Object = IsisCube Object = Core StartByte = 65537 Format = Tile TileSamples = 824 TileLines = 128 Group = Dimensions Samples = 1648 Lines = 128 Bands = 1 End_Group Group = Pixels Type = SignedWord ByteOrder = Lsb Base = 0.0 Multiplier = 1.0 End_Group End_Object Group = Instrument SpacecraftName = JUNO InstrumentHostId = UNKNOWN InstrumentName = "JUNO EPO CAMERA" InstrumentId = JNC TargetName = JUPITER # Start time for the entire observation, i.e. start time for FrameNumber 1. StartTime = 2020-06-02T09:41:02.680 # Start count for the entire observation, i.e. start count for FrameNumber 1. SpacecraftClockStartCount = 644363187:218 ExposureDuration = 28.800000 InterFrameDelay = 0.370 SummingMode = 1 NumberFramelets = 28 FrameNumber = 7 End_Group Group = Archive MissionPhase = "SCIENCE ORBITS" OrbitNumber = 27 FocalPlaneTemperature = 255.7 TDICount = 9 CompressionType = "INTEGER COSINE TRANSFORM" YearDoy = 2020154 SourceProductId = JNCE_2020154_27C00007_V01 End_Group Group = BandBin FilterName = RED NaifIkCode = -61503 End_Group Group = Kernels NaifFrameCode = -61500 LeapSecond = $base/kernels/lsk/naif0012.tls TargetAttitudeShape = $juno/kernels/pck/pck00010.tpc TargetPosition = (Table, $juno/kernels/tspk/jup363.bsp, $juno/kernels/tspk/de440s.bsp, $juno/kernels/tspk/juno_struct_v04.bsp) InstrumentPointing = (Table, $juno/kernels/ck/juno_sc_rec_200531_200606_v0- 1.bc, $juno/kernels/fk/juno_v12.tf) Instrument = $juno/kernels/ik/juno_junocam_v03.ti SpacecraftClock = $juno/kernels/sclk/jno_sclkscet_00110.tsc InstrumentPosition = (Table, $juno/kernels/spk/juno_rec_200508_200629_2007- 09.bsp) InstrumentAddendum = $juno/kernels/iak/junoAddendum005.ti ShapeModel = Null InstrumentPositionQuality = Reconstructed InstrumentPointingQuality = Reconstructed CameraVersion = 1 End_Group End_Object Object = Label Bytes = 65536 End_Object Object = Table Name = InstrumentPointing StartByte = 536797 Bytes = 64 Records = 1 ByteOrder = Lsb TimeDependentFrames = (-61000, 1) ConstantFrames = (-61500, -61505, -61000) ConstantRotation = (0.0022409695777088, -0.002220557600931, -0.99999502357726, 0.012486301868467, -0.99991951530675, 0.0022483714915059, -0.99991953192294, -0.012491278263463, -0.0022130626614382) CkTableStartTime = 644362934.16749 CkTableEndTime = 644362934.16749 CkTableOriginalSize = 1 FrameTypeCode = 3 Description = "Created by spiceinit" Kernels = ($juno/kernels/ck/juno_sc_rec_200531_200606_v01.bc, $juno/kernels/fk/juno_v12.tf) Group = Field Name = J2000Q0 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000Q1 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000Q2 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000Q3 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = AV1 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = AV2 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = AV3 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = ET Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group End_Object Object = Table Name = InstrumentPosition StartByte = 536861 Bytes = 56 Records = 1 ByteOrder = Lsb CacheType = Linear SpkTableStartTime = 644362934.16749 SpkTableEndTime = 644362934.16749 SpkTableOriginalSize = 1.0 Description = "Created by spiceinit" Kernels = $juno/kernels/spk/juno_rec_200508_200629_200709.bsp Group = Field Name = J2000X Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000Y Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000Z Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000XV Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000YV Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000ZV Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = ET Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group End_Object Object = Table Name = BodyRotation StartByte = 536917 Bytes = 64 Records = 1 ByteOrder = Lsb TimeDependentFrames = (10015, 1) CkTableStartTime = 644362934.16749 CkTableEndTime = 644362934.16749 CkTableOriginalSize = 1 FrameTypeCode = 2 PoleRa = (268.056595, -0.006499, 0.0) PoleDec = (64.495303, 0.002413, 0.0) PrimeMeridian = (284.95, 870.536, 0.0) PoleRaNutPrec = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.17e-04, 9.38e-04, 0.001432, 3.0e-05, 0.00215) PoleDecNutPrec = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0e-05, 4.04e-04, 6.17e-04, -1.3e-05, 9.26e-04) PmNutPrec = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) SysNutPrec0 = (73.32, 24.62, 283.9, 355.8, 119.9, 229.8, 352.25, 113.35, 146.64, 49.24, 99.360714, 175.895369, 300.323162, 114.012305, 49.511251) SysNutPrec1 = (91472.9, 45137.2, 4850.7, 1191.3, 262.1, 64.3, 2382.6, 6070.0, 182945.8, 90274.4, 4850.4046, 1191.9605, 262.5475, 6070.2476, 64.3) Description = "Created by spiceinit" Kernels = ($juno/kernels/tspk/jup363.bsp, $juno/kernels/tspk/de440s.bsp, $juno/kernels/tspk/juno_struct_v04.bsp, $juno/kernels/pck/pck00010.tpc) SolarLongitude = 331.29399508763 Group = Field Name = J2000Q0 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000Q1 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000Q2 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000Q3 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = AV1 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = AV2 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = AV3 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = ET Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group End_Object Object = Table Name = SunPosition StartByte = 536981 Bytes = 56 Records = 1 ByteOrder = Lsb CacheType = Linear SpkTableStartTime = 644362934.16749 SpkTableEndTime = 644362934.16749 SpkTableOriginalSize = 1.0 Description = "Created by spiceinit" Kernels = ($juno/kernels/tspk/jup363.bsp, $juno/kernels/tspk/de440s.bsp, $juno/kernels/tspk/juno_struct_v04.bsp) Group = Field Name = J2000X Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000Y Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000Z Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000XV Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000YV Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000ZV Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = ET Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group End_Object Object = History Name = IsisCube StartByte = 537037 Bytes = 1438 End_Object Object = OriginalLabel Name = IsisCube StartByte = 487952 Bytes = 48845 End_Object Object = NaifKeywords BODY_CODE = 599 BODY599_RADII = (71492.0, 71492.0, 66854.0) BODY_FRAME_CODE = 10015 INS-61500_SWAP_OBSERVER_TARGET = TRUE INS-61500_LIGHTTIME_CORRECTION = NONE INS-61500_LT_SURFACE_CORRECT = FALSE INS-61500_FOCAL_LENGTH = 10.95637 INS-61500_PIXEL_PITCH = 0.0074 INS-61500_TRANSX = (0.0, 0.0074, 0.0) INS-61500_TRANSY = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0074) INS-61500_ITRANSS = (0.0, 135.1351, 0.0) INS-61500_ITRANSL = (0.0, 0.0, 135.1351) INS-61500_BORESIGHT_SAMPLE = 814.21 INS-61500_BORESIGHT_LINE = 600.0 INS-61503_FILTER_OFFSET = 751.52 INS-61500_DISTORTION_K1 = -5.96242094556673e-08 INS-61500_DISTORTION_K2 = 2.73819100422562e-14 CLOCK_ET_-61_644363187:218_COMPUTED = 27bfee591934c341 INS-61500_START_TIME_BIAS = 0.06188 INS-61500_INTERFRAME_DELTA = 0.001 End_Object End Object = IsisCube Object = Core StartByte = 65537 Format = Tile TileSamples = 824 TileLines = 128 Group = Dimensions Samples = 1648 Lines = 128 Bands = 1 End_Group Group = Pixels Type = SignedWord ByteOrder = Lsb Base = 0.0 Multiplier = 1.0 End_Group End_Object Group = Instrument SpacecraftName = JUNO InstrumentHostId = UNKNOWN InstrumentName = "JUNO EPO CAMERA" InstrumentId = JNC TargetName = JUPITER # Start time for the entire observation, i.e. start time for FrameNumber 1. StartTime = 2020-06-02T09:41:02.680 # Start count for the entire observation, i.e. start count for FrameNumber 1. SpacecraftClockStartCount = 644363187:218 ExposureDuration = 28.800000 InterFrameDelay = 0.370 SummingMode = 1 NumberFramelets = 28 FrameNumber = 7 End_Group Group = Archive MissionPhase = "SCIENCE ORBITS" OrbitNumber = 27 FocalPlaneTemperature = 255.7 TDICount = 9 CompressionType = "INTEGER COSINE TRANSFORM" YearDoy = 2020154 SourceProductId = JNCE_2020154_27C00007_V01 End_Group Group = BandBin FilterName = RED NaifIkCode = -61503 End_Group Group = Kernels NaifFrameCode = -61500 LeapSecond = $base/kernels/lsk/naif0012.tls TargetAttitudeShape = $juno/kernels/pck/pck00010.tpc TargetPosition = (Table, $juno/kernels/tspk/jup363.bsp, $juno/kernels/tspk/de440s.bsp, $juno/kernels/tspk/juno_struct_v04.bsp) InstrumentPointing = (Table, $juno/kernels/ck/juno_sc_rec_200531_200606_v0- 1.bc, $juno/kernels/fk/juno_v12.tf) Instrument = $juno/kernels/ik/juno_junocam_v03.ti SpacecraftClock = $juno/kernels/sclk/jno_sclkscet_00110.tsc InstrumentPosition = (Table, $juno/kernels/spk/juno_rec_200508_200629_2007- 09.bsp) InstrumentAddendum = $juno/kernels/iak/junoAddendum005.ti ShapeModel = Null InstrumentPositionQuality = Reconstructed InstrumentPointingQuality = Reconstructed CameraVersion = 1 End_Group End_Object Object = Label Bytes = 65536 End_Object Object = Table Name = InstrumentPointing StartByte = 536797 Bytes = 64 Records = 1 ByteOrder = Lsb TimeDependentFrames = (-61000, 1) ConstantFrames = (-61500, -61505, -61000) ConstantRotation = (0.0022409695777088, -0.002220557600931, -0.99999502357726, 0.012486301868467, -0.99991951530675, 0.0022483714915059, -0.99991953192294, -0.012491278263463, -0.0022130626614382) CkTableStartTime = 644362934.16749 CkTableEndTime = 644362934.16749 CkTableOriginalSize = 1 FrameTypeCode = 3 Description = "Created by spiceinit" Kernels = ($juno/kernels/ck/juno_sc_rec_200531_200606_v01.bc, $juno/kernels/fk/juno_v12.tf) Group = Field Name = J2000Q0 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000Q1 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000Q2 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000Q3 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = AV1 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = AV2 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = AV3 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = ET Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group End_Object Object = Table Name = InstrumentPosition StartByte = 536861 Bytes = 56 Records = 1 ByteOrder = Lsb CacheType = Linear SpkTableStartTime = 644362934.16749 SpkTableEndTime = 644362934.16749 SpkTableOriginalSize = 1.0 Description = "Created by spiceinit" Kernels = $juno/kernels/spk/juno_rec_200508_200629_200709.bsp Group = Field Name = J2000X Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000Y Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000Z Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000XV Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000YV Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000ZV Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = ET Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group End_Object Object = Table Name = BodyRotation StartByte = 536917 Bytes = 64 Records = 1 ByteOrder = Lsb TimeDependentFrames = (10015, 1) CkTableStartTime = 644362934.16749 CkTableEndTime = 644362934.16749 CkTableOriginalSize = 1 FrameTypeCode = 2 PoleRa = (268.056595, -0.006499, 0.0) PoleDec = (64.495303, 0.002413, 0.0) PrimeMeridian = (284.95, 870.536, 0.0) PoleRaNutPrec = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.17e-04, 9.38e-04, 0.001432, 3.0e-05, 0.00215) PoleDecNutPrec = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0e-05, 4.04e-04, 6.17e-04, -1.3e-05, 9.26e-04) PmNutPrec = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) SysNutPrec0 = (73.32, 24.62, 283.9, 355.8, 119.9, 229.8, 352.25, 113.35, 146.64, 49.24, 99.360714, 175.895369, 300.323162, 114.012305, 49.511251) SysNutPrec1 = (91472.9, 45137.2, 4850.7, 1191.3, 262.1, 64.3, 2382.6, 6070.0, 182945.8, 90274.4, 4850.4046, 1191.9605, 262.5475, 6070.2476, 64.3) Description = "Created by spiceinit" Kernels = ($juno/kernels/tspk/jup363.bsp, $juno/kernels/tspk/de440s.bsp, $juno/kernels/tspk/juno_struct_v04.bsp, $juno/kernels/pck/pck00010.tpc) SolarLongitude = 331.29399508763 Group = Field Name = J2000Q0 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000Q1 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000Q2 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000Q3 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = AV1 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = AV2 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = AV3 Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = ET Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group End_Object Object = Table Name = SunPosition StartByte = 536981 Bytes = 56 Records = 1 ByteOrder = Lsb CacheType = Linear SpkTableStartTime = 644362934.16749 SpkTableEndTime = 644362934.16749 SpkTableOriginalSize = 1.0 Description = "Created by spiceinit" Kernels = ($juno/kernels/tspk/jup363.bsp, $juno/kernels/tspk/de440s.bsp, $juno/kernels/tspk/juno_struct_v04.bsp) Group = Field Name = J2000X Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000Y Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000Z Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000XV Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000YV Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = J2000ZV Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group Group = Field Name = ET Type = Double Size = 1 End_Group End_Object Object = History Name = IsisCube StartByte = 537037 Bytes = 1438 End_Object Object = OriginalLabel Name = IsisCube StartByte = 487952 Bytes = 48845 End_Object Object = NaifKeywords BODY_CODE = 599 BODY599_RADII = (71492.0, 71492.0, 66854.0) BODY_FRAME_CODE = 10015 INS-61500_SWAP_OBSERVER_TARGET = TRUE INS-61500_LIGHTTIME_CORRECTION = NONE INS-61500_LT_SURFACE_CORRECT = FALSE INS-61500_FOCAL_LENGTH = 10.95637 INS-61500_PIXEL_PITCH = 0.0074 INS-61500_TRANSX = (0.0, 0.0074, 0.0) INS-61500_TRANSY = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0074) INS-61500_ITRANSS = (0.0, 135.1351, 0.0) INS-61500_ITRANSL = (0.0, 0.0, 135.1351) INS-61500_BORESIGHT_SAMPLE = 814.21 INS-61500_BORESIGHT_LINE = 600.0 INS-61503_FILTER_OFFSET = 751.52 INS-61500_DISTORTION_K1 = -5.96242094556673e-08 INS-61500_DISTORTION_K2 = 2.73819100422562e-14 CLOCK_ET_-61_644363187:218_COMPUTED = 27bfee591934c341 INS-61500_START_TIME_BIAS = 0.06188 INS-61500_INTERFRAME_DELTA = 0.001 End_Object End