This project is created and maintained by people of different backgrounds orginating from the UBC Masters of Data Science program. As such, this project will adhere to the MDS code of conduct and the UBC Student Code of Conduct. Similarly, anyone contributing towards this project are expected to be courteous, understanding and welcoming of diversity.
In accordance with the Inclusion Statement, all interactions regarding this project are expected to:
- be inclusive in speech, actions, and written word
- be respectful of differences
- be courteous towards others
examples of unacceptable behaviour include, but are not limited to:
- verbal/physical hostility towards others
- harassment of any kind
- exclusion of any kind
- nonconsensual interactions
- etc.
any form of inappropriate behavior should be reported as soon as possible, and will be dealt with accordingly.
you can contact one of the contributors of this project where the issue will be forwarded to appropriate address:
Alternatively, reports can be made to Firas Moosvi, or Tiffany Timbers.