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Scrapes data from BLS and enriches it with additional information about Area Code and Item Name

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BLS CPI Data Scraper

Description: This will pull Urban Consumer CPI Data from BLS using its json based API. Below are some references:

Section 1: Setup

  1. Packages
  2. Directories
  3. Helper Functions
  4. Setup Functions

Section 1.1 Packages

from datetime import datetime
import logging
import os
import logging.handlers

import time
import requests
import json
import re
import csv
import pandas as pd

Section 1.2 Directories

# NOTE: All directories the program used should be included as a global variable here
# NOTE: Automatic Log Folder directory creation based on date.
# NOTE: The file iteself is created based on the time. 
LOG_DIR = MAIN_DIR + f"Log\\{'%Y%m%d')}\\" 
LOG_FILE = LOG_DIR + f"Log_{'%H%M%S')}.log"

Section 1.3 Helper Functions

def directory_setup(dir_list):
    DESCRIPTION -> If the directory does not exist it will create it
    for directory in dir_list:
        if not os.path.exists(directory):

def logging_setup():
    DESCRIPTION -> Setups the logging file for code
      handler = logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler(os.environ.get("LOGFILE", LOG_FILE))
      formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt="%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
      root = logging.getLogger()
      root.setLevel(os.environ.get("LOGLEVEL", "INFO"))
      logging.propogate = False"Log File was created successfully.")
    except Exception as e:
# NOTE: All steps regrading setup should be completed here

Section 2: BLS Scraping Class

Description: This is the main method used to scrape the information off of BLS.

Contains the methods

  • get_data
  • process_data

Passes the BLS json request and gets the data. 
Afterwards it processes the data and enriches the data with some additional information about area and item names.

api_key -> API_KEY for BLS data queries
out_file -> Location for Data to be outputted
series_id -> All the series of CPI data that you want
start_year -> Query start range
end_year -> Query end range
area_df -> Dataframe containing information on metro area codes and names
item_df -> Dataframe containing information on item codes and names

class bls_data_scraper:

    def __init__(self, api_key, out_file, series_id, start_year, end_year, area_df, item_df):
        headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"}
        parameters = json.dumps({
        self.area_df = area_df
        self.item_df = item_df
        # Requests the data from BLS
        json_data = self.get_data(headers, parameters)
        # Processes the data from BLS
        df_data = self.process_data(json_data, area_df, item_df)
        # Converts the data to an array to write -> Need to do this so that we have a single header
        list_df_data = df_data.values.tolist()

        # WARNING: One issue if you kill the run and start again it will continue to append to the same file

        # Writes the cleaned up data into the specified out_file
        with open(out_file , "a") as file:
            headers = ["ID","area_name","item_name","year","period","periodName","latest","value","footnotes"]
            writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter=',', lineterminator='\n')
            if os.stat(out_file).st_size==0:
            for row in list_df_data:

    def get_data(self, headers, parameters):
        DESCRIPTION -> Posts the url and we get the data back in a json format

        PARAM 1 -> headers -> self.header a BLS API requirement
        PARAM 2 -> parameters -> The data specification that you plan on querying
        post ='', data=parameters, headers=headers)
        json_data = json.loads(post.text)
        return json_data

    def process_data(self, json_data, area_df, item_df):
        DESCRIPTION -> Cleans and enriches the JSON data that we just processed

        PARAM 1 -> json_data -> The raw JSON data we pulled from BLS
        PARAM 2 -> area_df -> The area code and name information
        PARAM 3 -> item_df -> The item code and name information

        # NOTE: A lot of the data is stored inside multi-layed dictionaries/lists
        # All the information is stored under a three layer depth
        df = pd.json_normalize(json_data, record_path=["Results", "series", "data"], meta=[["Results", "series", "seriesID"]])
        df.rename(columns = {"Results.series.seriesID":"ID"}, inplace = True)

        # Parsing out the area_code and item_code from the entirety of the ID that we generated
        df["area_code"] = df["ID"].apply(lambda x: x[4:8])
        df["item_code"] = df["ID"].apply(lambda x: x[8:])

