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451 lines (413 loc) · 31.3 KB

File metadata and controls

451 lines (413 loc) · 31.3 KB

Scalar Functions Support Status

Out of 357 scalar functions in Spark 3.5, Gluten currently fully supports 229 functions and partially supports 13 functions.

Array Functions

Spark Functions Spark Expressions Status Restrictions
array CreateArray S
array_append ArrayAppend
array_compact ArrayCompact
array_contains ArrayContains S
array_distinct ArrayDistinct S
array_except ArrayExcept S
array_insert ArrayInsert S
array_intersect ArrayIntersect S
array_join ArrayJoin S
array_max ArrayMax S
array_min ArrayMin S
array_position ArrayPosition S
array_prepend ArrayPrepend
array_remove ArrayRemove S
array_repeat ArrayRepeat S
array_union ArrayUnion
arrays_overlap ArraysOverlap S
arrays_zip ArraysZip S
flatten Flatten S
get Get
sequence Sequence S
shuffle Shuffle S
slice Slice S
sort_array SortArray S

Bitwise Functions

Spark Functions Spark Expressions Status Restrictions
& BitwiseAnd S
^ BitwiseXor S
bit_count BitwiseCount S
bit_get BitwiseGet S
getbit BitwiseGet S
shiftright ShiftRight S
shiftrightunsigned ShiftRightUnsigned S
| BitwiseOr S
~ BitwiseNot S

Collection Functions

Spark Functions Spark Expressions Status Restrictions
array_size ArraySize
cardinality Size S
concat Concat S
reverse Reverse S
size Size S

Conditional Functions

Spark Functions Spark Expressions Status Restrictions
coalesce Coalesce S
if If S
ifnull Nvl
nanvl NaNvl S
nullif NullIf
nvl Nvl
nvl2 Nvl2
when CaseWhen S

Conversion Functions

Spark Functions Spark Expressions Status Restrictions
bigint S
binary S
boolean S
cast Cast S
date S
decimal S
double S
float S
int S
smallint S
string S
timestamp S
tinyint S

Csv Functions

Spark Functions Spark Expressions Status Restrictions
from_csv CsvToStructs
schema_of_csv SchemaOfCsv
to_csv StructsToCsv

Date and Timestamp Functions

Spark Functions Spark Expressions Status Restrictions
add_months AddMonths S
convert_timezone ConvertTimezone
curdate CurDateExpressionBuilder
current_date CurrentDate
current_timestamp CurrentTimestamp
current_timezone CurrentTimeZone
date_add DateAdd S
date_diff DateDiff S
date_format DateFormatClass S
date_from_unix_date DateFromUnixDate S
date_part DatePartExpressionBuilder
date_sub DateSub S
date_trunc TruncTimestamp S
dateadd DateAdd S
datediff DateDiff S
datepart DatePartExpressionBuilder
day DayOfMonth S
dayofmonth DayOfMonth S
dayofweek DayOfWeek S
dayofyear DayOfYear S
extract Extract S
from_unixtime FromUnixTime S
from_utc_timestamp FromUTCTimestamp S
hour Hour S
last_day LastDay S
localtimestamp LocalTimestamp
make_date MakeDate S
make_dt_interval MakeDTInterval
make_interval MakeInterval
make_timestamp MakeTimestamp S
make_timestamp_ltz MakeTimestampLTZExpressionBuilder
make_timestamp_ntz MakeTimestampNTZExpressionBuilder
make_ym_interval MakeYMInterval S
minute Minute S
month Month S
months_between MonthsBetween S
next_day NextDay S
now Now
quarter Quarter S
second Second S
session_window SessionWindow
timestamp_micros MicrosToTimestamp S
timestamp_millis MillisToTimestamp S
timestamp_seconds SecondsToTimestamp
to_date ParseToDate
to_timestamp ParseToTimestamp
to_timestamp_ltz ParseToTimestampLTZExpressionBuilder
to_timestamp_ntz ParseToTimestampNTZExpressionBuilder
to_unix_timestamp ToUnixTimestamp S
to_utc_timestamp ToUTCTimestamp S
trunc TruncDate
try_to_timestamp TryToTimestampExpressionBuilder
unix_date UnixDate S
unix_micros UnixMicros S
unix_millis UnixMillis S
unix_seconds UnixSeconds S
unix_timestamp UnixTimestamp S
weekday WeekDay S
weekofyear WeekOfYear S
window TimeWindow
window_time WindowTime
year Year S

Hash Functions

Spark Functions Spark Expressions Status Restrictions
crc32 Crc32 S
hash Murmur3Hash S
md5 Md5 S
sha Sha1 S
sha1 Sha1 S
sha2 Sha2 S
xxhash64 XxHash64 S

JSON Functions

Spark Functions Spark Expressions Status Restrictions
from_json JsonToStructs
get_json_object GetJsonObject S
json_array_length LengthOfJsonArray
json_object_keys JsonObjectKeys
json_tuple JsonTuple S
schema_of_json SchemaOfJson
to_json StructsToJson

Lambda Functions

Spark Functions Spark Expressions Status Restrictions
aggregate ArrayAggregate S
array_sort ArraySort S
exists ArrayExists S
filter ArrayFilter S
forall ArrayForAll S
map_filter MapFilter
map_zip_with MapZipWith S
reduce ArrayAggregate S
transform ArrayTransform S
transform_keys TransformKeys S
transform_values TransformValues S
zip_with ZipWith S

Map Functions

Spark Functions Spark Expressions Status Restrictions
element_at ElementAt S
map CreateMap PS
map_concat MapConcat
map_contains_key MapContainsKey
map_entries MapEntries S
map_from_arrays MapFromArrays S
map_from_entries MapFromEntries
map_keys MapKeys S
map_values MapValues S
str_to_map StringToMap S
try_element_at TryElementAt

