After completing this HIT, you will gain a qualification for crisis mapping tasks where you will collaborate with other workers and earn from $6 to $15 an hour.
- -Accept the HIT to complete the tutorial, which will take about 10 minutes.
+ {{> landingTemplate}}This is the task for the Crisis Mapping Project.
+ +Accept the HIT to join the project. You will first complete a quick tutorial, as in the previous qualification task. Then, you will join a collaborative crisis mapping session with other users, where you earn from $6 to $15 an hour as a bonus.
+ + + + {{> tut_welcome_recruiting}} + +After completing this HIT, you will gain a qualification for crisis mapping tasks where you will collaborate with other workers and earn from $6 to $15 an hour.
+ +Accept the HIT to complete the tutorial, which will take about 10 minutes.
+ +