory on each storage node. Optionally check the disk usage of and remove the obsolete tombstone directories by running the following in every datacenter in this region:

manta-oneach -s storage 'du -sh /manta/tombstone'

# Optionally:
manta-oneach -s storage 'rm -rf /manta/tombstone'

For example, the following shows that very little space (~2kB per storage node) is being used by tombstone directories in this datacenter:

[root@headnode (mydc-1) ~]# manta-oneach -s storage 'du -sh /manta/tombstone'
storage          ae0096a5 2.0K  /manta/tombstone
storage          38b50a82 2.0K  /manta/tombstone
storage          cd798768 2.0K  /manta/tombstone
storage          ab7c6ef3 2.0K  /manta/tombstone
storage          12042540 2.0K  /manta/tombstone
storage          85d4b8c4 2.0K  /manta/tombstone

Accelerated GC

Some Mantas may have deployed a garbage collection system called "Accelerated GC": overview, deployment notes, operating/configuration notes, troubleshooting notes.

Work through the following steps to determine if you have Accelerated GC and, if so, to flush and disable it:

  1. Your Manta has Accelerated GC if you have deployed "garbage-collector" instances:

    [root@headnode (mydc-1a) ~]# manta-adm show -a garbage-collector
    garbage-collector  1 mydc-1a 65ad3602-959e-428d-bdee-f7915702c748
    garbage-collector  1 mydc-1a 03dae05c-2fbf-47cc-9d39-b57a362c1534
    garbage-collector  1 mydc-1a 655fe38c-4ec6-425e-bf0b-28166964308e
  2. Disable all garbage-collector SMF services to allow inflight instructions to drain:

    manta-oneach -s garbage-collector 'svcadm disable garbage-collector'

    Wait 5 minutes and check that all instructions have drained:

    manta-oneach -s garbage-collector 'du --inodes /var/spool/manta_gc/mako/* | sort -n | tail -3'

    The file counts should all be 1 (the subdirectory itself).

  3. [For Manta deployment using "feeder" service only] After 5 minutes, check that the feeder zone also has no inflight instructions:

    du --inodes /var/spool/manta_gc/mako/* | sort -n | tail -3

    The file counts should all be 1 (the subdirectory itself).

  4. Before upgrading a storage zone to the v2 image, check that its instruction directory is empty:

    • For Manta deployment using feeder service

      du --inodes /var/spool/manta_gc/instructions

      The file count should be exactly 1 (the directory itself).

    • For Manta deployment without feeder service

      manta-login ops
      mls /poseidon/stor/manta_gc/mako |  while read stor; do minfo /poseidon/stor/manta_gc/mako/$stor | grep result-set-size; done

      The result-set-size should be 0 for all storage IDs, e.g.:

      [root@7df71573 (ops) ~]$ mls /poseidon/stor/manta_gc/mako |  while read stor; do minfo /poseidon/stor/manta_gc/mako/$stor | grep result; done
      result-set-size: 0
      result-set-size: 0
      result-set-size: 0

      If there are non-zero GC instructions in those results, then run the accelerated GC script manually to hasten up garbage collection:

      manta-oneach -s storage 'nohup bash /opt/smartdc/mako/bin/ >>/var/log/mako-gc.log 2>&1 &'

      Repeat the check above until you get result-set-size: 0 for all.

Mantav1 supported a feature called "snaplinks" where a new object could be quickly created from an existing one by linking to it. These snaplinks must be "delinked" -- i.e. changed from being metadata-tier references to a shared storage-tier object, to being fully separate objects -- before the new garbage-collector and rebalancer services in mantav2 can function. This section walks through the process of removing snaplinks.

Snaplink cleanup involves a few stages, some of which are manual. The mantav2-migrate snaplink-cleanup command is used to coordinate the process. (It stores cross-DC progress in the SNAPLINK_CLEANUP_PROGRESS SAPI metadatum.) You will re-run that command multiple times, in each of the DCs that are part of the Manta region, and follow its instructions.

Step 3.1: Update webapis to V2

Update every "webapi" service instance to a mantav2-webapi image. Any image published after 2019-12-09 will do.

