diff --git a/.idea/tileserver.iml b/.idea/tileserver.iml
index d108e33..60f20ee 100644
--- a/.idea/tileserver.iml
+++ b/.idea/tileserver.iml
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index 3447e6e..8f2c1b6 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
RUN python3 -m venv /poetry-env
RUN /poetry-env/bin/pip install -U pip setuptools
-RUN /poetry-env/bin/pip install poetry
+RUN /poetry-env/bin/pip install poetry==1.8.4
diff --git a/macrostrat_tileserver/main.py b/macrostrat_tileserver/main.py
index ebda3b3..7773d98 100644
--- a/macrostrat_tileserver/main.py
+++ b/macrostrat_tileserver/main.py
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
-from timvt.settings import PostgresSettings
from timvt.layer import FunctionRegistry
from titiler.core.errors import DEFAULT_STATUS_CODES, add_exception_handlers
from titiler.core.factory import TilerFactory
@@ -30,6 +29,7 @@
from pathlib import Path
from time import time
+from .map_ingestion import register_map_ingestion_routes
from typing import Any, Optional
from buildpg import asyncpg
@@ -100,9 +100,8 @@ async def startup_event():
# Apply fixtures
# apply_fixtures(db_settings.database_url)
- await register_table_catalog(app, schemas=["sources"])
+ # await register_table_catalog(app, schemas=["sources"])
- print("Application started.")
@@ -138,6 +137,10 @@ async def shutdown_event():
app.add_middleware(CompressionMiddleware, minimum_size=0)
+# Map ingestion
cog = TilerFactory()
@@ -148,8 +151,8 @@ async def shutdown_event():
# Register endpoints.
mvt_tiler = CachedVectorTilerFactory(
- with_tables_metadata=True,
- with_functions_metadata=True, # add Functions metadata endpoints (/functions.json, /{function_name}.json)
+ with_tables_metadata=False,
+ with_functions_metadata=False, # add Functions metadata endpoints (/functions.json, /{function_name}.json)
diff --git a/macrostrat_tileserver/map_bounds/__init__.py b/macrostrat_tileserver/map_bounds/__init__.py
index 5bcd922..352a692 100644
--- a/macrostrat_tileserver/map_bounds/__init__.py
+++ b/macrostrat_tileserver/map_bounds/__init__.py
@@ -17,23 +17,33 @@ async def rgeom(
y: int,
"""Get a tile from the tileserver."""
- pool = request.app.state.pool
+ return await get_rgeom(request.app.state.pool, z=z, x=x, y=y)
+async def rgeom_slug(
+ request: Request,
+ slug: str,
+ z: int,
+ x: int,
+ y: int,
+ """Get a tile from the tileserver."""
+ return await get_rgeom(
+ request.app.state.pool, where="slug = :slug", z=z, x=x, y=y, slug=slug
+ )
+async def get_rgeom(pool, *, where="is_finalized = true", **params):
async with pool.acquire() as con:
- data = await run_layer_query(
- con,
- "bounds",
- z=z,
- x=x,
- y=y,
- )
+ data = await run_layer_query(con, "bounds", where=where, **params)
kwargs = {}
kwargs.setdefault("media_type", MimeTypes.pbf.value)
return Response(data, **kwargs)
-async def run_layer_query(con, layer_name, **params):
- query = get_layer_sql(layer_name)
+async def run_layer_query(con, layer_name, *, where="true", **params):
+ query = get_layer_sql(layer_name, where=where)
q, p = render(query, layer_name=layer_name, **params)
# Overcomes a shortcoming in buildpg that deems casting to an array as unsafe
@@ -43,7 +53,7 @@ async def run_layer_query(con, layer_name, **params):
return await con.fetchval(q, *p)
-def get_layer_sql(layer: str):
+def get_layer_sql(layer: str, *, where="true"):
query = __here__ / "queries" / (layer + ".sql")
q = query.read_text()
q = q.strip()
@@ -52,6 +62,7 @@ def get_layer_sql(layer: str):
