Simple python based inference engine
To use it as a module checkout to "as_module" branch.
Create a knowledge base json file formated like:
"description": {
"A": "", // just declares the variable
"B": "It's raining", // declares and adds a description
"C": false, // adds a value
"D": [true, "I have a car"], // value and description
"E": "",
"F": ""
"rules": [
["A and C", "E"],
["B or !D", "A"],
["C and (!B or D)", "F"]
If you have to do something like "A or !(B and C)", it will cause a syntax error, so do ["B and C", "D"] then "A or !D".
To use the inference engine:
from infeng import Engine
eng = Engine('knoledge_file_path.json')