  • First set the "WEBAPI_USE_PICKER" metadatum on the "webapi" service to have the new webapi instances not yet use the new "storinfo" service. (See MANTA-5004 for details.)

    webapi_svc=$(sdc-sapi "/services?name=webapi&include_master=true" | json -H 0.uuid)
    echo '{"metadata": {"WEBAPI_USE_PICKER": true}}' | sapiadm update "$webapi_svc"
  • Find and import the latest webapi image:

    # Find and import the latest webapi image.
    updates-imgadm -C $(sdcadm channel get) list name=mantav2-webapi
    latest_webapi_image=$(updates-imgadm -C $(sdcadm channel get) list name=mantav2-webapi -H -o uuid --latest)
    sdc-imgadm import -S $latest_webapi_image
  • Update webapis to that new image:

    manta-adm show -js >/var/tmp/config.json
    vi /var/tmp/config.json  # update webapi instances
    manta-adm update /var/tmp/config.json
  • Then run mantav2-migrate snaplink-cleanup from the headnode global zone of every DC in this Manta region.

Until webapis are updated, the command will error out something like this:

[root@headnode (mydc) ~]# mantav2-migrate snaplink-cleanup
Determining if webapi instances in this DC are at V2.

Phase 1: Update webapis to V2

Snaplinks cannot be fully cleaned until all webapi instances are
are updated to a V2 image that no longer allows new snaplinks
to be created.

- You must upgrade all webapi instances in this DC (mydc) to a recent enough
  V2 image (after 2019-12-09), and then re-run "mantav2-migrate
  snaplink-cleanup" to update snaplink-cleanup progress.

mantav2-migrate snaplink-cleanup: error: webapi upgrades are required before snaplink-cleanup can proceed

Step 3.2: Select the driver DC

Select the driver DC. Results from subsequent phases need to be collected in one place. Therefore, if this Manta region has multiple DCs, then you will be asked to choose one of them on which to coordinate. This is called the "driver DC". Any of the DCs in the Manta region will suffice.

If there is only a single DC in the Manta region, then it will automatically be set as the "driver DC".

Discover every snaplink. This involves working through each Manta index shard to find all the snaplinked objects. This is done by manually running a "" script against the postgres async VM for each shard, and then copying back that script's output file. Until those "sherlock" files are obtained, the command will error out something like this:

[root@headnode (mydc) ~]# mantav2-migrate snaplink-cleanup
Phase 1: All webapi instances are running V2.
Driver DC: mydc (this one)

# Phase 3: Discovery

In this phase, you must run the "" tool against
the async postgres for each Manta index shard. That will generate a
"{shard}_sherlock.tsv.gz" file that must be copied back
to "/var/db/snaplink-cleanup/discovery/" on this headnode.

Repeat the following steps for each missing shard:

Missing "*_sherlock.tsv.gz" for the following shards (1 of 1):

mantav2-migrate snaplink-cleanup: error: sherlock files must be generated and copied to "/var/db/snaplink-cleanup/discovery/" before snaplink cleanup can proceed

You must do the following for each listed shard:

  • Find the postgres VM UUID (postgres_vm) that is currently the async for that shard, and the datacenter in which it resides. (If this is a development Manta with no async, then the sync or primary can be used.) The output from the following commands can help find those instances:

    manta-oneach -s postgres 'manatee-adm show'   # find the async
    manta-adm show -a postgres                    # find which DC it is in
  • Copy the "" script to that server's global zone.

    ssh $datacenter   # the datacenter holding the postgres async VM
    postgres_vm="<the UUID of postgres async VM>"
    server_uuid=$(sdc-vmadm get $postgres_vm | json server_uuid)
    manta0_vm=$(vmadm lookup -1 tags.smartdc_role=manta)
    sdc-oneachnode -n "$server_uuid" -X -d /var/tmp \
        -g "/zones/$manta0_vm/root/opt/smartdc/manta-deployment/tools/"
  • SSH to that server's global zone, and run that script with the postgres VM UUID as an argument. Run this in screen, via nohup, or equivalent because this can take a long time to run.

    manta-login -G $postgres_vm    # or 'ssh root@$server_ip'
    cd /var/tmp
    bash ./ "$postgres_vm"

    See this gist for an example run of

  • Copy the created "/var/tmp/{{shard}}_sherlock.tsv.gz" file back to "/var/db/snaplink-cleanup/discovery/" on the driver DC. If this Manta region has multiple DCs, this may be a different DC.

