Welcome to the TensorFlow.js gallery! This is a collection of TensorFlow.js projects, tutorials, videos, and more.
Please reach out to us if you'd like to put your project on the list.
- TensorSpace.js - A 3D visualization framework for neural networks, featuring interactive and intuitive display of models in the browser. Supports pre-trained models from TensorFlow, Keras, and TensorFlow.js.
- Magenta Studio - A collection of music plugins built on Magenta’s open source tools and models using cutting-edge machine learning techniques for music generation.
- Move Mirror - An AI Experiment with Pose Estimation in the Browser using TensorFlow.js
- Emoji Scavenger Hunt - Locate the emoji we show you in the real world with your phone’s camera.
- Semi-Conductor - Conduct your own orchestra in the browser by moving your arms.
- Metacar - A reinforcement learning environment for self-driving cars in the browser.
- Evolution Simulator - Evolution Simulator using NeuroEvolution
- Play pong with webcam by Gene Kogan
- Make music with PoseNet by Gene Kogan
- Neural drum machine by Tero Parviainen
- Pose Music by Tero Parviainen
- Neural Arpeggiator by Tero Parviainen
- Neural Melody Autocompletion by Tero Parviainen
- Deep Roll by Tero Parviainen
- Latent Cycles by Tero Parviainen
- PoseNet + Pts.js - Visualizing pose with pts.js
- Falling balls + DQN - A demo of a DQN agent that learns to dodge falling balls by seann999
- Tenori Off - An ML-powered music sequencer by Monica Dinculescu
- Hello TensorFlow.js - Polynomial Regression by Monica Dinculescu
- Simple MNIST GAN by Daniel Chang
- Complementary Color Prediction by Roberto Stelling
- Mars at Home - Mars@Home client for Firefox & Chrome - Labels image from Unsplash in browser
- Nxt Word - Next Word Predictor - by Rajveer Malviya
- Interactive Classification - Modify images and see how deep learning classifiers respond
- Hidden Markov Model with Gaussian emissions - A trainable Hidden Markov Model with Gaussian emissions using TensorFlow.js. Used in Node Clinic
- Emotion Extractor by Brendan Sudol
- Aida Named entity recognition and text classification pipeline for creating chatbots by Rodrigo Pimentel
- GAN Lab - An Interactive Visualization Tool for Playing with Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)!
- Canvas Friends - Half game, half experiment to see if software can improve the drawing and artistic skills of people.
- High School Level Tensorflowjs - Greater than 40 demos that can be online edited made as simply as possible using single web pages. All examples use the <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow/tfjs"> specific version tag so the pages always work and no installation is needed - By Jeremy Ellis.
- Gboard Physical Handwriting Version - You can input a character by drawing it on your keyboard.
- AICAMCAM - A browser-based webcam video recording service with people/dog/cat detection functionality.
These tutorials augment the official tutorials.
- A gentle introduction to TensorFlow.js by Zaid Alyafeai
- Train a model in tf.keras with Colab, and run it in the browser with TensorFlow.js by Zaid Alyafeai
- Python Programming - Deep learning in the browser with TensorFlow.js by Harrison Kinsley
- Basic Tutorial with TensorFlow.js: Linear Regression by Tristan Sokol
- The Coding Train - TensorFlow.js Introduction
- The Coding Train - TensorFlow.js Color Classifier
- Siraj Raval - TensorFlow.js Explained
- Siraj Raval - Financial Forecasting using TensorFlow.js
- Siraj Raval - Webcam tracking with TensorFlow.js
- Angular Firebase - TensorFlow.js Quickstart
- TensorFlow dev summit - Official TensorFlow.js launch
- Google I/O, Node.js binding launch - Official TensorFlow.js + Node.js launch
- Deep Learning in JS - Ashi Krishnan - JSConf EU 2018
- Move Mirror - An AI Experiment with Pose Estimation in the Browser using TensorFlow.js
- Abstract art with ML by Jan Huenermann
- Deep Overwatch with TensorFlow.js - combining TensorFlow.js, Overwatch, Computer Vision, and Music by Farza
- Real-time Human Pose Estimation in the Browser with TensorFlow.js by Dan Oved
- Getting Started with TensorFlow.js by Laurence Moroney
- Introducing TensorFlow.js by Josh Gordon and Sara Robinson
- Solving the Chrome T-Rex Game with Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms and TensorFlow.js (Chinese: 前端人工智能?TensorFlow.js 学会游戏通关) by @MagicCube
- A look at how we built the Emoji Scavenger Hunt using TensorFlow.js by Jacques Bruwer, JK Kafalas, and Shuhei Iitsuka from Google Brand Studio
- Introduction to TensorFlow.js by Nikhil Thorat
- How to build a Teachable Machine by Nikhil Thorat
- Smoothgrad in TensorFlow.js by Aman Tiwari
- Visualizing training using TensorFlow.js + MLB data by Nick Kreeger
- Animation CPPNs - by Emily Reif
- ML5 - Friendly machine learning for the web
- magenta.js - Music and Art Generation with Machine Intelligence in the Browser.
- Handsfree.js - A library for adding face-controlled pointers to your site.
- face-api.js - A JavaScript API for face detection and face recognition in the browser.
- TensorFlow.js GPU-accelerated t-SNE - A linear t-SNE for the web.