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TravisCI build and deploy

Commit build and testing are performed on TravisCI. Main entry point for this is the file .travis.yml, which describes the build process.

TL;DR: Choose your branching model, then go to the Quick Start section.

Branching models

You can adopt the branching model event if you don't require all the listed branched. For example, for the "Web project" type, you can use either:

  • master (PROD environment)
  • master+development (PROD+DEV environments)
  • master+staging+development (PROD+STAG+DEV environments)

However you make it, though, staging should be branched from master, and development from either master, or staging (if it exists, or when it's created).

The branching model is set in .travis.yml ( by setting the BRANCHING_MODEL variable.

Please set the following variables common to all models in .travis.yml. In standard configuration, you have to set only the PACKAGE_NAME variable.

  • PACKAGE_NAME, usually the same as the repo name.
  • REMOTE_USER, the user which as ssh access to target server for deploy. On dedicated server use travis, on shared servers, use the same as PACKAGE_NAME.
  • INIT_SCRIPT, the init script on the target server. Default: /etc/init.d/node-${PACKAGE_NAME}.
  • REMOTE_DIR, the dir on the target server which contains the application. Default: /opt/${PACKAGE_NAME}.
  • REMOTE_HOST_DEV, the dev server hostname. Default: ${PACKAGE_NAME}
  • REMOTE_HOST_STAG, the dev server hostname. Default: ${PACKAGE_NAME}
  • REMOTE_HOST_PRD, the dev server hostname. Default: ${PACKAGE_NAME}

Dummy - no deploy


Web projects / Mobile projects

  • Build and deploy the following branches:
    • development -> DEV
    • staging -> STAG
    • master -> PROD
  • Build the following branches (not yet implemented)
    • ios/development -> Dev iOS App
    • ios/master -> Prod iOS App
    • android/development -> Dev Android App
    • android/master -> Prod Android App

Web projects with distinct API/APP (like

  • Composed of a static APP component + a dynamic API component
  • Build and deploy the following branches:
    • api/development -> DEV/api
    • api/staging -> STAG/api
    • api/master -> PROD/api
    • development -> DEV
    • staging -> STAG
    • master -> PROD

Quick Start

  • Install the Travis CLI
  • Edit .travis.yml:
    • Set PACKAGE_NAME to your repository name
    • Set BRANCHING_MODEL to the chosen branching model
  • Enable the repository on Travis:
    • Go to Travis
    • Log in with your GitHub account
    • Click on the plus sign (+) on the left bar
    • Click on "Clevertech" on the left bar
    • (If necessary) click on "Sync now"
    • Find your repository on the list and put the swtich on "On"


  • Set up your build requisites. The default configuration provides redis and mongodb. If you need more, edit services section in .travis.yml according to the documentation.


  • Edit build/commit_test:
    • Drop the line echo Doing nothing!
    • Substite it with your test command, e.g.: npm test

Code Analysis


Deployment with TravisCI (could be automated more...)

  • If your server name are not in the standard form (e.g., ${PACKAGE_NAME}, modify .travis.yml ccordingly.
  • Get id_rsa and id_rsa pub for travis user (they should have been put S3 bucket clever-deploy-keys/travis/$PROJECT_NAME$ by project creation script) and put them in deployment/build/ssh.
  • Obtain travis ruby gem here: , add a repository to travis by logging in to, clicking small "+" icon above the list of repositories and enabling repo of your choice, then run travis encrypt-file deployment/build/ssh/id_rsa deployment/build/ssh/id_rsa.enc --add
  • Add - chmod 400 deployment/build/ssh/id_rsa after openssl aes... on before_install section of .travis.yml
  • rm deployment/build/ssh/id_rsa (Do not put the private key in the repo!)
  • git add deployment/build/ssh/id_rsa.enc
  • git add deployment/build/ssh/

Manual Deployment

In case if TravisCI is down or slow and you need your code on server ASAP you can use manual deploy script:

  • Make sure your VPN connection is UP
  • cd your_project_dir
  • make sure you are on right branch (development, staging or master)
  • run: deployment/build/scripts/deploy_manual /path/to/server/ssh_privatekey

Slack Notifications

(To do this you need Admin access to Slack and the Travis CLI utils. Ask DevOps to do that for you)

  • Go to your Slack channel
  • Click on the channel name on the top and select "Add a service integration"
  • Select "Travis CI"
  • Confirm the channel name
  • Click "Add Travis CI integration"
  • Follow the instructions and encrypt credentials

That's it!