Then re-run mantav2-migrate snaplink-cleanup on the driver DC to process the sherlock files. At any point you may re-run this command to list the remaining shards to work through.

Opinionated steps for running snaplink-sherlock on all manatee asyncs

The following commands should automate the tedium of step 3.3 on a larger Manta region. They assume every postgres index shard has one async. Run the following steps on each DC in the region.

  1. Print "error: ..." messages if the state of this Manta's postgres shards looks like the given commands here won't work. E.g. if a postgres shard has no async, if shard "1" is an index shard.

    function warn_missing_index_shard_asyncs {
        local postgres_insts=$(manta-adm show postgres -Ho shard,zonename | sed 's/^ *//g' | sort)
        local index_shards=$(sdc-sapi '/applications?name=manta&include_master=true' | json -H 0.metadata.INDEX_MORAY_SHARDS | json -e ' =".")[0]' -a sh)
        for shard in $index_shards; do
            if [[ "$shard" == "1" ]]; then
                echo "error: shard '1' is in 'INDEX_MORAY_SHARDS' (the commands below assume shard 1 is NOT an index shard)"
            local an_inst=$(echo "$postgres_insts" | grep "^$shard " | head -1 | awk '{print $2}')
            if [[ -z "$an_inst" ]]; then
                echo "error: no postgres instance found for shard $shard in this DC"
            local async_inst=$(manta-oneach -J -z "$an_inst" 'curl -s http://localhost:5433/state | json zkstate.async.-1.zoneId' | json result.stdout)
            if [[ -z "$async_inst" ]]; then
                echo "error: postgres shard $shard does not have an async member (the commands below assume there is one)"
            echo "postgres shard $shard async: $async_inst"

    If there is no async for a given postgres shard, the can be run against a sync. The only reason for using an async is to avoid adding some CPU load on the primary or sync databases during the script run.

  2. Identify the postgres asyncs in this DC (excluding shard 1, which is assumed to not be an index shard) on which the script will be run:

    declare inst_array=(); readarray -t inst_array <<<"$(manta-oneach -s postgres 'if [[ "$(curl -s http://localhost:5433/state | json role)" == "async" && $(json -f /opt/smartdc/manatee/etc/sitter.json shardPath | cut -d/ -f3 | cut -d. -f1) != "1" ]]; then echo "target $(hostname)"; fi' | grep target | awk '{print $4}')"
    inst_csv=$(echo ${inst_array[@]} | tr ' ' ',')
    # sanity check
    echo "The postgres asyncs in this DC are: '$inst_csv'"
  3. Copy the script to the server global zone hosting each postgres async.

    manta0_vm=$(vmadm lookup -1 tags.smartdc_role=manta)
    manta-oneach -G -z $inst_csv -X -d /var/tmp \
        -g "/zones/$manta0_vm/root/opt/smartdc/manta-deployment/tools/"
  4. Start the long-running script for each async:

    for inst in "${inst_array[@]}"; do manta-oneach -z "$inst" -G "cd /var/tmp; nohup bash $inst >/var/tmp/snaplink-sherlock.$(date -u +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S).output.log 2>&1 &"; done

    Each execution will create a "/var/tmp/${shard}_sherlock.tsv.gz" file on completion.

