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Appendix A: Model options

Table of Contents:

A.1 Configuration Options (config_cmaq.csh)

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Consistency of configuration variables is critical for building CMAQ itself, not just its libraries. Accordingly, CMAQ includes the configuration script config_cmaq.csh to help enforce consistent environment settings for CMAQ and its associated libraries. The following lists the config_cmaq.csh variables defined for the build process and suggests values to which to set those variables.

Note that for multiprocessor applications it is recommended that the Fortran MPI wrapper script mpif90 be specified for the Fortran compiler (myFC). Using this script, instead of a direct call to the Fortran compiler, will ensure that the full suite of MPI components (libraries and include files) for the compiler are included in the parallel build.

  • CMAQ_HOME The central CMAQ installation directory. For example, if you installed the CMAQ source code in the directory /home/user/CMAQ set CMAQ_HOME with export CMAQ_HOME=/home/user/CMAQ for bash or setenv CMAQ_HOME /home/user/CMAQ for csh; note that this variable is M3HOME prior to CMAQv5.2

  • CMAQ_DATA Automatically set by config_cmaq.csh; note that this variable is M3DATA prior to CMAQv5.2

  • CMAQ_LIB Automatically set by config_cmaq.csh; note that this variable is M3LIB prior to CMAQv5.2

  • compiler Set the Fortran compiler type that you will use to compile CMAQ; choices are intel, pgi, or gcc

  • compilerVrsn (Optional) Set the Fortran compiler version number that you will use to compile CMAQ; if you employ this variable, it will be appended to the compiler type when naming build directories and executables

  • IOAPI_INCL_DIR Location of the I/O API include files installed on your Linux system

  • IOAPI_LIB_DIR Location of the I/O API library on your Linux system

  • NETCDF_LIB_DIR Location of the netCDF C Library on your Linux system

  • NETCDF_INCL_DIR Location of the netCDF C include files on your Linux system

  • NETCDFF_LIB_DIR Location of the netCDF Fortran Library on your Linux system

  • NETCDFF_INCL_DIR Location of the netCDF Fortran include files on your Linux system

  • MPI_LIB_DIR Location of the Message Passing Interface Library on your Linux system

    • ioapi_lib Name of the I/O API libraryar on your system; set to "-lioapi"
  • netcdf_lib Name of the netCDF library C on your system; set to "-lnetcdf" for versions < 4.2.0, "-lnetcdf" for version 4.2.0 and later

  • netcdff_lib Name of the netCDF Fortran library on your system; set to "-lnetcdff" for versions 4.2.0 and later, for version before 4.2.0 this library is bundled with the C library.

  • pnetcdf_lib Name of the parallel netCDF library on your system; set to "-lpnetcdf"

  • mpi_lib Name of the MPI library on your system; set to "-lmpich" for MVAPICH, "-lmpi" for OpenMPI

  • myFC Set to match the FC (Fortran compiler) you use to compile netCDF

  • myCC Set to match the CC (C compiler) you use to compile netCDF

  • myFSTD Standard Mode Fortran compiler optimization flags for your Linux system; suggested values for CMAQ are in the distributed script

  • myDBG Debug Mode Fortran compiler optimization flags for your Linux system; suggested values for CMAQ are in the distributed script

  • myLINK_FLAGS Fortran compile linker flags for your Linux system; suggested values for CMAQ are in the distributed script

  • myFFLAGS Fixed-format Fortran compiler optimization flags for your Linux system; suggested values for CMAQ are in the distributed script

  • myCFLAGS C compiler optimization flags for your Linux system; suggested values for CMAQ are in the distributed script

  • myFRFLAGS Free form-format Fortran compiler optimization flags for your Linux system; suggested values for CMAQ are in the distributed script

  • extra_lib Set to other libraries required for compiling on your Linux system; users will likely need to change this setting in the distributed script for portability to their system.

  • EXEC_ID build tag, should be automatically set by config_cmaq.csh

  • CMAQ_REPO This is always the location of the CMAQ repository that the user will pull from to create exectuables. If the user is building CMAQ inside the repository then it will be equal to CMAQ_HOME. If not, the user must supply an alternative folder location.