        # Enriching the data here
        df = pd.merge(df, area_df, how="left", on="area_code")
        df = pd.merge(df, item_df, how="left", on="item_code")
        df.drop(columns=["area_code", "item_code"], inplace=True)

        # rearrange column ordering
        name_list = df.columns.tolist()
        name_list = name_list[-3:-2] + name_list[-2:-1] + name_list[-1:] + name_list[:-3]
        df = df[name_list]
        return df

Section 3: BLS Area and Item Information Scraper

  1. bls_code_scraper function
  2. Get and Filter the Information
  3. Generate List of BLS Codes from Filtered Data

Section 3.1 bls_code_scraper function

def bls_code_scraper(url, file_dir):
    DESCRIPTION -> Scrapes textual information off of BLS links

    PARAM 1 -> file_dir -> Where you want to write the raw_information

    response = requests.get(url)
    content = response.content.decode("utf-8")
    area_content = csv.reader(content.splitlines(), delimiter="\t")
    area_list = list(area_content)

    # n is the number of elements that we want to remove from the back of the list
    n = 3
    # Writing the uncleaned relavant information into file 
    with open(file_dir, "w") as file:
        writer = csv.writer(file)
        for row in area_list:
            row = row[: len(row) - n]

Section 3.2 Get and Filter the Information

# Scraping the area code information
bls_code_scraper("", f"{DATA_DIR}\\raw_area.csv")
# Scraping the item code information
bls_code_scraper("", f"{DATA_DIR}\\raw_item.csv")
area_df = pd.read_csv(f"{DATA_DIR}\\raw_area.csv")

# Filter for S area_code, since we only want metro area codes
area_df["code_check"] = area_df["area_code"].apply(lambda x: "Pass" if re.match("S[0-9]{3}", x) else "Fail")
area_df = area_df[area_df["code_check"] == "Pass"]

# Remove the area_names that have Size Class A in their name. Those are irrelavent.
area_df["name_check"] = area_df["area_name"].apply(lambda x: "Pass" if "Size Class A" not in x else "Fail")
area_df = area_df[area_df["name_check"] == "Pass"]

area_df.drop(columns=["code_check", "name_check"], inplace=True)
area_df.to_csv(f"{DATA_DIR}\\clean_area.csv", index=False)

item_df = pd.read_csv(f"{DATA_DIR}\\raw_item.csv")
# Only include item_codes that have a shorter length than 4 since those are the more aggregated values.
item_df["code_check"] = item_df["item_code"].apply(lambda x: "Pass" if len(x)<4 else "Fail")
item_df = item_df[item_df["code_check"] == "Pass"]

# If the item_name contains All Items we remove since those are too aggregated
item_df["name_check"] = item_df["item_name"].apply(lambda x: "Pass" if not re.match("All items [a-zA-Z\s,]*",x) else "Fail")
item_df = item_df[item_df["name_check"] == "Pass"]

item_df.drop(columns=["code_check", "name_check"], inplace=True)
item_df.to_csv(f"{DATA_DIR}\\clean_item.csv", index=False)

Section 3.3 Generate List of BLS Codes from Filtered Data

Here is a sample of how the BLS creates the unique identifier. You can find more information on it here (

	Series ID    CUUR0000SA0L1E
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             CU              Prefix
	3               U               Not Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4               R               Periodicity Code
	5-8             0000            Area Code
	9               S               Base Code
	10-16           A0L1E           Item Code
code_list = []
prefix = "CU"
# This dataset does not have any seasonally adjusted data
seasonality = "U"
# R stands for monthly
periodicity = "R"
for area in area_df["area_code"]:
    for item in item_df["item_code"]:
        code_list.append(f"{prefix}{seasonality}{periodicity}{str(area)}{str(item)}")"Total Unique Codes: {len(code_list)}")

Section 4: Main

Limit of 500 calls per key.
Can make 50 calls every query.

api_key = "API KEY GOES HERE"
start_year = 2019
end_year = 2022
for x in range(0, len(code_list), 50):
    code_chunk = code_list[x:x+50]
    bls_data_scraper(api_key, f"{DATA_DIR}\\bls_data.csv", code_chunk, start_year, end_year, area_df, item_df)


Scrapes data from BLS and enriches it with additional information about Area Code and Item Name






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