  5. Poll for completion of the sherlock scripts via:

    manta-oneach -z "$inst_csv" -G "grep SnapLinks: /var/tmp/snaplink-sherlock.*.output.log"
    manta-oneach -z "$inst_csv" -G "ls -l /var/tmp/*_sherlock.tsv.gz"

    For example:

    [root@headnode (coal) /var/tmp]#     manta-oneach -z "$inst_csv" -G "grep SnapLinks: /var/tmp/snaplink-sherlock.*.output.log"
    HOSTNAME              OUTPUT
    headnode              Lines: 1226, SnapLinks: 42, Objects: 234
    [root@headnode (coal) /var/tmp]#     manta-oneach -z "$inst_csv" -G "ls -l /var/tmp/*_sherlock.tsv.gz"
    HOSTNAME              OUTPUT
    headnode              -rw-r--r--   1 root     staff       1008 Apr 14 18:26 /var/tmp/1.moray.coalregion.joyent.us_sherlock.tsv.gz
  6. Copy the *_sherlock.tsv.gz files back to the headnode:

    function copy_sherlock_files_to_headnode {
        local basedir=/var/tmp/sherlock-files
        mkdir -p $basedir/tmp
        for inst in "${inst_array[@]}"; do
            sherlock_files=$(manta-oneach -G -z "$inst" -J 'ls /var/tmp/*_sherlock.tsv.gz' | json -ga result.stdout | grep sherlock)
            for f in $sherlock_files; do
                echo "Copy '$f' (postgres async $inst) to $basedir"
                manta-oneach -G -z "$inst" -X -d $basedir/tmp -p "$f"
                # Move from "tmp/$server_uuid" path used by 'manta-oneach -p'.
                mv $basedir/tmp/* $basedir/$(basename $f)
        rm -rf $basedir/tmp
        echo ""
        echo "$basedir:"
        ls -l1 $basedir
  7. Copy these files to "/var/db/snaplink-cleanup/discovery/" on the driver DC (i.e. this might be in a different DC).

    ssh DRIVER_DC
    rsync -av OTHER_DC:/var/tmp/sherlock-files/ /var/db/snaplink-cleanup/discovery/

Step 3.4: Run "stordelink" scripts

After the previous stage, the mantav2-migrate snaplink-cleanup command will generate a number of "delinking" scripts that must be manually run on the appropriate manta service instances. Example output:

[root@headnode (nightly-1) ~]# mantav2-migrate snaplink-cleanup
Phase 1: All webapi instances are running V2.
Phase 2: Driver DC is "nightly-1" (this one)
Phase 3: Have snaplink listings for all (1) Manta index shards.
Created delink scripts in /var/db/snaplink-cleanup/delink/
  stordelink scripts:
  moraydelink scripts:

# Phase 4: Running delink scripts

"Delink" scripts have been generated from the snaplink listings
from the previous phase. In this phase, you must:

1. Copy each of the following "*" scripts to the
   appropriate storage node and run it there:

        # {storage_id}
        ls /var/db/snaplink-cleanup/delink/*

   Use the following to help locate each storage node:

        manta-adm show -a -o service,storage_id,datacenter,zonename,gz_host,gz_admin_ip storage

2. Then, copy each of the following "*" scripts
   to a moray zone for the appropriate shard and run it there:

        # {shard}
        ls /var/db/snaplink-cleanup/delink/*

   Use the following to help locate a moray for each shard:

        manta-adm show -o service,shard,zonename,gz_host,gz_admin_ip moray

When you are sure you have run all these scripts, then answer
the following to proceed. *WARNING* Be sure you have run all
these scripts successfully. If not, any lingering object that
has multiple links will have the underlying files removed
when the first link is deleted, which is data loss for the
remaining links.

Enter "delinked" when all delink scripts have been successfully run:
Aborting. Re-run this command when all delink scripts have been run.
mantav2-migrate snaplink-cleanup: error: delink scripts must be run before snaplink cleanup can proceed

There are two sets of delink scripts: (a) "stordelink" scripts to be run on most/all storage instances; and (b) "moraydelink" scripts to be run on a "moray" instance in each index shard. The "stordelink" scripts must be handled first.

You must run each "/var/db/snaplink-cleanup/delink/*" script on the appropriate Manta storage node, i.e. in the mako zone for that the storage_id in the script filename. There will be zero or one "stordelink" scripts for each storage node. Each script is idempotent, so can be run again if necessary. Each script will also error out if an attempt is made to run on the wrong storage node:

[root@94b3a1ce (storage) /var/tmp]$ bash
Writing xtrace output to: /var/tmp/stordelink.20200320T213234.xtrace.log fatal error: this stordelink script must run on '': this is ''

A successful run looks like this:

[root@94b3a1ce (storage) /var/tmp]$ bash
Writing xtrace output to: /var/tmp/stordelink.20200320T213250.xtrace.log
Completed stordelink successfully.

