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begin to understand and use Git/Github. You will not be an expert by the end of the class. You will probably not even feel very comfortable using Git. This is okay. We want to make a start but, like any skill, using Git takes practice.
- If you spot someone who is struggling with something and you think you know how to help, please give them a hand. Try not to do the task for them: instead explain the steps they need to take and what these steps will achieve.
- This is a big group, with different levels of knowledge, different computer systems.
- This isn't my full-time job (though if someone wants to pay me to play with computers all day I'd probably accept). I'll do my best to make this session useful.
- This is your session. If you feel we are going too fast, then please put up a pink sticky. We can decide as a group what to cover.
- Setup a github account
- Install git
- [Configure your git setup]({{ page.root }}/setup/) {: .prereq}
There are three main ways to contribute to Library Carpentry:
- Join our [Gitter discussion forum]({{ }}). Here you can suggest new content, volunteer to become a lesson maintainer, or help shape future developments.
- Suggest an improvement or correct an error by raising an Issue.
- Run a workshop at your own institution! If you do, alert us on [Gitter]({{ }}): we're happy to help promote the workshop and offer guidance on running it. Remember, there is no better way to deepen your own knowledge of software skills than to teach others.