A.2 Compilation Options (bldit_cctm.csh)

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The configuration options listed here are set during compilation of the CCTM executable through the build script, bldit_cctm.csh, located under the CCTM/scripts folder. When these options are invoked they create a binary executable that is fixed to the specified configuration. To change these options, you must recompile CCTM and create a new executable.

Several of the CCTM science modules have more than one option. Brief descriptions of these options are provided here.

The following options are invoked by uncommenting the line in the CCTM build script. Comment the line in the script using a "#" to turn the option off.

  • CompileBLDMAKE
    Uncomment to use an existing BLDMAKE executable to build CCTM executable. If commented out, recompile BLDMAKE utility from the source.

  • CopySrc
    Uncomment to copy the source code into a working build (BLD) directory. If commented, only the compiled object and executable files will be placed in the BLD directory.

  • MakeFileOnly
    Uncomment to build a Makefile but to not compile the executable. The Makefile will be located in the BLD directory and can subsequently be used to manually compile the executable by typing 'make' in the BLD direcotry. Comment out to both create a Makefile and compile the executable when invoking the bldit_cctm.csh script.

  • ParOpt
    Build an executable for running on multiple processors. Invoking this command requires the availability of the MPI library/INCLUDE files.

  • build_parallel_io
    Uncomment to build CMAQ with true parallel I/O feature (requires mpi version of ioapi 3.2 and pnetcdf, refer to Appendix D.)

  • Debug_CCTM
    Uncomment to compile the CCTM executable in Debug Mode.

    Uncomment to compile the CCTM executable with Integrated Source Apportionment Method (ISAM). See Chapter 11 for futher information before invoking this option.

  • build_twoway
    Uncomment to build WRF-CMAQ two way model with explicit meteorological-chemical feedbacks - to build a stand-alone CMAQ, comment this option out. This option is currently not supported. Please contact David Wong ([email protected]) for specific instructions for building WRF-CMAQ.

  • potvortO3
    Uncomment to build CMAQ with potential vorticity free-troposphere O3 scaling. See Chapter 6 for futher information before invoking this option.

The following configuration settings may have multiple options. Select one option in the CCTM build script.

  • ModGrid: [default: Cartesian]
    The CCTM model grid configuration module. Currently only Cartesian coordinates are supported by CMAQ. Do not change this module setting.

    • grid/cartesian
  • ModAdv: [default: wrf_cons]
    3-D Horizontal module. See Chapter 6 for further information.

    • wrf_cons
      use the WRF vertically integrated column mass to calculate vertical advection
    • local_cons
      use the layer-by-layer integrated mass-conserving scheme to calculate vertical advection
  • ModHdiff: [default: hdiff/multiscale]
    The only option in CMAQv5 for the horizontal diffusion module is hdiff/multiscale, which uses a diffusion coefficient based on local wind deformation. Do not change this module setting. See Chapter 6 for further information.

    • hdiff/multiscale
  • ModVdiff: [default: vdiff/acm2]
    Vertical diffusion and surface exchange module. Do not change this module setting. See Chapter 6 for further information.

    • vdiff/acm2
      calculate vertical diffusion using the Asymmetric Convective Model version 2 (ACM2)
  • ModDepv: [default: depv/m3dry]
    Deposition calculation module. Users may choose between the msdry and stage options. If CMAQ output of land use specific deposition or stomatal flux is desired, then the stage option must be selected. See Chapter 6 for further information.

    • depv/m3dry
      CMAQ m3dry dry deposition routine. This is an updated version of the routine that has always been in CMAQ. See Chapter 6 for further information.
    • depv/stage CMAQ stage dry deposition routine. This option is new in version 5.3. See Chapter 6 for further information.
  • ModEmis: [default: emis/emis]
    CMAQ inline anthropogenic and natural emissions module. Inline emissions are activated by the user via the CCTM run script. Do not change this module setting. See Chapter 6 for further information.

    • emis/emis
  • ModBiog: [default: biog/beis3]
    Calculate biogenic emissions online with the BEIS3 model. Online biogenic emissions are activated in the CCTM run script. Do not change this module setting. See Chapter 6 for further information.