Please report any errors in running these scripts.

Steps to run all stordelink scripts

You can use the following steps to mostly automate running all the stordelink scripts. Run these on every DC in the Manta region:

  1. Copy the delink scripts to a working "/var/tmp/delink/" dir on each DC. On the driver DC that is:

    rsync -av /var/db/snaplink-cleanup/delink/ /var/tmp/delink/

    On non-driver DCs, run something like this from the driver DC (depending on SSH access between the DCs):

    rsync -av /var/db/snaplink-cleanup/delink/ myregion-2:/var/tmp/delink/
  2. Copy the stordelink scripts to the appropriate storage nodes in this DC:

    manta-adm show storage -Ho zonename,storage_id | while read zonename storage_id; do
        if [[ ! -f "$delink_script" ]]; then
            echo "$storage_id: no stordelink script, skipping"
        echo ""
        manta-oneach -z $zonename -X -d /var/tmp -g $delink_script
        echo "$storage_id: copied script to '/var/tmp/${storage_id}' on zone '$zonename'"
  3. Start the stordelink scripts on each storage node.

    manta-oneach -s storage 'storage_id=$(json -f /opt/smartdc/mako/etc/gc_config.json manta_storage_id); nohup bash /var/tmp/${storage_id} &'
  4. Check that each stordelink script ran successfully. The delink scripts generate a "$name.success" file on successful completion. We use that to check for success.

    manta-oneach -s storage 'storage_id=$(json -f /opt/smartdc/mako/etc/gc_config.json manta_storage_id); if [[ -f /var/tmp/${storage_id} ]]; then cat /var/tmp/${storage_id}_stordelink.success; else echo "(no stordelink script for ${storage_id})"; fi'

    For example:

    [root@headnode (nightly-1) ~]# manta-oneach -s storage 'storage_id=$(json -f /opt/smartdc/mako/etc/gc_config.json manta_storage_id); if [[ -f /var/tmp/${storage_id} ]]; then cat /var/tmp/${storage_id}_stordelink.success; else echo "(no stordelink script for ${storage_id})"; fi'
    SERVICE          ZONE     OUTPUT
    storage          81df545a [20200406T192654Z] Completed stordelink successfully.
    storage          a811b282 [20200406T192654Z] Completed stordelink successfully.
    storage          f7aeb86d (no stordelink script for

    If a ".success" file is not found for a given storage node, then one of the following is why:

    • The stordelink script is still running.
    • The stordelink script failed. Look at the "/var/tmp/stordelink.$timestamp.xtrace.log" file on the storage node for details.
    • There is no stordelink script for this storage node -- possible if no snaplinked file ever landed on that storage node.

Step 3.5: Run "moraydelink" scripts

Note: It is important to successfully run all "stordelink" scripts before running the "moraydelink" scripts, otherwise metadata will be updated to point to object ids for which no storage file exists.

For this step you must run each "/var/db/snaplink-cleanup/delink/*" script on a Manta moray instance for the appropriate shard. The shard is included in the filename. There will be one "moraydelink" script for each index moray shard (INDEX_MORAY_SHARDS in Manta metadata). Each script is idempotent, so can be run again if necessary. Each script will also error out if an attempt is made to run on the wrong shard node:

[root@01f043b4 (moray) /var/tmp]$ bash
Writing xtrace output to: /var/tmp/moraydelink.20200320T211337.xtrace.log fatal error: this moraydelink script must run on a moray for shard '': this is ''

A successful run looks like this:

[root@01f043b4 (moray) /var/tmp]$ bash
Writing xtrace output to: /var/tmp/moraydelink.20200320T214010.xtrace.log
Completed moraydelink successfully.

Please report any errors in running these scripts.

Steps to run all moraydelink scripts

You can use the following steps to mostly automate running all the moraydelink scripts. In a typical Manta deployment every DC will have a "moray" instance for every shard. This means that all the "moraydelink" can be run in the driver DC. The steps below assume that.