# Replace the envelope with the function call. Kind of awkward.
q = q.replace(":envelope", "tile_utils.envelope(:x, :y, :z)")
+ q = q.replace(":where", where)
# Wrap with MVT creation
return f"WITH feature_query AS ({q}) SELECT ST_AsMVT(feature_query, :layer_name) FROM feature_query"
diff --git a/macrostrat_tileserver/map_bounds/queries/bounds.sql b/macrostrat_tileserver/map_bounds/queries/bounds.sql
index e839d3d..598ccc5 100644
--- a/macrostrat_tileserver/map_bounds/queries/bounds.sql
+++ b/macrostrat_tileserver/map_bounds/queries/bounds.sql
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ WITH tile AS (
), sources AS (
+ is_finalized,
@@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ WITH tile AS (
FROM maps.sources, tile
rgeom is NOT NULL
- AND status_code = 'active'
+ AND :where
AND ST_Intersects(rgeom, envelope_4326)
SELECT * FROM sources z
diff --git a/macrostrat_tileserver/map_ingestion/__init__.py b/macrostrat_tileserver/map_ingestion/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..600add3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macrostrat_tileserver/map_ingestion/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+from pathlib import Path
+from buildpg import render, Renderer
+from fastapi import APIRouter, Request, Response
+from timvt.resources.enums import MimeTypes
+from titiler.core.models.mapbox import TileJSON
+from asyncpg import UndefinedTableError
+from enum import Enum
+from macrostrat.utils import get_logger
+from macrostrat.database.utils import format as format_sql
+print_sql_statements = False
+router = APIRouter()
+log = get_logger("uvicorn.error")
+__here__ = Path(__file__).parent
+class FeatureType(str, Enum):
+ """Feature types."""
+ polygons = "polygons"
+ lines = "lines"
+ points = "points"
+ "/{slug}/tilejson.json",
+ response_model=TileJSON,
+ responses={200: {"description": "Return a tilejson"}},
+ response_model_exclude_none=True,
+async def tilejson(
+ request: Request,
+ slug: str,
+ """Return TileJSON document."""
+ url_path = request.url_for(
+ "tile", **{"slug": slug, "z": "{z}", "x": "{x}", "y": "{y}"}
+ )
+ tile_endpoint = str(url_path)
+ bounds_query = f"""
+ SELECT geom FROM sources.{slug}_polygons
+ SELECT geom FROM sources.{slug}_lines
+ SELECT geom FROM sources.{slug}_points
+ """
+ sql = get_bounds(bounds_query, geometry_column="geom")
+ pool = request.app.state.pool
+ async with pool.acquire() as con:
+ bounds = await con.fetchval(sql)
+ return {
+ "minzoom": 0,
+ "maxzoom": 18,
+ "name": slug,
+ "bounds": bounds,
+ "tiles": [tile_endpoint],
+ }
+async def tile(
+ request: Request,
+ slug: str,
+ z: int,
+ x: int,
+ y: int,
+ # if feature_type != FeatureType.polygons:
+ # return Response(status_code=404, content="Only polygons are supported for now")
+ """Get a tile from the tileserver."""