    • biog/beis3
  • ModPlmrs: [default: plrise/smoke]
    Calculate inline plume rise for large point sources using the Briggs algorithm as it is implemented in SMOKE. Inline emissions plume rise is controlled in the CCTM run script. Do not change this module setting. See Chapter 6 for further information.

    • plrise/smoke
  • ModCgrds: [default: spcs/cgrid_spcs_nml]
    CMAQ model species configuration module.

    • spcs/cgrid_spcs_nml
      namelist files used to configure CMAQ model species
    • spcs/cgrid_specs_icl
      use Fortran INCLUDE files to configure CMAQ model species
  • ModPhot: [default: phot/inline]
    Photolysis calculation module. See Chapter 6 for further information.

    • phot/inline
      calculate photolysis rates inline using simulated aerosols and ozone concentrations
    • phot/table
      calculate clear-sky photolysis rates off-line using the CMAQ program JPROC; provide daily photolysis rate look-up tables to CCTM
  • Mechanism: [default: cb05e51_ae6_aq]
    Chemistry mechanism for gas, aerosol, and aqueous chemistry. See the CMAQv5.3 Chemical Mechanisms Table for a listing of the mechanism choices that are available in CMAQv5.3. See Chapter 6 for further information.

  • Tracer [default trac0]
    Specifies tracer species. Invoking inert tracer species in CMAQ requires defining the tracers using namelist files and compiling the CMAQ programs with these files. The setting for this module corresponds to the directory name in the $CMAQ_HOME/CCTM/src/MECHS directory that contains the namelist files for the tracer configuration. The default setting does not use any tracers.

    • trac[n]
  • ModGas: [default: gas/ebi_${Mechanism}]
    Gas-phase chemistry solver module. See Chapter 6 for further information.

    • smvgear
      use the SMVGEAR chemistry solver
    • ros3
      use gas/the Rosenbrock chemistry solver
    • ebi
      use the Euler Backward Iterative solver
  • ModDiag use various diagnostic routines. Currently only the vertical extraction tool is implemented here.

  • ModAero: [default: aero7]
    CMAQ aero/aerosol module. See Chapter 6 for further information.

    • aero7
      seventh-generation modal CMAQ aerosol model with extensions for sea salt emissions and thermodynamics; includes a new formulation for secondary organic aerosol yields
  • ModCloud: [default: cloud/acm_ae6]
    CMAQ cloud module for modeling the impacts of clouds on deposition, mixing, photolysis, and aqueous chemistry. See Chapter 6 for further information.

    • cloud/acm_ae6
      ACM cloud processor that uses the ACM methodology to compute convective mixing with heterogeneous chemistry for AERO6
    • cloud/acm_ae6_mp
      ACM cloud processor that uses the ACM methodology to compute convective mixing with heterogeneous chemistry for AERO6 and air toxics; this is the multipollutant mechanism in CMAQv5
    • cloud/acm_ae6_kmt
      ACM cloud processor that uses the ACM methodology to compute convective mixing with heterogeneous chemistry for AERO6 and aqueous chemistry with kinetic mass transfer and Rosenbrock solver
    • cloud/acm_ae6i_kmti
      ACM cloud processor that uses the ACM methodology to compute convective mixing with heterogeneous chemistry for AERO6 and aqueous chemistry with kinetic mass transfer and Rosenbrock solver with an extension to simulate the aqueous phase formation of SOA in cloud droplets, see: CMAQv5.1 Aqueous Chemistry
  • ModUtil: [default: util]
    CMAQ utility modules. Do not change this module setting.

    • util/util

ModPa: [default: procan/pa] Process analysis is controlled in the CCTM run script. Do not change this module setting. - procan/pa

  • ModPvO3: [default: pv_o3] Potential vorticity parameterization for free-troposphere exchange of ozone. This option is configured using the potvorO3 variable in the CCTM build script. Do not change this module setting. See Chapter 6 for further information.
    • pv_o3

A.3 Execution Options (run_cctm.csh)

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The environment variables listed below are invoked during execution of the CCTM and are set in the CCTM run script, run_cctm.csh located under the CCTM/scripts folder.