  1. Copy the moraydelink scripts to a moray instance for the appropriate shard.

    region_name=$(bash /lib/sdc/ -json | json region_name)
    dns_domain=$(bash /lib/sdc/ -json | json dns_domain)
    moray_insts=$(manta-adm show moray -Ho shard,zonename | sed 's/^ *//g' | sort)
    index_shards=$(sdc-sapi '/applications?name=manta&include_master=true' | json -H 0.metadata.INDEX_MORAY_SHARDS | json -e ' =".")[0]' -a sh)
    for shard in $index_shards; do
        if [[ ! -f "$delink_script" ]]; then
            echo "error: $shard_host: moraydelink script missing: $delink_script"
        echo ""
        # Pick the first moray instance for this shard.
        zonename=$(echo "$moray_insts" | awk "/^$shard /{print \$2}" | head -1)
        if [[ -z "$zonename" ]]; then
            echo "error: $shard_host: could not find a moray instance for shard $shard in this DC"
        manta-oneach -z $zonename -X -d /var/tmp -g $delink_script
        echo "$shard_host: copied script to '/var/tmp/${shard_host}' on zone '$zonename'"
  2. Start the moraydelink scripts on each shard. The following will run them all in parallel:

    manta-oneach -z "$moray_selected_insts" 'service_name=$(json -f /opt/smartdc/moray/etc/config.json service_name); nohup bash /var/tmp/${service_name} &'
  3. Check that each moraydelink script ran successfully. The delink scripts generate a "$name.success" file on successful completion. We use that to check for success.

    manta-oneach -z "$moray_selected_insts" 'cat /var/tmp/*_moraydelink.success'

    For example:

    [root@headnode (nightly-1) ~]#     manta-oneach -z "$moray_selected_insts" 'cat /var/tmp/*_moraydelink.success'
    SERVICE          ZONE     OUTPUT
    moray            97a6655c [20200406T194318Z] Completed moraydelink successfully.

    If a ".success" file is not found for a given moray instance, then one of the following is why:

    • The moraydelink script is still running.
    • The moraydelink script failed. Look at the "/var/tmp/moraydelink.$timestamp.xtrace.log" file on the moray instance for details.

Step 3.6: Confirm delink scripts have been run

Re-run mantav2-migrate snaplink-cleanup and confirm the scripts have successfully been run by entering "delinked".

After confirming, mantav2-migrate snaplink-cleanup will remove the SNAPLINK_CLEANUP_REQUIRED metadatum to indicate that all snaplinks have been removed!

[root@headnode (mydc) ~]# mantav2-migrate snaplink-cleanup

Enter "delinked" when all delink scripts have been successfully run: delinked
All snaplinks have been removed!

However, there are a few more steps.

Step 3.7: Remove the obsolete ACCOUNTS_SNAPLINKS_DISABLED metadatum

Now that snaplinks have been removed, the old ACCOUNTS_SNAPLINKS_DISABLED metadata is obsolete. Print the current value (for record keeping) and remove it from the SAPI metadata:

manta_app=$(sdc-sapi '/applications?name=manta&include_master=true' | json -H 0.uuid)

sapiadm get "$manta_app" | json metadata.ACCOUNTS_SNAPLINKS_DISABLED

echo '{"action": "delete", "metadata": {"ACCOUNTS_SNAPLINKS_DISABLED": null}}' | sapiadm update "$manta_app"

Step 3.8: Update webapi configs and restart

Now that the SNAPLINK_CLEANUP_REQUIRED config var has been removed, all webapi instances need to be poked to get this new config. You must ensure every webapi instance restarts with updated config.

A blunt process to do this is to run the following in every Manta DC in the region:

manta-oneach -s webapi 'svcadm disable -s config-agent && svcadm enable -s config-agent && svcadm restart svc:/manta/application/muskie:muskie-*'

However, in a larger Manta with many webapi instances, you may want to space those out.

Step 3.9: Tidy up "sherlock" leftovers from step 3.3

Back in step 3.3, the "" script runs left some data (VMs and snapshots) that should be cleaned up.