  • Configure the Ansible script and run them (they need the id_rsa pub file retrieved in previous steps)
  • Commit all to the repository (can be a branch or a pull request)
  • Wait a couple of minutes to allow for Travis first initialization
  • Follow the build process on Travis

Pre-commit hook

Cleverbuild provides a Git pre-commit hook, which allow you to run fast tests and code analysis at each commit. To enable the hook on your system go to the repository root directory and exec:

$ ln -s ../../deployment/build/hooks/pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit

To skip the pre-commit hook: git commit --no-verify (use at your own risk).

Build Process Explained

A complete build and deploy run is composed by the following steps:

  • commit_dependencies
  • commit_build
  • commit_analysis
  • commit_test
  • deploy
  • deploy_remote

Entry points for build and deploy phases are scripts (not necessarily Bash scripts, you can make a node.js, python, whatever script executable). Scripts should return an exit value which is interpreted as success (0) or failure (!=0). Script standard output and standard error are piped to the build report.

commit_dependencies Install dependencies. Accepts a --fast parameter for rapid execution. Builds that are deployed on server are always run without --fast to ensure repeatability.


  • With --fast, runs npm install
  • Without --fast, removes the node_modules directory and runs npm install

commit_build For minifcation, code generation, etc.


  • Does nothing

commit_analysis For code analysis.


  • Does nothing

commit_test Runs tests.

Accepts a --fast parameter for rapid execution. Fast tests should run under 30 seconds. Non-fast tests can take whatever it takes. Notes:

  • If the test creates a server, it must create a transient instance of the server on a random TCP port.
  • If the test uses a database, it must create a test database (dropping an existing one) and put on it fixture data, that is, a set of objects that should be in the database.
  • Tests should be safe to be executed also on production servers.


  • Does nothing

deploy (To be completed) The script produces a compressed archive that contains the complete project, dependencies included.

deploy_remote (To be completed) Remove the existing version, decompress the new version and restart the application.

Deployment on sharednode

  • Fill out REMOTE_USER, REMOTE_HOST, REMOTE_DIR and INIT_SCRIPT in .travis.yml.

  • ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "$PUT_REMOTE_USER_HERE$@sharednode" -f deployment/build/ssh/id_rsa.

  • Obtain travis ruby gem here: , add a repository to travis by logging in to, clicking small "+" icon above the list of repositories and enabling repo of your choice, then run travis encrypt-file deployment/build/ssh/id_rsa deployment/build/ssh/id_rsa.enc --add

  • Make sure path to ssh keys in "openssl aes..." line is correct, i.e. : deployment/build/ssh/id_rsa.enc and deployment/build/ssh/id_rsa

  • Add - chmod 400 deployment/build/ssh/id_rsa after openssl aes... on before_install section of .travis.yml

  • git add deployment/build/ssh/id_rsa.enc

  • Copy id_rsa and into S3 bucket clever-deploy-keys/travis/sharednode/$YOUR_PROJECT_NAME$

  • Delete id_rsa. Do not put id_rsa in the repo!

  • Add to the repo

  • On sharednode:

    • adduser $PUT_REMOTE_USER_HERE$
    • cd /home/$PUT_REMOTE_USER_HERE$
    • mkdir .ssh
    • Copy the contents of in file .ssh/authorized_keys
    • Fix init script so that the REMOTE_USER can run it
    • Change remote dir ownership to REMOTE_USER:REMOTE_USER
    • Change /var/run/$APP_NAME$.pid and /var/log/node/$APP_NAME$.log ownership to REMOTE_USER:REMOTE_USER
    • Put in etc/sudoers something like:
    Cmnd_Alias FOREVER = /usr/bin/forever
    Defaults!FOREVER always_set_home