  • compiler [default: intel]
  • compilerVrsn [default: 13.1]
  • VRSN [default: v53]
  • PROC [default: mpi]
    Sets if the CCTM will run in multi-processor or serial mode.
    • mpi
      Use MPI multi-processor configuration. The CCTM executable must have been built to support MPI, see bldit_cctm.csh compilation options above. The run script requires settings for the number of processors and other MPI configuration variables required by the Linux system.
    • serial
      Run the CCTM in serial, single-processor mode.
  • MECH [default: None]
    CMAQ chemical mechanism. Must match Mechanism variable setting in the CCTM build script. See Chapter 6 for further information.
  • APPL [default: SE53BENCH]
    Application name used to label output binaries and log files.
  • RUNID [default: $VRSN_compiler_APPL]
    Run ID used to track version number, compiler, and application case name.
  • BLD
    Directory path of the built CCTM executable
  • EXEC [default: CCTM_$APPL_$EXECID]
    The name of the CCTM executable.

MPI Configuration

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  • NPCOL_NPROW [default: 1 1]
    The numbers of columns and rows for decomposing the modeling domain in an MPI configuration. The product of this pair of numbers must equal the total number of processors allocated to the CCTM simulation. For serial or single-processor MPI runs set to 1 1. For example, for an 8 processor MPI simulation, set to 4 2.
  • NPROCS [default: 1]
    Number of processors to allocate for the CCTM simulation; equal to the product of NPCOL x NPROW. For serial or single-processor MPI runs set to 1, otherwise set to the product of the two numbers used in NPCOL_NPROW.

Vertical extent

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  • NZ [default: 35]
    Set the number of vertical layers.

Timestep Configuration

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  • NEW_START [default: TRUE]
    Value should be true for new simulations starting from an initial condition file. To restart from a previous days simulation output, set to FALSE. For all standard runscripts, this variable is automatically set to FALSE after looping to the second day of the simulation.
    Simulation start date in Gregorian format (YYYY-MM-DD)
    Simulation end date in Gregorian format (YYYY-MM-DD)
    Simulation start time (HHMMSS)
  • NSTEPS [default: 240000]
    Number of simulation time steps (HHMMSS)
  • TSTEP [default: 010000]
    Simulation output time step interval (HHMMSS)

CCTM Configuration Options

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  • GRID_NAME [default: Blank]
    Name of the grid definition contained in the GRIDDESC file that specifies the horizontal grid for the current application of the model.
  • GRIDDESC [default: Path to GRIDDESC file]
    Grid description file for setting the horizontal grid definition.
  • CTM_APPL [default: ${RUNID}_${YYYYMMDD}]
    CCTM log and output file naming extension.
  • CONC_SPCS [if commented out, all species]
    Model species to be written to the CCTM_CONC file.
  • CONC_BLEV_ELEV [if commented out, all layers]
    Vertical model layer range for the CCTM_CONC file concentrations; this variable sets the lower and upper layers over which to output the CCTM_CONC file. In the example script, BLEV and ELEV are both set to 1, so concentrations will only be written for the first layer.
  • AVG_CONC_SPCS [if commented out, output all species]
    Model species for calculating integral average concentrations for each output time step. Options can be any of the standard output species that are written to the CCTM_CONC file. The species in this list will be written to the CCTM_ACONC output file.
  • ACONC_BLEV_ELEV [default: if commented out, all layers]
    Vertical model layer range for integral average concentrations; this variable sets the lower and upper layers over which to calculate integral average concentrations. For example, setting this variable to “1 5” will produce integral average concentrations for model layers 1 through 5.
  • AVG_FILE_END_TIME [default: N]
    Change the time stamp of the ACONC file output time step from the default of the beginning of the hour to the end of the hour.
    • Y: Set the time stamp to the end of each hour.
    • N: Set the time stamp to the beginning of the hour.
  • EXECUTION_ID [default: Blank]
    The name of the CCTM executable; automatically set by the script.