Mathematical Functions

Spark Functions Spark Expressions Status Restrictions
% Remainder S
* Multiply S
+ Add S
- Subtract S
/ Divide S
abs Abs S
acos Acos S
acosh Acosh S
asin Asin S
asinh Asinh S
atan Atan S
atan2 Atan2 S
atanh Atanh S
bin Bin S
bround BRound
cbrt Cbrt S
ceil CeilExpressionBuilder PS
ceiling CeilExpressionBuilder PS
conv Conv S
cos Cos S
cosh Cosh S
cot Cot S
csc Csc S
degrees ToDegrees S
div IntegralDivide
e EulerNumber S
exp Exp S
expm1 Expm1 S
factorial Factorial S
floor FloorExpressionBuilder PS
greatest Greatest S
hex Hex S
hypot Hypot S
least Least S
ln Log S
log Logarithm S
log10 Log10 S
log1p Log1p S
log2 Log2 S
mod Remainder S
negative UnaryMinus S
pi Pi S
pmod Pmod S
positive UnaryPositive S
pow Pow S
power Pow S
radians ToRadians S
rand Rand S
randn Randn
random Rand S
rint Rint S
round Round S
sec Sec S
shiftleft ShiftLeft S
sign Signum S
signum Signum S
sin Sin S
sinh Sinh S
sqrt Sqrt S
tan Tan S
tanh Tanh S
try_add TryAdd PS
try_divide TryDivide
try_multiply TryMultiply
try_subtract TrySubtract
unhex Unhex S
width_bucket WidthBucket S

Misc Functions

Spark Functions Spark Expressions Status Restrictions
aes_decrypt AesDecrypt
aes_encrypt AesEncrypt
assert_true AssertTrue
bitmap_bit_position BitmapBitPosition
bitmap_bucket_number BitmapBucketNumber
bitmap_count BitmapCount
current_catalog CurrentCatalog
current_database CurrentDatabase
current_schema CurrentDatabase
current_user CurrentUser
equal_null EqualNull
hll_sketch_estimate HllSketchEstimate
hll_union HllUnion
input_file_block_length InputFileBlockLength
input_file_block_start InputFileBlockStart
input_file_name InputFileName
java_method CallMethodViaReflection
monotonically_increasing_id MonotonicallyIncreasingID
reflect CallMethodViaReflection
spark_partition_id SparkPartitionID S
try_aes_decrypt TryAesDecrypt
typeof TypeOf
user CurrentUser
uuid Uuid S
version SparkVersion S

Predicate Functions

Spark Functions Spark Expressions Status Restrictions
! Not S
< LessThan S
<= LessThanOrEqual S
<=> EqualNullSafe S
= EqualTo S
== EqualTo S
> GreaterThan S
>= GreaterThanOrEqual S
and And S
ilike ILike
in In PS
isnan IsNaN S
isnotnull IsNotNull S
isnull IsNull S
like Like S
not Not S
or Or S
regexp RLike PS Lookaround unsupported
regexp_like RLike PS Lookaround unsupported
rlike RLike PS Lookaround unsupported

String Functions

Spark Functions Spark Expressions Status Restrictions
ascii Ascii S
base64 Base64 S
bit_length BitLength S
btrim StringTrimBoth
char Chr S
char_length Length S
character_length Length S
chr Chr S
concat_ws ConcatWs S
contains ContainsExpressionBuilder S
decode Decode
elt Elt
encode Encode
endswith EndsWithExpressionBuilder
find_in_set FindInSet S
format_number FormatNumber
format_string FormatString S
initcap InitCap S
instr StringInstr S
lcase Lower S
left Left S
len Length S
length Length S
levenshtein Levenshtein S
locate StringLocate S
lower Lower S
lpad LPadExpressionBuilder S
ltrim StringTrimLeft S
luhn_check Luhncheck
mask MaskExpressionBuilder S
octet_length OctetLength
overlay Overlay S
position StringLocate S
printf FormatString S
regexp_count RegExpCount
regexp_extract RegExpExtract PS Lookaround unsupported
regexp_extract_all RegExpExtractAll PS Lookaround unsupported
regexp_instr RegExpInStr
regexp_replace RegExpReplace PS Lookaround unsupported
regexp_substr RegExpSubStr
repeat StringRepeat S
replace StringReplace S
right Right
rpad RPadExpressionBuilder S
rtrim StringTrimRight S
sentences Sentences
soundex SoundEx S
space StringSpace S
split StringSplit S
split_part SplitPart S
startswith StartsWithExpressionBuilder
substr Substring S
substring Substring S
substring_index SubstringIndex S
to_binary ToBinary
to_char ToCharacter
to_number ToNumber
to_varchar ToCharacter
translate StringTranslate S
trim StringTrim S
try_to_binary TryToBinary
try_to_number TryToNumber
ucase Upper S
unbase64 UnBase64
upper Upper S

Struct Functions

Spark Functions Spark Expressions Status Restrictions
named_struct CreateNamedStruct S
struct S

URL Functions

Spark Functions Spark Expressions Status Restrictions
parse_url ParseUrl
url_decode UrlDecode PS
url_encode UrlEncode PS

XML Functions

Spark Functions Spark Expressions Status Restrictions
xpath XPathList
xpath_boolean XPathBoolean
xpath_double XPathDouble
xpath_float XPathFloat
xpath_int XPathInt
xpath_long XPathLong
xpath_number XPathDouble
xpath_short XPathShort
xpath_string XPathString