TruChain is the application-specific blockchain that powers
Check out an overview of the architecture.
🚀🚀🚀 Join the testnet at
- Install Go by following the official docs.
Go version must be 1.13+.
- Install truchain binaries:
git clone
cd truchain && git checkout master
make install
This creates:
: TruStory blockchain daemon
: TruStory blockchain client. Used for creating keys and lightweight interaction with the chain and underlying Tendermint node.
# Build the binaries
make build
# Create a wallet and save the mnemonic and passphrase
make create-wallet
# Initialize configuration files and genesis file
# Enter passphrase from above
make init
# Start the chain
make start
A 4-node local testnet can be created with Docker Compose.
NOTE: You will not be able to register accounts because each node won't have a registrar key setup. This restriction will go away after client-side signing.
# Build daemon for linux so it can run inside a Docker container
make build-linux
# Create 4-nodes with their own genesis files and configuration
make localnet-start
Go to each config file in build/nodeN/truchaind/config/config.toml
and replace these:
laddr = "tcp://"
addr_book_strict = false
# stop and restart
make localnet-stop && make localnet-start
# Tail logs
docker-compose logs -f
TruChain can be run as a full node, syncing it's state with another node or validator. First follow the instructions above to install and setup a single node.
# Initialize another chain with a new moniker but same chain-id
truchaind init <moniker-2> --chain-id betanet-1 --home ~/.devnet
# Copy the genesis file from the first node
scp ubuntu@devnet:/home/ubuntu/.truchaind/config/genesis.json ~/.devnet/config/
# Get the node id of the first node
truchaincli status
# Add first node to `persistent_peers` in config.toml
sed -i -e 's/persistent_peers.*/persistent_peers = "[ip_address]:26656"/' ~/.devnet/config/config.toml
# Optional: Add verbose logging
sed -i -e 's/log_level.*/log_level = "main:info,state:info,*:error,app:info,account:info,trubank:info,claim:info,community:info,truslashing:info,trustaking:info"/' ~/.devnet/config/config.toml
# Start the node
truchaind start --home ~/.devnet
If the first node has many blocks, it could take several minutes for the first sync to complete. Now you will have two nodes running in lockstep!
# Run linter
make check
# Run tests
make test