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900 lines (769 loc) · 47.9 KB

File metadata and controls

900 lines (769 loc) · 47.9 KB

🔖Game Dev Tools🎮

Unity Snippet

  • Unity Coding Convention

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    // interface name always start with I and then an meaningful name in -> PascalCase
    interface IConvention{
        string Convention1 { get; }
        string Convention2 { get; }
        string Convention3 { get; }
    // enum name -> PascalCase
    enum ConventionLevel{
    // Class name in our case "ConventionClass" -> PascalCase
    public class ConventionClass : MonoBehavior
        // Classes Local static variable in our case "ConventionStaticVariable" -> PascalCase and always written at the top
        public static int ConventionStaticVariable;
        // Classes Local public and protected variable in our case "PublicConventionMember and ProtectedConventionMember" -> PascalCase
        public int PublicConventionMember;
        protected int ProtectedConventionMember;
        // Classes Local private variable in our case "_conventionPrivateMember" -> camelCase with an underscore before
        private int _conventionPrivateMember;
        // Hungarian notation
        private int m_conventionPrivateMember;
        // Methods and Functions name -> PascalCase
        void Start() {}
        void Update() {}
        // Parameter type in our case "ConventionClass"-> PascalCase
        // Parameter name in our case "conventionClass" -> camelCase
        void ConventionMethod(ConventionClass conventionClass)
            // Method's Local variable in our case "conventionVariable" -> camelCase
            float conventionVariable = 1.5f;
  • Fill Arrays With For simple name text file

    using UnityEngine;
    // to use this utility you will need a text file with names like the following example:
    Loui Navarro
    Habiba Conway
    Thea Donaldson
    Xavier Rivers
    Tabitha Barker
    Rupert Lloyd
    Carolyn Merritt
    Alyssia Cisneros
    Fabio Chambers
    David Brennan*/
    // now just drag the file in the _file field in the inspector
    public class People : MonoBehavior
        TextAsset _file;
        string[] _names;
        void OnValidate()
            _names = _file? _file.text.Split(new [] {Environment.NewLine}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries):null;
  • Fill Arrays With multiple value text file

    using UnityEngine;
    // to use this utility you will need a text file with data like the following example:
    // now just drag the file in the _file field in the inspector
    public class Item
        public string Name;
        public int Price;
        public Color Color;
    public class Items : MonoBehavior
        TextAsset _file;
        Item[] _items;
        void OnValidate()
            _names = _file? _file.text.Split(new [] {Environment.NewLine}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries):null;
        Item ConvertToItem(string line)
            var parts = line.split(",");
            return new Item
                name = parts[0],
                price = int.TryPrase(parts[1],out var p) ? p : 0,
                color = ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString(parts[2],out var c)
  • MonoBehavior Event Execution Order

    private void Awake() { /* Called when the script is being loaded */ }
    private void OnEnable() { /* Called every time the object is enabled */ }
    private void Start() { /* Called on the frame when the script is enabled */ }
    private void Update() { /* Called once per frame */ }
    private void LateUpdate() { /* Called every frame after Update */ }
    private void FixedUpdate() { /* Called every Fixed Timestep */ }
    private void OnBecameVisible() { /* Called when the renderer is visible by any Camera */ }
    private void OnBecameInvisible() { /* Called when the renderer is no longer visible by any Camera */ }
    private void OnDrawGizmos() { /* Allows you to draw Gizmos in the Scene View */ }
    private void OnGUI() { /* Called multiple times per frame in response to GUI events */ }
    private void OnApplicationPause() { /* Called at the end of a frame when a pause is detected */ }
    private void OnDisable() { /* Called every time the object is disabled */ }
    private void OnDestroy() { /* Only called on previously active GameObjects that have been destroyed */ }
  • GameObject Manipulation

    /* Create a GameObject */
    Instantiate(GameObject prefab);
    Instantiate(GameObject prefab, Transform parent);
    Instantiate(GameObject prefab, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation);
    /* In Practice */
    Instantiate(bullet, bulletSpawn.transform);
    Instantiate(bullet,, Quaternion.identity);
    Instantiate(bullet, new Vector3(0, 0, 10), bullet.transform.rotation);
    /* Destroy a GameObject */
    /* Finding GameObjects */
    GameObject myObj = GameObject.Find("NAME IN HIERARCHY");
    GameObject myObj = GameObject.FindWithTag("TAG");
    /* Accessing Components */
    Example myComponent = GetComponent<Example>();
    AudioSource audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
    Rigidbody rgbd = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
  • Vector Quick Reference