+ pool = request.app.state.pool
+ data = b""
+ success = False
+ for layer in FeatureType:
+ try:
+ data += await get_layer(pool, slug, layer, z=z, x=x, y=y)
+ success = True
+ except UndefinedTableError:
+ pass
+ if not success:
+ return Response(status_code=404, content=f"No tables found for {slug}")
+ kwargs = {}
+ kwargs.setdefault("media_type", MimeTypes.pbf.value)
+ return Response(data, **kwargs)
+async def get_layer(pool, slug, layer: FeatureType, **params):
+ async with pool.acquire() as con:
+ table_name = f"{slug}_{layer}"
+ alias = "s"
+ column_dict = await get_table_columns(con, table_name, schema="sources")
+ log.debug("Columns: %s", column_dict)
+ columns = [
+ format_column(k, v, cast_empty_strings=True, table_alias=alias)
+ for k, v in column_dict.items()
+ if k != "geom"
+ ]
+ columns.append("tile_layers.tile_geom(s.geom, :envelope) AS geometry")
+ joins = None
+ if layer == FeatureType.polygons:
+ joins = [
+ "LEFT JOIN macrostrat.intervals i0 ON s.b_interval = i0.id",
+ "LEFT JOIN macrostrat.intervals i1 ON s.t_interval = i1.id",
+ ]
+ b_age = "i0.age_bottom"
+ t_age = "i1.age_top"
+ # Eventually we will allow b_age and t_age to be set directly
+ # b_age = "coalesce(s.b_age, i0.age_bottom)"
+ # t_age = "coalesce(s.t_age, i1.age_top)"
+ columns += [
+ b_age + "::float AS b_age",
+ t_age + "::float AS t_age",
+ _color_subquery(b_age, t_age, "color"),
+ ]
+ return await run_layer_query(
+ con,
+ f"sources.{table_name}",
+ columns,
+ joins=joins,
+ table_alias=alias,
+ layer_name=f"{layer}",
+ **params,
+ )
+string_data_types = [
+ "character varying",
+ "text",
+def format_column(
+ col, data_type, table_alias=None, cast_empty_strings=False, name=None
+ val = _wrap_with_quotes(col)
+ if name is None:
+ name = val
+ if table_alias is not None:
+ val = f"{table_alias}.{val}"
+ if cast_empty_strings and data_type in string_data_types:
+ val = f"NULLIF({val}, '')::text"
+ return f"{val} AS {name}"
+def _color_subquery(b_age, t_age, alias):
+ return f"""(
+ SELECT interval_color
+ FROM macrostrat.intervals
+ WHERE age_top <= {t_age} AND age_bottom >= {b_age}
+ ORDER BY age_bottom - age_top
+ ) AS {alias}"""
+async def run_layer_query(
+ con,
+ table_name,
+ columns,
+ *,
+ joins=None,
+ layer_name="default",
+ table_alias=None,
+ **params,
+ _cols = ", ".join(columns)
+ query = f"SELECT {_cols} FROM {table_name}"
+ if table_alias:
+ query += f" AS {table_alias}"
+ if joins:
+ query += "\n" + "\n".join(joins)
+ query = extend_sql(query)
+ params = dict(layer_name=layer_name, **params)
+ if print_sql_statements:
+ log.debug(
+ "Running query:\n%s\nParameters: %s",
+ format_sql(query, reindent=True),
+ params,
+ )
+ q, p = render(query, **params)
+ return await con.fetchval(q, *p)
+def _wrap_with_quotes(col):
+ if col[0] == '"' and col[-1] == '"':
+ col = col[1:-1]
+ if '"' in col:
+ col = col.replace('"', '""')
+ return '"' + col + '"'
+def extend_sql(sql):
+ q = sql.strip()
+ if q.endswith(";"):
+ q = q[:-1]
+ # Replace the envelope with the function call. Kind of awkward.
+ q = q.replace(":envelope", "tile_utils.envelope(:x, :y, :z)")
+ # Wrap with MVT creation
+ return f"WITH feature_query AS ({q}) SELECT ST_AsMVT(feature_query, :layer_name, 4096, 'geometry') FROM feature_query"
+def get_bounds(base_query, geometry_column="geometry"):
+ return f"""WITH b AS (
+ SELECT ST_Union(a.{geometry_column}::box2d)::box2d env
+ FROM ({base_query}) a
+ )
+ SELECT ARRAY[ST_XMin(env), ST_YMin(env), ST_XMax(env), ST_YMax(env)]
+ FROM b;
+ """
+async def get_table_columns(con, table, schema="sources"):
+ base_sql = f"""
+ SELECT column_name, data_type
+ FROM information_schema.columns
+ WHERE table_name = :table
+ AND table_schema = :schema;
+ """
+ q, p = render(base_sql, table=table, schema=schema)
+ res = await con.fetch(q, *p)
+ if len(res) == 0:
+ raise UndefinedTableError(f"Table {schema}.{table} not found")
+ return {i[0]: i[1] for i in res}
+def register_map_ingestion_routes(app):
+ app.include_router(router, tags=["Map ingestion"], prefix="/ingestion")