  1. Run the following on the headnode global zone of every DC in this Manta region to remove the "snaplink-sherlock-*" VMs:

    # First verify what will be removed:
    sdc-oneachnode -a 'vmadm list alias=~^snaplink-sherlock- owner_uuid=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
    # Then remove those VMs:
    sdc-oneachnode -a 'vmadm lookup alias=~^snaplink-sherlock- owner_uuid=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 | while read uuid; do echo "removing snaplink-sherlock VM $uuid"; vmadm delete $uuid; done'
  2. Run the following on the headnode global zone of every DC in this Manta region to remove the "manatee@sherlock-*" ZFS snapshots:

    # First verify what will be removed:
    sdc-oneachnode -a "zfs list -t snapshot | grep manatee@sherlock- | awk '{print \$1}'"
    # Then remove those snapshots:
    sdc-oneachnode -a "zfs list -t snapshot | grep manatee@sherlock- | awk '{print \$1}' | xargs -n1 zfs destroy -v"

An example run looks like this:

[root@headnode (mydc) /var/tmp]# sdc-oneachnode -a 'vmadm lookup alias=~^snaplink-sherlock- owner_uuid=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 | while read uuid; do echo "removing snaplink-sherlock VM $uuid"; vmadm delete $uuid; done'
=== Output from 564d4042-6b0c-8ab9-ae54-c445386f951c (headnode):
removing snaplink-sherlock VM 19f12a13-d124-4255-9258-1f2f51138f0c
removing snaplink-sherlock VM 3a104161-d2cc-43e6-aeb4-462154aa7406
removing snaplink-sherlock VM 5e9e3a2a-efe6-4dbd-8c21-1bbdbf5c72d2
removing snaplink-sherlock VM 61a455fd-68a1-4b21-9676-38b191efca86
removing snaplink-sherlock VM 0364e94d-e831-430e-9393-96f85bd36702

[root@headnode (mydc) /var/tmp]#     sdc-oneachnode -a "zfs list -t snapshot | grep manatee@sherlock- | awk '{print \$1}' | xargs -n1 zfs destroy -v"
=== Output from 564d4042-6b0c-8ab9-ae54-c445386f951c (headnode):
will destroy zones/f8bd09a5-769e-4dd4-b53d-ddc3a56c8ae6/data/manatee@sherlock-24879
will reclaim 267K
will destroy zones/f8bd09a5-769e-4dd4-b53d-ddc3a56c8ae6/data/manatee@sherlock-39245
will reclaim 248K
will destroy zones/f8bd09a5-769e-4dd4-b53d-ddc3a56c8ae6/data/manatee@sherlock-40255
will reclaim 252K
will destroy zones/f8bd09a5-769e-4dd4-b53d-ddc3a56c8ae6/data/manatee@sherlock-41606
will reclaim 256K
will destroy zones/f8bd09a5-769e-4dd4-b53d-ddc3a56c8ae6/data/manatee@sherlock-42555
will reclaim 257K

Step 3.10: Archive the snaplink-cleanup files

It is probably a good idea to archive the snaplink-cleanup files for record keeping. For example, run this on the driver DC:

(cd /var/db && tar czf /var/tmp/snaplink-cleanup-$(bash /lib/sdc/ -json | json region_name).tgz snaplink-cleanup)
ls -l /var/tmp/snaplink-cleanup*.tgz

And then attach or archive that tarball somewhere (perhaps attaching it to your process ticket tracking snaplink removal, if small enough).

Step 4: Deploy GCv2

The new garbage-collector system should be deployed.

  1. As a prerequisite, update all "moray" service instances to a "mantav2-moray" image after 20200413 (to include the fix for MANTA-5155).

  2. As a prerequisite, update all "electric-moray" service instances to a "mantav2-electric-moray" image after 20200130 (to include the MANTA-4992 fix).

  3. Update all "storage" service instances to a recent (2020-03-19 or later) "mantav2-storage" image.

    A direct way to do this is as follows. A production Manta operator may prefer to space out these storage node updates.