    // X = Left/Right   Y = Up/Down   Z = Forward/Back
    Vector3.right /* (1, 0, 0) */   Vector2.right /* (1, 0) */
    Vector3.left /* (-1, 0, 0) */   Vector2.left /* (-1, 0) */
    Vector3.up /* (0, 1, 0) */      Vector2.up /* (0, 1) */
    Vector3.down /* (0, -1, 0) */   Vector2.down /* (0, -1) */
    Vector3.forward /* (0, 0, 1) */
    Vector3.back /* (0, 0, -1) */ /* (0, 0, 0) */ /* (0, 0) */ /* (1, 1, 1) */ /* (1, 1) */
    float length = myVector.magnitude /* Length of this Vector */
    myVector.normalized /* Keeps direction, but reduces length to 1 */
  • Time Variables

    /* The time in seconds since the start of the game */
    float timeSinceStartOfGame = Time.time;
    /* The scale at which the time is passing */
    float currentTimeScale = Time.timeScale;
    /* Pause time */
    Time.timeScale = 0;
    /* The time in seconds it took to complete the last frame */
    /* Use with Update() and LateUpdate() */
    float timePassedSinceLastFrame = Time.deltaTime;
    /* The interval in seconds at which physics and fixed frame rate updates are performed */
    /* Use with FixedUpdate() */
    float physicsInterval =  Time.fixedDeltaTime;
  • Physics Events

    /* Both objects have to have a Collider and one object has to have a Rigidbody for these Events to work */
    private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision hit) { Debug.Log( + " just hit " +; }
    private void OnCollisionStay(Collision hit) { Debug.Log( + " is hitting " +; }
    private void OnCollisionExit(Collision hit) { Debug.Log( + " stopped hitting " +; }
    /* Trigger must be checked on one of the Colliders */
    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider hit) { Debug.Log( + " just hit " +; }
    private void OnTriggerStay(Collider hit) { Debug.Log( + " is hitting " +; }
    private void OnTriggerExit(Collider hit) { Debug.Log( + " stopped hitting " +; }
    /* For 2D Colliders just add 2D to the Method name and the Parameter Type */
    private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D hit) { }
    private void OnCollisionStay2D(Collision2D hit) { }
    private void OnCollisionExit2D(Collision2D hit) { }
    private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D hit) { }
    private void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D hit) { }
    private void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D hit) { }
  • Coroutines

    /* Create a Coroutine */
    private IEnumerator CountSeconds(int count = 10)
    for (int i = 0; i <= count; i++) {
        Debug.Log(i + " second(s) have passed");
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.0f);
    /* Call a Coroutine */
    /* Call a Coroutine that may need to be stopped */
    StartCoroutine("CountSeconds", 10);
    /* Stop a Coroutine */
    /* Store and call a Coroutine from a variable */
    private IEnumerator countSecondsCoroutine;
    countSecondsCoroutine = CountSeconds();
    /* Stop a stored Coroutine */
    /* Coroutine Return Types */
    yield return null; // Waits until the next Update() call
    yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate(); // Waits until the next FixedUpdate() call
    yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); // Waits until everything this frame has executed
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(float seconds); // Waits for game time in seconds
    yield return new WaitUntil(() => MY_CONDITION); // Waits until a custom condition is met
    yield return new WWW("MY/WEB/REQUEST"); // Waits for a web request
    yield return StartCoroutine("MY_COROUTINE"); // Waits until another Coroutine is completed
  • Input Quick Reference

    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { Debug.Log("Space key was Pressed"); }
    if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.W)) { Debug.Log("W key was Released"); }
    if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.UpArrow)) { Debug.Log("Up Arrow key is being held down"); }
    /* Button Input located under Edit >> Project Settings >> Input */
    if (Input.GetButtonDown("ButtonName")) { Debug.Log("Button was pressed"); }
    if (Input.GetButtonUp("ButtonName")) { Debug.Log("Button was released"); }
    if (Input.GetButton("ButtonName")) { Debug.Log("Button is being held down"); }