Synchronization Time Step and Tolerance Options

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  • CTM_MAXSYNC [default: 720]
    Maximum synchronization time step in seconds
  • CTM_MINSYNC [default: 60]
    Minimum synchronization time step in seconds
  • SIGMA_SYNC_TOP [default: .70]
    Top sigma level thru. which sync step determined
  • ADV_HDIV_LIM [default: .9]
    Maximum horizontal divergence limit for advection time step adjustment
  • CTM_ADV_CFL [default: .75]
    Maximum Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy (CFL) condition
  • RB_ATOL [default: 1.0E-07]
    If using Rosenbrock (ros3) photochemistry solver, the absolute tolerance for converging to solution
  • RB_RTOL [default: 1.0E-03]
    If using Rosenbrock (ros3) photochemistry solver, relative tolerance for converging to solution
  • GEAR_ATOL [default: 1.0E-09]
    If using Gear (smvgear) photochemistry solver, the absolute tolerance for converging to solution
  • GEAR_RTOL [default: 1.0E-03]
    If using Gear (smvgear) photochemistry solver, relative tolerance for converging to solution

Science Options

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  • CTM_OCEAN_CHEM [default: True]
    Use Online Sea Spray Aerosol emissions and Halogen ozone chemistry. See Chapter 6 for further information.
  • CTM_WB_DUST [default: False]
    Setting to calculate online windblown dust emissions in CCTM. Setting this variable to Y also enables the option to provide additional gridded landuse input files beyond the land use information contained in the MCIP files. Whether or not additional landuse information is provide and, if yes, whether that additional landuse information is provided in one or two files is controlled by the environment variable CTM_WBDUST_BELD. See Chapter 6 for further information.
    Landuse database for identifying dust source regions; ignore if CTM_WB_DUST = FALSE
    • BELD3: Use BELD3 landuse data for windblown dust calculations. The user needs to specify the DUST_LU_1 and DUST_LU_2 files described in Chapter 4. These files typically are available for North American domains only.
    • BELD4: Use BELD4 landuse data for windblown dust calculations. The user needs to specify the E2C_LU file described in Chapter 4. This file typically is available for North American domains only.
    • UNKNOWN: Use landuse information provided by MCIP for windblown dust calculations
  • CTM_LTNG_NO [default: Y]
    Y/N setting to activate lightning NO emissions. Setting this variable to Y requires additional variables to define the configuration of the lightning NO emissions calculation. See the settings for LTNGNO, LTNGPARAMS, NLDN_STRIKES, and LTNGDIAG below. See Chapter 6 for further information.
  • CTM_WVEL [default: Y]
    Y/N setting to output the CCTM-calculated vertical velocities to the CONC file.
  • KZMIN [default: Y]
    If KZMIN is set to Y, CCTM will read the urban land use fraction variable (PURB) from the GRID_CRO_2D meteorology file and use this information to determine the minimum eddy diffusivity in each grid cell. In CMAQv5, grid cells that are predominantly urban use a KZMIN value of 1.0 m2/s and non-urban cells use a value of 0.01 m2/s. If this variable is set to N, the PURB variable will not be used and a uniform KZMIN value of 1.0 m2/s will be used throughout the modeling domain.
  • CTM_MOSAIC [default N]
    Y/N setting to ouput land use specific deposition velocities and fluxes. This option is only available when using the STAGE deposition module. See Chapter 6 for further information.
  • CTM_FST [default: N]
    Y/N setting to output land-use specific stomatal flux. This option is only available when using the STAGE deposition module and when CTM_MOSAIC is set to Y. See Chapter 6 for further information.
  • PX_VERSION Y/N setting to indicate whether the Pleim-Xiu land-surface model was used for the input meteorology. If this setting is set to Y the input meteorology data must include soil moisture (SOILM), soil temperature (SOILT), and soil type (ISLTYP) variables for use in the calculation of soil NO emissions. Additionally, the soil properties from PX will be used in the dust model and in the STAGE deposition module for calculating the soil compensation point for ammonia bidirectional exchange. See Chapter 6 for further information.
  • CLM_VERSION Y/N setting to indicate whether the Community Land Model (CLM) land-surface model was used in generating the input meteorology. If this setting is set to Y the input meteorology data must include soil moisture (SOILM), soil temperature (SOILT), and soil type (ISLTYP) variables for use in the calculation of soil NO emissions. Additionally, the soil properties from CLM will be used in the dust model and in the STAGE deposition module for calculating the soil compensation point for ammonia bidirectional exchange. See Chapter 6 for further information.
  • NOAH_VERSION Y/N setting to indicate whether the Noah land-surface model was used in generating the input meteorology. If this setting is set to Y the input meteorology data must include soil moisture (SOILM), soil temperature (SOILT), and soil type (ISLTYP) variables for use in the calculation of soil NO emissions. Additionally, the soil properties from Noah will be used in the dust model and in the STAGE deposition module for calculating the soil compensation point for ammonia bidirectional exchange. See Chapter 6 for further information.
  • CTM_ABFLUX [default: Y]
    Y/N setting to activate fertilizer ammonia bidirectional flux for in-line emissions and deposition velocities. Setting this variable to Y requires four additional input files that include gridded fractional crop distributions (E2C_LU), soil properties (E2C_SOIL), fertilizer conditions (E2C_CHEM), and an agricultural soil initial conditions file (INIT_MEDC_1). Activation of this setting will produce additional variables in the output dry deposition file.
  • CTM_BIDI_FERT_NH3 Y/N setting to indicate whether fertilizer NH3 should be subtracted from the emissions and handled instead by the NH3 bidirectional flux model. Note that the bidirectional flux model must also be invoked by setting CTM_ABFLUX to Y.
  • CTM_HGBIDI [default: N] Y/N setting to activate mercury bidirectional flux for in-line emissions and deposition velocities. Activation of this setting will produce additional variables in the output dry deposition file.
  • CTM_SFC_HONO [default: Y] Y/N setting to include surface HONO interactions. See Chapter 6 for further information.
  • CTM_GRAV_SETL [default Y]
    Y/N setting to activate gravitational sedimentation for aerosols.
  • CTM_BIOGEMIS [default: Y]
    Y/N setting to calculate biogenic emissions. If this option is activated, several additional variables must be set (see the online biogenic emissions configuration settings). See Chapter 6 for further information.
  • OPTICS_MIE_CALC [default: N]
    In the inline option for photolysis rates, solve Mie Theory to calculate the optical properties of the aerosol modes based on uniformly mixed spheres.
  • CORE_SHELL_OPTICS [default: N]
    In the inline option for photolysis rates, solve Mie Theory to calculate the optical properties of the aerosol modes based on spheres with an elemental carbon core.

