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207 lines (160 loc) · 11.5 KB

File metadata and controls

207 lines (160 loc) · 11.5 KB



Defines the structure for the gitCloneSubdirs settings in the VS Code configuration.


Field Type Description
RepoURL string URL of the Git repository.
StagingDir string Directory where the repo is initially cloned.
Subdirs string Specific subdirectories to clone from the repo.
DestDir string Destination directory for the cloned subdirectories.



Defines the structure for pushing work to a remote Git repository.


Field Type Description
RelativePaths []string Relative file paths to include in the Git push.
AbsolutePaths []string Absolute file paths to include in the Git push.



Specifies settings for an image optimization task in the VS Code configuration.


Field Type Description
Location string Directory containing images to optimize.
BackupLocation string Location for backups of the original images.
OptimizePercent string Percentage of optimization to apply.



Holds configuration settings for an Angular frontend project in the VS Code environment.


Field Type Description
Configurations []string Angular build configurations.



Specifies configuration for running Shopify-related tasks.


Field Type Description
ProjectName string Name of the Shopify project.



Configures settings for Flutter mobile build processes in the VS Code environment.


Field Type Description
ToolArgs []string Additional tool arguments used during the build process.
Args []string Arguments to pass through to the build process.
VmAdditionalArgs []string Additional VM arguments for the Flutter engine.
PlayStoreServiceAccountKey string Service account key for Play Store uploads.
PackageName string Package name of the Flutter application.
PublishTarget string Target environment for publishing (e.g., Play Store).
TrackName string Release track for publishing (e.g., Alpha, Beta).



Holds configuration settings for Firebase Cloud Run emulators.


Field Type Description
GlobalDomain string Global domain for the Firebase emulators.
UIDomain0 string Domain for Firebase UI emulator.
AuthDomain0 string Domain for Firebase Auth emulator.
StorageDomain0 string Domain for Firebase Storage emulator.
DatabaseDomain0 string Domain for Firebase Database emulator.
HostingDomain0 string Domain for Firebase Hosting emulator.
FunctionsDomain0 string Domain for Firebase Functions emulator.
PubSubDomain0 string Domain for Firebase Pub/Sub emulator.
FirestoreDomain0 string Domain for Firebase Firestore emulator.
KillPortOutputFile string File to log killed ports.
KillPortOutputFileAcceptDefault bool Whether to accept the default kill port file.
AdditonalPortsToKill []int Additional ports to terminate during cleanup.



Specifies settings for reinitializing a project within the VS Code configuration.


Field Type Description
ProjectName string Name of the project to reinitialize.
OrganizationName string Name of the organization owning the project.
AmountToAppendToPortNumberString int Increment value for port numbers.
VCSPrivateKey string Private key for version control system.
WebSEODescription string SEO description for the project.
WebSEOKeywords string SEO keywords for the project.
ProxyURLs []string List of proxy URLs for the project.
FlutterAndroidGoogleAdsID string Google Ads ID for Flutter Android apps.
FlutterAndroidGoogleApplicationID string Google Application ID for Flutter Android apps.
FlutterIosGoogleAdsID string Google Ads ID for Flutter iOS apps.
FlutterIosGoogleApplicationID string Google Application ID for Flutter iOS apps.
FlutterIosFacebookAppID string Facebook App ID for Flutter iOS apps.
FlutterIosFacebookClientToken string Facebook Client Token for Flutter iOS apps.
FlutterIosFacebookCustomURLScheme string Facebook Custom URL Scheme for Flutter iOS apps.
FlutterIosGoogleOAuthURLSchemes []string Google OAuth URL schemes for Flutter iOS apps.
ChromeDriverPath string Path to the Chrome WebDriver binary.
FirefoxDriverPath string Path to the Firefox WebDriver binary.
OperaDriverPath string Path to the Opera WebDriver binary.
EdgeDriverPath string Path to the Edge WebDriver binary.



Defines port configurations for various development environments.


Field Type Description
AngularRun0 int Port for running the Angular application.
AngularTest0 int Port for testing the Angular application.
FirebaseEmulatorUI0 int Port for Firebase Emulator UI.
FirebaseEmulatorAuth0 int Port for Firebase Auth emulator.
FirebaseEmulatorStorage0 int Port for Firebase Storage emulator.
FirebaseEmulatorDatabase0 int Port for Firebase Database emulator.
FirebaseEmulatorHosting0 int Port for Firebase Hosting emulator.
FirebaseEmulatorFunctions0 int Port for Firebase Functions emulator.
FirebaseEmulatorFirestore0 int Port for Firebase Firestore emulator.
DiodeProxies0 int Port for Diode Proxies.



Encapsulates a set of configurations for the windmillcode-extension-pack-0.


Field Type Description
MiscReinitializeProject MiscReinitializeProjectStruct Settings for project reinitialization.
TasksToRunOnFolderOpen []string Tasks to execute when a folder is opened in VS Code.
FlaskBackendDevHelperScript string Script to assist in Flask backend development.
FlaskBackendTestHelperScript string Script to assist in testing Flask backend.
ProxyURLs string Proxy URLs configuration.
SQLDockerContainerName string Docker container name for SQL.
DatabaseName string Name of the database.
DatabaseOptions []string Database options.
OpenAIAPIKey0 string OpenAI API key.
OpenAIAPIBase0 string OpenAI API base URL.
LangCodes0 string Language codes.
Ports WMLPorts Port configurations for different environments.



Represents the VS Code settings, specifically for the windmillcode-extension-pack-0.


Field Type Description
ExtensionPack WindmillcodeExtensionPack Configuration for the windmillcode-extension-pack-0.



Reads and returns the VS Code settings from the .vscode/settings.json file in the specified workspace folder, converting it to a VSCodeSettings struct.


Parameter Type Description
workSpaceFolder string The workspace folder path where the settings file is located.
Returns Type Description
settings VSCodeSettings The VS Code settings parsed from the settings file.
error error An error, if there's an issue reading or parsing the file.