Perl script to swap out the soundtrack of Harebrained Schemes' Shadowrun games with custom music.
Need more documentation? Visit the wiki!
At its core, Shadow-Tune is a tool to manipulate the music resource files of the three Shadowrun Games released by Harebrained Schemes:
- Shadowrun Returns
- Shadowrun Dragonfall
- Shadowrun Hong Kong
All three games store their music in a file named resources.assets.resS
, with corresponding
metadata saved in another file labeled resources.assets
. Users wishing to replace the soundtrack
with something else will have to overwrite the resources.assets.resS
file with a new one and
update the aforementioned metadata.
Shadow-Tune aims to automate this replacement process. However, it is not a music converter and it is
up to the user to provide a properly formatted resources.assets.resS
file. (More information on how to create
a custom version of this file can be found in the wiki!)
Shadow-Tune 1.0
was originally developed as part of the effort to bring the UGC campaign CalFree in Chains
(which every self-respecting Shadowrunner should play if he/she/it hasn't already) to Linux platforms. The mod came with its
own soundtrack and a Linux-specific solution was needed to properly apply it and restore vanilla behavior once finished with the campaign.
Shadow-Tune 2.0
is the extended version of the original, capable of applying the same replacement operation to Shadowrun Returns and Shadowrun Dragonfall as well. It is the hope of this particular decker that this script will be useful in some way to future users/modders and that we will see many new UGC campaigns in the years to come.
Shadowrunners unite!
- A Perl interpreter, preferably
>= 5.26.2
. Most Linux and Unix flavors should come with one pre-installed. Windows users might want to give Strawberry Perl or ActivePerl a try. (Note: Only Strawberry Perl has been tested so far. See Limitations for further information.)
Download the latest version from the Release page or clone the repo. If you are on Linux, don't forget to make the script executable after extraction!
Only core modules were used, so no additional packages should have to be installed.
The script can execute two kinds of operations:
Swap out the existing soundtrack with a new one. The format of the command is: -swap <new-resources.assets.resS> [ <options> ]
Where new-resources.assets.resS
is the path to a new resources.assets.resS file.
Before replacing the original, the script will make a backup copy that can later be used for the restore operation.
Revert back to the state prior to the sound modification. The format of the command is: -restore [ <options> ]
This operation will fail if the script can't locate the backup copy mentioned above.
Both operations can be supplemented with the following options:
-e [ returns|dragonfall|hongkong| ]
By default, the script will assume that its operations are to be carried out on the files of Shadowrun Returns. A different game can be specified with this switch.
-i <path-to-shadowrun-install-folder>
The script comes with OS-specific glob patterns to locate the Shadowrun games. It is not unlikely for this process to fail, though, and this commandline option can be used to manually point the script to the Shadowrun game that is to be modified.
-The path given with the -i
switch should just lead to the root directory of the installation, e. g.
/some/folders/Shadowrun Dragonfall Director's Cut
or (for the Windows cmd) c:\Program Files (x86)\some\folders\Shadowrun Hong Kong
-The specified game directory must correspond to the game selected with the -e
switch. (E.g. if only -i
is used
to point to the location of Shadowrun Dragonfall without setting -e
to the appropriate value, the script will disgard
the path.)
Obtain more verbose output.
For more examples, check out the FAQ!
Parsing resources.assets of Shadowrun Returns | Parsing a new resources.assets.resS file | Updating resources.assets of Shadowrun Hong Kong |
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Script invocation in a Windows 10 VM using Strawberry Perl |
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The script provides no way of accessing and/or modifying individual music tracks, the only available operation is bulk replacement of everything. This is because even the replacement of only a single track would boil down to providing a modified
file and performing a standard swap operation. (The number of tracks has to remain constant otherwise the game will most certainly crash when loading nonexistent music data.) -
Shadow-Tune was originally developed in and for a Unix-like environment. Even with version
its roots are clearly visible and this decker understands that it is a less than ideal tool for Windows users. Efforts have been made to improve Windows integration and general functionality has been tested with Strawberry Perl. -
Why no GUI I hear you say? The reasons for that are twofold: The design goals for Shadow-Tune were simplicity and portability. Upgrading the script from a commandline tool to a full-fledged GUI application would introduce additional dependencies and turn what was originally supposed to be a simple script with one basic purpose into a (by comparison) heavy runtime behemoth. That being said, a future version with GUI support is not entirely off the table.
Van Ziegelstein - Creator and Maintainer
Every Shadowrunner needs the right team for the job and Shadow-Tune wouldn't exist without the groundwork laid by two particular runners:
Zetor - Performed the initial research into the sound resources of Shadowrun Returns and discovered how resources.assets
and resources.assets.resS
were related.
Cirion - Creator of the UGC campaigns Antumbra Saga, Caldecott Caper and CalFree in Chains. Expanded Zetor's research
with regard to the audio format of resources.assets.resS
and built the first music replacer for Shadowrun Hong Kong.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.