Process analysis options

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  • CTM_PROCAN [default: N]
    Activate process analysis in the CCTM. Set this to Y and use $CMAQ_DATA/pacp/pacp.inp to configure the integrated process rate and integrated reaction rate settings for the CCTM. Additional process analysis output files will be created when this setting is activated.
  • PA_BCOL_ECOL [default: 0]
    Modeling grid domain column range for the process analysis calculations. Set to the two digits representing the beginning and ending column number bounding the process analysis domain.
  • PA_BROW_EROW [default: 0]
    Modeling grid domain row range for the process analysis calculations. Set to the two digits representing the beginning and ending row number bounding the process analysis domain.
  • PA_BLEV_ELEV [default: 0]
    Modeling grid domain layer range for the process analysis calculations. Set to the two digits representing the bottom and top layer numbers bounding the process analysis domain.
    Input file that specifies the desired output information (read by pa_read.F). See Table 1 in Chapter 9 for details on the types of equations and operators that can be used in this file. A sample file is included in each of the mechanism folders under the CCTM/src/MECHS directory. For example, the file pa_cb6r3_ae7_aq.ctl in CCTM/src/MECHS/cb6r3_ae7_aq provides a template of IRR and IPR commands.
    The output file that displays how CMAQ translates the variables listed in PACM_INFILE, and lists the reactions (including reactants, products and yields) that will be used in calculating the IPR and IRR values.

I/O Controls

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  • IOAPI_LOG_WRITE [default:False]
    Set to T to turn on excess WRITE3 logging by the I/O API.
  • FL_ERR_STOP [default: False]
    Set to T to configure the program to exit if inconsistent headers are found in the input files.
  • PROMPTFLAG [default: False]
    Turn on I/O-API PROMPTFILE interactive mode. Set to T to require interactive prompts for different I/O API operations.
  • IOAPI_OFFSET_64 [default: True]
    I/O API setting for large time step records. If your output time step is going to produce data that are >2GB per time step, then this needs to be set to YES.