    # Find and import the latest storage image.
    updates-imgadm -C $(sdcadm channel get) list name=mantav2-storage
    latest_storage_image=$(updates-imgadm -C $(sdcadm channel get) list name=mantav2-storage -H -o uuid --latest)
    sdc-imgadm import -S $latest_storage_image
    # Update storages to that image
    manta-adm show -js >/var/tmp/config.json
    vi /var/tmp/config.json  # update storage instances
    manta-adm update /var/tmp/config.json
  4. Follow the GC deployment steps.

Step 5: Remove obsolete Manta jobs services and instances

There are a number of Manta services that are obsoleted by mantav2 and can (and should) be removed at this time. (Note: Removal of these services also works before any of the above mantav2 migration steps, if that is easier.)

The services (and their instances) to remove are:

  • jobpuller
  • jobsupervisor
  • marlin-dashboard
  • medusa
  • marlin
  • marlin-agent (This is an agent on each server, rather than a SAPI service.)

(Internal Joyent ops should look at the appropriate change-mgmt template for this procedure.)

A simplified procedure is as follows:

  1. Run the following in each Manta DC to remove all service instances:

    function delete_insts {
        local svc=$1
        if [[ -z "$svc" ]]; then
            echo "delete_insts error: 'svc' is empty" >&2
            return 1
        echo ""
        echo "# delete service '$svc' instances"
        manta-adm show -Ho zonename "$svc" | xargs -n1 -I% sdc-sapi /instances/% -X DELETE
    if [[ ! -f /var/tmp/manta-config-before-jobs-infra-cleanup.json ]]; then
        manta-adm show -js >/var/tmp/manta-config-before-jobs-infra-cleanup.json
    JOBS_SERVICES="jobpuller jobsupervisor marlin-dashboard medusa marlin"
    for svc in $JOBS_SERVICES; do
        delete_insts "$svc"
  2. Run the following in each Manta DC to remove the marlin agent on every server:

    sdc-oneachnode -a "apm uninstall marlin"


    • This can be re-run to catch missing servers. If the marlin agent is already removed, this will still run successfully on a server.
    • Until MANTA-4798 is complete the marlin agent is still a part of the Triton "agentsshar", and hence will be re-installed when Triton agents are updated. This causes no harm. The above command can be re-run to re-remove the marlin agents.
  3. Run the following in one Manta DC to clear out SAPI service entries:

    function delete_svc {
        local svc=$1
        if [[ -z "$svc" ]]; then
            echo "delete_svc error: 'svc' is empty" >&2
            return 1
        echo ""
        echo "# delete manta SAPI service '$svc'"
        local manta_app=$(sdc-sapi "/applications?name=manta&include_master=true" | json -H 0.uuid)
        if [[ -z "$manta_app" ]]; then
            echo "delete_svc error: could not find 'manta' app" >&2
            return 1
        local service_uuid=$(sdc-sapi "/services?name=$svc&application_uuid=$manta_app&include_master=true" | json -H 0.uuid)
        if [[ -z "$service_uuid" ]]; then
            echo "delete_svc error: could not find manta service '$svc'" >&2
            return 1
        sdc-sapi "/services/$service_uuid" -X DELETE
    JOBS_SERVICES="jobpuller jobsupervisor marlin-dashboard medusa marlin"
    for svc in $JOBS_SERVICES; do
        delete_svc "$svc"

Step 6: Recommended service updates

  • It is recommended that all current services be updated to the latest "mantav2-*" image (the "webapi" and "storage" services have already been done above).
  • The "storinfo" service should be deployed. (TODO: The operator guide, or here, should provide details for sizing/scaling the storinfo service.)

Step 7: Optional service updates

At this point the services for the new "Rebalancer" system and the "Buckets API" can be deployed.

(TODO: The operator guide and/or here should provide details for deploying those.)

Step 8: Additional clean up

There remain a few things that can be cleaned out of the system. They are:

  • Clean out the old GC-related manta_delete_log (MANTA_DELETE_LOG_CLEANUP_REQUIRED).
  • Clean out obsolete reports files under /:login/reports/ (REPORTS_CLEANUP_REQUIRED).
  • Clean out archived jobs files under /:login/jobs/ (ARCHIVED_JOBS_CLEANUP_REQUIRED).

However, details on how to clean those up are not yet ready (TODO). None of this data causes any harm to the operation of mantav2.