Aerosol Diagnostics Controls

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  • CTM_PMDIAG [default: False]
    Output aerosol diagnostics and properties file. These data are required for post-processing the fraction of aerosol mass is in various size ranges (e.g. PM2.5, PM10, etc.). The file also includes physical parameters describing the aerosol size distribution like the following: dry diameter, wet diameter, standard deviation, wet second moment, dry second moment, wet thrid moment, dry third moment, and density.
  • CTM_APMDIAG [default: False]
    Output hourly average aerosol diagnostics and properties file. These data are required for post-processing the fraction of aerosol mass is in various size ranges (e.g. PM2.5, PM10, etc.). The file also includes physical parameters describing the aerosol size distribution like the following: dry diameter, wet diameter, standard deviation, wet second moment, dry second moment, wet thrid moment, dry third moment, and density.
  • APMDIAG_BLEV_ELEV [default: 0]
    Modeling grid domain layer range for the hourly average aerosol diagnostics and properties file. Set to the two digits representing the bottom and top layer numbers to bound the output domain. Comment out this variable or set it to 0 to output all layers. Set the value to "1 1" to output just the surface layer.

Diagnostic Output Flags

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  • CTM_CKSUM [default: True]
    Write science processes summaries to the standard output. Impacts run speed and log file output size.
  • CLD_DIAG [default: False]
    Output an hourly wet deposition diagnostic file (CTM_WET_DEP_2) that includes convective wet deposition estimates.
  • CTM_PHOTDIAG [default: False]
    Output files for viewing the photolysis rates used in the model simulation and what meterological and other factors determined the rates. The inline and table options produce three files (CTM_RJ_1, CTM_RJ_2 and CTM_RJ_3) and one file (CTM_RJ_2), respectively. CTM_RJ_1 is a two dimensional file that contains key photolysis rates and radiative parameters. CTM_RJ_2 contains the photolysis rates used over the model domain. CTM_RJ_3 contains data used to calculate the photolysis rates.
    -- NLAYS_PHOTDIAG [default: 1] : Number of layers in CTM_RJ_2 and CTM_RJ_3 files. Permitted values equal 1 to number of layers in model domain. Only the inline option uses this runtime option.
    -- NWAVE_PHOTDIAG [default:294 303 310 316 333 381 607] : In CTM_RJ_3, the wavelengths of diagnostic data written. The user can use or subset the default values.
  • CTM_SSEMDIAG [default: False]
    Output the calculated sea salt emissions to a diagnostic netCDF output file (CTM_SSEMIS_1).
  • CTM_DUSTEM_DIAG [default: False]
    Output the online dust emissions to a diagnostic netCDF output file (CTM_DUST_EMIS_1). The diagnostic file includes not only the total dust emissions, but also dust emissions by land use category and dust model parameters, such as gridded erodible land use fractions.
  • CTM_DEPV_FILE [default: False]
    Output an hourly diagnostic file (CTM_DEPV_DIAG) for the inline deposition velocity calculations.
  • LTNGDIAG [default: False]
    Output a lightning NO emissions diagnostics file.

Inline emissions configuration

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  • STK_GRPS_###
    Directory path and file name of the stack groups file for sector ###, where ### = 001, 002,…,N_EMIS_PT. Each ### refers to one of the inline plume rise point-source sectors. See Chapter 6 for further information.

  • STK_EMIS_###
    Directory path and file name of the point emissions file for sector ###, where ### = 01, 02,…,N_EMIS_PT. Each ### refers to the one of the plume rise point-source sectors. See Chapter 6 for further information.

    Logical for turning on/off diagnostic output for point emissions file for sector ###, where ### = 01, 02,…,N_EMIS_PT. Each ### refers to the one of the plume rise point-source sectors. These data reflect the emission rates after scaling rules have been applied by DESID, the emissions control interface. Values for STK_EMIS_DIAG_### include FALSE, TRUE, 2D, 2DSUM, and 3D. The TRUE and 2D options are synonymous and will output just the surface layer of emissions. The 2DSUM option outputs a 2D file with values calculated from summing the entire column of emissions in each horizontal grid cell. The 3D option outputs a full 3D file. All options provide output across all output time steps during the simulation day. See Chapter 6 for further information.

    Start date for calculating elevated-point-source emissions.

    Start time for calculating elevated-point-source emissions.

    Number of time steps for calculating elevated-point-source emissions.

Lightning NOx configuration

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  • LTNGNO [default: "InLine"]
    Setting to define whether the lightning emissions calculation will be inline or off-line. This variable can be set to a gridded netCDF file of lightning NO emissions to use emissions calculated with a preprocessor outside of CCTM. Setting this variable to “inline” activates the inline emissions calculation in CCTM and requires the LTNGPARMS_FILE variable (see below) to provide parameters for generating inline lightning NO emissions. See Chapter 6 for further information.

  • USE_NLDN [default: False]
    Use hourly NLDN strikes file to compute inline lightning NO emissions. Activating this setting requires the NLDN_STRIKES input file. If USE_NLDN is set to N and LTNGNO set to "InLine", lightning NO emissions will be generated using parameters provided in the LTNGPARMS_FILE.
    Lightning parameters netCDF file, which contains the linear regression parameters for generating lightning NO using the parameterization scheme when LTNGNO set to "InLine" and USE_NLDN set to N. In addition, it also contains the intercloud to cloud-to-ground flash ratios, scaling factors for calculating flashes using the convective precipitation rate, land-ocean masks, and the moles of NO per flash (cloud-to-ground and intercloud) which are used by both lightning production schemes (NLDN and parameterization). Ingore if LTINGNO set to an external input file. See Chapter 6 for further information.

    Lightning diagnostics output 3D netCDF file; ignore if LTNGDIAG = N

    Lightning diagnostics output 2D netCDF file (column total lightning NO emissions); ignore if LTNGDIAG = N

Online biogenic emissions configuration

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  • GSPRO [default: Build Directory]
    Directory path and file name for input ASCII speciation profiles. See Chapter 6 for further information.

  • B3GRD [default: None]
    Grid-normalized biogenic emissions input netCDF file. See Chapter 6 for further information.

  • BIOSW_YN [default: Y]
    Use the frost dates switch file to determine whether to use winter or summer biogenic emissions. See Chapter 6 for further information.

  • BIOSEASON [default: False]
    File name for the frost dates switch input netCDF file. See Chapter 6 for further information.

  • SUMMER_YN [default: False]
    Toggle for summer season normalized biogenic emissions. This variable is ignored if BIOSW_YN is set to Y. Comment out or set to Y to select summer season biogenic emissions factors; set to N to turn off. See Chapter 6 for further information.

  • PX_VERSION [default: True]
    Setting to indicate whether the Pleim-Xiu land-surface model was used for the input meteorology. If this setting is set to Y the input meteorology data must include soil moisture (SOILM), soil temperature (SOILT), and soil type (ISLTYP) variables for use in the calculation of soil NO emissions.

  • SOILINP [default: [Out Directory/CCTM_SOILOUT_$RUNID_$YESTERDSY]
    Directory path and file name of biogenic NO soil emissions file. If NEW_START is set to N or F, the soil NO emissions file from the previous day's simulation will be a required input file. See Chapter 6 for further information.

  • B3GTS_DIAG [default: False]
    Write the online biogenic emissions (mass units) to a diagnostic netCDF output file (B3GTS_S).

  • B3GTS_S [default: [Output Directory]/CCTM_B3GTS_$
    Diagnostic output netCDF file of biogenic emissions. This variable is ignored if B3GTS_DIAG is set to N.

Windblown dust emissions configuration

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  • DUST_LU_1 [default: Path to BELD3 Data]
    Input BELD "A" landuse netCDF file gridded to the modeling domain. Used if CTM_WBDUST_BELD is set to BELD3.

  • DUST_LU_2 [default: Path to BELD3 Data]
    Input BELD "TOT" landuse netCDF file gridded to the modeling domain. Used if CTM_WBDUST_BELD is set to BELD3.

  • E2U_LU [default: path to BELD4 data file]
    Input BELD4 landuse netCDF file gridded to the modeling domain. Used if CTM_WBDUST_BELD is set to BELD4.

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CMAQ User's Guide (c) 2019